Software Center Changes

Hi All,
Merry Christmas to everyone
Have a look over the email below. Is there any truth or validity in it (i ask beacuse i did not recieve this)?
I'm interested to know peoples opinions on it.
From: Cisco Services Update [mailto:[email protected]]
Subject: Important Update: Get ready and take action for Software Download
Enhancements on the Cisco Website
Software Download Enhancements
Get Ready for Software Download Enhancements on the Cisco Website
Dear Valued Partner, To improve your experience with Cisco and protect your investment in  Cisco Products, we’re pleased to announce the improvement of Software  download entitlement controls effective 10th January, 2011.
In preparation for this change, we ask you to complete the following  actions before 10th January, 2011: •   Verify all applicable Cisco Products are covered under Cisco Service  contracts, and that you have a valid license for Cisco Software. •   Verify your Services contracts are accurate and make necessary  corrections- serial numbers, part ID’s and locations must be accurate on  each Services contract. •   Associate all Services contracts to applicable user ID’s •   Verify all user IDs for your company are valid and  properly assigned to individuals in your company.  Starting 10th January, 2011, software downloads on will be  verified against Products registered on your Services contract. Attempts  to download Software for Products not registered on your Services  contract will not be permitted.
In an effort to minimise entitlement issues, we encourage you to  directly manage Services contract associations to user ID’s  via the Service Access Management Tool (SAMT). This tool enables  administrators to manage which individuals are allowed to request  Service from Cisco (e.g. technical support/ TAC, hardware replacement/  RMA). users can use the Profile Manager to view which Services contracts are associated to their profiles.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards, Cisco Services

Hi all,
Thanks for the responses.  I enjoy the discourse and the recognition that sometimes I have sane reasoning! 
I absolutely understand that time is money.  It is for Cisco too.  And you correctly point out that there are areas of our business where we need to improve in terms of the ease of doing business with Cisco.  I know our senior leadership has always been committed to this and that actually right now, it is called out with laser focus that we will address some of these most critical pain points.
Will we always get it right?  Nope.  Will we always address them as quickly as we and our customers & partners would like?  Nope.  But I can say that my role and others in similar roles are your advocates.  Your feedback matters, and where possible, we will aggregate it and address it.  I know that sounds “jargony” but I believe in it.
To some of your specific points:
6 hours on the phone related to licensing issues isn’t acceptable.  I trust that this is more an exception than the rule, and I know that licensing as a whole is always looking for continuous improvement opportunities.
Contract Associations
I agree this model can be improved, but I don’t think the challenge or cause of the pain is SAMT.  SAMT is a tool for partners and customers to use in order to manage associations on their own.  At the end of the day, the work that SAMT does is the same as if Cisco had made the contract association.  It just enables the partner or customer to do it themselves.  This was born by partners asking specifically for this capability.  I think the issue is more about the model of how we entitle people with their contracts based on these individual associations.  I know that some very bright people are looking at this through the lens of contracts belonging to companies and companies have individuals with profile.  This approach could help and will be analyzed.  But, there is always going to be some form of associating an individual profile with something…a contract or a company.  We can’t entitle you to services unless we know who you are.  So we’ll continue refining the tools to help make that association happen whatever that looks like.
3rd Party Consultants
We understand the issues here and that many of your businesses are about servicing customers who didn’t purchase their Cisco service coverage from you.  But think of it this way…Your customer buys equipment and service from one company, and that establishes a services relationship between them and the company they bought from.  Or in the case of SMARTnet (most common in the scenario you gave), establishes a direct services relationship between them and Cisco.  The customer now calls your company and you come in to support them.  How would Cisco know that you have permission to obtain service on behalf of that customer?  We aren’t aware of any affiliation/relationship your companies have unless we are told.  Enter contract associations.  And again, SAMT is one way that a customer can “tell” Cisco who has permission to access their contracts as they can manage that themselves.  There are other ways to let Cisco know of the association with your customer but also recognize that comes with the due diligence on Cisco's part to protect the customer as well.  We can’t blindly allow just anyone access to services that the customer has via their service contract.
Huge Numbers of Contracts
This can certainly be a challenge having to manage contracts one-by-one on an individual basis.  One bit of good news is that partners can utilize their Bill-To IDs as the mechanism to pull all of those contracts together.  This is yet another benefit of SAMT.  Partners can use it to manage Bill-To ID associations.  SAMT Admin Matthew Hall can say, “Give Jeremy Davis access to service all of our customers against the contracts they bought from us” simply by associating your Bill-To ID(s) with my profile and flipping the switch to tell Cisco that I can obtain support against every contract underneath those Bill-To IDs.  Powerful.  Does that help in the 3rd party consultant case?  No.  And it only works for the party that has a Bill-To ID with Cisco, so it isn’t often directly helpful for the end-customers themselves.  But it sure can be for the partner.
I can assure you, we absolutely, positively do not make it tough to do business with us intentionally.  As I mentioned, we are all focused on easing how our customers and partners do business with us, and continuous improvement does happen.  Keep the feedback coming because there is no better way for Cisco to qualify and quantify those pain points without hearing them from you.
Thanks again for the input!
Jeremy Davis
Entitlement Theater Lead, the Americas
Cisco Services Entitlement Field Operations

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    Application task sequence action without being deployed" checkbox checked.  All of the Applications have the following properties set:
    Installation behavior: Install for system
    Logon requirement: Whether or not a user is logged in
    Installation program visibility: Hidden
    When a machine is built using this task sequence, all of the Applications install successfully - they show up in Control Panel\Programs and Features, and they run correctly. However, none of them show up in the Software Center. I'm not seeing anything in
    any of the logs that indicates a problem, and the Software Center remains empty even after running all the client evaluation cycle actions  
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    Does anyone know if Applications installed through a task sequence do not show up in the Software Center by default, or could you give me some troubleshooting tips if this is not normal?
    Thanks for any suggestions!
    SCCM 2012 SP1, Single site, W7 clients

    Why you deploy applications through task sequences? Task sequences are built and meant to be used with OSD, not application deployment.
    To my knowledge, if you have application install step in a task sequence and you deploy that task sequence to a collection of machines, the software center on those machines only sees the task sequence itself, not the applications inside the task sequence.
    If you want your applications to be shown in the software center, change the method of deploying stuff and deploy applications as they're are meant to.

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    Is there a way to make by default available software not nest with the required software in Software Center for our clients?
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    This is really close to what I am looking for. Where if I'm understanding it correctly this will hide the required deployments.
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  • Getting "Error: 0x80070654" when trying to install SCCM 2012 R2 Console from Software Center

    What I did:
    Created a Package Source share on the Site Server
    Gave the Package Source Share the following Share permissions: SCCM Admins: Full Control, Domain Computers: Full Control, Local Admins: Full Control.
    Copied the "Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\tools\ConsoleSetup" folder to my package source (Since the Package Source is actually on the site server, I just copied the ConsoleSetup folder to it that is on the same drive)
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    I also see a red highlighted line in the execmgr.log file with the following entry: "Script for Package:PRI00013, Program: SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console failed with exit code 2147944020"
    I can run ConsoleSetup.exe using a command line to the package source. 
    Execmgr.log Contents
    Policy arrived for parent package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:40:48 AM
    3336 (0x0D08)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 6l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:40:48 AM
    3336 (0x0D08)
    Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramOfferReceivedEvent
    AdvertisementId = "PRI2000A";
    ClientID = "GUID:C83A938E-8BD7-4207-A450-11B3FE063DD6";
    DateTime = "20140731094048.938000+000";
    MachineName = "My Computer";
    ProcessID = 1548;
    SiteCode = "PRI";
    ThreadID = 3336;
    7/31/2014 2:40:48 AM 3336 (0x0D08)
    Raising client SDK event for class NULL, instance NULL, actionType 6l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:40:48 AM
    3568 (0x0DF0)
    Validating chain of dependent programs for package PRI00013 optional program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:04 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Validating package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console in the chain. The content request ID is {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:04 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Creating an optional execution request for package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    7/31/2014 2:41:04 AM 4612 (0x1204)
    Requesting content from CAS for package PRI00013 version 1
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Successfully created a content request handle {CBABEBB0-D019-4421-8B2E-47ABF90A925F} for the package PRI00013 version 1
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistWaitingContentEvent
    AdvertisementId = "PRI2000A";
    ClientID = "GUID:C83A938E-8BD7-4207-A450-11B3FE063DD6";
    DateTime = "20140731094105.334000+000";
    MachineName = "My Computer";
    PackageName = "PRI00013";
    PackageVersion = "1";
    ProcessID = 1548;
    ProgramName = "SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console";
    SiteCode = "PRI";
    ThreadID = 4612;
    7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM 4612 (0x1204)
    Successfully raised SoftDistWaitingContentEvent event for program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Execution Request for advert  package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console state change from NotExist to WaitingContent
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    5072 (0x13D0)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4260 (0x10A4)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:05 AM
    5072 (0x13D0)
      Processing [{CBABEBB0-D019-4421-8B2E-47ABF90A925F}, 0]: OnContentAvailable
    7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM 4756 (0x1294)
    [{CBABEBB0-D019-4421-8B2E-47ABF90A925F}]: Content Version 1 is available for advert , pkg: PRI00013, program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console.
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    An existing MTC token was not supplied, using ExecutionRequest's Id as MTC token and this execution request is the owner of resultant MTC task.
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Request a MTC task for execution request of package PRI00013, program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console with request id: {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Execution Request for advert  package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console state change from WaitingContent to Ready
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    MTC task with id {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}, changed state from 0 to 4
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
      Processing [{CBABEBB0-D019-4421-8B2E-47ABF90A925F}, 0]: RemoveNotification
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    MTC signaled SWD execution request with program id: SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console, package id: PRI00013 for execution.
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Sending ack to MTC for task with id: {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Executing program ConsoleSetup.exe in Admin context
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Execution Request for advert  package PRI00013 program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console state change from Ready to NotifyExecution
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Checking content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo for use
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Successfully selected content location C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Executing program as a script execmgr
    7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM 4328 (0x10E8)
    Successfully prepared command line "C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo\ConsoleSetup.exe"
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Command line = "C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo\ConsoleSetup.exe", Working Directory = C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo\
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Running "C:\Windows\ccmcache\eo\ConsoleSetup.exe" with 32bitLauncher
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:10 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Created Process for the passed command line
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramStartedEvent
    AdvertisementId = "PRI2000A";
    ClientID = "GUID:C83A938E-8BD7-4207-A450-11B3FE063DD6";
    CommandLine = "\"C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\eo\\ConsoleSetup.exe\"";
    DateTime = "20140731094111.028000+000";
    MachineName = "My Computer";
    PackageName = "PRI00013";
    ProcessID = 1548;
    ProgramName = "SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console";
    SiteCode = "PRI";
    ThreadID = 4328;
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM";
    WorkingDirectory = "C:\\Windows\\ccmcache\\eo\\";
    7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM 4328 (0x10E8)
    Raised Program Started Event for Ad:PRI2000A, Package:PRI00013, Program: SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value NULL, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4328 (0x10E8)
    MTC task with id {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}, changed state from 4 to 5
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4612 (0x1204)
    Program exit code -2147023276 execmgr
    7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM 4756 (0x1294)
    Looking for MIF file to get program status execmgr
    7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM 4756 (0x1294)
    Script for Package:PRI00013, Program: SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console failed with exit code 2147944020
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Raising event:
    [SMS_CodePage(437), SMS_LocaleID(1033)]
    instance of SoftDistProgramErrorEvent
    AdvertisementId = "PRI2000A";
    ClientID = "GUID:C83A938E-8BD7-4207-A450-11B3FE063DD6";
    DateTime = "20140731094111.506000+000";
    ExitCode = "-2147023276";
    MachineName = "My Computer";
    PackageName = "PRI00013";
    ProcessID = 1548;
    ProgramName = "SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console";
    SiteCode = "PRI";
    ThreadID = 4756;
    UserContext = "NT AUTHORITY\\SYSTEM";
    7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM 4756 (0x1294)
    Raised Program Error Event for Ad:PRI2000A, Package:PRI00013, Program: SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Execution is complete for program SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console. The exit code is -2147023276, the execution status is FailureNonRetry
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    MTC task with id: {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239} deleted successfully.
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 10l, value Result:FALSE, user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Requesting MTC to delete task with id: {C9942D47-8A99-4363-AE69-A6F813336239}
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    This execution request does not have a corresponding task in MTC.
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    Raising client SDK event for class CCM_Program, instance CCM_Program.PackageID="PRI00013",ProgramID="SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console", actionType 1l, value , user NULL, session 4294967295l, level 0l, verbosity 30l
    execmgr 7/31/2014 2:41:11 AM
    4756 (0x1294)
    CServiceWindowEventHandler::Execute - Received SERVICEWINDOWEVENT : END Event
    execmgr 7/31/2014 5:00:00 AM
    2928 (0x0B70)

    Cool, mate it is then.
    Yeah it either changed or there is a typo. 
    I re-created everything and I still get that same 0x80070654 error.
    This is really frustrating
    Anyway, here is what I see in the AppEnforce.log:
    +++ Starting Install enforcement for App DT "SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console" ApplicationDeliveryType - ScopeId_DF08DF3D-39F7-4840-B17C-92FCAB02F116/DeploymentType_00b14782-2bc3-4c88-bc19-9d12981bc4ef, Revision - 1, ContentPath - C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev,
    Execution Context - System AppEnforce
    7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM 4256 (0x10A0)
        A user is logged on to the system.
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Performing detection of app deployment type SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console(ScopeId_DF08DF3D-39F7-4840-B17C-92FCAB02F116/DeploymentType_00b14782-2bc3-4c88-bc19-9d12981bc4ef, revision 1) for system.
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
    +++ Application not discovered. [AppDT Id: ScopeId_DF08DF3D-39F7-4840-B17C-92FCAB02F116/DeploymentType_00b14782-2bc3-4c88-bc19-9d12981bc4ef, Revision: 1]
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        App enforcement environment: 
    Context: Machine
    Command line: consolesetup.exe /q TargetDir="%ProgramFiles%\ConfigMgr" EnableSQM=0
    Allow user interaction: No
    UI mode: 1
    User token: null
    Session Id: 2
    Content path: C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev
    Working directory:
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Prepared working directory: C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Prepared command line: "C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev\ConsoleSetup.exe" /q TargetDir="C:\Program Files\ConfigMgr" EnableSQM=0
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Executing Command line: "C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev\ConsoleSetup.exe" /q TargetDir="C:\Program Files\ConfigMgr" EnableSQM=0 with user context
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Working directory C:\Windows\ccmcache\ev
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Post install behavior is BasedOnExitCode
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Waiting for process 2792 to finish.  Timeout = 120 minutes.
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Process 2792 terminated with exitcode: 2147944020
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Looking for exit code -2147023276 in exit codes table...
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
        Unmatched exit code (2147944020) is considered an execution failure.
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)
    ++++++ App enforcement completed (0 seconds) for App DT "SCCM 2012 R2 Management Console" [ScopeId_DF08DF3D-39F7-4840-B17C-92FCAB02F116/DeploymentType_00b14782-2bc3-4c88-bc19-9d12981bc4ef], Revision: 1, User SID: ] ++++++
    AppEnforce 7/31/2014 11:27:30 PM
    4256 (0x10A0)

  • Applications not visible in Software Center

    Hello Guys,
    some Clients have Problems to show Application Deployments in Software Center. In Deployment Monitoring Tool I can see the Deployments. But if you select the Deployment I get the Error "DT cannot be empty". So I think the
    Policy isn't downloaded correctly.
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 2 for ModelName Windows/x64_Windows_Server_2008_R2_Core, Version 1 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 1 for ModelName Windows/x86_Embedded_Windows_7, Version 2 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of DocumentType 2 for ModelName Windows/x86_Embedded_Windows_7, Version 2 CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloadItem::AddToManifest - Starting download of CI content document with DocumentName, DocumentVersion 1 (VL) CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 5068 (0x13CC)
    CCIDownloader::ParseDtsMessage - Dts failed with error code: 0x80070002. CI Downloader will retry. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): Received Dts failure message during CI download. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): CCIDownloaderJob::QueueRetry - Consumed 5763 seconds of 172800 second download window. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CIDownloaderJob({CFEBCEF0-7D16-421D-A53A-2A26F82CE5BF}): CCIDownloaderJob::QueueRetry - Retrying package download in 2880 seconds... CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:00:54 4008 (0x0FA8)
    CCIDownloader::CreateJob CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CCIDownloader::StartJob CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIDownloader job empty. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CCIDownloader::DeleteJob for job {D10C1E70-D480-4C05-9C95-D4BCBECFD4F1} CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIDownloader job deleted. CIDownloader 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CAgent::EvaluateCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=Init) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Client requesting CIAgentJob context info for key: StateMessagePriority CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=Init, To=WaitingForAssignedCI) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=WaitingForAssignedCI) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore DownloadCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=DownloadCIs, CurrentState=WaitingForAssignedCI) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=WaitingForAssignedCI, To=DownloadingCIs) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=DownloadingCIs) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Client requesting CIAgentJob context info for key: PostRebootDetect CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): Nothing to be downloaded. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::QueueEvent - Queueing event and incrementing semaphore PersistCIs CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): QueueDebug - Executing Event. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=PersistCIs, CurrentState=DownloadingCIs) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): TransitionState(From=DownloadingCIs, To=PersistingCIModels) for Event=Transition CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Trying to aquire global semaphore CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Queued for global semaphore acquisition. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 1336 (0x0538)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): GlobalJobEvent() called [GlobalSemaphore] CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::Execute [GlobalSemaphore] Acquired global semaphore. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): CAgentJob::HandleEvent(Event=Transition, CurrentState=PersistingCIModels) CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_0ddc3eb7-5ee3-41eb-9fed-646d28a06bcf:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_0ddc3eb7-5ee3-41eb-9fed-646d28a06bcf:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_0e9a8348-0ad5-44ee-bf81-82dfd44f0699:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_0e9a8348-0ad5-44ee-bf81-82dfd44f0699:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_10203df1-4fe4-49ef-8ab3-e8030e6a2cef:22. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_10203df1-4fe4-49ef-8ab3-e8030e6a2cef:22 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_1fc34d72-440d-4f6f-9a50-604e421f3c04:13. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_1fc34d72-440d-4f6f-9a50-604e421f3c04:13 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_2191a582-1987-40fd-b8ec-cbee1a2ba590:4, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_22778347-5967-4ee1-bdc0-3fce578b7ee1:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_22778347-5967-4ee1-bdc0-3fce578b7ee1:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_278d8ebe-16bc-49b7-a806-42025d921f84:6. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_278d8ebe-16bc-49b7-a806-42025d921f84:6 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_27c341d0-a38e-43c9-aeef-a82be7e1f664:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_27c341d0-a38e-43c9-aeef-a82be7e1f664:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_2bf3a7d7-27fc-4fe6-80ff-80c9adee89a8:5, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_33aa078b-9afa-48b3-9550-8d926c07721e:5. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_33aa078b-9afa-48b3-9550-8d926c07721e:5 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3a41042c-4feb-421b-8b55-42334654681e:15, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_3be6a762-f993-4fe5-aca5-1989551d5a88:5. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3be6a762-f993-4fe5-aca5-1989551d5a88:5 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_3c0b214a-2258-4765-be5d-d2a9fd754bc6:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_3c0b214a-2258-4765-be5d-d2a9fd754bc6:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_46f5d091-992c-4e24-b0a2-3de657c0b8c7:16, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_49337598-4c68-401e-8c39-a415288cd7d6:11. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_49337598-4c68-401e-8c39-a415288cd7d6:11 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_4da67baa-ac51-4327-bfdc-c8f81781ae62:20, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_4f0df4d7-e1d0-4717-b9e2-5f9cb6f1dd9b:8. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_4f0df4d7-e1d0-4717-b9e2-5f9cb6f1dd9b:8 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_5d895d54-10ea-447d-8b45-123b77e89721:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_5d895d54-10ea-447d-8b45-123b77e89721:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_636ad5b2-da09-439b-ac7c-d7895d728131:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_636ad5b2-da09-439b-ac7c-d7895d728131:2 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_665c56e0-626a-4d8d-9378-48a8c8546846:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_665c56e0-626a-4d8d-9378-48a8c8546846:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_666d662e-66f7-4e53-b4fd-06ccd55239bf:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_666d662e-66f7-4e53-b4fd-06ccd55239bf:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_6a39d117-9e22-4e11-8fcd-ebbf35b00688:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_6a39d117-9e22-4e11-8fcd-ebbf35b00688:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_6da53bf1-ab56-4a96-9af8-6df6d4b9972e:10. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_6da53bf1-ab56-4a96-9af8-6df6d4b9972e:10 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_70d0451a-94c0-4372-b19b-dd9e4246788f:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_70d0451a-94c0-4372-b19b-dd9e4246788f:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_716e6646-2efd-4d3a-9441-5563de429a01:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_716e6646-2efd-4d3a-9441-5563de429a01:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get dependency chain for App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_77493905-3008-4862-bd89-d5fad3318cfc:41, will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:50 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_77c479ff-bef7-456d-9bae-47ea1513e56f:4. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_77c479ff-bef7-456d-9bae-47ea1513e56f:4 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7925a429-49b4-4b04-8094-4987ca70a35b:7. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7925a429-49b4-4b04-8094-4987ca70a35b:7 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_79516c6a-a815-4c31-99fe-9ab4e4024e4e:1. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_79516c6a-a815-4c31-99fe-9ab4e4024e4e:1 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7af21e61-ffe4-4791-85ba-86d83cc9cf31:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7af21e61-ffe4-4791-85ba-86d83cc9cf31:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7d5204c1-26e4-489e-addb-1401d965153f:8. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7d5204c1-26e4-489e-addb-1401d965153f:8 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_7e5660da-b7c7-49dd-8940-7c751389f61a:3. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_7e5660da-b7c7-49dd-8940-7c751389f61a:3 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_85f4af90-a3f1-4d7e-bb6a-b079c20fa2d5:14. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/RequiredApplication_85f4af90-a3f1-4d7e-bb6a-b079c20fa2d5:14 chain will not be included in evaluation. CIAgent 24.01.2013 11:21:51 44 (0x002C)
    CIAgentJob({5BCCC0E4-C16C-4F1D-85A7-F62515232072}): [JOB SCOPE] Failed to get digest for ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/Application_8908c4aa-5c4e-41fd-a111-e4be0780e6bb:2. App policy ScopeId_CF43FADB-8569-46DF-ADB2-984C3AA1E7B1/
    Is it possible to reset Software Center?

    This bug is still present in SCCM 2012 R2 CU3.
    Remediation script has been optimized and written in Powershell. It will trigger a refresh only if application is found in WMI class.
    If you deploy user-centric applications, you’ll need to change this code a little bit.
    # Machine
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {
        [int]$countMissingDTs = 0
        $Applications = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\clientsdk -query "select * from ccm_application"
        $AppsTotal = $Applications.Length
        $missingIds = @()
        foreach($App in $Applications) {
            $AppDT = [wmi] $App.__Path
            if($AppDT.AppDTs.Name.Length -eq 0) {
                #Write-Host $($App.Id)
                $missingIds += $App.Id
                $countMissingDTs = $countMissingDTs + 1
        #Write-Host $countMissingDTs
        if ($countMissingDTs -gt 0) {
            foreach ($appId in $missingIds) {
                $assignments = Get-WmiObject -query "select AssignmentName, AssignmentId, AssignedCIs from CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\policy\Machine"
                if ($assignments -ne $null) {
                    foreach ($assignment in $assignments) {
                        $assignedCI = $assignment.AssignedCIs[0]
                        #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId) $($assignedCI.CI.ID)"
                        $assignedCISplit = $assignedCI.CI.ID.Split("/")
                        #Write-Host $($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application"))
                        if ($($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application")) -eq $appId) {
                            #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId)"
                            $null = $sched.Put()
                            sleep -milliseconds 3000
                        } else {
                            #Write-Host "Skip assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName)"
                } else {
                    #Write-Host "$appId not found"
    } catch {
        #Write-Host $_.Exception
        return $false
    return $true
    User-centric application deployment:
    # User
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
    try {
        [int]$countMissingDTs = 0
        $Applications = Get-WmiObject -namespace root\ccm\clientsdk -query "select * from ccm_application"
        $AppsTotal = $Applications.Length
        $missingIds = @()
        foreach($App in $Applications) {
            $AppDT = [wmi] $App.__Path
            if($AppDT.AppDTs.Name.Length -eq 0) {
                #Write-Host $($App.Id)
                $missingIds += $App.Id
                $countMissingDTs = $countMissingDTs + 1
        #Write-Host $countMissingDTs
        if ($countMissingDTs -gt 0) {
            foreach ($appId in $missingIds) {
                $sidObjs = ( get-wmiobject -query "SELECT UserSID FROM CCM_UserLogonEvents WHERE LogoffTime = NULL" -namespace "ROOT\ccm")
                if ($sidObjs -ne $null) {
                    foreach ($sidObj in $sidObjs) {
                        $sid = $sidObj.UserSID.replace('-','_');
                        $assignments = Get-WmiObject -query "select AssignmentName, AssignmentId, AssignedCIs from CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment" -namespace "ROOT\ccm\policy\$($sid)"
                        if ($assignments -ne $null) {
                            foreach ($assignment in $assignments) {
                                $assignedCI = $assignment.AssignedCIs[0]
                                #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId) $($assignedCI.CI.ID)"
                                $assignedCISplit = $assignedCI.CI.ID.Split("/")
                                #Write-Host $($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application"))
                                if ($($assignedCISplit[0]+"/"+$assignedCISplit[1].replace("RequiredApplication", "Application")) -eq $appId) {
                                    #write-host "Processing Assignment $($assignment.AssignmentName) $($assignment.AssignmentId)"
                                    sleep -milliseconds 3000
                } else {
                    # Write-Host "$appId not found"
    } catch {
        # Write-Host $_.Exception
        return $false
    return $true

  • Orphaned Applications in software center

    I have seen this a few times but seems to be intermittent.  I created a query based user collection.  My test user account was part of that collection.  I deployed an app to the collection.  The user was able to see it in the app catalog
    and install it successfully.  The user then uninstalled the app successfully.  The app stills shows in Software Center as available (which appears to be normal although I wish the behavior would be that it would disappear).  But that's not the
    issue.  So I no longer wanted the user to be able to deploy this application that they previously installed and uninstalled.  Since it is a query based collection which the user should be in, I added an exclude collection that just had the user account
    in it  which seemed to work fine.  The exclusion collection caused my test user account to drop out of the collection.  After a few minutes, the app dropped out of the app catalog which is good and what I expected.  The problem here is
    that the app still remains in Software Center and shows as available and the user can still continue to install and uninstall this app.  I have forced user policy several times with no change and let it sit for a few hours with still no change.  As
    a test I then removed all membership from the collection so that it was completely empty.  Still no change.  I then deleted the collection and the deployment and still no change.  I have also forced machine policy and application deployment
    evaluation cycles and still no change. I have ensured that there are no other deployments of this app, it is not a dependent app of any other app either.  So I am left with an app that I can still install/uninstall from software center with no existing
    deployments of that app.  Other times I have done similar and the app does disappear from Software Center after updating user policy.  But definitely once or twice in the past I have seen this behavior as well.  In the past I believe I removed
    and re-installed the configmgr client to get rid of the orphaned apps.  I have not done that yet this time in the hopes of troubleshooting further.  Has anyone ran into anything like this? 

    Thanks, but I am the person that originally posted that issue.  This issue is similar but much worse.  That one was just a nuisance in that the apps remain available in software center after you have performed an uninstall.  But to workaround
    that problem I would have to somehow get the user out of the collection that was targeted with the deployment and that usually got the app to drop out of software center.  In this case however, the app remains even after deleting the collection and the
    deployment.  So this app is no longer deployed to anyone but the user with the app orphaned in software center can still install and uninstall it.  I even cleared the cache on the user machine thinking that would at least cause it to fail to install
    next time but the user was able to re-download content and install again.  So to me this one is much more serious than the first one.  I will have to file another case.  But curious if anyone else has seen this and for now if anyone has a workaround
    like perhaps finding the policy and deleting it or something that I can script.  Just started poking through policy spy but have not gotten far yet.

  • A custom task sequence to install software is always listed as Operating System on Software Center

    I have built several custom task sequences to install software in SCCM 2012 R2 CU1 environment, but the type of task sequence is always listed as Operating System on the Software Center. I tried creating a simple task sequence (Task Sequence 1) that contains
    a single restart computer step only and tried deploying it to a test machine. This task sequence is also listed as Operating System. This task sequence fails because this is not the one for OS install and I do not specify a boot image for this task sequence.
    All task sequences that I have created in SCCM 2012 RTM environment are working as expected. All task sequences that I create in SCCM 2012 R2 CU1 are listed as Operating System regardless of its actual type (I upgraded my environment from CM2012 RTM to CM2012
    R2 CU1 last month).
    Here is a test task sequence that contains a single step of restart computer. This is not Operating System install but listed as Operating System. Any thoughts?

    If you use OSD steps in your task sequence you will get this prompt.
    Per Mikko:
    Using any of following steps (and possibly others as well, I did not check all of them) will change the task sequence type from generic to OSD:
    General - Join Domain or Workgroup
    General - Restart Computer (Only "The boot image assigned to this task sequence" option)
    Disks - Format and Partition Disk
    User State - Request State Store
    User State - Release State Store
    Images - Apply Operating System Image
    Images - Setup Windows and ConfigMgr
    Daniel Ratliff |

  • SCCM 2012 R2 - Software Center bug with publishing date ("available after")

    Hello everyone,
    we are using SCCM 2012 R2 together with Software Center to allow users the installation of +100 different software packages.
    This works out quite well; but some packages have always the date 10.04.1998 as publishing date, no matter if i have set a publishing date manually or not.
    here is a screenshot:
    this bug occurs with new packages i have created and also with old ones. i have changed the publishing date manually and also redistributed them to the distribution point but this did not change anything.
    Anyone encountered the same error or knows how to fix it? It is not critical but really annoying...

    Redistributing it to DPs isn't needed as the publishing date has nothing to do with source files. It's just a matter of policies though. Does the data change if you select Notepad++ for example and then highlight TeamViewer 9 again?
    Torsten Meringer |

  • Show Options in Software Center

    in the Software Center the default setting is Show "All". Is there a possibility to change this default to "Applications" or something else?
    Thanks Experts

    Torsten Meringer |

  • Which ports are used by LMS 4.2.5 Software Center

    Hi everybody!
    we are trying to download device updates and packages via the software center of lms 4.2.5. but get the attached error msg.
    Which ports are used for the download (for firewall configuration)
    I can't find the used ports for this function in the install guide.....
    I am very thankful for any suggestions!
    here is the log output:
    [ Sun Jan 04 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] ERROR  [CcoDownloadAdapter : getXmlFileList]  : failed to connect to, RespMsg=Found
    [ Sun Jan 04 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] INFO   [SecurityHandler : getCSProxyHost]  : No proxy Host configured
    [ Sun Jan 04 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] INFO   [SecurityHandler : getCSProxyPort]  : No proxy port confgured
    [ Sun Jan 04 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] ERROR  [CcoDownloadAdapter : getXmlFileList]  : failed to connect to, RespMsg=Found
    [ Mon Jan 05 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] ERROR  [CcoDownloadAdapter : getXmlFileList]  : failed to connect to, RespMsg=Found
    [ Mon Jan 05 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] INFO   [SecurityHandler : getCSProxyHost]  : No proxy Host configured
    [ Mon Jan 05 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] INFO   [SecurityHandler : getCSProxyPort]  : No proxy port confgured
    [ Mon Jan 05 00:30:01 CET 2015 ] ERROR  [CcoDownloadAdapter : getXmlFileList]  : failed to connect to, RespMsg=Found
    there is no proxy in use, so the is none configured :)

    Looks like you are encountering this BUG
    CSCur85172    Unable to installing the device packages from using LMS Server
    Try this to resolve the issue::
    Stop Daemon Manager
    2.            Change the protocol 'http' to 'https' for the below URL's in
    file located under /NMSROOT/lib/classpath/com/cisco/nm/xms/vds/.
    3.            Start the Daemon Manager.
    ****Ratings Encourages Contributors ****

  • SCCM 2012 - Client Installed but No Software Center

    Hi Everyone,
    I've a strange problem on my Management Point.
    The SCCM 2012 client is installed, but there isn't Software Center (on all other Server it has been installed).
    I've tryied to install it manually & with the push installation , but no change.
    when I try to push it to the server it has an error File C:\Windows\ccmsetup\{181D79D7-1115-4D96-8E9B-5833DF92FBB4}\client.msi installation failed. Error text: ExitCode: 1635
    But when I try to install Manually Exit code is 0 (no error)

    Have you checked the log files ccmsetup.log ,ccmsetup-ccmeval.log, client.msi.log and SoftwareCenterSystemTasks.log? Maybe it can give us some clues.
    Technical Reference for Log Files in Configuration Manager
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Incorrect Software Center content

    Hello everybody,
    I'm having hardtime with our SCCM 2012 SP1 infrastrucutre for 2 weeks now.
    Basically, everything has been running smoothly for quite some times (last major update was SP1 in June 2013) but computers being staged with MDT integrated TS or machines with a basic Dell image joined to domain on which the client is deployed have an issue
    to show proper content in the Software Center.
    For the Background, I have a pretty simple setup : Single site server and multiple DP's (one per site) and the only recent changes I have operated were in Septembre when I've started PKI certificates installation whilst the Servers roles are still in http
    or https at the moment. I thought this could be the trigger for my problems and rolled everything back but no success.
    Packages and Applications available during the OSD are deployed over a specific collection containing unknown computers. Therefore, once the staging is completed the computer leaves that collection and those packages and applications are not shown as available
    anymore while the computer will retreive the deployments offered to another collection it joins automatically.
    That's what happens in theory but all my newly deployed clients will not refresh the Software Center content. For those which were deployed through the OSD, they will keep on showing the OSD Collection content. If I try to deploy one on these I will receive
    an error reading that this application is not available anymore and that I need to refresh the Software Center window by pressing F5. It doesn't help, niether is triggering an Machine Policy retrieval from the CM Client control panel.
    I have noticed that If I deleted an existing deployment from the collection and redeploy it the way it was done before, the computer will update properly.
    For the rest, communication with the MP seems to be doing fine, I've found these 2 relevant informations in the client logs :
    CCIDownloader::ParseDtsMessage - Dts failed with error code: 0x80070002. CI Downloader will retry.
    CIDownloaderJob({A075A9A7-3718-4406-8500-B22050F415BE}): Received Dts failure message during CI download.
    DTS job {0E0E6903-DDD0-4FCC-A23E-DA0E55664DCF} BITS job {0F26EA27-2AE4-4594-99F4-75EB739E1DED} failed to download source file http://MPSERVER:80/SMS_MP/.sms_dcm?Id&DocumentId=ScopeId_AB937F68-B10F-4E92-A014-A48670401DB2/DeploymentType_cad04669-1180-4d9f-a001-96f157404929/3/PROPERTIES&Hash=4E2F586ABACEC8569C9F578220ECA0742E18197DA9367C5DD0ACEFEBE22E4173&Compression=zlib
    to destination C:\WINDOWS\CCM\CIDownloader\Staging\{EF9BA50D-C421-47FF-9835-3D6CB2B9A47C} with error 0x80190194
    DTS job {0E0E6903-DDD0-4FCC-A23E-DA0E55664DCF} has completed:
                    Status : ERROR (0x80070002),
                    Start time : 11/06/2013 15:10:43,
                    Completion time : 11/06/2013 15:10:54,
                    Elapsed time : 11 seconds
    Has anyone ever encountered that issue? I'm thinking about uninstalling/reinstalling the MP role on my main server but I must admit I'm pretty cold about this modification as I do not find relevant log errors about this issue and I'm affraid of simply loosing
    control on all my corking clients.
    thanks for you time and, if I need to provide additional information let me know. I tried to stick to what seems of interest as I've been digging this for some time now.

    Hi Torsten,
    I have indeed check the Monitoring node from the console and have no warnings/errors.
    I have checked on site servers logs, especilly the MP ones, and found errors about ClientAuth_SignatureFailure (which seems to be linked to my half PKI setup) but these do not apply to the computers I'm running my tests on and I ruled them out. I can post
    the content here if you want anyway.
    About Policypv.log, I've found the following "Failed to create 1 settings policy" errors coming on a regular basis:
    CPolicySource::HandleSiteControlPolicy: Branding SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    no change SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    CPolicySource::HandleSiteControlPolicy: DeviceWP8AppMgmtSiteConfig SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    CDeviceEnrollmentGenericSCConfig::GenerateDevicePolicyXML: failed to retrieve DTGuid from AppModelname 0 SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    CPolicySource::HandleSiteControlPolicy: DeviceHardwareInventorySiteConfig SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    no change SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    CPolicySource::HandleSiteControlPolicy: DeviceSoftwareInventorySiteConfig SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    CPolicySource::HandleSiteControlPolicy: BigGreenButtonConfig SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    no change SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Did not find any settings policy and policy assignments that should be created. SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Did not find any settings policy and policy assignments that should be updated. SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Failed to create 1 settings policy. SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    not yet time to do quarantine purge SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Notifying about changes in policy content/targeting SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Policy or Policy Target Change Event triggered. SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 9060 (0x2364)
    Processing TS application reference policy changes that need to be updated SMS_POLICY_PROVIDER 14/11/2013 11:13:58 6904 (0x1AF8)
    Edit : Additional errors from the CIDownloader.log:
    DeleteInstanceFromLantern failed (0x80041002).
    GetInstanceFromLantern failed (0x80041002).
    DCM::LanternUtils::CheckCIExists - Wmi Instance: PolicyPlatform_Policy.Name="ScopeId_AB937F68_B10F_4E92_A014_A48670401DB2_DeploymentType_4bc1b8bb_94fc_4d55_bd05_b1c15d033bec_Discovery_PolicyDocument",Authority="System Center Configuration Manager",Revision=6 not found in namespace: root\microsoft\policyplatform\Documents\Local. CI not found.
    For me that tends to confirm what occurs in the Software Center but hardly points to next hop for troubleshooting.

  • Force Installation of Available Updates in Software Center

    I wanted to know if it is possible in SCCM 2012 to set a deployment as "Available" so users can install applications/updates when it is convenient thru the Software Center.  Next I would like to set a deadline to automatically
    change the deployment to "Required" to force the installation for those that have not performed the installation?  Is this possible or will I have to make the change from Available to Required manually?

    I think you have this sorted now, but as mentioned by narcoticoo, you set the update deployment as *required* but until the deadline actually hits, the updates are simply available.
    Jason | | @jasonsandys

  • Software Center error. 0x80041013 (-2147217389)

    When some of our users open Software Center they get this error:
    Software Center cannot get the current status for some of the software. Software Center will list any items with available status. You can press F5 to refresh the view. If the problem persists, contact your help desk.
    More information:
    Loading Software Center teturned error code 0x0041013 (-2147217389).
    If they try to start an application via the link "Find additional applications from the Application Catalog" the get this error from
    SCClient_XXX@xxx_.log file under c:\windows\CCM\logs:
    Exception Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Data.WmiException: Provider load failure    (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Common.ClientUXMain at RetreiveDataComplete)
    The error code is ProviderLoadFailure   (Microsoft.SoftwareCenter.Client.Data.WmiException at get_ErrorCode)
    I have tried to uninstall the SCCM client, cleaned up everything and installed the client again. Tried to reset repository under c:\windows\system32\wbem and installed the client again with no luck.
    Any ideas?

    it's an older article, but very likely to be useful.
    Note that ConfigMgr2012 clients should be running a nightly ccmeval, which includes an auto-diagnostic of WMI, so, is ccmeval running? Reporting success/health?
    Also, this article describes how to re-register the DLLs and recompile MOFs:
    based on the symptom you've mentioned, you need to focus on if the WMI repository is healthy or not, and, if the underlying WMI system (providers, registrations) is healthy.
    When you uninstall CCM, the CCM namespace should get deleted, and when you reinstall, the CCM namespace gets re-created, but, if the providers or underlying WMI system is unhealthy, the CCM namespace may not be useable.
    Is Windows itself healthy? Has something bad happened to a dependency? Other errors in the event logs?
    As Joyce says, check the client installation logs to see if related errors were logged when the client installation occurred.
    As an example (similar symptom):
    In this case, something has changed the ACL, causing the provider to be access_denied.
    Do you have custom security policies, or security products, which could be denying the service access to the provider?
    Another set of hints/tips here:
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Application status in Software Center "installing" for hours

    I have sequenced SPSS, application installs on the client and works but... in the Software Center remains status "installing" for hours.
    Once the status changes to installed, no errors in aapenforce.log.
     CAppV5XHandler::InstallApp() completed successfully.
    I have tried many times, App-v 5 and App-v 5 SP2. The same problem so it is application doing somenthing apparently.
    How to troubleshoot this?
    Where to look ?
    Thanks in advance,

    When I run msiexec on the sequencer I do generate the log file but on the installation on the sequencer runs perfect. Also the log file contains no errors.
    The problem is, when I install appv from the Software Center, which in fact is a PS command  "Mount-AppvClientPackage", I do not issue any msiexec command at this time and I cannot generate the msi log file.
    So, I wonder in which logfile can I see what is going on in the meantime...
    In this example it took one hour...while application itself was installed within a minute and you could just open it and use it. See the logfile..
    <![LOG[    Executing Command line: "C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\powershell.exe" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass import-module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Application Virtualization\Client\AppvClient\AppvClient.psd1'; 
    Mount-AppvClientPackage -PackageID bc99e8bc-1e5a-4284-831d-a91ae1cfff79 -VersionID 2fcb6862-bebc-4539-8565-fe0b8dc61748 with system context]LOG]!><time="14:42:00.956-60"
    date="03-27-2014" component="AppEnforce" context="" type="1" thread="4804" file="appexcnlib.cpp:345">
    <![LOG[    Process 3032 terminated with exitcode: 0]LOG]!><time="15:40:10.634-60" date="03-27-2014" component="AppEnforce"
    context="" type="1" thread="4804" file="appexcnlib.cpp:431">

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  • Officejet Pro 8500A - unable to print on odd-size paper

    After a couple of hours of frustration, I have decided that I an unable to print on odd-sized paper on our brand new HP printer!  On an older string in this user forum, one suggestion was to make a paper cut-out from regular sized paper to put on top

  • Synchronous RFC to SOAP scenario (RFC or XI adapter?)

    Hi there, i have following functional requirement from my customer, SAP is going to send  some data (3 fields) to XI and XI has to send them to an appl that will return a status. This status has to be sent back to SAP. As the appl deals with xml mess

  • PolicyUtil error when clicking on Grid Control database

    Hi. I installed Grid Control using a new database (didn't upgrade after installation, so DB is When I click on the repository database under 'Database' (the only one that appears listed since I haven't installed Agent on any other

  • Cannot connect to TC, even after factory reset

    I bought a 1TB TC from apple in 08/2008. I don't recall if it was a refurb or not. It worked fine for 4.5 years with more or less no problems. About a month or two ago the Wi-Fi stopped working. I could connect to the SSID, but occasionally could not

  • Problem with running java program

    Hey again! I missed out some information in last posting.. here is the full description I have just installed 1.5.0_06 and have set paths and what otherwise is necessary to run the java programs. I was testing the install and run a standard HelloWorl