Sonata and stalonetray

Just thought I'd ask if this happens with all trays out there or is it just with my setup. When sonata is started while mpd is active (playing etc.), sonata starts up with the default icon in stalonetray, so no there's no play/pause indicator in the bottom right corner of the icon.
@ stonecrest: Are you aware of this?
Last edited by sm4tik (2008-05-24 16:18:29)

stonecrest wrote:Aha, it was a bug that only affects the egg trayicon. Fixed in svn.
..don't quite know what an "egg trayicon" is, but the icon's showing up ok now with 1.5.1-2
After the upgrade I get this when starting sonata from consosle
GtkWarning: gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple: assertion `dest_width > 0' failed
crop_pixbuf = pixbuf.scale_simple(image_width, image_height, gtk.gdk.INTERP_HYPER)
Only a warning, so everything's working ok (atleast I haven't seen any irregularities yet) but I thought I'd still share it here.

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    tnx all

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    @tacticalbread: thanks for the config, but that didn't solve the issue.
    @invalidArgument597: no, I've tried both, still nothing.
    EDIT: Ok, it's solved now.  I commented out the lines right before the XF86 bindings and it automagically started working.  I guess the lines before XF86 bindings were somehow problematic!
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    -- move mouse to bottom-right corner because it's just annoying!
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    Thanks for the help!
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  • Problems concerning sonata playlists and freevo cover art

    I'm setting up a media center PC and I'm having some problems with the playlists created by sonata. Another problem I have is not getting freevo to download cover art.
    First: When ever I try to make a playlist through the "Current" tab in Sonata it creates a m3u file with every song that's listed in the current window. I'm used to being able to pick one or a couple of songs and then adding it a specified playlist. Is this impossible in sonata? And if I try to play the m3u file created (the one with every song listed) through freevo I get a message that the directory is empty. What am I doing wrong??
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    Here's my
    # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
    # - System configuration
    # $Id: 10508 2008-03-12 07:24:34Z duncan $
    # Notes:
    # This file contains your freevo settings, overriding the settings in
    #, which is usually installed in
    # /usr/share/freevo, contains all the core settings. To change the settings copy
    # this file to ~/.freevo/ or /etc/freevo/
    # It does not contain all the possible settings that you can change, see
    # for all the possible settings. Also it does not contain
    # settings for the plug-ins, plug-ins contain their configuration information and
    # the can be listed with:
    # | freevo plugins -l
    # and the settings can se shown with
    # | freevo plugins -i <name of plug-in>
    # E.g.: when you want a alsa as mplayer audio out, just put in
    # | MPLAYER_AO_DEV = 'alsa9'
    # The vertical line indicates code.
    # This is no normal config file, it's Python code. Because of that, you
    # need to follow some rules to avoid crashes. The examples should explain
    # the settings, but make sure a line starting with a variable has NO SPACES OR
    # TABS at the beginning.
    # Freevo - A Home Theater PC framework
    # Copyright (C) 2002 Krister Lagerstrom, et al.
    # Please see the file freevo/Docs/CREDITS for a complete list of authors.
    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
    # Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
    # ======================================================================
    # General freevo settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # LOCALE='iso-8859-15'
    # AUDIO_DEVICE = '/dev/dsp' # e.g.: /dev/dsp0, /dev/audio, /dev/alsa/?
    # AUDIO_INPUT_DEVICE = '/dev/dsp1' # e.g.: /dev/dsp0, /dev/audio, /dev/alsa/?
    # MIXER_MAJOR_CTRL = 'VOL' # Freevo takes control over one audio ctrl
    # 'VOL', 'PCM' 'OGAIN' etc.
    # MIXER_MAJOR_MUTE_CTRL = 'PCM' # used in There are systems where
    # volume and mute use different controls
    # MIXER_DEVICE = '/dev/mixer' # mixer device
    # MIXER_CONTROL_ALL = 1 # Should Freevo take complete control of audio
    # MIXER_VOLUME_MAX = 90 # Set what you want maximum volume level to be.
    # MIXER_VOLUME_DEFAULT = 40 # Set default volume level.
    # MIXER_VOLUME_TV_IN = 60 # Set this to your preferred level 0-100.
    # MIXER_VOLUME_VCR_IN = 90 # If you use different input from TV
    # MIXER_VOLUME_RADIO_IN = 80 # Set this to your preferred level 0-100.
    START_FULLSCREEN_X = 1 # Start in fullscreen mode if using x11 or xv.
    # SYS_SHUTDOWN_CONFIRM = 1 # ask before shutdown
    # Physical ROM drives, multiple ones can be specified
    # by adding comma-seperated and quoted entries.
    # Format [ ('mountdir1', 'devicename1', 'displayed name1'),
    # ('mountdir2', 'devicename2', 'displayed name2'), ...]
    # Set to None to autodetect drives in during startup from /etc/fstab,
    # set to [] to disable rom drive support at all
    # ROM_DRIVES = None
    # Hide discs from the wrong menu (e.g. VCDs in audio menu) and empty discs.
    # Attempt to set the speed of the ROM drive. A good value for keeping the
    # drive silent while playing movies is 8.
    # ROM_SPEED = 0
    # Perform a whole system shutdown at SHUTDOWN! Useful for standalone boxes.
    # Command to execute to shutdown the system
    # SYS_SHUTDOWN_CMD = "sudo shutdown -h now"
    # SYS_RESTART_CMD = "sudo shutdown -r now"
    # ======================================================================
    # ======================================================================
    # replace the default shutdown plugin
    # plugin.remove('shutdown')
    # plugin.activate('autoshutdown', level=90)
    # activate the timer
    # plugin.activate('autoshutdown.autoshutdowntimer')
    # -- autoshutdown menu item configuration --
    # Set to True to popup dialog boxes for confirmation.
    # this applies to menu items only.
    # -- autoshutdown timer configuration --
    # Set the timeout in minutes after which the system
    # is shutdown. The allowed idle time and the running
    # processes (see below) are evaluated to determine if
    # a shutdown is allowed. Menu navigation in freevo will
    # reset the timer.
    # -- autoshutdown behaviour configuration --
    # Set to True to disable the actual shutdown command.
    # List the processes that will prevent an automatic
    # shutdown. If there are important programs that
    # should not be interrupted, then add them to this
    # list. Set to None if a shutdown is always allowed.
    # 'emerge',
    # 'tvgids',
    # 'transcode',
    # 'cdrecord',
    # 'mplayer',
    # 'top'
    # Set the default time at which to wakeup if there
    # are no recordings scheduled. The time is specified
    # in localtime 24 hour format. Set to None to disable
    # default wakeup time.
    # Set to True to always wakeup at the default wakeup
    # time. Set to False to only wakeup at the default
    # wakeup time when no recordings are scheduled.
    # The number of minutes that may be spent idle until
    # the next scheduled recording or default wakeup. That
    # is, if the gap between "now" and the next recording
    # or default wakeup is less than the allowed idle time
    # then a shutdown is not performed but the system is
    # left running. If the period from now to the next
    # recording or default wakeup is more than the allowed
    # idle time, then the system is shut down and a wakeup
    # is scheduled. Use this to minimize the number of
    # shutdown/boot sequences when many short programs are
    # recorded in a short period of time. Note that this
    # variable is used by both the timer and the menu.
    # -- Choice of wakeup method
    # The wakeup can be done via acpi-alarm or nvram-wakeup.
    # -- autoshutdown acpi-alarm configuration
    # This method uses the wakeup on alarm function that most BIOSs have.
    # The wakeup time is set by a simple
    # "echo 2004-08-02 20:15:00 >/proc/acpi/alarm"
    # On most mainbords you will have to ENABLE "Wake on Timer", "Resume on Alarm",
    # "RTC Alarm Resume" or similar things for the acpi wakeup method to work.
    # If you want to use acpi, you need to create a small script:
    # !/bin/sh
    # echo "$1" >/proc/acpi/alarm
    # You have to be root or use sudo for this to work.
    # -- autoshutdown nvram-wakeup configuration --
    # The nvram-wakeup utility is used to write the
    # wakeup alarm to the RTC in bios. Read the
    # nvram-wakeup documentation about this topic,
    # a working nvram-wakeup configuration is needed.
    # Path to nvram-wakeup and options. Options can
    # be used to specify a config file.
    # AUTOSHUTDOWN_WAKEUP_CMD = "/usr/bin/nvram-wakeup"
    # AUTOSHUTDOWN_NVRAM_OPT = "--syslog"
    # Set to True if the bios needs a reboot to catch
    # up with the rtc alarm that nvram-wakeup sets. The
    # boot loader options should be set too. Read the
    # nvram-wakeup documentation about this topic.
    # -- if the bios needs a reboot --
    # Set to "GRUB" or "LILO" Only needed if bios needs
    # a reboot to initialize the RTC wakeup call.
    # Grub needs to write to /boot/grub/grub.conf. Set
    # the command and options to remount the /boot
    # partition writeable. Set to None if this is not
    # needed.
    # AUTOSHUTDOWN_REMOUNT_BOOT_OPT = "/boot -o remount,rw"
    # Grub-set-default command and options that will
    # reboot and poweroff the system.
    # AUTOSHUTDOWN_GRUB_CMD = "/sbin/grub-set-default 0"
    # Lilo command with options that will reboot and
    # poweroff the system.
    # AUTOSHUTDOWN_LILO_CMD = "/sbin/lilo"
    # ======================================================================
    # Events
    # ======================================================================
    # You can add more keybindings by adding them to the correct hash.
    # e.g. If you want to send 'contrast -100' to mplayer by pressing the '1' key,
    # just add the following line:
    # EVENTS['video']['1'] = Event(VIDEO_SEND_MPLAYER_CMD, arg='contrast -100')
    # See src/ for a list of all possible events.
    # Some events to jump to menus
    # EVENTS['menu']['GUIDE'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_TVGUIDE) # Not working
    # EVENTS['menu']['VIDEOS'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_VIDEOS)
    # EVENTS['menu']['MUSIC'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_MUSIC)
    # EVENTS['menu']['PICTURES'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_IMAGES)
    # EVENTS['menu']['GAMES'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_GAMES)
    # EVENTS['menu']['RADIO'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_RADIO) # Not working
    # EVENTS['menu']['POWER'] = Event(MENU_GOTO_SHUTDOWN)
    # Use arrow keys for back and select (alternate way of navigating)
    # Process keyboard events from SDL. You want this unless you use only lirc
    # or event devices below.
    # Keymap to map keyboard keys to event strings. You can also add new keys
    # here, e.g. KEYMAP[key.K_x] = 'SUBTITLE'. The K_-names are defined by pygame.
    # List of /dev/input/event# devices to monitor. You can specify either the
    # device node (e.g. '/dev/input/event1') or the name of the device (e.g.
    # 'ATI Remote Wonder II'). If you monitor your keyboard both here and with
    # USE_SDL_KEYBOARD, then you will get duplicate events.
    EVENT_DEVS = []
    # Keymap to map input events to event strings. You can change current mappings
    # and add new ones here, e.g. EVENTMAP['KEY_COFFEE'] = 'SUBTITLE'. Key names
    # are defined by the Linux input layer (input.h). An axis is described by a
    # pair, one for positive and one for negative movement, e.g.
    # EVENTMAP['REL_Z'] = ('LEFT', 'RIGHT')
    # Use Internet resources to fetch information?
    # For example, Freevo can use CDDB for album information,
    # the IMDB movie database for movie info, and Amazon for cover searches.
    # Set this to 0 if your computer isn't connected to a network.
    # Directory location to save files when the normal filesystem
    # doesn't allow saving. This directory can save covers and fxd files
    # for read only filesystems like ROM drives. Set this variable to your
    # old MOVIE_DATA_DIR if you have one. It needs to be set to a directory
    # Freevo can write to.
    # OVERLAY_DIR = os.path.join(FREEVO_CACHEDIR, 'vfs')
    # Umask setting for all files.
    # 022 means only the user has write access. If you share your Freevo
    # installation with different users, set this to 002
    # UMASK = 022
    # Suffix for playlist files
    PLAYLIST_SUFFIX = [ 'm3u' ]
    # Use md5 in mmpython to create unique disc ids. Enable this if you have
    # problems with different discs having the same id.
    # Keep metadata in memory
    # Setting this variable will keep all cache files in memory. Startup will be
    # slower, but for large directories, this will speed up the display.
    # 0 = Only keep current dir in memory. Use this if you have too much data
    # and not enough RAM
    # 1 = Once loaded, keep cachefile for directory in memory
    # 2 = Load all cachefiles on startup
    # WARNING: you should not run 'freevo cache' when freevo is running.
    # Cache images. This uses a lot of disc space but it's a huge speed
    # enhancement. The images will be cached in OVERLAY_DIR
    # ======================================================================
    # Plugins:
    # ======================================================================
    # Remove undesired plugins by setting plugin.remove(code).
    # You can also use the name to remove a plugin. But if you do that,
    # all instances of this plugin will be removed.
    # Examples:
    # plugin.remove(plugin_tv) or
    # plugin.remove('tv') will remove the tv module from the main menu
    # plugin.remove(rom_plugins['image']) will remove the rom drives from the
    # image main menu,
    # plugin.remove('rom_drives.rom_items') will remove the rom drives from all
    # menus
    # See for a list of loaded plugins
    # User setup
    # plugin.activate('video.moviecovers')
    # list of regexp to be ignored on a disc label
    IMDB_REMOVE_FROM_LABEL = ('season[\._ -][0-9]+', 'disc[\._ -][0-9]+',
    'd[\._ -][0-9]+', 'german')
    # list of words to ignore when searching based on a filename
    # When searching for a movie title in imdb, should the result be
    # autoaccepted if it is only one hit?
    # 0 = show menu even if it is only one hit (gives you an opportunity to cancel)
    # 1 = autoaccept
    SCREENSAVER_DELAY = 30 # of seconds to wait to start saver.
    SCREENSAVER_CYCLE_TIME = 60 # of seconds to run a screensaver before starting another saver.
    # Use ivtv_record instead if you have an ivtv based card (PVR-250/350)
    # and want freevo to do everthing for you. TV_SETTINGS must be set
    # correctly. To use you need to set the following two lines:
    # plugin.remove('tv.generic_record')
    # plugin_record = plugin.activate('tv.ivtv_record')
    # Enable this for joystick support:
    # plugin.activate('joy')
    # Headlines
    # You are free to use any rss feeds in the HEADLINES_LOCATIONS below
    # These are just working examples for the Freevo feeds.
    # To turn off Headlines add plugin.remove('headlines')
    # plugin.activate('headlines', level=45)
    # ('Freevo news releases', ''),
    # ('Freevo file releases', ''),
    # ('Freevo summary+stats', ''),
    # ('Freevo donors', ''),
    # CD Ripping
    # CD_RIP_TMP_DIR = '/tmp/'
    # CD_RIP_TMP_NAME = 'track_%(track)s_being_ripped'
    # CD_RIP_PN_PREF = '%(artist)s/%(album)s/%(track)s - %(song)s'
    # CD_RIP_CDPAR_OPTS = '-s'
    # CD_RIP_LAME_OPTS = '--vbr-new -b 192 -h'
    # CD_RIP_OGG_OPTS = '-m 128'
    # CD_RIP_FLAC_OPTS = '-8'
    # CD_RIP_CASE = None # Can be title, upper, lower
    # CD_RIP_REPLACE_SPACE = None # Can be '_', '-', etc.
    # CD Burning
    # CDBURN_MKISOFS_PATH = '/usr/bin/mkisofs'
    # CDBURN_CDRECORD_PATH = '/usr/bin/cdrecord'
    # CDBURN_TEMP_DIR='/tmp/'
    # CDBURN_DEV = '/dev/cdrom'
    # CDBURN_SPEED = 32
    # Re-encode
    # This plug-in transcodes a video to a different format
    # plugin.activate('video.reencode')
    # REENCODE_AUDIOCODEC = 'MPEG 1 Layer 3 (mp3)'
    # Freevo Music Player Daemon
    # plugin.activate('mpd')
    # Freevo Bluetooth Phone Settings
    # This plugin uses The Python bindings for Bluez bluetooth stack.
    # It can be downloaded from
    # or installed with the package manager of your operating system.
    # To this plugin to work you need the j2me midlet installed in a compatible
    # phone.
    # plugin.activate('freevused')
    # if RFCOMM port is already binded wait this seconds to retry binding
    # Translation of commands from j2me client to events of Freevo
    # FVUSED_CMDS = {
    # 'PREV': 'UP', # 1st row left
    # 'STRT': 'SELECT', # 1nd row center
    # 'NEXT': 'DOWN', # 1st row right
    # 'RWND': 'LEFT', # 2nd row left
    # 'PAUS': 'PAUSE', # 2nd row center
    # 'FFWD': 'RIGHT', # 2nd row right
    # 'VOL-': 'MIXER_VOLDOWN', # 3rd row left
    # 'STOP': 'EXIT', # 3rd row center
    # 'VOL+': 'MIXER_VOLUP', # 3rd row right
    # 'VOLM': 'MIXER_VOLMUTE', # 4th row left
    # 'SLCT': 'ENTER', # 4th row center
    # 'MAIN': 'MENU' # 4th row right
    # Freevo Button Bar Plug-in
    # plugin.activate('buttonbar')
    # You'll also need to map the 'RED', 'GREEN', 'YELLOW'
    # and 'BLUE' events to keys for example (don't use this
    # it overrides some default keys)
    # KEYMAP[key.K_F5] = 'RED'
    # KEYMAP[key.K_F6] = 'GREEN' #Already mapped to record
    # KEYMAP[key.K_F7] = 'YELLOW'
    # KEYMAP[key.K_F8] = 'BLUE'
    # Freevo Screensaver Plug-in
    # SCREENSAVER_DELAY = 120 # of seconds to wait to start saver.
    # SCREENSAVER_CYCLE_TIME = 60 # of seconds to run a screensaver before starting another saver.
    # plugin.activate('screensaver')
    # plugin.activate('screensaver.balls') # Bouncing balls all over the screen
    # plugin.activate('screensaver.bouncing_freevo') # The freevo logo bouncing around the screen
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo directory settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # You can change all this variables in the folder.fxd on a per folder
    # basis
    # Example:
    # <freevo>
    # <folder title="Title of the directory" img-cover="nice-cover.png">
    # <setvar name="directory_autoplay_single_item" val="0"/>
    # <info>
    # <content>A small description of the directory</content>
    # </info>
    # </folder>
    # </freevo>
    # Should directories sorted by date instead of filename?
    # 0 = No, always sort by filename.
    # 1 = Yes, sort by date
    # 2 = No, don't sory by date for normal directories,
    # but sort by date for TV_RECORD_DIR.
    # Should directory items be sorted in reverse order?
    # Should we use "smart" sorting?
    # Smart sorting ignores the word "The" in item names.
    # Should files in directories have smart names?
    # This removes the first part of the names when identical
    # Should Freevo autoplay an item if only one item is in the directory?
    # Force the skin to use a specific layout number. -1 == no force. The layout
    # toggle with DISPLAY will be disabled
    # Format string for the audio item names.
    # Possible strings:
    # a=artist, n=tracknumber, t=title, y=year, f=filename
    # Example:
    # This will show the title and the track number:
    # DIRECTORY_AUDIO_FORMAT_STRING = '%(n)s - %(t)s'
    # Use media id tags to generate the name of the item. This should be
    # enabled all the time. It should only be disabled for directories with
    # broken tags.
    # The following settings determine which features are available for
    # which media types.
    # If you set this variable in a folder.fxd, the value is 1 (enabled)
    # or 0 (disabled).
    # Examples:
    # To enable autoplay for audio and image files:
    # DIRECTORY_AUTOPLAY_ITEMS = [ 'audio', 'image' ]
    # To disable autoplay entirely:
    # Make all items a playlist. So when one is finished, the next one will
    # start. It's also possible to browse through the list with UP and DOWN
    # DIRECTORY_CREATE_PLAYLIST = [ 'audio', 'image' ]
    # Add playlist files ('m3u') to the directory
    # DIRECTORY_ADD_PLAYLIST_FILES = [ 'audio', 'image' ]
    # Add the item 'Random Playlist' to the directory
    # Make 'Play' not 'Browse' the default action when only items and not
    # subdirectories are in the directory
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo movie settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # Where the movie files can be found.
    # This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items themselves
    # can also be a list of (title, file)
    ('movies', '/home/per/movies'),
    ('movies extra', '/extra/movies'),
    ('tv', '/home/per/tv'),
    ('tv extra', '/extra/tv'),
    # Some people access movies on a different machine using an automounter.
    # To avoid timeouts, you can specify the machine name in the directory
    # to check if the machine is alive first
    # Directory myserver:/files/server-stuff will show the item for the
    # directory /files/server-stuff if the computer myserver is alive.
    # The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
    # are played wih MPlayer.
    # VIDEO_MPLAYER_SUFFIX = [ 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'wmv', 'bin', 'rm',
    # 'divx', 'ogm', 'vob', 'asf', 'm2v', 'm2p',
    # 'mp4', 'viv', 'nuv', 'mov', 'iso',
    # 'nsv', 'mkv' ]
    # The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
    # are played wih Xine.
    # VIDEO_XINE_SUFFIX = [ 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'rm', 'divx', 'ogm',
    # 'asf', 'm2v', 'm2p', 'mp4', 'mov', 'cue' ]
    # Preferred video player
    # Only scan OVERLAY_DIR and VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR for fxd files containing
    # information about a disc. If you only have the fxd files for discs in
    # one of this directories (and subdirectories), set this to 1, it will
    # speed up startup, 0 may be needed if you have fxd files with disc links
    # in your normal movie tree.
    # try to detect a movie with more than one file and join them as one
    # item
    # try to find out if deinterlacing is needed or not
    # Instruct player to use XVMC for playback
    # VIDEO_USE_XVMC = None
    # Pass field dominance parameter to MPlayer
    # PRE and POST playing commands. Set these to a runnable command if
    # you wish to do something before and after playing a video, like
    # dimming the lights
    # VIDEO_PRE_PLAY = None
    # VIDEO_POST_PLAY = None
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo audio settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # Where the Audio (mp3, ogg) files can be found.
    # This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items themselves
    # can also be a list of (title, file)
    # To add webradio support, add fxd/webradio.fxd to this list
    ('music', '/home/per/music'),
    ('music extra', '/extra/music'),
    ('playlists', '/home/per/.mpd/playlists'),
    # The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
    # are played as audio.
    # AUDIO_SUFFIX = [ 'mp3', 'ogg', 'wav','m4a', 'wma', 'aac', 'flac', 'mka' ]
    # Regular expression used to recognize filenames which are likely to be
    # covers for an album
    # This will match front.jpg and cover-f.jpg, but not back.jpg nor cover-b.jpg:
    # AUDIO_COVER_REGEXP = 'front|-f'
    # Format strings used to seach for audio cover images.
    # Fist matching GIF, JPG or PNG image will be used as cover.
    # Examples:
    # AUDIO_COVER_FORMAT_STRINGS = [ 'cover-%(artist)s-%(album)s', 'mycover' ]
    # AUDIO_COVER_FORMAT_STRINGS = [ '%(album)s', '../covers/%(album)s', '../covers/nocover' ]
    # Preferred audio player
    # Show video files in the audio menu (for music-videos)
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo image viewer settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # Where image files can be found.
    # This is a list of items (e.g. directories, fxd files). The items itself
    # can also be a list of (title, file)
    ('pictures', '/home/per/pictures'),
    # The list of filename suffixes that are used to match the files that
    # are used for the image viewer.
    # IMAGE_SUFFIX = [ 'jpg','gif','png','jpeg','bmp','tiff','psd' ]
    # The viewer now supports a new type of menu entry, a slideshow file.
    # It also has the slideshow alarm signal handler for automated shows.
    # It uses a new configuration option:
    # IMAGE_SSHOW_SUFFIX = [ 'ssr' ]
    # The viewer can exclude certain types of images based on the regular expression list
    # eg IMAGE_EXCLUDE = [('thm','tn_')]
    # IMAGE_EXCLUDE = None
    # Mode of the blending effect in the image viewer between two images
    # Possible values are:
    # None: no blending
    # -1 random effect
    # 0 alpha blending
    # 1 wipe effect
    # When viewing images on a TV screen where the pixels are not square
    # the images need to be scaled according to the aspect ratio of the TV
    # Use this setting for 16x9 TVs
    # IMAGEVIEWER_ASPECT = (float(1024) / float(720))
    # Use this setting for 4x3 TVs
    # IMAGEVIEWER_ASPECT = (float(768) / float(720))
    # Use this setting for Monitors including HDTVs
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo games settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # MAME is an emulator for old arcade video games. It supports almost
    # 2000 different games! The actual emulator is not included in Freevo,
    # you'll need to download and install it separately. The main MAME
    # website is at, but the version that is used here
    # is at since the regular MAME is for Windows.
    # SNES stands for Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Freevo relies
    # on other programs that are not included in Freevo to play these games.
    # =================
    # The GAMES_ITEMS structure is now build as follows :
    # where :
    # - <TYPE> : Internal game types (MAME or SNES) or
    # generic one (GENERIC)
    # - <COMMAND_PATH> : Emulator command
    # - <COMMAND_ARGS> : Arguments for the emulator
    # - <IMAGE_PATH> : Optionnal path to the picture
    # - <FILE_SUFFIX_FOR_GENERIC> : If the folder use the GENERIC
    # type, then you must specify here
    # the file suffix used by the emulator
    # GAMES_ITEMS = [
    # ('MAME', '/home/media/games/xmame/roms',
    # ('MAME', '/usr/local/bin/xmame.SDL', '-fullscreen -modenumber 6',
    # '/home/media/games/xmame/shots', None)),
    # ('SUPER NINTENDO', '/home/media/games/snes/roms',
    # ('SNES', '/usr/local/bin/zsnes', '-m -r 3 -k 100 -cs -u', '', None )),
    # ('Visual Boy Advance', '/home/media/games/vba/roms/',
    # ('GENERIC', '/usr/local/vba/VisualBoyAdvance', ' ', '', [ 'gba' ] )),
    # ('MEGADRIVE', '/home/media/games/megadrive/roms',
    # ('GENESIS', '/usr/local/bin/generator-svgalib', '', '', '' ))
    # GAMES_ITEMS = None
    # These settings are used for the MAME arcade emulator:
    # Priority of the game process
    # 0 = Don't change the priority
    # >0 - Lower priority
    # <0 - Higher priority
    # GAMES_NICE = -20
    # MAME cache directory
    # GAMES_MAME_CACHE = '%s/romlist-%s.pickled' % (FREEVO_CACHEDIR, os.getuid())
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo SKIN settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # XML file for the skin. If SKIN_XML_FILE is set, this skin will be
    # used, otherwise the skin will rememeber the last choosen skin.
    # SKIN_XML_FILE = 'blurr'
    # Select a way when to switch to text view even if a image menu is there
    # 1 = Force text view when all items have the same image and there are no
    # directories
    # 2 = Ignore the directories, always switch to text view when all images
    # are the same
    # Force text view for the media menu
    # (The media menu is the first menu displayed for video, audio, images
    # and games).
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo OSD settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # System Path to search for fonts not included in the Freevo distribution
    # OSD_EXTRA_FONT_PATH = [ '/usr/share/fonts/truetype' ]
    # Font aliases
    # All names must be lowercase! All alternate fonts must be in './share/fonts/'
    # OSD_FONT_ALIASES = { 'arial_bold.ttf' : 'VeraBd.ttf' }
    # For non-european character sets the OSD_FORCE_FONTNAME and
    # OSD_FORCE_FONTSIZE can be set. The size is a scaling ratio, ie 1.2.
    # Setting OSD_FORCE_FONTNAME='batang.ttf' and OSD_FORCE_FONTSIZE=1.0
    # allows Korean characters.
    # Number of seconds to wait until the busy icon is shown in the menu.
    # Busy icon can also be shown right away when there is more than a certain
    # number of files in a directory.
    # Set this to None to disable this.
    # (seconds, files)
    # OSD_BUSYICON_TIMER = (0.7, 200)
    # Number of pixels to move the display to centre the OSD on the display
    # Setting the cursors when freevo is run in fullscreen mode
    # OSD_X11_CURSORS = '/usr/lib/X11/cursors/black.cursor /usr/lib/X11/cursors/blank.cursor'
    # Execute a script on OSD startup.
    # Execute a script on OSD close.
    # Stop the osd before playing a movie with xine or mplayer. Some output
    # devices need this. After playback, the osd will be restored
    # Dim text that doesn't fit instead of using ellipses.
    # OSD_DIM_TEXT = 1
    # OSD sound effects
    # OSD_SOUNDS= {
    # 'menu.navigate': None,
    # 'menu.back_one': None,
    # '' : None
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo remote control settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # Location of the lircrc file
    # For remote control support, Freevo needs a lircrc file, like this:
    # begin
    # prog = freevo
    # button = select
    # config = SELECT
    # end
    # Check contrib/lirc for examples and helpers/ for a converter
    # script.
    # LIRCRC = '/etc/freevo/lircrc'
    # Joystick support
    # 0 = Disable joystick support
    # 1 = Use js0,
    # 2 = Use js1,
    # ... etc
    # JOY_DEV = 0
    # JOY_SENS = 32000
    # JOY_LOCKFILE = /path/to/joystick/lockfile
    # Freevo can support as many buttons as your controller has
    # as long as there is a corresponding entry in JOY_CMDS.
    # You will also need to plugin.activate('joy').
    # FYI: new kernels use /dev/input/jsX, but will fall back on /dev/jsX
    # JOY_CMDS = {
    # 'up' : 'UP',
    # 'down' : 'DOWN',
    # 'left' : 'LEFT',
    # 'right' : 'RIGHT',
    # 'button 1' : 'PLAY',
    # 'button 2' : 'PAUSE',
    # 'button 3' : 'STOP',
    # 'button 4' : 'ENTER',
    # Here are the PS3 joy stick mappings
    # JOY_CMDS = {
    # 'button 5' : 'UP',
    # 'button 7' : 'DOWN',
    # 'button 8' : 'LEFT',
    # 'button 6' : 'RIGHT',
    # 'up' : 'UP',
    # 'down' : 'DOWN',
    # 'left' : 'LEFT',
    # 'right' : 'RIGHT',
    # 'button 14' : 'SELECT', # <circle>
    # 'button 16' : 'EXIT', # <square>
    # 'button 15' : 'STOP', # <x>
    # 'button 1' : 'ENTER', # <select>
    # 'button 11' : 'VOL+', # <L1>
    # 'button 9' : 'VOL-', # <L2>
    # 'button 2' : 'MUTE', # <L3>
    # 'button 10' : 'MUTE', # <R2>
    # 'button 4' : 'PLAY', # <start>
    # 'button 13' : 'PLAY', # <start>
    # 'button 17' : 'MENU', # <ps>
    # ======================================================================
    # TVtime settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # Location of the TV time program
    # Default: Use the value in freevo.conf
    # TVTIME_CMD = CONF.tvtime
    # ======================================================================
    # MPlayer settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # MPLAYER_AO_DEV = 'oss:/dev/dsp' # e.g.: oss,sdl,alsa, see mplayer docs
    # MPLAYER_VO_DEV_OPTS = '' # e.g.: ':some_var=vcal'
    # DVD_LANG_PREF = 'en,se,no' # Order of preferred languages on DVD.
    # DVD_SUBTITLE_PREF = '' # Order of preferred subtitles on DVD.
    # Priority of mplayer process. 0 is unchanged, <0 is higher prio, >0 lower prio.
    # prio <0 has no effect unless run as root.
    # MPLAYER_NICE = -20
    # Mplayer options to use the software scaler. If your CPU is fast enough, you
    # might try a software scaler. You can disable it later for some larger files
    # with the mplayer option '-nosws'. If you have -framedrop or -hardframedrop
    # as mplayer option, the software scaler will also not be used.
    # A good value for this variable is:
    # MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER = "-subfont-text-scale 5 -fs -sws 2 -vf scale=%s:-3,"\
    # "expand=%s:%s " % ( CONF.width, CONF.width, CONF.height )
    # older versions of mplayer may need
    # MPLAYER_SOFTWARE_SCALER = '-xy %s -sws 2 -vop scale:-1:-1:-1:100' % CONF.width
    # Mplayer arguments for different media formats. (eg DVDs, CDs, AVI files, etc)
    # Uses a default value if nothing else matches.
    # MPLAYER_ARGS = { 'dvd' : '-cache 8192',
    # 'vcd' : '-cache 4096',
    # 'cd' : '-cache 1024 -cdda speed=2',
    # 'tv' : '-nocache',
    # 'ivtv' : '-cache 8192',
    # 'avi' : '-cache 5000 -idx',
    # 'rm' : '-cache 5000 -forceidx',
    # 'rmvb' : '-cache 5000 -forceidx',
    # 'webcam' : 'tv:// -tv driver=v4l:width=352:height=288:outfmt=yuy2:device=/dev/video2',
    # 'default': '-cache 5000'
    # Number of seconds before seek value times out. This is used when
    # seeking a specified number of minutes into a movie. If you make
    # a mistake or change your mind, the seek value will timeout after
    # this many seconds.
    # Autocrop files when playing. This is useful for files in 4:3 with black
    # bars on a 16:9 tv
    # Try to set correct 'delay' and 'mc' values for mplayer based on the delay
    # from mmpython.
    # This should correct av sync problems with mplayer for some files, but
    # may also break things. (I don't know, that's why it's disabled by default).
    # WARNING: When seeking, the playback is out of sync for some seconds!
    # Mplayer video filter for interlaced or progressive videos. If you have
    # a slow pc, do not use post processing
    # For pal and dvb-t recordings, the following looks good
    # MPLAYER_VF_INTERLACED = 'pp=md/de,phase=U'
    # MPLAYER_VF_INTERLACED = 'pp=de/fd'
    # For the autodetect TOP/BOTTOM field first in mplayer
    # (if this feature present in mplayer)
    # ======================================================================
    # Xine settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # You need xine-ui version greater 0.9.21 to use the all the features
    # of the xine plugin
    # XINE_VO_DEV = 'xv'
    # XINE_COMMAND = '%s --auto-play=fq --hide-gui --borderless --geometry %sx%s+0+0 --no-splash' % \
    # (CONF.xine, CONF.width, CONF.height)
    # XINE_ARGS_DEF = "--no-lirc --post='pp:quality=10;expand'"
    # XINE_AO_DEV = 'oss' # alsa or oss
    # Set to False if xine doesn't have '--no-lirc' option
    # XINE_HAS_NO_LIRC = True
    # Set to True is xine supports get_time this enables the position to be saved
    # XINE_BOOKMARK = False
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo TV settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # This is where recorded video is written.
    # XXX the path doesn't work from the www cgi scripts!
    # TV_RECORD_DIR = None
    # This will enable duplicate recording detection
    # This will enable only new episodes to be recorded
    # ================================================================================
    # Watching TV
    # ================================================================================
    # XXX You must change this to fit your local conditions!
    # NORM: ntsc, pal, secam
    # INPUT: television, composite1
    # CHANLIST: One of the following:
    # us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, japan-bcast, japan-cable, europe-west,
    # europe-east, italy, newzealand, australia, ireland, france, china-bcast,
    # southafrica, argentina, canada-cable, russia
    # Video input device
    # Usually /dev/video0, but might be /dev/video1 instead for multiple boards.
    # FreeBSD uses the Brooktree TV-card driver, not V4L.
    # TV_DRIVER = 'v4l'
    # TV_DEVICE = '/dev/video0'
    # TV_INPUT = 0
    # ================================================================================
    # Listening to radio
    # ================================================================================
    # Radio device default is None, /dev/video24 for ivtv
    # RADIO_DEVICE = '/dev/radio'
    # Radio commands:
    # plugin.activate('audio.radioplayer')
    # plugin.activate('')
    # for fmtools
    # RADIO_CMD = 'fm'
    # RADIO_CMD_START = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q %s 65535')
    # RADIO_CMD_STOP = (RADIO_CMD + ' -d %s ' % RADIO_DEVICE + ' -q off')
    # for ivtv-radio
    # RADIO_CMD = '/usr/bin/ivtv-radio -d /dev/radio0 -i /dev/video24'
    # ('DRS 1', '94.80'),
    # ('VIRUS', '104.30'),
    # (u'Radio Zürisee', '90.20'),
    # Additional options to pass to mplayer in TV mode.
    # eg. To turn off deinterlacing:
    # TV_OPTS = '-vop pp=ci'
    # TV_OPTS = ''
    # TV_SETTINGS = '%s television %s %s' % (, CONF.chanlist, TV_DEVICE)
    # Size (in MB) of the timeshift buffer. (ie: how long you can pause tv for.)
    # This is set to a low default because the default buffer location is
    # under FREEVO_CACHEDIR and we don't want to blow /var or /tmp.
    # TIMESHIFT_ENCODE_CMD = 'mp1e -m3 -c%s -p%s -r14,100' % \
    # TIMESHIFT_BUFFER = '%s/timeshift.mpeg' % FREEVO_CACHEDIR
    # TV_DATE_FORMAT = '%e-%b' # Day-Month: 11-Jun
    # TV_TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M' # Hour-Minute 14:05
    # TV_DATETIME_FORMAT = '%A %b %d %I:%M %p' # Thursday September 24 8:54 am
    # This is the filename format for files recorded using Freevo.
    # You can use any of the strftime variables in it, provided you
    # put two '%%' at the beginning.
    # Some examples:
    # %%A - Full weekday name.
    # %%H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
    # %%M - Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
    # %%m - Month as a decimal number [01,12].
    # %%d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
    # %%p - Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
    # More can be found at:
    # TV_RECORD_FILE_MASK = '%%m-%%d %%H:%%M %(progname)s - %(title)s'
    # If using the persistent recordserver
    # TV_RECORD_SCHEDULE = FREEVO_STATICDIR + '/schedule.pickle'
    # TV_RECORD_FAVORITES = FREEVO_STATICDIR + '/favorites.pickle'
    # RECORDSERVER_IP = 'localhost'
    # RECORDSERVER_SECRET = 'secret1'
    # If the recordserver runs as root, set the uid to the given one
    # after startup. The gui must also match one of the users group ids
    # Remove old recordings if GB free is less than specified value
    # start every recording X minutes before scheduled,
    # and stop X minutes after scheduled - default to zero minutes.
    # This must be a value in seconds although at the moment only has
    # the percision of one minute.
    # Number of minutes before or after the start time of a favorite where
    # a program matching the name, day of week etc should still be considered a
    # favorite. For example a favorite has a start time of 21.00, but the program
    # has been brought forward by the broadcaster by 10 minutes to 20.50, with
    # a margin of less than 10 this program will not be recorded as the start time
    # is outside the margin. But if the margin is set at 10 minutes or greater this
    # program will be considered a favorite and recorded. Probably about 45 minutes
    # is the best bet, better a false positive than a false negative.
    # PRE and POST recording commands. Set these to a runnable command if
    # you wish to have special mixer settings or video post processing.
    # VCR_PRE_REC = None
    # VCR_POST_REC = None
    # VCR_AUDIO = (':adevice=%s' % AUDIO_DEVICE +
    # ':audiorate=32000' + # 44100 for better sound
    # ':forceaudio:forcechan=1:' + # Forced mono for bug in my driver
    # 'buffersize=64') # 64MB capture buffer, change?
    # TV capture size for viewing and recording. Max 768x480 for NTSC,
    # 768x576 for PAL. Set lower if you have a slow computer!
    # For the 'tvtime' TV viewing application, only the horizontal size is used.
    # Set the horizontal size to 400 or 480 if you have a slow (~500MHz) computer,
    # it still looks OK, and the picture will not be as jerky.
    # The vertical size is always either fullscreen or 480/576 (NTSC/PAL)
    # for tvtime.
    # TV_VIEW_SIZE = (640, 480)
    # TV_REC_SIZE = (320, 240) # Default for slower computers
    # Input formats for viewing and recording. The format affect viewing
    # and recording performance. It is specific to your hardware, so read
    # the MPlayer docs and experiment with mplayer to see which one fits
    # your computer best.
    # TV_VIEW_OUTFMT = 'yuy2' # Better quality, slower on pure FB/X11
    # TV_REC_OUTFMT = 'yuy2'
    # XXX Please see the mencoder docs for more info about the settings
    # XXX below. Some stuff must be changed (adevice), others probably
    # XXX should be ("Change"), or could be in some cases ("change?")
    # VCR_CMD = (CONF.mencoder + ' ' +
    # 'tv:// ' + # New mplayer requires this.
    # '-tv driver=%s:input=%d' % (TV_DRIVER, TV_INPUT) +
    # ':norm=%s' % +
    # ':channel=%(channel)s' + # Filled in by Freevo
    # ':chanlist=%s' % CONF.chanlist +
    # ':width=%d:height=%d' % (TV_REC_SIZE[0], TV_REC_SIZE[1]) +
    # ':outfmt=%s' % TV_REC_OUTFMT +
    # ':device=%s' % TV_DEVICE +
    # VCR_AUDIO + # set above
    # ' -ovc lavc -lavcopts ' + # Mencoder lavcodec video codec
    # 'vcodec=mpeg4' + # lavcodec mpeg-4
    # ':vbitrate=1200:' + # Change lower/higher, bitrate
    # 'keyint=30 ' + # Keyframe every 10 secs, change?
    # '-oac mp3lame -lameopts ' + # Use Lame for MP3 encoding, must be enabled in mencoder!
    # 'br=128:cbr:mode=3 ' + # MP3 const. bitrate, 128 kbit/s
    # '-ffourcc divx ' + # Force 'divx' ident, better compat.
    # '-endpos %(seconds)s ' + # only mencoder uses this so do it here.
    # '-o %(filename)s') # Filled in by Freevo
    # TV_VIDEO_GROUPS setting to handles multiple arbitrary groups of devices
    # for viewing or recording. It is possible to have different Freevo
    # channels use different Video Groups.
    # See the wiki for more details:
    # This example is when you have one IVTV type card installed
    # VideoGroup(vdev=TV_DEVICE,
    # adev=AUDIO_DEVICE,
    # input_type='tuner 1',
    # input_num=0,
    # tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
    # group_type = 'ivtv',
    # desc='PVR-350 Video Group'),
    # This example is for two normal TV cards to allow you to use one card to
    # view a programme and the other card to record at the same time
    # # Use this group for watching tv
    # VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video0',
    # adev=None,
    # input_type='tuner 1',
    # tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
    # desc='Watching Video Group',
    # record_group=1),
    # # Use this group for recording tv
    # VideoGroup(vdev='/dev/video1',
    # adev=None,
    # input_type='tuner 1',
    # tuner_chanlist=CONF.chanlist,
    # desc='Recording Video Group',
    # record_group=None),
    # Settings for ivtv based cards such as the WinTV PVR-250/350.
    # TODO: Add descriptions and valid settings for each option.
    # bitrate in bps
    # stream type
    # Options are: 0 (mpeg2_ps), 1 (mpeg2_ts), 2 (mpeg1), 3 (mpeg2_pes_av),
    # 5 (mpeg2_pes_v), 7 (mpeg2_pes_a), 10 (dvd)
    # 'input' : 4,
    # 'resolution' : '720x480',
    # 'aspect' : 2,
    # 'audio_bitmask' : 233,
    # 'bframes' : 3,
    # 'bitrate_mode' : 1,
    # 'bitrate' : 4000000,
    # 'bitrate_peak' : 4000000,
    # 'dnr_mode' : 0,
    # 'dnr_spatial' : 0,
    # 'dnr_temporal' : 0,
    # 'dnr_type' : 0,
    # 'framerate' : 0,
    # 'framespergop' : 15,
    # 'gop_closure' : 1,
    # 'pulldown' : 0,
    # 'stream_type' : 10,
    # TV Channels. This list contains a mapping from the displayed channel name
    # to the actual channel name as used by the TV watching application.
    # The display name must match the names from the XMLTV guide,
    # and the TV channel name must be what the tuner expects (usually a number).
    # The TV menu is supposed to be supported by the XMLTV application for
    # up to date listings, but can be used without it to just display
    # the available channels.
    # This list also determines the order in which the channels are displayed!
    # N.B.: You must delete the XMLTV cache file (e.g. /var/cache/freevo/TV.xml.pickled)
    # if you make changes here and restart!
    # Format: [('xmltv channel id', 'freevo display name', 'tv channel name'), ...]
    # If this variable is set to None (default), Freevo will try to auto-detect
    # the channel list based on the xmltv file. This doesn't work for all
    # xmltv grabber, e.g. the German list doesn't contain station lists. In this
    # case Freevo will output the possible list for you to add them manually.
    # If auto-detection doesn't work or you want to edit the list, run
    # freevo tv_grab -query.
    # Setting this variable to [] will deactivate the tv guide. If you don't have
    # a tv card, you may also want to add plugin.remove('tv') to remove the whole
    # tv menu.
    # All channels listed here will be displayed on the TV menu, even if they're
    # not present in the XMLTV listing.
    # Timedependent channels:
    # The TV_CHANNELS-list can look like this:
    # TV_CHANNELS = [('21', 'SVT1', 'E5'),
    # ('22', 'SVT2', 'E3'),
    # ('26', 'TV3', 'E10'),
    # ('27', 'TV4', 'E6'),
    # ('10', 'Kanal 5', 'E7'),
    # ('60', 'Fox Kids', 'E8', ('1234567','0600','1659')),
    # ('16', 'TV6', 'E8', ('1234567','1700','2359'),
    # ('1234567','0000','0300')),
    # ('14', 'MTV Europe', 'E11') ]
    # As you can see the list takes optional tuples:
    # ( 'DAYS', 'START','END')
    # 1234567 in days means all days.
    # 12345 would mean monday to friday.
    # It will display "Fox Kids" from 06:00 to 16:59 and "TV6" from 17:00 to 03:00.
    # 03:00 to 06:00 it won't be displayed at all.
    # TV_CHANNELS = None
    # A lambda function to sort the TV_CHANNELS
    #TV_CHANNELS_COMPARE = lambda a, b: cmp(int(a[2]), int(b[2]))
    # TV_FREQUENCY_TABLE - This is only used when Freevo changes the channel natively.
    # This is only the case if you are using V4L2 and any of the following plugins:
    # timeshift, ivtv_record, ivtv_basic_tv.
    # For the standard frequancy tables see src/tv/ To add your own just
    # replace tuner_id in the following example with a valid tuner id (ie: '5' or
    # 'BBC1') and a frequency in KHz. You may have as many entries as you like,
    # anything here will simply override a corresponding entry in your standard
    # frequency table and you can also have entries here that are not present in
    # there.
    # 'tuner_id' : 55250,
    # Program to grab xmltv listings. To get a grabber, you need to download
    # xmltv. A possible value for users in the USA is tv_grab_na
    # Use the tv_grab helper to grab the listings and cache them. Start
    # 'freevo tv_grab --help' for more informations.
    # XMLTV_GRABBER = ''
    # If you want to run tv_sort on your listings add the path to tv_sort here.
    # tv_sort will make sure all your programs have proper stop times, otherwise
    # programs might get cut off at midnight.
    # XMLTV_SORT = ''
    # Number of days the grabber should get
    # XMLTV_DAYS = 3
    # GMT offset for XMLTV feeds that don't contain timezone information
    # An example of this is the OzTivo feed which has the timestamps
    # in the XML pre-adjusted for your timezone
    # XMLTV_TIMEZONE='+0100'
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo builtin commdetect server settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # COMMDETECTSERVER_IP = 'localhost'
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo builtin rss server settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # RSS_FEEDS = '/etc/freevo/rss.feeds'
    # RSS_VIDEO = '/media/video'
    # RSS_AUDIO = '/media/podcasts'
    # ======================================================================
    # Freevo builtin WWW server settings:
    # ======================================================================
    # To activate the built in web server, uncomment the following line
    # plugin.activate('www')
    # Web server port number. 80 is the standard port, but is often
    # taken already by apache, and cannot be used unless the server
    # runs as root. Port 8080 is the default, change to 80 if
    # needed.
    # WEBSERVER_PORT = 8080
    # Username / Password combinations to login to the web interface.
    # WWW_USERS = {
    # "user1" : "changeme",
    # "optional" : "changeme2"
    # Divide the TV guide into intervals of this length (in minutes)
    # Precision for TV guide (in minutes)
    # Show this many blocks at once
    # WWW_GUIDE_COLS = 6
    # WWW_STYLESHEET = 'styles/main.css'
    # WWW_JAVASCRIPT = 'scripts/display_prog-head.js'
    # Integrate personal web pages into the web server
    # ('My Page', 'a single personal web page', 'page.html'),
    # ('My Site', 'site description', 'site/'),
    # ======================================================================
    # Internal stuff, you shouldn't change anything here unless you know
    # what you are doing
    # ======================================================================
    # Config for xml support in the movie browser
    # the regexp has to be with ([0-9]|[0-9][0-9]) so we can get the numbers
    # VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP = "s?([0-9]|[0-9][0-9])[xe]([0-9]|[0-9][0-9])[^0-9]"
    # Remote control daemon. The server is in the Freevo main application,
    # and the client is a standalone application in rc_client/
    # Remote control daemon. Similar to the one above, but uses TCP instead
    # of UDP. It is possible to send commands with a telnet client.
    # XMLTV File
    # This is the XMLTV file that can be optionally used for TV listings
    # XMLTV_FILE = '/tmp/TV.xml'
    # XML TV Logo Location
    # Use the "" script to download all the
    # Station logos into a directory. And then put the path
    # to those logos here
    # TV_LOGOS = OS_CACHEDIR + '/xmltv/logos'
    # ======================================================================
    # Idlebar and plugins
    # These are the default idlebar settings, there are many more see:
    # freevo plugins -l for a complete list
    # To turn off use plugin.remove('idlebar.cdstatus')
    # clock display
    # %A - Full weekday name.
    # %a - Abbreviated weekday name.
    # %B - Full month name
    # %b - Abbreviated month name
    # %I - Hour (12-hour clock) as a decimal number [01,12].
    # %H - Hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number [00,23].
    # %M - Minute as a decimal number [00,59].
    # %m - Month as a decimal number [01,12].
    # %b - Name of Month
    # %d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01,31].
    # %p - Locale's equivalent of either AM or PM.
    # %y - Year without century as a decimal number [00,99].
    # %Y - Year with century as a decimal number.
    # ======================================================================
    # plugin.activate('idlebar')
    # plugin.activate('', level=20)
    # plugin.activate('idlebar.cdstatus', level=25)
    # plugin.activate('idlebar.diskfree', level=30)
    # plugin.activate('idlebar.clock', level=50)
    # CLOCK_FORMAT = '%a %d %H:%M'
    # Debugging and logging settings
    # logging can be one of:
    # debugging is a number from 0 to 9, 0 is no debugging 9 is most
    # LOGGING = logging.DEBUG
    # DEBUG = 1
    # messages go to stdout
    # DEBUG_STDOUT = 0
    # messages from starting a child application
    # timing messages
    # DEBUG_TIME = 0
    I've been reading wikis and googling now the entire weekend so I hope someone here can help me.

    Perre wrote:I'm used to being able to pick one or a couple of songs and then adding it a specified playlist. Is this impossible in sonata?
    It's clearly not impossible, just different than you expect. Create your playlist as you want it to appear in the Current tab (meaning don't dump every single song from your library in there, just the ones you want) and then save the playlist.
    Perre wrote:And if I try to play the m3u file created (the one with every song listed) through freevo I get a message that the directory is empty. What am I doing wrong??
    Look at save_absolute_paths_in_playlists in your mpd.conf.

  • My iphone 6 connects to the car via bluetooth, the music works good, but the phone calles does not work.  It looks like it is working but doesn't.  I have tried in my Hyundai and a Dodge rent car and get the same results.  I updated the last 8.0.2.

    My iphone 6 connects to the car via bluetooth, the music works good, but the phone calls does not work.  It looks like it is working but doesn't.  I have tried in my Hyundai Sonata and a Dodge Dart rent car and get the same results.  I updated the last 8.0.2.  It worked the first day i had the phone, and then i updated to Ios 8.0.2 and it quit working.
    Now when i get in the car, it acts like it is connected and makes the same call it was on after syncing to bluetooth, but it really isn't on a call.  This is happening on both cars.
    Does anyone know if this is the phone and i need to take it to Apple or if there is an issue that Apple is working on getting a fix for?
    My son in law has the exact same phone as me, we both got the on 10/6, he had a Dodge Dart and his is working via bluetooth.
    Someone HELP please, as i consider this a safety issue by not having my calls go to bluetooth.

    We had the same problem, but figure out the solution.
    You MUST have at least 1 song added to your ITUNE!  After you add a free song, then everything else should work as normal!
    Hope this helps!

  • Sonata refuses to play music

    Yesterday, I was finally able to install arch. I immediately went installing programs, which went well untill I got to mpd/sonata. Mpd seems to be working, and I can see my songs within sonata. However, when I click on a song to play, it appears to start but stops immediately. If i start sonata from a terminal, it doesn't display any errors.
    Here's my /etc/mpd.conf
    # An example configuration file for MPD
    # See the mpd.conf man page for a more detailed description of each parameter.
    ######################## REQUIRED PATHS ########################
    #music_directory "~/music"
    #playlist_directory "~/playlists"
    #db_file "~/mpd.db"
    #log_file "~/mpd.log"
    #error_file "~/mpd.error"
    music_directory "/media/data/mpd/music"
    playlist_directory "/media/data/mpd/music/pls"
    db_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpd.db"
    log_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.log"
    error_file "/var/log/mpd/mpd.error"
    # Note: ~ is the home directory of user set in the "user" option
    ######################## OPTIONAL PATHS ########################
    # If you wish to use mpd --kill to stop MPD, then you must
    # specify a file here in which to store MPD's process ID.
    #pid_file "~/.mpd/"
    pid_file "/var/run/mpd/"
    # If specified, MPD will save its current state (playlist,
    # current song, playing/paused, etc.) at exit. This will be
    # used to restore the session the next time it is run.
    #state_file "~/.mpd/mpdstate"
    state_file "/var/lib/mpd/mpdstate"
    ######################## DAEMON OPTIONS ########################
    # If started as root, MPD will drop root privileges and run as
    # this user instead. Otherwise, MPD will run as the user it was
    # started by. If left unspecified, MPD will not drop root
    # privileges at all (not recommended).
    user "varreon"
    # The address and port to listen on.
    #bind_to_address "localhost"
    bind_to_address "any"
    port "6600"
    # Controls the amount of information that is logged. Can be
    # "default", "secure", or "verbose".
    #log_level "default"
    ########################## PERMISSIONS #########################
    # MPD can require that users specify a password before using it.
    # You may specify one ore more here, along with what users who
    # log in with that password are allowed to do.
    #password "password@read,add,control,admin"
    # Specifies what permissions a user who has not logged in with a
    # password has. By default, all users have full access to MPD
    # if no password is specified above, or no access if one or
    # more passwords are specified.
    #default_permissions "read,add,control,admin"
    ########################## AUDIO OUTPUT ########################
    # MPD supports many audio output types, as well as playing
    # through multiple audio outputs at the same time. You can
    # specify one or more here. If you don't specify any, MPD will
    # automatically scan for a usable audio output.
    # See <>
    # for examples of other audio outputs.
    # An example of an ALSA output:
    audio_output {
    type "alsa"
    name "My ALSA Device"
    options "dev=dmixer"
    device "plug:dmix" # optional
    # An example of an OSS output:
    #audio_output {
    # type "oss"
    # name "My OSS Device"
    # device "/dev/dsp" # optional
    # format "44100:16:2" # optional
    # An example of a shout output (for streaming to Icecast):
    #audio_output {
    # type "shout"
    # name "My Shout Stream"
    # host "localhost"
    # port "8000"
    # mount "/mpd.ogg"
    # password "hackme"
    # quality "5.0"
    # bitrate "128"
    # format "44100:16:1"
    # user "source" # optional
    # description "My Stream Description" # optional
    # genre "jazz" # optional
    # public "no" # optional
    # Force all decoded audio to be converted to this format before
    # being passed to the audio outputs.
    #audio_output_format "44100:16:2"
    ############################# MIXER ############################
    # MPD needs to know what mixer settings to change when you
    # adjust the volume. If you don't specify one here, MPD will
    # pick one based on which ones it was compiled with support for.
    # An example for controlling an ALSA mixer:
    #mixer_type "alsa"
    #mixer_device "default"
    #mixer_control "PCM"
    # An example for controlling an OSS mixer:
    #mixer_type "oss"
    #mixer_device "/dev/mixer"
    #mixer_control "PCM"
    # If you want MPD to adjust the volume of audio sent to the
    # audio outputs, you can tell it to use the software mixer:
    #mixer_type "software"
    ######################### NORMALIZATION ########################
    # Specifies the type of ReplayGain to use. Can be "album" or
    # "track". ReplayGain will not be used if not specified. See
    # <> for more details.
    #replaygain "album"
    # Sets the pre-amp used for files that have ReplayGain tags.
    #replaygain_preamp "0"
    # Enable on the fly volume normalization. This will cause the
    # volume of all songs played to be adjusted so that they sound
    # as though they are of equal loudness.
    #volume_normalization "no"
    ########################### BUFFERING ##########################
    # The size of the buffer containing decoded audio. You probably
    # shouldn't change this.
    #audio_buffer_size "2048"
    # How much of the buffer to fill before beginning to play.
    #buffer_before_play "0%"
    # Similar options for the HTTP stream buffer. If you hear
    # skipping while playing HTTP streams, you may wish to increase
    # these.
    #http_buffer_size "128"
    #http_prebuffer_size "25%"
    ########################### HTTP PROXY #########################
    # Specifies the HTTP proxy to use for playing HTTP streams.
    #http_proxy_host ""
    #http_proxy_port "8080"
    #http_proxy_user "user"
    #http_proxy_password "password"
    ############################# LIMITS ###########################
    # These are various limits to prevent MPD from using too many
    # resources. You should only change them if they start
    # restricting your usage of MPD.
    #connection_timeout "60"
    #max_connections "5"
    #max_playlist_length "16384"
    #max_command_list_size "2048"
    #max_output_buffer_size "8192"
    ###################### CHARACTER ENCODINGS #####################
    # If file or directory names do not display correctly, then you
    # may need to change this. In most cases it should be either
    # "ISO-8859-1" or "UTF-8". You must recreate your database
    # after changing this (use mpd --create-db).
    #filesystem_charset "ISO-8859-1"
    # The encoding that ID3v1 tags should be converted from.
    #id3v1_encoding "ISO-8859-1"
    ######################### OTHER OPTIONS ########################
    # The metadata types MPD will recognize.
    #metadata_to_use "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"
    # Enable this if you wish to use your MPD created playlists in
    # other music players.
    #save_absolute_paths_in_playlists "no"
    Edit: Forget about the xmms comment posted earlier. Xmms works, yet sonata still doesn't.
    Last edited by Varreon (2008-07-22 01:41:32)

    I have the exact same issue. Reboot is not helping.
    Trouble is, I had it working properly in my other Arch install. I have tried ncmpc and Sonata and gmpc, they all start to play the song - I even see the CD covers (for the songs that I have CD covers for) -- but only for a split second and thenit stops.
    I don't think alsa is an issue, because cplay plays all songs without a hitch.
    I was hoping for a solution - but all I found was this thread and unfortunately Varreon doesn't know what he/she did to get it to work.
    Could you maybe retrace your steps - if you remember them ?
    EDIT : This is my mpd.error file. Having a look at it, it does seem that mpd is not recognizing mpdvol
    ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL mpdvol
    ALSA lib pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM mpdvol
    Jul 26 10:02 : Error opening alsa device "mpdvol": No such file or directory
    Last edited by Inxsible (2008-07-26 15:34:24)

  • Stalonetray no longer stays behind maximized windows after update

    I only use a systray app like stalonetray to use the Network Manager applet and it stayed behind maximized windows until I updated my Arch and stalonetray to and now stalonetray occupies window space even when applications are maximized. I haven't changed the .stalonetrayrc config file. Here it is:
    background "#000000"
    decorations none
    dockapp_mode none
    fuzzy_edges 3
    geometry 1x1+0+1
    grow_gravity W
    icon_gravity W
    icon_size 32
    log_level err
    max_geometry 0x0
    no_shrink false
    parent_bg false
    skip_taskbar true
    sticky false
    tint_color black
    tint_level 0
    transparent true
    vertical true
    window_layer bottom
    window_strut auto
    window_type desktop
    What should I change?

    I made a test on our test machine, "Find partial matchs" option was moved indeed. It should be moved in Windows 8.1 by design. However, I think "Find partial matches" was checked by default in Windows 8.1. So, user doesn't need to check them manually.
    I made a test on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. A folder contains some subfolder.We can get the same result when "Find partial matchs" was checked in Windows 8.
    Roger Lu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Suggestions and experiences on the management of photos/recordings?

    For quite a few years now, my photo management workflow has consisted of taking tons of pictures, dump them in some hard drive, and forget about them... I literally have a stack of 6 old HDDs that I need to backup at home.
    But now I've finally decided to rationalize the management of the photos: I bought a NAS with 1.5 TB capacity, so that I (and the rest of the family) have a central place to dump the pictures. Hopefully this will facilitate management and backup of these kinds of resources.
    My problem is the following: what kind of application should I use to manage that data? I'm not sure of what exists, and I'm not even sure of what covers best my needs, so my requirements are not very precise, but in a nutshell I would like something that allows me:
    - to easily tag sets of pictures (locations, people, context, etc) so that I can easily output the sets I wish
    - lightweight, simple and reliable, but with a comfy front end so that the less computer inclined family members have a fighting chance of using it
    - allowing sharing with friends/family, and consequently managing the appropriate privacy levels
    - managing seamlessly pictures/recordings/videos: any self-authored media
    - whatever functionality these kinds of apps have that I'm unaware but you find important
    - the ability to script it with python would be a plus
    I know this sounds a lot like flickr/facebook/myspace etc, but I don't wish to use third parties to manage my data. I think digikam is capable of doing this, but as I said, I have no experience with these kinds of applications, so I would like to hear your suggestions and experiences.

    I was searching for applications that can provide me with the same functionality as ones I use with KDE, with the hopes that I can move away from KDE since I really can't stand the way it's moving now.  Digikam, Amarok and K3b have been musts for me, but a lot of searching has shown me some possible alternatives:
    Digikam - (Staying away from DE library dependencies like GNOME or KDE)  to Intipunku ( and gtkam
    Amarok - Sonata and maybe songbird.
    K3b - this will probably take a few apps to replace the functionality, but right now I'm going with Recorder, which is a front end for cdrecord, etc., and Asunder for ripping CDs.

  • How can I get mpd + sonata working

    Hello, I have followed the wiki page for MPD: , but I can't get it working, always sonata is telling to me that MPD connection is time out.
    from /etc/mpd.conf I have modified only that:
    music_directory                  "/home/davigetto/Musica"
    I make successfully /etc/rc.d/mpd create-db:
    [root@samantha davigetto]# /etc/rc.d/mpd create-db
    :: Creating mpd's database ... [BUSY] :: Output written to /var/log/mpd/mpd.db-creation [DONE]
    and when trying to start mpd daemon, always it fails:
    [root@samantha davigetto]# /etc/rc.d/mpd restart
    :: Stopping Music Player Daemon [FAIL]
    :: Starting Music Player Daemon [FAIL]
    [root@samantha davigetto]#
    what steps must I follow to get MPD working correctly, and sonata too?

    Hi, u need to have /etc/mpd.conf configured properly for mpd to work, try this for example:
    music_directory "~/home/davigetto/Musica"
    playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists"
    db_file "~/.mpd/mpd.db"
    log_file "~/.mpd/mpd.log"
    error_file "~/.mpd/mpd.error"
    pid_file "~/.mpd/"
    state_file "~/.mpd/mpdstate"
    user "davigetto"
    bind_to_address ""
    port "6600"
    audio_output {
    type "alsa"
    name "My ALSA Device"
    mixer_type "software"
    Reboot and then type in terminal 'mpd --create-db'
    After the database is created start sonata and you should be able to play your music.

  • Locale error when trying to start sonata

    Just installed sonata and get the GTK-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library...
    Have runned the locale-gen after installed sonata aswell, no help there!

    ftornell wrote:
    Just installed sonata and get the GTK-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library...
    Have runned the locale-gen after installed sonata aswell, no help there!
    You must give more information:
    Value of LOCALE in /etc/rc.conf.
    Output of:
    echo $LANG
    set | grep LC_

  • MPD on media server, Sonata on clients, how to listen?

    So I finally got organized and built myself a new media server to host all my music and videos (on Arch of course). I really like MPD, but the problem I'm having now is how to actually listen to its output.  Right now I have Sonata on the clients which control mpd on the server, then I output to an icecast stream and I use mplayer on the clients to hear the music.  While this works ok, it can be a real hassle sometimes.  There's a delay between changes made in Sonata and when they finally make it through the stream.  If you change the playlist the stream will stop and you have to manually restart mplayer. 
    I've heard some people use PulseAudio over network to get around this, but I don't want PA to be a dependency for every computer on the network.  Before I start writing a new module for Sonata that will manage mplayer for me, does anyone have a more intuitive way of listening to a remote mpd server?

    I'd love to find a simpler solution for that, too (if possible).
    Tido wrote:is there anything simpler/lighter than mplayer?
    Of course there is, you could try moc or any of the other CLI audio players mentioned on the lightweight software wiki page or the Useful Applications page.

  • [solved] Sonata client launches multiple windows; systray full

    Hi guys,
    I have a problem with Sonata which is a client for mpd. I have mapped W-p shortcut for Sonata and I used to press this combination to start the client and also to make it show up when minimized to the system tray.
    Now every time I press W-p another instance of the client starts so I have multiple Sonata icons inside the systray. This is very annoying.
    I'm using openbox + tint2.
    Any suggestion?
    Thank you very much
    EDIT: Same thing happens with xfce4-panel
    Last edited by ArchArael (2011-05-18 11:39:15)

    Thank you for your time SanskritFritz. I'm glad that the problem is not Openbox releated because I'm quite fond of it.
    I have found out what is the problem. I was simply missing dbus-python package. Now everything works quite well.
    Last edited by ArchArael (2011-05-18 11:40:23)

  • Suspend and resume hook help

    I'm writting a hook for suspend/resume, however I've run into some trouble.
    So basicly what I need is:
    a) A script to stop and start mpd [done] (That's easy. Just setup mpd.conf's RUNAS user to the desired username and regardless that the mpd command is run as root it will run as the desired user)
    b) A script to stop and start oss4 since it fucks up after suspend [DONE] (piece of cake...)
    c) A script to view my wlan0 essid, save it to file, killall dhcpcd (the dhcpcd part, at least, is easy) and on resume to enter it again and run dhcpcd. [Need help]
    (In order to start my wifi I use iwlist wlan0 scanning, I choose the desired network and then iwconfig wlan0 essid DESIREDESSID and dhcpcd wlan0, but after suspend wlan0 looses it's settings so I need to make a script to enter them back.)
    I was thinking about something like iwconfig wlan0 | grep ESSID, but it returns (as expected)
    [dheart@lightbringer ~]$ iwconfig wlan0 | grep ESSID
    wlan0 IEEE 802.11g ESSID:"ESSID_NAME"
    I'm quite new at bash scripting and I have no idea how to write something that complex.
    d) Also sonata, my desired mpd frontend looses connection to mpd if mpd is restarted while it is running. So I need something to stop sonata (that's easy - killall sonata) and after that to run it (but not as root)... So, my question is how to run a program as normal user from  /etc/pm/sleep.d/ hook [NEEDHELP].
    Here's what I've written so far
    case $1 in
    echo "Killing mpd and stopping oss4"
    mpd --kill & /etc/rc.d/oss-linux-free stop
    echo "Killing mpd and stopping oss4"
    mpd --kill & /etc/rc.d/oss-linux-free stop
    echo "Starting oss4 and mpd"
    /etc/rc.d/oss-linux-free start & mpd
    echo "Starting oss4 and mpd"
    /etc/rc.d/oss-linux-free start & mpd
    *) echo "Wrong call"

    you're probably better off starting network autodetection on resume, I know most people suspend to go between, for example, home and work, or home and the intarwebz cafe, and seldom suspend and resume in the same location reliably.

  • Can't play mp3 with sonata?

    Just installed Sonata om ny new fresh Arch installation.
    Alsa is configured and I can play the sound test aplay ....wav files...
    But now when im in X I started sonata and I cant ge the application to play my mp3 files?
    I can't even see them?
    And if I browse with Thunar and try run a file using sonata nothing happends...
    So how do I get sonata so show my files, I need a guideanse of that application, and second do one have to config anymore to play mp3 in x?

    Sonata is a python-based interface to MPD. Either install and setup MPD(Music Player Daemon), or use another player(Totem?)
    EDIT: Have fun learning how to use Archlinux, you already learned one thing! Don't give up now.
    Last edited by Sander Hoksbergen (2009-01-22 20:53:32)

  • In firefox 21 using flash-player to play music and then opening other one (for example in deviantart picture suffle) mutes the music instantly.

    I switched to Firefox 21 and did the usual run to see if there are clinches, one came in the first run: using flashplayer in youtube to listen music and then opening other flash (in this case Deviantarts picture shuffle) mutes the music instantly and the only way to start the sound is reloading.
    This didn't appear in 20, so there's one where 21 is weaker.

    I have the exact same issue. Reboot is not helping.
    Trouble is, I had it working properly in my other Arch install. I have tried ncmpc and Sonata and gmpc, they all start to play the song - I even see the CD covers (for the songs that I have CD covers for) -- but only for a split second and thenit stops.
    I don't think alsa is an issue, because cplay plays all songs without a hitch.
    I was hoping for a solution - but all I found was this thread and unfortunately Varreon doesn't know what he/she did to get it to work.
    Could you maybe retrace your steps - if you remember them ?
    EDIT : This is my mpd.error file. Having a look at it, it does seem that mpd is not recognizing mpdvol
    ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL mpdvol
    ALSA lib pcm.c:2144:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM mpdvol
    Jul 26 10:02 : Error opening alsa device "mpdvol": No such file or directory
    Last edited by Inxsible (2008-07-26 15:34:24)

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