Sony HD Camcorder compatibility

Hi, I intend on buying a sony HD camcorder version HDR-XR350 (with built in hard desk) however, the supplied software with the camcorder only support a Windows operating system and not an Apple Operating systems. my question is if i do go ahead with the purchase will it work with any off-the-shelve apple software (like iVideo) smoothly or do i have to install a specific driver, etc? any expected problems, etc?

I just bought the iMac Pro 27" desktop model for the primary purpose of editing some of my videos because my other computers just would not handle the HD video. I was assured it would be a snap with the Mac. I have a Sony HDR XR-200, which is very similar to the camera you are talking about. When I hook up the camera it recognizes only one of the 30 video clips I have. I bought the iMac at Best Buy so I promptly called the Geek Squad and spent a lot of time on the phone with them and they finally transferred me to Apple Support. In all I spent over two hours on the phone to no avail. Apple sent me an email which talks about issues with Sony cameras and it said if you tape in SP and HD that you will have to erase all SP videos from your camera hard drive before iMac will recognize the HD videos. I did exactly that and it still will not recognize my HD videos. I haven't given up yet. I am going to put another call in to Apple Support. At this moment, I am using iVideo. My video editing needs are very simple. I love this computer but I am frustrated to have to go through this and not get the support I need. Maybe my next call will be more productive.

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    No. Not all AVCHD camcorders are compatible. Every manufacturer comes up with his own version of AVCHD and his own proprietary variation of the format. Some will work, some will not. Most AVCHD camcorders shoot multiple formats, a broad spectrum of specifications, some will work, some will not. There are currently in access of 100 consumer HD formats, many of which don't work in anything except the cameras that shoot them.

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    Thanks for adding consumer comments.
    No sound in QuickTime (with the Playback Component installed) is probably created by Sony (not Apple). I'll bet they use their own "scheme" (proprietary codecs).
    Your "conversions" from MPEG-2 format to DV Stream do look good. But they would look even better if the source format was DV Stream to begin with.
    Because your camera records in MPEG-2 format it must first "compress" your video. DV Stream is 13 GB's an hour. MPEG-2 compresses this down so you're losing data from your "true" source.
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    If you have iMovie it can import video from most camcorders, but not all.   It comes with every Mac Pro.    If you need to restore it from the original installer discs, these are the directions:
    Typically iMovie can import if you connect via IEEE 1394 or USB.   IEEE 1394 comes in three flavors:
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    Push comes to shove, you may have to install Windows on your Mac to connect the Camcorder.

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    Booted the Mac this morning and it now works. I tried Alchroma's solution but whether the stereo is Plain or Matrix, it works both ways. I don't think that this was the solution as a result, but thanks for the suggestion. To confirm, my Easy set up is HD / AVCHD Apple 1920 x1080i60, the only thing I can think I did differently compared to yesterday is that I shut my Mac down having changed the Easy setup. Previously, I only changed the easy setup then closed FCE4 down.

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    Do not use "mini" DVD's in any slot loading DVD drive.
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    You will not be able to download the video directly to your iphone or iPad.
    I suggest you download to your computer to edit.
    If you meant to put this on the iMovie Mac forum, then you should re-post there.
    I suggest you also state your camera model, computer model, and version of iMovie.

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    I too have the Sony HDR-S7 and love the camera. To you point here are a couple of ways to get your HD content to your TV.
    1. If you media device will play quicktime this is pretty simple - You can edit your movie in iMovie then under the Share Menu, select the entry for Export Using Quicktime function - then you need to click on the options button in the dialog box and make sure you change the Video size to 1990 x 1080.
    2. If you want your Xbox to do this - then you need to make the file a Windows Media HD File - which can be done with a third party product called Flip4Mac. The pro version will allow you to author in WMV files in HD.
    Hope this helps.

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    Thank you!

    The firewall in Mac OS X has absolutely no bearing on camcorder compatibility. The camcorder does not use the network.
    With regard to mini-DVD camcorders, they record their video in MPEG2 format, which suffers two problems: 1.) it's a highly-compressed lossy format that's really poor for editing (the video they shoot is not intended to be edited, only played back as is); 2.) recompressing the MPEG2 to create a new movie makes things worse.
    Since you're asking about the Canon ZR series, and they are MiniDV and not mini-DVD camcorders, that may not be important to you.
    Canon models don't have any particular problems. It's true that they use what OS X calls the FireWire basic profile (IEEE-1394 raw video) rather than IEEE-1394 DV, but the problem there is only that the OS X FireWire driver drops frames (rare, but it happens) sometimes with the basic profile. You generally won't notice, but it can be annoying (you can run Linux on your Mac and it works just fine, it's not a hardware issue). Just make sure that if you use Final Cut you turn off the option to terminate if a frame is lost (and there's a bug in FC where a dropped frame causes it to lose VTR control of the camcorder).
    That said I have a Canon ZR mini-DV camcorder (ZR500 -- standard definition), and it's a nice little camera. It's performance in low-light is not all that great, but in well-lit situations the video is quite good. Were I to buy a new camcorder, I'd go with a high-definition model that does 1080i, even if I were outputting to DVD because the sharpness of the video pops even there. However, though I am fond of the MiniDV cassettes as a backup medium, there's some huge advantages to SD and HD storage for camcorders (for example, no low-frequency hum from the DV tape mechanism), but AVCHD is really tough (takes a lot out of your computer) to work with.

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    That's correct. You use USB to connect the camera. If the camera is connected and you open log and transfer it is not detected, use the Add Folder button in the upper left corner and point it at the card which should be on your desktop. If the card is not appearing mounted on the desktop, try rebooting.

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    chrisfrommarion wrote:
    Thanks, while it worked on yours it doesn't work on mine, any other ideas?
    Are you holding down the "d" key, all by itself, just after the system shuts down for a restart?
    And how long did you hold it down?
    I held mine down for about 40-50 seconds. Then I lookat at my routers WAN light and it was flickering so I let up on the d key.
    If that does not work then maybe there is something wrong with your MBP. Is that the reason you want to run this test, something isn't right with your unit?

  • Can't ingest SD video footage shot on Sony HD camcorder.

    Using a Sony HD camcorder model CX500.  Shot/saved 4 minutes of SD video on HD camcorder's internal drive.  Can not ingest into FCE.  Video does not appear in log in capture window.  In one of the folders, there is just a "MPEG" file - which I believe is the SD footage.  Can not open with Quicktime or IMovie either.  What do I need for this to appear in the log capture ingest window?

    You'll probably need the QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component (available from Apple: ) and MPEG Streamclip (freeware from ).  Once both are installed on your system, use MPEG Streamclip to convert the MPEG file to QuickTime DV (do NOT use DV Stream).  Import the resulting file into your FCE project.

  • Sony DVD Camcorder to iMac

    I've been trying to figure out a way to import video from my Sony DVD camcorder. I've searched these forums and so far much of the advice is not to buy Sony DVD camcorders. While I understand the good intentions of this advice, I like all the other advantages which the Sony DVD camcorders offer.
    That being said, I have two questions which will help me decide whether I really should return the Sony DCR-DVD 205 and/or use a Sony DCR-DVD 305 instead:
    1) Some others have suggested exporting the A/V out from the DVD camcorder and feeding it into the analog port of a DV camcorder. I happen to have a DV camcorder (broken lens but fine for this purpose) which can record the analog input onto a DV tape. This allows me to use the firewire out from the DV camcorder to the iMac just fine. I have tried this technique and while it is a hassle it appears to work well. Here's my question: Am I losing a significant amount of quality or resolution by converting DVD to analog to DV to iMac? The picture quality seems OK so far but I'm wondering if I am missing something.
    2) So my next question is thiis: Is it worth getting the 305 model instead? Unlike the 205, the 305 has a USB 2.0 port. But from everything I have seen, USB 2.0 ports are far from ideal when it comes to transferring digital quality video.
    Thanks in advance. I am going a bit crazy trying to figure out what to do about this.
    iMac g5    

    welcome TeamIguana to the  board ...
    you've done your research on this board about DVDcorders, so you do know, the iApps don't support such devices ... you miss the convenience of simply plug-in/hit import/done... and some others...
    you have two options:
    convert from dvd (please use the forum search for that popular issue), or, as you wrote, a playback-analoge-digital conversion...
    the loss in pic quality happens while playback a dvd...- you record in a codec called mpeg2, which is a very, very effective compressor...- a standard iM project of 2h=~26GB gets compressed with mpeg2 to fit onto a 4.7Gb single-layer dvd-r...
    to be so effective, mpeg uses different "tricks", e.g. it doesn't store every frame of the 30fps a video contains... dv (as on miniDV, or iM's native internal codec) does so... as you probably know: mpeg2 is a delivery format, no edit format...
    so answer to 1): due to mpeg standards, you have a loss of pic quality. any miniDV would be ... better.- but it has to fullfill your tastes and standards, if it is ok to you.. just do it
    ad 2) iMovie doesn't support the import via usb2.- when you're lucky, you get some Sony-made app with that device which allows to remotely control the corder via usb2 to force it to playback/stream the video to the Mac.. HardDrivecorders behave like some ordinary harddrive, easy to drag'n drop file from them to the Mac.. but a DVDcorder? even, when you hit manually "play"... how should your Mac know what to do with that stream of data coming via usb??
    you guess it allready; I'm not convinced by DVDcorders
    so, just to feed my personal curiosity:
    I like all the other advantages which the Sony DVD camcorders offer.
    ... which one?

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