[SOLVED] calibre core dump

calibre was updated today - along with a few other updates.
Now when I try and run calbre I get
$ calibre
10031 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) calibre
One of the other application installed as part of the package gives the same
$ ebook-viewer
10117 illegal hardware instruction (core dumped) ebook-viewer
Since they are just python2 packages I tried
$ python2
Python 2.7.5 (default, Sep 6 2013, 09:55:21)
[GCC 4.8.1 20130725 (prerelease)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
So that's OK.
I've tried re-installing calibre and I've tried downgrading to a previous version package but I still have the same problem.
Any ideas what to do?
Last edited by bhrgunatha (2013-11-03 04:33:00)

Thanks - I did try searching but wasn't able to find anything that looked relevant.
Downgrading imagemagick ( => did fix my problem.
Sorry - I obviously suck at search
EDIT: It seems imagemagick has been fixed already - upgrading to also works!
Last edited by bhrgunatha (2013-11-03 04:32:26)

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    kr3ck3n wrote:If I run from terminal xfce4-display-settings I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)" and with "gdb xfce4-display-settings" the output says "Reading symbols from xfce4-display-settings...(no debugging symbols found)...done."
    While not logged in, try renaming ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/display.xml. A new one will be re-created on next login. There may be something in that file creating the crash.
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    tianrui pts/0 2013-07-15 04:27 (:0.0)
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    Pedro Rodrigues
    ABAP runtime errors         SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED           
           Occurred on     17.11.2007 at 19:53:23                                                                               
    Process terminated by signal 0.                                               
    What happened?
    Error in the SAP Basis system                                                 
    ABAP/4 processor detected an internal system error.                           
    The current ABAP program "RSGENYTT " had to be terminated because the ABAP    
    processor discovered an invalid system state.                                 
    What can you do?
    Please make a note of the actions and input which caused the error.           
    Please make a note of the actions and input which caused the error.                                                                               
    To resolve the problem, contact your                                          
    SAP system administrator.                                                                               
    Choose "Print" for a hard coopy of the termination message. You can           
    display and adminster short dump messages using Transaction ST22.             
    Error analysis
    An SAP System process was terminated by an operating system signal.           
    Possible reasons for this are:                                                
    1. Internal SAP System error.                                                 
    2. Process was terminated externally (by the system administrator).           
    Last error logged in SAP kernel                                                                               
    Component............ "Taskhandler"                                           
    Place................ "SAP-Server appserver_DEV_00 on host appserver (wp 0)"  
    Version.............. 1                                                       
    Error code........... 11                                                      
    Error text........... "ThSigHandler: signal"                                  
    Description.......... " "                                                     
    System call.......... " "                                                     
    Module............... "thxxhead.c"                                            
    Line................. 8628                                                                               
    The error reported by the operating system is:                                
    Error number..... " "                                                         
    Error text....... " "                                                                               
    How to correct the error
    The SAP System work directory (e.g. /usr/sap/c11/D00/work ) often             
    contains a file called 'core'.                                                                               
    Save this file under another name.                                                                               
    If you cannot solve the problem yourself, please send the                     
    following documents to SAP:                                                                               
    1. A hard copy print describing the problem.                                  
       To obtain this, select the "Print" function on the current screen.         
    2. A suitable hardcopy prinout of the system log.                             
       To obtain this, call the system log with Transaction SM21                  
       and select the "Print" function to print out the relevant                  
    3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,            
       supply the source code.                                                    
       To do this, you can either use the "PRINT" command in the editor or        
       print the programs using the report RSINCL00.                                                                               
    4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred            
       or which actions and input led to the error.                                                                               
    System environment
    SAP Release.............. "46B"                                                                               
    Application server....... "appserver"                                         
    Network address.......... ""                                        
    Operating system......... "Windows NT"                                        
    Release.................. "5.2"                                               
    Hardware type............ "4x Intel 80686"                                                                               
    Database server.......... "appserver"                                         
    Database type............ "MSSQL"                                             
    Database name............ "DEV"                                               
    Database owner........... "dev"                                                                               
    Character set............ "English_United State"                                                                               
    SAP kernel............... "46D"                                               
    Created on............... "Aug 16 2007 21:26:12"                              
    Created in............... "NT 4.0 1381 Service Pack 6 x86 MS VC++ 12.00"      
    Database version......... "SQL_Server_7.00 "                                                                               
    Patch level.............. "2337"                                              
    Patch text............... " "                                                                               
    Supported environment....                                                     
    Database................. "MSSQL 6.5.213 or higher, MSSQL 7.0.1 or higher"    
    SAP database version..... "46D"                                               
    Operating system......... "Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows NT 5.1,    
    Windows NT 5.2, , System build information:,                                 
                                                   , LCHN : "                                                                               
    User, transaction...
    Client.............. 000                                                      
    User................ "DDIC"                                                   
    Language key........ "E"                                                      
    Transaction......... "SE38 "                                                  
    Program............. "RSGENYTT "                                              
    Screen.............. "SAPMSSY0 1000"                                          
    Screen line......... 6                                                                               
    Information on where termination occurred
    The termination occurred in the ABAP/4 program "RSGENYTT " in                 
    The main program was "RSGENYTT ".                                                                               
    The termination occurred in line 0                                            
    of the source code of program " " (when calling the editor 00).               
    Contents of system fields
    SY field           contents.....................           SY field           contents.....................
    SY-SUBRC           0                                       SY-INDEX           0                                 
    SY-TABIX 1                             SY-DBCNT 1260                         
    SY-FDPOS 0                             SY-LSIND 0                            
    SY-PAGNO 0                             SY-LINNO 1                            
    SY-COLNO 1                                                                               
    Chosen variables
    Name..........................           Contents.1....+....2....+....3....+....4
    LV_COUNT                                 0                                      
    LV_INDEX                                 0                                      
    LT_DDYTT                                 Table[initial]                         
    LT_DDYTF                                 Table[initial]                         
    LT_PUTTB_SHD                             ############################ #######ï###
    ... +            40                                ####ð###ð###################$###xæ-?ð#/?
    ... +            80                                #?4?########################5###       
    LS_PUTTB_SHD                             /BEV1/CADD03VTV                        
    ... +            40                                                                               
    ... +            80                                                002                7   
    ... +           120                                     VLE                               
    LV_SHD_DDXTT                             DDXTT~                                 
    GC_BASREL_UPDATED                        U                                      
    LS_PUTTB_SHD-TABNAME                     /BEV1/CADD03VTV                        
    LS_DDYTT                                                                   ######
    ... +            40                                ##########                             
    ... +            80                                            ##########                 
    ... +           120                                              ###### #########         
    SYST                                     ############ï###########################
    ... +            40                                ì#######################################
    ... +            80                                ########################################
    ... +           120                                ########################################
    SY-SUBRC                                 0                                      
    %_SSCR[]                                 ############################`###########
    ... +            40                                ################ÿÿÿÿ####################
    ... +            80                                ################################       
             10032c92 807d1400         cmp     byte ptr ,0x0      ss:062ce90a=00   
             10032c96 7422             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)               
             10032c98 394e08           cmp     ,ecx          ds:070aeb72=????????   
             10032c9b 751d             jnz     dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)               
             10032c9d 8d047f           lea     eax,[edi+edi*2]        ds:00000000=????????   
             10032ca0 c1e003           shl     eax,0x3                                       
             10032ca3 8bd0             mov     edx,eax                                       
             10032ca5 8b4518           mov     eax,[ebp+0x18]         ss:062ce90a=00000000   
             10032ca8 2bc2             sub     eax,edx                                       
             10032caa 99               cdq                                                   
    FAULT-> 10032cab f7fb             idiv    ebx                                           
             10032cad 0fbfd0           movsx   edx,ax                                        
             10032cb0 eb0b             jmp     dsql_db_init+0x30d0d (10032cbd)               
             10032cb2 6a02             push    0x2                                           
             10032cb4 58               pop     eax                                           
             10032cb5 e9df040000       jmp     dsql_db_init+0x311e9 (10033199)               
             10032cba 6a01             push    0x1                                           
             10032cbc 5a               pop     edx                                           
             10032cbd 803dd95a1d1000                                        ds:101d5ad9=00   
                                       cmp  byte ptr ,0x0   
             10032cc4 7409             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d1f (10032ccf)               
             10032cc6 833dac591d1006                                  ds:101d59ac=00000006   
                                       cmp dword ptr ,0x6   
             10032ccd 7416             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d35 (10032ce5)               
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name                     
    031688dc 1000d5df 00000000 018b4eb8 00000000 00000001 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init            
    03168978 10001cb3 03f41f80 018b6470 018b4eb8 00000035 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init            
    031689c4 008f47dc 010035d0 00000035 00000001 018b6470 dbmssslib!DbSlVersion             
    031689f4 008f1120 00000001 00000000 3f2db20c 00000000 disp+work!             
    054fffb8 77e64829 03e7bf20 00000000 00000000 03e7bf20 MSVCRT!endthreadex                
    054fffec 00000000 77bcb4bc 03e7bf20 00000000 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleHandleA         
    List of ABAP programs affected
                                                                                    Type      Program                              Gen. date  time           LoadSize            RollSize           
          Prg       RSGENYTT                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       112     3            840 loade         
          Prg       SAPMSSY0                             26.03.2001 12:10:18         1     6       512 loade
          Prg       RSDBRUNT                             26.03.2001 12:09:07        19    22       376 loade
          Prg       RSDBSPBL                             26.03.2001 11:21:26        24     6       512 loade
          Prg       SAPDB__S                             01.06.1999 12:10:01        36     1       408 loade
          Prg       RSDBSPMC                             01.06.1999 12:09:54        34     7       728 loade
          Typ       DDSHDESCR                            03.09.1997 03:05:16       955             048 loade
          Typ       SPPARAMS                             07.05.1997 13:10:38       956             024 loade
          Prg       SAPLSABE                             01.06.1999 12:10:15       100     1       288 loade
          Prg       SAPLSECU                             04.04.2001 18:30:22        28     6       608 loade
          Prg       SAPMSSY3                             26.03.2001 10:57:11       269     5       368 loade
          Typ       ABDBG                                25.05.1999 15:31:57       716     1       360 loade
          Prg       SAPMSSYD                             22.03.2001 18:03:09        12     1       336 loade
          Prg       SAPFSPOR                             19.10.1999 09:39:27        59             216 loade
          Prg       SAPLSCNT                             01.06.1999 12:10:15        15     2       624 loade
          Prg       SAPLSVSM                             22.03.2001 17:23:10        61     2       552 loade
          Prg       SAPLSGUI                             26.03.2001 12:08:56         4     3       768 loade
          Prg       SAPLSTTM                             22.03.2001 15:09:40         2     5       392 loade
          Prg       SAPLSBDC                             22.03.2001 15:09:07         6     6       560 loade
          Prg       CL_DATAPROVIDER===============       22.03.2001 16:53:29        62     4       128 loade
          Typ       OBJ_RECORD                           14.02.1998 08:30:43       883             048 loade
          Prg       SAPLSTUP                             26.03.2001 11:45:52        16     9       160 loade
          Prg       SAPLCNDP                             26.03.2001 10:57:04         3    15       744 loade
          Prg       SAPSHDTV                             26.03.2001 11:45:07        14     3       864 loade
          Prg       SAPFGUICNTL                          26.03.2001 10:42:02        10     1       408 loade
          Prg       CL_GUI_CFW====================       26.03.2001 11:21:21        11    13       192 loade
          Prg       SAPLOLEA                             17.11.2007 13:23:33         5     7       656 loade
          Prg       SAPLSFES                             26.03.2001 12:08:50         7    10       544 loade
          Prg       SAPLGRFC                             22.03.2001 15:08:46        60     1       384 loade
          Prg       SAPLSTRF                             17.11.2007 13:23:33       217    10       424 loade
          Prg       SAPLSTFI                             26.03.2001 12:10:04       216     5       296 loade
          Prg       SAPLSUGI                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       673    35       280 loade
          Typ       PUTTB_SHD                            17.11.2007 11:26:20       682             120 loade
          Prg       SAPLSUGN                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       691     5       296 loade
          Typ       DDFTX                                05.11.1997 02:52:59       224             072 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDNT                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       135    18       368 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDB1                             17.11.2007 11:26:20       114     6       464 loade
          Prg       SDB1FMSS                             04.04.2001 18:30:57       113     4       104 loade
          Typ       DDXTT                                17.11.2007 18:56:44       235             048 loade
          Prg       RDTCMPTB                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       414    10       376 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDB2                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       225    39       216 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDB3                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       271     9       136 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDD0                             17.11.2007 13:23:33       133     5       200 loade
          Prg       RADIXTOL                             01.06.1999 12:09:34       150     2       504 loade
          Prg       SDB2FDBS                             17.11.2007 17:43:27       215    11       784 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDD2                             01.06.1999 12:10:16       237     3       888 loade
          Prg       SDB2FMSS                             17.11.2007 17:43:27       190    17       152 loade
          Typ       UVERS                                16.07.1997 14:46:33       347             072 loade
          Typ       DD092526V                            20.08.1998 11:15:55       781             048 loade
          Typ       X030L                                05.11.1997 03:07:56       709             096 loade
          Prg       RADBTOUT                             01.06.1999 12:09:34       124    10       448 loade
          Prg       SAPCNVE                              01.06.1999 12:10:01       101             168 loade
          Prg       SAPLSDAD                             17.11.2007 18:56:44       935    71       752 loade                                                                               
    List of internal tables
    Header of PROG=RSGENYTTDATA=GT_PROT[]                                                  
         TABH+  0(20) = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                             
         TABH+ 20(20) = 0000000004000000500700000000000007000000                             
         TABH+ 40(20) = 1E0000001E0000001E0000001E000000FFFFFFFF                             
         TABH+ 60(20) = E3000000020000000403000018972D3F00000000                             
         TABH+ 80(20) = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                             
         TABH+100(12) = 000000000000000013000000                                             
         id           = 19    (0x13000000)                                                   
         fill         = 7     (0x07000000)                                                   
         lineAdmin    = 30    (0x1E000000)                                                   
         lineAlloc    = 30    (0x1E000000)                                                   
         tabi         = 0x18972D3F                                                           
         pghook       = 0x00000000                                                           
         index        = 0x00000000                                                           
         hshook       = 0x00000000                                                           
         btree        = 0x00000000                                                           
         reghook      = 0x00000000                                                           
         lopc         = 0     (0x00000000)                                                   
         occu         = 30    (0x1E000000)                                                   
         rank         = 30    (0x1E000000)                                                   
         loop         = -1    (0xFFFFFFFF)                                                   
         leng         = 227   (0xE300)                                                       
         fcnt         = 0     (0x0000)                                                       
         lock         = 0                                                                    
         shrd         = 0                                                                    
         access       = 1     (stdAccess)                                                    
         idxKind      = 0     (noIndex)                                                      
         unique       = 2     (nonUnique)                                                    
         cmpMode      = 2     (cmpSingleMcmp)                                                
         pb_func      = 0x00000000                                                           
         pb_handle    = 0x00000000                                                                               
    Directory of application tables (contents)
      Name..........  Contents.1........2........3....+....
    Directory of data areas (administration information)
      No.. Name..........  Lgth  Ofsg Type Next Gen date   Gen time
                L not assigned      751         0 IN                        
                M /%_LISTTABLE      750         1 CO 0                    
                T global stack      749  1      2 GL                        
                A global data         0         3 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         4 LI        .0 .0472        
                L constant dat        2         5 LI        .0 .0367        
                L not assigned        3         6 IN                        
                L SYST                4         7 TA 00                    
                L SY                  5         8 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         9 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         0 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         1 FS                        
                M /%_SSCR             9         2 CO 0                    
                L VARI               10         3 TA                        
                L PUTTB_SHD          11         4 TA                        
                L DDYTT              12         5 TA                        
                L DDYTF              13         6 TA                        
                M field symbol       14         7 FS                        
                M field symbol       15         8 FS                        
                M field symbol       16         9 FS                        
                A global data         0         0 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         1 LI        .0 .077E        
                L constant dat        2         2 LI        .0 .06B8        
                L not assigned        3         3 IN                        
                L SYST                4         4 TA                        
                L SY                  5         5 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         6 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         7 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         8 FS                        
                M /%_LISTTABLE        9         9 CO                        
                M /%_SYS000          10         0 CO                        
                L TFDIR              11         1 TA                        
                M field symbol       12         2 FS                        
                M field symbol       13         3 FS                        
                L TRDIR              14         4 TA                        
                L ABMSG              15         5 TA                        
                M field symbol       16         6 FS                        
                L text pool          17         7 TP                        
                A global data         0         8 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         9 LI        .0 .1B8A        
                L constant dat        2         0 LI        .0 .1780        
                L not assigned        3         1 IN                        
                L SYST                4         2 TA                        
                L SY                  5         3 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         4 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         5 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         6 FS                        
                M /%_SSCR             9         7 CO                        
                L VARI               10         8 TA                        
                L TRDIR              11         9 TA                        
                L TUVID              12         0 TA                        
                L RSVUVINT           13         1 TA                        
                L VARID              14         2 TA                        
                L DFIES              15         3 TA                        
                L SSCRTEXTS          16         4 TA                        
                L SSCRFIELDS         17         5 TA                        
                M /%_DYN_SEL         18         6 CO                        
                M /%_FIELD_SEL       19         7 CO                        
                M /%_RUNT_XX_%       20         8 CO                        
                M field symbol       21         9 FS                        
                M field symbol       22         0 FS                        
                M field symbol       23         1 FS                        
                M field symbol       24         2 FS                        
                M field symbol       25         3 FS                        
                L text pool          26         4 TP                        
                A global data         0         5 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         6 LI        .0 .09CE        
                L constant dat        2         7 LI        .0 .0908        
                L not assigned        3         8 IN                        
                L SYST                4         9 TA                        
                L SY                  5         0 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         1 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         2 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         3 FS                        
                M /%_RUNT_XX_%        9         4 CO                        
                L text pool          10         5 TP                        
                A global data         0         6 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         7 LI        .0 .020D        
                L constant dat        2         8 LI        .0 .01B0        
                L not assigned        3         9 IN                        
                L SYST                4         0 TA                        
                L SY                  5         1 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         2 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         3 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         4 FS                        
                M /%_SSCR             9         5 CO                        
                L VARI               10         6 TA                        
                L text pool          11         7 TP                        
                A global data        12         8 DA 0                    
                A global data         0         9 DA                        
                L constant dat        1         0 LI        .0 .0BD7        
                L constant dat        2         1 LI        .0 .0AE8        
                L not assigned        3         2 IN                        
                L SYST                4         3 TA                        
                L SY                  5         4 TA                        
                L RSJOBINFO           6         5 TA                        
                M /%_SYS%%            7         6 CO                        
                M field symbol        8         7 FS                        
                M /%_SSCR             9         8 CO                        
                M /%_RUNT_XX_%       10         9 CO                        
         1      L DD23L              11         0 TA                        
         1      L DD23T              12         1 TA                        
         1      L RSMDY              13         2 TA                        
         1      M field symbol       14         3 FS                        
         1      L text pool          15         4 TP                        
         1      A global data         0         5 DA                        
         1      L constant dat        1         6 LI        .0 .014A        
         1      L constant dat        2         7 LI        .0 .0101        
         1      L not assigned        3         8 IN                        
         1      L SYST                4         9 TA                        
         1      L SY                  5         0 TA                        
         1      L RSJOBINFO           6         1 TA                        
         1      M /%_SYS%%            7         2 CO                        
         1      M field symbol        8         3 FS                        
         1      L TRDIR               9         4 TA                        
         1      M field symbol       10         5 FS                        
         1      L text pool          11         6 TP                        
         1      A global data         0         7 DA                        
         1      L constant dat        1         8 LI        .0 .0918        
         1      L constant dat        2         9 LI        .0 .070B        
         1      L not assigned        3         0 IN                        
         1      L SYST                4         1 TA                        
         1      L SY                  5         2 TA                        
         1      L RSJOBINFO           6         3 TA                        
         1      M /%_SYS%%            7         4 CO                        
         1      M field symbol        8         5 FS                        
         1      L TSL1D               9         6 TA                        
         1      L TPFYPROPTY         10         7 TA                        
         1      M field symbol       11         8 FS                        
         1      L text pool          12         9 TP                        
         1      L ABDBG             127         0 TA                        
         1      A global data         0         1 DA                        
         1      L constant dat        1         2 LI        .0 .0A38        
         1      L constant dat        2         3 LI        .0 .09BF        
         1      L not assigned        3         4 IN                        
         1      L SYST                4         5 TA                        
         1      L SY                  5         6 TA                        
         1      L RSJOBINFO           6         7 TA                        
         1      M /%_SYS%%            7         8 CO                        
         1      M field symbol        8         9 FS                        
         1      M /%_LISTTABLE        9         0 CO                        
         1      M /%_SYS000          10         1 CO                        
         1      L ABDBG              11         2 TA                        
         1      M field symbol       12         3 FS                        
         1      Y           13         4 LA 0                    
         1      Y           14         5 LA 0                    
         1      Y           15         6 LA 0                    
         1      Y           16         7 LA 0                    
         1      Y           17         8 LA 0                    
         1      Y           18         9 LA 0                 

    Hi lucio,
    thanks for your quick answer, update of DW didn't work, here you are dev_w22 trace
    trc file: "dev_w22", trc level: 1, release: "46D"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B Mon Nov 19 18:30:29 2007
    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is "46D.00", patchlevel (0.2328)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M  relno      4640
    M  patchlevel 0
    M  patchno    2352
    M  intno      0
    M  pid        5400

    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc22 5400) [dpxxdisp.c   976]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0

    I Mon Nov 19 18:30:31 2007
    I  *** ERROR => New Process with the same PID
                  ERROR_INVALID_ADDRESS: Attempt to access invalid address.   [semnt.c      1513]
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    M  <ES> Memory Reset enabled
    X  ES initialized.
    M  ThSysUsrCheck: clear T22
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface
    C  Using dynamic link library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'
    C  dbmssslib.dll patch info
    C    patchlevel   0
    C    patchno      2328
    C    patchcomment MSSQL: Transaction inconsistencies HOTNEWS (1067103)
    C  SQLOLEDB Provider Release:08.10.3959
    C  Using shared procedure name cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_MEM,1320040 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Using shared TEMP procedure cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_TSP,7040024 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Connected to db server : [appserver], dbname: DEV, dbuser: dev
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  000 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  20071119 183031
    M  db_connect o.k.
    I  MtxInit: 22 0 0
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    X  ES initialized.
    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 22, WP_CNT = 31
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 0BA400C8, size: 6000000, end: 0BFF8E48)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 0C2100D0, size: 4194304, end: 0C6100D0)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA   (addr: 0C6200D0, size: 3072000, end: 0C90E0D0)
    M  rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0
    M  rdisp/hold_keeps_time_slice -> 0
    M  rdisp/no_hooks_for_sqlbreak -> 0
    M  PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files
    M  CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    S  *** init spool environment
    S  initialize debug system
    T  Stack direction is downwards.
    T  debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
    T  new memory block 07D86F10
    S  spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
    S  using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
    S  1 spool work process(es) found
    S  frontend print via spool service enabled
    S  printer list size is 150
    S  printer type list size is 50
    S  queue size (profile)   = 300
    S  hostspool list size = 3000
    S  option list size is 30
    S      found processing queue enabled
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0D760098
    S  doing lock recovery
    S  setting server cache root
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0D760798
    S    using messages for server info
    S  immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled

    A  -PXA--
    A  Attached to PXA (address 28230040, size 154674K)
    A  abap/pxa = shared
    A  -PXA--

    A  RFC rfc/dump_client_info not set, use default -1
    A  RFC rfc/bc_ignore_thcmaccp_retcode not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC rfc/bc_no_gui_cp_refresh not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects
    M  SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=D:\usr\sap\DEV\DVEBMGS00\sec): ok

    M  =================================================
    M  ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
    M  ===...SSF trace level is 0 .
    M  ===...SSF library is D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .
    M  ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .
    M  ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
    M  ===...sucessfully completed.
    M  =================================================
    E  Replication is disabled
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local lock table initialization o.k.
    E  EnqId_SuppressIpc: local EnqId initialization o.k.
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local enqueue client init o.k.

    B Mon Nov 19 18:40:15 2007
    B  dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:46D.00]):
    B   max_blocking_factor =  50,  max_in_blocking_factor      = 255,
    B   min_blocking_factor =   5,  min_in_blocking_factor      =  10,
    B   prefer_union_all    =   1,  prefer_union_for_select_all =   0,
    B   prefer_fix_blocking =   0,  prefer_in_itab_opt          =   0,
    B   convert AVG         =   1,  alias table FUPD            =   0,
    B   escape_as_literal   =   0,  opt GE LE to BETWEEN        =   0,
    B   select *            = 0x0,
    B   use_hints           = abap->1, dbif->1, upto->0, rule_in->0,
    B                         rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0
    C  The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider

    M Mon Nov 19 18:40:18 2007
    M  call semaphore clean-up function ...
    M  ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000094) [dpnttool.c   390]
    M  -
    C-STACK -
    SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0
    Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.
    Application exception occurred:
    Exception : c0000094 (Divide by zero)
    App       : disp+work.EXE (pid=5400)
    When      : 11/19/2007 18:40:18.134
    Threads   : 2
    Computer Name       : APPSERVER
    User Name           : SAPServiceDEV
    Number of Processors: 4
    Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
    Windows Version     : 5.2 Current Build: 3790
    Stack Dump for Thread Id 151c
    eax=0000a000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=03f48b54 edi=00000000
    eip=10032cab esp=031688b0 ebp=031688dc iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206
    function : <nosymbols>
            10032c92 807d1400         cmp     byte ptr [ebp+0x14],0x0      ss:062cfc7a=00
            10032c96 7422             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)
            10032c98 394e08           cmp     [esi+0x8],ecx          ds:070afef2=????????
            10032c9b 751d             jnz     dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)
            10032c9d 8d047f           lea     eax,[edi+edi*2]        ds:00000000=????????
            10032ca0 c1e003           shl     eax,0x3
            10032ca3 8bd0             mov     edx,eax
            10032ca5 8b4518           mov     eax,[ebp+0x18]         ss:062cfc7a=00000000
            10032ca8 2bc2             sub     eax,edx
            10032caa 99               cdq
    FAULT-> 10032cab f7fb             idiv    ebx
            10032cad 0fbfd0           movsx   edx,ax
            10032cb0 eb0b             jmp     dsql_db_init+0x30d0d (10032cbd)
            10032cb2 6a02             push    0x2
            10032cb4 58               pop     eax
            10032cb5 e9df040000       jmp     dsql_db_init+0x311e9 (10033199)
            10032cba 6a01             push    0x1
            10032cbc 5a               pop     edx
            10032cbd 803dd95a1d1000                                        ds:101d5ad9=00
                                      cmp  byte ptr [EndFastload+0x19644f (101d5ad9)],0x0
            10032cc4 7409             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d1f (10032ccf)
            10032cc6 833dac591d1006                                  ds:101d59ac=00000006
                                      cmp dword ptr [EndFastload+0x196322 (101d59ac)],0x6
            10032ccd 7416             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d35 (10032ce5)
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    031688dc 1000d5df 00000000 018b76f0 00000000 00000001 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init
    03168978 10001cb3 03f41f90 018b8ca8 018b76f0 00000035 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init
    031689c4 008f4765 010056b8 00000035 00000001 018b8ca8 dbmssslib!DbSlVersion
    031689f4 008f10a9 00000001 00000000 3f26827c 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168a74 008f05ff 00000000 3f26827c 00000000 3f2682ec disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168a9c 008a2873 00000000 018b769c 3f2682ec 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168b48 0089ef88 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec 03168d0c disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168b5c 008a1714 3f261654 00000000 00000000 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168d0c 0089d4ec 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168ea0 0061f5f7 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec ffffffff disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168edc 00616212 00000007 03168ef8 0316f130 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168f1c 005bf6a0 00000008 29339f2c 00000000 3f2918e0 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    0316f140 00629e43 00000000 00000000 0316f170 00000001 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    00e5bc44 00000000 49444553 00000000 4f525f25 0000544f disp+work!<nosymbols>
    Stack Dump for Thread Id 5f4
    eax=00000001 ebx=00000103 ecx=7c829f59 edx=00380000 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
    eip=7c8285ec esp=054ffc74 ebp=054ffcb8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000246
    function : KiFastSystemCallRet
            7c8285ec c3               ret
            7c8285ed 8da42400000000   lea     esp,[esp]              ss:054ffc74=7c8270fb
            7c8285f4 8d642400         lea     esp,[esp]              ss:08667013=00000000
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    054ffcb8 00c3475c 00000688 00000000 00000000 03e7be00 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
    054fff84 77bcb530 00000000 00000000 00000000 03e7be98 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    054fffb8 77e64829 03e7be98 00000000 00000000 03e7be98 MSVCRT!endthreadex
    054fffec 00000000 77bcb4bc 03e7be98 00000000 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleHandleA
    M  -
    M  call clean-up function ...
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  ThSigHandler: signal (step 4, th_errno 11, action 4)

    M  Info for wp 22

    M    stat = 4
    M    reqtype = 4
    M    act_reqtype = 4
    M    tid = 22
    M    mode = 0
    M    len = 24
    M    rq_id = 139
    M    rq_source = 1
    M    rq_info = 8576
    M    last_tid = 22
    M    last_mode = 0
    M    int_checked_resource = 0
    M    ext_checked_resource = 0
    M    report = >                                        <
    M    action = 0
    M    tab_name = >                              <

    M  Modeinfo for User T22/M0

    M    tm state = 2
    M    uid = 23
    M    term type = 0x0
    M    display = 0x0
    M    cpic_no = 0
    M    cpic_idx = -1
    M    usr = >DDIC        <
    M    terminal = >                    <
    M    client = >000<
    M    conversation_ID = >        <
    M    appc_tm_conv_idx = -1
    M    blockSoftCanel = NO
    M    imode = 2
    M    mode state = 0x42
    M    mode clean_state = 1
    M    th_errno = 11
    M    rollout_reason = 0
    M    last_rollout_level = 7
    M    async_receives = 0
    M    cpic_receive = 0
    M    em handle = 1
    M    roll state = 4
    M    abap state = 4
    M    em state = 3
    M    eg state = 1
    M    spa state = 3
    M    enq state = 0
    M    next hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    master hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    debug_tid = -1
    M    mode type = 0x1
    M    debug = 0
    M    tcode = >                    <
    M    client conversation_ID = >        <
    M    server conversation_ID = >        <
    M    lock = 0
    M    max enq infos = 0
    M    act enq infos = 0
    M    em_hyper_hdl = NULL

    M  *****************************************************************************
    M  *
    M  *  LOCATION    SAP-Server appserver_DEV_00 on host appserver (wp 22)
    M  *  ERROR       ThSigHandler: signal
    M  *
    M  *  TIME        Mon Nov 19 18:40:18 2007
    M  *  RELEASE     46D
    M  *  COMPONENT   Taskhandler
    M  *  VERSION     1
    M  *  RC          11
    M  *  MODULE      thxxhead.c
    M  *  LINE        8628
    M  *  COUNTER     1
    M  *
    M  *****************************************************************************

    M  Entering TH_CALL_HOOKS
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  *** WARNING => sql break failed (-1)
    M  ThErrHandle: don't try rollback again
    M  ThErrHandle: call ThrCoreInfo
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ROLLBACK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ROLLBACK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DB_ALIVE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DB_ALIVE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_HOOKS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_HOOKS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD entered.
    C  HandleOledbError [RpcExec,line 22204]: Error/Message: (err 8144, sev 0), Procedure or function ##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031 has too many arguments specified.
    C  RpcExec failed.  HR 80040e14 DBSL retcode 99. proc: [##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031]
    C  HandleOledbError [RpcExec,line 22204]: Error/Message: (err 8144, sev 0), Procedure or function ##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031 has too many arguments specified.
    C  RpcExec failed.  HR 80040e14 DBSL retcode 99. proc: [##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031]
    C  retry with SQL statement string
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_C_STACK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_C_STACK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INTERFACES entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INTERFACES completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_GET_MESS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_GET_MESS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INIT_SNAP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INIT_SNAP completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SYSLOG entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SYSLOG completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SNAP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_END completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SET_ALERT entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SET_ALERT completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_COMMIT entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_COMMIT completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SNAP_SYSLOG entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SNAP_SYSLOG completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RESET_PROGS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RESET_PROGS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_CLOSE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_CLOSE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_IMC_ERROR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_IMC_ERROR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DATASET_CLOSE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DATASET_CLOSE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ERROR_SAVE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ERROR_SAVE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_LIVE_CACHE_CLEANUP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_LIVE_CACHE_CLEANUP completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_END entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_END completed.
    A  ** RABAX: end RX_RETURN
    M  ThIErrHandle: Entering ThErrHdlUser
    M  ThErrHdlUser: set th_errno (11)
    M  ThErrHdlUser: save context
    B  Disconnecting from ALL connections:
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  022 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       YES YES NO  20071119 183031
    B  Disconnected from connection 0
    B  statistics db_con_commit (com_total=5, com_forced=1, com_tx=1)
    B  statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=0, roll_forced=0, roll_tx=0)
    M  ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc22 5400) [dpnttool.c   310]
    M  return from clean-up function ...
    trc file: "dev_w22", trc level: 1, release: "46D"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B Mon Nov 19 18:40:34 2007
    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is "46D.00", patchlevel (0.2328)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M  relno      4640
    M  patchlevel 0
    M  patchno    2352
    M  intno      0
    M  pid        432

    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc22 432) [dpxxdisp.c   976]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    M  <ES> Memory Reset enabled
    X  ES initialized.
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface
    C  Using dynamic link library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'
    C  dbmssslib.dll patch info
    C    patchlevel   0
    C    patchno      2328
    C    patchcomment MSSQL: Transaction inconsistencies HOTNEWS (1067103)
    C  SQLOLEDB Provider Release:08.10.3959
    C  Using shared procedure name cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_MEM,1320040 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Using shared TEMP procedure cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_TSP,7040024 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Connected to db server : [appserver], dbname: DEV, dbuser: dev
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  000 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  20071119 184034
    M  db_connect o.k.
    I  MtxInit: 22 0 0
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    X  ES initialized.
    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 22, WP_CNT = 31
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 0BA400C8, size: 6000000, end: 0BFF8E48)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 0C2100D0, size: 4194304, end: 0C6100D0)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA   (addr: 0C6200D0, size: 3072000, end: 0C90E0D0)
    M  rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0
    M  rdisp/hold_keeps_time_slice -> 0
    M  rdisp/no_hooks_for_sqlbreak -> 0
    M  PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files
    M  CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    S  *** init spool environment
    S  initialize debug system
    T  Stack direction is downwards.
    T  debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
    T  new memory block 07D86BF0
    S  spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
    S  using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
    S  1 spool work process(es) found
    S  frontend print via spool service enabled
    S  printer list size is 150
    S  printer type list size is 50
    S  queue size (profile)   = 300
    S  hostspool list size = 3000
    S  option list size is 30
    S      found processing queue enabled
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0D760098
    S  doing lock recovery
    S  setting server cache root
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0D760798
    S    using messages for server info
    S  immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled

    A  -PXA--
    A  Attached to PXA (address 28230040, size 154674K)
    A  abap/pxa = shared
    A  -PXA--

    A  RFC rfc/dump_client_info not set, use default -1
    A  RFC rfc/bc_ignore_thcmaccp_retcode not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC rfc/bc_no_gui_cp_refresh not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects
    M  SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=D:\usr\sap\DEV\DVEBMGS00\sec): ok

    M  =================================================
    M  ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
    M  ===...SSF trace level is 0 .
    M  ===...SSF library is D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .
    M  ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .
    M  ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
    M  ===...sucessfully completed.
    M  =================================================
    E  Replication is disabled
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local lock table initialization o.k.
    E  EnqId_SuppressIpc: local EnqId initialization o.k.
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local enqueue client init o.k.
    M  ThCheckPrevUser: clean previous user T22/U23/M0/I2

    M  Modeinfo for User T22/M0

    M    tm state = 2
    M    uid = 23
    M    term type = 0x0
    M    display = 0x0
    M    cpic_no = 0
    M    cpic_idx = -1
    M    usr = >DDIC        <
    M    terminal = >                    <
    M    client = >000<
    M    conversation_ID = >        <
    M    appc_tm_conv_idx = -1
    M    blockSoftCanel = NO
    M    imode = 2
    M    mode state = 0x42
    M    mode clean_state = 1
    M    th_errno = 11
    M    rollout_reason = 0
    M    last_rollout_level = 7
    M    async_receives = 0
    M    cpic_receive = 0
    M    em handle = 1
    M    roll state = 3
    M    abap state = 3
    M    em state = 2
    M    eg state = 1
    M    spa state = 3
    M    enq state = 0
    M    next hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    master hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    debug_tid = -1
    M    mode type = 0x1
    M    debug = 0
    M    tcode = >                    <
    M    client conversation_ID = >        <
    M    server conversation_ID = >        <
    M    lock = 0
    M    max enq infos = 0
    M    act enq infos = 0
    M    em_hyper_hdl = NULL

    M  ThCheckPrevUser: reset spa state for user T22/U23/M0
    M  LOCK WP ca_blk 216
    M  LOCK APPC ca_blk 72
    M  set task type ZTTABTC
    M  ThCleanPrevUser: clean U23 T22 M0 I2 clean state DP_DEFAULT_CLEANING from previous wp
    M  ThCleanPrevUser: saved MODE_REC = 40
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  ThCheckEmState: check ATTACH for em hdl 1
    M  ThCheckEmState: call EmContextAttach (em_hdl=1)
    M  ThIAMDel: delete tid/mode 22/0 (th_errno 23, release 1)
    M  ThTSCancel: set T22 M0 in status MODE_CANCEL
    M  ThIDeleteMode (22, 0, 3, ><, 0, 255, TRUE)
    M  ThIDeleteMode: no modes found ..
    M    no sub modes
    M  ThSUsrDel: delete system user
    M  ThSUsrDel: clean batch after error (23)
    C  The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider
    M  ThScheduler: server name: appserver_DEV_00   
    M  ThISendMsg: send message (5) to server (wp) with name >appserver_DEV_00    <
    M  ThISndName: send to name: >appserver_DEV_00    <
    M  ThISend: (tm/user/type = 22/DDIC        /0x2000, mode_deleted=0)
    M    MSG_NAME
    M  ThRqOutCheck: o.k.
    M  abap strategy ROLL / O.K.
    M  ThNewWpStat: new state of T22/M0 = 0xc2
    M  ThISend: new wp stat: 0x0
    M  Adresse   Offset  Message by name (one way)
    M  -
    M  0639A0C0  000000  00000000 05000000 255f4556 454e545f |........%%_EVENT_|
    M  0639A0D0  000016  53434845 44554c45 52002020 20202020 |SCHEDULER.      |
    M  -
    M  ThMkReq: send output to canceled mode
    M  make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 216
    M  put request into queue (reqtype 0, prio LOW, rq_id 158)
    M  -OUT- sender_id    WORK_PROCESS   tid  22    wp_ca_blk   216     wp_id 22
    M  -OUT- action    SEND_MSG_ONEWAY   uid  23    appc_ca_blk -1      type  NOWP
    M  -OUT- new_stat  NO_CHANGE         mode 0     len         268     rq_id 158
    M  -OUT- forward   DIA              
    M  NiPHostToAddr: read hostaddr from operating system
    M  NiIHostToAddr: hostname localhost = addr
    M  NiPServToNo: read servno 3200 from operating system
    M  NiIServToNo: servicename sapdp00 = port 0C.80/3200
    M  NiCreateHandle: state nihandle-socket 1-1024 NI_INITIAL
    M  NiIDgSend: init datagram send_handle 1-1024
    M  CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val
    M  NiIDgSend: send dgram to: host, port 0C.80/3200, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    M  LOCK WP ca_blk 217
    M  ThResFree: free resources of U23 M0 I2 (normal mode, complete free) at level 3, db_action=TH_DB_NO_ACTION
    M  ThResFree: reset spa state for user T22/U23/M0
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >SpoolHandleHook< for event SOS_HOOK_BEFORE_SESSION_CANCEL
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  ThDealComm: T22/U23/M0 has no cpic conns
    M  ***LOG R47=> ThResFree, delete (001023) [thxxmode.c   1099]
    M  ThGetEnqInfo: no enq info found
    M  ThVBIRollBack: initialize TH-hooks
    M  SosRegisterHook: add hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  SosRegisterHook: add hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_ROLLBACK
    M  ThRmLocQueue: no async request found
    M  ThInvalidateRfcCliId: invalidate RfcCliId at 5DA68C48
    M  ThRmFree:  cleanup resources for T22 M0
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: hdr/tbl/ext_tbl = 04037058/00000000/0
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: no resources registered
    M  ThRmFree: reset eg state of T22 M0
    M  ThRmFree cleanup resources for T22
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: hdr/tbl/ext_tbl = 04037BB8/5DA68D20/1
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: call resource handler 0047A981 for key/entry 3/0
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA68C48 for T22
    M  RmInitResourceTblEntry: free resource description  at 5DA693A8 (ext_tbl=1)
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA693A8 for T22
    M  RmIFreeTable: free resource table at 5DA68D20 (ext_tbl=1)
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA68D20 for T22
    M  ThRmFree: reset eg state of T22
    M  ThEmFree: call EmContextDelete (em_hdl=1)
    M  ThResFree: save spa pointer 7FDCE7E0 and install dummy spa
    M  ThCheckComOrRb (event=1, full_commit=1)
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ASTAT-collect commit handling< for event BEFORE_COMMIT
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >rsts_before_commit< for event BEFORE_COMMIT
    M  ThCheckComOrRb (event=3, full_commit=1)
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThVBICmRbHook: called for commit
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThNoClearPrevErr< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThNoClearPrevErr: clear prev no err
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >rsts_after_commit< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >SpoolHandleHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThISend: (tm/user/type = 22/SAPSYS      /0x41, mode_deleted=1)
    M    DISP
    M  ThRqOutCheck: o.k.
    M  ThISend: allowed rq_type of T22/M0 = 0
    M  abap strategy ROLL / O.K.
    M  ThNewWpStat: new MODE_REC = 40
    M  ThNewWpStat: new state of T22/M0 = 0xc1
    M  ThISend: new wp stat: 0x2
    M  ThMkReq: send output to canceled mode
    M  ThISend: complete stat record
    M  make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 217
    M  put request into queue (reqtype 0, prio LOW, rq_id 159)
    M  -OUT- sender_id    WORK_PROCESS   tid  22    wp_ca_blk   217     wp_id 22
    M  -OUT- action    SEND_TO_DP        uid  23    appc_ca_blk -1      type  NOWP
    M  -OUT- new_stat  WP_WAIT           mode 0     len         8       rq_id 159
    M  -OUT- req_info  CANCELMODE
    M  NiIDgSend: send dgram to: host, port 0C.80/3200, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    M  REL APPC ca_blk 72
    M  ThISend: th_wp_waits_for_rq = TH_WP_WAITS_FOR_RQPfClearAllRec: clear statistic area
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  ThSysUsrCheck(1,1): check system user T22/U23/M0
    M  ThSysUsrCheck: clear T22
    M  DpITmSlotClear: clear slot 22
    M  DpListRemove: elem 22 not in tmadm_free_list
    M  DpListInsert: elem 22 already in tmadm_inuse_list
    M  rdisp/wp_auto_restart = 0
    M  rdisp/wp_abap_restart = 0
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[0] = FALSE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[1] = TRUE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[2] = TRUE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[3] = FALSE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[4] = TRUE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[5] = TRUE
    M  ThSetThToolParam : restartable_wp[6] = TRUE
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >HttpResetPtr< for event BEFORE_TASK_SWITCH
    M  TskhLoop: switch back to normal tracel level 1

    B Mon Nov 19 20:15:39 2007
    B  dbtran INFO (init_connection '<DEFAULT>' [MSSQL:46D.00]):
    B   max_blocking_factor =  50,  max_in_blocking_factor      = 255,
    B   min_blocking_factor =   5,  min_in_blocking_factor      =  10,
    B   prefer_union_all    =   1,  prefer_union_for_select_all =   0,
    B   prefer_fix_blocking =   0,  prefer_in_itab_opt          =   0,
    B   convert AVG         =   1,  alias table FUPD            =   0,
    B   escape_as_literal   =   0,  opt GE LE to BETWEEN        =   0,
    B   select *            = 0x0,
    B   use_hints           = abap->1, dbif->1, upto->0, rule_in->0,
    B                         rule_fae->0, concat_fae->0, concat_fae_or->0
    M  call semaphore clean-up function ...
    M  ***LOG Q0E=> DpSigGenHandler, Exception (c0000094) [dpnttool.c   390]
    M  -
    C-STACK -
    SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0
    Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.
    Application exception occurred:
    Exception : c0000094 (Divide by zero)
    App       : disp+work.EXE (pid=432)
    When      : 11/19/2007 20:15:39.822
    Threads   : 2
    Computer Name       : APPSERVER
    User Name           : SAPServiceDEV
    Number of Processors: 4
    Processor Type: x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 6
    Windows Version     : 5.2 Current Build: 3790
    Stack Dump for Thread Id 10c8
    eax=0000a000 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=03f48b44 edi=00000000
    eip=10032cab esp=031688b0 ebp=031688dc iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00010206
    function : <nosymbols>
            10032c92 807d1400         cmp     byte ptr [ebp+0x14],0x0      ss:062cfc7a=00
            10032c96 7422             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)
            10032c98 394e08           cmp     [esi+0x8],ecx          ds:070afee2=????????
            10032c9b 751d             jnz     dsql_db_init+0x30d0a (10032cba)
            10032c9d 8d047f           lea     eax,[edi+edi*2]        ds:00000000=????????
            10032ca0 c1e003           shl     eax,0x3
            10032ca3 8bd0             mov     edx,eax
            10032ca5 8b4518           mov     eax,[ebp+0x18]         ss:062cfc7a=00000000
            10032ca8 2bc2             sub     eax,edx
            10032caa 99               cdq
    FAULT-> 10032cab f7fb             idiv    ebx
            10032cad 0fbfd0           movsx   edx,ax
            10032cb0 eb0b             jmp     dsql_db_init+0x30d0d (10032cbd)
            10032cb2 6a02             push    0x2
            10032cb4 58               pop     eax
            10032cb5 e9df040000       jmp     dsql_db_init+0x311e9 (10033199)
            10032cba 6a01             push    0x1
            10032cbc 5a               pop     edx
            10032cbd 803dd95a1d1000                                        ds:101d5ad9=00
                                      cmp  byte ptr [EndFastload+0x19644f (101d5ad9)],0x0
            10032cc4 7409             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d1f (10032ccf)
            10032cc6 833dac591d1006                                  ds:101d59ac=00000006
                                      cmp dword ptr [EndFastload+0x196322 (101d59ac)],0x6
            10032ccd 7416             jz      dsql_db_init+0x30d35 (10032ce5)
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    031688dc 1000d5df 00000000 018b76f0 00000000 00000001 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init
    03168978 10001cb3 03f41f80 018b8ca8 018b76f0 00000035 dbmssslib!dsql_db_init
    031689c4 008f4765 010056b8 00000035 00000001 018b8ca8 dbmssslib!DbSlVersion
    031689f4 008f10a9 00000001 00000000 3f26827c 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168a74 008f05ff 00000000 3f26827c 00000000 3f2682ec disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168a9c 008a2873 00000000 018b769c 3f2682ec 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168b48 0089ef88 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec 03168d0c disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168b5c 008a1714 3f261654 00000000 00000000 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168d0c 0089d4ec 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168ea0 0061f5f7 00000000 3f26827c 3f2682ec ffffffff disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168edc 00616212 00000007 03168ef8 0316f130 00000000 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    03168f1c 005bf6a0 00000008 29339f2c 00000000 3f2918e0 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    0316f140 00629e43 00000000 00000000 0316f170 00000001 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    00e5bc44 00000000 49444553 00000000 4f525f25 0000544f disp+work!<nosymbols>
    Stack Dump for Thread Id 10c4
    eax=00000001 ebx=00000103 ecx=7c829f59 edx=00380000 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
    eip=7c8285ec esp=054ffc74 ebp=054ffcb8 iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na po nc
    cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=003b  gs=0000             efl=00000246
    function : KiFastSystemCallRet
            7c8285ec c3               ret
            7c8285ed 8da42400000000   lea     esp,[esp]              ss:054ffc74=7c8270fb
            7c8285f4 8d642400         lea     esp,[esp]              ss:08667013=00000000
    --> Stack Back Trace <--
    FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
    054ffcb8 00c3475c 00000688 00000000 00000000 03e7bdf0 ntdll!KiFastSystemCallRet
    054fff84 77bcb530 00000000 00000000 00000000 03e7be88 disp+work!<nosymbols>
    054fffb8 77e64829 03e7be88 00000000 00000000 03e7be88 MSVCRT!endthreadex
    054fffec 00000000 77bcb4bc 03e7be88 00000000 00000000 kernel32!GetModuleHandleA
    M  -
    M  call clean-up function ...
    M  in_ThErrHandle: 1
    M  ThSigHandler: signal (step 4, th_errno 11, action 4)

    M  Info for wp 22

    M    stat = 4
    M    reqtype = 4
    M    act_reqtype = 4
    M    tid = 22
    M    mode = 0
    M    len = 24
    M    rq_id = 1131
    M    rq_source = 1
    M    rq_info = 8576
    M    last_tid = 22
    M    last_mode = 0
    M    int_checked_resource = 0
    M    ext_checked_resource = 0
    M    report = >                                        <
    M    action = 0
    M    tab_name = >                              <

    M  Modeinfo for User T22/M0

    M    tm state = 2
    M    uid = 23
    M    term type = 0x0
    M    display = 0x0
    M    cpic_no = 0
    M    cpic_idx = -1
    M    usr = >DDIC        <
    M    terminal = >                    <
    M    client = >000<
    M    conversation_ID = >        <
    M    appc_tm_conv_idx = -1
    M    blockSoftCanel = NO
    M    imode = 2
    M    mode state = 0x42
    M    mode clean_state = 1
    M    th_errno = 11
    M    rollout_reason = 0
    M    last_rollout_level = 7
    M    async_receives = 0
    M    cpic_receive = 0
    M    em handle = 1
    M    roll state = 4
    M    abap state = 4
    M    em state = 3
    M    eg state = 1
    M    spa state = 3
    M    enq state = 0
    M    next hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    master hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    debug_tid = -1
    M    mode type = 0x1
    M    debug = 0
    M    tcode = >                    <
    M    client conversation_ID = >        <
    M    server conversation_ID = >        <
    M    lock = 0
    M    max enq infos = 0
    M    act enq infos = 0
    M    em_hyper_hdl = NULL

    M  *****************************************************************************
    M  *
    M  *  LOCATION    SAP-Server appserver_DEV_00 on host appserver (wp 22)
    M  *  ERROR       ThSigHandler: signal
    M  *
    M  *  TIME        Mon Nov 19 20:15:39 2007
    M  *  RELEASE     46D
    M  *  COMPONENT   Taskhandler
    M  *  VERSION     1
    M  *  RC          11
    M  *  MODULE      thxxhead.c
    M  *  LINE        8628
    M  *  COUNTER     1
    M  *
    M  *****************************************************************************

    M  Entering TH_CALL_HOOKS
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThrSaveSPAFields< for event BEFORE_DUMP
    M  Entering ThSetStatError
    M  *** WARNING => sql break failed (-1)
    M  ThErrHandle: don't try rollback again
    M  ThErrHandle: call ThrCoreInfo
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ROLLBACK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ROLLBACK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DB_ALIVE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DB_ALIVE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_HOOKS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_HOOKS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD entered.
    C  HandleOledbError [RpcExec,line 22204]: Error/Message: (err 8144, sev 0), Procedure or function ##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031 has too many arguments specified.
    C  RpcExec failed.  HR 80040e14 DBSL retcode 99. proc: [##Y8APPSERVEDEV00000054000000000014183031]
    C  retry with SQL statement string
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STANDARD completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_C_STACK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_C_STACK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_MEMO_CHECK completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INTERFACES entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INTERFACES completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_GET_MESS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_GET_MESS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INIT_SNAP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_INIT_SNAP completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SYSLOG entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SYSLOG completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_WRITE_SNAP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_SN_END completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SET_ALERT entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SET_ALERT completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_COMMIT entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_COMMIT completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SNAP_SYSLOG entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_SNAP_SYSLOG completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RESET_PROGS entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RESET_PROGS completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_STDERR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_ERROR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_CLOSE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_RFC_CLOSE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_IMC_ERROR entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_IMC_ERROR completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DATASET_CLOSE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_DATASET_CLOSE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ERROR_SAVE entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_ERROR_SAVE completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_LIVE_CACHE_CLEANUP entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_LIVE_CACHE_CLEANUP completed.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_END entered.
    A  ** RABAX: level LEV_RX_END completed.
    A  ** RABAX: end RX_RETURN
    M  ThIErrHandle: Entering ThErrHdlUser
    M  ThErrHdlUser: set th_errno (11)
    M  ThErrHdlUser: save context
    B  Disconnecting from ALL connections:
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  022 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       YES YES NO  20071119 184034
    B  Disconnected from connection 0
    B  statistics db_con_commit (com_total=6, com_forced=2, com_tx=2)
    B  statistics db_con_rollback (roll_total=0, roll_forced=0, roll_tx=0)
    M  ***LOG Q02=> wp_halt, WPStop (Workproc22 432) [dpnttool.c   310]
    M  return from clean-up function ...
    trc file: "dev_w22", trc level: 1, release: "46D"
    ACTIVE TRACE LEVEL           1

    B Mon Nov 19 20:15:54 2007
    B  create_con (con_name=R/3)
    B  Loading DB library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' ...
    B  Library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' loaded
    B  Version of library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll' is "46D.00", patchlevel (0.2328)
    B  New connection 0 created
    M  relno      4640
    M  patchlevel 0
    M  patchno    2352
    M  intno      0
    M  pid        4492

    M  ***LOG Q0Q=> tskh_init, WPStart (Workproc22 4492) [dpxxdisp.c   976]
    I  MtxInit: -2 0 0
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    M  <ES> Memory Reset enabled
    X  ES initialized.
    M  calling db_connect ...
    C  Thank You for using the SLOLEDB-interface
    C  Using dynamic link library 'D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\dbmssslib.dll'
    C  dbmssslib.dll patch info
    C    patchlevel   0
    C    patchno      2328
    C    patchcomment MSSQL: Transaction inconsistencies HOTNEWS (1067103)
    C  SQLOLEDB Provider Release:08.10.3959
    C  Using shared procedure name cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_MEM,1320040 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Using shared TEMP procedure cache (APPSERVER_DEVDEV_TSP,7040024 bytes,10000 procs) initialized by another process
    C  Connected to db server : [appserver], dbname: DEV, dbuser: dev
    B  Connection 0 opened
    B  Wp  Hdl ConName              ConCnt ConState     TX  PRM RCT Date     Time
    B  000 000 R/3                  000000 ACTIVE       NO  YES NO  20071119 201554
    M  db_connect o.k.
    I  MtxInit: 22 0 0
    X  EmInit: MmSetImplementation( 2 ).
    X  <ES> client 22 initializing ....
    X  Using implementation std
    X  ES initialized.
    B  db_con_shm_ini:  WP_ID = 22, WP_CNT = 31
    B  dbtbxbuf: Buffer TABL  (addr: 0BA400C8, size: 6000000, end: 0BFF8E48)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer EIBUF (addr: 0C2100D0, size: 4194304, end: 0C6100D0)
    B  dbexpbuf: Buffer CUA   (addr: 0C6200D0, size: 3072000, end: 0C90E0D0)
    M  rdisp/reinitialize_code_page -> 0
    M  rdisp/hold_keeps_time_slice -> 0
    M  rdisp/no_hooks_for_sqlbreak -> 0
    M  PfReadDBVersion: use compatibility mode for stat-files
    M  CCMS: AlInitGlobals : alert/use_sema_lock = TRUE.
    S  *** init spool environment
    S  initialize debug system
    T  Stack direction is downwards.
    T  debug control: prepare exclude for printer trace
    T  new memory block 07D86BF0
    S  spool kernel/ddic check: Ok
    S  using table TSP02FX for frontend printing
    S  1 spool work process(es) found
    S  frontend print via spool service enabled
    S  printer list size is 150
    S  printer type list size is 50
    S  queue size (profile)   = 300
    S  hostspool list size = 3000
    S  option list size is 30
    S      found processing queue enabled
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-RCLOCKS at 0D760098
    S  doing lock recovery
    S  setting server cache root
    S  found spool memory service RSPO-SERVERCACHE at 0D760798
    S    using messages for server info
    S  immediate print option for implicitely closed spool requests is disabled

    A  -PXA--
    A  Attached to PXA (address 28230040, size 154674K)
    A  abap/pxa = shared
    A  -PXA--

    A  RFC rfc/dump_client_info not set, use default -1
    A  RFC rfc/bc_ignore_thcmaccp_retcode not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC rfc/bc_no_gui_cp_refresh not set, use default value: 0
    A  RFC Method> initialize RemObjDriver for ABAP Objects
    M  SsfSapSecin: putenv(SECUDIR=D:\usr\sap\DEV\DVEBMGS00\sec): ok

    M  =================================================
    M  ===...SSF Security Toolkit name SAPSECULIB .
    M  ===...SSF trace level is 0 .
    M  ===...SSF library is D:\usr\sap\DEV\SYS\exe\run\sapsecu.dll .
    M  ===...SSF hash algorithm is SHA1 .
    M  ===...SSF symmetric encryption algorithm is DES-CBC .
    M  ===...sucessfully completed.
    M  =================================================
    E  Replication is disabled
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local lock table initialization o.k.
    E  EnqId_SuppressIpc: local EnqId initialization o.k.
    E  EnqCcInitialize: local enqueue client init o.k.
    M  ThCheckPrevUser: clean previous user T22/U23/M0/I2

    M  Modeinfo for User T22/M0

    M    tm state = 2
    M    uid = 23
    M    term type = 0x0
    M    display = 0x0
    M    cpic_no = 0
    M    cpic_idx = -1
    M    usr = >DDIC        <
    M    terminal = >                    <
    M    client = >000<
    M    conversation_ID = >        <
    M    appc_tm_conv_idx = -1
    M    blockSoftCanel = NO
    M    imode = 2
    M    mode state = 0x42
    M    mode clean_state = 1
    M    th_errno = 11
    M    rollout_reason = 0
    M    last_rollout_level = 7
    M    async_receives = 0
    M    cpic_receive = 0
    M    em handle = 1
    M    roll state = 3
    M    abap state = 3
    M    em state = 2
    M    eg state = 1
    M    spa state = 3
    M    enq state = 0
    M    next hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    master hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    slave hook = T-1/U-1/M255
    M    debug_tid = -1
    M    mode type = 0x1
    M    debug = 0
    M    tcode = >                    <
    M    client conversation_ID = >        <
    M    server conversation_ID = >        <
    M    lock = 0
    M    max enq infos = 0
    M    act enq infos = 0
    M    em_hyper_hdl = NULL

    M  ThCheckPrevUser: reset spa state for user T22/U23/M0
    M  LOCK WP ca_blk 216
    M  LOCK APPC ca_blk 72
    M  set task type ZTTABTC
    M  ThCleanPrevUser: clean U23 T22 M0 I2 clean state DP_DEFAULT_CLEANING from previous wp
    M  ThCleanPrevUser: saved MODE_REC = 40
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  ThCheckEmState: check ATTACH for em hdl 1
    M  ThCheckEmState: call EmContextAttach (em_hdl=1)
    M  ThIAMDel: delete tid/mode 22/0 (th_errno 23, release 1)
    M  ThTSCancel: set T22 M0 in status MODE_CANCEL
    M  ThIDeleteMode (22, 0, 3, ><, 0, 255, TRUE)
    M  ThIDeleteMode: no modes found ..
    M    no sub modes
    M  ThSUsrDel: delete system user
    M  ThSUsrDel: clean batch after error (23)
    C  The IRow interface is supported by this OLEDB provider
    M  ThScheduler: server name: appserver_DEV_00   
    M  ThISendMsg: send message (5) to server (wp) with name >appserver_DEV_00    <
    M  ThISndName: send to name: >appserver_DEV_00    <
    M  ThISend: (tm/user/type = 22/DDIC        /0x2000, mode_deleted=0)
    M    MSG_NAME
    M  ThRqOutCheck: o.k.
    M  abap strategy ROLL / O.K.
    M  ThNewWpStat: new state of T22/M0 = 0xc2
    M  ThISend: new wp stat: 0x0
    M  Adresse   Offset  Message by name (one way)
    M  -
    M  0639A0C0  000000  00000000 05000000 255f4556 454e545f |........%%_EVENT_|
    M  0639A0D0  000016  53434845 44554c45 52002020 20202020 |SCHEDULER.      |
    M  -
    M  ThMkReq: send output to canceled mode
    M  make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 216
    M  put request into queue (reqtype 0, prio LOW, rq_id 1165)
    M  -OUT- sender_id    WORK_PROCESS   tid  22    wp_ca_blk   216     wp_id 22
    M  -OUT- action    SEND_MSG_ONEWAY   uid  23    appc_ca_blk -1      type  NOWP
    M  -OUT- new_stat  NO_CHANGE         mode 0     len         268     rq_id 1165
    M  -OUT- forward   DIA              
    M  NiPHostToAddr: read hostaddr from operating system
    M  NiIHostToAddr: hostname localhost = addr
    M  NiPServToNo: read servno 3200 from operating system
    M  NiIServToNo: servicename sapdp00 = port 0C.80/3200
    M  NiCreateHandle: state nihandle-socket 1-1024 NI_INITIAL
    M  NiIDgSend: init datagram send_handle 1-1024
    M  CPU byte order: little endian, reverse network, low val .. high val
    M  NiIDgSend: send dgram to: host, port 0C.80/3200, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)
    M  LOCK WP ca_blk 217
    M  ThResFree: free resources of U23 M0 I2 (normal mode, complete free) at level 3, db_action=TH_DB_NO_ACTION
    M  ThResFree: reset spa state for user T22/U23/M0
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >SpoolHandleHook< for event SOS_HOOK_BEFORE_SESSION_CANCEL
    M  PfStatDisconnect: disconnect statistics
    M  ThDealComm: T22/U23/M0 has no cpic conns
    M  ***LOG R47=> ThResFree, delete (001023) [thxxmode.c   1099]
    M  ThGetEnqInfo: no enq info found
    M  ThVBIRollBack: initialize TH-hooks
    M  SosRegisterHook: add hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  SosRegisterHook: add hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_ROLLBACK
    M  ThRmLocQueue: no async request found
    M  ThInvalidateRfcCliId: invalidate RfcCliId at 5DA68C48
    M  ThRmFree:  cleanup resources for T22 M0
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: hdr/tbl/ext_tbl = 04037058/00000000/0
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: no resources registered
    M  ThRmFree: reset eg state of T22 M0
    M  ThRmFree cleanup resources for T22
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: hdr/tbl/ext_tbl = 04037BB8/5DA68D20/1
    M  RmCleanUpResources2: call resource handler 0047A981 for key/entry 3/0
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA68C48 for T22
    M  RmInitResourceTblEntry: free resource description  at 5DA693A8 (ext_tbl=1)
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA693A8 for T22
    M  RmIFreeTable: free resource table at 5DA68D20 (ext_tbl=1)
    M  ThFreeRollMemory: release eg adr 5DA68D20 for T22
    M  ThRmFree: reset eg state of T22
    M  ThEmFree: call EmContextDelete (em_hdl=1)
    M  ThResFree: save spa pointer 7FDCE7E0 and install dummy spa
    M  ThCheckComOrRb (event=1, full_commit=1)
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ASTAT-collect commit handling< for event BEFORE_COMMIT
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >rsts_before_commit< for event BEFORE_COMMIT
    M  ThCheckComOrRb (event=3, full_commit=1)
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThVBICmRbHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThVBICmRbHook: called for commit
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >ThNoClearPrevErr< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThNoClearPrevErr: clear prev no err
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >rsts_after_commit< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThCallHooks: call hook >SpoolHandleHook< for event AFTER_COMMIT
    M  ThISend: (tm/user/type = 22/SAPSYS      /0x41, mode_deleted=1)
    M    DISP
    M  ThRqOutCheck: o.k.
    M  ThISend: allowed rq_type of T22/M0 = 0
    M  abap strategy ROLL / O.K.
    M  ThNewWpStat: new MODE_REC = 40
    M  ThNewWpStat: new state of T22/M0 = 0xc1
    M  ThISend: new wp stat: 0x2
    M  ThMkReq: send output to canceled mode
    M  ThISend: complete stat record
    M  make DISP owner of wp_ca_blk 217
    M  put request into queue (reqtype 0, prio LOW, rq_id 1166)
    M  -OUT- sender_id    WORK_PROCESS   tid  22    wp_ca_blk   217     wp_id 22
    M  -OUT- action    SEND_TO_DP        uid  23    appc_ca_blk -1      type  NOWP
    M  -OUT- new_stat  WP_WAIT           mode 0     len         8       rq_id 1166
    M  -OUT- req_info  CANCELMODE
    M  NiIDgSend: send dgram to: host, port 0C.80/3200, fam 2 (low adr..high adr)

  • System Core Dumped after Oracle patch upgrade to

    We are continously getting dumps on our BW Central instance server after we did an Oracle patch upgrade from to
    Following is our system environment
    SAP Release.............. "640"
    Application server....... "abci"
    Operating system......... "SunOS"
    Release.................. "5.10"
    Hardware type............ "sun4v"
    Database server.......... "abdb"
    Database type............ "ORACLE"
    Database name............ "ABP"
    Database owner........... "SAPABP"
    SAP kernel............... "640"
    Database version......... "OCI_920 "
    Patch level.............. "175"
    Following below is the Core Dump that is generated for any process chains that we schedule on our BW server
    Runtime Errors         SYSTEM_CORE_DUMPED
    Date and Time          14.04.2008 09:26:17
         Process terminated by signal 11.
    What happened?
        The current ABAP program had to be terminated because the
        ABAP processor detected an internal system error.
        The current ABAP program "SAPMSSY2" had to be terminated because the ABAP
        processor discovered an invalid system state.
    What can you do?
        Make a note of the actions and input which caused the error.
        To resolve the problem, contact your SAP system administrator.
        You can use transaction ST22 (ABAP Dump Analysis) to view and administer
        termination messages, especially those beyond their normal deletion
    Error analysis
        An SAP System process was terminated by an operating system signal.
        Possible reasons for this are:
        1. Internal SAP System error.
        2. Process was terminated externally (by the system administrator).
                   Last error logged in SAP kernel
        Component............ "Taskhandler"
        Place................ "SAP-Server awci_ABP_00 on host awci (wp 5)"
        Version.............. 1
        Error code........... 11
        Error text........... "ThSigHandler: signal"
        Description.......... " "
        System call.......... " "
        Module............... "thxxhead.c"
        Line................. 9780
    How to correct the error
        The SAP System work directory (e.g. /usr/sap/c11/D00/work ) often
        contains a file called 'core'.
        Save this file under another name.
        If you cannot solve the problem yourself and you wish to send
        an error message to SAP, include the following documents:
        1. A printout of the problem description (short dump)
           To obtain this, select in the current display "System->List->
           Save->Local File (unconverted)".
        2. A suitable printout of the system log
           To obtain this, call the system log through transaction SM21.
           Limit the time interval to 10 minutes before and 5 minutes
           after the short dump. In the display, then select the function
           "System->List->Save->Local File (unconverted)".
        3. If the programs are your own programs or modified SAP programs,
           supply the source code.
           To do this, select the Editor function "Further Utilities->
        4. Details regarding the conditions under which the error occurred
           or which actions and input led to the error.
    Kindly help.
    Edited by: Sachin N on Apr 14, 2008 12:26 PM

    No. If the environment would be wrong the system wouldn´t start up.
    Core dumps are in 99 % of the cases program errors (in the SAP kernel or in an interface (libdbora*)), misaligend accesses of data etc.
    If you encounter such an error have a look in the C-Stack. If you can´t see where the error is happening opening an OSS call. Most of those errors are fixed by installing the latest patches for the kernel and the database interface.

  • Linux 6.1/Oracle 8.1.5 Pro C compilation core dumps

    Linux installation did not place stdarg.h or stddef.h in the /usr/include directory for some reaon. I located different copies in other directories and have created symobolic links to them all in the end. BUT all result in the following error when I attempt to make sample1.pc in $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/demo/proc. Has anyone got any ideas how I can fix this problem.
    Yours hopefully Kev
    make -f demo_proc.mk sample1
    gmake -f /oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/precomp/demo/proc/demo_proc.mk
    OBJS=sample1.o EXE=sample1 build
    gmake[1]: Entering directory `/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/precomp/demo/proc'
    proc iname=sample1
    Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Sun Jan 9 17:02:05 2000
    (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    System default option values taken from:
    gmake[1]: *** [sample1.o] Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.5/precomp/demo/proc'
    make: *** [sample1] Error 2

    Thanks for your input. But having investiagted further I have made progress.
    On one of the FAQ docs listed throughout the Linux Forum I found an example of what should be in the pcscfg.cfg file. Once this was in place I then had, /usr/bin/ld cannot find -laio (or the file /usr/lib/libaio.a). To get a clean(ish) compile, I created a symbolic link from libc.a to libaio.a which is crude but was effective. I had a working Pro C exe.
    I understand that the second patch solves the libaio.a prob as well as others. But a colleague has installed it and had to regress it, due to more damaging problems he listed but I cannot recall at this time.
    Thanks again.

  • Core dump using OCI HP 32 bit package

    Does any one successfully run OCI application on HP using 32 bit libraries?
    I got core dump at the end of running application, around desctruction part. Following are the statement I got from GDB:
    #0 0xc005db14 in pthread_mutex_destroy+0x18 () from /usr/lib/libpthread.1
    #1 0xc021efd8 in __thread_mutex_free+0x40 () from /usr/lib/libc.2
    #2 0xc0abb4b8 in HPMutexWrapper::~HPMutexWrapper+0x48 () from /usr/lib/libstd_v2.2
    #3 0x613c in std::basic_string<char,std::char_traits<char>,std::allocator<char>>::_C_unlink (this=0x7bff153c) at /opt/aCC/include_std/string:1002
    #4 0xccd0 in ociWrapper::cursor::~cursor (this=0x7bff1538, #free=2) at /vobs/Guru2/IDCE/ociWrapper/ociWrapper.cpp:220
    #5 0x65a8 in main () at /vobs/Guru2/Oracle/HP-UX/sdk/demo/oci_wrapper_insert.cpp:73
    If I build my application in 64 bit using OCI 64 bit package, no problem at all. But I have to make my application work in 32 bit so that I can not simply switch to 64 bit.
    Please give me some help. Thanks.

    I got the problem solved myself. The core dump happens when use OCI 32 bit libraries with STL string. It cores at destroying the STL string.
    Add the option "-mt" to the compile command, the problem will go away.

  • Throws Core Dump for OCISessionBegin() on Linux for Oracle Client v10.2.0.2

    The OCI method, OCISessionBegin() is throwing an core dump on 10g client in Linux on C++, but the same code works fine for 8i and 9i client. Core dumps for 10g Client. 10g tnsnames.ora file is same as of 9i. I just debeggued with the core and says failing in OCISessionBegin() method. I would like to know is there any problem with Oracle Client v10.2.0.2? or how does i can solve the issue? appriciate a quick help in this regard.

    Have you looked in the Knowledge Base information at metalink? That would be the place to start.
    If that does not work then the next step would be to remove this thread and post in the OCI - OCCI forum where there are people that can actually help you.

  • OCILogon2: Core Dump

    I'm having issues with the OCILogon2() API. The system is Solaris 8
    running Oracle 9.0.1; the application is written in C. In normal
    operation, the application functions with no issues: queries can be
    made, etc, so this isn't an issue of getting it up and running; it
    already works, but now a bug has been revealed.
    The original thing which pointed out the problem is the fact that a
    firewall in front of the Oracle database was timing out and dropping
    the client connection after 60-minutes of inactivity. (Note that
    the firewall problem is now a non-issue, but the error it uncovered
    is a serious one, so I'd like to still find a solution to that in
    case some other situation causes a similar problem.)
    Eventually, the client would receive the ORA-03113 "end-of-file on
    communication channel" error when calling OCILogon2() if attempting
    to do a login/query after a period of inactivity because the firewall
    had dropped the connection. The application is multi-threaded and is
    using Connection Pooling, so if another thread attempted to login after
    this error was received, the OCILogon2() API would core dump after the
    initial OCILogon2() call had returned the error code.
    Here is a stack trace of the exact errors (I wrote a smaller test
    application which is stripped down and not multi-threaded and I
    can duplicate this error at will):
    --- begin stack trace ---
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpucpgetconn+0x27c(d7408, 54388, ffbef0f4, feef9804, 18, 0)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpucpfnd+0x50(d7408, ffbef1a8, ffbef18c, ffbef0f4, 18, 0)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpcpmap+0x94(4e28c, d7408, ffbef1a8, ffbef18c, ffbef1ac, 0)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpuauthxa+0x720(1, 5449c, 5cea4, 1, 0, 0)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpuauth+0x44(5d028, 5449c, 5cea4, 1, 0, fefcdb64)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`kpulon2+0x37c(200, 1d, 54358, 7, 15e0, fefcdb64)
    libclntsh.so.9.0`OCILogon2+0x130(200, 7, ffbef65c, 11cc8, 6, 11cd0)
    --- end stack trace ---
    What I'm curious about is why the OCILogon2() API does not return
    an error code of some sorts whenever the connection is obviously
    I'm not extremely knowledgeable about the OCI APIs, so is there
    perhaps a way to verify the connection is active before attempting
    a login call? (Whether that be OCILogon2() or OCIServerAttach(), etc.)
    A 'ping' of sorts just to be sure? (Not that this would solve the
    problem completely as the connection could be severed between the
    ping and the login attempt.)
    For other reasons, I already have a 'flag' which can be tripped to
    tell the threads to not attempt Oracle queries (namely if the
    environment initialization upfront failed). I could trip this flag upon
    receiving an Oracle error like this, but that will not be a complete
    solution to the problem due to timing issues -- another thread could be
    attempting to login at the same time another thread is doing so
    and before the flag can be set or checked, thus the second attempt is
    going to cause a core dump, no exceptions. Or if all of the connection
    pool links are currently busy, a thread could check the flag and see
    that it is clear before attempting to login, so OCILogon2() is called
    and the thread is now waiting for a connection to open in the pool;
    the connection dies, one of the other threads throws ORA-03113
    before leaving the pool and setting the flag, but now this other
    "waiting" thread (who already checked the flag before trying to login)
    grabs the open pool spot and immediately tries to complete its
    OCILogon2() call. Core dump.
    The ideal solution is, obviously, for the API to not core dump and
    simply return a proper error code.
    If anyone has any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate them.
    If there is a workaround for this, such as being able to detect ahead
    of time that the connection is down and then trying to reconnect, I'd
    be interested in hearing about ways to do that as well.

    What if you don't have a support contract with Oracle, can you still contact them in a case like this (where I'm not asking someone to show me how to do something, but instead where it is clearly an issue with their product)?
    Thanks for your reply.

  • ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump in Standby database

    This is Oracle 10.1.0 in a Logical Stanby database under Solaris9
    The apply stopped with these errors and then it started by itself:
    LOGSTDBY status: ORA-16226: DDL skipped due to lack of support
    Errors in <trace file>
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [krvsmso()+812] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000004] [] []
    Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20100226210050]
    Errors in <trace file>
    ORA-12805: parallel query server died unexpectedly
    LOGSTDBY Apply process P006 pid=67 OS id=10471 stopped
    The trace file is this one:
    *** SESSION ID:
    Exception signal: 11 (SIGSEGV), code: 1 (Address not mapped to object), addr: 0x4, PC: [0x101fb226c, krvsmso()+812]
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [krvsmso()+812] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000004] [] []
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedmp()+1008 CALL ksedst() 000000042 ? 104C02118 ?
    104C02128 ? 000000000 ?
    1052DCE18 ? 000000008 ?
    ssexhd()+992 CALL ksedmp() 000000002 ? 000105000 ?
    10512D000 ? 00010512D ?
    000105000 ? 000000001 ?
    Has someone faced the same problem or know why and how to solve it?
    Edited by: lulon on 04-mar-2010 8:20

    Bug 4369756 Log apply may dump [krvsmso]

  • Compaq Tru64 OCI Core dump at OCIServerAttach

    We get the below core dump on Tru64 and the same code has been working fine on other platforms and Oracle 9i.
    We load connect using a shared object and I have displayed the ldd resolutions below as well..
    Any help appreciated.
    Thanks and Regards
    0x300041a57c4 in sigpnm() "sigpnm.c":122
    0x300041521c8 in sigpnmu() "si.c":240
    0x30004062188 in snlpcgpgnm() "snlpc.c":433
    0x30003fc92a8 in snigpgn() "sniq.c":325
    0x30003f74b98 in niqnamcd() "niqnam.c":244
    0x30003f756f8 in niqname() "niqnam.c":625
    0x30003ccc8b4 in kwfnran() "kwfn.c":189
    0x30003b92c40 in kwfcinit() "kwfc.c":351
    0x30003ac0644 in kpuatch() "kpu.c":1941
    0x30003b1a660 in OCIServerAttach() "oci8.c":722
    0x3000301802c in DG_X_oci_connect(hdbc=0x140072a00, pszServer=0x14010f9a0="oracle10_test", pszUserID=0x14010f9c0="view", pszPassword=0x20000b09720="view", iError=0x20000b09600) "/compaqtrue64/src/lib/oracle10g/../oracle/liboci.c":140
    [export/home2/oracle/10.2.0/lib]$ ldd /export/home2/oracle/i5xs_1/bin/abc_dbora10g.dll
    Main => /export/home2/oracle/i5xs_1/bin/abc_dbora10g.dll
    libclntsh.so.10.1 => /export/home2/oracle/10.2.0/lib/libclntsh.so.10.1
    stc_common.dll => /export/home2/oracle/i5xs_1/bin/abc_common.dll
    libpthread.so => /usr/shlib/libpthread.so
    librt.so => /usr/shlib/librt.so
    libcxx.so => /usr/lib/cmplrs/cxx/libcxx.so
    libexc.so => /usr/shlib/libexc.so
    libc.so => /usr/shlib/libc.so
    libaio_raw.so => /usr/shlib/libaio_raw.so
    libm.so => /usr/shlib/libm.so
    [export/home2/oracle/10.2.0/lib]$ ldd /export/home2/oracle/10.2.0/lib/libclntsh.so.10.1
    Main => /export/home2/oracle/10.2.0/lib/libclntsh.so.10.1
    libexc.so => /usr/shlib/libexc.so
    librt.so => /usr/shlib/librt.so
    libaio_raw.so => /usr/shlib/libaio_raw.so
    libm.so => /usr/shlib/libm.so
    libc.so => /usr/shlib/libc.so
    libpthread.so => /usr/shlib/libpthread.so

    We get the same core dump with the code which works fine on Win32.
    Oracle version is It doesn't depend on how linking is done - with shared libraries or static ones.
    Thread terminated at PC 0x140000018 by signal ILL
    0 0x140000018 in /ppqm/sim/bin/dbld#1 0x3ffbe372f14 in sigpnm() "sigpnm.c":122
    #2 0x3ffbe31eed8 in sigpnmu() "si.c":240
    #3 0x3ffbe22e898 in snlpcgpgnm() "snlpc.c":436
    #4 0x3ffbe195738 in snigpgn() "sniq.c":325
    #5 0x3ffbe134f30 in niqnamcd() "niqnam.c":242
    #6 0x3ffbe135a98 in niqname() "niqnam.c":624
    #7 0x3ffbde96140 in kwfnran() "kwfn.c":185
    #8 0x3ffbdd5a780 in kwfcinit() "kwfc.c":359
    #9 0x3ffbdc864f4 in kpuatch() "kpu.c":1952
    #10 0x3ffbdce1600 in OCIServerAttach() "oci8.c":724
    #11 0x1200d5c10 in oci_loader_init(argc=2, argv=0x11fffbd98, ctlp=0x11fffbea8, psess=0x1400c9268) "../../cdemodp.cpp":182
    Does anybody know or guess what could be a reason and how to solve the problem?
    Thanks in advance.

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