[SOLVED] Xfce and gtk-sunlight (rsw in the AUR)

I'm yet another refugee from Gnome 3. I've got Xfce set up almost exactly the same after a day of fiddling, but I can't figure out this thing, and there's nothing on google or the forums about it.
I'm trying to use the Realtime Sunlight Wallpaper app that updates the desktop background every 30 minutes. I assumed, it being gtk, that it would work in Xfce, but it doesn't appear at all. When I run it from the command line it seems like it's running fine with no errors. I feel like I'm missing something huge. Can someone tell me if this is even possible with the way Xfce does the background vs Gnome?
Last edited by JohnnyRogers (2011-05-12 21:55:04)

I've had a look at this and rsw uses this command to change the wallpaper:
gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename
(+ the actual filename appended.)
Under Xfce, xfDesktop is responsible for displaying the background, and it probably doesn't care much about gnome settings...
Try changing the code in support.h from
#define GCONF_SET_WALLPAPER "gconftool-2 --type string --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename"
#define GCONF_SET_WALLPAPER "xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p /backdrop/screen0/monitor0/image-path -s"
It should work... However there are other commands (GCONF_SET_PICTURE_OPTIONS, etc. in support.h) that you may have to change to fix everything.

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    http://wiki.fluxbox.org/index.php?title … gtk_themes
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    Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:23:25)

    Thanks guys! It must have been something in the .config/gtk-3.0 folder. Once I removed it and created settings.ini like this one:
    gtk-theme-name = Adwaita
    gtk-icon-theme-name = Tango
    gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
    gtk-font-name = Sans 8
    gtk-auto-mnemonics = 1
    gtk-visible-focus = automatic
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    Last edited by kmiernik (2013-05-15 11:24:06)

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    Screenshot: http://s18.postimage.org/pz339bje1/screen.jpg
    Last edited by uns1gn3d (2013-02-01 16:32:52)

    Another possibility is that you have the correct theme but don't have the associated theme engine installed.  Poke around the themes a bit:
    For a GTK2 theme: in the "theme/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" file look for the line that says "engine" and a name.  Make sure you have that name installed.
    For a GTK3 theme: in the "theme/gtk-3.0/gtk.css" file also look for "engine" and the name.  Also make sure that engine is installed.
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    Last edited by headkase (2013-02-01 15:41:21)

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    Last edited by chris_l (2011-10-29 00:44:26)

    This thread is going to go on for pages and pages, then the mods are going to lock it cause they're sick of people not "getting it" and don't want to deal with it anymore.  But while I have the chance, I'll throw in my $0.02.
    FOSS is built on two things: freedom and community.  With freedom comes the ability to look through all the code and know exactly what your software is doing, and with community comes the common interest in sharing code, collaborating, etc.  Piracy is just about the same thing, but with law sprinkled everywhere in-between.  Freedom to copy and download whatever you'd like, and all the information you can handle, especially when it comes to where you can copy and download even more data.  Combine the similarities with FOSS junkies that believe in a free world, and you'll find many that'll pirate software without caring because of their opposition about closed source software and copyrights (although many others just find no interest or passion in proprietary code).
    So we have two matters at hand here, the piracy, and the information about the piracy.  Stealing software is illegal, but if you knew a website online that sold bootleg copies, is your knowledge dangerous?  Think of it like locksmiths: they make a living off helping people who are locked out of their cars, homes, etc., but if they had the same knowledge without holding the same professional license, would they be a criminal simply because they know about tumblers and their experience with picking tools?  Or even a very common interest among us: IT security.  If you understood that you shouldn't depend on MD5 algorithms due to MD5 collisions, are you a cracker?  Where is the line drawn?
    In my personal opinion (as a US citizen), your knowledge is a constitutional right.  Technical abilities should not be frowned upon, but encouraged.  The most important difference is the other side of that fence: using that knowledge.  Knowing wireless security vs. cracking networks that aren't yours.  Knowing how to count cards vs. actually doing it.  Or how about one we are depended on every day: knowing the trade secrets at the company we work for vs. exploiting them.  That line is drawn right down the middle of where these two concepts merge: trust.
    Now let's get into the conversation about piracy and the AUR.  Informational side: there is nothing wrong at all about taking propriety, copyrighted code and nicely packing up a pacman-installable file for you and others that legally support the company's software.  You're moving files, writing scripts, and compressing them in a way that makes life easier for you.  Epic isn't going to come after you for moving Unreal Tournament to a $pkgdir directory ... that doesn't make any sense.
    So let's push the lines a little further.  Say the UT CD you have was stepped on by a friend.  At this point, you have one valid license without any installation media.  This means that you are legally in the right to download the installation media and install it on one computer.  In this case, you created a PKGBUILD that downloaded the game from the Internet.  This is still legal.  This is a rare exception that is usually a sorry excuse for pirating a game than recovering from a loss, but again, still legal.
    But--allowing my opinion to come in here--it stops there.  If there was a plethora of PKGBUILDs up on the AUR that linked to copyrighted software, a realistic person would understand that it's there to help pirates.  If this was the case, there really wouldn't be much of a difference from the AUR and a torrent site.  Hell, PKGBUILDs could even download from a torrent file as part of the build() function.  Until a law is broken, it's not illegal, but any bit of information is just a pyramid wrapped of its own red tape you have to cut through before you get to the top, and then you've realized it was all to steal something.
    Personally, I can't stand the idea that torrent sites are getting taken down left and right because they contain no data, just information, and free information should be rejoiced, not discouraged.  But stealing software is nothing but illegal, and illegal activities should be stopped and accounted for.  The grey area is huge and there's no way you can draw a line through it, unlike having that unique skill or knowing trade secrets from working for that company.  And for the same reason this thread will eventually get closed by people who can't take it anymore, so will our false sense of freedom of information to pirate.
    Last edited by synthead (2011-10-28 01:03:29)

  • Compiz, XFCE, and gtk-window-decorator

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    Last edited by Los Frijoles (2012-11-22 01:36:10)

    You are either not trying around & searching for solutions enough or not providing enough info on what you already did.
    Did you try lxappearance?
    Did you read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xfce#Icons
    ... and make sure your icons are in the right location etc?
    Did you check - and where necessary - try to fix the configuration as described here?

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    But today, all of a sudden, some programs didn't launch anymore. xfce4-mixer quit with a "Bus Error" message, and many other things started failing. After a reboot, it just got weirder: NMApplet appeared in the tray and displayed my network (wireless), but clicking it just "freezes" the icon. Aside from that, xfce wouldn't load my keymap (es), instead it defaults to a "us" keymap.
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    Xfce itself seems to run sorta fine though: The shutdown command inside the DE works, and some apps do run (power management, xfce notes, notifications). Others give out several errors: Chromium for example says it "can't create a directory socket" or something (using another system right now, so I can't check), while avant-window-navigator gives out dbus and gconf errors.
    dmesg doesn't display anything out of the ordinary at the end (the blank space in terminals issue doesn't let me read too far back.)
    EDIT: A dbus-daemon process is constantly using 50% of the CPU. And the kernel is 2.6.36 (upgraded it quite some time ago, had no issues)
    Any ideas on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by GRem (2011-01-23 01:00:54)

    ...and I solved it.
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    any help is greatly appreciated.
    EDIT:  Added #3
    Last edited by nixIT (2011-05-20 13:53:14)

    I was also struggling with the same problem when switching from gnome 3 to Xfce.
    The first question is the first problem I encountered and it can be solved by adding "ck-launch-session" This should have been in the FAQ.
    I am now facing the second question now. Here is some hints https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Th … tomounting
    I am still trying to figure the problem at this moment.
    Edit: After following the instruction on the wiki, automount sill not works.
    I found a thread on the forum discussion about this issue. https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=111867
    Basically, thunar and  thunar-volman required gvfs to have automount function properly.
    Last edited by cecilyen (2011-05-22 22:24:37)

  • How to record with "guvcview" from the AUR.

    http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Web … uvcview.29
    In the Archwiki on the webcam page, it suggests GTK UVC Viewer from the AUR. I don't quite like cheese for video recording. I was excited after I played with the resolution and framerate and such in guvcview for the first time. I then was ready to start recording a test video. However, I can't find how to start/stop recording once I've started guvcview. I would appreciate knowing how to record video in it.

    Hi! I just saw this image: http://screenshots.debian.net/screensho … _large.png
    I seem to be missing the bottom row of buttons.
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    I'm trying to install thermald from the AUR : I download the tarball, extract the files with "tar -xvf", go to the extracted directory and run "makepkg -s". This is what I get :
    [quentin@arch thermald]$ makepkg -s
    ==> Création du paquet thermald 1.3.rc1-7 (sam aoû 2 18:20:08 CEST 2014)
    ==> Vérification des dépendances pour l’exécution...
    ==> Vérification des dépendances pour la compilation...
    ==> Récupération des sources...
    -> Téléchargement de thermald-1.3.rc1.tar.gz...
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 130 100 130 0 0 116 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 116
    100 77646 100 77646 0 0 21211 0 0:00:03 0:00:03 --:--:-- 38117
    -> modules-load-thermald.conf trouvé
    -> Téléchargement de 00-hotfix-seqfaults.patch...
    % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
    Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
    100 3079 100 3079 0 0 2842 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 2843
    ==> Validation des fichiers sources avec md5sums...
    thermald-1.3.rc1.tar.gz ... Réussite
    modules-load-thermald.conf ... Réussite
    00-hotfix-seqfaults.patch ... ÉCHEC
    ==> ERREUR : Un ou plusieurs fichiers sont invalides !
    And i've seen in the AUR's comments another person with the same issue. If I had to guess, i'd say the MD5 sums in the PKGBUILD do not match the "00-hotfix-seqfaults.patch" anymore. Is it the problem ? What can I do ?
    Thanks in advance for you help
    EDIT (trying to avoid bumping): I've been away for a while, but thanks for your answers
    Last edited by SergentPepper (2014-08-12 19:35:07)

    $ updpkgsums -h
    usage: updpkgsums [buildfile]
    -h, --help display this help message and exit
    -V, --version display version information and exit
    updpkgsums will perform an in place update the checksums in the
    path specified by [buildfile], defaulting to PKGBUILD in the current
    working directory.
    Next time please run
    LC_ALL=C <command>
    to get the output in English.

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    Not Charge
    - See:     
    iPod touch: Hardware troubleshooting
    iPhone and iPod touch: Charging the battery
    - Try another cable. The cable for 5G iPod (lightning connector) seems to be more prone to failure than the older cable.
    - Try another charging source
    - Inspect the dock connector on the iPod for bent or missing contacts, foreign material, corroded contacts, broken, missing or cracked plastic.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store.
      Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar

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    Reboot the machine holding Command and r keys down, you'll boot into Lion Recovery Partition
    In there will be Disk Utility, use that to select your Lion OS X Partition and Repair Permissions.
    After that is done reboot the machine and see if you can log in.
    If not repeat the above steps to get into Lion Recovery, get online and reinstall Lion again, it will overwrite the installed version and hopefully after that it wil work.
    Reboot and try again.
    If not follow my steps to create a Snow Leopard Data Recovery drive, then option boot from it and grab a copy of your files off the machine.
    Then reinstall all your programs onto the external drive like setting up a new machine, then use Disk Utility to erase the entire internal boot drive (select the drive media on the far left, not the partiton slightly indented) format Option: GUID , 1 partition OS X Extended and then use Carbon Copy Cloner to clone the external to the newly formatted internal drive. Once that is finished reboot and disconnect the external drive.
    Once you go that, boot into Snow Leopard and update to 10.6.8, use the AppStore and option click on Purchases and download Lion again and install.
    Lots of work, but there is no Lion disks.

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    i have an iphone 4s. Recently the wifi settings greyed out when i was using ios 7.0.4. When i connected it to itunes, it showed that update your iphone. At an apple forum they said that updating will solve this problem. I just updated it to 8.0.2 but still wifi is greyed out. In settings>general>about, there is an option of wifi address which shows N/A. What is the problem? Is is the hardware? Kindly guide me.

    There are many threads on this forum about this issue. Do a forum search for "wi-fi greyed out" and see if any of the solutions therein will work for you. Best of luck.

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    Hi jstutsman,
    If you are having issues with your iPod nano not being recognized in iTunes after a recent update, you may find the steps and links listed in the following article helpful:
    iPod not appearing in iTunes - Apple Support
    - Brenden

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    I'm not sure I can make sense of this but without asking too many questions, you can resolve your question by contacting iTunes direct.
    Apple - Support - iTunes - Contact Us
    But they will be wondering about the reference to hacking and you feeling bad about getting something for free.
    Best step in my view is to make sure you don't get similarly involved in future.  You must know roughly what you were doing.   Then writie it off to a not to be repeated experience.

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    Thoughts?  Anyone? 


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