Software Update services

Now that Version Tracker is to be effectively discontinued, and they seem to be having real difficulties keeping their servers up anyway, which Applications, software and/or Services would forum users recommend to replace VTP, please?

Well, some people at that site - MUD's own - have said (as all of you here have) that MUD works well, others have complained of crashing, failure to complete the scan, and false reporting. It's hard to tell how, but some have even suggested MUD is somehow overwriting their installations… the last thing anyone wants.
Thanks; I'm still going to give it a try .

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    This is probably because you had it set to copy everything automatically in the first place and then you switched that option off. We run into the same problem and, unfortunately, you just have to bear the huge download of the last 4 years worth of Apple updates... Once that has been downloaded SUS will obey new settings. You may need to manually enable the updates if you changed that setting since the download started.
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    To access many of the Server Tools in Lion Server you'll have to go to apple's website and download the Server Admin for 10.7 Server. This is the familar to 10.6.x server admin tool that apple does not include as the standard set of tools. Once you download it you'll have access to these additional services via the GUI:
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    Hi again
    Try running the following command in the terminal on your clients:
    defaults read /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL
    The desired return value should be*: lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog
    *The base URL might be different depending on if you are using standard SU settings or if you have moved the files somewhere else.
    If this is not your return value try running this on your clients again:
    sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog
    You can reset the settings by running this command:
    sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL

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    fvvjqe3 wrote:
    Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried the following:
    - stop Software Update Service
    - remove /var/db/swupd/html and /etc/swupd to restore default settings
    - start SUS again
    - now both "Copy all updates from Apple" and "Delete outdated software updates" were unticked. That should be fine I suppose, as I don't want to download all the updates (e.g. we don't want printer drivers, Final Cut and so no), but only the ones we select. However, we still don't see e.g. Security Update 2010-04 in the list of available updates. Am I missing something here?
    2010-05 includes all the previous security updates, I cannot find any reference to a 2010-004 update for Snow Leopard, only for Leopard (10.5). There was a 2010-003 for Snow Leopard, Mac OS X 10.6.4 Update would also have included previous security updates. It looks like there was never a 2010-004 for Snow Leopard.

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    You enter the server's hostname or fully qualified domain name as defined in whatever you're using for providing DNS Resolution for your network. If you want to know the Server's hostname launch Terminal on the Server itself and issue "hostname" without the quotes. If we use as an example the url would look like this:
    Does this help?
    The servername.local refers to the Server's Bonjour name. Bonjour names don't resolve to IP addresses.

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    sudo defaults write CatalogURL http://my.sus.local:8088/
    sudo defaults write CatalogURL http://my.sus.local:8088/index.sucatalog
    sudo defaults write CatalogURL http://my.sus.local:8088/catalogs.sucatalog
    sudo defaults write CatalogURL http://my.sus.local:8088/ catalog
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    /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL
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    Linc Davis wrote:
    The simple answer is that you almost certainly don't need the Software Update service. Just use the Caching service. Neither one works with content that doesn't come from Apple.
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    I reply to my own question, should this be useful for anyone else:

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    Did I miss something there ?
    Thanks in advance for your help,

    Additional info:
    I followed KBase art HT4771, and made the following changes:
    1. Stopped the Software Update Service and quit Server Admin app
    2. Updated /etc/swupd/swupd.plist to begin hosting OS X Lion software updates by typing the following Terminal command:
    sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'add :otherCatalogs:2 string index-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog' /etc/swupd/swupd.plist
    3. Updated /etc/swupd/swupd.conf to allow OS X Lion computers to receive updates as follows:
         "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Darwin/11
         RewriteRule ^/index\.sucatalog$ /index-leopard-snowleopard.merged-1.sucatalog"
         "RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} Darwin/11
         RewriteRule ^/index\.sucatalog$ /index-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog"
    After completing this and restarted the Software Update Service, the Server's Software Update Service could find all updates, including Mac OS X 10.7.1 and more Lion updates (Multi-lingual voices, Server Essentials, ... ).
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    I welcome any takers. Thanks in advance!

    I understood the older version only being able to be hosted/downloaded when they come available, but were updated on SUS due to a bug or something, so as far as I understood, apple wont let you host that VERSION of that file again, unless you had it before.
    Essentially, they only allow sus to download the last version of it, if you had the one before the last version, you could keep it. I could/might/usually am wrong though.
    my 2 cents

  • HT200272 software update service

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    someone can explain me how to do software update service for mac clients. do we need to have internet access on both client and server? since long time I have stuck on this issue. please thanks

    This is probably because you had it set to copy everything automatically in the first place and then you switched that option off. We run into the same problem and, unfortunately, you just have to bear the huge download of the last 4 years worth of Apple updates... Once that has been downloaded SUS will obey new settings. You may need to manually enable the updates if you changed that setting since the download started.
    Mind it, since you would have everything there anyway there would be less of an issue leaving on the automatic download option...

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    For those having problems are they running Vista ?
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    I got round it by installing the old version from the CD (told it not to look for an update).
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  • Change Software Update Service storage location - OS X Server 2.2

    What's the best way to change the file storage location used by the Software Update Service in Server 2.2? I don't want to change the default "Service Data" location for the other services.
    Generally I like to make as few changes to the standard configuration as possible, but in this case I need to make an exception. I'd really like to to get the catalog of update files on to an External Pegasus RAID.
    I've tried using a symlink to the /Library/Server/Software Update/Data folder. That didn't work as the service was unable to update the catalogs.
    Should I use a symlink on the whole  /Library/Server/Software Update/ folder or is there perhaps a better way?
    With any potential solutions, how likely is is that changes I make likely to be overwritten with future updates.

    Question (please use responses in bold in square brackets)
    Update went smoothly with NO problems [No]
    Update actually solved existing previous problem with server [Not sure yet]
    Not sure yet
    Updated from Server App version 2.2 [Yes]
    If answer to Q.3 was 'No' please advise previous server version [Server app version #]
    OS X version at the time was 10.8.2 [Yes]
    If answer to Q.5 was 'No' please advise previous OS X version [-]
    To clarify:
    1) As it was updating application data, I got an error message at the very end of the update saying that some application data may not be usable/work/wasn't updated (something to that tune) with a yellow triangle and exclamation mark inside it.  After the update, I rebooted the server just in case then let everythign start up normally.  All services turned on as per usual.
    I have gone through most of my services that I run and I'll list off everything that I've tried out and it's state:
    Caching Server - Looks OK
    Contacts - Functioning so far as expected
    Calendar - Functioning so far as expected
    Profile Manager - Was able to test a push profile add and delete with success
    DNS - Functioning as normal
    Software Update - Looking good so far (I had issues with it stopping and restarting randomly with an interval of a month or two between events, hoping that is fixed, though it never affected functionality - it was in the error logs)
    File Sharing - Working as expected
    Open Directory - No issues thus far
    VPN - Looks OK
    Websites - Functioning as expected
    Hope that helps you guys!

  • Should using the software update service be faster for the clients then downloading from apple?

    I've got about 25 clients, a mixture of Snow Leopard and Lion systems in the office. I've recently turned on the Software update service on my snow leopard server (10.6.8, mac mini) and have a transparent server setup for the software updates service (dns redirects through the mini). All the machines see the mini and I believe they are pulling updates from it when the client runs their software update. I haven't noticed any real speed differnce though from pulling updates from the mini vs pulling from apple (though I have noticed less internet congestion).
    Should this be faster because it's a local network transfer or not?

    I'm a little concerned by the statement:
    dns redirects through the mini
    Are you saying you're masking Apple's DNS so that requests for end up on your machine? That's the wrong approach. You should be setting the client's preferences to load from your server instead of Apple's.
    In either case, there are three components to running Software Updaate.
    1: download the catalog of available updates and compare what's installed to the list to identify which updates are needed
    2: download the appropriate updates
    3: install the updates.
    Of the three steps, downloading the catalog is a lightweight process - the index is only a few hundred KB, so the difference in loading this from your server vs. Apple's is minimal. Additionally, this won't make any difference in the amount of time it takes the client to scan for which updates are needed since that's all work performed locally on the machine.
    The only step that will be significantly faster is the actual downloading of available updates. These should happen at LAN speeds, rather than your internet connection speed (which is, presumably, slower), but then again, most updates are fairly small - a few megabytes is typical.
    However, if no updates are available, or if they're only small, you won't see much difference in time between local and remote. The main advantage of using a local software update server is that you only need to download the updates from Apple once, rather than once per client.

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