SOAP Project

I am trying to create a form in LiveCycle that will be filled out by multiple users online and can access a database. If you are familiar with these topics then you will probably recogonize that an acrobat form does not allow you to access a database that is not setup on your local machine. I was told that the SOAP technology can be used to solve this problem. I'm reading the documentation on SOAP and I'm having a hard time understanding how I start. Can anyone give me any information on how I would start this project? I have the form created in livecycle already, but it is not sufficent as a web based form...

Check out, and use the SOAP.connect JavaScript method in your form to interact with their basic services. This should give you a starting point.

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    SOAPMessage reply =, endpoint);
    java.util.Iterator it = reply.getAttachments();
    // First attachment returned by the server hold my result
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    use a BufferedReader and create a large char[] (64k or something)
    then use
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    StringBuffer stringbuf = new StringBuffer();
    int read_this_time = 0;
    while (read_this_time != -1) {
    read_this_time =,0,65536);
    }//end while
    StringBuffer is faster than String concatenation because when java concatenates strings it creates a new object every time. StringBuffer just stores and appends the string without creating new objects.

  • Exception when calling ABAP Proxy modelled in SAP PI: CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_ROOT

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       This interface contains a complex type from a different namespace
    2. Use it to create an ABAP proxy in backend system
    3. Configure it with SOAManager
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    It is a very low level error from the CL_SOAP_RUNTIME_ROOT program and not a descriptive error message at all.
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    For a limited time I'll make WSDL and SOAP response available
    WSDL (some values anonymized) available at
    Complete SOAP response is available at
    Any ideas on where to look?

    We've now managed to implement a workaround.
    The workaround was to create the endpoint in PI as well.
    So that the traffic goes from third-party solution->PI-> WS-enabled ABAP Proxy
    When we did this initially, we got some errors related to the asynch method of this call, but this was resolved by changing the channel from "best effort" to "Guaranteed delivery". 
    Still we don't know what the root cause of the initial problem was, but we assume it is related to the asynch nature of the service (though we have other asynch proxies that work without problems).

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    Best regards

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    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
             <faultstring xml:lang="en">RABAX occurred on server side</faultstring>
                <sap:Rabax xmlns:sap="">
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  • ABAP Proxy Client how to get the XML

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    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thank you,

    I'm not an ABAP programmer.
    If I have to test a webservice, provided by sap system or other system, I always use soapui from
    In soapui
    * create new soap project
    * point to wsdl file
    This will automatically create a sample xml request message for the webservice.
    You can edit the request message and put in the values you want.
    If required, fill user credentials into the request properties.
    Then send the request message.
    You will get the xml response message.
    If the service works fine with soapui, then the problem is at your side (abap proxy, apap code behind the proxy).
    If you can reproduce the error with soapui, then the problem is at the side of the service provider.
    I don't have permission for SPROXY at our sap backends. Perhaps there is a "test interface" function, which shows the xml messages.

  • WSSE Header

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    We are given client certificate and service sertificate.
    We are also given SOAP project for testing, when we looked the request going thru SOAP UI below is the request.
    Please let me know how to generate the below mentioned SOAP WSSE header with SIgnature.
    Also let me know how to populate WSU:Id in Body section.
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
    <wsse:BinarySecurityToken EncodingType="" ValueType="" wsu:Id="X509-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397851151">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</wsse:BinarySecurityToken>
    <ds:Signature Id="SIG-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397852154" xmlns:ds="">
    <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="">
    <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="soapenv" xmlns:ec=""/>
    <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:Reference URI="#TS-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397844150">
    <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
    <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="wsse soapenv" xmlns:ec=""/>
    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:Reference URI="#id-F19924B351E7FDE3231427210891203138">
    <ds:Transform Algorithm="">
    <ec:InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList="" xmlns:ec=""/>
    <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>
    <ds:KeyInfo Id="KI-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397851152">
    <wsse:SecurityTokenReference wsu:Id="STR-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397851153">
    <wsse:Reference URI="#X509-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397851151" ValueType=""/>
    <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-F19924B351E7FDE3231427269397844150">
    <soapenv:Body wsu:Id="id-F19924B351E7FDE3231427210891203138" xmlns:wsu="">

    Hi Nagesh,
    You can write a custom pipeline component for this and add custom header to the SOAP header and promote.
    Adding WSS security header for SOAP message
    You can refer to the discussion below:
    WSSE security header in WCF client request
    add wsee:security header to WCF client request
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • Unable to open PWA in browser and MSP on application server in project server 2007. ERROR: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.

    Hi All,
    I am using project server 2007 and WSS 3.0. 
    I have been facing a strange issue for couple of days. I am unable to open PWA in browser and MS Project Pro on application server.
    Everything is correct whether it is URL or MS Project profile account on MSP.  This is strange because i can open same PWA/MSP from other computers (Database server / Client PCs) but not locally on server.
    When i try to connect to MSP on App server, i get the following errors in event viewer.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Connection time out..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: An unanticipated error occurred during the processing of this request..
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Description: Soap error: Sending the Soap message failed or no recognizable response was received.
    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MSSOAP
    Event Category: Client 
    Event ID: 16
    User: N/A
    Computer: APP-Server-Name
    Soap error: Unspecified client error..
    One more issue i am facing and i guess that is related to above issue. The Issue is, when i am creating a new project, It's workspace gets created but doesn't get linked to the project and i can't link it manually because it already exists for the project.

    Hi Paul ,
    Thanks for reply. The project server URL was already added to the Trusted
    Sites/Local Intranet areas in IE. 

  • Hi all, Please suggest a case where there is a requirement for new SOAP sender adapter module. I wanted to develop a module but in my current project i am unable to find any such requirement.

    Hi all, Please suggest a case where there is a requirement for new SOAP sender adapter module. I wanted to develop a module but in my current project i am unable to find any such requirement. So please give me inputs for the same..
    Thank you,
    Vinay Kumar A

    You can try converting a synchrnous soap call to asynchronous using a custom module
    Here your module will send a response back to the sender system and make an asynchronous call forward

  • How can I use Data Source Explorer to connect soap service with my work manager project?

           I am new in Agentry and I want to Consume soap service in work manager project.For that I add my service in data source explorer but I dont have any Idea that how can I go further in that to use this service in my project.

    Are you consuming OData service or SOAP service ?  Your heading says something but looking at screen it is OData service.
    I have not worked on OData service in Agentry but hopefully you can figure out rest of the steps:-
    Here are some high level steps you can follow  depending on what your trying to do.
    1. Open "Data Source Explorer" view->Eclipse, select "Window/Show View/Other->"Data Management/Data Source Explorer"
    2. On "Data Source Explorer" view, ->"OData Connections"->right click and select "New...
    3. Enter name of the connection profile.
    4. Enter Service URI of in OData Connection Details
    5. After "Test Connection", press "Finish" or click "Next" to view Summary.
    6. Right click "Yourproject" node under "OData Connection", select connection. You will see "Entities"
    7. Expand "ODataEntities", right click "Entityset", select "Agentry: Connector Studio\Object Wizard for OData".
    8. Select a module to add odata connection, click "Next"; and click "Next"; and click "Next"
    9. Check "Add", "Edit" and "Delete" on "Transaction Selection" screen.
    10. Create your own screenset and platform as required.
    11. Test the changes.

  • I need a sample SOAP over JMS project for JDeveloper

    Does one exist?
    I am using version of JDeveloper.
    From everything I have read the only way to do Async Web services for consumption by Oracle's BPEL engine is to do them using JMS.
    Any information would be appreciated.
    Have a great day.

    not really.
    what about
    There are two chapters which are helpful:
    How to Assemble a Web Service Bottom Up that Uses JMS Transport
    How to Assemble a Web Service Top Down that Uses JMS Transport
    The Topdown describes step by step, how to build a JMS Webservice.

  • How Can I call a UCM service from SOAP request

    I have created one custom service and I would like to call that service from 3rd Party system via SOAP call. The 3rd Party system does not have the capability to call through RIDC.
    Now I have exposed my service and tried to call but authentication exception was coming status code 401.
    So I created one sample ADF application and tried to call the DocInfo service for testing (I thought let's try DocInfo then I will check my custom service). I downloaded the DocInfo service from UCM and  uploaded the WSDL into the project and got the client file.
    public class DocInfoSoapClient
      private static DocInfo docInfo;
      public static void main(String [] args)
        docInfo = new DocInfo();
        DocInfoSoap docInfoSoap = docInfo.getDocInfoSoap();
        DocInfoByNameResult res = docInfoSoap.docInfoByName("TEST_001603", null);
        // Add your code to call the desired methods.
    The error is coming like:
    Exception in thread "main" The server sent HTTP status code 401: Unauthorized: http://xxxxxxxx:16200/_dav/cs/idcplg
    I tried a lot but same error. There should be some process by which I can send the userid and password but failed. Even I tried to send the properties as key value pair in IdcPropertyList but I know that is wrong.
    I checked the Issue:
    But there was no answer.
    Can anyone help on it?

    Hi Santanu,
    You need to write SoapHandler in order to pass username and pwd. You will need 2 classes namely HeaderHandlerResolver & SoapHandler. This is how i do in in my JAX-WS clients. I generate stubs and then attach handler to webserviceinterface
    PFA and you would attach soap handler something like this in your code i have never done this via ADF so not sure.
    HeaderHandlerResolver soapHandlerResolver = new HeaderHandlerResolver();
    In SoapHandler class you will mention username and pwd like this
    Amol Gavali

  • Need Help: Not able to invoke fusion crm webservice using SOAP UI

    I am trying to invoke fusion crm webservice by using SOAP UI, but I am getting Invalid seccurity tocken exception.
    I have followed below steps specified in the oracle support document.
    In Soap UI, Go to File>Preferences ,select the "HTTP Settings' tab on the lower left panel, then select the checkbox 'Authenticate Preemtively'.
    2. From the wsdl extract the content from above wsdl between the tag/elements <dsig:X509Certificate> and </dsig:X509Certificate>
    3. Create a file called certificate.cer ( in local Drive) with above encrypted data enclosed between -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----   and -----END CERTIFICATE-----, file content shown below ( note: encrypted data 
        for example
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    4. Identifiy the java.home of SOAP UI , navigation (Help – System Properties) ,example ( it may be something like D:\SOAP UI download\soapui-4.5.1\jre)
    5.  Find the location of cacert file in SOAP UI ( example D:\SOAP UI download\soapui-4.5.1\jre\lib\security\cacert)
    6. Use following keytool command to add the certificate file certificate.cer into keystore cacert , sample command given below for reference
       keytool -importcert -alias rcpt-key-alias -file "D:\certificate.cer" -keystore "D:\SOAP UI download\soapui-4.5.1\jre\lib\security\cacerts"
       at command prompt when prompted enter password as changeit
    7. Restart SOAP UI and create a new project with https version of WSDL of organizationService
    8. In SOAP UI ,  in Auth tab , provide the user name and password.
    9. Invoke the Webservice
    I have used following request XML in SOAP UI
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:opp="" xmlns:rev="" xmlns:not="" xmlns:not1="" xmlns:rev1="" xmlns:act="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:soap="soap" xmlns:ns1="">
          <fmw-context xmlns=""/>
          <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1">
                <wsse:Password Type="">Password</wsse:Password>
    It would be great help if someone guide me on this...
    Thanks & Regards
    Samanta Mishra

    For reference here is an example of a SOAP envelope I commonly use with SOAP UI to "query" employee data from HCM:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:typ="" xmlns:typ1="">
            <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
                <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-2" xmlns:wsu="">
                    <wsse:Password Type="">password</wsse:Password>
                    <wsse:Nonce EncodingType="">jwCzGGijT90Wml6eZe4cxg==</wsse:Nonce>
    This example works fine for our Fusion Applications Cloud test instance, without any SSL setup or setting credentials on the request properties as the target service supports policy without message protection.
    Based on the your steps your service has message protection policy, so the above will not work rather you need to do additional configuration. Please check the policy on your service to confirm how the call needs to be made. Here are few links and documents:
    "How to invoke Fusion Application TCA webservice from SOAP UI (Doc ID 1496071.1)"  documents how a service with message protection can be called from SOAP UI. Your steps seem identical so presumably they are based on this document.
    "Oracle Fusion Sales Cloud Web Services (Doc ID 1354841.1)" contains information about the CRM web services including examples on the certificate import and sample payloads.
    Please provide:
    The security policies defined on the service (check the wsdl)
    The exact error message the you get
    Jani Rautiainen
    Fusion Applications Developer Relations

  • Errors TF30162 and TF250025 when creating a New Team Project in TFS2012 with Sharepoint Site on Visual Studio

    Im having the following errors when creating a New Team Project by Visual Studio on TFS2012 with a Sharepoint Site... 
    This problem not occurs when i don't select to create a sharepoint site...
    My Sharepoint is 2010 with SP2...
    Here is the errors log:
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Internal | Team Foundation Server proxy retrieved | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Wizard | Retrieved IAuthorizationService proxy | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Wizard | Project creation permissions retrieved | Completion time: 0.016 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:10 | Module: Internal | The template information for Team Foundation Server "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection" was retrieved from the Team Foundation Server. | Completion time: 0.047 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | New project will be created with the "Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2" methodology
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Retrieved IAuthorizationService proxy | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Engine | Project creation permissions retrieved | Completion time: 0.007 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Internal | Team Foundation Server proxy retrieved | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Internal | The template information for Team Foundation Server "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection" was retrieved from the Team Foundation Server. | Completion time: 0.005 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:15 | Module: Exporter | Wrote compressed process template file | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Exporter | Extracted process template file | Completion time: 0.448 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Starting Project Creation for project "Teste" in domain "srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | The user identity information was retrieved from the Group Security Service | Completion time: 0 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard is starting to initialize the plug-ins.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Ms.Internal.LinksCreator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Ms.Internal.Groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in CssStructureUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 50 | Initialize for CssStructureUploader complete
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Classification.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in RosettaReportUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for RosettaReportUploader
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Reporting.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in WssSiteCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Site information: Title = "Teste"  Description = ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Base site url: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Admin site url: http://srv-tfs2012:17012/
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: WSS | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for WssSiteCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Portal.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 50 | Entering Initialize in GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 50 | Exiting Initialize for GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 50 | About to begin the creation of project Teste on server srv-tfs2012\TJMTCollection
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.WorkItemTracking.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.VersionControl.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 50 | Initialization of Test Management Plugin for Project Creation Wizard succeeded. 
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.TestManagement.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully Initialized the plug-in Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Lab.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Initializer | Thread: 50 | The New Team Project Wizard successfully initialized the plug-ins.
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Process template XML loaded
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Starting Project Creation Engine execution
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "UploadStructure" from Group "Classification"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Getting CSS proxy
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | CSS proxy retrieved
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | The uploading of the Classification Service has started
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Uploading CSS structure: "<Nodes><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Iteration" xmlns=""><Children><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Release 1"><Children><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 1" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 2" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Sprint 3" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 4" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint 5" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Sprint
    6" /></Children></Node><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Release 2" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle" Name="Release 3" /><Node StructureType="ProjectLifecycle"
    Name="Release 4" /></Children></Node><Node StructureType="ProjectModelHierarchy" Name="Area" xmlns="" /></Nodes>"
    2013-12-05T10:06:16 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Creating Project : Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Created Project Administrators group S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-0-0-0-0-1 successfully.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | CSS structure upload finished
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updating project properties for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updating catalog settings for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Received 'Teste' team project entity object for :vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: CssStructureUploader | Thread: 53 | Updated team project description: ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Task "UploadStructure" from Group "Classification" completed with success | Completion time: 0.676 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "GroupCreation1" from Group "Groups"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Entering Execute in GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Getting list of structures for: vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-2757176466-3218051407-2887278433-795240796" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Replacing macros: @creator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Macros replaced: [Teste]\@creator.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding the following identity to a group: [Teste]\@creator.  Group name: Teste Team.
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Readers" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-903229747-404692801-3102686175-2727812972" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:17 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Contributors" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "DELETE_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "PUBLISH_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_WRITE" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_PLANS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-4264286424-1586018371-2454857484-902542325"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Replacing macros: @defaultTeam.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Macros replaced: [Teste]\@defaultTeam.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding the following identity to a group: [Teste]\@defaultTeam.  Group name: Contributors.
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Creating application group for "Build Administrators" URI "vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "DELETE_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:18 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "PUBLISH_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "VIEW_TEST_RESULTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "GENERIC_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_READ" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "WORK_ITEM_WRITE" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_PLANS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003" deny:
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_ENVIRONMENTS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Adding access entry - actionName "MANAGE_TEST_CONFIGURATIONS" sid: "S-1-9-1551374245-1609553727-2111082564-2151496797-660325100-1-1182136727-3720210756-2911721059-2444575003"
    deny: "True"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Groups and Permissions | Thread: 49 | Exiting Execute for GssStructureCreator
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Task "GroupCreation1" from Group "Groups" completed with success | Completion time: 1.822 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "LinkTypes" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:19 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Synchronizing users and groups.
    2013-12-05T10:06:20 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Synchronizing CSS structures.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | LinkType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | LinkType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploading link types from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploaded LinkType definitions from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploading link types from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Uploaded LinkType definitions from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\LinkTypes\TestedBy.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Engine | Task "LinkTypes" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 1.717 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "WITs" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | WorkItemType definition file found: C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Task.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Bug.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewRequest.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:21 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\CodeReviewResponse.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackRequest.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\FeedbackResponse.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\Impediment.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:22 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\ProductBacklogItem.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\SharedStep.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploading work item type from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Uploaded WorkItemType definition from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\TypeDefinitions\TestCase.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Task "WITs" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 2.825 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "Categories" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "Queries" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 34 | Uploading categories from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Categories.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:23 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [SERVER]\Project Collection Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read, Contribute, Delete, ManagePermissions, FullControl
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Project Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read, Contribute, Delete, ManagePermissions, FullControl
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Readers was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Contributors was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | Group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Build Administrators was granted the following permissions: Read
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\ProductBacklog.wiq: Product Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\ProductBacklog.wiq: Product Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\Feedback.wiq: Feedback
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\Feedback.wiq: Feedback
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query folder was found: Current Sprint
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query folder has been created: Current Sprint
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\OpenImpediments.wiq: Current Sprint/Open Impediments
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\OpenImpediments.wiq: Current Sprint/Open Impediments
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\BlockedTasks.wiq: Current Sprint/Blocked Tasks
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\BlockedTasks.wiq: Current Sprint/Blocked Tasks
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\WorkInProgress.wiq: Current Sprint/Work in Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\WorkInProgress.wiq: Current Sprint/Work in Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\UnfinishedWork.wiq: Current Sprint/Unfinished Work
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\UnfinishedWork.wiq: Current Sprint/Unfinished Work
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\SprintBacklog.wiq: Current Sprint/Sprint Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\SprintBacklog.wiq: Current Sprint/Sprint Backlog
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query was found in C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\TestCases.wiq: Current Sprint/Test Cases
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 56 | The following query has been imported from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Queries\TestCases.wiq: Current Sprint/Test Cases
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 34 | Uploaded work item types categories from C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\WorkItem Tracking\Categories.xml.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "Categories" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.182 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "ProcessConfiguration" from Group "WorkItemTracking"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Processing element CommonConfiguration.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "Queries" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.431 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Work Item Tracking | Thread: 53 | Processing element AgileConfiguration.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "ProcessConfiguration" from Group "WorkItemTracking" completed with success | Completion time: 0.589 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "TestVariable" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 44 | Running Task "TestResolutionState" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "TestSettings" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 37 | Running Task "VersionControlTask" from Group "VersionControl"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, ReviseOther, UnlockOther, UndoOther, LabelOther, AdminProjectRights, CheckinOther, Merge, ManageBranch" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, ReviseOther, UnlockOther, UndoOther, LabelOther, AdminProjectRights, CheckinOther, Merge, ManageBranch to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Project
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Contributors
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read, PendChange, Checkin, Label, Lock, Merge to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Build Administrators
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | <permission allow="Read" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Allowing permission(s) Read to group [vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/169e471b-5e7c-4168-9c13-ddd37d64b1dc]\Readers
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Changing project setting ExclusiveCheckout to "False"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | Changing project setting GetLatestOnCheckout to "False"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | User chose to create new empty folder $/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: SccTask | Thread: 37 | No xml nodes of type "checkin_note" were found in the task xml
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Proper team project 'Teste' permissions are added to group 'S-1-9-1551374245-1204400969-2402986413-2179408616-0-0-0-4-1'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Uploading TestVariable from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestVariable.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 39 | Uploading TestSettings from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestSettings.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 44 | Uploading TestResolutionState from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestResolutionState.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 39 | Uploaded TestSettings from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestSettings.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestSettings" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.161 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 34 | Uploaded TestVariable from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestVariable.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestVariable" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.174 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "TestConfiguration" from Group "TestManagement"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 49 | Uploading TestConfiguration from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestConfiguration.xml'...
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 44 | Uploaded TestResolutionState from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestResolutionState.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestResolutionState" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.183 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Test Management | Thread: 49 | Uploaded TestConfiguration from file 'C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp\Test Management\TestConfiguration.xml'.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "TestConfiguration" from Group "TestManagement" completed with success | Completion time: 0.012 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 56 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Task "VersionControlTask" from Group "VersionControl" completed with success | Completion time: 0.189 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 53 | Running Task "BuildTask" from Group "Build"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Engine | Thread: 34 | Running Task "Site" from Group "Reporting"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Default" Filename="Build\Templates\DefaultTemplate.11.1.xaml" Description="This is the default build process template for this
    Team Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Upgrade" Filename="Build\Templates\UpgradeTemplate.xaml" Description="This is the upgrade build process template for this Team
    Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Custom" Filename="Build\Templates\AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml" Description="This is the build process template for continuous
    delivery in this Team Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="ViewBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) ViewBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition to account [Teste]\Readers.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ViewBuilds, QueueBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) EditBuildQuality, ViewBuilds, QueueBuilds, ViewBuildDefinition to account [Teste]\Contributors.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Build Administrators" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions to account [Teste]\Build Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions to account [Teste]\Project Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQueue, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation, QueueBuilds, UpdateBuildInformation, ViewBuildDefinition, ViewBuilds" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDSERVICESGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQueue, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation, QueueBuilds, UpdateBuildInformation, ViewBuildDefinition, ViewBuilds to account Project
    Collection Build Service Accounts.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="ViewBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, DeleteBuildDefinition, QueueBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, StopBuilds, ViewBuilds, EditBuildQuality, RetainIndefinitely,
    DeleteBuilds, ManageBuildQualities, DestroyBuilds, AdministerBuildPermissions" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONBUILDADMINSGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) ViewBuildDefinition, EditBuildDefinition, DeleteBuildDefinition, QueueBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, StopBuilds, ViewBuilds, EditBuildQuality, RetainIndefinitely,
    DeleteBuilds, ManageBuildQualities, DestroyBuilds, AdministerBuildPermissions to account Project Collection Build Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | <Permission allow="DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONADMINGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Build | Thread: 53 | Allowing permission(s) DeleteBuilds, DestroyBuilds, EditBuildQuality, ManageBuildQualities, RetainIndefinitely, ViewBuilds, ManageBuildQueue, QueueBuilds, StopBuilds, DeleteBuildDefinition,
    EditBuildDefinition, ViewBuildDefinition, AdministerBuildPermissions, OverrideBuildCheckInValidation to account Project Collection Administrators.
    2013-12-05T10:06:24 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 34 | Creating site: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "Site" from Group "Reporting" completed with success | Completion time: 0.253 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 25 | Running Task "Populate Reports" from Group "Reporting"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating folder: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating folder: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Backlog Overview
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "BuildTask" from Group "Build" completed with success | Completion time: 0.591 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 37 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 39 | Running Task "LabTask" from Group "Lab"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Delete, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots, ManageLocation, DeleteLocation, ManagePermissions, ManageChildPermissions, ManageTestMachines" identity="$$PROJECTCOLLECTIONADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Delete, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots, ManageLocation, DeleteLocation, ManageChildPermissions, ManageTestMachines" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\$$PROJECTADMINGROUP$$"
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Create, Write, Edit, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Contributors" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read" identity="[$$PROJECTNAME$$]\Readers" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: LabTask | Thread: 39 | <permission allow="Read, Write, Edit, Start, Stop, Pause, ManageSnapshots" identity="$$BUILDSERVICEGROUP$$" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Backlog Overview
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Summary
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Microsoft.ProjectCreationWizard.Lab | Thread: 39 | <ProcessTemplate Type="Custom" Filename="Lab\Templates\LabDefaultTemplate.11.xaml" Description="This is the default Lab process template for this Team
    Project." ServerPath="$/$$PROJECTNAME$$/BuildProcessTemplates" />
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Task "LabTask" from Group "Lab" completed with success | Completion time: 0.559 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:25 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Summary
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Success Over Time
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Builds/Build Success Over Time
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Sprint Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Sprint Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:26 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Release Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Release Burndown
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Case Readiness
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Case Readiness
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Plan Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Tests/Test Plan Progress
    2013-12-05T10:06:27 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Creating report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Velocity
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Rosetta | Thread: 25 | Setting data sources for report: /TfsReports/TJMTCollection/Teste/Velocity
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Task "Populate Reports" from Group "Reporting" completed with success | Completion time: 3.176 seconds
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 44 | Running Task "" from Group ""
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | Running Task "SharePointPortal" from Group "Portal"
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Language id: 1033
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Creating site with the following parameters
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Url: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Title: Teste
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Site Description: 
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Locale: 1033
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Template: Team Foundation Server Project Portal
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Login: PJMT\23571
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Name: João Vitor Paes de Barros do Carmo
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | Owner Email: 
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: WSS
    Exception Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (type SoapException)SoapException Details: <soap:Detail xmlns:soap=""
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.HandleReply(TfsClientOperation operation, TfsMessage message, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.Invoke(TfsClientOperation operation, Object[] parameters, TimeSpan timeout, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.SharePointTeamFoundationIntegrationService.CreateSite(String webApplicationUrl, String absolutePath, String title, String description, UInt32 localeId, String template, Boolean templateIsTitle, String
    ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, Guid applicationInstanceId, Guid projectCollectionId)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.CreateSite(ICredentials credentials, Uri adminUrl, WssSiteData siteCreationData, Guid configurationServerId, Guid projectCollectionId)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.CreateSite(WssSiteData siteCreationData, TfsConnection tfs, Uri adminUrl)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.CreateSite(WssSiteData siteCreationData, TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs, Uri adminUrl)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
    --- end Exception entry ---
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: WSS
    Exception Message: TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste. Verify that you have the correct URL and that it points to a SharePoint site. (type TeamFoundationServerException)
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.HandleReply(TfsClientOperation operation, TfsMessage message, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.Channels.TfsHttpClientBase.Invoke(TfsClientOperation operation, Object[] parameters, TimeSpan timeout, Object[]& outputs)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.SharePointTeamFoundationIntegrationService.GetWebIdentifier(String absolutePath)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.SharePoint.WssUtilities.GetWebIdentifier(ICredentials credentials, Uri url)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
    Inner Exception Details:
    Exception Message: TF250025: The following URL does not point to a valid SharePoint site: http://srv-tfs2012/sites/TJMTCollection/Teste. Verify that you have the correct URL and that it points to a SharePoint site. (type SoapException)SoapException Details:
    <detail exceptionType="TeamFoundationServerException" />
    Exception Stack Trace: 
    --- end Exception entry ---
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: WSS | Thread: 49 | TF30267: Exception: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
    ---begin Exception entry---
    Time: 2013-12-05T10:06:28
    Module: Engine
    Event Description: TF30162: Task "SharePointPortal" from Group "Portal" failed
    Exception Type: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.PcwException
    Exception Message: An error occurred in the New Team Project Wizard while attempting to create a site on the following SharePoint Web application: srv-tfs2012.
    Exception Details: The Project Creation Wizard encountered a problem while uploading documents to the following server running SharePoint Products: srv-tfs2012. The reason for the failure cannot be determined at this time. Because the operation failed, the
    wizard was not able to finish creating the team project.
    Stack Trace:
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.ProjectCreationEngine.TaskExecutor.PerformTask(IProjectComponentCreator componentCreator, ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.ProjectCreationEngine.RunTask(Object taskObj)
    --   Inner Exception   --
    Exception Message: Server was unable to process request. ---> Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED)) (type SoapException)SoapException Details: <soap:Detail xmlns:soap=""
    Exception Stack Trace:    at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.HandleSiteCreation(WssCreationContextWrapper contextWrapper, XmlNode taskNode)
       at Microsoft.VisualStudio.TeamFoundation.PCW.WssSiteCreator.Execute(ProjectCreationContext context, XmlNode taskXml)
    --- end Exception entry ---
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 49 | TF30202: Task "" from Group "" will not be run because a prior task failed.
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Build ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Version Control ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:28 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Work Item Tracking ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from TestManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Git ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from ProcessManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from LabManagement ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from ProjectServer ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting Report Server files ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Warning. Did not find SharePoint site service.
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Deleting from Team Foundation Core ...
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Done
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | The project Teste was deleted successfully.
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | Attempting to delete folder "C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp"
    2013-12-05T10:06:29 | Module: Engine | Thread: 50 | The folder C:\Users\23571\AppData\Local\Temp\TPW_tmpA31.tmp was removed.

    According to your post, my understanding is that you had Errors TF30162 and TF250025 when creating a New Team Project in TFS2012 with Sharepoint Site on Visual Studio.
    The Errors TF30162 seemed that the reports for TFS could not be uploaded due a permission problem. The fix was really easy.
    Go to your team foundation server 
    Open the administration console. 
    Click on Reporting
    Click on Edit
    Click on Reports Tab
    Enter the credential for the Reports
    Click on Start Jobs
    In addtion, the problem may be due to the caching done by Team Explorer in Visual Studio. Exiting the copy of VS on the client and reloading it will fix the problem as the updated team process settings will cached locally.
    To resolve the Errors TF250025, you will need to register a new internal URL for the SharePoint site using Alternate Access Mappings.
    Here are two great blogs for you to take a look at:
    If still no help, for quick and accurate answers to your questions, it is recommended that you initial a new thread in Visual Studio Team Foundation Server forums.
    Team Foundation Server – General:
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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