[Solved] Kde unstable: Folderview recursive mouseover gone?

In folderview you used to be able to mouseover a folder and browse it's contents (handy, no need to open a file manager)but now it just tells me how many items are in it. Is there an option somewhere I need to tag? Can't believe such a useful feature would have been removed...
Last edited by cuervo (2010-07-13 19:00:05)

It looks like in KDE 4.4 there is no option to disable it. (see http://chakra-project.org/bbs/viewtopic.php?id=1310)Maybe for 4.5 they added the option, but disabled by default. Have you checked the folderview settings? (sorry, I feel stupid asking that question)
Last edited by drcouzelis (2010-07-12 01:21:40)

Similar Messages

  • [Solved] How to install KDE unstable

    I've been meaning to try KDE4.5 to see if it is any more to my liking then the previous versions of KDE 4.
    So how would I go about installing KDE 4.5 on my arch install?
    Last edited by Mmarzex (2010-07-12 15:45:52)

    Mmarzex wrote:
    sand_man wrote:Make sure the [kde-unstable] repo entry in pacman.conf is above the [extra] entry.
    Okay thanks that worked. I wasn't aware that the order in pacman.conf actually matter.
    It does because the name of the app is the same (kde) it will pick it up from the first available repo that has the app/group named kde.
    also, since your question has been answered, please mark the thread as [SOLVED]

  • [kde-unstable] KDE 4.6

    KDE 4.6 beta1 is out now:
    Packages are ready in [kde-unstable] (please read the wiki page before use it).
    Arch Linux changes:
    * kdelibs now depends on upower and udisks, this means that HAL is no more required: you can remove hal from your DAEMONS(), but remember to replace it with dbus.
    * filelight is replaced by kdeutils-filelight
    * kdeutils-okteta is replaced by kdesdk-okteta
    * kdegames-ksame is replaced by kdegames-klickety
    * kdesdk-kbugbuster has been removed
    * new runner for krunner: kdeplasma-addons-runners-events
    * kdenetwork-kget is not available because does not build at the moment
    * a new kdeplasma-addons-containments package introduces GroupingDesktop
    * These packages do not work or need a rebuild.
    * See known issues
    Backup your data before the update!
    Please report packaging bugs on http://bugs.archlinux.org
    KDE bugs on http://bugs.kde.org

    bash wrote:
    xheyther wrote:edit : I wrote my feedback to fast. By removing hal I also prevented my system to detect my sound chippset. I don't have sound without hal atm.
    Are you using phonon-xine? Please try to switch backend
    Well it's weird. I left my computer for a while (and turned id down). After booting, KDE still tell me that it can't find my sound chipset and ask if It should definitively forget it. As I currently listen to some music with firefox, my bet is on a "working sound system with a KDE issue". I'm investigating this issue.
    edit: the information you want : switching backends doesn't solve the issue.
    Last edited by xheyther (2010-11-25 21:37:07)

  • [kde-unstable] KDE SC 4.13

    Hi all,
    it's again time for a new major release of KDE Software Compilation.
    The first beta of the 4.13 series has been released.
    As usual, you find the packages in the [kde-unstable] repo, which only contains beta/rc releases.
    Read install instruction from here.
    NOTE: It requires [testing] enabled.
    The following packages have been added:
    * kfilemetadata
    * baloo
    * baloo-widgets
    * kdeedu-artikulate
    * kqtquickcharts
    KDE is migrating from Nepomuk to Baloo, because of this, I built KDE without Nepomuk support.
    Dolphin, KDEPIM and Gwenview have already been ported to Baloo. It seems that KActivities will not be ported away from Nepomuk in those 4.x releases.
    Amarok, KDE-Telepathy, Digikam and more still use Nepomuk, but future releases will not. You can take a look to this list.
    Please report any packaging bug to our bug tracker.
    KDE bugs go in the upstream bug tracker.
    Have a nice update and testing!
    Watch the list of known issues.

    Until recently veromix worked fine but now it doesn't. I think this is the problem:
    File "/usr/share/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pyappletscript.py", line 22, in <module>
    from PyKDE4.plasma import Plasma
    RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v11.0 but the PyKDE4.plasma module requires API v10.1
    According to their changelog they changed it for their sip v4.15.5 release http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/stati … /ChangeLog
    Downgrading sip, python2-sip and python-sip to [extra] brings this:
    File "/usr/share/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pyappletscript.py", line 20, in <module>
    from PyQt4.QtCore import *
    RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v10.0 to v10.1 but the PyQt4.QtCore module requires API v11.0
    so I guess PyKDE is just lagging behind and everyone else is already using the new thing?
    edit: Maybe they made a mistake with their release tarball? I have not tested it, but I got the PKGBUILD from here: https://projects.archlinux.org/svntogit … e/PKGBUILD and made it build from the kde 4.13 branch of their git repository and it works: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=rdjEJ9tU
    Well, except for
    Error connecting to veromix-service:
    org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.veromix.pulseaudio.qt exited with status 1
    But maybe that solves itself after the next kde restart.
    edit2: It didn't.
    For some reason it doesn't launch some dbus service foobar.
    python2 /usr/share/apps/plasma/plasmoids/veromix-plasmoid/dbus-service/veromix-service-qt.py
    Then it works.
    Also, in the last kde update the former issue with pykde got solved I think.
    Last edited by haagch (2014-03-25 17:19:33)

  • [kde-unstable] KDE SC 4.9

    Hi all,
    the first beta of the 4.9 series has been released.
    As usual, you find the kde packages in the [kde-unstable] repo, which only contains major beta release.
    Read install instruction from here.
    NOTE: It requires [testing] enabled.
    kde-multimedia has been split, so there's no kdemultimedia-kioslave in 4.9, instead you find:
    - kdemultimedia-audiocd-kio
    - libkcddb
    - libkcompactdisc
    Packagers should update their deps when 4.9 hits [extra]. In the meantime, this is a list of the packages that need to be rebuilt if you enable [kde-unstable]:
    - k3b (replace kioslave with libkcddb to depends)
    - audex (replace kioslave with libkcddb, libkcompactdisc to depends)
    - kaudiocreator (replace kioslave with libkcddb, libkcompactdisc to depends)
    - soundkonverter (replace kioslave with libkcddb to depends)
    - tellico (replace kioslave with libkcddb to depends)
    Also, there are:
    - a new kdebase-runtime dependence: nepomuk-core
    - a new game in kdeedu: kdeedu-pairs
    - a new kdebase-workspace dependence: kde-base-artwork
    - a new runner: kdeplasma-addons-runners-bing
    kdesdk-kdeaccounts-plugin, kdesdk-kdepalettes, kdeutils-ksecrets have been removed from the KDE SC.
    Please report any bug to our bug tracker[4] for any packaging bug.
    KDE bugs go in the upstream bug tracker.
    Have a nice update and testing!
    Known Issues

    masteryod wrote:
    no_originality wrote:
    caskale13c wrote:I have not been able to open "Workspace Appearance" in system settings since installing the 4.9 beta.  When I click it, System Settings just disappears.  Anyone else?
    Do you have multi lib qtcurve installed? I removed this and got it working whenever the repo opened.
    Confirmed: "Workspace Appearance" in system settings crushing if qtcurve-kde4 is installed. I don't understand what's that multi lib is all about though - qtcurve is in community repo.
    yep, same here, thanks for finding out!
    Maybe you should report it to bugs.kde.org ?
    Last edited by mmm.ai (2012-06-05 10:22:50)

  • When I click "share" icon for Facebook, ensuing popup windw unstable. pops up then gone, cyclically,won't stop until I close originating tab/website. can't post FB unless use Safari. Mac OS 10.6.8. Tried to post pic wouldn't work

    When I click "share" icon for Facebook, ensuing popup windw unstable. pops up then gone, cyclically,won't stop until I close originating tab/website.pop up blocker off & in safe mode. can't post FB unless use Safari. Mac OS 10.6.8. Tried to post pic wouldn't work

    O.k. Thanks for the clarification. I poked around in my TimeCapsule router's settings (TimeCapsule is an Apple Airport Extreme router with attached hard drive for wireless backup/storage). Unfortunately, it doesn't look like I can disable multicasting with the TimeCapsule. I can change the multicasting 'rate'. Settings are Low, Medium, High. It's currently set to Low.
    I did a few web searches, and found an Apple.com article: <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3789?viewlocale=en_US> which explained how to disable Bonjour Service Advertisements. I believe this is the same thing as 'Multicasting'. The process is a modification of "/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.mDNSResponder.plist", and a restart of the Mac is required afterwards.
    I'm a bit concerned that disabling multicasting will interfere with my AppleTVs and iTunes music sharing, but I may try it next time I'm up for a computer workout. This task will require editing of system preference files, could require multiple restarts, might interfere with my AppleTVs, could interfere with my iTunes file sharing, doesn't have a documented relationship to my problem.
    This is way to difficult for something that should just work. Did you say you had read something about a relationship between this bonjour multicasting and smb connectivity? If it was online could you post the link?
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  • [kde-unstable] - ... exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and

    I've just tried to install the kde-meta package, and I'm getting errors about files existing in both kdeaccessibility-iconthemes and kdeartwork-iconthemes:
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/dialog-warning.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/mail-attachment.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/mail-task.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/object-locked.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/object-unlocked.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/security-high.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/security-low.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/security-medium.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/user-away.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/user-offline.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/user-online.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/user-trash-full.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/wallet-closed.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    /usr/share/icons/mono/scalable/status/wallet-open.svgz exists in both 'kdeaccessibility-iconthemes' and 'kdeartwork-iconthemes'
    Is this a packaging issue? Or if not, any way to work around this?

    please use the appropriate thread for [kde-unstable].
    There is no kdeaccessibility-iconthemes in [kde-unstable], how are you installing KDE? Did you read the wiki page?

  • Kde's folderview, without kde?

    currently i have no program to manage my desktop, the root window. that's not a big problem for me, but i really really like the idea of the kde plasmoid "folderview". i'd like to have something like an istance (or more) of thunar running silently in window w/o menus on the desktop, say on the same z-level, w/o a taskbar icon. i don't care about icons on the desktop, but it would be useful sometimes to just put there some files temporary (with drag&drop or context menu).
    this thing should be lightweight too!
    so, that said, is there anything like this outside KDE?
    i tried installing the component, but it brings a LOT of kde dependencies!! i'm running something once was a lxde installation. i've got some gnome libraries, but i miss the whole kde bunch.
    i've been searching for a while but i'm still empty handed..
    thank you for any suggestion!!
    PS&OT: i wanted to propose a couple of nice programs to the community, but i can't start a new topic in the "try this" section. why?

    thank you! that looks nice!!
    but the screenlets package comes with tonnes of dependencies too, among which pm-utils and hal. it's the same burden to me as installing kde components.. i tried it before
    there's another widget host application, called adesklet, which comes with very few dependencies.
    maybe i'll try making a folderview application for it, when i'll have some more free time..
    Last edited by v43 (2011-03-06 10:30:51)

  • The kde-unstable 4.4 issues/discussion thread

    i am opening this thread in order to discuss problems and general stuff refering to kde 4.4 from kde-unstable repository.
    I start with the first problem i encountered this morning when i upgraded my system :
    I have a problem with nepomuk daemon not starting. I tried to enable it in systemsettings through "Desktop search" menu, and i realized that "Desktop search" is missing. Do i need to install anything extra in order to have these settings back?
    Last edited by mechmg93 (2010-01-11 08:33:07)

    I'm stupid. How to use kde-unstable repository?
    I have added this to my /etc/pacman.conf:
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    After that I did this:
    yaourt -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    archlinuxfr is up to date
    kde-unstable is up to date
    Now what? Like I said, I'm stupid
    Last edited by nuxorg (2010-01-12 21:21:10)

  • [kde-unstable] KDE SC 4.10

    Hi all,
    the first beta of the 4.10 series has been released.
    As usual, you find the packages in the [kde-unstable] repo, which only contains beta/rc releases.
    Read install instruction from here.
    NOTE: It requires [testing] enabled.
    kde-games has been split, two packages have been renamed
    - kdegames-libkdegames -> libkdegames
    - kdegames-libkmahjongg -> libkmahjongg
    There're two soname bump; this is the list of the packages that you need to
    libkipi.so.9 -> libkipi.so.10
    libkdcraw.so.21 -> libkdcraw.so.22
    - digikam
    - kipi-plugins
    - calligra-krita
    Also, there are:
    A new dependence: nepomuk-widgets
    A new game: kdegames-picmi
    A new print util: kdeutils-print-manager
    A new runner: kdeplasma-addons-runners-dictionary
    A new set of wallpapers: kdeplasma-addons-wallpapers-qmlwallpapers
    kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde, kdeartwork-aurorae, kdeutils-printer-applet have been removed from the KDE SC.
    Please report any packaging bug to our bug tracker.
    KDE bugs go in the upstream bug tracker.
    Have a nice update and testing!
    See the list of known issues.

    Hm, the "desktop widgets" locker isn't really thought through I think. You have to configure it like you would configure a standard plasma desktop, but it seems you can't resize the plasmoids and you have to do it without a window manager... So some text inputs like the city chooser from the weather plasmoid don't work. Also, the folder view for choosing the "dia show" folder is broken, half-transparent white until you right click on the correct spot.
    If you forget to lock the widgets on your lock screen it is trivial for someone to find a file chooser and do arbitrarily evil stuff. Also, if any of the plasmoids allows to open a file chooser you loose to. Also, if you use the "dia show" background people just need to right click and they can open a folder view. Also, if you click switch user, the login mask just gets kind of flat and wide and is impossible to recover (I'm even using kdm!).
    Killing plasma and kwin recovers your ability to unlock (+1 because even if plasma and kwin crashes the lock screen is still there) but with compositing kwin is at the moment seriously broken, won't let me switch windows correctly and moving windows kind of hangs. I think I need to restart X now...
    Nice idea but for a beta it is pretty poorly implemented I think. Feels more like a concept demo.

  • [kde-unstable] KDE SC 4.11

    Hi all,
    the first beta of the 4.11 series has been released.
    As usual, you find the packages in the [kde-unstable] repo, which only contains beta/rc releases.
    Read install instruction from here.
    NOTE: It requires [testing] enabled.
    There is a soname bump; this is the list of the packages that you need to rebuild:
    libkipi.so.10 -> libkipi.so.11
    - digikam
    - kipi-plugins
    - kphotoalbum
    Also, there are:
    Two new strigi analyzers: kdenetwork-strigi-analyzers (at the moment for torrent only)
    A new thumnailers: kdesdk-thumbnailers (at the moment for po files only)
    A new runner: kdeplasma-addons-runner-translator.
    kdeplasma-addons-applets-kdeobservatory has been removed from the KDE SC.
    Please report any packaging bug to our bug tracker.
    KDE bugs go in the upstream bug tracker.
    Have a nice update and testing!
    See the list of known issues.

    Before upgrading, I was using 4.10.4 with desktop effects enabled (OpenGL 2/Native). After upgrading, only the mouse cursor was displayed and the whole screen is black. There were ghost-like menu animations if I click on the supposed area of the kickoff launcher or hidden notifications. Had to manually killed startkde in a virtual console and select failsafe mode to successfully load the desktop.
    Tested that all OpenGL modes are borked with black screen when QT mode is native. Had to change to XRender/Native.
    My card is an AMD Radeon 5700M. Even switching to kwin_gles did not work.
    OpenGL vendor string: X.Org
    OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD REDWOOD
    OpenGL version string: OpenGL ES 3.0 Mesa 9.1.3
    OpenGL shading language version string: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.0
    Driver: R600G
    GPU class: EVERGREEN
    OpenGL version: 3.0
    GLSL version: 3.0
    Mesa version: 9.1.3
    X server version: 1.14.1
    Linux kernel version: 3.9.5
    Direct rendering: yes
    Requires strict binding: no
    GLSL shaders: yes
    Texture NPOT support: yes
    Virtual Machine: no
    kwin(12576) KWin::EglOnXBackend::init: Cannot enable v-sync as max. swap interval is 0
    QObject::connect: Cannot connect (null)::resetCompositing() to KWin::Compositor::restart()
    kwin(12576): Failed to initialize compositing, compositing disabled
    kwin(12576): Consult http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KWin/4.0-release-notes#Setting_up
    kwin(12576): Render targets aren't supported!

  • [kde-unstable] KDE Applications 15.04 Beta

    Packages (x86_64 only) are available for testing in the official [kde-unstable] repo.
    New applications in this release: kdenlive, telepathy-kde
    Ported to KF5 in this release:
    - kdeadmin: kcron
    - kdeedu: blinken, cantor, kbruch, kgeography, kiten klettres, kmplot, kstars, kturtle, kwordquiz, rocs, step
    - kdegames: bomber, bovo, granatier, kapman, katomic, kblackbox, kblocks, kbounce, kbreakout, kdiamond, kfourinline, killbots, kjumpingcube, klines, kmines, knetwalk, kollision, kpatience, kshisen, ksquares
    - kdegraphics: kruler
    - kdesdk: kompare, lokalize
    - kdeutils: filelight, kcalc, kcharselect, ktimer, print-manager
    - kdetoys: kteatime
    Please report packaging issues to bugs.archlinux.org (using [kde-unstable] in the description), upsteam issues to bugs.kde.org
    Known packaging issues:
    - cantor is missing, compilation fails at the moment
    - kdeartwork is not packaged, it's mostly stuff for KDE4 which hasn't been updated for years. Same for kde-wallpapers, kde-base-artwork.
    - l10n packages are not available, so new KF5 apps will not be translated
    - rocs depends on grantlee-qt5, which conflicts with grantlee-qt4, so currently can't be coinstalled with some KDE4 apps such as kdepim, kdevelop or skrooge. Hopefully will be fixed before the final release.
    Last edited by arojas (2015-03-23 21:54:10)

    fishonadish wrote:
    pb wrote:
    MilesRdz wrote:No Qt5 Dolphin in this release?
    No. Both: Dolphin and all KDE-Baseapps will be in 15.08.
    Personally I use dolphin-git version (from AUR) and it works pretty well. It depends only on baloo-widgets from git (and AUR). The all other dependencies are in repositories.
    I was going to try this but following the baloo-git dependency, it seems to depend on a lot of git versions
    I've just modified PKGBUILD of baloo-widgets-git:
    # Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="A framework for searching and managing metadata"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
    makedepends=('extra-cmake-modules' 'git' 'kdoctools')
    pkgver() {
    cd baloo-widgets
    printf "r%s.%s" "$(git rev-list --count HEAD)" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
    prepare() {
    mkdir -p build
    build() {
    cd build
    cmake ../baloo-widgets \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
    package() {
    cd build
    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
    It depends only on stable baloo-frameworks and... so on, it works.
    Then build and install this baloo-widgets-git before dolphin-git, and after that install dolphin-git from AUR. This solutions is for those from us, who want to use baloo with dolphin.

  • [kde-unstable] KDE SC 4.12

    Hi all,
    it's again time for a new major release of KDE.
    The first beta of the 4.12 series has been released.
    As usual, you find the packages in the [kde-unstable] repo, which only contains beta/rc releases.
    Read install instruction from here.
    NOTE: It requires [testing] enabled.
    Packages changes:
    * kdeartwork-sounds has been removed from the KDE SC.
    Please report any packaging bug to our bug tracker.
    KDE bugs go in the upstream bug tracker.
    Have a nice update and testing!
    See the list of known issues.

    kdebase-katepart depends on libkateinterfaces.so.4 which is part of kdesdk-kate
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    libkateinterfaces.so.4 => not found
    namcap kdebase-katepart-4.11.97-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    kdebase-katepart W: Referenced library 'libkateinterfaces.so.4' is an uninstalled dependency
    kdebase-katepart E: Dependency qjson detected and not included (libraries ['usr/lib/libqjson.so.0'] needed in files ['usr/lib/kde4/kateprojectplugin.so'])
    any way to do some magic to move libkateinterfaces.so.4 from kdesdk-kate to kdebase-katepart?

  • [kde-unstable] Plasma 5.3 beta

    Plasma 5.3 beta packages are up for testing in [kde-unstable].
    New in this release: plasma-mediacenter, plasma-sdk. See the official announcement for other changes.
    Report packaging issues to bugs.archlinux.org, other issues to bugs.kde.org. Note that this requires enabling the [testing] repo.
    Happy testing!

    It appears I broke something. I canot use kdesu anymore. Even tried kdesudo, just to be sure. I then reinstalled kdesu and tried to run it again. Short c&p of what I'm seeing:
    [pat@PatsMain ~]$ sudo pacman -S kdesu
    warning: kdesu-5.9.0-1 is up to date -- reinstalling
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for conflicting packages...
    Package (1) Old Version New Version Net Change
    extra/kdesu 5.9.0-1 5.9.0-1 0.00 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 0.25 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 0.00 MiB
    :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
    (1/1) checking keys in keyring [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) checking package integrity [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) loading package files [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) checking for file conflicts [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) checking available disk space [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    (1/1) reinstalling kdesu [-------------------------------------------------------] 100%
    [pat@PatsMain ~]$ kdesu kate
    bash: kdesu: command not found
    [pat@PatsMain ~]$
    This is a copy of my journal for a minute (7:28am). I tried opening kate by itself (user) at 7:28:00via cli, then I tried thru kdesu at7:28:15:
    -- Logs begin at Wed 2015-04-15 23:06:02 EDT, end at Thu 2015-04-16 07:28:27 EDT. --
    Apr 16 07:28:27 PatsMain sudo[8371]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by pat(uid=0)
    Apr 16 07:28:27 PatsMain sudo[8371]: pat : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/pat ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/journalctl -b -r
    Apr 16 07:28:11 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 36558, resource id: 16777238, major code: 15 (QueryTree), minor
    Apr 16 07:28:11 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: Done.
    Apr 16 07:28:11 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: screens: 2 desktops: 1
    Apr 16 07:28:09 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Gesture ungrab
    Apr 16 07:28:09 PatsMain kded5[4034]: false
    Apr 16 07:28:09 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Exclude: 0x0 Match? false
    Apr 16 07:28:09 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Handler: 0
    Apr 16 07:28:09 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Enabled: false
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kdeinit5[6408]: listdir: QUrl( "trash:/" )
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kdeinit5[6408]: initialization OK, home trash dir: "/home/pat/.local/share/Trash"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain klauncher[4029]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/file.so" (pid 6409) up and running.
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain klauncher[4029]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/file.so" with protocol= "file" arg
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain klauncher[4029]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/trash.so" (pid 6408) up and running.
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain klauncher[4029]: kf5.kinit.klauncher: KLauncher: launching new slave "/usr/lib/qt/plugins/kf5/kio/trash.so" with protocol= "trash" a
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: Done.
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: screens: 2 desktops: 1
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: PERMITTED 'ID: 16777238 ;WMCLASS: "kate" : "kate" ;Caption: "Untitled — Kate" ' true
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Gesture ungrab
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kded5[4034]: false
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Exclude: 0x0 Match? false
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Handler: 0
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kded5[4034]: Enabled: false
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: KWin::Client(0x2eee2e0) true false false
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: Done.
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: screens: 2 desktops: 1
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: Activation, compared: 'ID: 16777238 ;WMCLASS: "kate" : "kate" ;Caption: "Untitled — Kate" ' : 29773032 :
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: User timestamp, final: 'ID: 16777238 ;WMCLASS: "kate" : "kate" ;Caption: "Untitled — Kate" ' : 29773032
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: kwin_core: User timestamp, ASN: 4294967295
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "help"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "shade"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "keepbelow"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "keepabove"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "alldesktops"
    Apr 16 07:28:00 PatsMain kwin_x11[4094]: aurorae: No button for: "restore"
    Apr 16 07:27:50 PatsMain systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service.

  • Discussion on kde 4.4 on kde-unstable

    As kde 4.4 is coming, I wanted to try kde 4.4 from kde-unstable ( I used ProgDan's repo before).
    Everything is working, except nepomuk. There is no "Desktop search" menu in System Settings !
    Which packages should I reinstall to check if something is missing ?
    Oh, I reinstall the whole kde 4.4, and there it is. But Nepomuk/Strigi won't start...!
    Last edited by flamelab (2010-01-12 13:06:37)

    I have already opened a thread for the same reason!!
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