Solution Z10 Speaker problem

I had ordered new bb z10 and found faulty... speaker of the handset is not fuctioning... kindly advice the plan of action.

Hi and Welcome to the Community!
If it were me, I'd be seeking warranty support from the seller. I'd not expect a new (as you say) device to have such a problem.
Good luck!
Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    i'm not sure either. i am also running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit but havent had any problems.
    try contacting @BlackBerryHelp
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    Go through the below forum with similar issue and follow the process mentioned by "Macjack" in the beginning.

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    ******A true apple fan********

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  • Using IOS 7.1.2 on Safari when I leave the focus on a input on my webpage and rotate my device from Horizontal to vertical, I see a black space on the right and the page is not displayed properly. Any solutions to this problem?

    iOS Version: 7.1.2
    Browser: Safari
    I have a sample log-in page with two input fields and a submit button. When I focus on any of the input fields in landscape mode and rotate my phone and come to the portrait mode I see a weird black space towards the right of my page. Screenshots attached below:
    My page code below:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0" />
        <title>IOS Test</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            a, abbr, acronym, address, applet, article, aside, audio, b, blockquote, big, body, center, canvas, caption, cite, code, command, datalist, dd, del, details, dfn, dl, div, dt, em, embed, fieldset, figcaption, figure, font, footer, form, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, header, hgroup, html, i, iframe, img, ins, kbd, keygen, label, legend, li, meter, nav, object, ol, output, p, pre, progress, q, s, samp, section, small, span, source, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, tbody, tfoot, thead, th, tr, tdvideo, tt, u, ul, var
                background: transparent;
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            .content a:active
        <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
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        <div class="body">
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                <img src="sampleImage.png" alt="Sample Logo" />
            <form action="" method="get" id="sampleForm">
            <div class="content">
                <input type="email" value="User Name" onblur="if($(this)[0].value == ''){$(this)[0].value = 'User Name';}"
                    onfocus="if($(this)[0].value != '' && $(this)[0].value == 'User Name'){$(this)[0].value = ''};" />
                <input type="password" value="Password" onblur="if($(this)[0].value == ''){$(this)[0].value = 'Password';}"
                    onfocus="if($(this)[0].value != '' && $(this)[0].value == 'Password'){$(this)[0].value = ''};" />
                <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$('#sampleForm').submit();">Login</a>
    Does anyone have any solutions to this problem?
    Mayank Tripathi

    ALWAYS SAVE YOUR idevice USING ICLOUD !!!! IT SAVES ... ALL !! (includings apps data, but the apps themselves ! USE IT ! i done this...)

  • HI i have tried so many times to import images, both pictures and video from my hard drive to elements 131, and it keeps coming up with the error message " .....has stopped working we are looking for a solution to this problem etc " please help!

    After taking days to upload elements 13 I am now having trouble even trying to import my images and videos into the program for editing. Each time I IMPORT files an error message comes up that says " ....has stopped working, we are looking for a solution to the problem and will notify you if a solution is found"  I have not been able to edit ANYTHING or even drag files/images to the time line.... is it me? is my computer too slow? surely if it was, then Adobe elements 13 would not have installed in the first place? please someone help me sort this out as I have a deadline to make for a docco! thanks in advance Lyddy

    From the Premiere Elements Information FAQ
    •You MUST use an account with Administrator Privileges to run Premiere Elements
    •(Doing Run as Administrator [says Encore and also for "All" versions of Premiere] will sometimes fix "odd" errors)
    •What version of Premiere Elements? Include the minor version number (e.g., Premiere Elements 12 with the 12.1 update)
    •What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.9.4"---not just "Mac"
    •Has this ever worked before?  If so, do you recall any changes you made to Premiere Elements, such as adding Plug-ins, brushes, etc.?  Did you make any changes to your system, such as updating hardware, printers or drivers; or installing/uninstalling any programs?
    •Have you installed any recent program or OS updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    •What kind(s) of image file(s)? When talking about camera raw files, include the model of camera.
    •If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    •What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    •What other software are you running?
    •Tell us about your computer hardware. How much RAM is installed?  How much free space is on your system (C:) drive?
    •How many and what speed are your hard drive(s)... ie 5400rpm or 7200rpm or?
    And some other questions...
    •What are you editing, and does your video have an orange line over it BEFORE you do any work?
    •Which version of Quicktime do you have installed?
    •What is your exact brand/model graphics adapter (ATI or nVidia or ???)
    •What is your exact graphics adapter driver version?
    •Have you gone to the vendor web site to check for a newer driver?
    •For Windows, do NOT rely on Windows Update to have current driver information
    •-you need to go direct to the vendor web site and check updates for yourself
    •nVidia Driver Downloads
    •ATI Driver Autodetect

  • How im suppose to fix the auto shutdown problem in my iphone 3gs after updating to ios 5.1.1 this problem has made me a mobile ****** in my house and an loser in thing care so if any solution to this problem let me know

    how im suppose to fix the auto shutdown problem in my iphone 3gs after updating to ios 5.1.1 this problem has made me a mobile ****** in my house and an loser in thing care so if any solution to this problem let me know

    What "auto shutdown problem" are you talking about?

  • I'm exhausted of trying to find a solution to a problem created by Apple. I have moved to iCloud, following your instructions and now I can not use my mobileme e-mail address. How can I contact directly with Apple, not just an automatic reply phone number

    I'm exhausted of trying to find a solution to a problem created by Apple. I have moved to icloud following all your instructions and now I can not use my mobile me e-mail address. I can not activate icloud because when I put my e-mail address it answers that somebody is already using my address. I have my old e-mails, but I can not receive any e-mail or send them.
    I have contacted Apple Technical Support in Spain and I was sent an e-mail saying that I have to call a phone number and when I call it is always an answering machine who answers that says that I have to pay 50€ for a consultation or wait for 10 minutes. When I have made the consultation it was never mentioned that I have to pay 50€ for a phone consultation. If I don't want to wait I have to pay for the Apple Tecnical Support which cost 250 €, this was not mentioned in the technical support page.
    Can somebody let me know how can I contact Apple in another way in order to talk with a human being or chat directly? I was very happy just using my mobileme e-mails, I didn't need any clouds and I was force by Apple to registered if I want to continue using my mobileme e-mail address.

    See this Apple support document for information on reporting an issue with your iTunes purchase.

  • I have two Macbooks at home that are connected to a Comcast Wi-Fi network modem. One of the computers has sporadic in receiving the WI-FI signal while the other is unaffected. Both have same operating system. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?

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    This does not sound to be a router problem...You should try to uninstall and re-install the ethernet adapter/card installed in your computer...Do you have 2 Ethernet Adapter's by any chance...Check the Device Manager, Click on the Start button >>> Settings >>> Control Panel >>> Double click System, go to Hardware >>> Device manager, click on the plus'+' sign next to Network Adapters and see how many Ethernet Adapters are listed...
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    Hello anetsa
    It sounds like you have restrictions setup on your Apple TV. If you do not know your passcode to unlock it, then you will need to restore your Apple TV. Check out the articles below for more information about Restrictions as well as restoring your Apple TV.
    Apple TV: Understanding Restrictions (parental controls)
    Apple TV (2nd and 3rd generation): Restoring your Apple TV
    -Norm G.

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    This could be a software/state problem or a hardware problem.  Here are steps to resolve the former.

  • TA24002 My 500 GB can't verify nor repair. I have photoshop work that I need to recover. I would like to know which erase option would be the best solution for this problem.

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    You appear to have two issues: 1) a hard drive that is not working properly and 2) files you wish to recover.
    Re 1) you need to answer Kappy's questions.
    Re 2) does the drive load and can you see your photo files? If so can you copy them to another drive?
    Do you not have a backup of the photo files?

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    Help Me.
    What is the best solution for this problem ?

    Encore is activated when you activate Premiere Pro... so, as Stan asked, how did you install P-Pro?
    Ask for serial number has a FAQ link
    -and a fix for Encore in reply #7
    -plus more Encore

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