So Java 5 is now available?

Apparently on the home page and download page it says:
Download Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 Beta 2

What they've done now is to change the
actual version numbers to better reflect reality. As
long as they kept releasing 1.x versions, we could all
wonder when (or if) they were going to make the big
(and probably non-compatible) changes that were
implicit in the jump to v2.0. Now we know that's
never going to happen.You still have to wonder what version J3SE will be, I mean is J3SE more commonly known as Java 2.0? or will J3SE be Java 1.8?

Similar Messages

  • Codecs for the Java Media Framework now available

    Firstly, apologies for the "ad"...
    The "jffmpeg" project at sourceforge (of which I am a developer) is now producing a codec pack for JMF. This consists of a selection of pure Java codecs, and a JNI wrapper onto the native FFMPEG codecs.
    See for details.
    Please let me know if you find this useful.

    Thanks a lot for your answer...!!!!
    I am not really a pro in codecs, and I think that it's the main problem. :p
    I want to find a solution (I have to ! ), but it's very difficult for me..
    For the mpeg2 Transport stream format : you've totally right !
    In the mpeg2 TS format, the main difference with standard mpeg2 is that there is a structure "packet by packet", with a given packet length (188 bytes)... Each packet has an header which gives some information as you've said : transport error bit, synchronisation bit, etc... (and to be true, I have some difficulties understand really what each packet contains... I've understood the IPB principle, but this format is not very clear for me...)
    How can I explain my program ? heu...
    after extracting datas (I work in real time), at time t, I have in a byte array many 188 bytes blocks
    (I store them in a big byte array in a Buffer)... What have I to do with it ? Now, my program reads each 188 bytes and when the time represented is > 100ms, I run the processor on it, and so the decoding process...
    Is my error here ? how have I to do ? is it really a problem of size ?
    I have transformed my program this morning so as to have datas incoming from a file (and not my peripherical) : so, now, in theory, I can read datas which are not mpeg2 ts. But I haven't made test yet...
    But, I suppose that I am going to have the same problems that I have already faced :
    if I try to take a large chunk of data, jmf generates an error (I supposed that it's because the videoformat definition doesn't correspond with what jmf is waiting for !):
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x0c307669, pid=2992, tid=2604
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_01-b08 mixed mode)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [jmmpegv.dll+0x7669]
    # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid2992.log
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    the famous error that we often see on this forum....!
    And, if I take a little chunk, I have a ffmpeg error (I have understood now why... thanks to you)!
    And so, in decoder output, null length datas... logical !
    Maybe, I have an error in my program, but I really don't know where...
    I have an other problem... I would like to know if it is normal :
    I can't register (via jmregister) the NativeDecoder (but I can register NativeEncoder !)...
    It's quite strange... I've tried on 2 differents computers, and I have the same error "can't add item"..
    Why ? (windows xp - jmf 2.1.1e) jmf error or jffmpeg error or my error ?
    I have posted here because I have no guarantee that the problem comes from jffmpeg... I am a jmf newbie...
    The exception access violation error is quite surprising...
    I know that the format I use is not standart, but ... !!
    But, I am going to work again this afternoon, and then, I will post to jffmpeg development !
    If my problem can be solved, or if I can prevent other people to have the same problem, I will do !
    And if I found the solution to all my problems, I will post it ! :)

  • Sneak Preview Update: Full Java Edition is now available on NW04 SP15

    Hi SDNers,
    Here's something that might make your new year more interesting... We just released the SP15 version of the <a href="">sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver: Full Java Edition</a> on SDN.
    This version - like its SP11 predecessor - includes the following components:
    - SAP NetWeaver Application Server (Java)
    - SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio
    - SAP Enterprise Portal
    - SAP Knowledge Management
    - SAP Composite Application Framework including Guided Procedures
    - Interactive Forms based on Adobe Software
    Note: We've updated the system requirements and installation instructions, so please take the time to read through the information carefully.
    You'll need to download 4 rather large files with this release (total approx. 5GB), so your patience is required! Especially in the beginning when everyone is trying to download at the same time, expect that the server performance will suffer. You might try downloading at off-peak hours to avoid the rush.
    Please post your questions and comments about the Full Java Edition in this discussion forum and we'll try to get you an answer as soon as possible.
    Enjoy and Happy New Year!
    Kathy Clemens, SDN

    Hi SDNers,
    i tried to install NW04-Java-SP15 with following error:
    ERROR      2006-01-02 23:24:28 [iaxxejsbas.cpp:170]
    FJS-00003  TypeError: (new FileMgt()).getNode(PropertyFileFullPath) has no properties (in script InstallationScript_21, line 8488: ???)
    WARNING    2006-01-02 23:24:28 [iaxxccntrl.cpp:477]
    The step readSourceProperties with step key J2EE_SystemCopy_OneHost|ind|ind|ind|WebAS|640|0|J2EE_System
    Copy|ind|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|readSourceProperties was executed with status ERROR.
    The system requirements are all fulfilled.
    Whats the problem? I have no ideas anymore.
    Of course I started the installation with admin user.
    Thanks a lot for any help.
    Best Regards

  • Sun Java 3D looking glass now available - Package ?

    justread the following:
    Project Looking Glass Open Source
    Sun Microsystems is contributing Project Looking Glass, based on Java(tm) technology, to the open source community. Project Looking Glass is an exploration project to bring innovative 3D features to the desktop environment. The desktop interface will offer an intuitive, new 3D environment to interact with desktop applications featuring window transparency, rotation, zoom, multiple desktop workspaces and miniaturization.Project Looking Glass offers a platform to realize far richer and more entertaining user experience for existing and new applications in 2D or 3D. The technology enables developers to build highly visual 3D desktops and applications that will run on Linux systems such as Sun's Java Desktop System. The Solaris(tm) environment will be supported in near future.
    What does this mean to you?
    If you're a software developer, please go to … 8531213971 and download this early version of the code and join the community in developing the 3D desktop.
    Interested in using the Project Looking Glass? The project is in very early stages and a commercial version is not available yet. Please go to … 8531213990 to keep up to date on our progress.
    Why Open Source?
    Project Looking Glass is in its infancy, and we'd like to explore lots of ideas and possibilities.  We're releasing the Project Looking Glass code to the whole community to explore every aspect of the technology rather than restricting access to a privileged few. We believe this open development is an excellent model to pursue this exciting and vast opportunity.  So, your involvement is eagerly anticipated. We believe new dimension of developer innovation by making Sun's cutting edge technology available at Sun's 3D Desktop Technology Open Source Project on
    We have been working for several months on cleaning the software up, providing basic features and functionality key to 3D window management. A key focus was looking at the existing 2D desktop applications, ensuring minimal compatibility and performance problems. The next step is to look what else we can do to foster real world 3D interactivity. We decided to open source this at a very early stage to ensure that we got good feedback from the community.
    What's in the Open Source Project?
    The following features are now available in the Project Looking Glass open source release:
    3D Window Manager Platform - Java 3D based highly scalable 3D platform with client-server model support.
    3D Window Manager and Application Development API - Java API to develop new 3D desktop applications and 3D desktop Window Manager features.
    Native Application Integration Module - Allows developers to run conventional X11 applications in the 3D environment.
    Sample 3D Window Manager - provides a simple sample implementation for testing and demonstration purposes
    3D Environment Lite - Enables developers to run a simplified 3D environment as an application on a Java 3D enabled platform including Linux and Solaris environments. This serves as a development tool to test implementations.
    This is all available at: … 8531213971
    What's the licensing model?
    There are three license choices for developers interested in creating applications using Project Looking Glass.
    For developers who are interested in reviewing, revising, and redistributing the source code as part of their own application, Project Looking Glass has been submitted as an Open Source project on under the GNU Public License, or GPL.
    For developers who are interested in developing an application on top of the existing Project Looking Glass platform without reviewing and/or altering the code base, there is a binary version of the current state of the project available for download under a traditional Binary Code License. This is also available on
    Finally, for developers or organizations interested in other uses or revising the source code but wish to keep their implementation and related application proprietary, please contact Sun at [email protected].
    Project Looking Glass Community Meeting
    Wednesday June 30, 2004
    4:30pm to 6:00pm
    The Argent Hotel, City Room
    San Francisco, California, USA
    4:00-4:30 Registration
    4:30-4:45 Welcome, Introductions, and 3D Desktop Project Demo
    4:45-5:30 Technology Overview, Possible Sub Projects, How to Get Started
    5:30-6:00 Q&A and Networking
    Please join the conversation with the Project Looking Glass developers from Sun Microsystems. This meeting will be technically focused introducing developers to the project and letting them know how to get involved.
    You can meet the team from "Project Looking Glass" and other developers while enjoying food and refreshments. There is open admission. You do not need a JavaOne Conference Pass to attend.
    There will be no webcast available, but we will post the information available at the meeting on the website. We'll also have several presentations and Project Looking Glass at JavaOne, and we'll post as many as we can on the web.
    You can see Hideya Kawahara on stage with Jonathan Schwartz and Scott McNealy of Sun Microsystems demonstrating the Project Looking Glass technology and announcing the open source project at … 8531214001 (select View Webcast).
    If you have any questions, please send them to: [email protected]
    Sun's Project Looking Glass Team
    To use our one-click unsubscribe facility, select the following URL: … 1002686649

    Hi i found something like suns..loking glasses....
    pkgdesc="A real 3D-Desktop"
    depends=('xfree86' 'nucleo')
    build() {
      cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
      ./configure --prefix=/usr
      make || return 1
      make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    PKGBUILD of nucleo
    pkgdesc="Nucleo library (needed by metisse)"
    build() {
      cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
      ./configure --prefix=/usr
      make || return 1
      make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
    btw. you need gcc 3.4 not 3.4.1
    and if metisse don´t want to compile
    ametista.cxx: In function `int main(int, char**)':
    ametista.cxx:88: error: array bound forbidden after parenthesized type-id
    ametista.cxx:88: note: try removing the parentheses around the type-id
    make: *** [ametista.o] Error 1"
    you should patch the file src/metisse-0.3.1/FvwmAmetista/main/ametista.cxx:88
    before:  char **user_arg  char **user_argv = new (char *) [user_argc] ;
    after  :  char **user_argv = new char * [user_argc] ;
    sorry but i dont know howto create patch files ...feel free to make a patch
    hoppe you find this software as funny as i do

  • Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 now available

    The Java Web Services Developer Pack 1.3 is now available for
    download from This release of JWSDP includes the fcs release of JAXRPC 1.1 and SAAJ 1.2 based on the WS-I basic profile 1.0 in addition to bug fixes /maintenance relases of the other components that have been in there in the previous releases. Feel free to download and send us comments at [email protected]
    - Rajiv

    I was pumped when I saw this post, then deflated when I read what was new...
    No new JSF. I'm sooo ready for an update :-)

  • JavaOne 2009 Java RTS /RTSJ Hands-On Lab now available through SDN

    The hands-on labs for this years JavaOne are now available through SDN:
    The Java RTS lab was 5538.
    Unfortunately due to a process glitch the Netbeans Module used in the lab is not yet available for download from the JRTS website. We apologize for this delay and will advise as soon as it is available.
    Thanks for your patience.
    David Holmes

    It's for NB 6.5
    It's also intended primarily for Solaris as that's the only place the DTrace scripts can be run.
    I don't know what will happen if you try to install it on Linux. It may be able to open TSV jrt3 files and launch TSV - if you wanted to do that. But I don't know.
    We're hoping to make this available by around August 10th.

  • Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0 - Service Pack 1 - is Now Available!

    Service Pack 1 for Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0 is now available!
    Readme file listing the fixes is here:
    Kirby Leong in another post listed the download URLs, which I'll copy here:
    CR4E Runtime Package
    CR4E Manual Install Package
    CR4E All-In-One Package
    CR4E Language Packs
    If you wish to use the Eclipse IDE Software Updater:
    1. Start Eclipse 3.4.1 (Gemini) IDE.
    2. Select Help -> Software Updates...
    3. Select the "Available Software" tab.
    4. Click the "Manage Sites..." button.
    5. If you do not see the following URL listed:
        then click "Add..." and add it.
    6. Select the above URL in the "Available Software Sites", then click "OK".
    7. The Available Software should now list the above URL.  Open the node, and you should see "Crystal Reports for Eclipse".
    8. Check all checkboxes for "Crystal Reports for Eclipse", and "Install..."
    After successful update, you'll see version 2.0.1 listed in Help -> About Eclipse SDK and clicking on the "Crystal Reports for Eclipse" icon (blue swoosh with green diamond).
    If you don't see that version listed, here's some troubleshooting tips:
    Open a web browser, and Go to the following URL:
    You should get back a XML file listed the current CR4E plugin and language packs versions.  If you get an error instead, it may be because (1) you're in a locked down environment that won't let you access that site, or (2) the CR4E Update Site may be down for maintenance.   If the former, you'll have to download the updates by some other means and upgrade manually.

    hello ....
    my report is  ''crystal report 11'' => "OLE DB"  => "Add Command(select * from table) " .
    code(JRC) : eclipse + crystal report for eclipse version 2 =>  ""
    <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
    java.sql.Statement" %>
    try {
         String reportName = "report.rpt";
         ReportClientDocument clientDoc = new ReportClientDocument();, 0);
         String tableAlias = "Command";
                   myResult("SELECT * FROM table"),
         CrystalReportViewer crystalReportPageViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    } catch (ReportSDKExceptionBase e) {
    I simplified the code, *myResult("SELECT * FROM table") *  is absolutely no problem ,
    and this code is absolutely no problem in the "crystal report for eclipse "version 1
    but in  version 2 run error: 無法預期的資料庫連線器錯誤---- Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed
    Please help me and tell me why....

  • Sneak Preview NetWeaver 04 now available!! -  now REALLY available

    I'm pleased to announce that the new Sneak Preview NetWeaver 04 is now available to download on SDN! The sneak preview will be available in four different editions. The first two editions focusing on Java development tools are available now. They are called, conveniently enough, "Java Edition" and "Slim Edition" (slim, as in smaller package with less memory consumption and a few less features).
    Java version is back online, sorry for the inconvenience! **
    Two more editions will be added to the Sneak Preview in the coming weeks, also conveniently named "ABAP Edition" for the ABAP development environment and the big "Full Edition" with additional SAP NetWeaver components to evaluate.
    So, need I say more? Why not check out the Sneak Preview yourself and try your hand at developing applications with SAP NetWeaver. Read these details before you decide which one you'd like to try (make sure you're logged in!): software/sneak preview netweaver 04.htm
    While you're doing all this, let us know what you think! Join a discussion in this forum or start your own discussions, post questions, help others with their questions if you can. Your feedback on this sneak preview will help improve the quality of the final product!
    Thanks for reading - now go download!
    Kathy Meyers
    SDN Community Manager
    Message was edited by: Kathleen Meyers re: availability of Java edition and added link to download page

    Could be one of a few things.
    1. We had to take the "Java" edition offline temporarily. It should be back up later today. IF you tried to access it, this might be why you cannot download.
    2. If you are having a general problem accessing our FTP server for downloads, perhaps you can check whether your (company) firewall allows FTP access. If it does not, perhaps you can see whether you can change your firewall to allow for the domain. See: Can't download, Company firewall accept NO FTP access
    3. Also, during times of high traffic, it may be difficult to download the larger files we offer as the FTP server has a limit to number of parallel sesions. You might try to download during a different time of day.
    If none of these apply, please explain in more detail why you cannot download.
    Kathy Meyers, SDN

  • Kodo 4.0.0 Early Access 1 Now Available

    Kodo 4 Early Access 1 is now available at . You can find release notes
    Kodo 4 EA1 includes support for the majority of the JDO2 and EJB3
    specifications, and introduces some new mapping capabilities that
    simplify the development of efficient mappings.
    As the name implies, this release is an early access release. As such,
    many parts of the release are not yet implemented, including Kodo's IDE
    integration support. Additionally, this release provides roughly zero
    backwards-compatibility with the 3.x Kodo interfaces. Future Kodo 4
    releases will provide backwards-compatibility with the relevant Kodo 3 APIs.
    Neelan Choksi
    [email protected]
    202-595-2064 (main)
    512-542-9707 (direct)
    Vote for Kodo JDO as the Best DB Tool or Driver (Category 2), the Best Java
    Data Access Tool (Category 7), and the Best Java Persistence Architecture
    (Category 11) in the JDJ Readers Choice Awards at

    Patrick Linskey wrote:
    Kodo 4 Early Access 1 is now available at . You can find release notes
    Kodo 4 EA1 includes support for the majority of the JDO2 and EJB3
    specifications, and introduces some new mapping capabilities that
    simplify the development of efficient mappings.
    As the name implies, this release is an early access release. As such,
    many parts of the release are not yet implemented, including Kodo's IDE
    integration support. Additionally, this release provides roughly zero
    backwards-compatibility with the 3.x Kodo interfaces. Future Kodo 4
    releases will provide backwards-compatibility with the relevant Kodo 3
    -PatrickWill there be a one-page html doku soon ?
    I'd like to read all the pages on a printout rather than on monitor


    The entire Advanced Developer Conference lab, complete with full source, is now available on the DeveloperCenterSamples page.
    The lab is a complete application for a fictional company, Remedy Pharmaceuticals. It includes clear and commented code in Java and .NET for:
    Basic portlet developmentAdaptive portlet development utilizing inter-portlet communication and in-place refreshPlumtree Event Interface (PEI) implementationsPluggable NavigationBranding and personalization without codingAuthentication Web ServicesCrawler Web ServicesProfile Web ServicesSearch Web Servicesand more ...All in the context of a single application.

    I "think" the easiest way to get PDF output at a cheap price is going to be PL/PDF ( It looks like it costs $500, and I don't see any other software requirements, since it works with mod_plsql.
    The coccon and other "stuff" is free, but I don't know how difficult it is to get setup and running. I'm also not sure how much leeway you get in designing your output.
    Since PL/PDF is generated by code you write with PL/SQL packages, I imagine that you can get some pretty customized output that would exactly fit your needs.
    When I first heard Apex 3.0 would allow PDF output, I was hoping that there was some kind of unannounced deal where Oracle had bought the company and was going to include the PL/PDF packages as some of their "standard" packages, like DBMS_OUTPUT.
    At least since they haven't done it yet, there may still be some hope that maybe someday they will, but then I don't see where that would really benefit the BI Publisher market, though I no idea how big that market is. It seems like quite a few Oracle shops aren't budgeted enough to get into that "niche", it's usually hard enough paying for the products already licensed.
    Bill Ferguson

  • Eclipse Dali JPA Tools 1.0 Now Available

    Eclipse Dali JPA Tools 1.0 now available
    The Dali project provides tools to support the development of JPA applications in Eclipse and provides intelligent mapping assistance and validation. Oracle is the founder, lead, and principal participant in Dali which works with all compliant JPA runtimes including Oracle TopLink 11g (currently in preview) and TopLink Essentials. Through integration with its parent project, the Web Tools Platform, JPA applications developed with Dali can be packaged and deployed to the Oracle Application Server. And through integration with the Data Tools Platform Dali can access database schema information to validate object-relational mappings and generate Entities from tables. Building JPA applications with Dali against the Oracle Database is enhanced through the use of the Oracle Database Plugin for Eclipse Data Tools Platform that is being developed by Oracle.
    Dali supports mapping using Java annotations, XML mapping files, or both. Check out the Dali homepage for viewlet demos, download instructions, tutorials and more.
    Shaun Smith
    Eclipse Dali JPA Tools co-Lead
    Principal Product Manager, Oracle TopLink

    Eclipse Dali JPA Tools 1.0 now available
    The Dali project provides tools to support the development of JPA applications in Eclipse and provides intelligent mapping assistance and validation. Oracle is the founder, lead, and principal participant in Dali which works with all compliant JPA runtimes including Oracle TopLink 11g (currently in preview) and TopLink Essentials. Through integration with its parent project, the Web Tools Platform, JPA applications developed with Dali can be packaged and deployed to the Oracle Application Server. And through integration with the Data Tools Platform Dali can access database schema information to validate object-relational mappings and generate Entities from tables. Building JPA applications with Dali against the Oracle Database is enhanced through the use of the Oracle Database Plugin for Eclipse Data Tools Platform that is being developed by Oracle.
    Dali supports mapping using Java annotations, XML mapping files, or both. Check out the Dali homepage for viewlet demos, download instructions, tutorials and more.
    Shaun Smith
    Eclipse Dali JPA Tools co-Lead
    Principal Product Manager, Oracle TopLink

  • WebLogic Event Server Eclipse Development Environment now AVAILABLE

    The new Eclipse-based development environment for the WebLogic Event Server is now available.
    These new developer capabilities will simplify and accelerate the creation, deployment and debugging of EDA application for the new Java container.

    When starting the event server from the Eclipse server view, I get the following error...
    <Aug 14, 2007 3:58:55 PM EDT> <Critical> <BootBundle> <BEA-1004004> <The system could not find the default security providers due to "null". The system will exit.>
    Am I possibly just missing a configuration value?

  • Kodo JDO 2.3.4 now available

    Kodo JDO 2.3.4 is now available at This release
    contains a number of bugfixes and a couple enhancements to the reverse
    schema tool.
    New features
    * The schema generator can now accept a list of tables to generate.
    * The reverse mapping tool has additional options for using foreign
    key names to generate relation names, generating primitive wrapper-type
    fields if a column is nullable, and allowing primary keys on many-to-many
    join tables.
    * Fixed problems with many-to-many relations between tables that use
    vertical inheritance.
    * Fixed bug in schematool that caused it to not generate primary key
    columns in subclass tables when using datastore identity + custom
    names + vertical inheritance.
    * Fixed serp library conflict between reverse mapping tool and main Kodo
    * Fixed a reverse mapping tool bug in which column names that conflicted with
    Java keywords would result in the generation of uncompilable Java classes.
    * Fixed problem that caused read-only flag to be ignored in many-to-many
    * Multi-table inheritance deletes are now performed from the leaf table
    in the inheritance chain up to the base table. Inserts are performed
    from the base table down to the leaf. This supports the common
    referential integrity model of establishing a foreign key relation
    from inherited tables to their parent tables.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

    An email will be sent out to owners of the query extension or caching
    plugins sometime today (Tuesday).
    You'll all be thrilled to hear that our spiffy new licensing system in
    2.4 will not require multiple jars, which will make life easier for people
    with plugins when upgrades are released.
    In article <[email protected]>, Alex Roytman wrote:
    Could you please post query extensions for 2.3.4
    "Patrick Linskey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Kodo JDO 2.3.4 is now available at This
    contains a number of bugfixes and a couple enhancements to the reverse
    schema tool.
    New features
    * The schema generator can now accept a list of tables to generate.
    * The reverse mapping tool has additional options for using foreign
    key names to generate relation names, generating primitive wrapper-type
    fields if a column is nullable, and allowing primary keys onmany-to-many
    join tables.
    * Fixed problems with many-to-many relations between tables that use
    vertical inheritance.
    * Fixed bug in schematool that caused it to not generate primary key
    columns in subclass tables when using datastore identity + custom
    names + vertical inheritance.
    * Fixed serp library conflict between reverse mapping tool and main Kodo
    * Fixed a reverse mapping tool bug in which column names that conflictedwith
    Java keywords would result in the generation of uncompilable Javaclasses.
    * Fixed problem that caused read-only flag to be ignored in many-to-many
    * Multi-table inheritance deletes are now performed from the leaf table
    in the inheritance chain up to the base table. Inserts are performed
    from the base table down to the leaf. This supports the common
    referential integrity model of establishing a foreign key relation
    from inherited tables to their parent tables.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.
    Patrick Linskey [email protected]
    SolarMetric Inc.

  • [ANN] OC4J 10g (10.1.3) Developer Preview is now available

    OC4J 10g (10.1.3) Developer Preview 3 is now available for download.This Developer Preview is J2EE 1.4 compatible and provides significant new features covering Web Services, general infrastructure services such as classloading, and the first glimpse of Enterprise Manager Application Server Control console to manage, deploy and monitor.

    I am very sorry .Bu i found so many errors after i tried
    Oracle Jdeveloper 10g(10.1.3)
    I am using a machine with cou 3.0G, 1G DDrR memeory and an chinese windows 2000.I am enjoy using jdeloper9.0.5.2.But when I was trying 10.1.3,I created a normal jsp and made it.I get erros as follows :Error(1,44): [][][][][][][][]。
    I tried to lauch the oc4j server ,got the following errors:Error compiling D:\jdevj2ee1013\jdev\system\oracle.j2ee.\oc4j-config\applications\admin_ejb.jar: Syntax error in source or compilation failed
    04/12/04 21:48:31 Error in application default: Error loading package at file:/D:/jdevj2ee1013/jdev/system/oracle.j2ee., Compile error: Syntax error in source or compilation failed
    04/12/04 21:48:31 done.
    04/12/04 21:48:31 Error initializing server: Error initializing ejb-module; Exception Compile error: Syntax error in source or compilation failed
    04/12/04 21:48:32 Fatal error: server exiting
    And i found all the buttons in this version 10.1.3 that show chinese are all [][][][][]........
    after these annoying errors ,I cant use it at all.Maybe I should wait for the production version.

  • Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1 is now available

    Sun One Message Queue 3.0.1 is now available. Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1
    is an implementation of the Java Message Service version 1.1 specification.
    It comes in two editions; a free Platform Edition as well as an Enterprise
    Edition for full-scale, enterprise deployments.
    Noteworthy changes in 3.0.1 (compared to 3.0):
    * Substantial performance boost
    MQ 3.0.1 provides message delivery throughput up to double that
    attained with MQ 3.0, a performance boost that is especially important
    under heavy load conditions.
    * Certified for use with the Sun ONE Application Server 7.0
    MQ 3.0.1 is certified for Sun ONE Application Server 7.0, and is used as
    its native JMS provider. MQ has been integrated with the Application
    Server, providing JMS messaging support in an Application Server
    environment. You can configure the system for an internal MQ message
    server managed with Application Server administration tools, or an
    external MQ message server requiring MQ administration tools.
    * Support for Linux Red Hat 7.2 (JDK 1.4.1)
    MQ 3.0.1 is now certified for JDK 1.4.1 on Linux Red Hat 7.2 (and still
    supported on Linux Red Hat 7.1).
    * Bundled on Solaris
    MQ 3.0.1 Platform Edition will be bundled with Solaris 9 Update 2 when
    it ships in early 2003.
    For more specific details about 3.0.1 please see the product Release Notes
    The two editions of Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0.1 are:
    * The Platform Edition provides a free commercial grade JMS implementation,
    ideal for small-scale deployments and development environments on various
    operating environments.
    * The Enterprise Edition delivers maximum scalability and security features
    necessary for larger full-scale deployments.
    For specific details about the editions see the Administration Guide at:
    For more information about the product or to download the current version
    please visit:
    Receiving feedback from current and potential customers is important to the
    product team. If you have questions, thoughts for additional features or
    think you have found a bug, we encourage you to send the team feedback.
    Please send mail to [email protected]. If appropriate, be sure to
    include the product version, information on the platform you are using and
    steps to duplicate the problem you are experiencing. If you are interested
    in purchasing the product and have a sales related question send mail to
    [email protected]
    Thank you for your interest in Sun ONE Message Queue!

    Customers who purchased the iPlanet Message Queue for Java version 2.0
    Enterprise Edition, or the iPlanet Java Message Queue version 1.1 Business Edition,
    who also have a current maintenance contract for this product, are entitled to a free
    upgrade. Sun customers should use their normal support channels to request the
    upgrade. All corporate customers with Sun Software Support contracts should be
    automatically notified of the upgrade via the ProductTracker by SubscribeNet
    program. If you haven't, please contact Sun Customer Service online or by phone at
    888-786-8111. Parties interested in upgrading will be required to provide
    proof-of-purchase. Customers of previous versions of the free Developer Editions, or
    customers without a current maintenance contract on this product, can not upgrade
    for free, they must buy the Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0 Enterprise Edition product,
    or they can download the Sun ONE Message Queue 3.0 Platform Edition product for
    free from:

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