[SOLVED] network unreachable inside the container

I managed a container with systemd-nspawn. The container boots, but the network is unreachable.
Below is my set up.
systemd-dhcpcd.service disable
systemd-networkd is enabled and started
network is started with two netctl profiles
Configuration files:
Description='hortensia static ethernet connection'
Description="Bridge connection to container"
# Generated by resolvconf
domain lan
BEFORE I start the container:
$ ip addr
2: enp7s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 14:da:e9:b5:7a:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp7s0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::16da:e9ff:feb5:7a88/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: br0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
link/ether 9e:eb:1a:c5:12:34 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::9ceb:1aff:fec5:1234/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
start the container
# systemd-nspawn --machine=dahlia --network-bridge=br0 -bD /dahlia
$ ip addr
2: enp7s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 14:da:e9:b5:7a:88 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp7s0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::16da:e9ff:feb5:7a88/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: br0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default
link/ether 92:3c:ba:9e:24:07 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet6 fe80::9ceb:1aff:fec5:1234/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: vb-dahlia: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop master br0 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
systemd-dhcpcd.service disable
systemd-networkd is enabled and started
NO netctl profiles
NO conf files in /etc/systemd/network/
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet brd scope global lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN group default qlen 1000
link/ether 3a:4f:1f:c5:b5:d1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global host0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
Not sure this output is correct. Is it OK to get a IP adress for lo ? Then, interface host0 is DOWN. I guess this is not normal and could be the cause of my issue.
# ip link set dev host0 up
produces no change, host0 is still down
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ip route
default via dev host0 dev host0 proto kernel scope link src
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ping -c 3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
Configuration files :
# Generated by resolvconf
domain lan
# /etc/hosts: static lookup table for host names
#<ip-address> <hostname.domain.org> <hostname> localhost.localdomain localhost
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
# End of file
Maybe some error here? localhost ? (host0 ?)
Some debug command outputs:
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ # SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug /lib/systemd/systemd-networkd
timestamp of '/etc/systemd/network' changed
timestamp of '/run/systemd/network' changed
host0: link (with ifindex 2) added
lo: link (with ifindex 1) added
Sent message type=method_call sender=n/a destination=org.freedesktop.DBus object=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=Hello cookie=1 reply_cookie=0 error=n/a
Got message type=method_return sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination=:1.6 object=n/a interface=n/a member=n/a cookie=1 reply_cookie=1 error=n/a
Got message type=signal sender=org.freedesktop.DBus destination=:1.6 object=/org/freedesktop/DBus interface=org.freedesktop.DBus member=NameAcquired cookie=2 reply_cookie=0 error=n/a
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ip route
default via dev host0 dev host0 proto kernel scope link src
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % cat /proc/net/dev
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
host0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo: 840 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 840 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Same command ON HOST
gabx@hortensia ➤➤ ~ % cat /proc/net/dev
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
br0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 648 8 0 0 0 0 0 0
vb-dahlia: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo: 1700 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 1700 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
enp7s0: 15403401 19789 0 0 0 0 0 0 3834189 16721 0 0 0 0 0 0
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms
I can ping the gateway.
Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by gabx (2014-03-06 22:15:07)

After a few more test, I have a profile UP in the container, with an IP adress, but network is still unreachable.
The output of the following command puzzles me:
gab@dahlia ➤➤ /etc/netctl % cat /proc/net/dev
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
host0: 6004 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 774 11 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo: 336 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 336 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
It seems there is some traffic going through host0.
some debug outputs on the container side
gab@dahlia ➤➤ /etc/netctl % ip addr
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: host0: <BROADCAST,ALLMULTI,AUTOMEDIA,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 8e:d4:16:e2:06:4a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global host0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::8cd4:16ff:fee2:64a/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
gab@dahlia ➤➤ /etc/netctl % ip route
default via dev host0 dev host0 proto kernel scope link src
gab@dahlia ➤➤ /etc/netctl % cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Generated by resolvconf
Maybe a stupid question, but in case of my bridge, what device is the gateway : the host machine ( OR the real router ( ? I could be wrong when trying to indicate the router as the gateway ?
Trying to use the host as gateway does not change anything: network still unreachable
More debug outputs.
on the container side
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.044 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.035 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.027 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1998ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.027/0.035/0.044/0.008 ms
gab@dahlia ➤➤ ~ % ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.041 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.036 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 1999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.036/0.037/0.041/0.007 ms
I can ping gateway and host
on host side
gabx@hortensia ➤➤ systemd/network % ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2008ms
pipe 3
I can not ping container
Last edited by gabx (2014-03-04 12:07:32)

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    Here are some informations on my configuration :
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    * I'm wired in DHCP to a Freebox as a router (IP given
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    [email protected] loaded failed failed dhcpcd on wlp2s0
    LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
    1 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
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    Subsystem: Dell XPS 8300 [1028:04aa]
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    Capabilities: [48] Power Management version 3
    Capabilities: [60] Vendor Specific Information: Len=6c <?>
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    Capabilities: [16c] Power Budgeting <?>
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    inet netmask
    inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
    loop txqueuelen 0 (Local Loopback)
    RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    wlp2s0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    ether 60:d8:19:61:e2:dd txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
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    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
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    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
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    Question : why ethernet is down and how correct the live CD ?
    Thank you for your help.
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    Christil wrote:
    Eth0 not set up with live CD 2013.07.01, so I was unable to install Archlinux
    Here are some informations on my configuration :
    * Computer Dell XPS8300,
    * I'm wired in DHCP to a Freebox as a router (IP given
    * result of
    systemctl -- failed
    [email protected] loaded failed failed dhcpcd on wlp2s0
    LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
    1 loaded units listed. Pass --all to see loaded but inactive units, too.
    To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.
    * result of
    lspci -s 04:00.0 -vnn
    04:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57788 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1691] (rev 01)
    Subsystem: Dell XPS 8300 [1028:04aa]
    Flags: fast devsel, IRQ 19
    Memory at fe300000 (64-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]
    Capabilities: [48] Power Management version 3
    Capabilities: [60] Vendor Specific Information: Len=6c <?>
    Capabilities: [50] MSI: Enable- Count=1/1 Maskable- 64bit+
    Capabilities: [cc] Express Endpoint, MSI 00
    Capabilities: [100] Advanced Error Reporting
    Capabilities: [13c] Virtual Channel
    Capabilities: [160] Device Serial Number 78-2b-cb-ff-fe-8e-89-01
    Capabilities: [16c] Power Budgeting <?>
    Kernel modules: tg3
    * result of ifconfig :
    lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
    inet netmask
    inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host>
    loop txqueuelen 0 (Local Loopback)
    RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    wlp2s0: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
    ether 60:d8:19:61:e2:dd txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
    RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
    TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B)
    TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
    * result of ip link :
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: wlp2s0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN mode DEFAULT qlen 1000
    link/ether 60:d8:19:61:e2:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    Not knowing systemd, I cannot see if tg3 is loaded.
    In addition, I'm writing from a previous Arch install witch is working fine, so all plugs and wires are OK.
    Question : why ethernet is down and how correct the live CD ?
    Thank you for your help.

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    $ ls -la /dev/mapper/name
    lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Sep 16 09:21 /dev/mapper/name -> ../dm-0
    $ ls -la /dev/dm-0
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 254, 0 Sep 16 09:21 /dev/dm-0
    $ rm /dev/mapper/name
    $ rm /dev/dm-0
    The device is still there but it's not visible and user would need to have root permissions to run mknod and restore dm-0.
    Also very interesting read about cgroups for anyone interested: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentatio … groups.txt
    I'm wondering if there is any damage from doing this, since the data is backed up I guess I don't care too much and will test it for a while.
    If anyone has any ideas or knows some cool feature I'm missing let me know.
    Will mark as solved in 24 hours after more testing and in case something unexpected happens.

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    Nirmal Kumar Bhogadi

    Hi mersec,
    That's Ok, I fixed the code like below, you could refer to.
    Private Sub picturebox1_mouseup(sender As Object, ByVal e As MouseEventArgs) Handles PictureBox1.MouseUp
    'Allows picture box to be dragged inside container
    'Top and Left sides of picturebox1 will not exceed point 0,0
    'This will stop any "grey space" from appearing outside these edges.
    pbLoc.X = (PictureBox1.Location.X + (e.X - a))
    pbLoc.Y = (PictureBox1.Location.Y + (e.Y - b))
    If pbLoc.X + screenshot.Width > 0 And pbLoc.Y + screenshot.Height > 0 Then
    If pbLoc.X > 0 Then pbLoc.X = 0
    If pbLoc.Y > 0 Then pbLoc.Y = 0
    If pbLoc.X + screenshot.Width - ClientSize.Width < 0 Then pbLoc.X = ClientSize.Width - screenshot.Width
    If pbLoc.Y + screenshot.Height - ClientSize.Height < 0 Then pbLoc.Y = ClientSize.Height - screenshot.Height
    PictureBox1.Location = New Point(pbLoc.X, pbLoc.Y)
    'else recovery the location
    pbLoc.X = PictureBox1.Location.X
    pbLoc.Y = PictureBox1.Location.Y
    End If
    End Sub
    If you have any other concern regarding this issue, please feel free to let me know.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Thanks.. I have nearly got my system how I want it (minus software i havent installed yet)
    Sorry if i have created a duplicate thread
    Last edited by olig1905 (2012-01-21 17:33:47)

    Thanks to both of you.
    I had already noticed the redundancy of network which was added in the install however hadnt considered the ordering
    wonder wrote:Did you really read the wiki?
    This is pretty much all i have seen people saying at the end of their posts on here. I agree with the point you have made, however i have been on the wiki all day, conisdering this is a newbie forum it is to be presumed that it is a pretty new installation. Therefore the user does not have time to read the entire wiki. As i said i have been on the wiki all day and used it countless times and have found it invaluable, so im only posting here when i am unable to find answers there.
    That aside this is a wonderfully helpful community so HI

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    Hi folks: We have a couple of SPA-3102 connected to two POTS Bellsouth lines. Both 3102 are registering fine with our SIP server and also register the phone line.
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    Any idea ??
    Thanks in advance.

    If the in-office X-Lite is accessing the SPA-3102 on its private IP, try the public IP, or vice-versa.
    I'm presuming that the SPA-3102 has a static private address, the Netopia is forwarding some UDP ports to the 3102, and that you are accessing the 3102 directly (not through a server such as Asterisk).  In this case, access from the LAN via the public IP may fail, because many routers don't handle 'hairpinning' correctly.  Access via the private IP may fail, because the client is being confused by the NAT mapping being applied by the 3102.  You can use Wireshark on the machine running X-Lite to see what's happening in each case.
    If your situation is other than the above, please provide the details:  Accessed via server?  If so, is server on LAN or outside?  What software?  Do you have administrative control over it?  Does your router have a SIP ALG?  Is it being used in this path?  What port forwarding or other special setup on router?  What NAT mapping parameters on SPA-3102?  What have you seen with Wireshark?  What remedial actions have you tried, with what results?  Do you have multiple static public IPs?  If so, is there a spare one?
    Message Edited by Stew on 05-05-2008 10:48 AM

  • RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the samemachine

    I mean I am always connecting to the nodemgr of the 2nd environment
    successfully. Only when I run the client part of the application that I know
    is up, I get a response from the Name Server that it is actually the first
    IP address.
    I checked again. I defenitely have FORTE_NS_ADDRESS set to IP:5004, in my
    case, and not the hostname. I don't have FORTE_LOCATIONS set any where. the
    NS_ADDRESS for env2 has only 1 IP address associated with it. My Forte
    Control Panel on the client, and hence the NS address has only one entry.
    I tried going into escript like you said, and the name service still thinks
    it is IP1.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 1:31 PM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi; 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    Hmmmm? That is a little odd! Let me rehash what I think you are saying.
    You now have two environments each with their own name service with
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS set to a different IP:Port combination. For example you
    are doing the steps:
    start the nodemgr for env 1
    start the nodemgr for env 2
    Now when you start a client you are always getting the address for env 1
    back from the nodemgr. I assume you actually mean the name service? Or, do
    you mean you are always connecting to the nodemgr & name service for env
    If the first scenario is the case and you are connecting to the nodemgr
    env 2 but getting back IP's for services listening on the card for env 1 I
    would ask you what you are setting the FORTE_LOCATIONS value to before you
    start each service. If you are not setting it or are using the host name
    will register using the IP for the primary network card associated with
    machine name and I am again assuming that this is env 1. You need to set
    the FORTE_LOCATIONS variable to (based on the steps above)
    before starting your services.
    If the second scenario is the case I would have you check what the
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS is set to before you start up the client. Once again it
    must be the IP:Port combination not host:port combination if you want to
    anything other than the primary card.
    I would also suggest that you do the following. After everything is up
    running execute the following commands:
    escript -fns "ip for env1":port
    findsub nameservice
    What you should see is everything currently registered under the name
    service. It will have the name and any "locations" (IP and port) that it
    registered as listening on. I would look for the nodemgr and see where it
    has advertised itself. I would then look for any services you expect to
    registered there and also verify where the have advertised themselves. If
    there are multiple locations listed for any one service, the client will
    the first one in the list.
    Do the same for env 2.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 9:57 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    I am giving the actual IP address. and not the host name. That is why I
    don't understand what is going on.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 10:53 AM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi; 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    Hello Venkat,
    I probably should have mentioned this before. Your are correct. Forteis
    doing a host lookup if you are providing a name for examplemachine1:5000.
    You can bypass the host lookup by using the actual ip dot addressinstead
    for example This way you are taking the name
    out od the picture and Forte will use the address provided.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 9:27 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    My requirement is that my second card serves as best case performance
    testing piece. This eliminates the network completely. We went one step
    ahead and created a new enviromnent for the second card. Whatever I do,
    nodemgr is returning back the IP address of the first card, even thoughmy
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS does not have the first card in the picture any where.
    I think Forte is doing a host look up and returning the first IP address
    finds, as opposed to returning the IP address specified in theenvironment
    variable FORTE_NS_ADDRESS. Is there a way to trick it?
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:54 AM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    OK, you ran into one of the issues. That is, if both addresses areknown
    the client that is trying to contact the partition it will always usethe
    first address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. This is because FORTE_LOCATIONS was
    designed more as a failover mechanism. So it will always try the
    address in the list and if it succeeds, there is no reason to move onto
    Now, the second issue is that there is currently a problem with theclient
    failover to the secondary address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. If the firstentry
    fails it is supposed to retry on the second entry. Instead, it
    first entry again. I know that Forte knows about this but I do nothave
    bug number on it.
    With that said, lets look at a possible solution for you. If the real
    objective here is to have a back up network card available for fail
    the same machine, or use one card to advertise outside your firewalland
    to use inside, then you will have to contact Forte to determine whenthe
    failover problem will be fixed. But, if the objective is to loadbalance
    across the network cards you could have the environment manager listenon
    both ports and then alternate your server partitions across both
    set FORTE_NS_ADDRESS=card1:5000;card2:5000 and then start up the
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card1:0 (the 0 in the port causes the OS to pick a
    and start partition one
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card2:0 and start partition two
    and so on....
    In this scenario the environment manager will be listening on bothcards
    each server will be listening on only one of the two cards. So if a
    comes in for partition1 it will go through card one and if it is for
    partition two it will go through card two. You could assign your
    to cards based on expected load.
    Well, I am done. I hope this helps!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 8:06 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'; 'John Jamison'
    Cc: [email protected]; Jose Suriol
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the samemachine
    Thanks for your reply. I tried the approach. I was not very specificin
    question. I do need the ability for server applications to listen and
    on both the network cards.
    I was succesfully able to make the nodemgr listen on both the cardsand
    actually serve requests coming in from both the cards. But, followingyour
    advise, I took a cautious step with FORTE_LOCATIONS. Here is what I
    I have an application that has 6 partitions in total. I used
    to make it listen on 1. Both the cards. 2. Swapped the IP addresses
    cards for this application. 3. One card that I want it to listen on. I
    all approaches by exporting the locations variable for just this
    application. The nodemgr recieves a request from this pc connected onthe
    second card to talk to one of the partitions. The node mgr responds
    proxy - with the ip address and socket number of the first card. The
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS variable looks like this:
    Is it possible atall to resolve my problem, without having a seperate
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 10:42 AM
    To: 'John Jamison'; Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the
    Actually, it is possible for Forte to listen on more than one IP andport
    combination. The first reply to your message was correct. If you
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS to contain multiple entries before starting the
    service, it will advertise on both. For Forte servers you use the
    FORTE_LOCATIONS env variable to get it to advertise on multipleip:port
    We were doing something very similar with another customer I was at
    around a firewall. I will warn you that there are some issues with
    FORTE_LOCATIONS that may keep that portion from working. However,
    reading your note, it appears that all you need is for the nameservice
    advertise and listen on multiple ports and that works fine. I justtested
    it again for sanity sake and it worked. I ran my test on NT using
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of John Jamison
    Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 4:51 PM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the samemachine
    Technically yes this is possible, though not in Forte. A nameserver
    only listen on one port.
    To implement this scheme you will have to write a proxy service (insome
    including perhaps forte) which listens on the well-known port on the
    second card, reads requests, then forwards them to the realnameservice
    (wkp on the first card), and forwards replies back. This is not
    trivial, but some firewall toolkit vendors supply stub code to write
    application specific proxies.
    Venkat Kodumudi wrote:
    Here is what we would like to do:
    We want to have 2 network cards on a unix box - which means I have
    addresses, and the connection between the two is the unix box and
    unix box. I have a pc connected to the 2nd network card and I want
    connect to the nameserver that is listening on a well known port
    first network card. We don't want to turn IP forwarding between
    cards. We want Forte to address both cards to talk to clients, in
    Can this be done? If so how?
    Thanks in advance.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive<URL:<a href=
    John Jamison [email protected]
    Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    Voice: 415 392-7243 x 306
    Fax: 415 391-3899
    Internet Enabled Business Change
    <a href=
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    Hello Venkat,
    I probably should have mentioned this before. Your are correct. Forte is
    doing a host lookup if you are providing a name for example machine1:5000.
    You can bypass the host lookup by using the actual ip dot address instead
    for example This way you are taking the name service
    out od the picture and Forte will use the address provided.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 9:27 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    My requirement is that my second card serves as best case performance
    testing piece. This eliminates the network completely. We went one step
    ahead and created a new enviromnent for the second card. Whatever I do, the
    nodemgr is returning back the IP address of the first card, even though my
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS does not have the first card in the picture any where.
    I think Forte is doing a host look up and returning the first IP address it
    finds, as opposed to returning the IP address specified in the environment
    variable FORTE_NS_ADDRESS. Is there a way to trick it?
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:54 AM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    OK, you ran into one of the issues. That is, if both addresses are known
    the client that is trying to contact the partition it will always use the
    first address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. This is because FORTE_LOCATIONS was
    designed more as a failover mechanism. So it will always try the first
    address in the list and if it succeeds, there is no reason to move on to
    Now, the second issue is that there is currently a problem with the client
    failover to the secondary address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. If the first entry
    fails it is supposed to retry on the second entry. Instead, it retries
    first entry again. I know that Forte knows about this but I do not have a
    bug number on it.
    With that said, lets look at a possible solution for you. If the real
    objective here is to have a back up network card available for fail over
    the same machine, or use one card to advertise outside your firewall and
    to use inside, then you will have to contact Forte to determine when the
    failover problem will be fixed. But, if the objective is to load balance
    across the network cards you could have the environment manager listen on
    both ports and then alternate your server partitions across both cards.
    set FORTE_NS_ADDRESS=card1:5000;card2:5000 and then start up the
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card1:0 (the 0 in the port causes the OS to pick a
    and start partition one
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card2:0 and start partition two
    and so on....
    In this scenario the environment manager will be listening on both cards
    each server will be listening on only one of the two cards. So if a
    comes in for partition1 it will go through card one and if it is for
    partition two it will go through card two. You could assign your
    to cards based on expected load.
    Well, I am done. I hope this helps!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 8:06 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'; 'John Jamison'
    Cc: [email protected]; Jose Suriol
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    Thanks for your reply. I tried the approach. I was not very specific in
    question. I do need the ability for server applications to listen and
    on both the network cards.
    I was succesfully able to make the nodemgr listen on both the cards and
    actually serve requests coming in from both the cards. But, following your
    advise, I took a cautious step with FORTE_LOCATIONS. Here is what I
    I have an application that has 6 partitions in total. I used
    to make it listen on 1. Both the cards. 2. Swapped the IP addresses for
    cards for this application. 3. One card that I want it to listen on. I
    all approaches by exporting the locations variable for just this
    application. The nodemgr recieves a request from this pc connected on the
    second card to talk to one of the partitions. The node mgr responds with a
    proxy - with the ip address and socket number of the first card. The
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS variable looks like this:
    Is it possible atall to resolve my problem, without having a seperate
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 10:42 AM
    To: 'John Jamison'; Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    Actually, it is possible for Forte to listen on more than one IP andport
    combination. The first reply to your message was correct. If you setthe
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS to contain multiple entries before starting the name
    service, it will advertise on both. For Forte servers you use the
    FORTE_LOCATIONS env variable to get it to advertise on multiple ip:port
    We were doing something very similar with another customer I was at toget
    around a firewall. I will warn you that there are some issues with
    FORTE_LOCATIONS that may keep that portion from working. However, from
    reading your note, it appears that all you need is for the name serviceto
    advertise and listen on multiple ports and that works fine. I justtested
    it again for sanity sake and it worked. I ran my test on NT using Forte
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of John Jamison
    Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 4:51 PM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    Technically yes this is possible, though not in Forte. A name server
    only listen on one port.
    To implement this scheme you will have to write a proxy service (in some
    including perhaps forte) which listens on the well-known port on the
    second card, reads requests, then forwards them to the real nameservice
    (wkp on the first card), and forwards replies back. This is not
    trivial, but some firewall toolkit vendors supply stub code to write
    application specific proxies.
    Venkat Kodumudi wrote:
    Here is what we would like to do:
    We want to have 2 network cards on a unix box - which means I have 2ip
    addresses, and the connection between the two is the unix box and onlythe
    unix box. I have a pc connected to the 2nd network card and I want it
    connect to the nameserver that is listening on a well known port onthe
    first network card. We don't want to turn IP forwarding between thetwo
    cards. We want Forte to address both cards to talk to clients, in one
    Can this be done? If so how?
    Thanks in advance.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive<URL:<a href=
    John Jamison [email protected]
    Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    Voice: 415 392-7243 x 306
    Fax: 415 391-3899
    Internet Enabled Business Change
    <a href="http://www.sageit.com">http://www.sageit.com</a>
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  • Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the samemachine

    Here is what we would like to do:
    We want to have 2 network cards on a unix box - which means I have 2 ip
    addresses, and the connection between the two is the unix box and only the
    unix box. I have a pc connected to the 2nd network card and I want it to
    connect to the nameserver that is listening on a well known port on the
    first network card. We don't want to turn IP forwarding between the two
    cards. We want Forte to address both cards to talk to clients, in one
    Can this be done? If so how?
    Thanks in advance.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive <URL:http://pinehurst.sageit.com/listarchive/>

    Hmmmm? That is a little odd! Let me rehash what I think you are saying.
    You now have two environments each with their own name service with
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS set to a different IP:Port combination. For example you
    are doing the steps:
    start the nodemgr for env 1
    start the nodemgr for env 2
    Now when you start a client you are always getting the address for env 1
    back from the nodemgr. I assume you actually mean the name service? Or, do
    you mean you are always connecting to the nodemgr & name service for env 1?
    If the first scenario is the case and you are connecting to the nodemgr for
    env 2 but getting back IP's for services listening on the card for env 1 I
    would ask you what you are setting the FORTE_LOCATIONS value to before you
    start each service. If you are not setting it or are using the host name it
    will register using the IP for the primary network card associated with the
    machine name and I am again assuming that this is env 1. You need to set
    the FORTE_LOCATIONS variable to (based on the steps above)
    before starting your services.
    If the second scenario is the case I would have you check what the
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS is set to before you start up the client. Once again it
    must be the IP:Port combination not host:port combination if you want to get
    anything other than the primary card.
    I would also suggest that you do the following. After everything is up and
    running execute the following commands:
    escript -fns "ip for env1":port
    findsub nameservice
    What you should see is everything currently registered under the name
    service. It will have the name and any "locations" (IP and port) that it is
    registered as listening on. I would look for the nodemgr and see where it
    has advertised itself. I would then look for any services you expect to be
    registered there and also verify where the have advertised themselves. If
    there are multiple locations listed for any one service, the client will use
    the first one in the list.
    Do the same for env 2.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 9:57 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    I am giving the actual IP address. and not the host name. That is why I
    don't understand what is going on.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 10:53 AM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi; 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    Hello Venkat,
    I probably should have mentioned this before. Your are correct. Forte is
    doing a host lookup if you are providing a name for example machine1:5000.
    You can bypass the host lookup by using the actual ip dot address instead
    for example This way you are taking the name
    out od the picture and Forte will use the address provided.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Monday, June 22, 1998 9:27 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    My requirement is that my second card serves as best case performance
    testing piece. This eliminates the network completely. We went one step
    ahead and created a new enviromnent for the second card. Whatever I do,
    nodemgr is returning back the IP address of the first card, even though my
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS does not have the first card in the picture any where.
    I think Forte is doing a host look up and returning the first IP address
    finds, as opposed to returning the IP address specified in the environment
    variable FORTE_NS_ADDRESS. Is there a way to trick it?
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 9:54 AM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    OK, you ran into one of the issues. That is, if both addresses areknown
    the client that is trying to contact the partition it will always usethe
    first address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. This is because FORTE_LOCATIONS was
    designed more as a failover mechanism. So it will always try the first
    address in the list and if it succeeds, there is no reason to move on to
    Now, the second issue is that there is currently a problem with theclient
    failover to the secondary address in FORTE_LOCATIONS. If the firstentry
    fails it is supposed to retry on the second entry. Instead, it retries
    first entry again. I know that Forte knows about this but I do not havea
    bug number on it.
    With that said, lets look at a possible solution for you. If the real
    objective here is to have a back up network card available for fail over
    the same machine, or use one card to advertise outside your firewall and
    to use inside, then you will have to contact Forte to determine when the
    failover problem will be fixed. But, if the objective is to loadbalance
    across the network cards you could have the environment manager listenon
    both ports and then alternate your server partitions across both cards.
    set FORTE_NS_ADDRESS=card1:5000;card2:5000 and then start up the
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card1:0 (the 0 in the port causes the OS to pick a
    and start partition one
    set FORTE_LOCATIONS=card2:0 and start partition two
    and so on....
    In this scenario the environment manager will be listening on both cards
    each server will be listening on only one of the two cards. So if a
    comes in for partition1 it will go through card one and if it is for
    partition two it will go through card two. You could assign your
    to cards based on expected load.
    Well, I am done. I hope this helps!
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Venkat Kodumudi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Thursday, June 18, 1998 8:06 AM
    To: 'Sean Brown'; 'John Jamison'
    Cc: [email protected]; Jose Suriol
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same machine
    Thanks for your reply. I tried the approach. I was not very specific in
    question. I do need the ability for server applications to listen and
    on both the network cards.
    I was succesfully able to make the nodemgr listen on both the cards and
    actually serve requests coming in from both the cards. But, followingyour
    advise, I took a cautious step with FORTE_LOCATIONS. Here is what I
    I have an application that has 6 partitions in total. I used
    to make it listen on 1. Both the cards. 2. Swapped the IP addresses for
    cards for this application. 3. One card that I want it to listen on. I
    all approaches by exporting the locations variable for just this
    application. The nodemgr recieves a request from this pc connected onthe
    second card to talk to one of the partitions. The node mgr responds witha
    proxy - with the ip address and socket number of the first card. The
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS variable looks like this:
    Is it possible atall to resolve my problem, without having a seperate
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Sean Brown [SMTP:[email protected]]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 10:42 AM
    To: 'John Jamison'; Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: RE: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the same
    Actually, it is possible for Forte to listen on more than one IP andport
    combination. The first reply to your message was correct. If you setthe
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS to contain multiple entries before starting the name
    service, it will advertise on both. For Forte servers you use the
    FORTE_LOCATIONS env variable to get it to advertise on multiple
    We were doing something very similar with another customer I was at toget
    around a firewall. I will warn you that there are some issues with
    FORTE_LOCATIONS that may keep that portion from working. However,
    reading your note, it appears that all you need is for the nameservice
    advertise and listen on multiple ports and that works fine. I justtested
    it again for sanity sake and it worked. I ran my test on NT using
    -----Original Message-----
    From: [email protected]
    [<a href="mailto:[email protected]">mailto:[email protected]]On</a> Behalf Of John Jamison
    Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 1998 4:51 PM
    To: Venkat Kodumudi
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: Re: Is there a way to have 2 network cards on the samemachine
    Technically yes this is possible, though not in Forte. A nameserver
    only listen on one port.
    To implement this scheme you will have to write a proxy service (insome
    including perhaps forte) which listens on the well-known port on the
    second card, reads requests, then forwards them to the realnameservice
    (wkp on the first card), and forwards replies back. This is not
    trivial, but some firewall toolkit vendors supply stub code to write
    application specific proxies.
    Venkat Kodumudi wrote:
    Here is what we would like to do:
    We want to have 2 network cards on a unix box - which means I have 2
    addresses, and the connection between the two is the unix box and
    unix box. I have a pc connected to the 2nd network card and I want
    connect to the nameserver that is listening on a well known port onthe
    first network card. We don't want to turn IP forwarding between thetwo
    cards. We want Forte to address both cards to talk to clients, in
    Can this be done? If so how?
    Thanks in advance.
    Venkat Kodumudi
    Price Waterhouse LLP
    Internet: [email protected]
    Internet2: [email protected]
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive<URL:<a href=
    John Jamison [email protected]
    Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
    Sage IT Partners, Inc.
    Voice: 415 392-7243 x 306
    Fax: 415 391-3899
    Internet Enabled Business Change
    <a href=
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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  • How should I add a new physical network interface to the system?

    I am about to test my own NIC driver.
    I have used add_drv to add my driver.
    I have assigned an IP address to the sytem in the /etc/hosts file and corresponding network mask in the /etc/netmasks file, too.
    But when I tried to ping this IP address, it reported an error message saying"ICMP Host Unreachable from gateway localhost .....".
    I wonder if the system knows this physical network address.
    Does this have something to do with the /etc/hostname.* file?
    If this is the case, what should I name the "*" part of this file?
    Any advice will be appreciated.

    Hello Shridhar:
    Thanks for your kindly reply.
    I just noticed that the system would try to plumb the interface during the booting process but failed with a error saying "ifconfig:plumb:XXXX:Bad file number", where XXXX is the * part of /etc/hostname.*
    Does not mean I have assigned a illegal interface name to this interface?
    It seems that man page doesn't contain any information about error messages.
    I use the form XXX0, where XXX is the name of the NIC driver.
    Any advice will be appreciated.
    You should plumb the interface and bring it up with
    the ifconfig command. Do a man on ifconfig for more
    details. What was the add_drv command used ? Based on
    your driver's name, you can setup the hostname.*
    file's name to automatically setup and initialize the
    NIC inetrface everytime the system boots up.

  • No CDs inside the package.

    I have just bought my mac recently. Why does not it contain CDs inside the package? My old mac comes with two CDs. This new mac has no CDs. I have problem with installing software. After I install the sofware, the OS X disappears. I need the CDs to recover my OS.

    Are you running OSX Lion? Most likely you are if you have just purchased a Mac and no install media was included.
    Macs with OSX Lion installed do not ship with media.
    There is a hidden recovery partition on your drive. Startup holding command-R and boot into Recovery Mode.
    You can re-install OSX Lion from the menu selection. You will need a network connection to download the OSX components.

  • Can't able to access the Jar files which is kept inside the folder.

    I am using the eclipse IDE, my project folder contains the folders src, bin, .metadata, .settings
    if i place the jar file in the same location of the above mentioned folder means i can able to use the Jar file in eclipse(in my project).
    But i create one folder in the same location in the name of Jar or anything and all jar files are placed inside the folder,then i can't able to access the jar file in eclipse(in my project).
    How i can solve this problem?

    RajivGuna wrote:
    ..How i can solve this problem?Put Eclipse aside for the moment and learn how the SDK tools work at the level of the command line, then you will be much better placed to figure how to do it in the IDE. If you are still having problems, I suggest you ask on an [Eclipse forum|http://www.eclipse.org/forums/].

  • [SOLVED] Network won't work after install

    I've installed arch on a lot of different computers without any trouble. But now I'm trying to install it on a intel mini-ITX board with an atom processor and integrated network. When setting up the network during the install it downloads and installs the packages perfectly fine, but when the installation is finished and I reboot into my new system the network wont work.
    If I try to ping my gateway at it just says that the network is unreachable.
    The ifconfig shows the following for eth0:
    Link encap:Ethernet  HWAddr 00:27:0E:05:AC:47
    RX packets:0 errors:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:0 errors:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    collisions:0 TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
    Interrupt:28 Base address:0xe000
    Any ideas what could be wrong?
    Last edited by Lazze (2010-02-10 14:57:30)

    Sorry I've been away for a couple of days, but it's solved now it was something in the hosts file which weren't correct.
    Thanks for the reply though!

  • PayloadZipBean - variable filename inside the archive

    I'm using the Adapter-Specific Message Properties in a sender fileadapter to determine the incoming filename, which has variable components (i.e. date and time). After changing the prefix and suffix in a Message-Mapping the new name is applied in a receiver fileadapter. The new name is now part of the payload in the tag <Filename>. The receiver fileadapter contains the PayloadZipBean to compress the output file, everything works fine.
    Now I want the file inside my compressed archive always to have the same name as my archive has. In Stefan Grube's blog about the PayloadZipBean I only found the possibility to choose a fix name by using the MessageTransformBean (name="file.txt").
    1. variable input filename:                       IN_RNK_20080227_1006.txt
    2. filename after Message-Mapping:        OUT_RNK_20080227_1006.gz
    3. archive filename after receiver adapter: OUT_RNK_20080227_1006.gz
        filename inside the archive:                 MainDocument (this is the default (payload-name))
    I would like to name the file inside the archive OUT_RNK_20080227_1006, too.
    Question 1: Is there any possibility to read out the mapped <Filename>-tag from the payload to use it for the element inside my archive (File Name Scheme and Variable Substitution don't work when using Adapter-Specific Message Properties).
    Question 2: Is there a way to modify the name of the payload so that I can change "MainDocument" to "OUT_RNK_20080227_1006"?
    I'm on XI 3.0 - SP19.
    Many thanks,

    Stefan Grube wrote:
    > In this thread there is a module for reading the content type and setting the dynamic configuration:
    > sender mail adapter - attachment name
    > It should be not be so difficult to derive the reverse way
    Thanks for this info Stefan.
    [Stefan Grube's webinar on custom adapter module development|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/64a6bdab-0c01-0010-079a-b3707717cecd?prtmode=navigate]
    The code of the EJB module we had to write to get the filename from the Dynamic Configuration (ASMA) and then set the content type of the message is given below.
    * Created on Apr 23, 2008
    package zfilezipper;
    * @author Krishneel Goundar
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import com.sap.aii.af.mp.module.*;
    import com.sap.aii.af.ra.ms.api.*;
    * @ejbHome<{com.sap.aii.af.mp.module.ModuleHome}>
    * @ejbLocal<{com.sap.aii.af.mp.module.ModuleLocal}>
    * @ejbLocalHome<{com.sap.aii.af.mp.module.ModuleLocalHome}>
    * @ejbRemote<{com.sap.aii.af.mp.module.ModuleRemote}>
    * @stateless
    public class SetContentTypeEJB implements SessionBean, Module{
         private SessionContext myContext;
         public void ejbRemove() {}
         public void ejbActivate() {}
         public void ejbPassivate() {}
         public void setSessionContext(SessionContext context) {
         myContext = context;
         public void ejbCreate() throws CreateException{}
         public ModuleData process(ModuleContext moduleContext,ModuleData inputModuleData) throws ModuleException{
              try {               
                   Message msg = (Message) inputModuleData.getPrincipalData();     //Used to read dynamic configuration data
                   TextPayload payload = msg.getDocument();     //Used to set 'contentType' value
                   //The name of the file to be zipped is read from the dynamic configuration.
                   String fileName = msg.getMessageProperty("http://sap.com/xi/XI/System/File", "FileName");
                   if(fileName == null)     //If no file name can be determined we set 'contentType' to "defaultbeanile.txt"
                        payload.setContentType("text/plain;charset = \"UTF-8\";filename=\"defaultbeanfile.txt\"");     
                   else     //If a file name can be found we set 'contentType' to the name of the file.
                        payload.setContentType("text/plain;charset = \"UTF-8\";filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");     
                   //After setting the value of 'contentType' we need to update the ModuleData object (inputModuleData).
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   ModuleException me = new ModuleException(e);
                   throw me;
              return inputModuleData;          //Return the updated ModuleData object.
    Edited by: Charu Kulkarni on Apr 28, 2008 1:41 AM

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