Software simulations - mov, fla, avi, wmv, ???

If I need to do a software simulation in full motion, because
captivate won't capture certain things, and if I need the capture
to be around 800x600 or 1028x768 in order to capture the entire
software screen, what output format video should I use.....if I
capture with Camtasia, I can output fla, avi, mov, wmv, swf. Which
one is best? Assume that people will access the video from a
broadband connection.
it seems like avi is too huge, but the swf was large too. FLA
looked good., but it seems like variable bit rate quicktime movies
look great and are small.

SWF is probably best. FLA is a Flash source file, so that
won't do your
users any good, of course, if they don't have Flash (and
really isn't
meant to be a 'distributable' format). If you want to do FLA,
you'd want
to then open that file in Flash and output in some published
I see no problem with QT, other than folks may not have QT on
Mind Meld wrote:
> If I need to do a software simulation in full motion,
because captivate won't
> capture certain things, and if I need the capture to be
around 800x600 or
> 1028x768 in order to capture the entire software screen,
what output format
> video should I use.....if I capture with Camtasia, I can
output fla, avi, mov,
> wmv, swf. Which one is best? Assume that people will
access the video from a
> broadband connection.
> it seems like avi is too huge, but the swf was large
too. FLA looked good.,
> but it seems like variable bit rate quicktime movies
look great and are small.
> help
> thanks
Erik Lord
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    Why avi and not wmv?
    If wmv will work, get flip4mac Pro. It will do the conversion for you OR get a PC and do the conversion on it using the basic windows movie maker software.

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    You might try de-selecting the Advanced Project Compression option in the preferences:

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    Thank you so much for posting your question. I would have never stopped to think that which screen I was trying to record might make a difference. I was having huge issues with a software simulation not capturing all the necessary screen changes (on Monitor 2), but after reading your post, I moved it to Monitor 1, and it's working as it should again.
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    The problem I had sounds similar to yours. When I attempted to record a software simulation on my secondary monitor, Captivate would capture keyboard-based actions and manual requests for screen shots (Prt Scr), but it would not capture mouse-click actions. The solution I found for this problem was to move the recording window, the red rectangle, to my primary monitor. Once there, all actions, including mouse-click actions, were recorded. I even found that I could switch which monitor was my primary monitor and Captivate would record normally as long as the recording window was on my system's primary monitor. 
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    Hmm, I suspect you deleted or edited the Blank daughter master slide that
    is used by software simulation slides. Another user had the  same issue a
    while ago.

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    I had both an iMac and a MBP years ago - I found that I used them about 50-50%. Inside the house, I'd do what needed doing on a large-screen on the iMac and then, at night, I'd web surf from the den or the bedroom. I liked the large screen on the iMac and the portability of the MBP.
    But you introduce two new factors - you already have an external monitor (which, to me, favors the MBP) and you're going to be getting an iPad (which favors the iMac). With the external monitor, you'll have a large screen to work with. With the iPad you'll have portability for web surfing, etc.
    I would go with the iMac and the iPad. Even though I'm now down to just a MBP with a 27" external monitor, I don't have an iPad - and that introduces a wholly new part to the equation. Previously, I had to have a MBP only (with no external monitor) because I lived in a nursing home. Now that I'm in my apartment, I use my MBP with external display probably 85-90% of the time and the MBP on the couch or in the bedroom about 10-15% of the time. To be honest, I'll seriously be looking at the 2013 Mac Pros and just use the MBP around the apartment and around town. I'm not planning on getting an iPad, so I'll still need the portability.
    Those are just my thoughts and ramblings - if you're going to get an iPad, get an iMac.

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