Sony Ericsson HBH PV-703

Pairing My Nokia 6280 with Sony Ericsson HBH PV-703 headset is it possible

Well, I found a temporary solution. When you are having a conversation at iChat and want to leave it, don't close the conversation first, but try to close the headset pressing the button for a long time. The OS will get the message "Bluetooth Disconnected" but the next time the headset (open it again of course) will work!
Try it!

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    The Nokia 6300 phone is designed to meet Bluetooth Specification 2.0, hands-free, headset, generic access, generic object exchange, object push , file transfer , dial-up networking , SIM access , serial port , service discovery, personal area network , advanced audio distribution and audio video remote control profiles.
    the above specification will fully support the advanced music control features of the DS980..on the other hand for full control over phone book the phone should support bluetooth phone book access which i don't think the phone does. "a point that has to be confirmed by other members".
    another point is the laguage used on the phone, if you're using non english characters on you phonebook , please change one of the names to english letters and see if it appears on the headdset. if it does then the headset only supports certain languages and phone book entries has to be in that form to appear.
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    Nopes. I cant see that.
    But in Bluetooth devices, I can see my headset configured and paired with the mac, but it is not connected for some reason. The headset stops beeping which means it is connected. But it is not being shown there.
    I think there are some connection probs. Ways to find it out ??
    please let me know

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    Bluetooth funktioniert nicht
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    Well, I found a temporary solution. When you are having a conversation at iChat and want to leave it, don't close the conversation first, but try to close the headset pressing the button for a long time. The OS will get the message "Bluetooth Disconnected" but the next time the headset (open it again of course) will work!
    Try it!

  • IPhone 3G S and Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800

    I just started evaluating the Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800 headset. It looks promising with its ultra-compact size and decent sound quality.
    However, I am having a major issue with the headset. It does not have volume control built in, meaning volume must be controlled on the iPhone. However, using the volume switch on the side of the iPhone does not work when it is paired with the HBH-IS800 (or any other BT headset, for that matter). It seems to contradict with Apple's following KB article.
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    I bought Sony Ericsson's HBH-IS800 headset and I just can't believe this. Why is'nt there a volume control in iPhone for headset devices? I've been so impressed with iPhone that this though never even occurred to me. Just thinking that iPhone would play at FULL VOLUME and not let me choose a volume level was not something that entered my mind before buying this headset. Apple usually means quality and excellent user experience but this scenario is a failure. If I use the volume controls on the iPhone then naturally the output volume to the bluetooth device should be adjusted accordingly. Is'nt that what anyone would expect? I've been disappointed for the first time since I decided to buy iPhone. I really hope this is fixed in iPhone OS 3.2.

  • HT204387 Can I use the Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800 with an iPad?

    The iPad doesn't see it when I turn bluetooth on.
    It works great with my iPhone but not the iPad.

    Turning the device on will not put it in pairing mode.  Consult the manual for the Sony Ericsson device on how to put it in pairing mode.

  • Can I use the Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800 with an iPad?

    My iPad doesn't see it when I try to pair them.
    I've paired it successfully with my iPhone but can't get it to work with the iPad.

    Turning the device on will not put it in pairing mode.  Consult the manual for the Sony Ericsson device on how to put it in pairing mode.

  • Calling all Sony Ericsson HBH-IS800 Users!

    Have any of you updated to the latest 3.1 iPhone firmware? If so, does the volume control problem still exist with the HBH-IS800?

    Strange, volume control, fast forward, rewind are controlled by AVRCP, why does it say here that AVRCP is supported by the latest iPhone OS for 3G, 3GS and iPod Touch 2G :
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    I becoming mad with this, hope someone can help me!
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    But if I wait for more than 10 seconds after pairing or if I try to give another call 10 seconds after the previous one, then connection is lost. BT icon is grey and pushing the main button of my headset doesn't change anything, connection is definitely lost.
    I have tried to shutdown both iphone & headset and try again, it doesn't help.
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    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Thanks guys for your feedbacks,
    Just one question regarding the behavior of the iPhone in the bluetooth menu.
    When I go to that menu, ok I can see my headset device with status "paired" but I can state also that the "heartbeat" icon close to the menu title (not sure about the title exact name as my menu is in foreign language) never stops blinking...Like if the phone never stops searching for other available bluetooth devices.
    I found that behavior quite strange because on all other phones I have owned until now, the "searching for device" mode has always been temporary and it stops as soon as the available devices list is updated and complete.
    It doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong but I found that menu logic quite inconsistent.
    Do you experience similar behavior?

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    Nopes. I cant see that.
    But in Bluetooth devices, I can see my headset configured and paired with the mac, but it is not connected for some reason. The headset stops beeping which means it is connected. But it is not being shown there.
    I think there are some connection probs. Ways to find it out ??
    please let me know

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    The full retail install disks are available here and at any Apple Store and many computer retailers. Also, check the system requirements. Be sure your Mac has firewire and enough ram to run Tiger. At this point you might be able to find the disks at a slightly discounted price because of the coming release of 10.5 Leopard. But be sure it is the black disk, boxed version if possible.
    EDIT: And the install disc for Tiger is a DVD, so be sure your iMac has DVD.
    This may help to narrow down the model iMac you have.
    [email protected]
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • Remote update service on sony ericsson G502 does not work

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    Please suggest a way I can upgrade this phone?  I like the phone, but this restart problem makes the phone very unreliable for everyday use.   Kindly help.

    Your best bet is to get a USB cable and update the software with SEUS on your PC.If, as the remote update service tells you, you already have the latest software, you can only re-install the software via PC anyway.Alternatively, you can perform a master reset on the phone and see if that fixes the problem.Hope this helps.

  • To SONY management not Sony ericsson Management, please don't do the same mistakes.

    Please Don’t Make Same Sony-Ericsson Mistakes
    by USER-986393 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 3:40 pm
    Congratulations on your Erricsson's share acquire, I must say i have been Sony phone holder from the day SONY CDM-Z1 was created, forced my self to stick with SE... and now happy to come back to SONY again. I would like to talk about couple of things...
    The major fall of SE is the fact that they did not listen to fans and most importantly customers. we complained so much over Xperia X1 and Xperia X10 until SE forced us to purchase other brands due to lack of response. so please, responding to complaints is critical when there are so many better phone makers out there.
    Lack of future vision:
    Look at the Galaxy S, Galaxy Sii, Iphone... you know what they have in common? light years technology for the same price as Caved in SE phones. Arc vs Sii?... SE was against technology for some reason, for instance. who ever was against dual processor and how much it would attract customers, needs to find another company to put down. Lack of LTE?, how can someone not find that as something a cell phone can use in the future? Market share in USA? why would someone not give the US attention, no one buys a full priced phone these days, that only worked when there was no contracts. these days i don't mind a contract as long as i am getting a phone a i can not afford. also i never understood this frequency difference, why did SE wait until iPhone 4s marketed the idea a "world phone" that works anywhere? why did SE insist on making an American version and an international version? example ARC LT15A and ARC LT15i is it SO HARD to make a phone that has all the frequencies LT15Ai? really? who ever was against that idea needs to go as well.
    I will assume who ever is reading the example i mentioned above is grasping the importance of it... it's as simple as this SE would have been more successful had more people bought SE phones, i am interested in the ARC LT18A, well there is only LT18I that wont work 3g on At&t. here are the problems that you will face... 1 - a happy innocent customer that did not know that, purchased a LT18I (international) and realized SE customers service in Canada or USA that it won't work in the U.S. on 3g...   2 - a frustrated customer like me who knew about the difference from previous mistakes and decided to buy an iphone instead just bc of the being neglected or carelessness from SE towards people in the U.S.  either way, wither those two two points were shocking to you as a SE manager, or a common fact that is not important enough... that manager needs to go.  with a tahnk you note for loosing market share in the U.S. deserves an excelence in that actually.
    Wrong Focus, right focus was a little too late:
    SE phones especially in 2011 was way behind any other company in smart phones, yes the ARC S was maybe a nice attempt but simply not enough... the world is advancing really fast, if you dont catch the train, then your about to bankrupt. it took forever to jump on really powerful phones and instead there so many variations. you can get a cyber-shot but not a Walkman.. you can get a walkman phone but not as smart as the p900 you can get the p900 but not as slim as the p600. SE was competing with its own self ... lets FOCUS, get your stuff together and make a Quality phone not Quantity phone. (GOOD JOB ON THE TABLET) the variations are based on needs not confusing differences. The ARC was a great phone, but SE had missed the train.
    The most frustrating customer service i have ever experienced, and when updates come out, they come out first in Nordic places then in middle east country by country... giving every day more fuel to angry customers wondering when they will be lucky to get an update ... why can't there be one global update for all phones and different updates to phone carriers for each country. make it easier, it does not take a company purchase to do so.
    it was frustrating, just like it is right now, i still don't know when ARC S comes out. oh wait i am in the U.S. it comes out "WHENEVER" does it look like i am happy? i need a new phone, how SE expect me to purchase an ARC S when i don't know how long i am waiting for it and there is GALAXY and Iphones released in the markets hovering around me every day?
    Why was the U.S. not a focus, please someone answer!
    androids are awesome operating systems, they are simply great and simply work every single time you use them. i believe, i gave SE so many ideas, non of them were integrated. to be able to distinguish your self from the rest of the pack; you need to be the alpha. simply having the most powerful phone is one factor, Xmore R is another, crazy led designs. look at the Tablet S, it's not the thinnest, it's not the cheapest, it's not the most powerful, yet it's unique in design. and for the market with the dull flat tablets, who ever designed it should design your new phones. the ARC design was AMAZING but lacked the items that are enough to give it a competitive edge in the market.
    Why is it only micro USB is the main charger, Why can't it be that and another EASY WAY OF CHARGING, why do we have to wait tell apple go to conductive charging? SONY come up with two ways of charging, micro usb is great cause every one has either a BB or an android somewhere. but imagine just placing your phone on something without me connecting... I AM BUYING.
    SE charges an arm and a leg, when Galaxy Sii and iphone 4s are $200.00... do you not thing there is something wrong here?
    I have suggested times and times, make more accessories, lets compare phones covers for the Iphone and the Any SE phones... the amusing aspect is, why did not SE see what I see?
    Cool names PLEASE:
    the ARC is a way to start after 10 years of naming products like fax machines... I need to see Jima, president, awesome... less chemical equations of fax machine names. LT18a, imagine I tell my friends have you seen the LT18a or have you seen the Sony ARC?
    Really?  your research says in 2011 people won't buy a phone without FM?  and the customers would also do the twist dance from the joy of knowing the phone has FM.  it's 2011, perhaps you need to look in your research again.
    SonyEricsson does not see the need for a dual processor for an android that won't support it yet:
    that right there shows the difference between a company with a long vision and another with a short one.  my answer to that statement, please set down get some popcorn as you are just about to watch S ii and iphone 4S a chance to be light years ahead of you, and sell millions of more phones than you.  just because someone that works at SE has a very short vision ruining a whole company. president of Syria bashar alasad, believes that his country is under control.  the achievements of democratic countries did not impress him and the fall of Lebian, Egyptian, and Algerian presidents did not get him to even think twice about what is happening.  it amazes me how people can be so selfish and short visioned.
    Great idea, where is the phone, i am in the U.S. while you are at it, let me suggest accessories.  a helmet accessory that would station that phone on my helmet while i am racing... right there i can buy a phone that is weather proof records 720 p and when i am done from my athletic even i can use it as a phone.  knowing SE, don't even think about that idea, and i will get an email saying we only have a shoulder accessory for now thank you for inquiring.
    Closing fan websites?, um........ ? 
    now there are people at SE that need to be promoted,
    Updates had gotten faster and better, but they still need more work
    unlocking the boot loader is a great i dea
    designs started becoming extra beautiful
    SE website is beautiful
    facebook page is great
    xmor r, phone screen size EXCELENT
    forum support is getting better
    there many many things I can bring to the table, question is, SONY are you going to do the same Mistakes? or am i going to changes? perhaps you need to hire me, so I can get something done. how open are you to changes? how open are you to listen to your customers and fans? how open are you to realize the completion and take actions to be ahead of the curve? how open are you to realize that the Video games on cell phones are only fun the first 5 minutes but after that iphone 4s is better?
    LTE, Gorilla Glass, conductive charging, Unique design, unified phone, focus on 1 - 3 phones for the whole year, interactive customer service, New logo, Battery performance, UNIQUE DESIGN, top notch camera, waterproof, why dual when you can go Quad... go in to the market with a bang and bigger bang with it's prices. Start cranking AT&T and Tmobile, Verizon and Sprint from now in the U.S. chop chop you have work to do...
    I wish you the best of luck SONY and hope to see interesting phones coming from your end.
    Go to Solution.

    lov2bugu, you said things the exact way I wanted to express them! It was like watching me talking to a SONY’s CEO.
    I don’t really think they are not aware of the problems. SONY used to be the 27th largest company in the world, according to Forbes. They are now at the 456th place!!
    They are aware of their problems and I think, the move to buy the remaining stocks from Ericsson, is a move to bounce back into the market. They found the right time, where the stock is too low and the economics around the globe don’t  look promising enough. I have to recognize them, all the bad phases they went into this year … hacking attack, loss of their factory in London, global economic climate etc.
    But these are not excuses good enough not to produce quality, reliable and technologically advanced goods. I think that SONY is not to blame for the bad course SE has had. I think this is what SONY wants to revert. They want to “embody” all their technology … BRAVIA engines (TV Tech), Walkman and Cybershot tech (using Carl Zeiss lenses), VAIO (Comp tech) and finally PS3. Ericsson tried to integrate them, unsuccessfully.
    Overall, I thing SONY, did not have or did not attempt to have the control of SE, hence, the answer you got back from SONY “… anything related to SE must be posted on the website of SE”. I think they will bounce. Just give ‘em some time. I’m willing to give them time, but not too much though. Just because I’ve always loved this brand!

  • Help! My Sony Ericsson T715A can no longer connect to my PC (Windows 7) in phone mode...

    Sony Ericsson T715A: I can no longer connect in to my PC (Windows 7) in phone mode; so I can no longer sync contax, calendar, tasks etc. with MS Office Outlook. Also cannot back up phone, or
    update software. Can only drag files out into Explorer folders. When I connect the phone, it has to be on. Instead of going right to phone/PC mode, I get a message on it saying "Phone functions are
    not available in File Manager mode. Continue?" I say yes, whereupon the phone seems to restart, & then the Microsoft Autoplay folder comes up, or else I can find it in "devices and printers." R-
    click the icon, "properties" Identifies it only as a generic Microsoft device. I tried running the computer troubleshooter on it, which came up w/nothing.
        After some period of time I will notice that the phone either rings and I can answer it, or it has stopped recharging, and the icon has disappeared from the PC.
        I had the 2007 version of PC Suite and PC Companion, and when I tried to install it on my 2010 PC w/ Windows 7 it said not compatible. I downloaded an update for that software from the SE site, but it didn't help. Then I ran the compatibility wizard in Windows 7 for PC Suite. Still no luck. I got a tip from an SE forum to uninstall all that software and download a certain package and start fresh. I am about to try that.
        Here is my question:
    ALL T HIS TIME I have still been using the OLD SIM card from my SE ZZ710i in the newer phone. I figured it works; why not preserve the newer one from wear & tear as long as poss.
    Now, it has been a while since I synched or backed up my phone. I hate to lose everything on it/the SIM card. If I install a whole new version of SE PC Suite, is it going to somehow overwrite or not work at all with my
    old SIM card? Must I insert the NEW SIM 1st, & sacrifice whatever data is on the old one, before trying the new desktop software and updateing the phone?
    As for updating the phone, which I realize wipes out data, it might be necessary.. I noticed in some Event log or other that some SE-related working file called EMMA was deleted recently, I don't know why. Anyone know anything about that?
      Phew. The End. Here's hoping.
    Message was edited by: Andifox

    Dr Chris:
    Thanx for answering my Q of a month ago. As you can see from my post of 18 minutes ago, things have gone from bad to worse under my neglectful eye.
    To answer your answer:
    a. I WAS using a NEW USB cord when I posed the question.
    b. I've now downloaded the update service. I can try updating the phone from its File manager state. I'm just afraid whatever data is on it will get wiped, no?
    Point of order:
    If I've had an answer - or more than 1- to my question, but I still need to discuss it- should I Check the "Yes my question has been answered" box? I did not, here, because I thought it might result in my further questions dropping off the radar for forum experts. Please advise... \\Butter F

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    As the term starts in September, they straddle the change in daylight savings, so when the change occurred, all these recurring events appeared an hour earlier on my phone than in iCal.
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    This meets the definition of a bug in my mind, and should be resolved automatically by iCal/iSync. I hope that Apple will do something about this, as I couldn't find any explanation of this at all.

    This has always been the case, for all Sony Ericsson phones, and neither Apple nor Sony Ericsson seem willing to fix it through years of different handsets and updated versions of iSync.
    Basically, all you have to do when the clocks change, is change the Daylight Savings setting in the phone accordingly, and re-sync.
    Everything will then be fine right up until any events after the next clocks change - so you're good for 6 months anyway!
    I've also fiddled with all the internal options within the iSync (not accessible through the interface), and nothing works satisfactorily there either. It's possible to disable time zone support completely, but then you have to just change the time on the phone, instead of the Daylight Savings setting, so it's no easier than just re-syncing.

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