[SOLVED] Command Not Found

I feel like this is some stupid error I am overlooking, but after searching I cannot figure out why the command is not found.
$ dmenu-with-yeganesh
zsh: command not found: dmenu-with-yeganesh
$ echo $PATH
$ ls -Alh ~/.xmonad/bin
total 4.0K
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name 268 Jun 20 13:24 dmenu-with-yeganesh
Last edited by chetjan (2014-06-20 21:04:45)

The "~/.xmonad/bin" part in the $PATH is wrong. It should have been expanded to /home/$USER/.xmonad/bin; probably because you quoted the tilda in your .zshrc.

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  • [SOLVED] command not found - can anyone help a newbie out with this

    Hi everyone,
    Sorry to be asking such basic information, but I hope you can help...
    I just installed Arch...
    I am logged in as root and I get this error:
    # hwd
    -bash: hwd: command not found
    For future reference, how should I go about finding out what package(s) I need to install in order to be able to use a particular command?  (in this case, the hwd command)
    Also, is there some configuration I may need to perform in order to make a particular command work (in this case hwd) ??
    Thank you!
    Last edited by onthenickel (2009-07-19 07:50:58)

    Probably the wiki article for Xorg should be updated as it refers the user to use hwd.  I'll see if I can manage to edit it...  I've never edited a wiki before.  I'm learning all sorts of new stuff today :-) 
    thanks again!

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    Does it mean that I have to create a chroot for server again, using Arch linux or is there a way to get this Debian working?
    Last edited by kox (2015-05-02 20:13:22)

    I don't think the `arch-chroot` script will work for a Debian system but I could be wrong.
    Have you tried mounting /proc, /sys & /dev first and sourcing the shell profiles afterwards?
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ch … ing_chroot
    This shouldn't make any difference as the chroot fstab should already have entries for these but you never know...
    Maybe you should copy /etc/hosts & /proc/mounts from your new Arch system into your Debian chroot.
    @WorMzy -- the shell built-ins are not working so I don't think it's a $PATH issue.
    Last edited by Head_on_a_Stick (2015-05-02 19:41:44)

  • Virtualbox problem: modprobed_db: command not found[SOLVED]

    I'm running arch in virtualbox.
    and when I run # virtualbox, error:
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    "# modprobed_db
    bash: modprobed_db: command not found
    Last edited by lqs (2012-07-27 09:00:44)

    modprobed_db can be found in the AUR. It collects all modules which have ever been loaded on your system. It's very practical if you compile a custom kernel and only want to include the modules you need.
    I think this doesn't solve your problem. Your system is missing the file /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4 Do you have [testing] enabled? If so, do you also have [community-testing] enabled? I'll need more input to be able to help properly.

  • [solved] yaourt messed up pacman - "pacman: command not found"

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    [studio@myhost ~]$ yaourt -Rs aqpm2
    verificando dependências...
    Remover (2): aqpm2-20100615-2  qjson-0.7.1-2
    Tamanho total dos pacotes a serem removidos:   2,93 MB
    Deseja remover estes pacotes? [S/n] s
    (1/2) removendo aqpm2                                                                                                     [##########################################################################] 100%
    (2/2) removendo qjson                                                                                                     [##########################################################################] 100%
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/bin/yaourt: line 201: testdb: comando não encontrado
    now pacman is broken:
    [studio@myhost ~]$ pacman
    bash: pacman: comando não encontrado
    [studio@myhost ~]$ yaourt -Syu --aur
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    You are not allowed to launch /usr/bin/pacman with sudo
    Please enter root password
    bash: /usr/bin/pacman: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
    ==> WARNING: problem in pkgbuild.sh library
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    ==> Searching for new version on AUR
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    Unable to open file: /etc/pacman.conf
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/lib/yaourt/basicfunctions.sh: line 10: pacman: comando não encontrado
    /usr/bin/yaourt: line 201: testdb: comando não encontrado
    [studio@myhost ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
    sudo: pacman: command not found
    please help
    Last edited by capoeira (2010-10-16 14:33:39)

    capoeira wrote:
    can I use pacman-static from this repro?
    I'm afraid to break system even more
    OK, that gave me a segfault, so
    I downloaded the package and copied the folders to root.
    no pacman works but gaves me this errors afterwards:
    pacman-3.4.1-1: description file is missing
    pacman-3.4.1-1: dependency file is missing
    pacman-3.4.1-1: file list is missing
    how do I solve this?
    BTW: should I make a bug-report??
    EDIT: any package I try to instal I get this error:
    erro: não foi possível abrir o arquivo /var/lib/pacman/local/pacman-3.4.1-1/depends: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado
    (it's in portuguese but i think its understandable)
    Last edited by capoeira (2010-10-15 22:08:36)

  • [SOLVED] startxfce4 command not found?

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    EDIT: Reason for all the problems was that I forgot to actually update the system running the "pacman -Syu". I updated on the second install and when I executed xfce4 all the conflicts dissapeared.
    Last edited by apokaliptik (2012-01-09 21:34:02)

    wiki wrote:Pacman will ask you to select the packages to install, but you probably want to get them all by simply pressing Enter.
    [karol@black ~]$ pacman -S xfce4
    :: There are 16 members in group xfce4:
    :: Repository extra
    1) exo 2) garcon 3) gtk-xfce-engine 4) terminal 5) thunar 6) tumbler
    7) xfce-utils 8) xfce4-appfinder 9) xfce4-mixer 10) xfce4-panel
    11) xfce4-session 12) xfce4-settings 13) xfconf 14) xfdesktop 15) xfwm4
    16) xfwm4-themes
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    xfce-utils is the 7th member of xfce4 group; it should be downloaded and installed. Don't know why it wasn't installed in your case.
    Please remember to mark the thread as solved as per our forum rules https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=130309 :-)

  • [solved] qdbus: command not found = Netbeans can't connect to KWallet

    I had a problem with Netbeans using its fallback keyring instead of KWallet.
    My research showed that this happened because Netbeans wasn't able to use qdbus
    exception thrown while invoking the command "[qdbus, org.kde.kwalletd, /modules/kwalletd, org.kde.KWallet.isEnabled]"
    I tried to run qdbus with
    qdbus org.kde.kwin /KWin supportInformation
    Same outcome; qdbus: command not found.
    Searching for qdbus, I found it in /usr/lib/qt4/bin which obviously isn't part of $PATH.
    I "solved" the issue by creating a softlink in /usr/bin/
    cd /usr/bin && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4/bin/qdbus qdbus
    It works, both the KWin command as well as Netbean's KWallet integration, but is that how it should be done?
    Haven't I rather a package missing, like qt5 or something?
    Or is my standard "throw softlinks at the problem"-procedure alright here?
    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-25 20:55:02)

    Thanks! That's better although it doesn't work out of the box either.
    qtchooser apparently sends the applications to '/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdbus' which doesn't exist, Arch uses /usr/lib/qt4' instead
    qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/qt/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory
    So I had to link those too.
    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/qt4 /usr/lib/qt
    I don't know whether that's a problem with qtchooser or rather with some of my environment variables being wrong.
    But anyways, linking the directories 'qt' to 'qt4' makes a whole lot more sense to me than micromanaging the paths of single binaries or libraries.
    P.S. @ChemBro
    Yes, using qdbus-qt4 seems to work with commands I have control over but telling applications like Netbeans to use that is a different beast, at least from a user-perspective.
    Maybe the packagers can do something about that, but I don't know.
    Last edited by Caldazar (2014-01-21 15:03:39)

  • [solved] hostname command not found

    Some months ago i've got this problem:
    startx: line 127 hostname command not found
    that i solved with
    pacman -S net-tools
    Today the problem is here again O.o
    I've reinstalled net-tools and coreutils but nothing
    Last edited by polslinux (2011-08-26 11:31:26)

    http://mailman.archlinux.org/pipermail/ … 21397.html
    Edit: inetutils from [testing] http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … inetutils/ have the hostname binary and it was removed from the [testing] net-tools http://www.archlinux.org/packages/testi … net-tools/
    Packages in [core] still work the old way: net-tools provides hostname.
    Last edited by karol (2011-08-26 10:29:33)

  • (Solved) fbsetbg: line 153: xmessage: command not found

    I'm trying to set background image for Fluxbox.
    After typing fbsetbg command in xterm I get following error:
    $ fbsetbg -f ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/wallpaper.jpg
    /usr/bin/fbsetbg: line 153: xmessage: command not found
    The most common way to solve this (according to Internet) is to install xorg-apps, but there is no xmessage app under it.
    # pacman -S xorg-apps
    :: There are 37 members in group xorg-apps:
    :: Repository extra
    1) xorg-bdftopcf 2) xorg-iceauth 3) xorg-luit 4) xorg-mkfontdir
    5) xorg-mkfontscale 6) xorg-sessreg 7) xorg-setxkbmap 8) xorg-smproxy
    9) xorg-x11perf 10) xorg-xauth 11) xorg-xbacklight 12) xorg-xcmsdb
    13) xorg-xcursorgen 14) xorg-xdpyinfo 15) xorg-xdriinfo 16) xorg-xev
    17) xorg-xgamma 18) xorg-xhost 19) xorg-xinput 20) xorg-xkbcomp
    21) xorg-xkbevd 22) xorg-xkbutils 23) xorg-xkill 24) xorg-xlsatoms
    25) xorg-xlsclients 26) xorg-xmodmap 27) xorg-xpr 28) xorg-xprop
    29) xorg-xrandr 30) xorg-xrdb 31) xorg-xrefresh 32) xorg-xset
    33) xorg-xsetroot 34) xorg-xvinfo 35) xorg-xwd 36) xorg-xwininfo
    37) xorg-xwud
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    I installed them any way, but it didn't help. Nether the reboot.
    Is there a way to fix this?
    Last edited by iedopadzert (2012-06-02 11:41:23)

    $ pkgfile xmessage
    See also the optional dependency of fluxbox:
    $ pacman -Si fluxbox
    Repository : extra
    Name : fluxbox
    Version : 1.3.2-1
    Optional Deps : xorg-xmessage: for using the fbsetbg and fluxbox-generate_menu utilities
    Last edited by xduugu (2012-06-02 11:41:30)

  • [SOLVED]pacstrab: command not found

    I'm trying to install Arch together with Windows 8.1... No problems with UEFI, since I already had Arch installed one time but had to remove it and my notebook doesn't came with preinstalled windows.
    I made an ext4 partition, mounted root, established an internet connection and so on. But every time I try to run "pacstrap /mnt base base-devel" or just only "pacstrab" I receive the message:
    command not found: pacstrab
    What is this!? I don't know how to solve this problem... This is just weird because that is not my first Arch installation. Checksum of my .iso is correct.
    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:17:53)

    'pacstrab' only was just a test in sheer desperation.
    OH MY GOD. I can't be so dumb... Will test it if I really wrote pacstrab in my installtion, too.
    EDIT: Please delete this... I'm so disgusting... Trying everything for a hour and I'm just too dumb to type...
    Last edited by Arche (2013-11-03 09:12:34)

  • [solved] gconfpkg: command not found

    From my pacman output:
    (11/14) upgrading fusion-icon
    ==> Updating icon-cache.....
    /tmp/alpm_Napi2c/.INSTALL: line 32: gconfpkg: command not found
    error: command failed to execute correctly
    I reinstalled gconf and re-updated fusion-icon, the installation completed succesfully.
    This has happened before, should I be worried?
    p.s. these errors are not logged in pacman.log!
    Last edited by stefanwilkens (2009-12-03 13:35:44)

    problem solved, the location of gconfpkg wasn't in PATH
    locate gconfpkg
    I added /usr/sbin to the PATH definition in /etc/profile. Rebooted and all was working as it should

  • [Solved] Recommend a package with pacman for "Command Not Found"

    Is there a way to get Pacman to recommend a package name like in ubuntu, for example:
    If I were to type in a terminal ifconfig and it said "Command not found"
    Could Pacman recommend the package net-tools?
    Last edited by jack9099 (2011-08-03 14:33:39)

    The pkgtools package will do this for you.
    See https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pkgtools for instructions on how to set it up.
    Last edited by szim90 (2011-08-03 14:25:58)

  • Mkinitcpio err: command not found [solved]

    I rebuilt fbsplash yesterday and get this error when running 'mkinitcpio -p kernel26'
    -> Parsing hook: [fbsplash]
    /lib/initcpio/install/fbsplash: line 90: err: command not found
    Line 90 reads
    err "Theme invalid or not found: '$theme'"
    The maintainer of fbsplash reported that 'err' is a function in /lib/initcpio/init_functions which is part of the package mkinitcpio.
    However looking through the other scripts in /lib/initcpio/install/ this is the only one which uses this command and thus the only one producing the error.
    Is it not valid?
    Last edited by subatomic (2011-07-13 08:51:42)

    falconindy wrote:
    Mr.Elendig wrote:Maybe he haven't updated it for the latest release of mkinitcpio
    This. The 'err' function no longer exists.
    http://projects.archlinux.org/mkinitcpi … 88108eb385
    Yes, I have updated to the latest release of mkinitcpio in [core]. It's 0.7.2-1. And the function 'err' is still in /lib/initcpio/init_functions which is part of mkinitcpio 0.7.2-1 and used by the file /lib/initcpio/init, the hook 'net' which is also included in mkinitcpio 0.7.2-1 and by the hook 'encrypt' which is part of cryptsetup 1.3.1-2.
    Just run:
    grep -Rw err /lib/initcpio
    And I didn't get the 'command not found' error. Nevertheless I have replaced the 'err' calls by 'error' calls in the fbsplash hook.
    Btw., is there a documentation about the mkinitcpio API?

  • [SOLVED]/usr/lib/arch-tempfiles line 106: install:command not found

    Hi everyone!
    This is my boot.log
    It says"/usr/lib/initscripts/arch-tmpfiles:line 106: install:command not found".This is leading to problems such as dbus and network manager not being started(even manually),no shutdown option,not able to 'open' log files without sudo  etc.
    I think a possible reason for this is that I had messed up with symlinks.I had issued the command
    sudo ln -s /bin/install /usr/bin/install
    .Then I had used
    cd /bin/
    unlink install
    Now,I find that /bin/install and /usr/bin/install does not exist.(I have deleted them!) .How can I fix this up?Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by adwaita45 (2012-04-05 20:41:40)

    Reinstall coreutils (or manually extract install from the package and put it in /usr/bin).
    Last edited by Raynman (2012-04-05 18:14:10)

  • [SOLVED] Unable to build packages from AUR (build: command not found)

    I recently hosed the filesystem on my arch install of ~8 months. I reinstalled arch today and didn't have many problems since I had backups of many important config files. Anyways, I still need to get a few programs installed from AUR, but nothing I get from AUR will build.
    I download the tarball, extract into a folder in /home/myuser/builds and then go into that folder and run makepkg -s (as always)
    It checks the files and extracts/downloads them. Then I get the following error message:
    ==> Starting build()...
    /usr/bin/makepkg: line 741: build: command not found
    ==> ERROR: Build Failed.
    I've run abs and I checked out the abs wiki page, I've also installed base-devel. I am not sure what else I need to do, the error message is not specific enough.
    The packages I have been trying to install are      ttf-ms-fonts 2.0-7,      keepass 2.14-2, and I also tried ttf-vista-fonts 1-3. I am fairly certain that it is not a problem with the PKGBUILD files.
    Any ideas? Thanks!
    Last edited by fatjake (2011-03-08 01:02:59)

    cyrus wrote:Have you tried Yaourt?
    Nope, haven't tried that, I think mainly because I wanted to learn how to use pacman and how to build using ABS. At this point I think I know how to use pacman/abs, as much as this thread might make it appear that I dont
    I'll give it a try, as I frequently install software from AUR. In the past I think I let software from the AUR get outdated, Yaourt (clumsy name) sounds like it would help that a bit. Thanks!
    Edit: BTW, I really love Arch. I tried it out on a flash drive about 8 months ago (maybe more), and after about 12 hours I was sold and installed it on the drive that Windows XP previously held. Even considering that I had many problems during the initial install, but they were all problems that caused me to learn and were easy to resolve. Seriously, I have lots of Windows tech experience, but only Arch forced me to learn Linux. I had tried Ubuntu previously but it was such a bore, and the problems tended to be hard to find solutions for. I try to convince my other Linux using friends to try arch, but they see it as too hands-on. I don't see it that way, it is very hands off after initial configuration, and the initial config only takes a week or less on the first try and a day and a half (or so) if you re-install. Having backups of your config files is of course a huge deal, and I am glad I had most of those.
    Really, I love Arch Linux, it has taught me so much.
    Last edited by fatjake (2011-03-08 04:25:15)

Maybe you are looking for