Sometimes safari's fonts are ciphered

sometimes fonts turn to scribbles on some sites. And this problem becomes in windows version of safari too. Anybody knows what is it?

Likely it's duplicate or corrupted fonts.
Go here for troubleshooting.
Font problems and management in OS X
And this problem becomes in windows version of safari too. Anybody knows what is it?
If you have a PC with Safari for Windows installed, post here for help with that.

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    Any thoughts?
    Thank you

    First, try resetting your phone:
    Press the sleep/wake button & home button at the same time, keep pressing until you see the Apple logo, then release.

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    The fonts to eliminate for sure are Helvetica Fractions and Times Phonetic, and all similar. Conflicting fonts are almost always located in Users/username/Library/Fonts (Apple doesn't put any there). The list is at

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    Hi Mark,
    Well, something is corrupt. The problem remains even after signing on
    as another user. Now, another machine (also a quad core G5) is having
    the same problem. This second mac has not shared files with the first one. Sometimes the glyphs from the fonts are just not
    there, and at other times they are replaced with symbols.
    One can immediately view the pdf properly and without error by opening it
    with Acrobat.
    So this problem is intermittent (it goes away for a while after rebooting),
    occurs whenever pdfs are viewed with Preview (e.g. from within Safari
    or straight loadad into Preview). This is getting very very annoying.
    I'm begining to think that only a total re-install will solve the problem,
    but since it is now happening on a second machine, I'm worried that
    something more insidious is happening.

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    Hi sws234,
    I'm sorry you ran into trouble here. There are a few things we can check right away to start debugging this:
    - First, would you try signing out of the Creative Cloud app and see if this solves the issue?
    - Could you try quitting/restarting the Creative Cloud app. Did this solve the issue?
    - Could you try Turning File and Font Sync off under: Gear > Preferences > Fonts. Wait a second, then turn it back on. See if the font/s show up and if not, try syncing again. Did this solve it?
    - Could you tell me if you're on the Windows/Mac OS X and the version?
    - Could you check version of the Creative Cloud app you're using and let me know which version it is? This can be found under: Gear > Preferences > General > Account
    If none of those worked, could you drop us a line at: [email protected] and we'll pick it up there? We'll need some account info to continue troubleshooting.

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    This could be a plist corruption problem, but I'm not sure.
    Sometimes, the preference list files get corrupted. You can usually just remove them and they'll get re-created. This may require you to reset certain settings. A notable exception to this is the Mail plist which actually stores the Library structure of your email accounts. Deleting the Mail plist will definitely cause lots of problems, but is recoverable.
    The plist files are stored in the /Users/username/Library/Preferences/ folder. They usually have the naming convention of
    A simple troubleshooting technique is to move a suspect plist file out of the Preferences folder and start up the app, again. It will re-create the plist from scratch.
    In your case, I would try the You can use Activity Monitor to kill the Dock app and it will restart. Or, you can log out and log back in.
    There is a new file with Leopard called I haven't figured out what it does, but you might try moving it out. If anything gets worse, you can move the old file back in replacing the newly created one.
    This all sound somewhat odd, so I don't know if this will help.

  • Fonts are not correct.

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    Attached is one of these documents with the embedded fonts. I was also not able to put annotations on it.
    Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 09:31:55 -0600
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Fonts are not correct.
        Re: Fonts are not correct.
        created by pawibbel in Adobe Reader for iOS - View the full discussion
    Hi Kenny,Can you please share one of these documents? If the font is fully embedded, we should support rendering it. Thank you! Pat
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         Start a new discussion in Adobe Reader for iOS by email or at Adobe Forums
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  • I just updated to 10.8.4 and my mail program is showing a series of boxes with AAAAs inside them instead of the email addresses. Also when on Safari web pages are displaying the same AAAAAs instead of type. Firefox displays fine. Can someone help me?

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    Restart your Mac and immediately hold down the Shift key when you hear the startup chime to boot into Safe Mode. Keep holding the Shift key until you see a progress bar towards the bottom of the screen. You can let go of the Shift key at that point.
    OS X asks you to log in (you will get this screen on a Safe Mode boot even if your Mac is set to automatically log in). Let the Mac finish booting to the desktop and then restart normally. This will clear Font Book's database and the cache files of the user account you logged into in Safe Mode.
    Next, close all running applications. From an administrator account, open the Terminal app and enter the following command. You can also copy/paste it from here into the Terminal window:
    sudo atsutil databases -remove
    Terminal will then ask for your admin password. As you type, it will not show anything, so be sure to enter it correctly.
    This removes all font cache files. Both for the system and the current user font cache files. After running the command, close Terminal and immediately restart your Mac.

  • My fonts are corrupt??

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    Just upgraded to 10.4.8 from 10.3.9
    Main Administrator's account is fine.
    However, when I log onto the other accounts (wife, child, etc) the fonts look all screwed up. Sometimes when opening MS stuff (Word, PP) at the startup of the application it states all these different fonts are corrupt and need to be removed.
    Again... the Admin account is fine with all the fonts and applications.
    Any ideas on how to fix???

    Hi Lawrence,
    Two things are possible. The font cache files are corrupt and/or Font Book's database in that account is corrupt. Follow these steps.
    First, follow the steps in Undoing Font Book.
    Then follow this additional step.
    Download and run Mark Douma's Font Finagler to clear the font cache files on the system.
    Restart your Mac.
    The above will reset Font Book and clear OS X's font cache files. Office needs to done manually.
    Remove the following files. The tilde (~) represents your home account.
    ~/Library/Preferences/Microsoft/Office Font Cache (11)

  • Safari's Fonts got BOLD

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    We aren't privy to when software updates will show up nor what they will include.
    Try maintenance..
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Empty Cache. When you are done with that...
    From the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari / Reset Safari. Select the top 5 buttons and click Reset.
    Go here for trouble shooting 3rd party plugins or input managers which might be causing the problem.
    Safari: Add-ons may cause Safari to unexpectedly quit or have performance issues
    Since you are running Snow Leopard, *make sure Safari is opening in 32-bit mode, not 64*. Right or control click the Safari icon in the Applications folder, then click: Get Info In the Get Info window click the black disclosure triangle next to General so it faces down. Select 32 bit mode. Also, (in that same window) *make sure Safari is NOT running in Rosetta.*

Web pages now include a small icon or 'favicon' which is visible in the address bar and next to bookmarks. These icons take up disk space and slow Safari down. It is possible to erase the icons from your computer and start fresh. *To delete Safari's icon cache using the Finder, open your user folder, navigate to ~/Library/Safari/ and move this file "webpageIcons.db to the Trash.*
    If nothing above helps, go to the Safari Menu Bar, click Safari/Preferences. Make note of all the preferences under each tab. Quit Safari. Now go to ~/Library/Preferences and move this file to the Desktop. Relaunch Safari. If Safari fonts are ok, then move that .plist file to the Trash.

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    You can download a complete iPad 2 User Guide here:
    Also, Good Instructions
    Apple - iPad 2 - Guided Tours
    Watch the videos see all the amazing iPad apps in action. Learn how to use FaceTime, Mail, Safari, Videos, Maps, iBooks, App Store, and more.
    You can download this guide to your iPad.
    iPad User Guide for iOS 5
     Cheers, Tom

  • With Firefox 5 fonts are upsized randomly

    SInce I upgraded to FF5 I have this strange problem that sometimes fonts are too big throwing whole pages off.
    Sometimes the pages renders properly.

    This problem went away for me when I recreated my Firefox profile.
    But this is a step normal user should not need to go through

  • A bold font and irritating fonts are coming everywhere after installing firefox 11 beta 1

    when i am typing anything on Google search bar it is coming in bold, any websites title and sub titles are coming in bold and it is very irritating. sometimes my fonts are suddenly transferred in any totally unknown language. please help me to sort this out.

    Try to set the Boolean pref <b>gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.use_gdi_table_loading</b> to <i>false</i> on the <b>about:config</b> page.
    Try to disable hardware acceleration.
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

  • Some fonts are not shown correctly in LabVIEW 2012

    I found a bug related with fonts in LabVIEW2012 f3 KR.
    - When I select NI7SEG in font selection dialog, right font is not shown in the example box.
    - Draw text at shows same problem for some fonts while other fonts are working.
    I reported it to Korean NI. As far as I know, this was not reported in previous versions and I couldn't find any related documents in Google. 
    So, here I would like to know whether it is related with only Korean version. Please let me know if English version is OK. 
    * OS: Windows 7 32bit KR

    Just now, I installed LabVIEW 2012 f3 (32-bit, English) and checked for the issue. But the font(NI7SEG) was not shown properly in VI either.
    - Both of Korea and English version of LabVIEW 2012 on Win 7 Korea OS shows wrong results. It is same on 64-bit OS.
    - LabVIEW 2010 but on same PC shows correct fonts.
    Is there a limit of number of fonts in LabVIEW? There are more than 100 fonts are shown in the "Selection Font" dialog and I can divide them into 3 groups by sequential order. I find that all fonts in the 3rd group are not applied correctly.
    (1st group)
    Arial Unicode MS...
    Bookshelf Symbol 3....
    Windings 3
    (2nd group)
    @Arial Unicode MS...
    (3rd group)
    Licida Console... 

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    I have the same issue and koban4max's sugggestion doesn't work (well, it works, but you'll need to do it once a day.) I am surprised this hasn't been widely reported either as an iphone, Verizon or Yahoo issue. I tried various suggestions (deleting/re-adding account, moving messages to a new folder and changing password on computer/iphone, etc.) It will push for a while but stop pushing in a few hours or a few days. This leads me to believe somewhere in the interface corrupts the process. I would love to know if it's unique to Verizon, iphone 4S or IOS 5, or all of the above. The phone doesn't even fetch according to schedule, only when you are in the application. BTW, the Exchange push solution for Gmail works wonderfully.
    iphone 4S, IOS 5, Verizon.

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