[Solved] Arch Linux won't boot, GRUB error 15

Recently I did a system upgrade with "pacman -Syu". There wasn't many updates i only saw a kernel upgrade to 3.0.1 (something like that), the update was complete and I decieded before I restarted my system i would install LibreOffice, there was another error, with that installation. There was some error with redline and raptor (I'm not 100% on the names but i know they both start with R and it was two of them). Any way it was somewhere along the lines of "redline: /usr/.... : already exists in the filesystem".
So before I continued I figured screw it, I'll restart my system and figure out what's wrong later. So I reboot, and can't get back in -_-* great. So now I have the GRUB error 15 the prompt tells me press any key to continue... and now I can only boot into my windows partition. What can I do from here? I don't want to reinstall arch, only as a last resort.
Last edited by mastrgamr (2011-08-08 03:25:09)

not sure what you're saying ... grub was working fine before if that's what you're asking, I've had the distro on my system for about a week before today.
to be honest I'm not even sure what is a custom kernel, from day one I just did a "pacman -S linux linux-headers", which replaced kernel26 and it's headers and from there I was golden, until today.
P.S I'm sure it was this update that did it (http://www.archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/linux/)

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  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux won't boot

    I was bad and didn't update my packages often enough, and now my arch installation on a desktop won't boot.
    I've booted off of a usb arch install, mounted all of the appropriate harddrive partitions, and used arch-chroot to switch to the offending hard drive.
    The /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg is such:
    # Config file for Syslinux -
    # /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
    # Comboot modules:
    # * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
    # * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
    # * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloa
    # * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
    # * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
    # * poweroff.com - shutdown the system
    # To Use: Copy the respective files from /usr/lib/syslinux to /boot/sysli
    # If /usr and /boot are on the same file system, symlink the files instea
    # of copying them.
    # If you do not use a menu, a 'boot:' prompt will be shown and the system
    # will boot automatically after 5 seconds.
    # Please review the wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Syslinux
    # The wiki provides further configuration examples
    DEFAULT arch
    PROMPT 0 # Set to 1 if you always want to display the boot: prompt
    TIMEOUT 50
    # You can create syslinux keymaps with the keytab-lilo tool
    #KBDMAP de.ktl
    # Menu Configuration
    # Either menu.c32 or vesamenu32.c32 must be copied to /boot/syslinux
    UI menu.c32
    #UI vesamenu.c32
    # Refer to http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/Doc/menu
    MENU TITLE Arch Linux
    #MENU BACKGROUND splash.png
    MENU COLOR border 30;44 #40ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR title 1;36;44 #9033ccff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR sel 7;37;40 #e0ffffff #20ffffff all
    MENU COLOR unsel 37;44 #50ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR help 37;40 #c0ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout_msg 37;40 #80ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR timeout 1;37;40 #c0ffffff #00000000 std
    MENU COLOR msg07 37;40 #90ffffff #a0000000 std
    MENU COLOR tabmsg 31;40 #30ffffff #00000000 std
    # boot sections follow
    # TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel l
    LABEL arch
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=/dev/md0 ro
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
    LABEL archfallback
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux Fallback
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=/dev/md0 ro
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    #LABEL windows
    # MENU LABEL Windows
    # COM32 chain.c32
    # APPEND hd0 1
    LABEL hdt
    MENU LABEL HDT (Hardware Detection Tool)
    COM32 hdt.c32
    LABEL reboot
    MENU LABEL Reboot
    COM32 reboot.c32
    LABEL off
    MENU LABEL Power Off
    COMBOOT poweroff.com
    and /etc/mdadm.conf is:
    ARRAY /dev/md0 UUID=3830049a:44459d91:3ad800a8:e77f102f
    ARRAY /dev/md1 UUID=a69afb27:1266d0c2:0c8966db:14500cdb
    ARRAY /dev/md2 UUID=20b0675c:2fcca1a5:0882d652:06324bf6
    ARRAY /dev/md3 UUID=3f0343cb:ff7342c9:fe8e73d4:ba6d61b3
    ARRAY /dev/md4 UUID=287c6b6d:8cbd733c:c6e9d285:a2b14814
    ARRAY /dev/md5 UUID=ccd0d21c:8103251b:2c9a32d1:bc6dcc78
    and it looks to me like this agrees with blkid:
    sh-4.3# blkid
    /dev/sda1: UUID="3830049a-4445-9d91-3ad8-00a8e77f102f" UUID_SUB="932acc3b-f7ba-d443-cf76-9d59b663c651" LABEL="archiso:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="9574bd41-8133-4c6a-b5b4-981002a41867"
    /dev/sda2: UUID="a69afb27-1266-d0c2-0c89-66db14500cdb" UUID_SUB="e3de7e2c-8153-0c53-ac5d-ffc678deb269" LABEL="archiso:1" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="fc78d66d-53a4-4c99-a29c-b881d19c1e8d"
    /dev/sda3: UUID="20b0675c-2fcc-a1a5-0882-d65206324bf6" UUID_SUB="36f53577-cd9b-0c4e-4223-58123a6b2426" LABEL="archiso:2" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="b7187772-bf01-4517-99a1-d2aa209aa35b"
    /dev/sda4: UUID="3f0343cb-ff73-42c9-fe8e-73d4ba6d61b3" UUID_SUB="e583cdb9-f523-b4ea-01bb-609779ca3efe" LABEL="archiso:3" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="df9fddd2-762b-4eb3-860c-ef79f545fa77"
    /dev/sda5: UUID="287c6b6d-8cbd-733c-c6e9-d285a2b14814" UUID_SUB="ec1c493a-97f0-48e2-1659-068c25b7aa55" LABEL="archiso:4" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="ba388b64-8f6b-4053-a695-14560832735e"
    /dev/sda6: UUID="ccd0d21c-8103-251b-2c9a-32d1bc6dcc78" UUID_SUB="9b53306f-941d-8048-5780-533ada837e11" LABEL="archiso:5" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Microsoft basic data" PARTUUID="6325add3-aa39-4fa2-995c-aacf7165097c"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="3830049a-4445-9d91-3ad8-00a8e77f102f" UUID_SUB="ec3420f6-d21a-5e69-94f8-d81f277079ec" LABEL="archiso:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="9574bd41-8133-4c6a-b5b4-981002a41867"
    /dev/sdb2: UUID="a69afb27-1266-d0c2-0c89-66db14500cdb" UUID_SUB="4b1e7230-ffec-0985-1ac7-a69aec27eec2" LABEL="archiso:1" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="fc78d66d-53a4-4c99-a29c-b881d19c1e8d"
    /dev/sdb3: UUID="20b0675c-2fcc-a1a5-0882-d65206324bf6" UUID_SUB="4d1721b6-d87f-00b6-4bd9-45712592b033" LABEL="archiso:2" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="b7187772-bf01-4517-99a1-d2aa209aa35b"
    /dev/sdb4: UUID="3f0343cb-ff73-42c9-fe8e-73d4ba6d61b3" UUID_SUB="085a16ce-1a7c-d79e-eb92-fed6b1b70365" LABEL="archiso:3" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="df9fddd2-762b-4eb3-860c-ef79f545fa77"
    /dev/sdb5: UUID="287c6b6d-8cbd-733c-c6e9-d285a2b14814" UUID_SUB="10857018-548a-9311-178e-7d2b06e25942" LABEL="archiso:4" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Linux RAID" PARTUUID="ba388b64-8f6b-4053-a695-14560832735e"
    /dev/sdb6: UUID="ccd0d21c-8103-251b-2c9a-32d1bc6dcc78" UUID_SUB="d577ff9e-a687-f335-7062-f2f629886a58" LABEL="archiso:5" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="Microsoft basic data" PARTUUID="6325add3-aa39-4fa2-995c-aacf7165097c"
    /dev/sdc1: LABEL="/dev/sdc1" UUID="de2a5dc6-4b22-466f-819a-86dda839c7e6" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c3072e18-01"
    /dev/sdc2: LABEL="/dev/sdc2" UUID="2909b560-e9b9-48cf-a194-7b7c9c38d312" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="c3072e18-02"
    /dev/md127: UUID="3f9ddf01-4f7c-4633-844d-82a1781170a5" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/md126: UUID="7105ac32-610b-4d4b-935b-675edc71ff32" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/md125: UUID="90cc6dbe-2d0f-422b-8653-965f103b8e8d" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/md124: UUID="5fd8960f-6017-49c8-bc7e-c972aa0e2f31" TYPE="ext4"
    /dev/md123: UUID="7B9075B74838729A" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/md122: UUID="96468ceb-857b-467e-b9c7-2a37e13fde6f" TYPE="ext4"
    and lsblk is:
    sh-4.3# lsblk
    sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
    |-sda1 8:1 0 1G 0 part
    | `-md126 9:126 0 1024M 0 raid1 /boot
    |-sda2 8:2 0 24G 0 part
    | `-md122 9:122 0 24G 0 raid1 /
    |-sda3 8:3 0 15G 0 part
    | `-md127 9:127 0 15G 0 raid1 /var
    |-sda4 8:4 0 100G 0 part
    | `-md125 9:125 0 100G 0 raid1 /home/j3doucet
    |-sda5 8:5 0 100G 0 part
    | `-md124 9:124 0 100G 0 raid1 /home/c2hollow
    `-sda6 8:6 0 691.5G 0 part
    `-md123 9:123 0 691.4G 0 raid1 /media
    sdb 8:16 0 931.5G 0 disk
    |-sdb1 8:17 0 1G 0 part
    | `-md126 9:126 0 1024M 0 raid1 /boot
    |-sdb2 8:18 0 24G 0 part
    | `-md122 9:122 0 24G 0 raid1 /
    |-sdb3 8:19 0 15G 0 part
    | `-md127 9:127 0 15G 0 raid1 /var
    |-sdb4 8:20 0 100G 0 part
    | `-md125 9:125 0 100G 0 raid1 /home/j3doucet
    |-sdb5 8:21 0 100G 0 part
    | `-md124 9:124 0 100G 0 raid1 /home/c2hollow
    `-sdb6 8:22 0 691.5G 0 part
    `-md123 9:123 0 691.4G 0 raid1 /media
    sdc 8:32 1 58.9G 0 disk
    |-sdc1 8:33 1 19.5G 0 part /etc/resolv.conf
    `-sdc2 8:34 1 39.4G 0 part
    sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
    Everything looks fine to me, /dev/sda1 is /boot, which has the same UUID as what mdadm has for /dev/md0, which is what syslinux.cfg has been told to boot off of. I'm not sure what to do from here.
    Last edited by c2hollow (2015-01-02 00:43:56)

    It's long that Arch uses rw argument on kernel command line.
    You should correct your syslinux.cfg as follow.
    LABEL arch
    MENU LABEL Arch Linux
    LINUX ../vmlinuz-linux
    APPEND root=LABEL="archiso:1" rw ## <<< Here's the diff
    INITRD ../initramfs-linux.img
    This isn't for the fallback menu entry, you just analyze the differences and do same there.
    I'm not familiar with syslinux, I just suppose you may try to test these options on-the-fly, before write them permanently. So when the syslinux menu will appear at boot time, please find the way to enter in edit mode and apply the correction. That will stay for the time you boot once. But it will ensure if it'll be good enough and do the writing later once you've booted.

  • [SOLVED] Arch linux won't boot after pacman -Syu

    So yesterday I upgraded the packages on my system along with installing steam.
    There was one conflicting package but I don't remember exactly what it was (something containing usb?). I just hit Y to continue but in retrospect maybe should have investigated more.
    Now when I start my system it gets up to "Started Accounts Service" and then the rest of the output is on a single line as if the newline characters aren't being printed. It stays like this for around 30 seconds before my graphics cards fans max out and then it reboots the system.
    Any help debugging this would be appreciated.
    Edit: More info in consecutive posts
    pacman -Q:
    a52dec 0.7.4-8
    aalib 1.4rc5-10
    accerciser 3.8.2-1
    accountsservice 0.6.35-2
    acl 2.2.52-2
    acpid 2.0.21-1
    aisleriot 3.10.2-1
    alsa-plugins 1.0.27-2
    anjuta 3.10.2-2
    apache 2.2.26-1
    apr 1.5.0-1
    apr-util 1.5.3-2
    archlinux-keyring 20140220-1
    at-spi2-atk 2.10.2-1
    at-spi2-core 2.10.2-1
    atk 2.10.0-1
    atkmm 2.22.7-1
    attr 2.4.47-1
    autoconf 2.69-1
    autogen 5.18.2-1
    automake 1.14.1-1
    avahi 0.6.31-11
    babl 0.1.10-1
    baobab 3.10.1-1
    bash 4.2.045-5
    bijiben 3.10.2-1
    binutils 2.24-2
    bison 3.0.2-1
    bluez 5.14-1
    boost 1.55.0-4
    boost-libs 1.55.0-4
    brasero 3.10.0-1
    brltty 4.5-6
    bzip2 1.0.6-5
    ca-certificates 20130906-1
    ca-certificates-java 20130815-1
    cabextract 1.4-2
    cairo 1.12.16-1
    cairomm 1.10.0-3
    cantarell-fonts 0.0.15-1
    caribou 0.4.13-1
    cdparanoia 10.2-5
    cdrdao 1.2.3-6
    cdrkit 1.1.11-3
    celt 0.11.3-2
    cheese 3.10.2-2
    chromaprint 1.1-1
    chromium 33.0.1750.117-1
    cifs-utils 6.2-1
    cloog 0.18.1-2
    clutter 1.16.4-1
    clutter-gst 2.0.10-1
    clutter-gtk 1.4.4-4
    codeblocks 13.12-2
    cogl 1.16.2-1
    colord 1.0.6-1
    colord-gtk 0.1.25-1
    compositeproto 0.4.2-2
    coreutils 8.22-2
    cracklib 2.9.0-2
    cronie 1.4.11-1
    cryptsetup 1.6.3-2
    cups-pk-helper 0.2.5-1
    curl 7.35.0-1
    cython 0.20.1-1
    damageproto 1.2.1-2
    db 5.3.28-1
    dbus 1.8.0-1
    dbus-glib 0.102-1
    dconf 0.18.0-1
    desktop-file-utils 0.22-1
    devhelp 3.10.0-1
    device-mapper 2.02.105-1
    devil 1.7.8-18
    dhcpcd 6.2.1-1
    dialog 1:1.2_20140219-1
    diffutils 3.3-1
    dirmngr 1.1.1-2
    dnssec-anchors 20130320-1
    dnsutils 9.9.2.P2-1
    dotconf 1.3-4
    dvd+rw-tools 7.1-4
    e2fsprogs 1.42.9-1
    elfutils 0.158-1
    empathy 3.10.3-1
    enca 1.15-1
    enchant 1.6.0-4
    eog 3.10.2-2
    epiphany 3.10.3-1
    evince 3.10.3-1
    evolution 3.10.4-1
    evolution-data-server 3.10.4-1
    exempi 2.2.1-2
    exiv2 0.24-1
    expat 2.1.0-3
    faac 1.28-5
    faad2 2.7-4
    fakeroot 1.20-1
    farstream 0.2.3-1
    ffmpeg 1:2.1.3-1
    fftw 3.3.3-2
    file 5.17-1
    filesystem 2013.05-2
    findutils 4.4.2-5
    firefox 27.0.1-1
    five-or-more 3.10.2-1
    fixesproto 5.0-2
    flac 1.3.0-1
    flex 2.5.38-1
    fluidsynth 1.1.6-2
    folks 0.9.6-1
    fontconfig 2.11.0-1
    fontsproto 2.1.2-1
    four-in-a-row 3.10.1-1
    freeglut 2.8.1-1
    freetype2 2.5.2-1
    fribidi 0.19.6-1
    fuse 2.9.3-2
    gamin 0.1.10-8
    gawk 4.1.0-2
    gc 7.4.0-1
    gcc 4.8.2-8
    gcc-libs 4.8.2-8
    gconf 3.2.6-3
    gcr 3.10.1-2
    gd 2.1.0-2
    gdbm 1.11-1
    gdk-pixbuf2 2.30.5-1
    gdl 3.10.0-1
    gedit 3.10.4-1
    gegl 0.2.0-10
    geoclue 0.12.99-1
    geoclue2 2.0.0-1
    geocode-glib 3.10.0-1
    geoip 1.5.1-2
    geoip-database 20140108-1
    ghostscript 9.10-3
    giflib 5.0.5-1
    git 1.9.0-1
    gjs 1.38.1-1
    glade 3.16.1-1
    glamor-egl 0.6.0-1
    glew 1.10.0-2
    glib-networking 2.38.2-1
    glib2 2.38.2-1
    glibc 2.19-2
    glibmm 2.38.1-1
    glu 9.0.0-2
    gmime 2.6.18-1
    gmp 5.1.3-2
    gnome-backgrounds 3.10.1-1
    gnome-bluetooth 3.10.0-1
    gnome-calculator 3.10.2-1
    gnome-chess 3.10.3-1
    gnome-clocks 3.10.1-1
    gnome-color-manager 3.10.1-2
    gnome-contacts 3.10.1-1
    gnome-control-center 3.10.2-2
    gnome-desktop 1:3.10.2-1
    gnome-devel-docs 3.10.1-1
    gnome-dictionary 3.10.0-1
    gnome-disk-utility 3.10.0-1
    gnome-documents 3.10.1-1
    gnome-font-viewer 3.10.0-1
    gnome-getting-started-docs 3.10.1-1
    gnome-icon-theme 3.10.0-1
    gnome-icon-theme-extras 3.6.2-1
    gnome-icon-theme-symbolic 3.10.1-1
    gnome-keyring 3.10.1-2
    gnome-klotski 3.10.0-1
    gnome-mahjongg 3.10.2-1
    gnome-maps 3.10.2-1
    gnome-menus 3.10.1-1
    gnome-mines 3.10.1-1
    gnome-music 3.10.1-2
    gnome-nettool 3.8.1-1
    gnome-nibbles 3.10.1-1
    gnome-online-accounts 3.10.2-1
    gnome-online-miners 3.10.3-1
    gnome-photos 3.10.2-1
    gnome-robots 3.10.2-1
    gnome-screenshot 3.10.1-1
    gnome-session 3.10.1-1
    gnome-settings-daemon 3.10.2-3
    gnome-shell 3.10.4-1
    gnome-shell-extensions 3.10.1-1
    gnome-sudoku 3.10.2-1
    gnome-system-log 3.9.90-1
    gnome-system-monitor 3.10.2-1
    gnome-terminal 3.10.2-1
    gnome-tetravex 3.10.1-1
    gnome-themes-standard 3.10.0-1
    gnome-user-docs 3.10.2-1
    gnome-user-share 3.10.1-1
    gnome-video-effects 0.4.0-2
    gnome-weather 3.10.1-1
    gnupg 2.0.22-2
    gnutls 3.2.11-1
    gobject-introspection 1.38.0-1
    gpgme 1.4.3-1
    gpm 1.20.7-4
    graphite 1:1.2.4-1
    graphviz 2.36.0-2
    grep 2.16-1
    grilo 0.2.9-1
    grilo-plugins 0.2.11-1
    groff 1.22.2-5
    gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.10.1-1
    gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-4
    gsm 1.0.13-7
    gssdp 0.14.7-1
    gst-plugins-bad 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-base 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-base-libs 1.2.3-1
    gst-plugins-good 1.2.3-1
    gstreamer 1.2.3-1
    gstreamer0.10 0.10.36-3
    gstreamer0.10-base 0.10.36-2
    gtk-update-icon-cache 2.24.22-1
    gtk-vnc 0.5.3-3
    gtk2 2.24.22-1
    gtk3 3.10.7-1
    gtkhtml4 4.6.6-1
    gtkmm3 3.10.1-1
    gtksourceview3 3.10.2-1
    gts 0.7.6-3
    gucharmap 3.10.1-1
    guile 2.0.9-1
    gummiboot 43-2
    gupnp 0.20.10-1
    gupnp-av 0.12.5-1
    gupnp-dlna 0.10.2-1
    gvfs 1.18.3-3
    gzip 1.6-1
    harfbuzz 0.9.26-1
    harfbuzz-icu 0.9.26-1
    hicolor-icon-theme 0.13-1
    hspell 1.2-1
    hunspell 1.3.2-3
    hwids 20130915.1-1
    iagno 3.10.1-1
    iana-etc 2.30-4
    icon-naming-utils 0.8.90-2
    icu 52.1-1
    idnkit 1.0-3
    ilmbase 2.0.1-2
    imlib2 1.4.6-1
    inetutils 1.9.2-1
    inputproto 2.3-1
    intel-dri 10.0.3-1
    iproute2 3.12.0-1
    iptables 1.4.21-1
    iputils 20121221-3
    isl 0.12.2-1
    iso-codes 3.44-1
    jack 0.124.1-1
    jasper 1.900.1-10
    jfsutils 1.1.15-4
    jre7-openjdk 7.u51_2.4.5-1
    jre7-openjdk-headless 7.u51_2.4.5-1
    js 17.0.0-1
    json-c 0.11-1
    json-glib 0.16.2-1
    kbd 2.0.1-1
    kbproto 1.0.6-1
    keepass 2.25-1
    keyutils 1.5.8-1
    kmod 16-1
    krb5 1.12.1-1
    lame 3.99.5-2
    lcms 1.19-5
    lcms2 2.5-2
    ldb 1.1.16-1
    ldns 1.6.17-1
    less 458-1
    lib32-acl 2.2.52-2
    lib32-attr 2.4.47-1
    lib32-bzip2 1.0.6-1
    lib32-elfutils 0.158-1
    lib32-expat 2.1.0-1
    lib32-fontconfig 2.11.0-1
    lib32-freetype2 2.5.2-1
    lib32-gcc-libs 4.8.2-8
    lib32-glib2 2.38.2-1
    lib32-glibc 2.19-1
    lib32-glu 9.0.0-2
    lib32-libdbus 1.8.0-1
    lib32-libdrm 2.4.52-1
    lib32-libffi 3.0.13-1
    lib32-libgcrypt 1.6.0-1
    lib32-libgpg-error 1.12-1
    lib32-libice 1.0.8-1
    lib32-libpciaccess 0.13.2-1
    lib32-libpng 1.6.8-1
    lib32-libsm 1.2.2-1
    lib32-libx11 1.6.2-1
    lib32-libxau 1.0.8-1
    lib32-libxcb 1.10-1
    lib32-libxcursor 1.1.14-1
    lib32-libxdamage 1.1.4-1
    lib32-libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
    lib32-libxext 1.3.2-1
    lib32-libxfixes 5.0.1-1
    lib32-libxi 1.7.2-1
    lib32-libxrandr 1.4.2-1
    lib32-libxrender 0.9.8-1
    lib32-libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
    lib32-llvm-libs 3.4-1
    lib32-mesa 10.0.3-1
    lib32-mesa-libgl 10.0.3-1
    lib32-pcre 8.34-1
    lib32-systemd 208-2
    lib32-util-linux 2.24-1
    lib32-xz 5.0.5-1
    lib32-zlib 1.2.8-1
    libaio 0.3.109-7
    libanjuta 3.10.2-2
    libao 1.2.0-1
    libarchive 3.1.2-4
    libass 0.11.1-1
    libassuan 2.1.1-1
    libasyncns 0.8-5
    libatasmart 0.19-2
    libatomic_ops 7.2.e-1
    libavc1394 0.5.4-2
    libbluray 0.5.0-1
    libbsd 0.6.0-2
    libcaca 0.99.beta18-2
    libcacard 1.7.0-2
    libcanberra 0.30-4
    libcanberra-pulse 0.30-4
    libcap 2.24-1
    libcap-ng 0.7.3-1
    libcddb 1.3.2-4
    libcdio 0.92-1
    libcdio-paranoia 10.2+0.90+1-2
    libchamplain 0.12.7-1
    libcl 1.1-3
    libcroco 0.6.8-1
    libcups 1.7.1-3
    libdaemon 0.14-2
    libdatrie 0.2.6-1
    libdbus 1.8.0-1
    libdca 0.0.5-4
    libdmapsharing 2.9.23-1
    libdrm 2.4.52-1
    libdv 1.0.0-5
    libdvbpsi 1:1.1.2-1
    libdvdnav 4.2.1-1
    libdvdread 4.2.1-1
    libebml 1.3.0-2
    libedit 20130601_3.1-1
    libevdev 0.6-1
    libevent 2.0.21-3
    libexif 0.6.21-2
    libffi 3.0.13-4
    libfontenc 1.1.2-1
    libgcrypt 1.6.1-1
    libgcrypt15 1.5.3-1
    libgda 5.2.1-2
    libgdata 0.14.1-1
    libgdiplus 2.10.9-3
    libgee 0.12.0-1
    libgme 0.6.0-2
    libgnome-keyring 3.10.1-2
    libgnomekbd 3.6.0-2
    libgpg-error 1.12-1
    libgsf 1.14.28-1
    libgssglue 0.4-2
    libgtop 2.28.5-1
    libgusb 0.1.6-1
    libgweather 3.10.2-1
    libgxps 0.2.2-3
    libibus 1.5.5-1
    libical 1.0-3
    libice 1.0.8-2
    libid3tag 0.15.1b-8
    libidn 1.28-2
    libiec61883 1.2.0-4
    libimobiledevice 1.1.5-2
    libiscsi 1.7.0-2
    libjpeg-turbo 1.3.0-4
    libkate 0.4.1-4
    libksba 1.3.0-1
    libldap 2.4.39-1
    liblouis 2.5.2-2
    liblqr 0.4.2-1
    libltdl 2.4.2-12
    libmad 0.15.1b-7
    libmariadbclient 5.5.35-1
    libmatroska 1.4.1-1
    libmbim 1.6.0-1
    libmm-glib 1.2.0-2
    libmms 0.6.2-1
    libmng 2.0.2-3
    libmp4v2 2.0.0-3
    libmpc 1.0.2-2
    libmpcdec 1.2.6-3
    libmpeg2 0.5.1-4
    libmusicbrainz5 5.0.1-1
    libnautilus-extension 3.10.1-1
    libnice 0.1.4-1
    libnl 3.2.23-1
    libnotify 0.7.6-1
    liboauth 1.0.1-1
    libofa 0.9.3-5
    libogg 1.3.1-2
    libpaper 1.1.24-7
    libpcap 1.5.3-1
    libpciaccess 0.13.2-2
    libpeas 1.9.0-1
    libpipeline 1.2.6-1
    libplist 1.10-1
    libpng 1.6.9-1
    libproxy 0.4.11-2
    libpst 0.6.63-1
    libpulse 4.0-6
    libpwquality 1.2.3-1
    libqmi 1.8.0-1
    libraw1394 2.1.0-2
    librsvg 1:2.40.1-3
    libsamplerate 0.1.8-3
    libsasl 2.1.26-7
    libsecret 0.16-2
    libshout 1:2.3.1-2
    libsigc++ 2.3.1-1
    libsm 1.2.2-2
    libsndfile 1.0.25-3
    libsoup 2.44.2-1
    libspectre 0.2.7-1
    libspiro 20071029-3
    libsrtp 15.1c9bd90-3
    libssh2 1.4.3-2
    libtar 1.2.20-1
    libtasn1 3.4-1
    libthai 0.1.19-1
    libtheora 1.1.1-3
    libtiff 4.0.3-4
    libtiger 0.3.4-3
    libtirpc 0.2.3-2
    libtool 2.4.2-12
    libtorrent-rasterbar 1:0.16.12-2
    libtracker-sparql 0.16.4-1
    libtxc_dxtn 1.0.1-5
    libunistring 0.9.3-6
    libupnp 1.6.19-1
    libusb 1.0.18-1
    libutempter 1.1.6-2
    libva 1.2.1-1
    libvdpau 0.7-1
    libvisual 0.4.0-4
    libvorbis 1.3.4-1
    libvpx 1.3.0-1
    libwacom 0.8-1
    libwbclient 4.1.4-1
    libwebp 0.4.0-1
    libwnck3 3.4.7-1
    libx11 1.6.2-1
    libxau 1.0.8-2
    libxaw 1.0.12-1
    libxcb 1.10-1
    libxcomposite 0.4.4-1
    libxcursor 1.1.14-1
    libxdamage 1.1.4-1
    libxdmcp 1.1.1-1
    libxext 1.3.2-1
    libxfixes 5.0.1-1
    libxfont 1.4.7-1
    libxft 2.3.1-2
    libxi 1.7.2-1
    libxinerama 1.1.3-2
    libxkbcommon 0.4.0-1
    libxkbfile 1.0.8-1
    libxklavier 5.3-1
    libxml2 2.9.1-5
    libxmu 1.1.2-1
    libxpm 3.5.11-1
    libxrandr 1.4.2-2
    libxrender 0.9.8-1
    libxres 1.0.7-1
    libxshmfence 1.1-1
    libxslt 1.1.28-3
    libxss 1.2.2-2
    libxt 1.1.4-1
    libxtst 1.2.2-1
    libxv 1.0.10-1
    libxvmc 1.0.8-1
    libxxf86vm 1.1.3-1
    libytnef 1.5-3
    libzapojit 0.0.3-1
    licenses 20130203-1
    lightsoff 3.10.1-1
    linux 3.13.4-1
    linux-api-headers 3.13.2-1
    linux-firmware 20140123.418320b-1
    linux-headers 3.13.4-1
    llvm-libs 3.4-1
    logrotate 3.8.7-1
    lsb-release 1.4-14
    lua 5.2.3-1
    lvm2 2.02.105-1
    lzo2 2.06-3
    m4 1.4.17-1
    make 4.0-2
    man-db 2.6.6-1
    man-pages 3.59-1
    mash 0.2.0-3
    mcpp 2.7.2-4
    mdadm 3.3-2
    memcached 1.4.17-1
    mencoder 36498-5
    mesa 10.0.3-1
    mesa-demos 8.1.0-1
    mime-types 9-1
    minecraft latest-21
    mjpegtools 2.0.0-4
    mkinitcpio 16-2
    mkinitcpio-busybox 1.21.1-2
    mobile-broadband-provider-info 20120614-2
    mod_dnssd 0.6-4
    modemmanager 1.2.0-2
    mono 3.2.3-2
    mousetweaks 3.10.0-1
    mozilla-common 1.4-3
    mpfr 3.1.2.p5-1
    mpg123 1.18.1-1
    mtdev 1.1.4-1
    mutter 3.10.4-1
    mutter-wayland 3.10.4-1
    nano 2.2.6-2
    nautilus 3.10.1-1
    nautilus-sendto 3.8.1-1
    ncurses 5.9-6
    neon 0.30.0-1
    netctl 1.4-2
    nettle 2.7.1-1
    nspr 4.10.3-1
    nss 3.15.4-1
    nvidia 331.38-3
    nvidia-libgl 331.38-1
    nvidia-utils 331.38-1
    nvidiabl 0.81-2
    openal 1.15.1-1
    opencore-amr 0.1.3-1
    openexr 2.0.1-2
    openjpeg 1.5.1-2
    openresolv 3.5.6-1
    openssh 6.5p1-2
    openssl 1.0.1.f-1
    opus 1.1-1
    orc 0.4.18-1
    orca 3.10.2-1
    p11-kit 0.20.2-1
    p7zip 9.20.1-9
    pacman 4.1.2-5
    pacman-mirrorlist 20140107-1
    pam 1.1.8-3
    pambase 20130928-1
    pango 1.36.2-1
    pangomm 2.34.0-1
    patch 2.7.1-2
    pciutils 3.2.1-1
    pcmciautils 018-7
    pcre 8.34-2
    perl 5.18.2-2
    perl-error 0.17022-1
    perl-xml-parser 2.41-4
    perl-xml-simple 2.20-1
    phantomjs 1.9.7-1
    pinentry 0.8.3-1
    pixman 0.32.4-1
    pkg-config 0.28-1
    pm-quirks 0.20100619-3
    pm-utils 1.4.1-6
    polkit 0.112-1
    poppler 0.24.5-1
    poppler-glib 0.24.5-1
    popt 1.16-7
    postgresql 9.3.3-1
    postgresql-libs 9.3.3-1
    ppp 2.4.5-8
    premake 4.3-3
    procps-ng 3.3.9-2
    psmisc 22.20-1
    pth 2.0.7-5
    pulseaudio 4.0-6
    pulseaudio-alsa 2-2
    pygobject-devel 3.10.2-1
    python 3.3.4-1
    python-atspi 2.10.0-1
    python-cairo 1.10.0-3
    python-dbus 1.2.0-2
    python-dbus-common 1.2.0-2
    python-gobject 3.10.2-1
    python-setuptools 2.2-1
    python-xdg 0.25-1
    python2 2.7.6-2
    python2-atspi 2.10.0-1
    python2-beaker 1.6.4-1
    python2-cairo 1.10.0-1
    python2-gobject 3.10.2-1
    python2-mako 0.9.1-1
    python2-markupsafe 0.18-2
    qbittorrent 3.1.8-1
    qt4 4.8.5-7
    qtchooser 39-1
    qtwebkit 2.3.3-1
    quadrapassel 3.10.2-1
    randrproto 1.4.0-1
    rcm-git v1.2.0-1
    readline 6.2.004-2
    recode 3.6-8
    recordproto 1.14.2-1
    redis 2.8.6-1
    reiserfsprogs 3.6.24-1
    renderproto 0.11.1-2
    rest 0.7.90-2
    rtkit 0.11-4
    rtmpdump 20131205-1
    run-parts 4.4-1
    rygel 0.20.3-1
    s-nail 14.5.2-4
    sbc 1.2-1
    schroedinger 1.0.11-2
    scrnsaverproto 1.2.2-1
    sdl 1.2.15-5
    sdl_image 1.2.12-3
    seahorse 3.10.2-1
    sed 4.2.2-3
    serf 1.3.2-1
    shared-color-profiles 0.1.5-1
    shared-color-targets 0.1.2-1
    shared-mime-info 1.2-2
    smbclient 4.1.4-1
    snappy 1.1.1-1
    sound-theme-freedesktop 0.8-1
    soundtouch 1.7.1-1
    spandsp 0.0.6pre21-2
    speech-dispatcher 0.8-2
    speex 1.2rc1-4
    spice-gtk3 0.23-1
    startup-notification 0.12-4
    subversion 1.8.5-3
    sudo 1.8.9.p5-1
    sushi 3.10.0-1
    swell-foop 3.10.1-1
    sysfsutils 2.1.0-8
    systemd 208-11
    systemd-sysvcompat 208-11
    t1lib 5.1.2-5
    taglib 1.9.1-1
    tali 3.10.2-1
    talloc 2.0.8-2
    tar 1.27.1-1
    tcl 8.6.1-1
    tdb 1.2.12-1
    telepathy-farstream 0.6.0-1
    telepathy-glib 0.22.0-1
    telepathy-logger 0.8.0-1
    telepathy-mission-control 5.16.0-1
    tevent 0.9.19-1
    texinfo 5.2-2
    tmux 1.9-1
    totem 3.10.1-1
    totem-plparser 3.10.1-1
    totem-plugin 3.10.1-1
    tracker 0.16.4-1
    ttf-dejavu 2.34-1
    tzdata 2013i-1
    udisks2 2.1.2-1
    unixodbc 2.3.2-1
    unzip 6.0-6
    upower 0.9.23-2
    usbmuxd 1.0.8-2
    usbredir 0.6-4
    usbutils 007-1
    util-linux 2.24.1-1
    v4l-utils 1.0.1-1
    vala 0.22.1-1
    vde2 2.3.2-5
    vi 1:050325-3
    videoproto 2.3.2-1
    vim 7.4.135-2
    vim-runtime 7.4.135-2
    vinagre 3.10.2-1
    vino 3.10.1-2
    virtualgl 2.3.3-1
    vlc 2.1.3-1
    vte-common 0.34.9-1
    vte3 0.34.9-1
    wavpack 4.70.0-2
    wayland 1.4.0-1
    webkitgtk 2.2.5-1
    webrtc-audio-processing 0.1-1
    which 2.20-6
    whois 5.1.1-1
    wildmidi 0.3.2-1
    wine 1.7.13-1
    winetricks 20130707-1
    wpa_supplicant 2.0-4
    x264 20131030-2
    xbitmaps 1.1.1-2
    xcb-proto 1.10-1
    xcb-util 0.3.9-1
    xcb-util-keysyms 0.3.9-1
    xdg-user-dirs 0.15-1
    xdg-user-dirs-gtk 0.10-1
    xdg-utils 1.1.0.git20140207-1
    xextproto 7.3.0-1
    xf86-input-evdev 2.8.2-2
    xf86-input-synaptics 1.7.3-1
    xf86-video-intel 2.99.910-1
    xf86vidmodeproto 2.3.1-2
    xfsprogs 3.1.11-2
    xineramaproto 1.2.1-2
    xkeyboard-config 2.11-2
    xorg-bdftopcf 1.0.4-1
    xorg-font-util 1.3.0-1
    xorg-font-utils 7.6-3
    xorg-fonts-alias 1.0.3-1
    xorg-fonts-encodings 1.0.4-3
    xorg-fonts-misc 1.0.1-2
    xorg-iceauth 1.0.6-1
    xorg-luit 1.1.1-2
    xorg-mkfontdir 1.0.7-1
    xorg-mkfontscale 1.1.1-1
    xorg-server 1.15.0-5
    xorg-server-common 1.15.0-5
    xorg-server-utils 7.6-3
    xorg-sessreg 1.0.8-1
    xorg-setxkbmap 1.3.0-1
    xorg-twm 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xauth 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xbacklight 1.2.0-1
    xorg-xclock 1.0.7-1
    xorg-xcmsdb 1.0.4-1
    xorg-xgamma 1.0.5-1
    xorg-xhost 1.0.6-1
    xorg-xinit 1.3.3-3
    xorg-xinput 1.6.1-1
    xorg-xkbcomp 1.2.4-1
    xorg-xmessage 1.0.4-1
    xorg-xmodmap 1.0.8-1
    xorg-xrandr 1.4.1-1
    xorg-xrdb 1.1.0-1
    xorg-xrefresh 1.0.5-1
    xorg-xset 1.2.3-1
    xorg-xsetroot 1.1.1-1
    xproto 7.0.25-1
    xterm 301-1
    xvidcore 1.3.2-3
    xz 5.0.5-2
    yelp 3.10.1-2
    yelp-xsl 3.10.1-1
    zeitgeist 0.9.14-1
    zenity 3.10.2-1
    zlib 1.2.8-3
    zsh 5.0.5-1
    zvbi 0.2.33-6
    Last edited by andm11 (2014-02-23 06:07:40)

    jasonwryan wrote:Pacman's log and the journal would be the first place to look.
    Thanks for the reply, here is my pacman.log:
    [2014-01-25 05:44] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -r /mnt -Sy --cachedir=/mnt/var/cache/pacman/pkg --noconfirm base base-devel'
    [2014-01-25 05:44] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux-api-headers (3.12.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed tzdata (2013i-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iana-etc (2.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed filesystem (2013.05-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed glibc (2.18-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed ncurses (5.9-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed readline (6.2.004-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bash (4.2.045-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bzip2 (1.0.6-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gcc-libs (4.8.2-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed db (5.3.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed zlib (1.2.8-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cracklib (2.9.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgssglue (0.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libtirpc (0.2.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pambase (20130928-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pam (1.1.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed attr (2.4.47-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed acl (2.2.52-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gmp (5.1.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libcap (2.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gdbm (1.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed perl (5.18.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed openssl (1.0.1.f-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed coreutils (8.22-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed run-parts (4.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cronie (1.4.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libdbus (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed expat (2.1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dbus (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pcre (8.34-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libffi (3.0.13-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed glib2 (2.38.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed kbd (2.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed kmod (16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed hwids (20130915.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgpg-error (1.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libgcrypt (1.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed shadow (
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed util-linux (2.24-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed xz (5.0.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Initializing machine ID from random generator.
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected]' '/etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants/[email protected]'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] :: Append 'init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd' to your kernel command line in your
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] bootloader to replace sysvinit with systemd, or install systemd-sysvcompat
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed systemd (208-10)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed device-mapper (2.02.105-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed popt (1.16-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cryptsetup (1.6.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dhcpcd (6.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed diffutils (3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed e2fsprogs (1.42.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed file (5.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed findutils (4.4.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mpfr (3.1.2.p5-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gawk (4.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libunistring (0.9.3-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gettext (
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed grep (2.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed less (458-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gzip (1.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed inetutils (1.9.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iptables (1.4.21-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iproute2 (3.12.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sysfsutils (2.1.0-8)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed iputils (20121221-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed jfsutils (1.1.15-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed licenses (20130203-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux-firmware (20140123.418320b-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mkinitcpio-busybox (1.21.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed lzo2 (2.06-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libarchive (3.1.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mkinitcpio (16-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'default'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.12.8-1-ARCH
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [autodetect]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Building image from preset: /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset: 'fallback'
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> -k /boot/vmlinuz-linux -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Starting build: 3.12.8-1-ARCH
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [base]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [udev]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [modconf]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [block]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: aic94xx
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> WARNING: Possibly missing firmware for module: smsmdtv
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [filesystems]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [keyboard]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] -> Running build hook: [fsck]
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Generating module dependencies
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Creating gzip initcpio image: /boot/initramfs-linux-fallback.img
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> Image generation successful
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed linux (3.12.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed logrotate (3.8.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed lvm2 (2.02.105-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed groff (1.22.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libpipeline (1.2.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] it's recommended to create an initial
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] database running as root:
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] "/usr/bin/mandb --quiet"
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed man-db (2.6.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed man-pages (3.56-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed mdadm (3.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed nano (2.2.6-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed openresolv (3.5.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed netctl (1.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sed (4.2.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed ca-certificates (20130906-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libsasl (2.1.26-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libldap (2.4.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed keyutils (1.5.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed krb5 (1.11.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libssh2 (1.4.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed curl (7.34.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pth (2.0.7-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libksba (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libassuan (2.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pinentry (0.8.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed dirmngr (1.1.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gnupg (2.0.22-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gpgme (1.4.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pacman-mirrorlist (20140107-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed archlinux-keyring (20140124-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pacman (4.1.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pciutils (3.2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pcmciautils (018-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed procps-ng (3.3.9-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed psmisc (22.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed reiserfsprogs (3.6.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed s-nail (14.5.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed systemd-sysvcompat (208-10)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed tar (1.27.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed texinfo (5.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libusbx (1.0.17-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed usbutils (007-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed vi (1:050325-3)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed which (2.20-6)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed xfsprogs (3.1.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed m4 (1.4.17-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed autoconf (2.69-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed automake (1.14.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed binutils (2.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed bison (3.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed fakeroot (1.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed flex (2.5.37-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libmpc (1.0.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed isl (0.12.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed cloog (0.18.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gcc (4.8.2-7)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libltdl (2.4.2-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed libtool (2.4.2-12)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed gc (7.2.d-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed guile (2.0.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed make (4.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed patch (2.7.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed pkg-config (0.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:47] [PACMAN] installed sudo (1.8.9.p4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:54] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S sudo'
    [2014-01-25 05:54] [PACMAN] reinstalled sudo (1.8.9.p4-1)
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gummiboot'
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Copied /usr/lib/gummiboot/gummibootx64.efi to /boot/EFI/gummiboot/gummibootx64.efi.
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Created EFI boot entry "Linux Boot Manager".
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] :: Run '/usr/bin/gummiboot install' to make gummiboot your default bootloader
    [2014-01-25 05:57] [PACMAN] installed gummiboot (41-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:14] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xorg-server xorg-xinit xorg-server-utils xf86-input-synaptics nvidia acpid'
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xproto (7.0.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxdmcp (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libpng (1.6.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed freetype2 (2.5.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libfontenc (1.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fontsproto (2.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxfont (1.4.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libpciaccess (0.13.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libdrm (2.4.52-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed pixman (0.32.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxau (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xkeyboard-config (2.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xcb-proto (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxcb (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed kbproto (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libx11 (1.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxkbfile (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xkbcomp (1.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-setxkbmap (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-encodings (1.0.4-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-alias (1.0.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-bdftopcf (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-mkfontscale (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-mkfontdir (1.0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-font-util (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-font-utils (7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Fontconfig configuration is done via /etc/fonts/conf.avail and conf.d.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Read /etc/fonts/conf.d/README for more information.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Configuration via /etc/fonts/local.conf is still possible,
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] but is no longer recommended for options available in conf.avail.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Main systemwide configuration should be done by symlinks
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (especially for autohinting, sub-pixel and lcdfilter):
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] cd /etc/fonts/conf.d
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ln -s ../conf.avail/XX-foo.conf
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Check also https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Font_Configuration
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] and https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fonts.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fontconfig (2.11.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-fonts-misc (1.0.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server-common (1.15.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed mtdev (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86-input-evdev (2.8.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxshmfence (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server (1.15.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xextproto (7.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxext (1.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libice (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libsm (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxt (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxmu (1.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xauth (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xinit (1.3.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-iceauth (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-sessreg (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xcmsdb (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xcb-util (0.3.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xbacklight (1.2.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86vidmodeproto (2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxxf86vm (1.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xgamma (1.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xhost (1.0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed inputproto (2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxi (1.7.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed renderproto (0.11.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxrender (0.9.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed randrproto (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxrandr (1.4.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrandr (1.4.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xineramaproto (1.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxinerama (1.1.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xinput (1.6.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xmodmap (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed mcpp (2.7.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrdb (1.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xrefresh (1.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xset (1.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed fixesproto (5.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxfixes (5.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxcursor (1.1.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-xsetroot (1.1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xorg-server-utils (7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed recordproto (1.14.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed libxtst (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed xf86-input-synaptics (1.7.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-libgl (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:15] [PACMAN] installed acpid (2.0.21-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S dialog wpa_supplicant'
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed dialog (1:1.2_20140112-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed libnl (3.2.23-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:19] [PACMAN] installed wpa_supplicant (2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:21] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed dconf (0.18.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed atk (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvdpau (0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wayland (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed damageproto (1.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxdamage (1.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed elfutils (0.157-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed llvm-libs (3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mesa (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cairo (1.12.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libjpeg-turbo (1.3.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtiff (4.0.3-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed jasper (1.900.1-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gdk-pixbuf2 (2.30.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hicolor-icon-theme (0.12-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gtk-update-icon-cache (2.24.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdaemon (0.14-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed avahi (0.6.31-11)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcups (1.7.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed compositeproto (0.4.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxcomposite (0.4.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdatrie (0.2.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libthai (0.1.19-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxft (2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed graphite (1:1.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed harfbuzz (0.9.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed pango (1.36.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxml2 (2.9.1-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed shared-mime-info (1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed lcms2 (2.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgusb (0.1.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nspr (4.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed js (17.0.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed polkit (0.112-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed shared-color-profiles (0.1.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sqlite (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed colord (1.0.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed at-spi2-core (2.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed at-spi2-atk (2.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxkbcommon (0.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gtk3 (3.10.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed desktop-file-utils (0.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cogl (1.16.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed json-glib (0.16.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libevdev (0.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter (1.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gstreamer (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed orc (0.4.18-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed videoproto (2.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxv (1.0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-base-libs (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sdl (1.2.15-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdv (1.0.0-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mjpegtools (2.0.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed alsa-lib (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtasn1 (3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nettle (2.7.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed p11-kit (0.20.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnutls (3.2.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gsm (1.0.13-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed lame (3.99.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fribidi (0.19.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed recode (3.6-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed enca (1.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libass (0.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libbluray (0.5.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmodplug (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libasyncns (0.8-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libogg (1.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed flac (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvorbis (1.3.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsndfile (1.0.25-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed json-c (0.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpulse (4.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtheora (1.1.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libva (1.2.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvpx (1.3.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed opencore-amr (0.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed openjpeg (1.5.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed opus (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed rtmpdump (20131205-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed schroedinger (1.0.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed speex (1.2rc1-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed v4l-utils (1.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed x264 (20131030-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed xvidcore (1.3.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed ffmpeg (1:2.1.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed chromaprint (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmms (0.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed faad2 (2.7-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed mpg123 (1.17.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmp4v2 (2.0.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed faac (1.28-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed celt (0.11.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdca (0.0.5-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed soundtouch (1.7.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed spandsp (0.0.6pre21-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdvdread (4.2.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libdvdnav (4.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgme (0.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed neon (0.30.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fftw (3.3.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libofa (0.9.3-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsamplerate (0.1.8-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed jack (0.121.3-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > To use FluidSynth as a daemon copy the service file from:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /usr/lib/systemd/system/fluidsynth.service
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > to:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > and then edit accordingly.
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > PulseAudio output when running as a daemon is known to be
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] > problematic. See the following bulletin board post:
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=135092
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed fluidsynth (1.1.6-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed giflib (5.0.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libwebp (0.3.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsrtp (15.1c9bd90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wildmidi (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-bad (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter-gst (2.0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed clutter-gtk (1.4.4-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed dbus-glib (0.100.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-glib (0.22.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgee (0.12.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxslt (1.1.28-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libproxy (0.4.11-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed glib-networking (2.38.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsoup (2.44.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] ==> aspell comes with no default dictionary
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed aspell (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hunspell (1.3.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed hspell (1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed enchant (1.6.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geoclue (0.12.99-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libsecret (0.16-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed icu (52.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed harfbuzz-icu (0.9.24-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed webkitgtk (2.2.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libnotify (0.7.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed rest (0.7.90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gcr (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-online-accounts (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed nss (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed perl-xml-parser (2.41-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed perl-xml-simple (2.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed icon-naming-utils (0.8.90-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcroco (0.6.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed librsvg (1:2.40.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgweather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libical (1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed liboauth (1.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgdata (0.14.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed evolution-data-server (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed zeitgeist (0.9.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libtracker-sparql (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed folks (0.9.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed iso-codes (3.44-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed tdb (1.2.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed sound-theme-freedesktop (0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcanberra (0.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libnice (0.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed farstream (0.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-farstream (0.6.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-logger (0.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libgnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2 (2.7.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libplist (1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed usbmuxd (1.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libimobiledevice (1.1.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed upower (0.9.23-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpcap (1.5.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed ppp (2.4.5-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libqmi (1.8.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libmbim (1.4.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed modemmanager (1.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed networkmanager (
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed telepathy-mission-control (5.16.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geoclue2 (1.99.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed geocode-glib (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cdparanoia (10.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libvisual (0.4.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-base (1.2.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed wavpack (4.70.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gpm (1.20.7-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed aalib (1.4rc5-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed taglib (1.9.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libshout (1:2.3.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libid3tag (0.15.1b-8)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed imlib2 (1.4.5-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libcaca (0.99.beta18-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libraw1394 (2.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libavc1394 (0.5.4-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libiec61883 (1.2.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gst-plugins-good (1.2.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-video-effects (0.4.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libchamplain (0.12.5-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To use Empathy you need to install at least one Telepathy connection manager.
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libexif (0.6.21-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed exempi (2.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-markupsafe (0.18-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-beaker (1.6.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed python2-mako (0.9.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed gobject-introspection (1.38.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libpeas (1.9.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed startup-notification (0.12-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libxres (1.0.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:26] [PACMAN] installed libwnck3 (3.4.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cantarell-fonts (0.0.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ttf-dejavu (2.34-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgxps (0.2.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libpaper (1.1.24-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ghostscript (9.10-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libspectre (0.2.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Updating font cache... done.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gsfonts (1.0.7pre44-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed poppler (0.24.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed poppler-glib (0.24.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed djvulibre (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxpm (3.5.11-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxaw (1.0.12-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed t1lib (5.1.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed accountsservice (0.6.35-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-cairo (1.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pygobject-devel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-gobject (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python2-atspi (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libxklavier (5.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed caribou (0.4.13-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gjs (1.38.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed bluez (5.14-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-bluetooth (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-menus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcanberra-pulse (0.30-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libwacom (0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed rtkit (0.11-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed webrtc-audio-processing (0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed sbc (1.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> See the wiki at http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio for details
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] on configuring your system for PulseAudio.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> Make sure to install pulseaudio-alsa to configure ALSA for PulseAudio.
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pulseaudio (4.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed alsa-plugins (1.0.27-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pulseaudio-alsa (2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libibus (1.5.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed zenity (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mutter-wayland (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mobile-broadband-provider-info (20120614-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed network-manager-applet (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed unzip (6.0-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cups-pk-helper (0.2.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgtop (2.28.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libpwquality (1.2.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vte-common (0.34.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vte3 (0.34.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed exiv2 (0.23-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mash (0.2.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed shared-color-targets (0.1.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed colord-gtk (0.1.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcap-ng (0.7.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed talloc (2.0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libbsd (0.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libwbclient (4.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cifs-utils (6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed tevent (0.9.19-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed ldb (1.1.16-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed smbclient (4.1.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgnomekbd (3.6.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libatasmart (0.19-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed udisks2 (2.1.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libsigc++ (2.3.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed glibmm (2.38.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed cairomm (1.10.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed pangomm (2.34.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed atkmm (2.22.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gtkmm3 (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed yelp-xsl (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apr (1.5.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed unixodbc (2.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apr-util (1.5.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed apache (2.2.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mod_dnssd (0.6-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed grilo (0.2.7-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed fuse (2.9.3-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcddb (1.3.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcdio (0.92-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libcdio-paranoia (10.2+0.90+1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gvfs (1.18.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libnautilus-extension (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libmusicbrainz5 (5.0.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gtksourceview3 (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed gmime (2.6.18-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem-plparser (3.10.0-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python (3.3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-cairo (1.10.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-gobject (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed python-xdg (0.25-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed libgsf (1.14.28-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs (0.15-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:27] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:28] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed accerciser (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gconf (3.2.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (gconftool-2:5179): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed aisleriot (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gdl (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libanjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed autogen (5.18.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed devhelp (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed glade (3.16.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libaio (0.3.109-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libmariadbclient (5.5.34-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed postgresql-libs (9.3.2-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gd (2.1.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gts (0.7.6-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed graphviz (2.34.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libgda (5.2.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed serf (1.3.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed subversion (1.8.5-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed vala (0.22.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed anjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed bijiben (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cdrkit (1.1.11-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libmad (0.15.1b-7)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libao (1.1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cdrdao (1.2.3-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dvd+rw-tools (7.1-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed brasero (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gtkhtml4 (4.6.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libpst (0.6.58-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libytnef (1.5-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed evolution (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed p7zip (9.20.1-9)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed file-roller (
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed five-or-more (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed four-in-a-row (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gedit (3.10.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed glu (9.0.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-chess (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-clocks (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-devel-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libzapojit (0.0.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-online-miners (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-documents (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-getting-started-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-klotski (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-mahjongg (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-maps (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-mines (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libdmapsharing (2.9.23-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-dbus-common (1.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-dbus (1.2.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-music (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed idnkit (1.0-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dnssec-anchors (20130320-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dnsutils (9.9.2.P2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libidn (1.28-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed whois (5.1.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-nettool (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-nibbles (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed babl (0.1.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gtk2 (2.24.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed libspiro (20071029-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gegl (0.2.0-10)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-photos (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-robots (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-sudoku (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-tetravex (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed gnome-weather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed iagno (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed lightsoff (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed python-atspi (2.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed dotconf (1.3-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed speech-dispatcher (0.8-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed liblouis (2.5.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed tcl (8.6.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed cython (0.20-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Please add your user to the brlapi group.
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed brltty (4.5-6)
    [2014-01-25 06:32] [PACMAN] installed orca (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed quadrapassel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gssdp (0.14.6-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp (0.20.9-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp-av (0.12.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gupnp-dlna (0.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed xdg-utils (1.1.0.git20140109-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed rygel (0.20.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed seahorse (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed swell-foop (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed tali (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed gtk-vnc (0.5.3-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed celt0.5.1 (
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed libiscsi (1.7.0-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] vde config files should be placed in /etc/vde, sample files are provided.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] iptables and dhcpd sample files have been installed to '/usr/share/vde2'.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Merge those examples, if needed to the according config files.
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed vde2 (2.3.2-5)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed libcacard (1.7.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed usbredir (0.6-4)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed spice-gtk3 (0.22-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:33] [PACMAN] installed vinagre (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:36] [PACMAN] reinstalled xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:37] [PACMAN] reinstalled xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:49] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 06:49] [PACMAN] removed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xserver-xorg-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xserver'
    [2014-01-25 06:50] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S xf86-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-libgl (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed intel-dri (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed libxvmc (1.0.8-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed glamor-egl (0.5.1.r258-1)
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver uses SNA as the default acceleration method. You can
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fall back to UXA if you run into trouble or test experimental
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Glamor acceleration. To do so, save a file with the following
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Section "Device"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Driver "intel"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] EndSection
    [2014-01-25 06:52] [PACMAN] installed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R xf86-video-intel'
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] removed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 06:58] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 06:59] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R mesa-libgl'
    [2014-01-25 06:59] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:00] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome-extra gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:00] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -R gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Rdd gnome gnome-extra'
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed vinagre (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed tali (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed swell-foop (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed seahorse (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed rygel (0.20.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed quadrapassel (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed orca (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed lightsoff (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed iagno (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-weather (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-tetravex (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-sudoku (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-robots (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-photos (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-nibbles (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-nettool (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-music (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-mines (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-maps (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-mahjongg (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-klotski (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-getting-started-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-documents (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-devel-docs (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-clocks (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-chess (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gedit (3.10.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed four-in-a-row (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed five-or-more (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed file-roller (
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed evolution (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed brasero (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed bijiben (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed anjuta (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed devhelp (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET]
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] (gconftool-2:798): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed aisleriot (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed accerciser (3.8.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] removed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:01] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Rdd nvidia-utils mesa-libgl'
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] removed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:02] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:03] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S nvidia-304xx'
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-304xx-utils (304.117-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-304xx (304.117-4)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed cheese (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] To use Empathy you need to install at least one Telepathy connection manager.
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:04] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-color-manager (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-log (3.9.90-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-system-monitor (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-terminal (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed yelp (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-docs (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gnome-user-share (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed grilo-plugins (0.2.9-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed gucharmap (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed mousetweaks (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed nautilus-sendto (3.8.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed nautilus (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed sushi (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed totem (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed totem-plugin (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed tracker (0.16.4-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed vino (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:05] [PACMAN] installed xdg-user-dirs-gtk (0.10-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:13] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2014-01-25 07:13] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] synchronizing package lists
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] starting full system upgrade
    [2014-01-25 07:14] [PACMAN] upgraded jack (0.121.3-7 -> 0.124.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:16] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:45] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S intel-dri xf86-video-intel bumblebee nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S intel-dri xf86-video-intel bumblebee nvidia'
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-304xx-utils (304.117-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] removed nvidia-304xx (304.117-4)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed mesa-libgl (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] reinstalled intel-dri (10.0.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] >>> This driver uses SNA as the default acceleration method. You can
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] fall back to UXA if you run into trouble or test experimental
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Glamor acceleration. To do so, save a file with the following
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] content as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf :
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Section "Device"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Identifier "Intel Graphics"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Driver "intel"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Option "AccelMethod" "sna"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "uxa"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] #Option "AccelMethod" "glamor"
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] EndSection
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed xf86-video-intel (2.99.907-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed virtualgl (2.3.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] Don't forget to add yourself to the 'bumblebee' group to use Bumblebee
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed bumblebee (3.2.1-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed nvidia-utils (331.38-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [ALPM-SCRIPTLET] In order to use nvidia module, reboot the system.
    [2014-01-25 07:46] [PACMAN] installed nvidia (331.38-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] Running 'pacman -S gnome'
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled baobab (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled empathy (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-desktop (1:3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled eog (3.10.2-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-themes-standard (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled epiphany (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled evince (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-session (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-settings-daemon (3.10.2-3)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled mutter (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell (3.10.3-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gdm (
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-backgrounds (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-calculator (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-contacts (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-control-center (3.10.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-dictionary (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-disk-utility (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-font-viewer (3.10.0-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-icon-theme-extras (3.6.2-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-keyring (3.10.1-2)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-screenshot (3.10.1-1)
    [2014-01-25 07:49] [PACMAN] reinstalled gnome-shell-extensions (3.10.1-1)

  • Arch Linux won't boot (and Linux in general)

    Hello everyone,
    I've been having this problem for about 3 days now. I finally made an account and post the problem since I can't find a solution (I solved most of my past problems by searching forums and googling so I had never posted before).
    So, I was installing Arch linux and Windows 7 on my machine (eee pc 1201t) but had problems booting into linux. First I installed Windows and it worked fine, then I installed Arch linux (this isn't my first time) and rebooted after finishing the installation. But my laptop just won't boot. It just displayed a blinking cursor on the top left of the screen. No error messages whatsoever. It was my first time encountering the problem so I thought reinstalling would do the trick. But it didn't. So I started researching on the same problems on google and discovered that it could be either a HD problem or corrupted MBR or some other problem. My drive works fine, since I can copy data onto it using a live cd (Ubuntu) and Windows works fine with it.
    I'm thinking of using "dd" command on my drive and repair the MBR. I would like to know if you guys have encountered the same problem before and what kind of solution you applied.
    Note: I also tried installing Ubuntu on my machine but the result was the same.

    ngoonee wrote:Live CD, setup grub again, and profit?
    I tried this first, had no luck or maybe I wasn't doing it right.
    nixpunk wrote:So are you booting into windows using grub or just ntldr?
    My laptop boots using ntldr only. Grub does not seem to work. I tried installing Arch and Ubuntu but I had the same result (blinking cursor on the top left of the screen).
    schuay wrote:As always with boot problems, you will need to provide some more data about your setup. Output of 'df -h', contents of /boot/grub/menu.lst, install location of grub, etc. Without that, other people can only make guesses about the possible solution
    I'll keep that in mind. Sorry for the lack of details regarding my problem. I will try to add as much information as I can the next time I post.
    Anyway, I think I solved the problem. I zeroed the MBR on my HD by issuing the command "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 and grub installed just fine. Thanks for the reply everyone.

  • Arch Linux Won't Boot! Why o' Why?!

    So, this is prorably the fifth time installing Arch Linux and I've got everything exact.
    - Boot is the first partition
    - I've configured GRUB properly
    - I've installed the basic packages
    - I've partitioned everything properly
    - Grub is set to boot
    But, still, something is stopping GRUB from booting (even though /boot is set to "boot"). There has been no OS on there before - I'm running it in VirtualBox.
    Why is it not working? I'm about to tear my hair out over this!
    BTW: I'm using 2010.05.
    Please Help!
    Josh // Currently a frustrated Linux user
    Last edited by oldtimeyjunk (2011-04-30 07:40:29)

    oldtimeyjunk wrote:Don't need any more help!
    It was because I installed the Bootloader to the wrong place (I stuck it in a partition, which, I know now, your not supposed to do)!
    Thanks for that, I put my grub on /dev/sda, boots fine but wondered if I should have put it on /dev/sda1

  • Arch Linux won't boot, "working on device dev/sda..."

    Everytime I try to boot Arch there is a repeating message that pops up about every 3 seconds after the 'udev' events loads. My boot gets hung on the "working on device dev/sda6 (my linux partition on my laptop) and this message just keeps popping up every few seconds, repeatedly, non-stop:
    ata1.00: exeption Emask 0x0 SAct 0x1 SErr 0x0 action 0x0
    ata1.00: irq_stat 0x40000008
    ata1.00: failed command: READ FPDMA QUEUED
    ata1.00: emd 60/08/600:f1:69:51/00:00:16:00:00/40
    ata1.00: tag 0 ncq 4096 in
    ata1.00: status: {DRDY ERR}
    ata1.00: error:{UNC}
    and after 3 messages like the one above this message appears:
    Ext4-fs error(device sda 6) __ext4_get_inod0 ...
    I'm not sure if anyone could help me but I figured I would give it a shot. I might also mention that my HDD has been having tons of issues and has loads of bad sectors, I'm just saving up for a new one but for now I'm dealing with the one I have. My HDD also clicks when these messages start coming up.
    Is there any way to fix this?

    I might also mention that my HDD has been having tons of issues and has loads of bad sectors, I'm just saving up for a new one but for now I'm dealing with the one I have. My HDD also clicks when these messages start coming up.
    LOL. That's like getting to the altar and saying to your soon-to-be-spouse "I might also mention that I'm sterile."
    The ata1.00... are hardware errors.  Probably drive problems, based on your belated exposition.  If you haven't already run a bad sector reallocation tool, do so.  The only other thing I would suggest is try the drive on another controller make sure it is only drive problems.  I've seen issues on laptops that seemed to be fixed by a new drive, but the problems returned shortly after replacement.

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux on Macbook Pro 4.1

    Hey There,
    I'm a 2 years old Arch Linux guy and due to the problems I've had with my HP Pavilion PC, I've bought a Macbook Pro 3-4 months ago.. Because that it's a pain in the ass to install, upgrade and remove software on Mac OS X, especially development software such as Python and its bindings, I'm thinking of migrating to Arch Linux. Any way, I've just installed Arch Linux and dual boot..
    I've installed X, GNOME, NVIDIA so far and when I try to open GNOME (via startx), it opens up a 800x600 or 1024x768 resolution X and shows GNOME.. But I can't move the mouse and no matter what I type no menus show up.. So I'm stuck after GNOME starts.. I can't drop back into the terminal so I hold the power button to shutdown and start the machine...
    It seems that this is the only problem I have for now.. Anyone had this problem before? I've tried it with and without xorg.conf and the result is the same..
    Last edited by T-u-N-i-X (2008-11-30 16:17:11)

    CTRL + ALT + Backspace
    That should close startx.  Also, the user manual has a couple of alternative methods of setting up your xorg.conf file.  I'd try those next.
    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beg … phic_Cards
    Last edited by sharpie (2008-11-30 14:05:39)

  • Arch linux doesn't boot after installing AMD ATI Catalyst

    I have a laptop which has a integrated graphic card intel 4th generation (4600) and an AMD ATI R9 m265x (hybrid Intel/AMD graphics card) so I have just installed AMD ATI Catalyst proprietary ones by following
    AMD Catalyst ArchWiki.
    I have used "Installing from the unofficial repository" method so in my pacman.conf I have added below entry for [catalyst-stable]:
    Server = http://catalyst.wirephire.com/repo/catalyst/$arch
    ## Mirrors, if the primary server does not work or is too slow:
    #Server =$arch
    #Server = http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/archlinux-catalyst/repo/catalyst/$arch
    #Server = http://mirror.hactar.bz/Vi0L0/catalyst/$arch
    Then I have update pacman's database and install below packages:
    (No need to install catalyst-total-pxp as I have installed catalyst-utils-pxp)
    After installing it, I have configured the driver, configuring X using below command:
    # aticonfig --initial
    In order to use PowerXpress support I have installed catalyst-utils-pxp package plus additional lib32-catalyst-utils-pxp.
    To perform a switch into Intel's IGP I have also installed the mesa-libgl  package and Intel's drivers: xf86-video-intel  and intel-dri .
    I have enable the automatic update by enabling the catalyst-hook.service with below commands since it automatically rebuilds the fglrx modules while the system shuts down or reboots (so I haven't to do it manually each time kernel is updated using Catalyst-generator):
    # systemctl enable catalyst-hook
    # systemctl start catalyst-hook
    And finally I have blacklisted radeon module by creating "/etc/modprobe.d/blacklisted.conf" file which content is:
    blacklist radeon
    and also I have ensured that fglrx line is added in "/etc/modules-load.d/Catalyst.conf" file.
    To avoid problems, I have rebuilt the fglrx module by doing (I know it is not necessary as it is done by catalyst-hook):
    catalyst_build_module all
    Once I reboot, arch linux does not boot. Last lines printed out are below and then it freezes:
    Starting temp files linker to catalyst...
    Starting Catalyst event Daemon...
    [ OK ] Started Catalyst event Daemon
    Starting Catalyst's fglrx kernel' module builder...
    [ OK ] Started temp files linker for catalyst.
    [ OK ] Started Catalyst's fglrx kernel' modue builder.
    [ OK ] Started gnome Display manager.
    [ OK ] Started Network manager.
    [ OK ] Reached target Multi-User system.
    [ OK ] Reached target Graphical Interface.
    [ OK ] Reached target Network.
    I have tried to put nomodeset as a kernel parameter but it does not work. Also, after reading ArchWiki, I have noticed that it is recommended to don't do this as I am using catalyst-utils-pxp because intel driver needs it so I have removed nomodeset parameter from kernel but It continues not working.
    Any ideas?
    Package versions:
    Kernel version 3.17.6-1-ARCH
    catalyst-hook 14.12-1
    catalyst-utils-pxp 14.12-1
    lib32-catalyst-utils-pxp 14.12-1
    xf86-video-intel 2.99.916-3
    Last edited by toni (2014-12-13 19:38:38)

    FInally I managed to boot arch linux.
    I had to downgrade xorg-server from to 1.15.2-1.
    It seems there is a problem with Catalyst 14.12-1 and xorg-server
    Also I had to replace desktop manager from gdm to lightdm as gdm raises segmentation faults using xorg-server versions and 1.15.2-1.
    Finally I had to add an entry in pacman.conf:
    Server = http://catalyst.wirephire.com/repo/xorg115/$arch
    ## Mirrors, if the primary server does not work or is too slow:
    #Server = http://mirror.rts-informatique.fr/archlinux-catalyst/repo/xorg115/$arch
    #Server = http://mirror.hactar.bz/Vi0L0/xorg115/$arch
    Then performs following actions:
    1)  # pacman -Syuu catalyst-hook catalyst-utils-pxp
    2) Uninstall all the packages xf86* such as xf86-video-intel, xf86-input-evdev,  xf86-input-synaptics, etc.
    3) Install the packages uninstalled in step 2 and install them again using xorg115 repo, for example, # pacman -S xorg115/xf86-video-intel xorg115/xf86-input-evdev xorg115/xf86-input-synaptics
    I have put a comment here.
    Last edited by toni (2014-12-14 12:31:29)

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux Duke (2007) Fails to Boot

    Folks, I have a unique and challenging problem that has exhausted my Arch Linux skills, and so I am now turning to you.
    I have a vintage Pentium Pro 200 system (that’s 200 MHz folks! – 200 MHz 686 architecture – the original 686!), two CPUs, running a dual boot between Windows NT 4.0 and Arch Linux Duke (2007). It has 512 MB of RAM and a 120 GB hard drive, partitioned up between Windows NT and Linux. I built this system new in 2007, hence the dated version of Arch.  It has run like a charm all these years, granted not getting that much use. After about a year of no use at all, I fired the system up last week to help with a little research for a blog post I was writing on networking Windows NT 4.0 and Mac OS 8.6. Windows NT 4.0 fired right up with no issue, and after I was done testing what needed to be tested I tried to boot over to Arch.
    After a year of disuse, Arch unexpectedly and stubbornly refused to boot. The boot process started up just fine, but towards the end, it declared that it could not mount the root file system on the root device and took a kernel panic and stopped. My Arch skills have gotten a bit rusty in the last few years, but I dusted them off and went to work. My guess was a file system or superblock error. Arch wouldn’t boot, but I dragged out my trusty RIPLinux 2.9 Rescue Live CD and fired it up. It came right up and ran, and I was able to mount the Arch partition and view all the files… everything seemed to be there; it just wouldn’t boot. Windows NT 4.0 AND RIPLinux both boot and run on the machine, so the hardware is fine as well.
    A little information on the disk layout. Windows NT 4.0 is in the first partition on the hard drive. The extended partition has a second Windows NT 4.0 partition (sort of a /home partition for Windows NT 4.0), followed by the main Arch partition (the one I am trying to boot), followed by a swap partition and then the largest partition, which I use to share data between Arch and Windows NT 4.0 (I have loaded an ext2/3 driver into Windows NT 4.0 and it happily accesses the Linux partitions on the box).
    RIPLinux’s e2fsck did find some issues with the Arch partition and I had it repair them all. I checked again afterwards that all the files were still there, and they were. With the partition now known to be clean, and the superblock repaired from one of the backups, all should have been well. However, Arch still wouldn’t (and still won’t) boot.
    RIPLinux has a kind of a chain loader function, so I had it attempt to start up Arch for me. However, this was flummoxed by the fact that Arch addresses all my hard drive partitions as /dev/sdax and RIPLinux addresses them as /dev/hdax. Hence, without a common language, it was hard to get the one to start the other. Still, using this function, I have been able to get a crippled version of Arch running on the machine again. No modules had been loaded, and so it couldn’t do almost anything, but there it was (and is), Arch Linux Duke, at the CLI level. From there, I can see all the files, I can move freely in and out of my user account and the root account, but I can’t make the thing actually boot properly.
    If you have read this far, you are a trooper.  Summarizing what I know, the hardware is good, the file system is clean, the superblock is good, I can mount it cleanly from a live CD and I can chain load a crippled version of Arch. Here is the boot process blow-by-blow. When I try to do a normal boot, the Windows NT 4.0 loader passes control to the Lilo boot sector I have placed on hda1 (sda1 in Duke’s parlance). Lilo takes over, present a menu and when I select Duke, takes off. Arch Linux Duke starts to boot. It gets a good long way along, all the way along to:
    :: Loading udev events                [Pass]
    :: Mount root Read-only
    :: Checking file systems
    This is where it stops.
    The next thing I see is:
    The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. If the device is valid and it really contains an ext2 filesystem (and not swap or ufs or something else) then the superblock is corrupt and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:
        E2fsck –b 8193 <device>
    I then get a sort of character based splash screen that says
    **********FILE SYSTEM CHECK FAILED ****************************
    *   Please repair manually and reboot. Note that the root file system
    *   is currently mounted read-only. To remount it read-write, type:
    *   mount –n –o remount,rw /.  When you exit the maintenance
    *   shell, the system will reboot automatically
    Give root password for maintenance
    At this point, I give the root password and enter the maintenance shell as root. I typed in “mount” and the first entry I got back is
    /dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw)
    This is exactly the root partition that the start up complains about. It is clearly there.  I can see it, I can walk around it… it is clearly there. Why won’t it boot? Despite the message, the superblock is fine – it passes every test e2fsck can throw at it.
    At this point, I did a “e2fsck /dev/hda6 (which is how RIPLinux would have passed it into Arch” and it says it is “clean”. I suspect that the Superblock message is because Arch sees root as sda6, while RIP passed it in as hda6...
    Deciding to see what Arch would be seeing as it tried to set things up in the boot sequence, I tried the following next:
    # mknod “/dev/root2” b 3 6   
    (“3” because RIPLinux refers to my hard drive as IDE, while Arch refers to it by major number “8”, which is SCSI. By the way, it IS an IDE drive – not sure why Arch insists on using the sdx nomenclature instead of hdx)
    Then I entered “mount /dev/root2 /mnt/hda6” and “ls /mnt/hda6”
    All was well. I can make the node, I can mount it, and I can see the contents. All is clearly well, but something is clearly wrong enough that Arch can’t boot.
    I am totally out of ideas. I have tried every trick I know and am out of tricks. I would welcome any insights as to what I could try to get this venerable Arch installation back on its legs.
    By the way, the key section of the /etc/lilo.conf file (lest anyone want to know) is:
    image = /boot/vmlinuz26
       root = /dev/sda6
       label = ArchLinux-Duke
       initrd = /boot/kernel26.img
    I am stumped. Thanks in advance for any and all pointers you may be able to offer.
    Last edited by mac57 (2014-06-02 17:42:21)

    Folks, thanks for all your helpful comments, and I wanted to report back to you that I finally overcame the issue, and ArchLinux-Duke (2007) is once again executing flawlessly on my old Pentium Pro 200 system. I won't bother reporting here all the blind allies I went down as I tried to figure out what was wrong, but in the end, literally moments before I was about to give up and overwrite my Arch installation with a new Linux variant (antiX seemed well suited for such old and low power hardware), my attention was drawn to a note I had made in my files back in 2007 about a problem with similar symptoms. In that case, I had just deleted ZenWalk Linux from the hard drive (both Arch and Zen had been on the drive), and merged several partitions to make use of the newly free space. This had changed Arch's view of the drive lettering, and what had been its /dev/sddx root device was now /dev/sdcx. Arch failed to boot, throwing off the same errors I was seeing now. I wish I had recalled that note a month or so ago! It would have saved me a lot of work and a lot of frustration.
    At any rate, as a last step, and testing the idea that maybe the drive lettering had changed for some reason, I repeatedly manually booted Arch, specifying root=/dev/sda6, then /dev/sdb6, then /dev/sdd6, and finally, /dev/sdc6. Eureka! Arch now considered itself to be on /dev/sdc6 whereas previously it had been on /dev/sda6. This got me part way there, but the boot failed at the filesystem check stage and threw me into root. I disabled the file system check in /etc/rc.sysinit and got farther. Then I cleaned up /etc/fstab to agree with the new sdc naming, and I was back on the air fully.
    So, what had happened was that Arch had changed its view of the drive it was on from sda6 to sdc6. While I could not understand why this "sudden" change had occurred, at least I had a solution, and had Arch back up and running.
    Trolling through the rest of my notes, I found the answer. In 2012, the Tekram SCSI card in the machine failed, and I ultimately replaced it with an Adaptec card. The Tekram card did not have a BIOS segment on it. The Adaptec card did. My guess is that this caused the two internal SCSI devices I have built into the system (Iomega ZIP and Jaz respectively) to be enumerated first, claiming the "sda" and "sdb". device names. That left "sdc" for the root device, and that is where Arch went next.  This is my guess anyway.
    I should have caught this issue back in 2012, at the time, but from my notes, I can see that I tested the new card thoroughly using the  Windows NT 4.0 side of the machine, but never thought to bring up Arch as well. Hence, this problem lay dormant for two years, before I attempted to fire up Arch last month and blundered right into it.
    It has not all been bad. I have learned more about the ext2 and ext3 file systems and superblocks in the intervening time than I will ever need to use. I have learned how to manually boot Linux on a machine whose BIOS is so old that it cannot address the disk cylinder that the kernel is on and I have completely refreshed the many general Linux skills that used to just flow from my finger tips. It has been a frustrating experience, but ultimately a successful and useful one.
    Just wanted to let everyone know that this is now [SOLVED]. I would mark the post as such, but I don't see any obvious way to do that. Thanks again everyone.

  • [SOLVED]Arch Linux, and Windows 8.1 Dual Boot issue

    Hi guys. I recently bought a new laptop, and decided to run Arch Linux and Windows 8.1. I installed Windows 8.1 first as recommended by the beginners guide, and then installed Arch Linux. I made sure UEFI was enabled in my BIOS, and made sure everything was on a GPT partition. The install itself went fine. My laptop loads grub, and Arch Linux shows up and boots, but there is no option to boot into Windows 8.1. The only way I can boot into Windows 8.1 is by accessing my motherboard, and choosing to launch the windows boot manager instead of the grub launcher. How can I get Windows 8.1 to show up in grub? Thanks in advance guys.
    Last edited by Painguy (2014-08-20 20:19:37)

    Painguy wrote:
    Yeah just ran this after installing os prober
    grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    and it works now. Sorry for the crazy posts guys. Thanks for the suggestions and help.
    Yeah I'm sure I'm doing something wrong lol. I did not install OS-Prober. I think that's where the issue is. I'm missing the menu entry in grub.cfg right? Do I just run os prober or do I have to manually edit grub.cfg.
    If that's not the case then here is what I did up until now. What I did was start with a blank SSD drive. I used cgdisk to make the disk use a GPT partitioning scheme. I installed windows 8.1 and checked in windows to make sure it boots into UEFI-GPT mode and it does.  I then installed arch linux using the beginners guide. I made sure to use cgdisk to create any extra partitions, and installed GRUB to the efi partition that windows had created ( I did not format this partition ). I then finished the installation and rebooted, and Grub only shows arch linux. I don't think I'm dealing with anything MBR related. I made sure I used the GPT partitioning scheme....i think lol.
    All you need to do is run os-prober then run grub-mkconfig. It should pick up Windows at that point.

  • [SOLVED] Fresh Install, won't boot past grub

    I did a fresh install of Arch (GPT partitioning table) with a 8 GB root directory, 138 GB home directory, 4 GB swap, and a 1007 KB bios boot partition. Everything went well, I got through the installation with no problems, but when I rebooted the computer. It showed this after the grub menu: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-UM-3 … 2014-06-22
    So now my question is, was I supposed to do anything extra during the installation process? Or is this a hardware problem? Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Lubuntu, and Zorin OS works fine so I'm assuming I need to do something extra during installation...
    Last edited by ryukiri (2014-07-03 21:44:44)

    Trilby wrote:
    ryukiri wrote:That only tells me how to make it a boot option...I assume I need to be chrooted from the install CD to do this.
    You can do it one of two ways: boot the install cd/usb, mount all the partitions as in the original installation process, then chroot.  From there you can just use pacman to install packages as it it were a normal system: `pacman -S linux-lts`.
    There is, however, no need for the chroot.  The alternative, and somewhat simpler, approach would be to boot the install media and mount the partitions as above, then use the pacstrap tool just like you did when installing the 'base' group: `pacstrap -i /mnt linux-lts`.
    I think it is safer to arch-chroot because you still need to be chrooted to generate your grub.cfg "grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
    Last edited by ugjka (2014-07-03 08:24:30)

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux Boot from USB fails while loading kernel

    I am attempting to get arch linux booting off my usb. I use cfdisk to create a /dev/sdb1 partition then use mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1, mount the usb, pacstrap it, use install-syslinux_update -iam, generate fstab and then attempt to boot from it.
    The boot extracts the kernel but then complains that DEVICE is missing in the option APPEND root=DEVICE (in syslinux.cfg). I looked in /dev/disk (on the temporary filesystem shell), it showed my ssd and cd drive but not the usb. Does anyone know what could be causing the USB to not load in that particular section of the kernel?
    Last edited by afree10 (2013-12-11 14:28:14)

    afree10 wrote:
    Due to my situation I have to type the file in from scratch so I will only type uncommented lines:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck"
    I will reboot and get that lsmod output.
    Since you'll probably want to boot from different computers (portable USB system), you want to remove 'autodetect' from that line. This is the same as always booting the initramfs-linux-fallback.img image. To save some space, you could remove 'autodetect' from the configuration file, disable the fallback image in /etc/mkinitcpio.d/linux.preset  and delete initramfs-linux.img (otherwise, you'll get two identical images).
    Of course, run mkinitcpio -P when you're done.

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux on encrypted luks partition on USB key

    I've installed Arch Linux on a USB key following this Wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/In … _a_USB_key
    I also used dm-crypt as described in this Wiki page: https://wiki.archlinux.de/title/Festpla … iante_1.29
    I installed Arch Linux on the USB key using VirtualBox.
    To do that, I created a "rawvmdk":
    vboxmanage internalcommands createrawvmdk -filename ./usb.vmdk -rawdisk /dev/sdd
    Everything works fine when I'm trying to start the system within VirtualBox.
    Syslinux loads Arch using the following kernel command:
    APPEND cryptdevice=UUID=6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf:main root=/dev/mapper/main-root rw
    /etc/mkinitcpio.conf holds the following "HOOKS" configuration:
    HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block keyboard keymap encrypt lvm2 filesystems fsch resume"
    As already mentioned the configuration works within VirtualBox. When I'm trying to boot from the USB key on my real computer, I'm getting an error. Syslinux works fine and loads Linux, but Linux is complaining. Here's the log:
    :: running hoock [encrypt]
    Waiting 10 seconds for device /dev/disk/by-uuid/6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf ...
    ERROR: device '/dev/mapper/main-root' not found. Skipping fschk.
    ERROR: Unable to find root device '/dev/mapper/main-root'.
    You are being dropped to a recovery shell
    I'm not getting prompted for the passphrase since the cryptdevice can not be found. But why? It can be found when I'm booting within VirtualBox. What might be different? I successfully installed other Linux distributions (but without encryption and using GRUB as bootloader) previously within VirtualBox and was able to boot from the USB key on a real machine afterwards.
    Some additional information that might help:
    Here's the "lsblk -f output" for the stick:
    ├─sdd1 ext4 usbboot bb45e84e-842e-4209-8c44-1af3c7933389
    └─sdd2 crypto_L 6aa73872-3755-4bdf-bee3-d1cd7a3fe0bf
    When I'm running "lsblk" or "blkid" from the recovery shell after the failure, I'm getting no output. "ls /dev/sd*" returns nothing as well. The directory /dev/disk does not even exists in the recovery shell. (I'm not sure if this is normal or not.)
    Thanks for helping.
    Last edited by The Infinity (2014-08-14 20:26:06)

    I still haven't solved the problem:
    When starting the system on a machine with NVIDIA GTX 560Ti graphics card:
    - X doesn't start using startx or xinit and there are no log entries in /var/log/Xorg.*.log (as I haven't tried to start X).
    - I'm getting the message "Waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .. .. .. ..".
    - I already tried to uninstall xf86-video-nouveau and nouveau-dri with no effect.
    - Additionally: The "default terminals tty1/2/3/..." (which I'm using to start X) from have a poor resolution (I think 640x480 pixel).
    When starting the system on a virtual machine or a machine with an ATI Radeon (mobile) graphics card:
    - X starts and runs without any trouble the XFCE desktop environment.
    - Additionally: The default terminals have a proper resolution (I think the maximal resolution of the display).

  • After EFI 1.1 upgrade, Linux won't boot

    I've been using Ubuntu Linux on my macbook from a year now (when I bought it). It's been working flawlessly until today.
    I've updated to EFI 1.1 (it's a macbook C2D from december 2006) and after succesfull install, the installer confirmed it, Ubuntu won't boot.
    I've tried everything, including PRAM and SMC clearing. I've reinstalled OS/X and the problem persists. Also the Ubuntu Feisty (7.04) and Gutsy (7.10 beta) Live-CDs stall at boot.
    It is possible to boot the computer with Knoppix 5.1.1 (older kernel) but the keyboard is erratic and doesn't detect hard drive.
    It was supposed that this update solved some problems with the keyboard under grub also. Mine is worse than ever, I can't type anything nor use the emergency shell in Linux. In Knoppix, keystrokes show repeated chars in the screen, making it unusable.
    Help please, this computer is my worktool. Thank you.

    I update to EFI 1.1 also. I was not able to boot into windows through bootcamp. It hangs on the gray screen. I try to use the option boot so it will show up the partition. Selecting Mac OS X boots fine, but when selecting windows, the mouse and screen freezed. So i tried PRAM clearing. same thing. Then I set the startup disk to Windows (in OS X preference) and I tried to press and hold power button until it finally boot into windows. Not sure what it did, but it's now works fine.

  • [SOLVED] Arch Linux install on UEFI motherboard (Asus UX31A)

    Hello all,
    I am new to Arch Linux (moving over from Mint) and I am having an enormous amount of trouble with booting for UEFI.  I go through all the command line installation steps and get to the step where you install and configure a bootloader.  I have followed everything step-by-step up and cannot seem to get anything to boot, I get the motherboard settings menu instead.  I've tried GRUB, rEFInd, and Gummiboot and all three have not worked for me.  Is there any hope for configuring a bootloader?  I am used to Mint/Ubuntu creating it for me.
    Last edited by somedood (2013-06-09 13:23:51)

    srs5694 wrote:It shouldn't matter from where you launch the EFI shell, although that will affect device names. If you boot a USB flash drive with an EFI shell on it, chances are fs0: will be the USB flash drive itself. Your rEFInd, though, should be installed on your hard disk, and therefore on another device -- probably fs1:, although it could be fs2:, fs3:, or some other number. If the only filesystem you can find is fs0:, then that indicates something is wrong with your hard disk setup -- perhaps your ESP's filesystem is damaged, or maybe there's something wrong with the partition table.
    I followed the steps in the beginners installation guide to create my file system starting with:
    cgdisk /dev/sda1
    I create 4 Linux filesystem partitions with this, then I run:
    mkfs.vfat -32 /dev/sda1
    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda2
    mkfs.ex4 /dev/sda3
    mkswap /dev/sda4
    I then toggle the boot flag of my FAT32 formatted ESP (/dev/sda1):
    if it is not turned on according to the output of:
    After that I mount the drives and turn swap on:
    mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
    mkdir -p /mnt/home
    mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home
    mkdir -p /mnt/boot/efi
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi
    swapon /dev/sda4
    I install my base system (without changing /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist) by running:
    pacstrap -i /mnt base
    Finally I generate my fstab after the Arch installation:
    genfstab -U -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
    I then check the fstab and I get the result from my previous post and according to the guide it is ok because everything but my root partition has a 0 or 2.
    somedood wrote:# /dev/sda2
    UUID=264fe719-b816-462d-af5b-1b76c73a875b     /     ext4     rw,relatime,data=ordered     0     1
    # /dev/sda3
    UUID=824c5b36-6bf3-4c66-8878-5c886dadc9dd     /home     ext4     rw,relatime,data=ordered     0     2
    # /dev/sda1
    UUID=49B1-AE7E     /boot/efi     vfat     rw,relatime,fmask=0022, dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro     0     2
    # /dev/sda4
    UUID=426143bf-0cb4-4b7e-8868-e82d6fe7bd8b     none     swap     defaults     0     0
    To clarify, sda2 and sda3 are my root and home partitions respectively, sda4 is my swap, and sda1 is my ESP.
    What could have gone wrong here?  This is quite frustrating to me and I really want to use Arch.

Maybe you are looking for