Snow Leopard included apps under 10.5.8

For a number of reasons, I am considering reverting to 10.5.8. I understand I can use SuperDuper! to make a clone of my existing SL installation. Then do an Erase & Install from a Leopard disk, update to 10.5.8 via combo installer and finally use the Migration Assistant to bring all the apps and settings back from the SL clone. My question are:
1. Will Migration Assistant bring back the SL versions of Mail, Safari, etc. or will the Leopard versions remain unaltered?
2. Are the SL versions of Mail, Safari, etc. compatible with Leopard?

JohnZonie wrote:
For a number of reasons, I am considering reverting to 10.5.8. I understand I can use SuperDuper! to make a clone of my existing SL installation. Then do an Erase & Install from a Leopard disk, update to 10.5.8 via combo installer and finally use the Migration Assistant to bring all the apps and settings back from the SL clone. My question are:
1. Will Migration Assistant bring back the SL versions of Mail, Safari, etc. or will the Leopard versions remain unaltered?
I'm not sure about this. generally, MA will replace older versions of apps with newer ones so if it just checks the version numbers it might replace all those apps with SL ones.
2. Are the SL versions of Mail, Safari, etc. compatible with Leopard?
no, none of them will work in Leopard which is why I recommend you don't use MA to migrate applications. Migrating users might be problematic too because many preference files changed format and some application data stored in home directories changed format too and may not be readable by leopard.

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                        Click Erase Free Space
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                        If a message is displayed stating: "Your startup disk is almost full", click OK
              When the erasure completes, quit Disk Utility
              Shut Down the Snow Leopard virtual machine
    6.     Quit VMware Fusion
    7.     Right click the Mac OS X Snow Leopard virtual machine
                        Click Show Package Contents
                        Select the Virtual Disk.vmdk file
                        Click Edit > Copy "Virtual Disk.vmdk"
                        Select your ~/Documents/Virtual Machines folder
                        Click Edit > Paste Item
    8.     Rename the "Virtual Disk.vmdk" file in your ~/Documents/Virtual Machines folder to "Original Disk.vmdk"
    9.     Start Terminal
                        Change "xxxxxxxx" in the following Terminal command to your short account name.
                                  "/Applications/VMware" -r "/Users/xxxxxxxx/Documents/Virtual Machines.localized/Original Disk.vmdk" -t 0 "/Users/xxxxxxxx/Documents/Virtual Machines.localized/Virtual Disk.vmdk"
                        Paste this Terminal command (including the leading and trailing quotation marks) into the Terminal window
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                        After the process completes and the Terminal input prompt is displayed, quit Terminal
    10.     Right click the Mac OS X Snow Leopard virtual machine
                        Click Show Package Contents
                        Right click the Virtual Disk.vmdk file and select Move to Trash
                        Move the Virtual Disk.vmdk file from your ~/Documents/Virtual Machines folder to the Mac OS X Snow Leopard package folder
                        Close the Package Contents folder
    11.     Start the Mac OS X Snow Leopard virtual machine to confirm that it runs correctly
    12.     Right click the "Original Disk.vmdk" file in your ~/Documents/Virtual Machines folder and select Move to Trash

    Judy Churchill wrote:
    So if the vendor doesn't provide an uninstall program or instructions, we're just stuck with stuff we may no longer need?
    Pretty much. You can always erase your hard drive and reinstall the OS. Some people may attempt to talk you through manually deleting files. I try very hard to avoid doing that because 100% of the time, the person I'm trying to help can't find the files and, instead, starts randomly deleting required system files. Then you have no choice but to reinstall the OS.

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    No. iPhoto is part of iLife, not OS X. The iLife applications can be purchased through the App Store. They require 10.9 for the current new versions.
    If you can't get them from the App Store, then you will need to find the old boxed DVD set for iLife '11 on eBay or Amazon.
    Upgrading to Snow Leopard
    You can purchase Snow Leopard through the Apple Store: Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - Apple Store (U.S.). The price is $19.99 plus tax. You will be sent physical media by mail after placing your order.
    After you install Snow Leopard you will have to download and install the Mac OS X 10.6.8 Update Combo v1.1 to update Snow Leopard to 10.6.8 and give you access to the App Store. Access to the App Store enables you to download Mountain Lion if your computer meets the requirements.
         Snow Leopard General Requirements
           1. Mac computer with an Intel processor
           2. 1GB of memory
           3. 5GB of available disk space
           4. DVD drive for installation
           5. Some features require a compatible Internet service provider;
               fees may apply.
           6. Some features require Apple’s iCloud services; fees and
               terms apply.

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    Keep the old OS around and just kick the tires and test new OS. Apple has a history and habit of breaking support in things like this.
    You can use TimeMachine as one level of backup, and even there there were changes with Lion, I would always recommend foremost backup clones of every volume. And clone (SuperDuper etc) can be stored on something like HP NAS Media Server which also was supporting TimeMachine, iTunes - until Apple made that harder and more their own proprietary format.
    Apple AirPort Time Capsule Support
    Lion Communities
    Cloning as a Backup Strategy
    Rather than "upgrade" I would clone the system, and do a clean install, then allow Setup Assistant to import your files.
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    StoneComputers wrote:
    What about the incredable lag time from clicking on a program to the time it opens (or the time till the loading screen starts)? I wish I could record it and play it so I could see if thats normal from other members... the icon just sitting there for over 35 second (I just counted 36 till the loading screen popped up) at first I thought it was me not clicking hard enought cuz the mouse button I have is real stiff (any ideas on that?) but no it takes that long just to get to the app loading screen... this happens every time same amount of time with the 3 programs I use the most, prolly more but I know for a fact world of warcraft, uTorrent, and Google Chrome. I would just chalk it up to slow hardware but they load real quick in windows 7 and once this bad spot is loaded the program runs so fast and nice afterword. Maybe some tweeks? I wonder if this would happen in Snow?
    The coment "few outdated programs" Ive seen alot its not just a few its a lot and since games are not Apple's strong point I would think they would want to keep as many as they could...
    An example of the rants you will see from a lot here. Don't be put off as these problems are generally user specific, and these same old comments come out after the release of every OSX I can remember. When Lion is upgraded  to the next OSX you can gaurentee these forums will be full of people screaming about how great Lion was. Happened with Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard.
    So come to think of it you may be better off Googling sites that give you unbiased views on Lion, rather than expect any positive comments here. For every one complaint there are probably 100,000 people with no issues.

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    Windows 7 Ultimate & Windows 8 Release Preview installer on a DVD-RW which is sees as blank (but it works find on a PC).
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    I think the hidden recovery partition starting with Lion is actually preventing DVDs from SL to lower versions from being recognized as bootable. Same with bootable Windows DVD-RW as Apple and the rest of the industry (I noticed netbooks now have recovery partitions too) switch to hidden partition and USB installers instead of medias like DVDs and CDs. I would guess if you could install Snow Leopard using an SL USB installer and complete erase the main hardisk along with the hidden recovery partition, install Snow Leopard it'll recognize Windows burned in DVD-RW again.
    I can't install Bootcamp coz' it sees Windows 7 & 8 installers as blank drives, even Windows USB installers are not bootable (both USB and DVD-RW installers work fine on the PC). I'm thinking of disabling the iMac's Superdrive by moving in a folder or renaming its driver/extension IOSDVDStorageFamily.kext maybe tomorrow so hopefully when BootCamp sees that the iMac doesn't have an optical drive it'll show the Create USB Installer option (now it only show 2 options) so that it'll create the installers into the Flash drive.
    I'm anxious of booting the USB Snow Leopard Installer and erasing the drive completely along with ML's recovery partition then installing SL in the hardisk because my Time Machine backup could get messed up. It might not restore the ones backedup by Lion and ML, although I could manually copy paste the documents but that'll defeat the main purpose of having a Time Machine backup.
    Has anyone experienced this too with their Snow Leopard DVDs and Windows USB installers? Any solutions?
    Thank you in advance.
    God bless.

    Zap the PRAM and Reset the SMC, then try again.

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    Wish Apple did a better testing before distributing

    And further mentions:
    If you already upgraded to Snow Leopard
    You have to reinstall or restore your MPEG-2 Playback Component.
    If you have a Time Machine backup of your System folder, then open the /System/Library/QuickTime folder, enter Time Machine and go back in time until you see the QuickTimeMPEG2.component file; select that file and then click Restore.
    If you purchased the MPEG-2 Playback Component from the Apple Online Store, then you probably still have the DMG file that contains the installer. Use Spotlight to search for "QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg": if you find a file with that name, double-click it and then in the disk image, double-click the installer package for Intel Macs.
    If you purchased the MPEG-2 Playback Component from the Apple Online Store but you can't find the QuickTimeMPEG2.dmg file, you can download the file again from the Apple Online Store if you remember the Apple ID used when you originally purchased it (if you forgot your Apple ID then go to Apple iforgot). Visit the Apple Online Store, click on "Account" in the store menu, then click "Downloadable Software Purchases," enter your Apple ID and password, and click the link to the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component to download it again.
    If you obtained the MPEG-2 Playback Component from the installation of Final Cut Studio, then you can reinstall it again from the Final Cut Studio DVD. Insert the DVD and use the Finder's Go menu > Go To Folder... command to get to the /Volumes/Final Cut Studio/Installer/Packages/ folder inside the DVD. Locate the QuickTimeMPEG2.pkg or the QuickTimeMPEG2Pro.pkg installer: double-click it to reinstall the MPEG-2 component.

  • In snow leopard, bin app always open

    Always I close the application, it opens again. Even when I force quit. Why does this happen?

    Thanks for your reply.
    Many readers here are not native speakers of American English, and when you try to run text-speak through a translate program, nothing comes out the other side. Your posting will be available for reference for a long time.
    In the future, it would be appreciated if you could run your words through a standard English spell-checker, such as the one the forum provides, before posting. Otherwise your ideas will be largely ignored and you will only be a marginally effective contributor.

  • How to convert MTS to FLV on Mac(Snow Leopard included)

    Possible confusion: Got an interesting mts video from wonderful HD Camcorder and was going to upload it to Youtube for sharing, but failed.
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6.5)

    [url=]MTS iPhone[/url]はMTSをiPhoneにサポートされる形式またはAVI、 WMV、 MKV、 MPG、 SWF、RM、RMVBに変換する使用し易いソフトです。WMA、OGG、WAV、RA、AC3、APE、CDAなどの音声ファイルをiPhoneミュージックMP3、WAV、M4A
    ファイルへの変換も可能で す。
    [url=]MTS iPhone[/url]で動画ファイルから音声を抽出しMP3ファイルとして保存することや、JPGなどの画像ファイルをMPEG4動画に変換することもサポートします。また、iPhone、iPhone3G、iPhone3GSとiPod touchもサポートします。君が不要なフレームをトリ ミングしビデオの側面をカットし、解像度、フレームレート、ビットレート又はエンコーダなどのパラメータをカスタマイズできます。

  • After Snow Leopard install, apps are freezing multiple times

    I had this happen with--
    on multiple occasions. Never had this problem before. Had to restart programs, if not machine, several times.

    Hello j:
    I am not arguing with you. I simply want to point out that it is not Apple's responsibility (nor any other software developer) to make third part programs work on new software releases. Apple does work with third party developers and makes changes available well in advance of a public release. I had a couple of third party programs that did not work until the developers released an updated version.
    I'm having all kinds of programs suddenly close and/or freeze over and over.
    If these are Apple programs, post back and someone may be able to assist.

  • Automator app made in Mavericks doesn't work in Snow Leopard

    Made a simple troubleshooting app for my staff with some dialog boxes (ask for confirmation) and an app restart (killall and open commands). Saved it as an app and it works fine in Mavericks and Mountain Lion. On Snow Leopard, the app opens with the opening file animation but does nothing. It never even shows up in Activity Monitor.
    Did I miss a setting somewhere or is Automator just not backwards compatible like that?

    Some workflows will work well going from 10.9 backwards to earlier OS / Automator versions but there are going to be many workflows that don't work without modifications. Part of the issue will be file system arrangement as you suggested.
    Another source of problems could be that the behavior of various workflow actions may change from one version of Automator to another. Several of the Address Book / Contacts related actions, for example, no longer work the same way that the did. This was true even before the name of the Address Book was changed to Contacts.

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