[solved] cups VS cups-filters

hi, everybody
i noticed this package
and trying to install it i get errors because files are already included in cups package
so, what are they for ?
Last edited by nTia89 (2012-05-29 21:14:34)

arojas wrote:
It will be needed for CUPS 1.6. There is no reason to install it yet.
More info: http://www.h-online.com/open/features/K … 35991.html
Thanks, arojas... that is exactly what I was looking for! 

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    lpstat: bad file descriptor
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    ● cups.service - CUPS Printing Service
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service; enabled)
    Active: active (running) since Mon 2014-08-04 17:56:32 CDT; 16h ago
    Main PID: 2832 (cupsd)
    Status: "Scheduler is running..."
    CGroup: /system.slice/cups.service
    └─2832 /usr/bin/cupsd -f
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    scheduler is not running
    no system default destination
    lpstat: Bad file descriptor
    lpstat: Bad file descriptor
    lpstat: Bad file descriptor
    lpstat: Bad file descriptor
    lpstat: Bad file descriptor
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    I can't thank you enough for posting your solution! I have spent the last several days trying to get libreoffice and evince to even see my printer. I've been up and down so many cups web interface sessions, I lost count long ago. Finally, I came across some commands I'd never seen before, in particular 'lpstat' which also gave me the 'bad file descriptor' message. Googling provided next to nothing in help, but it did produce a link to your post, which is like finding a needle in a haystack! Anyway, I updated /etc/cups/client.conf as you suggested, and now my applications can finally see my Brother HL-2280DW.
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    root<t1>@benito:/etc/cups# uname -a
    Linux benito 3.16.1-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 14 07:40:19 CEST 2014 x86_64 GNU/Linux
    root<t1>@benito:/etc/cups# pacman -Qs cups
    local/brother-hl2280dw 2.0.4_2-3
        Brother HL-2280DW CUPS Driver
    local/cups 1.7.5-1
        The CUPS Printing System - daemon package
    local/cups-filters 1.0.57-1
        OpenPrinting CUPS Filters
    local/cups-pdf 2.6.1-2
        PDF printer for cups
    local/libcups 1.7.5-1
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    local/python2-pycups 1.9.66-2
        Python CUPS Bindings
    local/system-config-printer 1.4.4-1
        A CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet
    Again, my sincere thanks!!
    (BTW, I'd also like to know why /etc/cups/client.conf doesn't work as advertised...)
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    Upon inspection of the logs the following is found:
    /var/log/cups/error_log (output from restarting cups, to failed job)
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:20 +0200] Scheduler shutting down normally.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:20 +0200] Saving remote.cache...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:20 +0200] Saving job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Listening to (IPv4)
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Using policy "default" as the default!
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Full reload is required.
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 36 types, 41 filters...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Loading printer tintopljuvach...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] [Job 56] Loading from cache...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] [Job 56] Loading attributes...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Full reload complete.
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Listening to on fd 3...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Resuming new connection processing...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:21 +0200] Discarding unused server-started event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: clients=0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: jobs=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: jobs-active=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: printers=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: printers-implicit=0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: stringpool-string-count=397
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8896
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:31:22 +0200] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=7888
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] [Job 56] Unloading...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: clients=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: jobs=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: jobs-active=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: printers=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: printers-implicit=0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: stringpool-string-count=360
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8032
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=7080
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:56 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:48:57 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Classes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] CUPS-Get-Default client-error-not-found: No default printer
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=406 (client-error-not-found)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:11 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /printers/tintopljuvach.ppd HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:12 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 9
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:14 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 7 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] CUPS-Get-Printers
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:17 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:20 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 7 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:21 +0200] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631 (IPv4)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:21 +0200] cupsdReadClient: 9 POST /printers/tintopljuvach HTTP/1.1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:21 +0200] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Print-Job ipp://localhost:631/printers/tintopljuvach
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job ???] Auto-typing file...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job ???] Request file type is application/postscript.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] add_job: requesting-user-name="tajana"
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Adding start banner page "none".
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused job-created event...
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Adding end banner page "none".
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] File of type application/postscript queued by "tajana".
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] hold_until=0
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Queued on "tintopljuvach" by "tajana".
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] job-sheets=none,none
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] banner_page = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[0]="tintopljuvach"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[1]="57"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[2]="tajana"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[3]="Net.hr webcafe"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[4]="1"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[5]="StpFineCyanBalance=None StpFineContrast=None ColorModel=RGB number-up=1 StpDropSize1=None StpDropSize2=None StpFineBlackGamma=None StpFineBlackTrans=None MediaType=Plain StpDropSize3=None StpFineInkLimit=None StpContrast=None StpSaturation=None StpGamma=None StpFineMagentaDensity=None StpQuality=Standard StpBrightness=None StpFineGamma=None StpInkSet=None StpFineMagentaBalance=None StpiShrinkOutput=Shrink StpFineBlackDensity=None noStpFullBleed StpInkLimit=None StpInkType=None StpFineDropSize1=None StpFineDropSize2=None StpFineDropSize3=None StpColorPrecision=Normal StpCyanGamma=None StpFineGCRUpper=None StpMagentaGamma=None StpFineGCRLower=None Resolution=361x360dpi StpDensity=None StpImageType=TextGraphics PageSize=Letter StpBlackGamma=None StpFineYellowDensity=None StpFineCyanGamma=None StpBlackTrans=None StpDitherAlgorithm=None StpYellowDensity=None StpColorCorrection=None StpCyanDensity=None StpGCRLower=None StpYellowGamma=None StpGCRUpper=None StpMagentaDensity=None StpBlackDensity=None StpCyanBalance=None StpFeedSequence=None StpFineSaturation=None StpFineBrightness=None StpFineYellowBalance=None StpYellowBalance=None StpPrintingDirection=None StpFineCyanDensity=None StpMagentaBalance=None noStpLinearContrast StpFineYellowGamma=None StpFineDensity=None StpWeave=None StpFineMagentaGamma=None job-uuid=urn:uuid:ea8d101d-aae9-3002-4d02-ef1ddc497806"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] argv[6]="/var/spool/cups/d00057-001"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[0]="CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[1]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[2]="CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[3]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[4]="CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[5]="CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[6]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[7]="CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[8]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[9]="SERVER_ADMIN=root@raketa"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[10]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.3.9"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[11]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[12]="USER=root"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[13]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[14]="CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[15]="IPP_PORT=631"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[16]="CHARSET=utf-8"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[17]="LANG=en_US.UTF8"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[18]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/tintopljuvach.ppd"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[19]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[20]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[21]="DEVICE_URI=usb://EPSON/Stylus%20DX7400"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[22]="PRINTER=tintopljuvach"
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] envp[23]="FINAL_CONTENT_TYPE=printer/tintopljuvach"
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 370)
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster (PID 371)
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2 (PID 372)
    I [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 373)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused job-state-changed event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 9 status_code=0 (successful-ok)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 9
    E [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Unable to open file "/var/spool/cups/d00057-001" - Permission denied
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
    E [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] PID 370 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops) stopped with status 1!
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Printer using device file "/dev/usblp1"...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] backendRunLoop(print_fd=0, device_fd=5, use_bc=1, side_cb=0x804a930)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint 5.2.3 Starting
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint command line: tintopljuvach '57' 'tajana' 'Net.hr webcafe' '1' <args>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint using PPD file /etc/cups/ppd/tintopljuvach.ppd
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option count is 65 (1373 bytes)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 0 StpFineCyanBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 1 StpFineContrast = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 2 ColorModel = RGB
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 3 number-up = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 4 StpDropSize1 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 5 StpDropSize2 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 6 StpFineBlackGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 7 StpFineBlackTrans = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 8 MediaType = Plain
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 9 StpDropSize3 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 10 StpFineInkLimit = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 11 StpContrast = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 12 StpSaturation = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 13 StpGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 14 StpFineMagentaDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 15 StpQuality = Standard
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 16 StpBrightness = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 17 StpFineGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 18 StpInkSet = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 19 StpFineMagentaBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 20 StpiShrinkOutput = Shrink
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 21 StpFineBlackDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 22 StpFullBleed = false
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 23 StpInkLimit = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 24 StpInkType = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 25 StpFineDropSize1 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 26 StpFineDropSize2 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 27 StpFineDropSize3 = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 28 StpColorPrecision = Normal
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 29 StpCyanGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 30 StpFineGCRUpper = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 31 StpMagentaGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 32 StpFineGCRLower = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 33 Resolution = 361x360dpi
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 34 StpDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 35 StpImageType = TextGraphics
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 36 PageSize = Letter
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 37 StpBlackGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 38 StpFineYellowDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 39 StpFineCyanGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 40 StpBlackTrans = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 41 StpDitherAlgorithm = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 42 StpYellowDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 43 StpColorCorrection = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 44 StpCyanDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 45 StpGCRLower = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 46 StpYellowGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 47 StpGCRUpper = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 48 StpMagentaDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 49 StpBlackDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 50 StpCyanBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 51 StpFeedSequence = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 52 StpFineSaturation = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 53 StpFineBrightness = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 54 StpFineYellowBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 55 StpYellowBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 56 StpPrintingDirection = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 57 StpFineCyanDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 58 StpMagentaBalance = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 59 StpLinearContrast = false
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 60 StpFineYellowGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 61 StpFineDensity = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 62 StpWeave = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 63 StpFineMagentaGamma = None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: CUPS option 64 job-uuid = urn:uuid:ea8d101d-aae9-3002-4d02-ef1ddc497806
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Driver Epson Stylus DX7450
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Using fd 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Running /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dDEBUG -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -c -_
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set options:
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string Quality to Standard
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string Quality to Standard
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PageSize to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting MediaType to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting InputSlot to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting Duplex to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerRadius to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CDOuterDiameter to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CDInnerDiameter to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CDXAdjustment to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CDYAdjustment to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting Resolution to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string InkType to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string InkType to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting UseGloss to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string InkSet to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string InkSet to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string PrintingDirection to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string PrintingDirection to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set bool FullBleed to false (0)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string Weave to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string Weave to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting OutputOrder to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting AlignmentPasses to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting AlignmentChoices to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChange to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting AlternateAlignmentPasses to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting AlternateAlignmentChoices to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting SupportsPacketMode to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting InterchangeableInk to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting InkChannels to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelNames to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintingMode to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting RawChannels to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting OrangeHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting RedHueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_hres to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_vres to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_hres to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_vres to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_black_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_fast_nozzles to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzle_start to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzle_start to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzle_start to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_nozzle_separation to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_nozzle_separation to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_fast_nozzle_separation to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_separation_rows to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_paper_width to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_paper_height to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_paper_width to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_paper_height to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_imageable_width to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_imageable_height to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_extra_feed to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_pseudo_separation_rows to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_separation to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_resolution_scale to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_initial_vertical_offset to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_black_initial_vertical_offset to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_max_black_resolution to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_zero_margin_offset to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_extra_720dpi_separation to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_micro_left_margin to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_min_horizontal_position_alignment to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_horizontal_position_alignment to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bidirectional_upper_limit to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_physical_channels to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_left_margin to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_right_margin to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_top_margin to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bottom_margin to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_ink_type to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_bits to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_base_res to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alignment_passes to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alignment_choices to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alternate_alignment_passes to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_alternate_alignment_choices to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_x_offset to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_y_offset to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_page_width to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_cd_page_height to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_paper_extra_bottom to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_preinit_sequence to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_preinit_remote_sequence to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_postinit_remote_sequence to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting escp2_vertical_borderless_sequence to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PaperThickness to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting VacuumIntensity to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting FeedSequence to 'None'
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PrintMethod to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PlatenGap to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting FeedAdjustment to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string ColorCorrection to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string ColorCorrection to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting ChannelBitDepth to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting InputImageType to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIOutputType to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting STPIRawChannels to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting SimpleGamma to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set bool LinearContrast to false (0)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting LUTDumpFile to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CyanCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting MagentaCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting YellowCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting BlackCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting RedCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting GreenCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting BlueCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting WhiteCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting HueMap to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting SatMap to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting LumMap to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting GCRCurve to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh0 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh1 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh2 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh3 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh4 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh5 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh6 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh7 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh8 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh9 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh10 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh11 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh12 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh13 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh14 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh15 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh16 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh17 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh18 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh19 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh20 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh21 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh22 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh23 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh24 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh25 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh26 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh27 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh28 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh29 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh30 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting CurveCh31 to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string DitherAlgorithm to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string DitherAlgorithm to None
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set string ImageType to TextGraphics
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Set special string ImageType to TextGraphics
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting JobMode to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Not setting PageNumber to (null)
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: End options
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] START 0 1462260 166498 1301440 12920 true 532 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END PROCS 10 1462260 181346 1301440 14288 true 654 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_std_e.ps 10 1502452 202254 1301440 15664 true 662 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_il1_e.ps 10 1522548 213149 1301440 15664 true 663 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END FONTDIR/ENCS 10 1522548 213301 1301440 15664 true 665 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END DEVS 10 1528800 233312 1301440 15664 true 669 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END STATD 10 1548896 251999 1301440 17276 true 674 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END GS_FONTS 10 1589088 291652 1301440 17276 true 722 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END BASIC COLOR 10 1589088 300518 1301440 17276 true 743 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END IMAGE 10 1609184 315832 1301440 17276 true 748 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_btokn.ps 10 1629280 328353 1301440 17276 true 752 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_dps1.ps 10 1629280 335018 1301440 17276 true 754 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_dps2.ps 10 1629280 342648 1301440 17276 true 755 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_type1.ps 10 1649376 353140 1301440 17276 true 762 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_lev2.ps 10 1669472 379070 1397540 113772 true 768 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] BEGIN RESOURCES 10 1706332 404090 1397540 113772 true 768 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END CATEGORY 10 1706332 405625 1397540 113928 true 769 5 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END GENERIC 10 1716172 420201 1397540 113928 true 771 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END FIXED 10 1736268 428925 1397540 113928 true 771 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END MISC 10 1736268 433335 1397540 113928 true 771 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END ENCODING 10 1736268 435177 1397540 113928 true 771 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_resmp.ps 10 1756364 452952 1397540 113928 true 775 3 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_res.ps 10 1739600 436159 1397540 113928 true 775 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_typ42.ps 10 1739600 441492 1397540 113928 true 778 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cidfn.ps 20 1779792 486739 1397540 113928 true 786 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cidcm.ps 20 1809728 511449 1397540 113928 true 786 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_fntem.ps 20 1910208 612716 1397540 114024 true 788 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cidtt.ps 20 1930304 627477 1397540 114024 true 788 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cidfm.ps 20 1950400 642070 1397540 114024 true 788 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cmap.ps 20 1950400 653143 1397540 114024 true 793 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_setpd.ps 20 1990592 673116 1397540 114024 true 793 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_typ32.ps 20 1990592 679094 1397540 114024 true 791 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_frsd.ps 20 1990592 684597 1397540 114024 true 791 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_ll3.ps 20 2010688 706600 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_mex_e.ps 20 2010688 713699 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_mro_e.ps 20 2030784 722531 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_pdf_e.ps 20 2030784 728039 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_wan_e.ps 30 2030784 733524 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_ops.ps 30 2070976 756184 1397540 114024 true 792 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_l2img.ps 30 2070976 762727 1397540 114024 true 795 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_rbld.ps 30 2070976 770525 1397540 114024 true 807 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_base.ps 30 2111168 795989 1397540 114024 true 1005 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_draw.ps 40 2151360 838687 1397540 114024 true 1005 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_font.ps 40 2191552 869762 1397540 114420 true 1006 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_main.ps 40 2211648 903281 1397540 114420 true 1012 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] pdf_sec.ps 40 2231744 915965 1397540 114420 true 1012 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_css_e.ps 40 2231744 921701 1397540 114420 true 1012 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_cff.ps 40 2292032 960411 1397540 114420 true 1014 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_mgl_e.ps 40 2292032 966262 1397540 114420 true 1014 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_agl.ps 40 2361700 1030705 1397540 114420 true 1015 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: cannot insert /Euro @ 219 used for /currency
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /infinity @ 176
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /notequal @ 173
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /product @ 184
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /approxequal @ 197
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /apple @ 240
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /lozenge @ 215
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /radical @ 195
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /Omega @ 189
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /pi @ 185
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /summation @ 183
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /partialdiff @ 182
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /Delta @ 198
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /greaterequal @ 179
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /lessequal @ 178
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Extend MacRomanEncodingForTrueType for TrueType: insert /integral @ 186
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_ttf.ps 40 2450408 1119485 1397540 114420 true 1049 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_icc.ps 40 2450408 1125621 1397540 114420 true 1050 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_dps.ps 40 2450408 1132087 1397540 114638 true 1063 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_dpnxt.ps 40 2470504 1141082 1397540 114638 true 1080 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_epsf.ps 40 2470504 1149252 1397540 114638 true 1092 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_fapi.ps 40 2490600 1159942 1397540 114638 true 1092 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] gs_pdfwr.ps 40 2510696 1184709 1397540 116200 true 1124 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END INITFILES 50 2530792 1191518 1397540 116200 true 1152 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] ./Fontmap 50 2530792 1193335 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/cups/fonts/Fontmap 50 2530792 1195664 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] %rom%Resource/Init/Fontmap 50 2530792 1197990 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] %rom%lib/Fontmap 50 2591080 1242485 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/ghostscript/8.64/Resource/Init/Fontmap 50 2591080 1242534 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/ghostscript/8.64/lib/Fontmap 50 2611176 1263671 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/ghostscript/8.64/Resource/Font/Fontmap 50 2611176 1266008 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/Fontmap 50 2611176 1268344 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/fonts/Type1/Fontmap 50 2611176 1270674 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /usr/share/fonts/Fontmap 50 2631272 1276326 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <1>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END FONTS 50 2631272 1278687 1417636 120322 true 1153 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] num_components = 1, depth = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] num_components = 1, depth = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END DEVICE 60 2952808 1600865 1416292 118978 true 1153 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END CONFIG 60 2952808 1601003 1416292 118978 true 1153 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Checking.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Merging.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Selecting.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Constructing.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Putting.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [612.0 792.0]
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /.MediaSize
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /%MediaSource
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /.LockSafetyParams
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] /%MediaDestination
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -device-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] num_components = 1, depth = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsColorSpace = 3, cupsColorOrder = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] cupsBitsPerPixel = 1, cupsBitsPerColor = 1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_gray = 1, dither_grays = 2
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] max_color = 0, dither_colors = 0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Updating PageSize to [612 792]...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] size = Letter
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] margins[] = [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Result of putting.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] false
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -device-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Installing.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] false
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -device-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Finishing.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -mark-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] -dict-
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] true
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END INIT 60 3013096 1663393 4693788 3406774 true 1163 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END GLOBAL 60 3013096 1664569 4693788 3407180 false 1162 4 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] END GC 70 2751952 958158 4693788 3407234 false 1147 3 <0>
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] runEPS: Short non-DSC
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: About to start printing loop.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Printed total 0 bytes
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Gutenprint: Used 0.050 seconds user, 0.000 seconds system, 0.701 seconds elapsed
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] PID 371 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster) exited with no errors.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] PID 372 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.2) exited with no errors.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] PID 373 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb) exited with no errors.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] File 0 is complete.
    E [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Job stopped due to filter errors.
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused printer-state-changed event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] Discarding unused job-stopped event...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:49:23 +0200] [Job 57] Unloading...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Closing client 7 after 300 seconds of inactivity...
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] cupsdCloseClient: 7
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: clients=0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: jobs=2
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: jobs-active=2
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: printers=1
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: printers-implicit=0
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: stringpool-string-count=407
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=8160
    D [09/Apr/2009:08:54:21 +0200] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=8376
    This particular line caught my attention:
    E [09/Apr/2009:08:49:22 +0200] [Job 57] Unable to open file "/var/spool/cups/d00057-001" - Permission denied
    I checked the folder:
    total 1524
    drwx--x---+ 3 root lp 4096 2009-04-09 08:49 .
    drwxr-xr-x+ 6 root root 4096 2009-04-07 22:40 ..
    -rw-------+ 1 root lp 780 2009-04-07 23:23 c00056
    -rw-------+ 1 root lp 2306 2009-04-09 08:49 c00057
    -rw-r-----+ 1 root lp 17363 2009-04-07 23:23 d00056-001
    -rw-r-----+ 1 root lp 1485136 2009-04-09 08:49 d00057-001
    drwxrwx--T+ 2 root lp 4096 2009-04-07 23:23 tmp
    Then i tried setting the file permissions to 777, for the tests sake, and also the parent folder, but everytime a new job is queued, the permissions revert to the ones shown.
    I was able to use this printer before in other distros and FreeBSD. After days of trying out different combinations, I am about to give up.  Unless someone has some ideas... Anyone?
    Last edited by vexxor (2009-04-22 14:40:53)

    SIGTERMer wrote:a simple question..
    did you add your self to lp?
    (as root) "passwd -a username lp"
    Yeah i did. Also tried printing as root.

  • [SOLVED] CUPS doesn't work

    Hi there,
    I'm configuring Arch on my Dell d600. I installed cups via paman and started it with /etc/rc.d/cups start. There were no errors on the commandline. grep -R [Cc]ups * in /var/log/ showed  only the following in cups/error_log:
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Listening to (IPv4)
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Loaded configuration file "/etc/cups/cupsd.conf"
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Using default TempDir of /var/spool/cups/tmp...
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Configured for up to 100 clients.
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Allowing up to 100 client connections per host.
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Using policy "default" as the default!
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Full reload is required.
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Loaded MIME database from '/etc/cups': 35 types, 39 filters...
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Loading job cache file "/var/cache/cups/job.cache"...
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Full reload complete.
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Cleaning out old temporary files in "/var/spool/cups/tmp"...
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Listening to on fd 3...
    I [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Resuming new connection processing...
    E [14/Sep/2008:16:00:01 +0200] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: clients=0
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: jobs=0
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: jobs-active=0
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: printers=0
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: printers-implicit=0
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: stringpool-string-count=168
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: stringpool-alloc-bytes=4872
    D [14/Sep/2008:16:00:02 +0200] Report: stringpool-total-bytes=3632
    cupsctl gives me no output (just hangs) and the webinterface is unreachable.
    There is also no file /var/log/cups/acess_log.
    Last edited by crom (2008-09-14 19:41:09)

    I tried various adresses: localhost, D600, and the ip.
    /etc/hosts:               localhost.localdomain   localhost  D600
    Even doesn't succeed.
    Found it. 'lo' was in the INTERFACES array in rc.conf. I don't use the normal networking daemon, using wicd instead.
    I took it out and rebooted. Now i can access the web-interface.
    EDIT: How do i mark this solved?
    Last edited by crom (2008-09-14 15:24:54)

  • [SOLVED] CUPS doesn't detect USB Samsung ML-2010 printer

    Hi. I only speak a little English. Sorry for that.
    I have got an USB Samsung ML-2010 printer. Before I used cups-usblp from AUR, and it worked. But it doesn't work now. The cups-usblp maintainer suggests to use cups instead of cups-usblp. Searching with google, it appears that other people don't have problems with this printer, cups, and archlinux. But I do. Cups' web interface doesn't detect it.
    Well, this is how are the things now:
    $ lsusb | grep Samsung
    Bus 002 Device 004: ID 04e8:326c Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd ML-2010P Mono Laser Printer
    $ ls -l /dev/bus/usb/002/004
    crw-rw-r-- 1 root lp 189, 131 mar  4 09:56 /dev/bus/usb/002/004
    $ grep usb /lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
    # 'libusb' device nodes
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", MODE="0664"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", IMPORT{builtin}="usb_id"
    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACES}=="*:0701??:*", GROUP="lp"
    $ sudo grep SystemGroup /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
    SystemGroup sys root lp
    $ groups
    lp wheel games video audio optical storage scanner power users
    $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
    blacklist usblp
    $ lsmod | grep usblp
    (no output)
    $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10-cups_device_link.rules
    KERNEL=="lp[0-9]", SYMLINK+="%k", GROUP="lp"
    $ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/10-usbprinter.rules
    ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="326c", MODE:="0660", GROUP:="lp"
    $ rc.d status cupsd
    :: Checking cupsd status                                                                                                   [STARTED]
    $ pacman -Q cups ghostscript gsfonts gutenprint foomatic-db foomatic-db-engine foomatic-db-nonfree foomatic-filters splix
    cups 1.5.2-1
    ghostscript 9.05-1
    gsfonts 1.0.7pre44-3
    gutenprint 5.2.7-3
    foomatic-db 1:4.0.7_20110707-1
    foomatic-db-engine 1:4.0.7_20110707-1
    foomatic-db-nonfree 1:4.0.7_20110707-1
    foomatic-filters 1:4.0.7_20110707-1
    splix 2.0.0-11
    I open http://localhost:631 in my browser, click "add new printer" and I get just "Serial printer #1"
    at "local printers". There isn't my printer. I use KDE, and KDE's tool for adding printers doesn's detect it either.
    I miss archlinux, but I need to print.
    What may be wrong? What may be I am missing?
    Thanks a lot for your comments and help.
    Last edited by felihommen (2012-03-04 20:33:39)

    Restarting cupsd didn't work.
    But reinstalling cups...
    $ sudo pacman -Rdc cups (it is a dependency of kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde which I had installed)
    $ sudo rm -r /etc/cups/*
    I realize cupsd is already running:
    $ ps aux | grep cupsd
    root      1549  0.0  0.1  75548  4080 ?        Ss   21:04   0:00 cupsd -C /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
    felipe    1690  0.0  0.0   8416  1028 pts/1    S+   21:13   0:00 grep cups
    I kill it
    $ sudo -SIGKILL 1549
    $ ps aux | grep cupsd
    felipe    1694  0.0  0.0   8416  1024 pts/1    S+   21:13   0:00 grep cups
    Ok. Reinstall cups
    $ sudo pacman -S cups
    Start cups daemon:
    $ sudo rc.d start cupsd
    Open firefox. Go to web interface, bla, bla, bla.... And it's there!
    I feel really silly. It was a fresh install, so I didn't think about reinstalling.
    Printed some jobs and worked perfectly. I used the gutenprint driver.
    Thanks a lot, pyther.  I thought yours wasn't a very useful suggestion, but it really was. I'm so happy. I owe you.

  • [SOLVED]cups web interface bad request error

    Installed cups, libcups and all the other pckages mentioned in CUPS archwiki page and also insatlled cups-pdf. Avahi-daemon is enabled and so does cupsd but on accessing web interface at archlinux:631 it give "Bad Request" message. Basically all I need is a virtual pdf printer like cups-pdf and my hp offficejet 5610 printer connected. any help is much appreciated.
    Last edited by rsplenum (2013-02-04 20:10:28)

    As stated, my home laptop could still access localhost:631 with my ipv6 host line commented out in /etc/hosts. I just updated another post with what I think the problem is, which is a ListenStream=631 line in /usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.socket which did not exist in the 1.7.0 version of cups. The 1.7.1 version was pushed out sometime last month, which might explain these posts only coming up now (there's at least three I've found). Read more via my post in the other thread.
    I know this is solved, but wanted to leave breadcrumbs in related threads in case the solution here doesn't work for those who stumble on this.
    Last edited by jwhendy (2014-02-09 20:15:08)

  • [SOLVED] Cups 2.0 remote access issues

    After CUPS recent upgrade to 2.0 both my cups server and client stopped working. In particular, I cannot even get to the administration pages from remote access.
    I can get to CUPS's  home page, but I get an error as soon as I try to access any other page. The error I get in the browser (firefox) is
    Unable to connect
    Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ....
    Following wiki instructions, in my cupsd.conf file I have replaced the standard
    Listen localhost:631
    with the ip range for the local network
    and I have added
    <Location />
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from @LOCAL
    # Restrict access to the admin pages...
    <Location /admin>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from @LOCAL
    # Restrict access to configuration files...
    <Location /admin/conf>
    AuthType Basic
    Require user @SYSTEM
    Order allow,deny
    Allow From @LOCAL
    DefaultEncription Never
    Unfortunately, nothing has changed. I still get the same error in the browser and I cannot access the admin pages (or any page other than the home page).
    Help is greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by stefano (2014-11-08 15:27:03)

    clfarron4 wrote:
    Guzzista wrote:
    Same here, I discovered my file sshd.service disappeared on the server. I get the error
    # systemctl start cupsd
    Failed to start cupsd.service: Unit cupsd.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
    Don't know how to solve for now
    Unless it's a custom service file your relying on, the service has been re-named.
    Unfortunately, that's not where my problem lies. I was aware of the renaming issue and had acted accordingly.
    Still looking for solutions.

  • [SOLVED] CUPS web interface redirects to nowhere

    Well, I don't really know, when all this happened, because I dont't use a lot my print server's web interface.
    It is not a major problem I think, but it is a bit disturbing and I really don't know, what this is.
    At http://myipaddress:631 I see the web administration page, but according to the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file, the /admin/conf/ section of cups is password protected.
    It was usual, but lately I've noticed, that instead of the usual https://myipaddress:631/printers/myprintername it redicrects me towards some gibberish:
    in a couple of seconds it results in displaying a "about:blank" page.
    Have a look here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/14247366/cups.png
    The box has an ipv4 only adress, I've configured CUPS via the web interface, I use avahi browsing, and everything else works.
    Does anyone know, what this could be?
    Last edited by scar (2014-03-08 17:26:03)

    Checking now...
    Thank you. Upgrading (and readjusting my cupsd.conf) solved it.
    Last edited by scar (2014-03-08 17:25:42)

  • [SOLVED] CUPS does not list Canon PIXMA MP500 printer in Add Printer

    I'm finally getting Arch up on my desktop (second time I've fooled around with Arch seriously) and it's been going smoothly so far.  I've hit a roadblock when trying to get my printer (multipurpose Canon PIXMA MP500) set up with CUPS.  I've followed the wiki directions on CUPS and "CUPS printer-specific problems" to get it installed.  dmesg gives me information saying it's plugged in via USB, and the scanner on the printer works with sane/xsane with no additional configuration.  However, CUPS isn't displaying the printer in the Add Printer dialog on the web interface after I've logged in as root; it's giving me Serial Port #1, Serial Port #1, and CUPS-PDF.
    I can't find information about an MP500-specific driver, and I don't know if using the MP540 driver is what I need.  I'm stumped with this; has anyone tried to install this printer before, or gotten it to work?  Thanks!
    Last edited by polyphanes (2011-12-06 01:50:22)

    Success!  I got CUPS to recognize my printer by using cups-usblp and removing usblp from the blacklist.  The printer now shows in the add printer dialog on the web interface.  I originally had an error "Add Printer Canon_MP500 Error (Unable to get list of printer drivers: Unknown)" when adding the printer; however, after installing the most recent cnijfilter-common from the AUR and a good reboot, I was able to add the printer and select a driver "Canon PIXMA MP500 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.2.7", and it works!
    Marking this thread as solved.

  • [SOLVED] cups not started under systemd

    Under systemd cupsd is not started automatically; but manually run
    systemctl start cups
    start it. In trying to figure out what happens I see that the install section of cups.service contains the following:
    But nothing seems to depends on printer target. I have just changed that by
    and everything works. Anyway, either there is a bug that I have corrected, either I have missed something. The original printer.target seems to have nothing that depends on it. Could someone tell me what's the proper way to configure printing under systemd.
    Last edited by olive (2012-12-14 06:51:27)

    Now cups start properly and everything is fine. I do not know if is due to an upgrade or so, but I put solved now. Thanks for the explanation of the printer target.

  • [SOLVED] CUPS won't talk to Epson Stylus CX3200 printer

    Hi, (first post woo!)
    I've tried to install CUPS as per the Arch Linux wiki for use with an Epson Stylus CX3200 (scanner and printer, but of course only the printer matters to me at the moment). I've set up udev rules to chown/chmod the printer USB device correctly, blacklisted the usblp module, and installed gutenprint and foomatic packages, and yet the printer does not show up on CUPS's detected printer list.
    /var/messages output doesn't sound overly healthy:
    Dec 6 19:16:43 ryujin kernel: usb 7-1: USB disconnect, address 2
    Dec 6 19:16:44 ryujin kernel: usb 7-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 4
    Dec 6 19:16:45 ryujin kernel: usb 7-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice
    Dec 6 19:16:45 ryujin load-modules.sh: 'usb:v04B8p0802d0100dc00dsc00dp00icFFiscFFipFF' is not a valid module or alias name
    Dec 6 19:16:45 ryujin load-modules.sh: Not loading module 'usblp' for alias 'usb:v04B8p0802d0100dc00dsc00dp00ic07isc01ip02' because it is blacklisted
    Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0409:005a NEC Corp. HighSpeed Hub
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 007 Device 004: ID 04b8:0802 Seiko Epson Corp. Stylus CX3200
    Bus 007 Device 003: ID 03eb:0902 Atmel Corp. 4-Port Hub
    Bus 007 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 008 Device 002: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Hama Optical Mouse
    Bus 008 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 006 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub
    Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    and ls -l /dev/bus/usb/007/004:
    crw-rw---- 1 root lp 189, 771 2009-12-06 19:16 /dev/bus/usb/007/004
    Finally, CUPS's error log (the printer find error was from trying to use system-config-printer):
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:08:30 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:08:57 +0000] cupsdAuthorize: pam_authenticate() returned 7 (Authentication failure)!
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:10:10 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:20:48 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:22:19 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:25:48 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:34:22 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:38:16 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:39:45 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:49:34 +0000] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds/Kyocera/ReadMe.htm"!
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:54:29 +0000] Unable to set ACLs on root certificate "/var/run/cups/certs/0" - Operation not supported
    E [06/Dec/2009:18:59:21 +0000] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds/Kyocera/ReadMe.htm"!
    E [06/Dec/2009:19:03:57 +0000] Returning HTTP Forbidden for CUPS-Get-Devices (no URI) from localhost
    E [06/Dec/2009:19:03:57 +0000] [cups-driverd] Bad driver information file "/usr/share/cups/model/foomatic-db-ppds/Kyocera/ReadMe.htm"!
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,
    Last edited by CaptainHayashi (2009-12-06 22:10:49)

    Tried a different printer, an Epson Stylus Photo R300. This too is not detected.
    EDIT: Finally solved. Oddly enough, the thing that was causing neither printer to be detected was usblp being blacklisted - modprobing it back in caused both printers to work! I'll be noting this on the Wiki page, as the Wiki's guideline for blacklisting usblp actually caused the problem here =P
    Last edited by CaptainHayashi (2009-12-06 22:10:36)

  • [SOLVED] CUPS - Unable to do maintenance command: Unauthorized

    I had this problem several times now and still get hurt by it:
    My HP_LaserJet_P2055d runs under ArchLinux. Then I use it for some printing with my Win7 Labtop, and the next time I try to use it under ArchLinux it doesn't work anymore.
    After much research on the web, I found out, that this can be solved via the CUPS web interface, i.e. going to http://localhost:631/printers/HP_LaserJet_P2055d and then choosing 'Resume Printer' in the Maintaince drop-down menu.
    However, when I did this successfully, I was offered a login as root. Now, if I try it, I only get a
    Resume Printer HP_LaserJet_P2055d Error
    Unable to do maintenance command:
    message, and I'm never offered a way to change user.
    I tried to start the browser as root to circumvent this problem, but to no avail.
    So, what shall I do to be able to do printer and job administration via the Cups webinterface?
    Thanks in advance for any hints.
    Last edited by 4on6 (2013-05-11 22:56:13)

    ralvez wrote:Oh! I see.
    That is odd.
    Try clickin on "Add a printer". If you are not the root user it should prompt you to enter the root password. You will then become root for the duration of the session...and hopefully will be able deal with the problem that way.
    I'm obviously not root, since I'm not authorized, but I'm not prompted either, I get the familar error again:
    Add Printer Error
    Unable to add printer:
    Thats the odd thing I wrote about. I tried all my 3 browers, chromium, conkeror and firefox, but to no avail. I even tried to delete all my browser data. Its really strange - no prompt anymore, and no option to log in or change user.
    ralvez wrote:Another thing you may want to consider is acquiring a network printer (a small box that acts as your printer manager for the network) so you do not have to worry about the problem any more. You connect over wifi or ethernet to the network printer and it will send the print work to your printer. They go for as chip as $40 to up of $200 depending on what you are buyin.
    The chip ones are good for your home/dorm useage.
    Thanks for the tip, I should actually have a home network and a network printer, but at the moment I would already be satisfied to simply be able to print again under ArchLinux.

  • [SOLVED] cups 1.6 does not find usb printer

    Since I have upgraded to cups 1.6 I can't add a usb printer. Whenever I click on "Find new printer" in the administration web interface, no printer is found.
    Printer is a Samsung ML 1640 which worked flawlessly with versions before 1.6.
    I am using the default config file, no changes except LogLevel debug.  Also tried reinstalling whole cups and splix, no success.
    error.log shows following output:
    ==> /var/log/cups/error_log <==
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="CUPS"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] HTTP_WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Closing connection.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] HTTP_WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Closing connection.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Accepted from localhost (Domain)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Active clients", busy="Active clients"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Authorized as root using Local
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] 2.0 CUPS-Get-Devices 2
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] CUPS-Get-Devices
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] cupsdIsAuthorized: username="root"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[0] = "/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[1] = "2"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[2] = "0"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[3] = "15"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[4] = "2"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] argv[5] = "requested-attributes=all"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[0] = "CUPS_CACHEDIR=/var/cache/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[1] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[2] = "CUPS_DOCROOT=/usr/share/cups/doc"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[3] = "CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[4] = "CUPS_REQUESTROOT=/var/spool/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVERBIN=/usr/lib/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[6] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[7] = "CUPS_STATEDIR=/var/run/cups"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[8] = "HOME=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[9] = "PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[10] = "SERVER_ADMIN=root@spt08"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[11] = "SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.6.1"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[12] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[13] = "USER=root"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[14] = "CUPS_MAX_MESSAGE=2047"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[15] = "CUPS_SERVER=/var/run/cups/cups.sock"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[16] = "CUPS_ENCRYPTION=IfRequested"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[17] = "IPP_PORT=631"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[18] = "AUTH_TYPE=Local"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[19] = "LANG=de_AT.UTF8"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[20] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[21] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[22] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[23] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[24] = "REMOTE_ADDR=localhost"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[25] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[26] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[27] = "SCRIPT_FILENAME=/usr/share/cups/doc/"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[28] = "REMOTE_USER=root"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[29] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.1"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[30] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=CUPS/1.6.1"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[31] = "REQUEST_METHOD=POST"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[32] = "CONTENT_LENGTH=75"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] envp[33] = "CONTENT_TYPE=application/ipp"
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Started /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced (PID 25152)
    I [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] Started "/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced" (pid=25152)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [Client 14] file=16
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipps (PID 25153)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 25154)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/serial (PID 25155)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/socket (PID 25156)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/dnssd (PID 25157)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/snmp (PID 25158)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb (PID 25159)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/http (PID 25160)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/bluetooth (PID 25161)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/https (PID 25162)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp (PID 25163)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 25164)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd (PID 25165)
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] list_devices
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] libusb_get_device_list=12
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] Script header: Content-Type: application/ipp
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] Script header:
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "ipps"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25153 (ipps) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "lpd"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25164 (parallel) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25154 (usb) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25156 (socket) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25160 (http) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "socket"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "http"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "https"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25155 (serial) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25165 (lpd) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "smb"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Flushed attributes...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] Found device "ipp"...
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25162 (https) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25163 (ipp) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25159 (smb) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] Unable to create IPv6 socket: Address family not supported by protocol
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [CGI] browse_callback: DNS failure: NXDOMAIN
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25161 (bluetooth) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:29 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25157 (dnssd) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:31 +0200] [cups-deviced] PID 25158 (snmp) exited with no errors.
    D [18/Aug/2012:12:13:31 +0200] PID 25152 (/usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-deviced) exited with no errors.
    /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb returns with no error, but no printer is found (according to web interface)
    But when I start /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb manually i get following output:
    DEBUG: list_devices
    DEBUG: libusb_get_device_list=12
    DEBUG2: Printer found with device ID: MFG:Samsung;CMD:GDI;MDL:ML-1640 Series;CLS:PRINTER;STATUS:IDLE; Device URI: usb://Samsung/ML-1640%20Series?serial=144QBAHS311415Y.
    direct usb://Samsung/ML-1640%20Series?serial=144QBAHS311415Y. "Samsung ML-1640 Series" "Samsung ML-1640 Series" "MFG:Samsung;CMD:GDI;MDL:ML-1640 Series;CLS:PRINTER;STATUS:IDLE;" ""
    Why does this new printer not show up in the web interface?
    When i add the printer manually via lpadmin
    lpadmin -p ml1640 -v usb://Samsung/ML-1640%20Series?serial=144QBAHS311415Y -P /usr/share/cups/model/samsung/ml1640.ppd
    I can start a print job but then I only see following job-state in the web interface:
    "Waiting for printer to become available."
    Any advice how to get printing working again?
    Last edited by kocsv (2012-08-19 16:02:00)

    I stepped back to the last version and nothing worked. Whats wrong?!?
    Hooked the printer up at another machine and it worked out of the box after installing cups.
    Tailed messages.log when attaching the usb cable and found differences.
    Running udevd --debug showed, that the culprit was:
    Removed that package and everything works.
    Well...  except: now every 5 seconds i have following output in messages.log:
    Aug 19 15:25:35 spt08 kernel: [355081.778863] usblp1: removed
    Aug 19 15:25:35 spt08 kernel: [355081.789091] usblp1: USB Bidirectional printer dev 7 if 0 alt 0 proto 2 vid 0x04E8 pid 0x3292
    But that problem has to wait 

  • [SOLVED] cups and laserjet 1018

    Hi all,
    I've been trying to use cups to set up a Laserjet 1018 with no success. The problem I'm having is that, even though according to the CUPS web interface my job is completed, my printer doesn't print anything. That's what I tried so far (based on the archlinux entry on CUPS and forums):
    - I installed the drivers hplip and foo2zjs.
    - cups is in my daemons array.
    - I tried to stop and start usblp module.
    - the device node permissions are correct.
    That's the output of my /var/log/cups/error_log (I'm using "LogLevel debug" in my cupsd.conf):
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:05 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 16 POST / HTTP/1.1
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:05 -0600] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:05 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 16 1.1 Get-Jobs 1
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:05 -0600] Get-Jobs ipp://localhost:631/printers/Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-1018
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:05 -0600] [Job 1] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 2] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 3] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 4] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 5] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 6] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 7] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 8] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 9] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 10] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 11] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 12] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 13] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 14] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 15] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 16] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 17] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 18] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 19] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 20] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 21] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 22] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 23] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 24] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 25] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 26] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 27] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 28] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] [Job 29] Loading attributes...
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] Returning IPP successful-ok for Get-Jobs (ipp://localhost:631/printers/Hewlett-Packard-HP-LaserJet-1018) from localhost
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 16 WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] cupsdCloseClient: 16
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] PID 2503 (/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi) exited with no errors.
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:06 -0600] cupsdSetBusyState: Not busy
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:36 -0600] cupsdReadClient: 12 WAITING Closing on EOF
    D [25/Jun/2011:21:30:36 -0600] cupsdCloseClient: 12
    Any suggestions are more than welcome!!
    Last edited by falsum (2011-06-26 12:39:10)

    owain wrote:I had trouble with another LaserJet (the 1005), until I realised that as well as installing hplip, I needed to run 'hplip -i' (as root) to get it to download the necessary firmware.
    For some reason, I don't have a "hplip" command (I searched for this file in every folder).

Maybe you are looking for

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