Solution to send audio video & document by blutoot...

what is the soloution to send file (audio video & document ) by bluetooth. though image can be send by blutooth. please do send the solution.
Go to Solution.

shailendraraj wrote:
i hope my statement will contradict all above.
open file manager and click at the imaje or video for a short time.
you shall find send/ share via bluetooth,email etc.
if this helped click green star
that only works for people using pr1.2

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    Base on my experience, you could use azure storage reference sharepoint app. I suggest you could recommend this blog via ( ).
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  • Photo booth - audio video out of sync problem

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    I found the solution for the audio / video sync problem in Photo Booth!!!!!
    Go to your Launchpad and open audio/midi configuration. Make sure that your input and output has the same settings. I changed the input and output to 2 channel 16-bit 44100,0 hz. And this did the trick for me!!
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    its important to do this in the correct order so the camera will be senced by the Mac and to prevent the Firewire connection from electrical damage:
    power down your Mac
    connect firewire from camera to Mac
    power on camera and insert tape in camera and play back
    power up Mac
    start QuickTime
    File > Preferences > record tab
    video source - select the camera you have
    sound source - select the camera you have
    quality - select device native
    the video should show in the QuicTime window
    a  green line below video will show presence of sound-it will play through the speakers if they are selected in system prefernces
    rewind tape and playback
    click on red button to start recording

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    You can easily compare any Nokia devices using the web sites, here is a comparison of the N8 from the Nokia UK site:
    And similar from Nokia Developer:,N8-00
    Some information may be incomplete at present, since some device details were kept secret until the final moment of the launch so the pages have been prepared withoug all of the data.
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    Multi-Touch(TM) is the registered trademark of another company, however Windows Phone does feature the common touch features such as swiping, pinch-zooming and so on.
    If this or any post answers your question, please remember to help others by pressing the 'Accept as solution' button.

  • Please, help with Live Audio/Video example from jmf solutions

    I�m desperate looking for a solution for a particular problem.
    I�m trying to feed JMF with an AudioInputStream generated via Java Sound, so that I can send it via RTP. The problem is that I don�t know how to properly create a DataSource from an InputStream. I know the example Live Audio/Video Data from the jmf solutions focuses on something similar.
    The problem is that I don�t know exactly how it works, os, the question is, how can I modify that example in order to use it and try to create a proper DataSource from the AudioInputStream, and then try to send it via RTP?
    I think that I manage to create a DataSource and pass it to the class AVTransmit2 from the jmf examples, and from that DataSource create a processor, which creates successfully, and then find a corresponding format and try to send it, but when i try to send it or play it I get garbage sound, so I�m not really sure whether I create the DataSource correctly or not, as I�ve made some changes on the Live Audio/Video Data from the jmf solutions to construct a livestream from the audioinputstream. Actually, I don�t understand where in the code does it construct the DataSource from the livestream, from an inputStream, because there�s not constructor like this DataSource(InputStream) neither nothing similar.
    Please help me as I�m getting very stuck with this, I would really appreciate your help,
    thanks for your time, bye.

    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
    public class LiveAudioStream implements PushBufferStream, Runnable {
        protected ContentDescriptor cd = new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW);
        protected int maxDataLength;
        protected int vez = 0;
        protected AudioInputStream data;
        public AudioInputStream audioStream;
        protected byte[] audioBuffer;
        protected audioFormat;
        protected boolean started;
        protected Thread thread;
        protected float frameRate = 20f;
        protected BufferTransferHandler transferHandler;
        protected Control [] controls = new Control[0];
        public LiveAudioStream(byte[] audioBuf) {
             audioBuffer = audioBuf;
                      audioFormat = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.ULAW,
                      maxDataLength = 40764;
                      thread = new Thread(this);
         * SourceStream
        public ContentDescriptor getContentDescriptor() {
         return cd;
        public long getContentLength() {
         return LENGTH_UNKNOWN;
        public boolean endOfStream() {
         return false;
         * PushBufferStream
        int seqNo = 0;
        double freq = 2.0;
        public Format getFormat() {
             return audioFormat;
        public void read(Buffer buffer) throws IOException {
         synchronized (this) {
             Object outdata = buffer.getData();
             if (outdata == null || !(outdata.getClass() == Format.byteArray) ||
              ((byte[])outdata).length < maxDataLength) {
              outdata = new byte[maxDataLength];
              buffer.setFormat( audioFormat );
              buffer.setTimeStamp( 1000000000 / 8 );
             buffer.setSequenceNumber( seqNo );
             buffer.setHeader( null );
        public void setTransferHandler(BufferTransferHandler transferHandler) {
         synchronized (this) {
             this.transferHandler = transferHandler;
        void start(boolean started) {
         synchronized ( this ) {
             this.started = started;
             if (started && !thread.isAlive()) {
              thread = new Thread(this);
         * Runnable
        public void run() {
         while (started) {
             synchronized (this) {
              while (transferHandler == null && started) {
                  try {
                  } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
              } // while
             if (started && transferHandler != null) {
              try {
                  Thread.currentThread().sleep( 10 );
              } catch (InterruptedException ise) {
         } // while (started)
        } // run
        // Controls
        public Object [] getControls() {
         return controls;
        public Object getControl(String controlType) {
           try {
              Class  cls = Class.forName(controlType);
              Object cs[] = getControls();
              for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
                 if (cls.isInstance(cs))
    return cs[i];
    return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {   // no such controlType or such control
    return null;
    and the other one, the DataSource,
    import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
    public class CustomDataSource extends PushBufferDataSource {
        protected Object [] controls = new Object[0];
        protected boolean started = false;
        protected String contentType = "raw";
        protected boolean connected = false;
        protected Time duration = DURATION_UNKNOWN;
        protected LiveAudioStream [] streams = null;
        protected LiveAudioStream stream = null;
        public CustomDataSource(LiveAudioStream ls) {
             streams = new LiveAudioStream[1];
             stream = streams[0]= ls;
        public String getContentType() {
         if (!connected){
                System.err.println("Error: DataSource not connected");
                return null;
         return contentType;
        public byte[] getData() {
             return stream.audioBuffer;
        public void connect() throws IOException {
          if (connected)
          connected = true;
        public void disconnect() {
         try {
                if (started)
            } catch (IOException e) {}
         connected = false;
        public void start() throws IOException {
         // we need to throw error if connect() has not been called
            if (!connected)
                throw new java.lang.Error("DataSource must be connected before it can be started");
            if (started)
         started = true;
        public void stop() throws IOException {
         if ((!connected) || (!started))
         started = false;
        public Object [] getControls() {
         return controls;
        public Object getControl(String controlType) {
           try {
              Class  cls = Class.forName(controlType);
              Object cs[] = getControls();
              for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; i++) {
                 if (cls.isInstance(cs))
    return cs[i];
    return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {   // no such controlType or such control
    return null;
    public Time getDuration() {
         return duration;
    public PushBufferStream [] getStreams() {
         return streams;
    hope this helps

  • How to send files like audio,video,images and text via RMI..

    Hi everyone,
    As I am working under a project, my own, of creating a chat machine, I've thought to make it capable of doing everything that MSN or yahoo MSN can do. Till now I've just been able to send messages and some small icons as expressions. So, my next step will be making my progam able to send even other files like audio, video, images and text to the person on the other machine to whom I'm chatting. But as I don't have any idea on how to start doing it, I want anyone who think he/she can help me to give me the basic logic that is used to do so. I would very much appreciate it. I've used vectors to store the text messages which is visible to all the users using the chat program enabling them to see various messages in it.
    thank you...

    Now, I got stuck because the code doesn't seem to work well. For large files with around 40 mb or more size couldn't be sent. I have constructed the code, just rough sketch, as follows:
    ** In the Server Implementation class I've used FileInputStream to read the contents of a file that is sent as an argument to the method.
    ** Similarly, in the client side I've used RandomAccessFile to save the received array of bytes.
    public void sendFile(File f)
       ChatServer cs=(ChatServer)Naming.lookup("rmi://localhost/ChatServer");
       cs.readsAndStoreTheFileInTheServer(f); // In the Server Implementation the contents of the file is read and saved in an array of byte. later method is invoked by the client to get the array of the saved byte.
       cs.message("-Accept-"); // When a client receives this word then a JComponent with accept and cancel button will be constructed from where other clients can save/cancel the sent file.
    }For small size files this code works well but for files more than 40 mb of size it is useless. I wonder if there's any other alternative.

  • Audio & Video Call Recording Solution for CUCM

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  • Mobile YouTube on Safari iPhone4 will not send AirPlay Video, only Audio.

    So if I go on on safari on my iphone, open a video and click the AirPlay icon, I only get the Audio icon, meaning I can only send Audio to my Apple TV
    Is it the same for everyone or is it just me ?
    Is it because YouTube decided not to implement the Video AirPlay support on their Mobile Safari version ?

    So I tried it on that link and it streamed perfectly, I included pictures to show you that in fact worked

  • Solution to Audio-Video out-of-sync

    For a good 3 full weeks by using videora to convert files, i've realised that it has been giving me such non-synching rate between the audio and its video (try scrolling to the later part of the movie, viewing from the ipod)
    Trying to solve the problems, from my research of frame rates in wikipedia to reconverting thouroughly again but to no avail until i realised this simple method reason why.
    I have been using Videora with using its "input" frame rate - do not use that - it is not reliable - i am presuming that it uses a same number of frame rates for all data conversion which is why the difference in audio-video differences. Solution is simple.
    1. Just right click on any .avi files
    2. Check their frame rate.
    3. Input the exact number for your videora presets. (do save a number of presets eg. 23 fps (frames per second),
    25 fps and 29 fps - you'll find them useful when you see their respective frame rates to match your respective profiles.
    Since then, i have no problems with the out-of-sync syndrome from videora, enjoy.
    Other problems like videora doesn't convert .mov files,
    you'll just have to download the latest itunes and use its "convert selection" option in there.

    I have made slight progress in my problem, but still have not fixed it. I have imported my footage through IMovie and everything is IN sync, if i move that same footage to final cut pro, everything is still in sync. However, capturing on final cut pro yields different results because everything captured on FCP is out of sync. So i know that my problem is a setting with the capture process having to do with final cut pro, Please help because i have so much work to do!

  • The big iChat problems. Audio/Video (now completely broken in 10.7.3), the "not-authorized" problem

    So, I am running iChat on OS X Lion 10.7.3 on an early-2011 MBP 13'' . These problems have been here for a while, though (I got my comp with 10.7.0). I have AIM/GMail/Yahoo connected..
    One problem is the issue of non-authorized people. There is a list of "not authorized" people that I have to scroll past in my "offline" section of iChat buddies before I actually get to the real offline contacts. Big note here: All these people have the address (something) These contacts have come up as a result of my gmail connection. You see, a few months ago Gmail and AIM did this chat unification process where contacts can be just added into Gmail for chatting. These copies come up asking for an invite when the REAL AIM address person talks to me. The invites leave once I press decline, but then they stay on my list as not authorized. If I delete these "not-authorized" copies, the invites will come up again and the cycle will repeat. It is a nuisance considering how much of these false contacts are on my list.
    Second problem is video/audio chat in general. This issue really applies on AIM/Yahoo—there is nothing for Gmail because people usually use the web interface which simply doesn't work with iChat video/audio. If the people used Google talk, the issue written below would probably come up.
    See, what happens is that…(now in 10.7.3), video/audio chat is simply broken, simple as that. My contacts always tell me that an error has occurred when trying to accept my video chat invite. It simply doesn't work. They are using AIM desktop in most cases. When it DID used to work (to a very limited extent, I'll say; it was hit or miss earlier pre 10.7.3, now it's just miss), it was just video but NO audio. They could see/hear me, I could only see them. When I did audio chats, they hear me, I..don't hear them (so audio chats were pointless). The only case where this problem doesn't happen is where it's Mac to Mac, iChat to iChat. VERY limited in use of audio/video chat, if you ask me.

    If AIM contacts have been added to your Google Buddy List then I would login to Google and remove them from there  (the iGoogle or GoogleMail web pages will show the Chat option)
    Whilst they are still in the List then the Authorization request will probably be resent (In this case it is probably being generated by the method Google are using to add the AIM names as iChat only sends it once).
    Google/Jabber Video chats is only iChat to iChat and so is Yahoo with iChat 6.
    The Yahoo App streams Video which People can be allowed to see and Audio is added in as an Audio Chat.
    The connection Process is not the same and iChat/AIM
    Jabber and Google use Jingle to Connect (in fact Google's version is not that compatible with other Jabber apps).
    This means iChat to the Standalone PC app  or any Web Browser using the Google Video Plug-in (PC or Mac) or to any Jabber app that is using a Google ID (or a Jabber ID) will not work.
    On the iChat to AIM on a PC.
    This has always been a bit of a hit and miss affair.
    Some people have no trouble but other spend ages trying to set things up and never find the solution.
    This is the Original Users Tip  (up to about AIM5.9)
    A "replacement" for that tip that has not made it across yet.
    I have yet to try Video to the Web Login version that is now on offer.
    However I would limit the Bandwidth in iChat Menu > Preferences > Video Section to 500kbps (possibly try 200kbps for 1-1 chats) as you will not know the interent speed available to the Buddy if they are using the web login.
    When you compare iChat actual functions to what you would like it to do it can appear to be limited.
    On the basis that you would want your IM app to be able to have Buddies from other services listed in a Buddy list (combined) or Lists which apps do you know of can do that and Video to some of them ?
    Adium and ProteusX can both have Buddies from the major Services ina  Buddy List but don't do Audio or Video.
    Yahoo and MSN both allow the other's Buddies in the list but I am not sure about Video or Audio chats
    They cannot connect to Jabber or AIM buddies even for text chats.
    Jabber does depend on the server you use and whether that does Transports for you to have text chats with other services.
    Instructions for iChat.
    Mercury IM is a JAVA version of MSN and still has not got to Audio and Video
    Similar for aMSN
    Gizmo5 and YakforFree both died...
    Skype is Cross Platform  but is only 1-1 in Video chat.  (cost extra for 3 and 4 way chats)
    Yahoo had dropped support for their Mac version now iChat has the Yahoo option  (you can still download it  - IT being the beta it has been for  years).
    2:40 PM      Saturday; February 11, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Audio/video out of sync after export

    My son Charley and I are working on a simple project, where we have imported an MP4 file into Premiere Pro, then edited it, with no problems, but when he exports the file (either to an MP4 or FLV), there is a small but noticeable audio-video sync problem on the exported file. There does not seem to be a sync or other problem with the source file, nor with the edited file as viewed within PP. But on the exported file, the audio seems to run slightly ahead of the video.
    When we upload one of these exported files to Youtube or Vimeo, the sync problem seems to become more noticeable than in viewing the exported flv or mp4.
    We cannot find a solution in searching the Forums. Charley consulted with another more experienced videographer, and they tried for hours to no avail.
    Charley is using Premiere Pro CS5.5 on a Mac (MBP Mid-2009 2.53 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, using OSX 10.6.8).
    We see lots of discussion about frame rate. Charley put the settings to 'match source' but maybe there is something else we're supposed to do.
    He can post screen shots of all the settings, if that will help. Adobe provides no phone support for PP and just sends us back to this Forum.
    Any help  much appreciated.
    Michael Lanning

    Kevin: OK, that's helpful. Charley is at work until 3:15 Eastern; in the meanwhile, I'm trying below to reply to your inputs; sorry if some of my questions are illogical, just reflecting my confusion.
    You say to match source settings, including audio sample rate, and (I think) that we should do that by creating a new sequence at which time we select the clip and drag it to New Item button. Perhaps doing that would make some of the following questions irrelevant, I'm not sure, but here they are:
    We did not check the box "Match Sequence Settings" (just under 'Export Settings'); should we have done so?
    On Presets, and using FLV vs H.264:
    Do we need to leave the 'Match Sequence Settings' box Unchecked if we want to use a YT or Vimeo Preset?
    FLV does not seem to have a pre-set for YT or Vimeo, but does have one for 'Web.' H.264 does have YT and Vimeo pre-sets. As I've mentioned, we have been trying to make this work with FLV, as Charley found that H.264 was giving us (worse) sync problems. Maybe we should go back to H.264.
    You say that "if these things don't work, "...try an similar H.264 preset to upload to" YT. Do you mean to suggest that we try exporting in H.264 instead of FLV? (If that's not what you mean, and if we still work with FLV, then I don't know what "an similar H.264 preset" would be; do you mean like the 'Web' preset?
    Whether FLV or H.264, I'm unclear how ensure audio sample rate matches source.
    Codecs listed on source file are H.264, AAC; does that imply that under 'Basic Audio Settings' on Audio settings tab, we should use an AAC codec rather than the MP3 now indicated?
    Should we be determining the bitrate settings of the source (ie, right click the file within PP to find the properties, including bitrate?) and then using that bitrate?
    Or do we resolve all this about audio sample rate simply by creating a new sequence as discussed above?
    I hope these questions make sense. Thanks again for your help.

  • Complete Show playback - audio/video

    Hi all, I'm posting this in both the Logic and Mainstage forums.
    I've created an entire show that will be scripted from beginning to end and want all the audio/video elements to be in sync with each other, played back from my Mac Book Pro, feeding an audio interface and a VGA output to a projector.
    What is the best and most stable program/solution for running multiple audio stream playback (one stereo wav file, one mono wav file, and a live vocal channel), along with several different video clips, on a timeline?
    I have numerous songs or medleys that will be played live, along with a stereo backing track, as well as a mono click track (in sync, obviously). The fourth track, and this is optional, but ideal, would be to process the lead vocal channel live through the same timeline, with effects changing at specific moments in the song.
    Lastly there are video elements that would be synced up to various pieces of music.
    I was hoping to accomplish this in either Logic Pro or Mainstage, but I don't see a video playback option in Mainstage, and Logic seems to allow only one Quicktime Movie at a time. I could render the entire show's video content into one long movie that runs the length of the show, but was hoping to have each song or segment as its own separate piece, so that later I could change the order of playback.
    Additionally I could see using a MIDI track to send program change information to the lighting desk....but that's down the road.
    If this happens inside Logic, is there a way to set up chapter markers so that I can start and stop playback, and jump to the next marker?
    Thanks for your help.

    inside Logic, is there a way to set up chapter markers so that I can start and stop playback, and jump to the next marker?
    Yes. Markers are helpful, and they're easy to work with, especially if you learn to control them with the keyboard. Here are some relevant key commands. They are all available by default (i.e., there's no need to load a particular key command preset):
    ⌃K Create Marker
    ⌘↩ Rename Marker
    ⌘⌫ Delete Marker
    ⌃, Go to Previous Marker
    ⌃. Go to Next Marker
    As you're scrolling through the project to create Markers, it helps to know about these commands:
    , Rewind
    . Forward
    ⇧, Fast Rewind
    ⇧. Fast Forward
    If you have the US preset loaded, the commands are a little different, as follows:
    ⇧⌘' Create Marker
    ⌘↓ Delete Marker
    ⌃⌘← Go to Previous Marker
    ⌃⌘→ Go to Next Marker
    It makes no sense that the US preset uses these more difficult keystrokes. It uses the other keystrokes (⌃K, ⌘⌫, ⌃, and ⌃.) for no other purpose. This is one of several reasons that I tend to avoid the US preset.
    Anyone confused by any of those symbols can find an illustrated guide here or here.

  • Synching audio/video across AirPlay & other devices

    I have a AppleTV-equipped television ("TV") as well as a separate audio system that uses a MacMini as a dedicated processor ("Sound System").  The Sound System has a separate DAC, amplifier, etc. as well as an Airport Express for streaming audio.
    My goal:  watch Internet content (audio and video) on the TV while also hearing the audio through my Sound System.
    My options:  (1) use the MacMini to play the audio content directly through the Sound System while at the same time beaming the audio/video from the MacMini to the TV via AirPlay/AppleTV; or (2) use a separate Mac device (e.g. my iPhone, MacBook, etc.) to beam audio/video to the TV via Airplay while at the same time streaming the audio to the Sound System via the Airport Express.
    The problem:  nothing works, even using a third-party app that allows streaming to multiple devices (e.g. Porthole or Airfoil) because of the audio and visual delays with Airplay/Apple TV.  Thus, even using Airfoil to sync the audio between the TV and Sound System (which it was able to achieve), I'm still left with the video being out of sync.
    Any good suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

    Vazandrew, your solution works to send video to my TV and audio to my Sound System (via AirPlay setting on Apple TV), but it does not allow me to play the audio on my Sound System and TV simultaneously, which is what I'd like to do.

  • How to preview the html,audio,video files in JFileChooser

    Dear All,
    Iam doing project on swing. In that iam using JFileChooser. In JFileChooser you can preview the image or JPEG if you keep mose pointer on the file.
    My Problem is i want to view the html pages,Audio and video files like that.
    Please any body having the similare example or solution please send me. Ill be waiting for your valuable reply.

    Thank you you Richard. i can preview the images but my problem is to preview audio and video files. Please any body know the solution.Please send me.

Maybe you are looking for