Software Update stalling/Hanging

For around the last week SU has been starting including asking me allow it but then stops about a third of the way across the progress bar. There doesn't seem to be anything I can do with this and I have tried repairing permissions.
Please can anyone guide me on this?

Try to move these file in your desktop and restar :

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    Console log:
    2007-02-20 22:26:35.297 System Preferences[343] * -[NSBundle load]:
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    MacBook Pro 15"   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   2 GB RAM

    Hi Terry
    Error loading code
    r for bundle /
    r.bundle, error code 2 (link edit error code 0, error
    number 0 ()) 2007-02-20 22:26:35.299 System
    Preferences[343] * -[NSBundle load]:
    Error loading code /Library/InputManagers/Menu Extra
    Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle/Contents/MacOS/Menu
    Extra Enabler for bundle / Library/InputManagers/Menu
    Extra Enabler/Menu Extra Enabler.bundle, error code 2
    (link edit error code 0, error number 0 ())
    2007-02-20 22:28:12.317 Software Update[348] *
    -[NSBundle load]:
    Error loading code
    MagicMenu Enabler is a product developed by the
    people who make Stuffit. From the above log it
    appears that it might be compromising your system,
    and possibly contributing to the problem you are
    Go to your Main Library>InputManagers folder and
    remove the MagicMenuEnabler plug-in (for the time
    being move it to your desktop).
    Then restart Safari.
    Post back
    Thanks, Joseph. Tried it last night on my laptop and it didn't help. I still have lots of similar error messages not related to Stuffit. I am getting frustrated. Sometimes Safari is OK, but I have great difficulty logging in to secure sites like my bank and brokerage accounts. Software Update still stalls. Sometimes I have difficulty logging into this site. But, some websites load OK. I can access all of them on my Windows computer in my office.

  • Software Update Stalls

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    I would do this:
    Repairing the Hard Drive and Permissions
    Boot from your OS X Installer disc. After the installer loads select your language and click on the Continue button. When the menu bar appears select Disk Utility from the Installer menu (Utilities menu for Tiger and Leopard.) After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list. In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive. If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported click on the Repair Permissions button. Wait until the operation completes, then quit DU and return to the installer. Now restart normally.
    If DU reports errors it cannot fix, then you will need Disk Warrior (4.0 for Tiger, and 4.1 for Leopard) and/or TechTool Pro (4.6.1 for Leopard) to repair the drive. If you don't have either of them or if neither of them can fix the drive, then you will need to reformat the drive and reinstall OS X.

  • Software Update Stall

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    I often have to relaunch Software Update several times to complete the download. When downloading via a browser, this never happens. Is there a known issue with Software Update?

    There may be others here who can help you with software update problems better than I but I've found that I have better luck just going to the apple downloads page and downloading the disk image file for Mac OSX upgrades. Everything else, such as security updates, quicktime, itunes, and other updates I do use software update for. But I had some problems doing OS upgrades via software update before so now I just get the upgrade for those from the downloads page then use software update for everything else. And yes, if you're downloading something, such as OS, quicktime that changes something in the system SU will tell you you'll have to restart after it downloads and installs. You can get the combo update that will take you from 10.5 to 10.5.3 at .html No, you shouldn't have to do erase/install to do this update
    Hope that helps and that others who have more knowledge about your erase/install problems also pitch in.
    Message was edited by: TNJim

  • Software update stalls and times out

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    Is there a workaround for this issue? I know for sure that VoiceOver is asking to be downloaded via Apple Software Update, and I hope the 404 error on the MobileMe Control Panel has righted itself.

    In the meantime, are you able to get the MobileMe control panel via the Download page at the Apple Website?
    If you get any sort of error message on the install when you download via your browser, let us know what they say.

  • Software update stalling at "configuring installation"

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    i purchased my wonderful macbook last december and have had no problems with it until recently.
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    any ideas?

    i would really love to post a pic of paul dooley from strange brew when he is on the stand waffling over the question of explaining what a "timecode" is ...
    nonetheless, i did reboot before trying the latest update but ... didn't backup. in the future, i will be a little more thoughtful with regards to updates, but i have not gotten around to thinking about backups yet. still relatively new to the concept of having my own computer.
    anyways, checking on my macbook, it's still claiming to be "configuring installation" but the status bar has grown/moved/become larger so, there might be hope.
    thanks for replying and i will get back when/if the update is a success/failure.

  • Software Update stalls at about 10%

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    I have seen many threads and most seem to not help or some do for some people and not others.

    Fix for Software Update
    See Troubleshooting Automatic Software Update in Mac OS X.
    Delete the following files:
    "xxx" is a number.
    /Home/Library/Caches/ (delete entire folder)

  • Re-Install + Software Update = Stall

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    After installation I have run Software Update as requested. Installation stalls.
    I have run Disk Utility off of install disk, Repair Permission & repair disk. There were a few permissions to be repaired "airport".
    On restart Airport does not carry password and I have to reenter again and again.
    Another user suggested a boot into safe mode but not a log-in just restart. I have done all this but after running software update from the apple menu I get mac os x 10.5.3 needed. I hit to download and am asked for password. Enter password and hit enter. Immediately, a new window pops up saying "The new software requires that you restart your computer".
    There is no downloading... I hit OK & the MBP restarts. I get the Leo background and the software update window appears with installing 1 item with the bar and under that configuring installation. It hasnt moved in half an hour.
    Is another Erase & Install needed???
    If I do another E & I do I have to do the stupid verify disk check?
    Hoping I dont need to to another E & I but this is just stupid!!!
    thanks for any suggestions.

    There may be others here who can help you with software update problems better than I but I've found that I have better luck just going to the apple downloads page and downloading the disk image file for Mac OSX upgrades. Everything else, such as security updates, quicktime, itunes, and other updates I do use software update for. But I had some problems doing OS upgrades via software update before so now I just get the upgrade for those from the downloads page then use software update for everything else. And yes, if you're downloading something, such as OS, quicktime that changes something in the system SU will tell you you'll have to restart after it downloads and installs. You can get the combo update that will take you from 10.5 to 10.5.3 at .html No, you shouldn't have to do erase/install to do this update
    Hope that helps and that others who have more knowledge about your erase/install problems also pitch in.
    Message was edited by: TNJim

  • Software Updater stalling

    I've got 2 machines, both XP Prof 32bit SP3.  Both latest PC suite and Software Updater.  One machine Nokia E52 the other E51.  On both when launching Software Updater, it stays on "Starting Application".  Uninstalling everything and reinstalling everything, no difference.
    I cannot Update my software with Nokia Software Updater

    I've got Bitdefender Total security as well and I tried your advice, i even disabled firewall, run NSU as admiinistrator and still doesn't work. I've been trying to update by using OTA as well but it always asked me to check ID and server even though I already configured it. I started pulling my hair out of frustration ,  i still have the v31, i bought this phone here in US. I do appreciate your help! Thank you! Any other suggestions?

  • Software Update install hangs in 10.9.1

    Unfortunately, after running software update, the 10.9.1 install is stuck, showing "less than a minute" for more than one hour...
    Has anyone else had this problem?
    Any suggestions of what to do next? I don't want to power it off during update install...
    Many thanks!

    I am of the opinion that Mavericks simply cannot be updgraded from Lion 10.7.5. I have tried everything related to this issue in every post I could find - to no avail. Really poor form from Apple. Are they seeing the frustration in these posts from their loyal customers and just choosing to ignore them? They must have a short memory. This is why Microsoft was deemed uncool and why everyone left them for Apple. Now that Apple is top of the pops, it seems they're doing the same thing.
    To Apple - would it not be a good service to your many customers who are really battling with this issue to simply issue a patch to fix this? Think of what may happen if you continue to ignore us; we can't upgrade to Mavericks, all our software eventually becomes unstable and unusable and we are forced to choose another operating system. By then I'm sure Google or some other major player will be keen to takeover your disgruntled customers and offer a nice usable, friendly replacement to Apple Macs. So enjoy your market leading position while you can Apple. Your days at the top may be numbered now.
    Of course, if there's some simple fix available from anyone who upgraded from Lion 10.7.5 to Mavericks has managed to achieve - please do post it here for us all to read. But if it doesn't come from Apple, then the above rant sticks.

  • Software Update stalls and dies

    In System Preferences > Software Update, click Check Now button. Software Update dialog opens ("Checking for new software..."), progress bar shows, fills up about 50%, then there it sits.  Prog bar never gets beyond there, dialog stays open, no change, no update.  Same thing after repeated restarts and retries, same thing when plugged in to office super-fast network or slower home broadband (without all the corporate security layers).
    This relatively new Mac has also been doing some odd things recently (logging me out of my account instead of restarting, freezing on boot occasionally, etc.).
    BTW, this hardware combination (which has got to be pretty common) has a pretty annoying display bug upon wake from sleep when this Mac is hooked up to a 27" Thunderbolt display, but I'll save that rant for another thread (I was hoping that an update might fix that...but can't get Software Update to work at all).
    MacOS 10.7.4
    MacBookPro 2.6GHz, Retina, Mid 2012
    Apple 27" Thunderbolt display
    16GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GT650M
    Very low miles, only driven to church on sundays they're responsible for making this abysmal delivery system work.
    For your other issues, contact Apple's Express Lane, since it's a new machine.

  • Software update stalled

    I tried to install the latest OSX update and my computer stalled.  It should have takeen two minute, but nothing has happened for an hour.  How should I restart?

    Well, is it downloaded or still trying, and a network issue?
    Do you have a clone and backups of your system and tried Recovery Mode and disk repair and safe boot? ]
    I would use Command + R for now, and having bootable backup (Disk Utility RESTORE and target an external drive partition). Change startup and boot off the clone or do a Safe Boot.
    See if there is a 10.8.5 combo update to manually download.

  • After software update, iMac hangs on boot and restarts over and over again

    I verified and fixed the permissions and disk with no issues.
    By default, my iMac enters into an old Windows Bootcamp partition I no longer have so whenever I restart my computer I have to hold down option to boot into the Mac OS.
    All this trouble for a lousy Quicktime update.
    Any help much appreciated.
    - Jeff

    Have you done a SMC and PRAM reset? Give those a try, they're simple to do and could fix your problem. Here is how:
    1. Turn off your iMac and unplug everything from it for 30 seconds.
    2. Plug in the power cord, keyboard and mouse only.
    3. Press the power button and immediately hold down the Option, Command, P & R keys until you hear the second gong then release the keys. Your machine will start up normally, then check for the issues you are having.

  • Cyberlink YouCam Software update is 'hanging''

    Today, HP automatically downloaded and installed "Cyberlink MediaSuite10-desktop" onto my laptop and everything went without a hitch.
    It then immediastey downloaded Cyberlink YouCam Software OK but the "installation" appears to have hung for the last 40 minutes or so.
    In the Task Manager, a "Windows Modules Installer Working" process alternates between fairly intense CPU activity and Disk activity.
    I'll give it a while longer, but is there any way of interrupting this apparently failed installation without causing problems? If so, how do I go about trying to install Cyberlink YouCam Software again - or will the HP software try again of itys own accord?
    I've only had the laptop a couple of weeks and don't know much about anything.
    John Latter
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    The second installation went OK.
    This time I watched what was happening:
    When the download was complete, the actual attempt at installation was indicated by two spinning cogs - something I missed the first time so that I thought the failed icon (a cross in place of a green tick) meant the program had hung.
    Basically, I panicked for nothing - oops!

  • I can't do software updates on my MAC G4

    For over 6 months I have not been able to do software updates on my stand alone MAC G4.
    When I click the "install" button I just get that colorful beachball and the software update just "hanges". Also, if I try to "uncheck" some of the update components (i.e., for ipod)again it hangs.
    I had a tech work on my system in August. He ended up doing a update with the disks he brought and after that I was able to use the update once or twice, but it's back to freezing againg.
    I even tried to update manuall (i.e. downloading the update to my desktop and then install) - still no luck, as the install just hung.
    Can anyone give me some help or insight????

    I tried to do what you suggested but I can't get beyond clicking on the "Activity Monitor" that I've located in my UTILITIES folder. I double click on the "Activity Monitor" icon and it appears in my DOCK but no menus show up to allow me to go beyond this point. It's as if it just makes the icon active so it appears in the DOCK but no program with drop-down menus actually start. I don't see anything that says "Monitor" or "Show Activity Monitor" or "%cpu". What am I doing wrong?
    The system is now starting to do some other things (i.e., crashing when I try to print from Illustrator, not allowing me to burn CD's) so I'm mentally preparing myself to re-format the hard drive and re-install all the software in hopes of eradicating this and any other potential problems!
    MAC G4 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1.25 GHz Power PC G4 w/ 256 MB DDR SDRAM
    MAC G4 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1.25 GHz Power PC G4 w/ 256 MB DDR SDRAM
    MAC G4 Mac OS X (10.3.9) 1.25 GHz Power PC G4 w/ 256 MB DDR SDRAM

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