[solved] Samsung SCX-3200 prints garbage

Some months ago I got a Samsung SCX-3200 mono multifunction printer. I installed samsung unified driver from AUR I think it was v3 and printer worked.
After the driver got updated to v4 I think my problems started. Sometimes when printing a document I only got pages with garbage characters in the first line on the whole page. Recently I am unable to print anything, always getting the same result, smileys, hearts etc on the first line. printing test page is the same.
I installed windows to another HDD in my desktop computer and no printing issue occurred. Also I installed samsung unified driver to another computer (running Arch), used the same USB cable, but garbage text was all I got.
Then I tried the official samsung package / installer and everything was the same.
Unfortunately there's no samsung unified driver 3 package  in AUR anymore.
Please help me get my printer back.
Last edited by siriusb (2012-09-09 09:55:51)

test if the following PKGBUILD works for you. You need the files 99_smfpautoconf.rules and samsungUDC.desktop from the aur package samsung-unified-driver.
pkgdesc="Unified Linux Driver for Samsung printers and scanners."
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=('libstdc++5' 'libtiff' 'cups' 'ghostscript' 'sane')
'99_smfpautoconf.rules' 'samsungUDC.desktop')
if [ "$CARCH" = "x86_64" ]; then
build() {
# mpf
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/"
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/libmfp.so.1.0.1" \
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/opt/smfp-common/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/libnetsnmp.so.10.0.2" \
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/99_smfpautoconf.rules" "${pkgdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/99_smfpautoconf.rules"
# cups
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cups/filter"
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cups/backend/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/cups/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/cups/model/samsung/cms"
install -m 444 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/cups/model/samsung/cms/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/ppd/cms/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/cups/model/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/ppd/*.ppd
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/cups/backend/mfp" \
install -m 755 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/cups/filter/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/cups/filter/*
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/cups/filter/smfpautoconf" \
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/etc/cups/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_root/etc/cups/*
# sane
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sane/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/etc/sane.d/dll.d"
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_root/etc/sane.d/smfp.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/sane.d/smfp.conf"
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/sane/libsane-smfp.so.1.0.1" \
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/"
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_opt/bin/netdiscovery" "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/netdiscovery"
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/sbin/"
install -m 755 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/at_root/usr/sbin/smfpd" "${pkgdir}/usr/sbin/smfpd"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/"
install -m 644 "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/OEM.ini" "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/OEM.ini"
#create symbolic links
# mpf
cd "${pkgdir}/usr/lib"
ln -s ./libmfp.so.1.0.1 ./libmfp.so.1
ln -s ./libmfp.so.1.0.1 ./libmfp.so
cd "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sane"
ln -s ./libsane-smfp.so.1.0.1 ./libsane-smfp.so.1
ln -s ./libsane-smfp.so.1 ./libsane-smfp.so
echo "smfp" >> "${pkgdir}/etc/sane.d/dll.d/smfp"
chmod 644 "${pkgdir}/etc/sane.d/dll.d/smfp"
# samsungmfp-configurator-qt4
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/help/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/images/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/tr/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/ui/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/utils/"
install -d "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/"
install -m 755 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/qt4/at_opt/bin/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/qt4/at_opt/lib/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/eula.htm
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Common_LINUX
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Common_LINUX_Script
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Printer_LINUX
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Printer_LINUX-Script
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Scanner_LINUX
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/VERSION-Scanner_LINUX-Script
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/help/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/help/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/images/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/images/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/utils/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_opt/share/utils/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/tr/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/qt4/at_opt/share/tr/*
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/share/ui/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/qt4/at_opt/share/ui/*
install -m 644 "${startdir}/samsungUDC.desktop" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications/samsungUDC.desktop"
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/" ${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/${CARCHCUSTOM}/qt4/at_root/opt/smfp-common/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/*
echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/Configurator" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SamsungConfigurator"
chmod 555 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SamsungConfigurator"
echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/ImageManager" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SamsungImageManager"
chmod 555 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/SamsungImageManager"
echo "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/Samsung/mfp/bin/smfpscan" >> "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/smfpscan"
chmod 555 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/smfpscan"
mkdir -p "${srcdir}/libtiff/"
tar xzf "${srcdir}/cdroot/Linux/noarch/libtiff-3-${CARCHCUSTOM}.tar.gz" -C "${srcdir}/libtiff"
install -m 644 -t "${pkgdir}/opt/Samsung/mfp/lib/" ${srcdir}/libtiff/usr/${LIBDIRCUSTOM}/*

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    I can see my printer in lsusb command:
    Bus 002 Device 004: ID 062a:0201 Creative Labs Defender Office Keyboard (K7310) S Zodiak KM-9010
    Bus 002 Device 003: ID 04e8:342e Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
    Bus 002 Device 002: ID 8087:0020 Intel Corp. Integrated Rate Matching Hub
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    I have a very similar printer (SCX-4500W) and found that I was able to get it working as a printer but that I could not get both print and scan functions to work at the same time.
    In order to get the printer going I had to add a file to /etc/udev/rules.d/71-scx4500w.rules with the content as a single line:
    ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="342b", MODE:="0664", GROUP:="lp", ENV{libsane_matched}:="yes"
    You will need to change the idVendor and idProduct in the line above to match that for your own printer from the lsusb command instead of those above for the SCX-4500W.
    I would also suggest that you use the splix drivers package - i.e. make sure that the splix package is installed with:
    # pacman -S splix
    Then when you add the printer select the splix drivers which will work with that printer (you should check the splix support page to check your printer is supported but I am pretty sure it is)
    Once that is done then you need to start the cups.socket daemon with the following command as root (exclude the # which is the prompt)
    # systemctl start cups.socket
    and if it then works, and allows you to add the printer,  then you also need to "enable" the same daemon so that it starts after the next boot as well:
    # systemctl enable cups.socket
    One other thing is that if you want your printer to be discoverable as a cups remote printer on your local network you will need avahi-daemon running on the server to which the printer is attached, as well as on any machine which needs to see it - check the arch wiki on how to set that up if you need it.
    I hope this helps.

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    See http://community.bt.com/t5/BB-Speed-Connection-Issues/Wi-Fi-connection-to-my-smart-phone/m-p/340755/...
    That looks like a duplicate post, did you forget your original forum login details, as you did not login to look at the reply?
    General BT wireless help http://bt.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/14964/~/getting-started-with-wireless
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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    Thias is what I find in system information:
    Samsung Scanner:
      Version:          2.01.12
      Erhalten von:          Apple
      Zuletzt geändert:          10.04.14 21:20
      Art:          Universal
      64-Bit (Intel):          Ja
      Signiert von:          Software Signing, Apple Code Signing Certification Authority, Apple Root CA
      Ort:          /Library/Image Capture/Devices/Samsung Scanner.app
      Informationen:          Copyright (C) 2013 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

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    Try SpliX, it works ok.

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    Is it a network printer or attached to the computer? Try resetting the printing system, which also affects scanning.
    Reset Printing System

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    2011 driver was the last driver update for mac i hear, downloaded tried a couple but no luck!!!

    okay, from what I've read, samsung driver support lies with Apple and not Samsung, so if you can, do a software update
    you can try here, apparently, for something that sorta works with your printer
    other than that, Gutenprint maybe?
    for scanning, I don't know, maybe vuescan
    sorry, the crystal ball has gone darkk......
    John b

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    This is from another forum as I was looking for the answer to the same issue:
    First off, when Samsung labels a button "Scan to PC", they mean it. That button only works with Windows PCs not Macs.
    To get it to the Samsung SCX 4500 to scan on your Mac you need to acquire the image using some other software. I used Preview.
    Put the picture or document that you want scanned on the bed. Open Preview. From the File menu, select the Import Image... option.
    The scanner activates and you will see, you guessed it, a preview of what is to be scanned. Notice that the scan button is grayed out.
    You now have to click and drag a box around what you want scanned. Once you draw your box identifying the exact image to be scanned, the Scan button is enabled. Now adjust any options, and hit Scan. Enjoy.
    Thanks to the Apple Genius in Century City who helped me out, also this post was helpful:

  • [SOLVED] Samsung SCX-4600 multifunction scanner

    Hi everyone,
    anybody could make this (or a similiar) scanner work under Arch? I've tried almost everything following previous messages here and there (ubuntu) but no luck, always the same bad result: sane-find-scanned detects my scanner model (installed last sane-dev from AUR) but "scanimage -L" never finds a single thing...
    Any help is greatly appreciated...
    UPDATE: Ok, finally is working, here are the steps performed, may can be helpful for someone else (soon may be I'll update the package to do this automatically, I asume that sane is already installed:
    Download  Samsung Linux Unified Driver, untar
    Copy cdroot/Linux/<my-arch>/at_root/usr/lib<my-arch>/libmfp.so.1.0.1 to /usr/lib and cdroot/Linux/<my-arch>/at_root/usr/lib<my-arch>/libsane-smfp.so.1.0.1 to /usr/lib/sane
    Symlink both libraries in their own directory as <lib>.so and <lib>.so.1
    Copy cdroot/Linux/noarch/at_root/etc/sane.d/smfp.conf to /etc/sane.d, add the word smfp as a last line of /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
    Install libstdc++5
    Edit /lib/udev/rules.d/53-sane.rules and add an entry for the printer, then restart, near the other Samsung printers is a good place:
    # Samsung SCX-4600 (single line)
    ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3433", MODE="0664", GROUP="scanner", ENV{libsane_matched}="yes"
    At this point, the scanner should appear with "scanimage -L" (as root), to make it work for every user add them to the lp group, you can ignore the scanner group
    Lesson learned remembered: ldd is your friend
    Last edited by RkG (2010-10-29 20:59:31)

    Thanks for the above link.
    My issue is that I can't get anything to physically print. My Macbook can find the printer, it seems to send data to it ok, even the printer itself says that its receiving data and sounds like its warming up to start printing - but then it just stops and lists the job as completed, even though nothing has actually been printed. I also can't see where the ScanThru scanning software.
    I can print/scan fine from my old PC laptop - how do I get this to work on my Mac?
    Thanks (from an inexperienced Mac user)

  • Samsung laser suddenly printing garbage

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    Is this related to an update of my OS? I've reset the printer system, reinstalled, but same problem.
    Any suggestions?

    Partial success--this thread helped: (Thanks to Matt Broughton)
    I installed the HPJIS driver found at http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting/MacOSX/hpijs.
    It doesn't support the ML 2250 but it does support the ML 2150. I installed it as that and it printed a page correctly.
    I'm still not sure what happened to the Gutenprint driver...

  • Samsung SCX-4200, Print and Scanning now working in Snow Leopard 10.6

    I found the printer can print right off the bat by selecting the SCX-4300 series driver after the auto-detect.
    For scanning, install the Scan driver on this page:
    You'll need to restart your Mac, but now it works perfectly

    Hey all,
    A quick follow-up to keep you up to date with regards to the repot above...Upon launching the Scanner service from within System Preferences > Print & Fax > "Open Scanner", in a working setup (i.e. upon a fresh system restart), the console presents the following:
    20/4/11 3:15:07 PM          PrinterProxy[1162]          *** Assertion failure in -[NSMenu itemAtIndex:], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1038.35/Menus.subproj/NSMenu.m:779
    20/4/11 3:15:07 PM          PrinterProxy[1162]          Invalid parameter not satisfying: (index >= 0) && (index < [_itemArray count])
    This new clue along with all the previous console messages probably shout out the cause of the problem, but as I mentioned before I am unable to interpret any of it..Bring on the big guns...any UNIX/OSX masterchiefs around here?

  • HP LJ 3200 - prints garbage

    DL the latest driver from HP. Ran .pkg install, 'add'ed printer per instructions. It's connected via USB directly to my Mac Mini G4.
    It prints the following every time:
    %RBINumCopies: 1
    %%Pages: (atend)
    %APLDSCEncoding: UTF8
    and some more that runs off the edge of the paper and then it prints multiple sheets of garbage.
    I don't get it!!

    Your printer model has an "optional" postscript module - it sounds like you don't have it installed. The HP-provided driver in OS X is for the printer with postscript module. You are seeing postscript code sent to a non-postscript printer.
    You can probably print with a generic PCL (HP-compatible) driver like HP Laserjet 5 Series or 6 Series (included in OS X).

  • Printing Problems with Samsung SCX-4600

    When I try to print from r.0 Beta 12 to my Samsung SCX-4600 printer I get very long printouts with lots of space between each character. The result is unreadable. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    Caused by a Bug in 4.0b12. It is fixed in the 4.0RC version which should be released this week.

  • Samsung SCX 4500 and Airport Express incompatibility?

    I have bought the Samsung SCX 4500 printer two days ago...
    Since then I tried out to get the printer working properly with my Airport Express.
    Before I had a Canon IP 5300 and everything worked out great - no problems with printing.
    But so far I have only made the SCX 4500 print once with the Airport Express and this
    was right after I connected it via Bonjour to my Airport Express Printer Sharing...
    Afterwards the printer refused to print anything more.
    A scanner is part of the multifunction printer as well - the scanning is only support if you connect the printer via usb cable to the computer.
    But at least this fairly "handsome" printer should print wirelessly...
    If you have any suggestions how I can solve the problem, let me know...
    Cheers, Felix
    Mac OS 10.5.5 installed on a Macbook Pro 2.Gen.
    Installed all the newest software from the following Samsung Support site:
    http://www.samsung.com/at/support/download/supportDown.do?group=Drucker%20%26amp %3Bamp%3B%20Multifunktionsger%3Fte&type=Drucker%20%26amp%3Bamp%3B%20Multifunktio nsger%C3%A4te&subtype=Laser%20MFP&modelnm=SCX-4500W%2FSEE&disp_nm=SCX-4500W&language=&cate_type=all&dType=D&mType=DR&vT ype=L&prd_iacd=06010300
    Airport Express Firmware: 6.3

    For me this solution always worked for my Samsung SCX-4500 printer:
    1) renaming the printer in AirportExpress (AE) to "samsung" (important: spaces in the name seems to cause the problem - so do not ever use spaces in AEutility in name for the printer!)
    2) adding the printer through CUPS like described here (using HP Jet Direct Socket): http://osr600doc.sco.com/en/PR_gimpprint/x456.html
    HINT: when CUPS is asking for socket during the setup wizard use the following:
    For example with my own AE IP, where printer is attached over USB:
    3) that's it - printing should work now!
    If you still have any problems simply reboot AE to factory defaults, reconfigure it and go to the above steps. Good luck!
    Thoka -Germany-

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