[solved] VIM and colorschemes

Hi Everybody
I try to setup up vim on my machine. Everything works fine but the colorscheme has wrong colors. (I am working with konsole)
in my .vimrc
set t_Co=256
syntax on
set background=light
colorscheme solarized
No matter what i try, konsole seems to override the colorscheme... I already tried to add TERM=xterm-256color ...
May someone point out the mistake I made?
Thank you!
Last edited by wucherpfennig (2014-08-25 20:38:43)

Thanks for your quick answer
somehow I missed that...
let g:solarized_termcolors=256
syntax enable
set background=light
colorscheme solarized

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    Last edited by jrussell (2013-04-14 10:21:42)

    siriusb wrote:
    The configuration files in /etc are for system-wide settings. These are the default settings if not overridden by a user's own settings in their home directory.
    So running vim as your regular user will use the settings from your home directory.
    What does sudo? From man sudo
    sudo allows a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user, as specified by the security policy.
    So if you didn't specify any setting in the home folder of the user you want to run vim as, and you don't have anything in /etc/vimrc, vim won't apply any custom settings.
    I understand all of that, but on both my PC's I have a clean/untouched config /etc/vimrc, and both /root/.vimrc files do not exist, so howcome on one PC I get colour with sudo vim...., and on the other I dont?

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    2 set number
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    6 filetype indent on
    7 set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
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    10 "To solve the propleme with vim-latexsuite has with ã and â
    11 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-C> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    12 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-B> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    13 imap <buffer> <leader>it <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
    14 imap <buffer> <silent> <M-A> <Plug>Tex_InsertItem
    15 "imap <buffer> <silent> <M-E> <Plug>Tex_InsertItem
    16 "imap <buffer> <silent> <M-e> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
    17 imap <buffer> <silent> <Plug>Traditional <Plug>Traditional
    18 map <buffer> <silent> é é
    19 map <buffer> <silent> á á
    20 map <buffer> <silent> ã ã
    21 "imap ã <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    22 "imap é <Plug>Traditional
    1 set winaltkeys=no
    3 let g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 0
    4 let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 0
    5 let g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 0
    7 imap <C-b> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    8 imap <C-c> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    9 imap <C-l> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight
    (The macros of call IMAP work well. When I type `ö I also get a \mathbf)
    1 call IMAP('`w', '\omega', 'tex')
    2 call IMAP('`j', '\cdot', 'tex')
    3 call IMAP('`A', '\forall', 'tex')
    4 call IMAP('`E', '\exists', 'tex')
    5 call IMAP('`ö', 'ö', 'tex')
    7 let g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 0
    8 imap <C-b> <Plug>Tex_MathBF
    9 imap <C-c> <Plug>Tex_MathCal
    10 imap <C-l> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight
    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2010-05-30 17:00:03)

    I just removed vim, vim-auctex (didn't remember there was this...) and vim-latexsuite and reinstalled vim and vim-latexsuite.
    I was obviously using a vim-auctex macro and I didn't know it... (This was a memorable lesson for removing packages you don't need. )
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    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2010-05-30 16:59:32)

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    2. Open vim
    3. :e t<tab>
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    Last edited by Daethorian (2011-03-24 10:49:26)

    Since I upgraded to the latest vim (version 7.3.138, using the gvim package), the completion menu seems to be broken.
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    2. Open vim
    3. :e t<tab>
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    vim --version && pacman -Qi gvim:
    Is anyone else getting this?
    It was my configurations after all. "set wildmenu list:longest" made it break for some reason. Without it everything is peachy. \o/
    Last edited by Daethorian (2011-03-24 10:49:26)

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    You're right about it being overridden.  This change should be able to be placed in ~/.vimrc though.
    Well  that was foolish - I should have read the comments right below in that file.  It says exactly how to set it in vimrc.  I've now added the following to my ~/.vimrc and this is completely solved without modifying the /usr/... file.
    let g:tex_flavor = "tex"
    Last edited by Trilby (2013-03-29 16:11:26)

  • [SOLVED] vim: newlines when pasting block selection

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    REAL :: &
    real1 (2,2) , &
    real2 (5,2) , &
    real3 (1,2)
    INTEGER :: &
    int1 ,&
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    REAL :: &
    real1 (2,2) , &
    real2 (5,2) , &
    real3 (1,2)
    real2INTEGER :: &
    real3 int1 ,&
    What I'd like to end up with, though, is this:
    REAL :: &
    real1 (2,2) , &
    real2 (5,2) , &
    real3 (1,2)
    INTEGER :: &
    int1 ,&
    Without manually inserting blank lines, that is!
    PS: I'm not really sure whether that's the correct subforum, but as the questions mostly addresses Programmers/Coders, I guess it should be fine here.
    Last edited by cryptkeeper (2013-11-07 08:16:32)

    karol wrote:http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Unconditional … wise_paste
    '\cp' seems to do what you want.
    I haven't tried it yet, but it looks exactly what I need! What I do after pasting the selected block is often joining the lines to a single line with the variables delimited by commas or \\|| (for further use in vim regexes), and it looks like this plugin can do exactly this.
    Thanks! I'll mark it SOLVED then (and hope I'll get around to actually try it soon enough).
    Trilby wrote:Karol's answer seems like a more direct solution, but I'd personally go with a combination of simpler commands like "3yy3jPw Ctrl-v 3j$d"
    The problem with this is that you know the exact number of lines, i.e. 3 in this case, which is usually not the case in the code I work with as the variable lists are much longer.
    But what I've become accustomed to in the meantime is memorizing the number of lines that vim shows when I yank the block and inserting that number of new lines before pasting, e.g. for a 24 line block
    I doubt that using 24o<ESC>j is the best way to insert the 24 blank lines, but it works well enough.

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    set shiftwidth=4
    set noexpandtab
    set softtabstop=4
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    system vimrc file: "/etc/vimrc"
    user vimrc file: "$HOME/.vimrc"
    user exrc file: "$HOME/.exrc"
    fall-back for $VIM: "/usr/share/vim"
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by litemotiv (2009-05-20 14:28:36)

    karol wrote:Any chance it's a .virc / .vimrc / .gvimrc or /root/.virc etc. mismatch?
    ~/vi(m)rc doesn't work, but ~/.vi(m)rc does - mind the dot :-)
    No i don't think so:
    [ollie@arch ~]% ls .v*
    .viminfo .vimrc
    I also have some other settings in the file like 'set number' and a colorscheme, that do get loaded..

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    Here are my shortcuts but this method allow to open /etc/rc.conf only in readonly mode.
    So how can I open this file to edit like su (when I open vim without sudo)? I have configured sudo to works without password.
    " Fast editing
    map <leader>v :e! ~/.vimrc<cr>
    map <leader>b :e! ~/.bashrc<cr>
    map <leader>r :e! /etc/rc.conf<cr>
    Last edited by chmurli (2011-02-04 21:40:08)

    I use
    map ss :w !sudo tee % > /dev/null<CR>
    when I open a file that needs 'sudo' for editing.
    For some files I have aliases:
    [karol@black ~]$ type rc
    rc is aliased to `sudo vim /etc/rc.conf'
    Last edited by karol (2011-02-03 21:45:57)

  • [SOLVED] Vim search history inserts A

    I have the following problem with Vim:
    when I press the up arrow in search mode (/<Up>), Vim switches to the insert mode and enters the letter A in a new line above the cursor. When I press /<Down>, the same happens, only the letter is B.
    Surprisingly, arrows work just fine for browsing command history both in Vim and in Bash.
    All mappings for arrows in my .vimrc are commented out, I've deleted the appropriate files in ~/.vim/view and in ~/.vim-tmp where I store backups and such.
    I use Sakura but the same happens in urxvt and in gnome-terminal. In Vim, term is set to xterm.
    Can you help me please?
    Last edited by caminoix (2011-01-10 22:51:05)

    Wonderful, thank you!
    ":verbose cmap <Up>" returned "No mapping found" but disabling plugins was what I haven't thought about. It turns out it was the SearchComplete plugin.
    Thanks a lot!

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    I have attempted to install vim and all of it's associated dependencies from sunfreeware.com. I have been unable to get the packages to work and when launching VIM, I get the following:
    ld.so.1: vim: fatal: relocation error: file /usr/local/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: symbol gdk_font_equal: referenced symbol not found
    Has anyone been able to get VIM to work? I was wondering if I can find a patch or something which updates this missing symbol.
    Many Thanks....

    Make sure /usr/bin is in your "PATH" by doing 'echo $PATH'. But I guess it already is. Also make sure you have /usr/bin/vim.

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    Is it iMail or Mail ?

  • Vim and ManageHooks

    Hi there, I need help moving things im editing with "Vim" to my "3:code" workspace
    this is the basic code in my ManageHooks segment in my xmonad.hs:
    myManageHook = composeAll . concat $
    [ [className =? c --> doFloat | c <- myFloats]
    , [className =? e --> doF (W.shift "3:code") | e <- code]
    myFloats = ["Gimp"]
    code = ["Vim"]
    Funny thing is if i install Gvim and add it to my ManageHook, it will move all the things im editing with Gvim to my "3:code" workspace.
    But if i install vim, and open files with vim, it opens in the current workspace.
    Can someone help me with this? I have a feeling its just an easy fix, i've been looking around the xmonad thread but cant find anything close to it and when i used google, i've found ppl using query and fmap with "isPrefixOf", but my haskell programming skills isnt up there yet and looking at their code is very confusing.
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by ryuuzaki (2010-05-20 19:38:15)

    I use:
    , [ fmap ( "JAVA:" `isInfixOf`) title --> doCenterFloat]
    to auto float any of my Java apps as I always include "JAVA:" in the window title.
    This should work:
    , [ fmap ( "VIM" `isInfixOf`) title --> doF (W.shift "3:code")]
    though you will probably be better off with `isSuffixOf` [1] as on my system the title looks like "<filename> (<dir>) - VIM" and matching "VIM" anywhere in the title will match all sorts of things eg a google search for VIM in your browser. Even better would be to match on "- VIM" or whatever it is on your system. As skottish mentioned, check with xprop.
    [1] http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.12.1/ … isPrefixOf

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    Any ways to at least somewhat accomplish what I'm trying to  get at?

    Trent wrote:
    Yeah? I had AP CS when they first introduced the GridWorld case study. I hope you get more out of the class than I did.
    I have never used Java except for that and my first CS class at university. I eventually realized that software (as a job) wasn't for me and took a route closer to EE. I still fight to avoid being called a programmer though
    I like the idea of programming for a job, not necessarily "software development", something computer science-y sound good to me.
    But anyway, to end on an on-topic note, I embedded gvim inside Eclipse as described here.

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