[SOLVED] Case-insensitive filesystem issue

Dear fellas,
I am trying to compile an AOSP rom using the following configuration:
- Arch Linux x64
- Latest Kernel 3.12.8-1-ARCH
- BTRFS filesystem
I got the following error:
build/core/main.mk:118: You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.
build/core/main.mk:119: Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.
build/core/main.mk:120: ************************************************************
build/core/main.mk:121: *** Case-insensitive filesystems not supported.  Stop.
So far, I was compiling with no issue. It just starts a couple days ago. I suspect that maybe is due to some kernel change.
Anyone already face this issue?
Appreciate any clue.
Here is the solution presented by korn36 that did the magic for the main issue:
Remove this from build/core/main.mk, then compile:
ifneq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
ifneq ($(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH),darwin-ppc)
# check for a case sensitive file system
ifneq (a,$(shell mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR) ; \
                echo a > $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt; \
                    echo B > $(OUT_DIR)/CaseCheck.txt; \
                cat $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt))
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(warning You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.)
$(warning Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.)
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(error Case-insensitive filesystems not supported)
It will disable the case-sensitivity check.
Again thanks to korn36 for the elegant python switch solution:
find . -name "*.py" -exec sed -i 's/\(bin\/env\ python$\|bin\/python$\)/bin\/env\ python2/g' {} \;
Thanks to Kacper for heads me up to a typo I made.
or still other script provided by Scimmia (Thanks Scimmia)
or simply
find . -name "*.py" -exec sed -i 's/env python$/&2/' {} \;
Just FYI both scripts works flawlessly!
Best Regards
Last edited by erickwill (2014-01-26 15:37:56)

Here you go:
# Only use ANDROID_BUILD_SHELL to wrap around bash.
# DO NOT use other shells such as zsh.
# Use bash, not whatever shell somebody has installed as /bin/sh
# This is repeated in config.mk, since envsetup.sh runs that file
# directly.
SHELL := /bin/bash
# this turns off the suffix rules built into make
# this turns off the RCS / SCCS implicit rules of GNU Make
% : RCS/%,v
% : RCS/%
% : %,v
% : s.%
% : SCCS/s.%
# If a rule fails, delete $@.
# Figure out where we are.
#TOP := $(dir $(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
#TOP := $(patsubst %/,%,$(TOP))
# TOPDIR is the normal variable you should use, because
# if we are executing relative to the current directory
# it can be "", whereas TOP must be "." which causes
# pattern matching probles when make strips off the
# trailing "./" from paths in various places.
#ifeq ($(TOP),.)
#TOPDIR := $(TOP)/
# Check for broken versions of make.
# (Allow any version under Cygwin since we don't actually build the platform there.)
ifeq (,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(shell uname -sm)))
ifneq (1,$(strip $(shell expr $(MAKE_VERSION) \>= 3.81)))
$(warning ********************************************************************************)
$(warning * You are using version $(MAKE_VERSION) of make.)
$(warning * Android can only be built by versions 3.81 and higher.)
$(warning * see https://source.android.com/source/download.html)
$(warning ********************************************************************************)
$(error stopping)
# Absolute path of the present working direcotry.
# This overrides the shell variable $PWD, which does not necessarily points to
# the top of the source tree, for example when "make -C" is used in m/mm/mmm.
PWD := $(shell pwd)
TOP := .
BUILD_SYSTEM := $(TOPDIR)build/core
# This is the default target. It must be the first declared target.
.PHONY: droid
# Used to force goals to build. Only use for conditionally defined goals.
# These goals don't need to collect and include Android.mks/CleanSpec.mks
# in the source tree.
dont_bother_goals := clean clobber dataclean installclean \
help out \
snod systemimage-nodeps \
stnod systemtarball-nodeps \
userdataimage-nodeps userdatatarball-nodeps \
cacheimage-nodeps \
vendorimage-nodeps \
ramdisk-nodeps \
ifneq ($(filter $(dont_bother_goals), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
dont_bother := true
# Targets that provide quick help on the build system.
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/help.mk
# Set up various standard variables based on configuration
# and host information.
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/config.mk
# This allows us to force a clean build - included after the config.mk
# environment setup is done, but before we generate any dependencies. This
# file does the rm -rf inline so the deps which are all done below will
# be generated correctly
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/cleanbuild.mk
# Include the google-specific config
-include vendor/google/build/config.mk
-include $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk
$(info Checking build tools versions...)
ifneq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
ifneq ($(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH),darwin-ppc)
# check for a case sensitive file system
ifneq (a,$(shell mkdir -p $(OUT_DIR) ; \
echo a > $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt; \
echo B > $(OUT_DIR)/CaseCheck.txt; \
cat $(OUT_DIR)/casecheck.txt))
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(warning You are building on a case-insensitive filesystem.)
$(warning Please move your source tree to a case-sensitive filesystem.)
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(error Case-insensitive filesystems not supported)
# Make sure that there are no spaces in the absolute path; the
# build system can't deal with them.
ifneq ($(words $(shell pwd)),1)
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(warning You are building in a directory whose absolute path contains)
$(warning a space character:)
$(warning $(space))
$(warning "$(shell pwd)")
$(warning $(space))
$(warning Please move your source tree to a path that does not contain)
$(warning any spaces.)
$(warning ************************************************************)
$(error Directory names containing spaces not supported)
# Check for the corrent jdk
ifneq ($(shell java -version 2>&1 | grep -i openjdk),)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(info You are attempting to build with an unsupported JDK.)
$(info $(space))
$(info You use OpenJDK but only Sun/Oracle JDK is supported.)
$(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
$(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/download.html)
$(info $(space))
$(info Continue at your own peril!)
$(info ************************************************************)
# Check for the correct version of java
java_version := $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '^java .*[ "]1\.[67][\. "$$]')
ifeq ($(strip $(java_version)),)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version)
$(info of java.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Your version is: $(shell java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).)
$(info The correct version is: Java SE 1.6 or 1.7.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
$(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/download.html)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(error stop)
# Check for the correct version of javac
javac_version := $(shell javac -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | grep '[ "]1\.[67][\. "$$]')
ifeq ($(strip $(javac_version)),)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(info You are attempting to build with the incorrect version)
$(info of javac.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Your version is: $(shell javac -version 2>&1 | head -n 1).)
$(info The correct version is: 1.6 or 1.7.)
$(info $(space))
$(info Please follow the machine setup instructions at)
$(info $(space)$(space)$(space)$(space)https://source.android.com/source/download.html)
$(info ************************************************************)
$(error stop)
ifeq (darwin,$(HOST_OS))
GCC_REALPATH = $(realpath $(shell which $(HOST_CC)))
ifneq ($(findstring llvm-gcc,$(GCC_REALPATH)),)
# Using LLVM GCC results in a non functional emulator due to it
# not honouring global register variables
$(warning ****************************************)
$(warning * gcc is linked to llvm-gcc which will *)
$(warning * not create a useable emulator. *)
$(warning ****************************************)
else # HOST_OS is not darwin
endif # HOST_OS is darwin
> $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk)
$(shell echo 'BUILD_EMULATOR ?= $(BUILD_EMULATOR)' \
>> $(OUT_DIR)/versions_checked.mk)
# These are the modifier targets that don't do anything themselves, but
# change the behavior of the build.
# (must be defined before including definitions.make)
INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS := showcommands all incrementaljavac
.PHONY: incrementaljavac
incrementaljavac: ;
# ENABLE_INCREMENTALJAVAC should NOT be enabled by default, because change of
# a Java source file won't trigger rebuild of its dependent Java files.
# You can only enable it by adding "incrementaljavac" to your make command line.
# You are responsible for the correctness of the incremental build.
# This may decrease incremental build time dramatically for large Java libraries,
# such as core.jar, framework.jar, etc.
ifneq (,$(filter incrementaljavac, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
MAKECMDGOALS := $(filter-out incrementaljavac, $(MAKECMDGOALS))
# EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC merges the static emma library to each emma-enabled module.
# Bring in standard build system definitions.
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk
# Bring in Qualcomm helper macros
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/qcom_utils.mk
# Bring in dex_preopt.mk
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/dex_preopt.mk
ifneq ($(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info Do not pass '$(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS))' on \
the make command line.)
$(info Set TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT in buildspec.mk, or use lunch or)
$(info choosecombo.)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(error stopping)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info Invalid variant: $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)
$(info Valid values are: $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(info ***************************************************************)
$(error stopping)
# Variable to check java support level inside PDK build.
# Not necessary if the components is not in PDK.
# not defined : not supported
# "sdk" : sdk API only
# "platform" : platform API supproted
# The pdk (Platform Development Kit) build
include build/core/pdk_config.mk
### In this section we set up the things that are different
### between the build variants
is_sdk_build :=
ifneq ($(filter sdk win_sdk sdk_addon,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
is_sdk_build := true
## user/userdebug ##
user_variant := $(filter user userdebug,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT))
enable_target_debugging := true
tags_to_install :=
ifneq (,$(user_variant))
# Target is secure in user builds.
ifeq ($(user_variant),userdebug)
# Pick up some extra useful tools
tags_to_install += debug
# Enable Dalvik lock contention logging for userdebug builds.
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500
# Disable debugging in plain user builds.
enable_target_debugging :=
# Turn on Dalvik preoptimization for user builds, but only if not
# explicitly disabled and the build is running on Linux (since host
# Dalvik isn't built for non-Linux hosts).
ifneq (true,$(DISABLE_DEXPREOPT))
ifeq ($(user_variant),user)
ifeq ($(HOST_OS),linux)
# Disallow mock locations by default for user builds
ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=0
else # !user_variant
# Turn on checkjni for non-user builds.
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1
# Set device insecure for non-user builds.
# Allow mock locations by default for non user builds
ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=1
endif # !user_variant
ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging)))
# Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default
# Include the debugging/testing OTA keys in this build.
else # !enable_target_debugging
# Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default
endif # !enable_target_debugging
## eng ##
tags_to_install := debug eng
ifneq ($(filter ro.setupwizard.mode=ENABLED, $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))),)
# Don't require the setup wizard on eng builds
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES := $(filter-out ro.setupwizard.mode=%,\
$(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))) \
## sdk ##
ifdef is_sdk_build
# Detect if we want to build a repository for the SDK
sdk_repo_goal := $(strip $(filter sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
ifneq ($(words $(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS) checkbuild,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),1)
$(error The 'sdk' target may not be specified with any other targets)
# TODO: this should be eng I think. Since the sdk is built from the eng
# variant.
tags_to_install := debug eng
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += xmpp.auto-presence=true
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.config.nocheckin=yes
else # !sdk
## precise GC ##
ifneq ($(filter dalvik.gc.type-precise,$(PRODUCT_TAGS)),)
# Enabling type-precise GC results in larger optimized DEX files. The
# additional storage requirements for ".odex" files can cause /system
# to overflow on some devices, so this is configured separately for
# each product.
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y
# enable vm tracing in files for now to help track
# the cause of ANRs in the content process
ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.stack-trace-file=/data/anr/traces.txt
# Define a function that, given a list of module tags, returns
# non-empty if that module should be installed in /system.
# For most goals, anything not tagged with the "tests" tag should
# be installed in /system.
define should-install-to-system
$(if $(filter tests,$(1)),,true)
ifdef is_sdk_build
# For the sdk goal, anything with the "samples" tag should be
# installed in /data even if that module also has "eng"/"debug"/"user".
define should-install-to-system
$(if $(filter samples tests,$(1)),,true)
# If they only used the modifier goals (showcommands, etc), we'll actually
# build the default target.
# Bring in all modules that need to be built.
ifeq ($(HOST_OS)-$(HOST_ARCH),darwin-ppc)
SDK_ONLY := true
$(info Building the SDK under darwin-ppc is actually obsolete and unsupported.)
$(error stop)
ifeq ($(HOST_OS),windows)
SDK_ONLY := true
ifeq ($(SDK_ONLY),true)
include $(TOPDIR)sdk/build/windows_sdk_whitelist.mk
include $(TOPDIR)development/build/windows_sdk_whitelist.mk
# Exclude tools/acp when cross-compiling windows under linux
ifeq ($(findstring Linux,$(UNAME)),)
subdirs += build/tools/acp
else # !SDK_ONLY
# Typical build; include any Android.mk files we can find.
subdirs := $(TOP)
FULL_BUILD := true
endif # !SDK_ONLY
# Before we go and include all of the module makefiles, stash away
# the PRODUCT_* values so that later we can verify they are not modified.
ifeq ($(stash_product_vars),true)
$(call stash-product-vars, __STASHED)
# We've probably been invoked by the "mm" shell function
# with a subdirectory's makefile.
# Change CUSTOM_MODULES to include only modules that were
# defined by this makefile; this will install all of those
# modules as a side-effect. Do this after including ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE
# so that the modules will be installed in the same place they
# would have been with a normal make.
CUSTOM_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS)))
# Stub out the notice targets, which probably aren't defined
# when using ONE_SHOT_MAKEFILE.
# A helper goal printing out install paths
@$(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES), $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED), \
ifneq ($(dont_bother),true)
# Include all of the makefiles in the system
# Can't use first-makefiles-under here because
# --mindepth=2 makes the prunes not work.
subdir_makefiles := \
$(shell build/tools/findleaves.py --prune=$(OUT_DIR) --prune=.repo --prune=.git $(subdirs) Android.mk)
$(foreach mk, $(subdir_makefiles), $(info including $(mk) ...)$(eval include $(mk)))
$(foreach mk, $(subdir_makefiles), $(eval include $(mk)))
endif # dont_bother
# Now with all Android.mks loaded we can do post cleaning steps.
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/post_clean.mk
ifeq ($(stash_product_vars),true)
$(call assert-product-vars, __STASHED)
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/legacy_prebuilts.mk
ifneq ($(filter-out $(GRANDFATHERED_ALL_PREBUILT),$(strip $(notdir $(ALL_PREBUILT)))),)
$(warning *** Some files have been added to ALL_PREBUILT.)
$(warning *)
$(warning * ALL_PREBUILT is a deprecated mechanism that)
$(warning * should not be used for new files.)
$(warning * As an alternative, use PRODUCT_COPY_FILES in)
$(warning * the appropriate product definition.)
$(warning * build/target/product/core.mk is the product)
$(warning * definition used in all products.)
$(warning *)
$(foreach bad_prebuilt,$(filter-out $(GRANDFATHERED_ALL_PREBUILT),$(strip $(notdir $(ALL_PREBUILT)))),$(warning * unexpected $(bad_prebuilt) in ALL_PREBUILT))
$(warning *)
$(error ALL_PREBUILT contains unexpected files)
# All module makefiles have been included at this point.
# Fix up CUSTOM_MODULES to refer to installed files rather than
# just bare module names. Leave unknown modules alone in case
# they're actually full paths to a particular file.
known_custom_modules := $(filter $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES))
unknown_custom_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES))
$(call module-installed-files,$(known_custom_modules)) \
# Define dependencies for modules that require other modules.
# This can only happen now, after we've read in all module makefiles.
# TODO: deal with the fact that a bare module name isn't
# unambiguous enough. Maybe declare short targets like
# BUG: the system image won't know to depend on modules that are
# brought in as requirements of other modules.
define add-required-deps
$(1): | $(2)
$(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \
$(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED)) \
$(if $(r), \
$(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \
$(eval t_m := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \
$(eval h_m := $(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \
$(eval t_r := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(r))) \
$(eval h_r := $(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(r))) \
$(if $(t_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(t_m),$(t_r)))) \
$(if $(h_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(h_m),$(h_r)))) \
t_m :=
h_m :=
t_r :=
h_r :=
# Resolve the dependencies on shared libraries.
$(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(m))) \
$(eval r := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(call module-installed-files,\
$(subst $(comma),$(space),$(lastword $(p)))))) \
$(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))))
$(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(m))) \
$(eval r := $(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(call module-installed-files,\
$(subst $(comma),$(space),$(lastword $(p)))))) \
$(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))))
m :=
r :=
p :=
add-required-deps :=
# Figure out our module sets.
# Of the modules defined by the component makefiles,
# determine what we actually want to build.
# The base list of modules to build for this product is specified
# by the appropriate product definition file, which was included
# by product_config.make.
# Filter out the overridden packages before doing expansion
product_MODULES := $(filter-out $(foreach p, $(product_MODULES), \
$(PACKAGES.$(p).OVERRIDES)), $(product_MODULES))
$(call expand-required-modules,product_MODULES,$(product_MODULES))
product_FILES := $(call module-installed-files, $(product_MODULES))
ifeq (0,1)
$(info product_FILES for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):)
$(foreach p,$(product_FILES),$(info : $(p)))
$(error done)
# We're not doing a full build, and are probably only including
# a subset of the module makefiles. Don't try to build any modules
# requested by the product, because we probably won't have rules
# to build them.
product_FILES :=
eng_MODULES := $(sort \
$(call get-tagged-modules,eng) \
$(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG)) \
debug_MODULES := $(sort \
$(call get-tagged-modules,debug) \
$(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG)) \
tests_MODULES := $(sort \
$(call get-tagged-modules,tests) \
$(call module-installed-files, $(PRODUCTS.$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT).PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS)) \
# TODO: Remove the 3 places in the tree that use ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES
# and get rid of it from this list.
# TODO: The shell is chosen by magic. Do we still need this?
modules_to_install := $(sort \
$(product_FILES) \
$(foreach tag,$(tags_to_install),$($(tag)_MODULES)) \
$(call get-tagged-modules, shell_$(TARGET_SHELL)) \
# Some packages may override others using LOCAL_OVERRIDES_PACKAGES.
# Filter out (do not install) any overridden packages.
overridden_packages := $(call get-package-overrides,$(modules_to_install))
ifdef overridden_packages
# old_modules_to_install := $(modules_to_install)
modules_to_install := \
$(filter-out $(foreach p,$(overridden_packages),$(p) %/$(p).apk), \
#$(error filtered out
# $(filter-out $(modules_to_install),$(old_modules_to_install)))
# Don't include any GNU targets in the SDK. It's ok (and necessary)
# to build the host tools, but nothing that's going to be installed
# on the target (including static libraries).
ifdef is_sdk_build
target_gnu_MODULES := \
$(filter \
$(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,gnu)))
$(info Removing from sdk:)$(foreach d,$(target_gnu_MODULES),$(info : $(d)))
modules_to_install := \
$(filter-out $(target_gnu_MODULES),$(modules_to_install))
# Ensure every module listed in PRODUCT_PACKAGES* gets something installed
# TODO: Should we do this for all builds and not just the sdk?
$(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\
$(error $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES has nothing to install!)))
$(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\
$(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG has nothing to install!)))
$(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\
$(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG has nothing to install!)))
$(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\
$(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS has nothing to install!)))
# build/core/Makefile contains extra stuff that we don't want to pollute this
# top-level makefile with. It expects that ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES
# contains everything that's built during the current make, but it also further
ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES := $(modules_to_install)
include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/Makefile
modules_to_install := $(sort $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES))
# These are additional goals that we build, in order to make sure that there
# is as little code as possible in the tree that doesn't build.
modules_to_check := $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CHECKED))
# If you would like to build all goals, and not skip any intermediate
# steps, you can pass the "all" modifier goal on the commandline.
ifneq ($(filter all,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
modules_to_check += $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT))
# for easier debugging
modules_to_check := $(sort $(modules_to_check))
#$(error modules_to_check $(modules_to_check))
# This is used to to get the ordering right, you can also use these,
# but they're considered undocumented, so don't complain if their
# behavior changes.
.PHONY: prebuilt
prebuilt: $(ALL_PREBUILT)
# An internal target that depends on all copied headers
# (see copy_headers.make). Other targets that need the
# headers to be copied first can depend on this target.
.PHONY: all_copied_headers
all_copied_headers: ;
$(ALL_C_CPP_ETC_OBJECTS): | all_copied_headers
# All the droid stuff, in directories
.PHONY: files
files: prebuilt \
$(modules_to_install) \
.PHONY: checkbuild
checkbuild: $(modules_to_check)
ifeq (true,$(ANDROID_BUILD_EVERYTHING_BY_DEFAULT)$(filter $(MAKECMDGOALS),checkbuild))
droid: checkbuild
# ANDROID_BUILD_EVERYTHING_BY_DEFAULT not set, or checkbuild is one of the cmd goals.
checkbuild: droid
.PHONY: ramdisk
.PHONY: factory_ramdisk
.PHONY: factory_bundle
.PHONY: systemtarball
.PHONY: boottarball
.PHONY: userdataimage
ifneq (,$(filter userdataimage, $(MAKECMDGOALS)))
$(call dist-for-goals, userdataimage, $(BUILT_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET))
.PHONY: userdatatarball
.PHONY: cacheimage
.PHONY: vendorimage
.PHONY: bootimage
# phony target that include any targets in $(ALL_MODULES)
.PHONY: all_modules
all_modules: $(ALL_MODULES)
# BUILD_MODULES_IN_PATHS is a list of paths relative to the top of the tree
module_path_patterns := $(foreach p, $(BUILD_MODULES_IN_PATHS),\
$(if $(filter %/,$(p)),$(p)%,$(p)/%))
my_all_modules := $(sort $(foreach m, $(ALL_MODULES),$(if $(filter\
$(module_path_patterns), $(addsuffix /,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).PATH))),$(m))))
all_modules: $(my_all_modules)
# Build files and then package it into the rom formats
.PHONY: droidcore
droidcore: files \
systemimage \
# dist_files only for putting your library into the dist directory with a full build.
.PHONY: dist_files
# If this build is just for apps, only build apps and not the full system by default.
unbundled_build_modules :=
ifneq ($(filter all,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)),)
# If they used the magic goal "all" then build all apps in the source tree.
unbundled_build_modules := $(foreach m,$(sort $(ALL_MODULES)),$(if $(filter APPS,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)),$(m)))
unbundled_build_modules := $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)
# Dist the installed files if they exist.
apps_only_installed_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))
$(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_installed_files))
# For uninstallable modules such as static Java library, we have to dist the built file,
# as <module_name>.<suffix>
apps_only_dist_built_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),,\
$(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT):$(m)$(suffix $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)))))
$(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_dist_built_files))
ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true)
$(EMMA_META_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files)
$(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(EMMA_META_ZIP))
$(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files)
$(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP))
.PHONY: apps_only
apps_only: $(unbundled_build_modules)
droid: apps_only
# Combine the NOTICE files for a apps_only build
$(eval $(call combine-notice-files, \
$(target_notice_file_txt), \
$(target_notice_file_html), \
"Notices for files for apps:", \
$(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \
# Put a copy of the radio/bootloader files in the dist dir.
$(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, $(f)))
ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK),true)
$(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \
ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true)
$(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(EMMA_META_ZIP))
# Building a full system-- the default is to build droidcore
droid: droidcore dist_files
.PHONY: docs
docs: $(ALL_DOCS)
.PHONY: sdk
$(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk, \
# umbrella targets to assit engineers in verifying builds
.PHONY: java native target host java-host java-target native-host native-target \
java-host-tests java-target-tests native-host-tests native-target-tests \
java-tests native-tests host-tests target-tests
# some synonyms
.PHONY: host-java target-java host-native target-native \
target-java-tests target-native-tests
host-java : java-host
target-java : java-target
host-native : native-host
target-native : native-target
target-java-tests : java-target-tests
target-native-tests : native-target-tests
.PHONY: lintall
.PHONY: samplecode
sample_MODULES := $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,samples))
$(foreach module,$(sample_MODULES),$(sample_APKS_DEST_PATH)/$(notdir $(module)))
$(foreach module,$(sample_MODULES),$(eval $(call \
copy-one-file,$(module),$(sample_APKS_DEST_PATH)/$(notdir $(module)))))
$(filter-out $(modules_to_install) $(modules_to_check) $(ALL_PREBUILT),$(sample_MODULES))
samplecode: $(sample_APKS_COLLECTION)
@echo -e ${PRT_TGT}"Collect sample code apks:"${CL_RST}" $^"
# remove apks that are not intended to be installed.
.PHONY: findbugs
.PHONY: clean
@rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)
@echo -e ${PRT_TGT}"Entire build directory removed."${CL_RST}
.PHONY: clobber
clobber: clean
# The rules for dataclean and installclean are defined in cleanbuild.mk.
#xxx scrape this from ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS
.PHONY: modules
@echo -e ${PRT_TGT}"Available sub-modules:"${CL_RST}
@echo "$(call module-names-for-tag-list,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))" | \
tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u | $(COLUMN)
.PHONY: showcommands
@echo >/dev/null
.PHONY: nothing
@echo Successfully read the makefiles.

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    About a year ago, I accidentally created a partition on my drive for my iTunes Music. On that parition, called MUSIC, I selected the filesystem to be an HFS, Journaled, case-sensitive partition. Since then, all of my music, new and old, lives on the case-sensitive MUSIC parition.
    My other partition, called BOX, is an HFS, Journaled, case-insensitive filesystem, as are my external drives I use for archiving and backing up my music.
    My dilemma: when I try to copy my music/iTunes media from the MUSIC partition to a different partition that's case-insensitive, I obviously run into errors saying that certain files can't be copied because they will overwrite others. Subsequently, I can't back up my music and iTunes media to another drive unless it has the same filesystem parameters favoring case-sensitivity. I want to move my media to a case-insenstive drive/partition.
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    In a table we have two columns one of type 'varchar2' one of type 'nvarchar2'. The databases national character set is set to UTF8. Case insensitive sorting works with both columns. Select statements with '.... where varchar2col like '%r%' returns also values with upper case 'R' values (that is what I expect).
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  • Case-insensitive -- what's a scriptor to do?

    Here's my delima: (from a tcsh)
    % ls
    file1.txt file2.TXT file3.txt
    % ls file{1,2,3}.TXT
    file1.TXT file2.TXT file3.TXT
    % ls *.TXT
    % rm *.txt
    I've written hundreds of unix (csh,tcsh, perl) scripts since around 1988. I never considered that some day UNIX would ignore case in filenames.
    As you can imagine, I'm going to have to re-write dozens of scripts, now that I have this case-insensitive "feature".
    QUESTION 1: Is there some way to turn off the ignore-case in Apple unix? What are the consequences of such a bold act?
    QUESTION 2: Is there a simple variable, switch, or something, that tells the shell (tcsh) that files are case-sensitive (e.g. *.TXT would match *.txt)? Same request goes for telling filec that is should ignore case.
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Bill,
       I see what you're saying. When the shell passes information to the filesystem, case ceases to matter. However, C Webber is talking about the reverse situation. HFS+ is case-insensitive but it is case-preserving. Whatever case is used in the naming of a file is reproduced faithfully in read operations and shells are by default case-sensitive. C Webber's example was filename globbing. The shell reads the names of the files and looks for matches in a case-sensitive fashion. In that case, case will matter.
       I can see where this would cause problems. You might test for the existence of a file in a case-sensitive fashion, find out that it doesn't, write to the filesystem and blow away a file even though you were careful. You know that something like that happened with the Perl install script, causing it to blow away dozens of its own man pages.
    C. Webber,
       I did a search of the tcsh man page and found nothing suggesting that you can turn off case-sensitivity in globbing. You can do so in completion but it appears that rewrites will be necessary. I encourage you to view this as an opportunity and switch to a more powerful shell. I agree with you that this issue is unique to Mac OS X but every flavor of UNIX has its own issues. We've all had to make changes to migrate scripts. I've certainly had to do that to migrate some of my scripts to Linux and some won't migrate at all. (I use AppleScript in many of my scripts)
       "The glory of creation is in its infinite diversity."
       "And in the way our differences combine to create meaning and beauty."
             -- Dr. Miranda Jones and Spock, "Is There in Truth No Beauty?",
                stardate 5630.8

  • Case insensitive and SQL server

    We need to be able to do case insensitive searches in OBIEE running against SQL Server 2005 DB.
    I've read the article:
    but that is not solving our issue as it converts everything to UPPER and our DB is mixed case. If we enter "a", we need to bring back all records that start with "a" or "A". Can we accomplish this?
    Any help is appreciated,

    Hi ,
    I faced the similar situation couple of weeks back.You can find the useful information the below link.
    If Database Case Sensitive is ON we need to set the CASE_SENSITIVE_CHARACTER_COMPARISON = ON
    Always Database and OBIEE CASE_SENSITIVE parameters should be the same.

  • Question: Do Any Mac/Lightroom users use a case-sensitive filesystem?

    I know most people use the default case-insensitive Mac filesystem. But plugins may have issues in a case-sensitive filesystem (if not explicitly programmed to handle case), which I just learned is an option for Mac users. Just wondering if any Lightroom users actually do it.

    areohbee wrote:
    I'm starting to think that having a case-sensitive filesystem on Mac would only be done by people with very special purposes in mind - e.g. developers who want to test unix command-line apps..., and would "always" be accompanied by case-insensitive volumes for normal Mac use - e.g. Lightroom-data/plugins/photos...
    Ya think?
    Almost certainly.
    As I mentioned before, case-sensitivity is required for, among other things, POSIX compliance, which is of particular interest to a segment of the enterprise and interoperability spaces. Microsoft achieves this by a kernel change (and one of two POSIX-for-Windows licensed libraries) and offering a case-sensitive file system, NTFS. Apple achieves this by offering a way to make HFS+ case-sensitive, with kernel services and a BSD POSIX subsystem that is case-sensitive to the extent the file system is.
    Note that apps that treat filespecs as unique when they differ only in case are not necessarily "poorly coded" as this would depend on context and application. There are some very, very good reasons to do so. In fact, one could make an argument that apps that cannot handle a case-sensitive environment are the poorly coded examples. Blindly assuming the case of a filespec makes it unique, or rewriting an existing filespec to a "corrected" one, are very dangerous assumptions.
    For most of us, the defaults are more natural, and I would hazard a guess that Lr gets little or no QA under such environments. I know of at least one corner-case (exposed here) that would probably break.

  • How do I move my large iTunes collection from a case-sensitive hard drive to a case-insensitive hard drive?

    I currently keep my iTunes media on an external hard drive because it takes up too much space on my machine. I recently discovered that it was formatted as case-sensitive when I bought it, and now months later I'm having issues. When attempting to back up my files on a case-insensitive hard drive, the operation failed due to conflicting file/folder names (Artist and artist are now considered the same file name and one would have to overwrite the other). I now have a large iTunes file collection that is stuck on the case-sensitive hard drive, and I want to save a backup on a case-insensitive drive. 
    Is there a way to identify all cases where multiple files/folders have the same title/album/artist but different spelling so there will be no conflicts? The folder/file names would have to be crossed referenced to highlight any cases where File/fiLe/file  would cause a problem.
    I imagine there is a way to do this using iTunes script or Automator  or a command in terminal or something rather than going through and checking/fixing all the information for thousands of songs by hand. I'm at the limits of my minimal development skills, so any help would be appreciated.

    You should be able to use either "Carbon Copy Cloner" or "SuperDuper" (free for this purpose) to copy your case-sensitive volume to an empty case-insensitive one. Make at least two such copies on different drives. One is not enough to be safe.
    If there are any name conflicts—that is, files in the same folder with names that differ only in case, such as "File" and "file"—then you will either get an error or one of the files won't be copied. You must ensure either that no such conflicts exist, or that the consequences are not important. How you do that is up to you. Unless you went out of your way to create conflicts, they probably don't exist.
    Then erase the source volume in Disk Utility as case-insensitive. This action will remove all data from the volume.
    Restore from one of your backups using the same application you used to create it, or use the "Restore" feature of Disk Utility, which will be faster. Search its built-in help for the term "duplicate" if you need instructions.

  • Time Machine says both of my external hard drives require reformatting to case insensitive. What do I do?

    I have been successfuly using Time Machine to back my iMac  to an external hard drive (via usb) and everything has been fine for the last year. I have been using TM to back up to a HD called Terra LaCie via usb.
    A week ago, my iMac hard drive was full--so I spulrged and bought a 6 TB external hard drive (Western Digital My Book-Thunderbolt). I set up the new Thunderbold HD to use RAID 1 (mirror) and copied most of my iMac hard drive over to the Thunderbolt HD.
    I kept my working photographs (most recent) on my iMac and felt good to know my older photographs are on my new Thunderbolt hard drive.
    For a few days, Time Machine seemed to work fine (backing up my iMac to Terra LaCie HD. I haven't been concerned with backing up the Thunderbolt drive (as I feel that mirroring is same as backing up).
    Yesterday, Time Machine indicated the lastest back-up failed (for the HD called Terra LaCie). Now, when I go into Time Machine, the dialog box indicates the following message:
    "Are you sure you want to erase the backup disk “Terra Lacie”? Erasing will destroy all information on the disk and can’t be undone.
    The disk must be erased before it can be used for Time Machine backups because a disk you are backing up is case sensitive, but the backup disk is not."
    When I open Time Machine to look at my external hard drives (I also have a third usb portable drive); two of the three drives indicate the following:
    "reformat required; case insensitive disk".
    The small, portable hard drive (that I'm also using) doesn't say it needs to be reformated (but my new Thunderbolt and my old usb HD both indicate the same message (above).
    What should I do? I just spent days transferring my photographs from my iMac to my new Thunderbolt. Should I just not use Time Machine any longer and work from my Thunderbolt drive?
    Am I to understand that my iMac suddenly become case sensitive? Sorry if this was too much information about my hard-ware set-up.
    Any help someone can provide me would be greatly appreciated. I suppose I need to understand Time Machine and perhaps my Thunderbolt better.

    Hi BDAqua,
    Bravo, you helped me solve my problem.
    The Case Sensitive Disk was the small portable hard drive that I was using termporarily.
    I just disconnected it and I started TM machine and everything seems to be working just fine.
    Thank you very much!!!!

  • Search for LIFNR case insensitive + range

    Ladies and gentlemen,
    I could use your help. I need to select rows from LFA1 where the name (NAME1) matches a string. It has two difficult points, which I were not able to combine into a single solution, even after all the research I done.
    - I need the search to be case insensitive (I found a partial solution here)
    - I need to combine it with a range table
    So: I need a case insensitive search using range table. Can this be done effectively? Or is there any workaround you could suggest? This is just a minor part of the report about invoices and must not take long.
    Thank you for the time and effort,
    Cheers Otto

    Thank you, guys,
    you are very helpful, your ideas solved my problem. The MCOD* idea is easy/fast and solve my problem very well. I don´t understand why I didn´t find it myself. Hope to pay you back one day:))
    For others interested:
          DATA sx_dodnam TYPE TABLE OF z_dodnam_range.
          DATA wa_dodnam LIKE LINE OF sx_dodnam.
          LOOP AT s_dodnam INTO wa_dodnam.
            TRANSLATE wa_dodnam-low  TO UPPER CASE.
            TRANSLATE wa_dodnam-high TO UPPER CASE.
            APPEND wa_dodnam TO sx_dodnam.
          SELECT lifnr INTO wa_lifnr-low FROM lfa1 WHERE stcd2 IN s_ico AND mcod1 IN sx_dodnam.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              wa_lifnr-sign = 'I'.
              wa_lifnr-option = 'EQ'.
              APPEND wa_lifnr TO lt_lifnr.
    Cheers Otto

  • Case Insensitive Search coupled with "LIKE" operator.

    Greetings All, I am running Oracle 11gR1 RAC patchet 25 on Windows X64.
    This db supports and application that requires case insensitive searches.
    Because there are a few entry points into the db I created an "after login" trigger:
    vDDL VARCHAR2(200) := 'alter session set nls_comp=''linguistic''';
    vDDL2 VARCHAR2(200) := 'alter session set nls_sort=''binary_ci''';
    END IF;
    END MyAppAfterLogon_TRGR;
    This ensures that everyone connecting to the DB via any mechanism will automatically have case insensitive searches.
    Now, to optimize the know queries I created the standard index to support normal matching queries:
    select * from MyTable where Name = 'STEVE';
    The index looks like:
    This all works fine, no issues.
    The problem is when I write a query that uses the "LIKE" operator:
    select * from MyTable where Name like 'STEV%';
    I get back the record set I expect. However, my index is not used? I can't for the life of me get this query to use an index.
    The table has about 600,000 rows and I have run gather schema stats.
    Does anyone know of any issues with case insensitive searches and the "LIKE" clause?
    Any and all help would be appreciated.

    I think there is issue with your logon trigger :
    it should be :
    because user name stored in Upper case. Check and try.
    Girish Sharma

  • Case insensitive search in SE16

    Hello Community,
    We have a Z table which contains the field "filename," containing both upper & lowercase alphanumeric values. 
    I was surprised to find that it is not so easy to perform a case insensitive search against those field values using SE16.
    It would be perfect if:
       1. a search in SE16 for `file.txt` will find the results of all records related to the file "file.txt"
       2. a search in SE16 for `FiLe.TxT` will also find all records related to the file "file.txt"
    Can someone help me to accomplish this ?
    Keith Helfrich

    Hi everyone,
    The goal is to perform a case insensitive search in SE16.  Is there no way to do this ?
    While there are a variety of work-arounds, for example : it is possible to store all the values in the table in UPPERCASE, these work-arounds do not solve our problem. 
    The values in the table need to be stored with the accurate case, exactly as the file is named at the UNIX level.  Since UNIX is also case sensitive, we need to be accurate with the case when storing statistics data about the files. 
    Yet, when searching in SE16, it is problematic because we don't always know the correct case.  For that reason, a case insensitive search is required.
    This seems to be a very basic function that I am surprised SAP doesn't provide...

  • Case insensitive search on subject name to retrieve a certificate from key chain.

    I need to find the client certificate from key chain based on the subject name.
    Currently, I am using attribute kSecLabelItemAttr and providing the subject name to create the attribute list for the API "SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes" which gives the certificate.
    Problem: This certificate search is case sensitive for the subject name.
    Question: Is there a way to do a case insensitive search on a subject name to get a certificate on snow leopard? I found the attribute "kSecMatchCaseInsensitive" which works with key "kSecClassCertificate" in the API "SecItemCopyMatching", but the key kSecClassCertificate is only available for 10.7 and later.
    https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Security/Reference/keycha inservices/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP30000898-CH4g-SW7
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    I think there is issue with your logon trigger :
    it should be :
    because user name stored in Upper case. Check and try.
    Girish Sharma

  • Make oracle database case insensitive

    Hi All,
    I am using oracle 10g EE as my back end database and front end is in C# .NET. I want to make my oracle database to perform any comparison case insensitively. I searched on the net and found several ways to achieve that
    1. using upper function in procedures - can't afford
    2. function index - can't afford
    3. setting the session parameters
    The 3rd looks promising and can save lot of time. I have several question
    1. Is there any way I can set these parameters from .NET?
    2. Is there any way I can set once and will make only my database case insensitive?
    any link, reference is highly appreciated.

    user10768079 wrote:
    Thanks for your mail.
    I want to apply these settings to my oracle database only. It should not affect other oracle database that exist with my db.
    Thanks,It would make sense to issue "ALTER SESSION" statements during logon process from the .NET code instead of changing the entire database - which might affect other users. Judging by the way you have written this, I feel you are referring to a schema rather than database.
    .NET surely has the capability to run "ALTER SESSION" statements.

  • SELECT INTO doing case insensitive query?

    Hi all,
    I'm having a problem with a query acting as if it is case-insensitive when I do a "SELECT table.x INTO variable ...". If I do the same query, without the "INTO variable", I get one result, as expected.
    The query is similar to the following:
    SELECT table_id INTO variable FROM table WHERE table.varchar2column = 'name' AND table.integercolumn = int_variable;
    There is a unique constraint forcing the varchar2column / integercolumn values to be unique.
    If the varchar2column has two entries that differ only in case, a regular select statement returns one result. However, in the stored procedure using the INTO, I get the following error message:
    ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
    It does not get that if I remove the entry that differs only in letter-case. This is Oracle, if that matters.
    I need this query to be case sensitive. I'm not a DB expert, I'm just a developer trying to fix a problem. I attempted to run "ALTER session SET nls_sort = binary" in the stored procedure, but I guess I can't do that...
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.

    791307 wrote:
    SELECT table_id INTO variable FROM table WHERE table.varchar2column = 'name' AND table.integercolumn = int_variable;
    ...When you say, "...AND table.integercolumn = int_variable;" What is the name of int_variable? Does that name match some column name? Could you post the table creats and a complete sample PL/SQL block with your issue?
    One of the things that gets me every once in awhile is having a variable name that matches a column name. In that case the column name is used inside the select statement, not the variable. To avoid that issue, I use v_ for all my variables. (Others have different standard prefixes.)
    I only point this out, because it might be given results that look case insensitive on the varchar2 column, but is really an issue with the integer column matching to a variable:
    SQL> drop table T;
    Table dropped.
    SQL> create table T (id number constraint T_PK primary key
      2      , Varchar2Data varchar2(20)
      3      , NumberData number(38)
      4      , constraint T_UK1 unique (Varchar2Data, NumberData)
      5  );
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into T values (1, 'STRING', 100);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into T values (2, 'string', 200);
    1 row created.
    SQL> insert into T values (3, 'STRING', 300);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select * from T where Varchar2Data = 'STRING' and NumberData = 100;
            ID VARCHAR2DATA         NUMBERDATA
             1 STRING                      100
    SQL> declare
      2      NumberData number(38);
      3      Id Number;
      4  begin
      5      NumberData := 100;
      6      select Id into Id
      7      from T
      8      where T.Varchar2Data = 'STRING'
      9      and T.NumberData = NumberData;
    10      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(Id);
    11  end;
    12  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01422: exact fetch returns more than requested number of rows
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    SQL> declare
      2      v_NumberData number(38);
      3      v_Id Number;
      4  begin
      5      v_NumberData := 100;
      6      select Id into v_Id
      7      from T
      8      where T.Varchar2Data = 'STRING'
      9      and T.NumberData = v_NumberData;
    10      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_Id);
    11  end;
    12  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • How to compare string in a case-insensitive manner using JavaScript?

    Hello everyone,
    Now I have a javascript to compare checkbox's value with user's input, but now seems it only can compare case-sensitively, does some one know if there is a function in javascript that it can compare string case-insensitively ?
    Here is my script :
    function findOffice(field)
    var name;
    name=prompt("What is the office name?");
    var l = field.length;
    for(var i = 0; i < l; i++)
    <input type="button" name="Find" value="Find And Select" onClick="findOffice(form1) >
    Thanks in advance !

    Thank you so much, I already solved the problem with your advice.
    You really have a beautiful mind, :-).
    I appreciate your help !

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