Software visualisation tool

Until now my choice for visualising algorithms, structure etc has been pen&paper... time to go digital.
I do own some apps like AI, VectorDesigner, xMind that would do the job and have googled up for some other free/shareware solutions.
Wanted to hear Your experience (leaving OmniGraffle out ) in software visualisation. Freeware is moooore than welcome as the "going digital thing" is motivated by the need of sharing those drawings. It does not need to be a cross-platform solution.
Btw, has anyone used online tools mentioned [here| 8#1458768] for the matter?
Many thanks in advance,

Thank You for a response!
However, honestly, I'm not willing to spend +Office Visio Standard 2007 $259.95, Office Visio Professional 2007 $559.95+. Do really $250 reflect the difference in using Visio compared to i.e. answer to it, namely [Draw|]?

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    Trying to install iTunes v10.0.1.22 in corporate environment using a software distribution application. The individual components Apple Application Support v1.3.2, QuickTime v7.68.75 and iTunes v10.0.1.22 all install successfully. Apple Mobile Device Support v3.2.0.47 fails with the following in the install log file:
    DIFXAPP: ENTER: ProcessDriverPackages()
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'Component' is 'usbaapl.inf'
    DIFXAPP: INFO: Component state 0x2 -> 0x3
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'ComponentId' is {9AA3828A-F852-11DB-8E29-6C6B55D89593}
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'Flags' is 23
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    DIFXAPP: INFO: user SID of user performing the install is 'S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500'.
    DIFXAPP: INFO: creating HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500\Software\Microsoft\Wind ows\CurrentVersion\DIFxApp\Components\{9AA3828A-F852-11DB-8E29-6C6B55D89593} (User's SID: 'S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500') ...
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    Action ended 15:59:25: MsiProcessDrivers. Return value 3.
    Action ended 15:59:25: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    The Apple Mobile Device Support component installs without failure when run manually from a command line but we have not been able to find a way to successfully install running an unattended install via a remote management software distribution tool (in this case Tivoli).
    Please help, we need to roll this out to corporate executives to support the new iPhones being supplied to them.

    Trying to install iTunes v10.0.1.22 in corporate environment using a software distribution application. The individual components Apple Application Support v1.3.2, QuickTime v7.68.75 and iTunes v10.0.1.22 all install successfully. Apple Mobile Device Support v3.2.0.47 fails with the following in the install log file:
    DIFXAPP: ENTER: ProcessDriverPackages()
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'Component' is 'usbaapl.inf'
    DIFXAPP: INFO: Component state 0x2 -> 0x3
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'ComponentId' is {9AA3828A-F852-11DB-8E29-6C6B55D89593}
    DIFXAPP: INFO: 'Flags' is 23
    DIFXAPP: INFO: component path is C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers\
    DIFXAPP: INFO: user SID of user performing the install is 'S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500'.
    DIFXAPP: INFO: creating HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500\Software\Microsoft\Wind ows\CurrentVersion\DIFxApp\Components\{9AA3828A-F852-11DB-8E29-6C6B55D89593} (User's SID: 'S-1-5-21-1960408961-436374069-1801674531-500') ...
    DIFXAPP: ERROR 0x57 encountered while creating subkey for component '{9AA3828A-F852-11DB-8E29-6C6B55D89593}'
    DIFXAPP: RETURN: ProcessDriverPackages() 87 (0x57)
    Action ended 15:59:25: MsiProcessDrivers. Return value 3.
    Action ended 15:59:25: INSTALL. Return value 3.
    The Apple Mobile Device Support component installs without failure when run manually from a command line but we have not been able to find a way to successfully install running an unattended install via a remote management software distribution tool (in this case Tivoli).
    Please help, we need to roll this out to corporate executives to support the new iPhones being supplied to them.

  • Software Recovery Tool Odd Result with Lumia 620

    Good Afternoon,
    One of our users bought his Lumia 620 to me earlier, it had hung apparently. He removed/re-inserted the battery and since then the screen just shows Nokia on powerup and nothing else happens.
    I tried all the usual soft reset/hard reset/spinning in my chair whilst praying to the great Finnish gods of telecommunication etc. All to no avail.
    I then downloaded the Software recovery tool (V1.4.3) and installed it, this again would not see the phone. I followed the instructions and then it picked it up.
    According to the recovery tool, it found the right hardware revision for the phone and suggested the correct country version of firmware (3056.4000.1404.0004). Happy days.
    I told it to go and do it's thing, upon which it downloaded the 1.37GB of firmware and flashed it to the phone.
    At this point the recovery tool, was waiting for the phone to reset asking for a pin for 180 seconds. At this point it timed out. The phone itself just sat there looking at me blankly and then reset itself.
    The phone itself re-booted and now has a screen with 3 red wavy lines and the word TIM on it. (see attached pic)
    So my questions are......
    1. Have I done something worng?
    2. If I haven't, then does anyone have an idea what has happened?
    Thanks In Advance
    WP_20140718_002.jpg ‏1623 KB

    Hi All,
    Thanks to Abi99 and scoobyman for the replies and pointing me in the right direction.
    It seems that the failing phone is indeed an Italian phone that I have been sold as a UK variant (thanks Amazon)
    The product code for the UK one's I have is 059R4G7. The faulty phone begins 059S... (i'm at a different office today so don't have the full code) . Interestingly the firmware for the Lumia 620 TIM Italian version is the same number as the UK country variant hence my confusion.
    So the software recovery tool is actually updating correctly with the TIM softwaredependant on the model number. So it's just that the phone is actually broken (written off to experience). I'll be more careful checking the ones I receive in the future.
    As an aside I, it would be nice if the software recovery tool could allow you to choose which firmware to load. However I realise this opens a massive can of worms and is unlikely.
    Thanks All.

  • Software Management Tool

    Hey everybody!
    I just want to know, if anybody would also prefer a management tool for the software in the mac. 2 years ago, I used Linux. It has a management tool for the software. So you can install software easier from the web and updates for EVERY INSTALLED software can be seen in this tool. You haven't to start every tool to update. Just open the software management tool and take a look if something new is availlable.
    I am interessted in your opinion.

    It's not a typical Mac way-to-do ... Some months ago i've heard something about a project but it's not useful because many applications as AdobeCS3 for example needs their update clients to patch apps.
    So what use of a program that search updates and notify you if there are something new but it can't update your apps?
    On Linux what you're talking about is very useful because of many daily updates (for system or for apps), you can install applications from Synaptics (ubuntu) and track their updates.
    Usualy Mac programmers use to add a module inside their products (located under program name on the right of apple menu) that search on app launch for updates.
    If you need only System Updates they are automatic , go to Apple menu and choose Software Update
    for some options.

  • What Malicious Software Removal Tool can I use for my Mac Book? I need do to do this for a College class.

    What Malicious Software Removal Tool can I use for my Mac Book? I need do to do this for a College class.

    You may find this User Tip on Viruses, Trojan Detection and Removal, as well as general Internet Security and Privacy, useful: The User Tip seeks to offer guidance on the main security threats and how to avoid them.

  • Software Recovery Tool : Lumia

    Please a request
    please add search button in your both recovery tool
    Lumia Software Recovery tool and Windows Phone Recovery tool
    as adding product code search is very helpful
    like i have lots of lumia
    and one lumia is in office and i know the product code
    i can enter the product code in search bar and can download the firmware - when i am getting high speed
    please please add a product code search botton
    example : see in screenshot
    ( Microsoft Enthuasist - Tech Expert )
    if you like : press star button
    Screenshot (172).png ‏141 KB

    The company does not support the end-user changing software variants, and so your wishes are unlikely to be granted. Your screenshot shows a version of the software intended for retail use only, and as it is a non-commercial package, ease of use is a low consideration.

  • What are the softwares or tools present default in TFS 2010

    1.What are the softwares or tools present default in TFS 2010?Whether SCVMM is present by default
    2.What is the cost of upgrading to TFS 2012 from TFS 2010(VS ultimate version)?
    3.In Team Foundation Administration Console,what is the purpose of Lab Management,Build Configuration(Build
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    4.How to create template for automation?What is the need of template creation.
    5.Whether I need to install build Controller & Test Controller for the lab Center  to work in MTM.

    Hi Nazimanasir,
    For your questions, check the replies in below items:
    1. Tfs is a dependent software, but have prerequisites for installation. And you may check MSDN pages to see the requirements like:
    If you want to know TFS architecture, you can refer to the
    page for more information. And you can get started TFS 2010 from this
    page. You have to install SCVMM if you want to use it to manage virtual machines
    2. For the license issue, you might contact
    directly for the better response, where specialized experts live in. You can also refer to the upgrade guide here:
    3. With the Lab management,  you can build and test in lab environment. Refer to this
    page for more information about lab management.  The build controller is for TFS build, and test controller is for testing which can be used to run test cases by MTM.
    4. I'm not quite clear the template you mean, please elaborate more details. If you're saying build process template, then you can use the build process templates that accompany with the team project. If you mean process template, you can check them in process
    template manager. You can also check this
    page for more information about customize TFS process template.
    5. Once you have setup your TFS machine, then you can configure build controller by following the instruction in this page: And check this
    link for setting up test controller. For MTM related questions, you can also open a new thread in MTM forum for a better response.
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Heads up: The Nokia Software Recovery Tool is bust...

    Nokia Software Recovery Tool won't load
    Anyone else having problems with Nokia Software Recovery Tool?
    I've heard all the generic cookie-cutter responses "Try a different OS" "Try a different cable"... the problem is not with our OS or cables, but rather the update checking phase. It always returns the issue "Could not check application update". Apparently this just started recently as there were users able to use this software as recently as Wednesday.
    Got ready to wipe two phones for selling purposes. This software was necessary because I didn't want to sell them while they were on the dev preview, and the typical reset doesn't take a Windows Phone off dev preview... I have mostly been met with this piece of work all throughout random times of the day.
    Won't work for anything, and it also does not allow us to skip the update so there's no winning here. That update really should be optional simply for the sake of avoiding crippling instances like this. If the update is broken, we should at least be able to use what's there... as it is all I can do is open this software and close it.
    ...just bringing awareness to Nokia's home turf so that it will (hopefully) have a speedy resolution.

    2014-10-05 03:18:42Z | 7140 (NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool) | 0x00000001 | NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.exe | NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.States.AutoUpdate.Checki​ng.CheckingState | Error | | <!CDATA[[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapExcepti​on: Service specific exception:​alErrorFault
    at Nokia.Enterprise.Repository.InstallationPackets.In​stallationPacketRepository.EndFindLatestPacket(IAs​yncResult asyncResult, VersionComparisonResult& versionComparisonResult)
    at NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.Connectivity.Castor.Firm​ware.GetAutoUpdatePackage.GetAutoUpdatePackageCall​()
    at NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.Logics.AutoUpdate.AutoUp​dateLogic.CheckAutoUpdate()
    at NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.States.AutoUpdate.Checki​ng.CheckingState.BackgroundWorkerDoWork(Object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.OnDoWork(Do​WorkEventArgs e)
    at System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.WorkerThrea​dStart(Object argument)]]>
    2014-10-05 03:18:42Z | 7140 (NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool) | 0x00000001 | NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.exe | NokiaSoftwareRecoveryTool.StateMachine.BaseTypes.B​aseState | Information | Getting Next Error state of CheckingState, error code: CheckingAutoUpdateFailed |
    I get this in Romania. Very sad.

  • Rebuilding / reinstall of Leopard, looking for a software inventory tool

    I have been running A iMac from a tiger install then upgraded over the past 2 years and looking at doing a reinstall of leopard. However I want to make sure I don't loose any of my paid applications and there keys.
    Is there a software inventory tool that will tell me what is installed, and possibly the install. EG windows belarc advisor use to provide this type of info.
    Also when I do the re-install will the bootcamp partition be effected.
    Is there a URL providing tips on doing a machine rebuild, as I couldn't find one in the discussion groups.

    O. OK. I would suggest waiting for Snow Leopard, but if you want to rebuilt now....
    Go to the Apple on the top left of your screen, and select About This Mac. Select More Info. In System Profiler, on the left, scroll down to Software and select Applications. It will give you a list of every Application installed. You can click on one to get more info. If you want to keep this report, go to File > Save and save the report to the destination of your liking.

  • Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - March 2015 (KB 890830) 9.2 MB

    I am using Win7 (64 bit) and just saw the following Optional Update when I went to the Critical Updates page. I wonder if I should install it or not?
    If so, why is it marked Optional and not Recommended or Critical if it is an update to the Malicious Software Removal Tool I already have installed?
    Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - March 2015 (KB 890830)  9.2 MB
    BTW: When can I see the information about the the Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool I already have?

    Hello AliceZ,
    You could download the Malicious Software Removal Tool from the following link.
    Based on my test, the version is 2015 Feb too.
    About antivirus software, you could use Microsoft Security Essential to scan viruses and spyware and malicious software. For more information, please take a look at the following article.
    Best regards,
    Fangzhou CHEN
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • Synchronizing update 91efe48b-7f85-4a74-9f33-26952da55c80 - Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - May 2014 (KB890830)

    •        Windows OS version: Windows Serve  2008 R2
    •        SCCM Server version:2012 R2
    •        WSUS Version: 3.0 SP2
    •        WSUS and SCCM on same server
    •        WSUS Database: SQL Database
    •        When did the issue start? 5/15/25014
    •        Any recent changes? No
    •        Any required authenticated proxy running in the environment?  No
    Uploaded the logs on onedrive!1099&authkey=!AL40dKaAzl-_trc&ithint=folder%2c.log
    Seems like following updates are failing
    Synchronizing update 91efe48b-7f85-4a74-9f33-26952da55c80 - Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - May 2014 (KB890830)
    Failed to sync update 91efe48b-7f85-4a74-9f33-26952da55c80. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.LicenseAgreement.GetById
    Synchronizing update 20c93660-7d50-4ffb-a621-688ccc973abf - Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool x64 - May 2014 (KB890830)
    Failed to sync update 20c93660-7d50-4ffb-a621-688ccc973abf. Error: The Microsoft Software License Terms have not been completely downloaded and cannot be accepted. Source: Microsoft.UpdateServices.Internal.BaseApi.LicenseAgreement.GetById
    Any resolution for the same?
    Has anyone else seen this issue? Any suggestions how to fix it?

    Have you checked the IIS logs? Maybe it can give us some clues.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Csa 6.0 problem with software deployment tool

    Hi Guys,
    I am having some problems with csa 6.0 and a software deployment tool called capainstaller, it resides on the client and picks up packages on some server shares and executes them from there, or copies it locally. We have added it to the class that defines mass software deployment like we did in 5.2, which works fine in 5.2, in 6.0 we are getting alot of applications getting put into @untrusted, for some reason. I can't figure out if i am supposed to make general exeptions for shares and local directories where the deployment tool reads its packages from ? In that case which classes should i modify, i am seeing alot of classification from the module called Security - Untrusted Content Classification, and this gives me alot of headaches.

    Well, the Mass Software Deployment class, is where you are supposed to put marimba, in 5.2 this was fine, and worked for most of the installations i have done. in 6.0 the big break came when i found out that you can't use UNC network paths in a file set, it just doesn't work. If you put it is a literal straight in the same field as the altiris and sms are in the built-in rules, that works, maybe your marimba agent is also part locally installed and part gotten from the network like ours is ?

  • Hello,  Windows toolbar disappears, I can work the software without tools.  I tried to install again in it that did not help.  I'd love to get help.  Thanks -isarel 053-5288322  anat

    I can work the software without tools. I have pc  adobe cs4
    in illustrator I dont have the tool bar, it's Suddenly disappeared
    I tried to install again in it that did not help.
    I'd love to get help.

    It may be time to look at this list, maybe going straight to 6).
    The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of them already); 1) and 2) are the easy ones for temporary strangenesses, and 3) and 4) are specifically aimed at possibly corrupt preferences); 5) is a list in itself, and 6) is the last resort.
    1) Close down Illy and open again;
    2) Restart the computer (you may do that up to 3 times);
    3) Close down Illy and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift/Cmd+Option+Shift during startup (easy but irreversible);
    4) Move the folder (follow the link with that name) with Illy closed (more tedious but also more thorough and reversible);
    5) Look through and try out the relevant among the Other options (follow the link with that name, Item 7) is a list of usual suspects among other applications that may disturb and confuse Illy, Item 15) applies to CC, CS6, and maybe CS5);
    Even more seriously, you may:
    6) Uninstall, run the Cleaner Tool (if you have CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6/CC), and reinstall.

  • How to start BusinessObjects Software Inventory Tool?

    Hi there,
    I've got a BusinessObjects XI 3.1 Installation on Linux and I'm searching the Software Inventory Tool.
    But I don't find the directory..
    Thanks and best regards,

    You can login to the Central Management Console and select Settings link.
    In the settings link Product version information will be displayed like, Product Version: 12.X.X.XXX.
    In the above version type, 12 is major release type and second 'x' is of service pack. So, if you have 12.3.X.XXX then you have the XI3.1 SP3 installed.
    Now, if you want to know what's the Fix packs has been installed then the third 'X' gives the details, So, if have the version like 12.3.3.XXX then you have XI 3.1 SP3 FP3 with XXX as the build.

  • Software recover tool unable to connect to server

    Hi There
    I am trying to use the software recovery tool for my Lumia 1020 but keep getting unable to connect to server message. Im am running Windows 8.1. Has anyone had this problem or have a fix for this. Many Thanks for any advice.Tony
    Go to Solution.

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