SNMP need ot be disable so the printers can show online

I have an old question:
I had to disable SNMP in printer port configurations so the printers can be not offline.
Why and what caused these issues? We have tons of printer devices , only few are shown offline and need to manually disable SNMP in the tcp port settings to make them online.

Please make sure that you have the same SNMP configuration on the printer device with what you have on the port used on the print server.
Also, make sure that the SNMP community name is "public".
Similar threads:
Windows 2008 R2 - Printer "Offline" SNMP issue.
Printers offline in windows 2008 R2
Jeremy Wu
TechNet Community Support

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    iPhoto preferences > Advanced > Print Products Store
    Set it to the country of the Store you want to order from.
    The country in this setting needs to be the same as the country of your billing address and shipping address. And the AppleiD and Credit card have to be valid in that country.

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    after downloading itune to my dell computer (with windows vista), the DVD RW drive is disabled. The device status shows "device can not start (code 10)" Any suggestions? Thanks.

    additional info.
    I have found the correct error definition in english.
    "can not start the device (Code 10)"
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  • Need some help disabling/enabling the scrollbar on our website

    Dear Sir/madam,
    I am having some difficulty with our website to disable or hide the scrollbar on our website.
    The thing is that i want to disable/hide the scrollbar when i got a small web page with only one alinea of text.
    And i want to enable the scrollbar when i got more then one alinea of text and my webpage is a lot bigger.
    Can anyone help me out?
    Here is my CSS code file and html file
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
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    <meta name="Description" content="Domotica is een verzamelwoord voor het aan elkaar koppelen van verschillende systemen, zoals rookmelder, video-intercom en rookmelder.">
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      <p>Trend Installatietechniek is een specialist op het gebied  van elektrotechniek en bestaat sinds 1998. Inmiddels is Trend uitgegroeid tot  een gerenommeerd elektrotechnisch bedrijf met vestigingen in Veenendaal en  Assen.<br />
        <br />
        Trend Installatietechniek heeft sinds jaar en dag een  reputatie op het gebied van aanleg van datanetwerken en elektrotechnische  installaties.<br />
        U verwacht van een elektrotechnisch installateur vakmanschap  en kwaliteit. Naast kwalitatief hoogstaand werk onderscheiden wij ons door een  klantgerichte houding en korte levertijden. <br />
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        Wij voeren opdrachten uit voor klanten zoals het ZIGGO,  KNAW, de Universiteit van Amsterdam en KPN. Hierbij wordt veel  verwacht van onze monteurs. Daarom werken wij uitsluitend met ervaren, gediplomeerde  elektrotechnische monteurs. <br />
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    Start by remvoing the code in RED.
    #body {
    position: fixed;
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    z-index: 1;
    left: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    background-image: url(Beelden/achtergrondbody.png);
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    background-repeat: repeat-y
    Browser scrollbars appear by default in all pages requiring them.  You don't need to do anything to make them appear.  I don't think you understand Fixed positioning well enough to be using it so much in your CSS.  It has a purpose but probably not what you think.
    See position:fixed sticky text demo.
    Nancy O.

  • EIM - In Agent console all buttons are disabled and the agent can answer or close email cases

    Today we notice all buttons in the agent console (email section) are disabled so any case can be closed or answered. Any idea about this issue?
    Thanks in Advance

    Ig agent gets a call and is interrupted then the buttons are disabled.

  • My iPhone is permanently disabled (with the apple logo showing) after trying to update.  Also battery doesn't seem to charge.  How do I reboot?

    I was trying to update my iphone software recently all was going well until I had to connect to itunes.  After connecting with itunes, the "restore" proceedure did not work as supposed to and the phone is now permanently off with the apple logo showing continously.  The phone also doesn't seem to hold charge and its been plugged into a power source for over 6 hours.  Phone also gets quite warm.  What can I do?

    hold the home button and the power button at the same time

  • Why doesn't the trash can show items in it anymore?

    I know there are items in the trash can, but when I open it to take items out or to see what's in there, no icons appear in the trash can.

    To see what's in the trash:
    Launch Terminal and copy & paste these commands:
    cd ~/.Trash
    Press Return
    Then enter ls Press return
    This will list of the contents of your trash, so you can if there's anything you need. If not, follow these instructions:
    Go to /Applications /Utilities/Terminal and launch it.
    At the prompt, copy and paste this command
    sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash
    Press Return.
    You will be asked to enter your admin password. It will be invisible.
    Enter it and press Return.
    Log out and back in or restart.

  • I used Airport Base station and I was able to extend my network using airport express and connect my printers.  Now I am using Extreme and I can't extend the network (Express) or the printers nothing shows up.  I am using utility 6.3 and Mt Lion  What is

    I had an Aiport Base Station and extended using Airport Express, where I also connected my printers (network). Now using Airport Extreme off Mt Lion 10.8.4 and Utility 6.3.
    I can't extend the network (express) or connect my printers (USB) nor will it find my one wifi printer.
    What's up?

    For now, leave the AirPort Express powered off.
    Power off the entire network....all any order that you want
    Wait a few minutes
    Power up the modem first, and let it run 2-3 minutes by itself
    Power up the AirPort Extreme next, and let it run a full minute
    Keep powering up devices one at a time about a minute apart until everything is powered up (leave the Express off for now)
    Open AirPort Utility and check to see if the AirPort Extreme is visible.
    If it's not, click the AirPort Utility menu at the upper left of the screen, then click About AirPort Utility. Post back with the version number of AirPort Utility that you see there....which should be AirPort Utility 5.6.1.
    Post back on your progress.

  • HT4009 All my apps need to be updated but the billing keep showing and I don't wanna purchase

    Just wanna update my apps need to updated on my iPad

    Apple requires a credit are to be on file regardless of if you purchase something or not. You can change this by visiting: Login to your account and navigate to payment method. Select none.

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    The hard drive was erased.  Disk utility suggests that Snow Lep. can be reinstalled however I beleve the OS X was an earlier version.  1) how to determine correct OS X to re install.   2) do I need to resinstall of disks over can it be done over the internet?  Thanks in advance

    You need to start with the version that was originally installed.
    If you are in the US call Apple Customer Support 1-800-767-2775, provide the Serial Number and specifications of the Mac, and for a reasonable fee, they will supply a replacement set of system discs (if available).
    The discs will be for the original version of the OS that was pre-installed when the Mac was manufactured.
    If you are in another country:
    If you are running Lion or Mountain Lion you won’t have been given disks. Instead you use the recovery partition or internet recovery:

  • How many pixels can images have that the browser can show them?

    i'm creating large images which i save as gif. now i have seen that there is a limit for gif images which defines that gif images can not be larger than 64kx64k pixels. thats ok, but both internet explorer and mozilla can not open gif images larger than i suppose 30000x200 pixels. could that be right that there is a limitation in the web browsers?

    If so, it would be completely dependent on the browswer in question.... either way, you don't want to be sending an image that big I don't think. if I was at a site that had a pic that big, i would never go back, just my $.02

  • HT2589 the first time you create account, always need a credit card? the option of "NONE" is hidden

    the first time you create account, always need a credit card? the option of "NONE" is hidden
    my friend cant download apps, because of that reason.

    No you don't always need to enter credit card details, it just depends upon how you create the account - unless the instructions on this page are followed when creating a new account :
    then you will need to entercredit card details will need to be entered before the account can be used to download any item from the store.
    If you don't have or don't want to enter credit card details then you will need to create a new account, and this time use the instructions on that HT2534 page when creating it. If you want to use the same email address then you will need to replace it on that account first e.g. by logging into it via the Store > View Account menu option on your computer's iTunes or via
    Creating an account with 'none' via a computer's iTunes :

  • This is about the still image size changing from what I see on the computer monitor and what the burned DVD shows on the TV

    I have Prem.El 12 and have used PE4 for years.  I have a new PC that runs Win7Pro.  The still images on the computer monitor are within the "safe margins".  The still images after the movie has been burned to a disk are MUCH smaller on the TV screen.  Is this an issue of 16:9 vs 4:3 ratios?  My TV is 4:3.  Can I tell PE12 to make the movie a 4:3?

    Although I have seen your post of today in my Inbox Email Notifications, that post has not yet appears in this thread. It will probably will sooner or later. But, to keep things moving along....this is a copy of what I am seeing as your message of today in my Indox Email Notifications
    Thank you for your patience in the time it is taking me to get back to you.
    I am still trying to buy some DVD-RW discs and will hopefully do that in a
    bit.  Meanwhile, I have more info for you and some simple (I hope)
    questions.  If you want to insert your answers, that would be fine.
    My camera (for stills and video) is set to the 4:3 ratio.  It is capable of
    being set to a 16:9 ratio if I wanted to do that.  I looked in its TOOLS
    menu and saw this info.
    My TV is definitely a 4:3 TV.  (I measured it with my tape measure and
    divided W/L to get 1.33)  The TV can show a 16:9 movie and just adds the
    black bars on the top and bottom.  Question: What will my old 4:3 movies
    look like on a 16:9 TV whenever we buy one of those?
    It seems to me that I want to set PE12 to the NTSC DV Standard you
    I do NOT know how to “size your photos so that each has a 4:3 aspect”,
    unless you mean doing that in Photoshop Elements, which I know how to do
    (*see below)
    I had NOT considered that I would need to watch the preset for the
    ‘Publish+Share’ step; so that’s good to know (I copied and pasted your info
    for later use).
    BTW, years ago when I had difficulties with my XP computer working on PE4
    (had only 2 GB RAM), an Adobe tech told me to resize my photos * to have a
    720 pixel width (the height would be automatically adjusted) to lower the
    file size to something my computer could handle without crashing.  (That
    was back in the good ol’ days when Adobe support would actually talk with
    their customers and try to help them in the first month)
    My new computer has 16GB RAM.  Do you think I still need to reduce file
    size?  One does lose some sharpness in the resizing process…..however,
    these videos I’m making are travelogues and are for a fun way to view pics
    and videos of a trip…nothing Earth shattering….and just a hobby to keep me
    off the streets.
    I truly appreciate the time you take to help me (and others).  I was even
    tempted to try to install my old PE4 on my new computer just to be able to
    enjoy my hobby again.
    My reply to the above....
    1. If you camera is giving you 4:3 photos and your Premiere Elements 12/12.1 is running on Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 64 bit, then leave
    the photos as is unless you have a lot of photos and each has pixel dimensions sizes way over 1920 x 1080 pixels that are giving your computer resource issues. If you have to down size them because of computer resources, then copy the photos to a computer desktop folder and also create an empty folder on the computer desktop.
    a. Photoshop Elements Editor, File Menu/Process Multiple Files.
    Process Files form Folder
    Source - browse to and select the computer desktop folder with photos to be resized
    Destination - browse to and select the empty computer desktop folder
    Image Size
                 Check Mark Next To Resize Images
                (no check mark next to Constrain Proportions)
                Type in Width = 1000  (set units for pixels)
                Type in Height = 750 (set unites for pixels)
    File Size
               Check Mark Next to Convert Files To
               Set for JPEG High Quality
    The above should work fine for a NTSC DV Standard project with a burn to DVD disc with preset NTSC_Dolby DVD (4:3 video).
    2. With regard to the TV Set and 16:9 video....when you have the DVD-player attached to the TV, do you have the opportunity to bring up a display of menus with
    controls for Picture and Aspect Ratio? From what you have written so far, it looks like the answer is no. I am not sure how your TV DVD
    player will handle 16:9.
    Best do a mini test run
    1. Project preset set manually to NTSC DV Widescreen (please refer to post 1 link)
    A few photos sized for 1600 x 1200
    In the Premiere Elements project, use the Safety Margins inner rectangle for text placement
    Publish+Share/Disc/DVD disc with preset = NTSC_Widescreen_Dolby DVD.
    See what that looks like on your TV DVD player.
    If you discovered that your current TV DVD player can be set for a 16:9 display, then I have a preferred workflow for
    NTSC DV Widescreen which typically gives best possible results. Hints of things to come.
    Please review and consider. Thanks for the follow ups.

  • Disable "nearby printers" from showing in the printers dialog box

    I have been searching for an answer to this question ever since the "nearby printers" option was added to OS 10; Apple, please help. I found the exact same question posted here:
    but that user describing the CUPS solution is not using network printers!
    How do I disable the nearby printers list from displaying at all in the printers drop down list available from a print dialogue box?
    I have over a hundred Macintosh workstations on the same VLAN subnet that spans multiple buildings.
    Each group of machines is assigned a specific printer to print to and we need to only allow the user to know that the installed printer is their only option.
    Thank you for your time and consideration; I appreciate it.
    Harvard University

    This issue was finally resolved by focusing on the computers and/or printers announcing the multicast dns advertisement of available printers. When you need to disable printers from appearing in the "Nearby Printers" list, locate the machines advertising services and shut down the announcement; more below.
    If you are not certain which computer or printer is advertising its services, download a bonjour browser app first; I used:
    With that application launched, you can navigate down the browser list by expanding nodes and see which machines IP addresses are advertising an available printer service.
    Next, the remaining how-to requires you to know which machines IP addresses correspond with the machines.
    For Mac desktops, laptops, and servers that appear in the list, physically go to those devices and navigate the machine's System Preferences > Print & Fax  control panel and for each printer, make sure that the checkbox "Share this printer on the network" is unselected. Note that--if you already have not guessed--this will disable the ability for another machine to navigate and print to a shared printer on that machine. If, by necessity, that machine must share that printer, but you do not want its sharing to be discoverable, you must disable that machines multicast dns broadcast.
    Machines that must share printer queues where you would like to disable the machines multicast dns bonjour 'Printer Available' broadcast advertisement packets to remote machines in order to prevent them from showing up in Nearby Printer listings, you should follow the tutorial here:
    or here:
    Lastly, nearby printers listings will pick up the 'Printer Available' dns bonjour advertisements of the printers internal network configurations as well. To disable those, most modern network printers have built-in web administration control panels available to you from a web browser. For example, open up safari, type http://the-numeric-IP-address-of-your-printer-here
    and then select the enter key. You should then be able to navigate to the Networking configuration web page available from the printers web administration interface and disable bonjour/multicast print settings. Most HP network printer installations for example, only need port 9100 and IPP sevices enabled for typical Macintosh and Windows network printing services to work...and all other Miscellaneous printer services may usually be disabled. If you are not the network administrator, check with them to confirm that no other special network applications require additional non-typical print services.
    That's it! Once you have disabled or hidden the print services advertisements, the machines on the local network subnet will no longer show Nearby Printers.
    Hopes this helps someone!

  • I updated to Firefox 4.0.1 this morning. Norton 5.5 is now disabled and the message states that it is incompatible with 4.0.1. I need the Norton features enabled. Can I go back to 4.0 until this is rersolved?

    I updated to Firefox 4.0.1 this morning. Norton 5.5 is now disabled and the message states that it is incompatible with 4.0.1. I need the Norton features enabled. Can I go back to 4.0 until this is resolved?

    Please do a Live Update to the Norton product.
    They have provided an important update to Firefox 4.0.1.

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