Sneaking in one more suggestion...

One more message to the great and powerful Kuler gods.
I had a crazy idea, but it just might work...
Would it be possible to put a window somewhere on the listing
screen - and have that window show about three randomly selected
themes that are among the previous 500 (or so...). It could be like
a "featured gallery". Maybe it could fit under the "Links" link.
What would be really cool is if you allowed the featured
themes to stay resident for about 15 minutes, then rollover three
more randomly chosen out of the top 500 themes. (Oh please, Santa -
This would give people the delight and anticipation of
seeing if any of their themes will show up. It will also increase
visibility of some very nice, but otherwise forgotten ones.
There is a lot of competetion to be among the most popular -
to get into that golden few. This will bring back around those
shiny, new color themes that are so quickly hurled into the great
beyond. Otherwise I think the top ranked one's will probably be
there for a long time because of low visibility of competing
Okay, bunnytoes is done. Well maybe. I'm trying to be good
and not bug with ideas.

Ooo, I like your idea. Like a hall of fame and a "most
popular this week". That could work nicely.
I was also thinking that if they do the rotating gallery of
random themes like I was suggesting, they should change it every
couple of minutes or so, not every fifteen minutes like I
originally suggested. Humans are prone to boredom and they like
Okay, back to the schemer. This is sooo addictive.

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    The standard TCP-port for SMTP is 25. If this doesn't work, try to authenticate to the SMTP-server with the credentials of your POP3-login. Maybe your ISP reconfigured his SMTP-servers to use aSMTP.
    Some other ISP use a method called "SMTP-after-POP3". This means, that you must fetch your mail using POP3 first. After doing this, you have a specific period of time (at most ISPs 5 to 15 minutes) to send mail from the same IP-address as you have POPed before. This is for additional security.
    One more reason could be that your configured SMTP-server is simply "dead" or offline for system maintenance. To check if the machine is alive, go to terminal and
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    "Set the Search Allowed property to True for any LOV result items you want to present to the user as searchable values. These items are listed in the search poplist the user sees in the LOV window.
    At a minimum you must set the Search Allowed property to True for the the result table item corresponding to the LOV field on the base page.
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 [0], SelectionOptions.replaceWith);
 [-1], SelectionOptions.addTo);
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    Hi Mac,
    Here is working code for CS4. Hope it will work on CS2 too.
    function add_element(mySel){
    var the_add_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("story", mySel);
    var new_selec =[0], SelectionOptions.addTo);
    var my_new_sel = app.selection[0];
    var add_parent_tag = the_document.xmlElements.item(0).xmlElements.add ("sidenote", my_new_sel);[0], SelectionOptions.ADD_TO);

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    "Set the Search Allowed property to True for any LOV result items you want to present to the user as searchable values. These items are listed in the search poplist the user sees in the LOV window.
    At a minimum you must set the Search Allowed property to True for the the result table item corresponding to the LOV field on the base page.
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    Well! I am not a tech guy. I am just a tech enthusiast and an end user of Apple products. I am a doctor but I do like to play with software, hardware and networking stuff that I get exposed to.
    When I replied to for the first time, as above, I'd suggested you guys to use safari extensions to detect whether any website is a problematic one or not. After that (or maybe even before that reply), I personally have encountered for many times. I think until now, I didn't realize what you guys were actually wanted to ask, in regards to
    Before today, this thing didn't flash in my mind because of the following 2 reasons.
    1. Even though, I've encountered for at least 20/30 times in the past 2 months, I've never seen it as a problem (as you guys did). The reason behind me encountering that site (asking me to verify if I was human through a captcha) was too obvious to me after my 1st or 2nd encounter with cloudflare. Why? ... I am going to explain that below.
    2. The link that somebody have posted above, leads to the homepage of the And it is not the same page that we encounter while going to some other websites, e.g. link posted by @mh2khin above.
    These 2 mistakes above, kept me away from understanding you guys' real concern.
    SOLUTION to your problem (I've discovered this though my own encounters and don't know if this is posted elsewhere).
    This website is not a threat to your security. It is not a malicious software or a survey loop or a website that wants to sell you something.
    Actually, the website sees you guys as threat to the security and services of its own and its clients. And that's the reason behind asking you to enter captcha solution to confirm that you are a human and not a bot.
    Just google and you will know what it is and what services it provides.
    I really don't know the proper tech terms but, what I've understood by myself from the first/second encounter with the website is that is a web hosting service. It is a cloud based server or something of that sort. So, when you want to visit a website that is hosted on servers, it is's responsibility to protect the data and service of cloudflare and its clients. Also, by asking the captcha thingy, security is trying to avoid automated traffic attack though bots.
    Ok, now I understood that the website is just trying to protect itself.
    But, BIG QUESTION:            WHY ME ?          (in you guys' cases ME = you)???
    Well, I have a sure-hot answer for "WHY ME" (ME= TimbukTrue)?  And most likely, it is also the case when ME= mh2khin or dipakcg, etc.
    It is because I was experimenting with VPNs or  Proxy server bypasses  or a TOR Browser,  when I encountered the problem.
    As I've tried to explain above, the is a web hosting service. It is trying to protect itself and its clients.
    Even though, VPN / Proxy server / TOR are highly secure services that protect my identity, their exit IPs are limited in numbers. While the number of subscribers they carry could be any number. It is most certain that the IP address that getting signals from (via VPN/Proxy/TOR) is used by thousands of people around the world everyday. Thus,'s safety mechanism sees it as a threat and wants you to prove yourself as an alive human before letting you in and increasing incoming and outgoing traffic as well as accessing data stored on their servers.
    Sorry for this big essay, but, as I've mentioned earlier, I am not a tech guy. So, I couldn't keep it short and sweet.
    I can say for sure that is safe and good website. In my above post, I have mentioned a safari extension named 'WOT' (Web Of Trust). I have attached a picture of WOT rating of to support my belief that is safe to visit.
    Check the reputation of at
    If you still don't want to see on your way to your desired website, try to go thru a unique end user IP (e.g. home broadband connection) and not through a professional bypass service (e.g. VPN, Proxy, TOR etc.).
    I hope this helps you guys.

  • "ORA-19025 EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node" - Suggestion

    ORA-19025 EXTRACTVALUE returns value of only one node
    When this error occurs, would you please provide some or all of the following information:
    (1) row number
    (2) row id
    (3) the name of the offending column
    (5) the XQuery expression
    (6) the node name
    (7) the text value being parsed, in which an excess node was found
    and would you consider processing every good row, assuming it may be correct,
    because, in 13 thousand lines generated by my view, there is unlikely to even one more row in error.
    Thank you,
    Mike Rainville
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP and Data Mining options

    Thanks for the suggestion...
    The problem is that in one row, information in a data dump about two different things was combined into one, due to a gap in the input file. The starting delimiter for the second thing and the ending delimiter for the first were missing. The result was that many entity tags that should have been unique were duplicated, ion that particular row.
    I was able to guard the view against future such errors with occurrences using this
    in the WHERE clause ...
    /* ... Repeated once for each tag used with extractvalue */
    It filters out any row with two identical starting tags, where one is expected.
    I am pleased to see that the suggestion got through.

  • Add one more field in MIGO

    Dear Experts ,
    I want to add one more I/o field at Invoice date tab in header and also want to change the name of this tab from invoice date to invoice detail.
    Kindly suggest...

    Use the badi "MB_MIGO_BADI".  See the sample code & BADI documentation for reference.

  • Need one more streaming option

    Hello, I want to give a suggestion or ti say request one more streaming option. As I myself don't have a good Internet speed as well as unlimited data. So just want you to add Atlest one more option in audio streaming low quality. I want this to be there in next version. I love Spotify music service.

    Updated: 2015-07-29Hello and thanks for the feedback!
    A similar idea has also been suggested here:
    Add your kudos and comments there please! ;)

  • Do any one can suggest the lifespan of i pad 4or i pad generally when no accident?

    do any one can suggest the lifespan of i pad 4or i pad generally when no accident?

    My iPad 2 will still give me 8 to 10 hour of continous use. It depends on how you look after your battery.
    Battery care
    1. Make sure you run the battery down to 5% and then charging it to 100% once a month.
    2. You should start charging your iPad when the battery charge is less than 10%. Over discharging the battery will shorten the lifespan of its battery.
    3. Never store the battery fully discharged. Apply some charge before storage, and then charge fully before use.
    4. When possible avoid frequent full discharges. Instead, charge the battery more often. There is no concern of battery's memory when applying unscheduled charges.
    5. Avoid iPad from overheating > 35°.
    6. Remove casing/sleeve when charging to allow heat to dissipate from back cover
    7. To safe battery power turn off :
    a. background app refreshing
    b. push notifications and/or push mail
    c. lower screen brightness
    d. minimize the use of location services
    e. increase Fetch New Data interval.

  • CPE Management VRF (one more)

    Hi Friends,
    Sorry for starting one more thread on the same. I know that this topic has already been beaten to death here.
    So here is the problem:
    I have 2 back to back connected 7600s, let's say PE-1 and PE-2.
    I have configured a Management VRF on PE-1 and pulled in Loopback 0 and another interface connected to my Management ( network).
    I have configured a test VPN (VRF-101) between PE-1 and PE-2 and have connected 2 CPE devices (2800s). PE-1 to CPE-1 and PE-2 to CPE-2 is eBGP.
    My VPN is working fine with both CPE loopback and LAN routes advertised across.
    I want to manage these CPEs, here is the configuration I created, (after going through this forum!), unfortunately for me it is not working.
    PE-1 Configuration:-
    ip vrf Management-VRF
    rd 65000:500
    export map MgmtLAN
    route-target export 65000:500
    route-target export 65000:161
    route-target import 65000:500
    route-target import 65000:162
    ip vrf VRF-101
    rd 65000:101
    export map MgmtLoopbacks
    route-target export 65000:101
    route-target import 65000:101
    route-target import 65000:161
    interface Loopback0
    description System Control Interface
    ip address
    interface Loopback1
    description MGMT Control Interface
    ip vrf forwarding Management-VRF
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet5/2
    description To NMS_MGMT_CE01
    ip vrf forwarding Management-VRF
    ip address
    address-family ipv4 vrf Management-VRF
    no synchronization
    bgp router-id
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static
    neighbor remote-as 65000
    neighbor activate
    neighbor send-community both
    address-family ipv4 vrf VRF-101
    no synchronization
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static
    access-list 1 permit log
    access-list 2 permit
    access-list 2 permit
    route-map MgmtLAN permit 10
    match ip address 1
    set extcommunity rt 65000:161
    route-map MgmtLoopbacks permit 10
    match ip address 2
    set extcommunity rt 65000:162 additive
    PE-2 Configuration:-
    ip vrf VRF-101
    rd 65000:101
    route-target export 65000:101
    route-target import 65000:101
    interface Loopback0
    ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet2/1/1.101
    encapsulation dot1Q 101
    ip vrf forwarding VRF-101
    ip address
    address-family ipv4 vrf VRF-101
    no synchronization
    redistribute connected
    redistribute static
    neighbor remote-as xxx
    neighbor activate
    neighbor next-hop-self
    Requesting some help in understanding this.

    Hi Robert,
    That was quick !!!
    Yes, I have the CPE-1 in Management table, and I can also ping the same, the source being PE-1's loopback interface, which I had 'pulled' in Management VRF.
    CPE-2 is not in the Management table, so as I understand you are suggesting that I configure acls and route-maps in PE-2 (as I have done on PE-1), in that case even if the route comes in it will have 'next-hop' as, I presume, PE-2 loopback, and my source would be PE-1 loopback?? !!
    I am sorry if I am sounding confused...

  • Add one more column

                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, org.ASSIGNED_DATE) as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, org.STATE) as STATE,
                                    org.SEQ as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, org.PROCESS) as PROCESS,
           -- appr.request_comment,
                    from (
                        select a.seq,
                        b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME,
                        b.usr_login as APPROVER,
                        'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                        '-' as STATE,
                        a.seq as numberoftimesmodified,
                '-' as PROCESS
                            SELECT 1 as seq, USR_UDF_MANAGER_LOGIN as GID, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type FROM DEVT_OIM.USR WHERE USR_LOGIN =:BENEFICIARY_GID AND :APPLICATION = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            select rownum as seq, regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD,'[^,]+', 1, level) as gid, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type from dual
                            where :APPLICATION != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            connect by regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.gid = b.usr_login
                    ) org
                    left join(
                        select b.numberoftimesmodified as seq, rownum as seq2, a.*
                            LEAD(a.ASSIGNEES) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_gid,
                            LEAD(a.pushbacksequence) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_pushbacksequence,
                            a.ASSIGNEES as current_gid,
                            nvl(retrieveGidName(a.ASSIGNEES), '-') as APPROVER_NAME,
                            (DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(REPLACE(a.ASSIGNEES, ',', ':'))) as APPROVER,
                            'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                            TO_CHAR(a.assigneddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then TO_CHAR(a.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') else TO_CHAR(d.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') end as APPROVAL_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired' when a.approvalduration is null then 'Pending' when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' else 'Approved' end as PROCESS,
                            d.state as process2,
                            case when d.substate = 'REASSIGNED' then 'Reassigned' when d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED' then 'Request Info' when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired'
                                when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' when d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED' then 'Submitted' when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then 'Withdrawn' when e.state is null then 'Pending' else 'Approved' end as state,
                            e.ASSIGNEES, d.substate
                            from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY d on d.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified+1)
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY e on e.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified-1) and e.ASSIGNEES = a.ASSIGNEES
                            where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and a.state is not null
                            order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                        ) a
                        inner join (select rownum as numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence from (select distinct pushbacksequence from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY order by pushbacksequence)) b
                        on b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                        where a.prev_gid != a.current_gid or prev_gid is null
                        order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on org.seq = appr.seq
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, '-') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, '-') as STATE,
                                       999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, '-') as PROCESS,
                    999 as seq2
                        select 999 as seq, '-' as APPROVER, ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, 'group' as approver_type
                        from DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp
                        where  ugp_name in (
                        SELECT a.it_processor_group FROM ec_admin.ENTITLEMENT a
                            inner join ec_admin.application b on a.application_id = b.application_id
                            WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :APPLICATION
                            and a.module_name = :MODULE
                            and a.site_name = :SITE
                            and a.entitlement_name = DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(:RESPONSIBILITY)
                            and b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')
                    ) org
                    left join(
                    select nvl(grp.APPROVER_NAME, usr.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER, usr.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER_TYPE, usr.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    TO_CHAR((select min(OSI_create) from DEVT_OIM.OSI where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY),'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    'ASSIGNED' as STATE,
                    999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    case when nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) = '-' then 'Pending' else usr.ost_status end as PROCESS
                        select b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME, b.usr_login as APPROVER,  'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        TO_CHAR(a.OSI_create,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key,
                        (select ost_status from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE where UPA_RESOURCE_key in (
                                  select max(UPA_RESOURCE_key)
                                  from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE a
                                  inner join DEVT_OIM.oiu b on a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                  where b.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY )) as ost_status
                        from (
                          select osi_assigned_to_usr_key, OSI_create
                          from DEVT_OIM.OSI
                          where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                          order by OSI_create desc
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                        where rownum between 0 and 1
                    ) usr
                    left join
                        select ugp.ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, '-' as APPROVER, 'Group' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key
                        FROM DEVT_OIM.OTI itp
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp on ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                        where itp.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY
                        and :REQUEST_STATUS != 'Request Completed'
                    ) grp
                    on usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
                    order by numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on 1=1
                order by numberoftimesmodified, seq2
                   Above is the script and i need to add one more column for the script column name request_comment from the table request_comments, anyone help me in doing so.

    /* Formatted on 2012/06/14 13:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT X.*, request_comments.request_comment
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, org.assigned_date) AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, org.state) AS state, org.seq AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, org.process) AS process,
                                                        -- appr.request_comment,
        FROM (SELECT a.seq, b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type, '-' AS assigned_date,
                     '-' AS state, a.seq AS numberoftimesmodified, '-' AS process
                FROM (SELECT 1 AS seq, usr_udf_manager_login AS gid, '' AS approver_name, 'user' AS approver_type
                        FROM devt_oim.usr
                       WHERE usr_login = :beneficiary_gid AND :application = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      SELECT     ROWNUM AS seq, REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS gid, '' AS approver_name,
                                 'user' AS approver_type
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE :application != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) a
                     INNER JOIN
                     devt_oim.usr b ON a.gid = b.usr_login
                     ) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   b.numberoftimesmodified AS seq, ROWNUM AS seq2, a.*
                  FROM (SELECT   LEAD (a.assignees) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_gid,
                                 LEAD (a.pushbacksequence) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_pushbacksequence,
                                 a.assignees AS current_gid, NVL (retrievegidname (a.assignees), '-') AS approver_name,
                                 (devt_oim.toknew (REPLACE (a.assignees, ',', ':'))) AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                                 a.pushbacksequence, TO_CHAR (a.assigneddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN TO_CHAR (a.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                   ELSE TO_CHAR (d.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                 END AS approval_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.approvalduration IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS process,
                                 d.state AS process2,
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'REASSIGNED'
                                     THEN 'Reassigned'
                                   WHEN d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED'
                                     THEN 'Request Info'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED'
                                     THEN 'Submitted'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN 'Withdrawn'
                                   WHEN e.state IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS state,
                                 e.assignees, d.substate
                            FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory d
                                 ON d.identificationkey = a.identificationkey AND d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified + 1)
                                 LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory e
                                 ON e.identificationkey = a.identificationkey
                               AND e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified - 1)
                               AND e.assignees = a.assignees
                           WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey AND a.state IS NOT NULL
                        ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) a
                       INNER JOIN
                       (SELECT ROWNUM AS numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence
                          FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pushbacksequence
                                           FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a
                                          WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey
                                       ORDER BY pushbacksequence)) b ON b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                 WHERE a.prev_gid != a.current_gid OR prev_gid IS NULL
              ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) appr ON org.seq = appr.seq
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, '-') AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, '-') AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, '-') AS process, 999 AS seq2
        FROM (SELECT 999 AS seq, '-' AS approver, ugp_name AS approver_name, 'group' AS approver_type
                FROM devt_oim.ugp ugp
               WHERE ugp_name IN (
                       SELECT a.it_processor_group
                         FROM ec_admin.entitlement a INNER JOIN ec_admin.application b ON a.application_id = b.application_id
                        WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :application
                          AND a.module_name = :module
                          AND a.site_name = :site
                          AND a.entitlement_name = devt_oim.toknew (:responsibility)
                          AND b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   NVL (grp.approver_name, usr.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (grp.approver, usr.approver) AS approver,
                       NVL (grp.approver_type, usr.approver_type) AS approver_type,
                       TO_CHAR ((SELECT MIN (osi_create)
                                   FROM devt_oim.osi
                                  WHERE request_key = :identificationkey), 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                       NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) AS approval_date, 'ASSIGNED' AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
                         WHEN NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) = '-'
                           THEN 'Pending'
                         ELSE usr.ost_status
                       END AS process
                  FROM (SELECT b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                               TO_CHAR (a.osi_create, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS approval_date, 'key' AS tbl_key,
                               (SELECT ost_status
                                  FROM devt_oim.upa_resource
                                 WHERE upa_resource_key IN (SELECT MAX (upa_resource_key)
                                                              FROM devt_oim.upa_resource a INNER JOIN devt_oim.oiu b
                                                                   ON a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                                             WHERE b.request_key = :identificationkey)) AS ost_status
                          FROM (SELECT   osi_assigned_to_usr_key, osi_create
                                    FROM devt_oim.osi
                                   WHERE request_key = :identificationkey AND osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                                ORDER BY osi_create DESC) a
                               INNER JOIN
                               devt_oim.usr b ON a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                         WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 0 AND 1) usr
                       LEFT JOIN
                       (SELECT ugp.ugp_name AS approver_name, '-' AS approver, 'Group' AS approver_type, '-' AS approval_date,
                               'key' AS tbl_key
                          FROM devt_oim.oti itp INNER JOIN devt_oim.ugp ugp ON ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                         WHERE itp.request_key = :identificationkey AND :request_status != 'Request Completed') grp
                       ON usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
              ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified) appr ON 1 = 1
    ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified, seq2
    ) X, request_comments

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