Sony proxy files mxf import

I am working with Sony XD CAM -  It has mxf files - which import and play back just fine.
There are also Proxy Files - small resolution files to edit with - but not full res. When completed you can batch record the full resolution files then.
When I import these proxy files into the bin, ADOBE PPro says the "file has an unsupported compression type."
I guess this true, and ADOBE just does not work with these files? I can click on the file and it does play on the SONY XDCam Proxy Viewer.
But it does not import into Adobe. I expected it would work. Is there anything I can do? Thanks.

What is the format and codec of the proxy files? There probably is a way to rewrap them as something else that will import into Premiere, but I don't know if you'll be able to do your online from them; Premiere really doesn't have a solid proxy editing method, so it's sort of a crapshoot. Happy to try and figure out a way, though
If you have a small version you can upload or send me, I'd take a look; shoot me a PM.

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    The problem with AVCHD is that there are a wealth of codecs and very little standardisation further, these aren't files, but clusters of interlinked files that make up the data stream.
    So read this
    Using AVCHD video with iPhoto '11 - Apple Support
    Bear in mind that not all Codecs are supported.
    As an FYI: A note on AVCHD: This format was developed for people who are shooting to edit the material afterwards. If you're shooting to edit, then iMovie or Final Cut are the correct home for this material. If you're not shooting to edit consider using one of the other video formats on your Camera.

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    The clips from the X70 are not XAVC-S, but XAVC (sometimes called XAVC-L) and the plugin from Sony linked above is not compatible with them. I also don't recommend those sketchy third party conversion options. Still, as of mid-December, the best options for getting Sony X70 XAVC clips into FCPX are:
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    Hi Tom
    Thank you for your reply,
    Surely all files originated from a camera? If I back them up to an external drive and clone them onto another drive for editing with FCPX, I don't expect them to be seen as camera files which FCPX then copies again just so that I can edit them. I just want to leave them in place, but FCPX doesn't give me that option.
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    Sony RX2 is supported in ACR7.2 and higher whereas PSE10 can go as high as ACR6.3
    Thus you wont be able to open your raw files directly into ACR. You might want to download DNG convertor(version 7.2 or higher) and use it to convert your raw files to a different raw format (.dng) which is supported by all ACR versions.
    Windows download click here DNG Converter 7.2
    Mac download click here DNG Converter 7.2
    You Tube click here for DNG Converter tutorial
    Curtsey of 99jon

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    When the Calibrated plugin is installed, you should be able to treat those MXF files as if they were native quicktimes. Not knowing where these files originated is definitely a problem, and something that you will need to research.
    Try opening a clip in Quicktime Player and use the Get Info window to get some details about these files. It should list there if there is audio, and what format it is.

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    > 20 GB over the internet will take days, or am i missing something
    Unless your Internet connection is very slow, that is an exaggeration. Hours, yes; days, no. Especially if you zip the files up and use a decent FTP system.
    There are a lot of reasons to work from the original media---the foremost of which is that you don't want to introduce a generation of quality loss due to compression right at the outset.

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    In order to import all kinds of  r3d, we had better convert it to adobe more compaitble video format like dv, mpeg, avi
    You may refer to the following step by step guide on how to convert .r3d movies at Convert R3D to ProRes, MOV, AVI, MP4, WMV, 3GP, MKV
    The guide applies to:
    Convert R3D to ProRes 4444, 422, 422 (HQ), 422 (LT), and 422 (Proxy) to fast import any version of Final Cut Pro or Final Cut Pro X.
    Convert R3D to MOV, MP4 to import R3D to iMovie for easy editing or to play R3D in QuickTime, iTunes, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV.
    Convert R3D to AVI, WMV, MPG to edit R3D in Avid, Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, Windows Movie Maker or play R3D in Windows Media player, Xbox 360, Microsoft Surface.
    Convert R3D to FLV, WebM, H.264, MP4 for upload R3D video files to YouTube
    Convert R3D to DV, VOB, ASF, SWF, RM, 3GP, OGV, FLAC, OGG, MP3, WAV, WMA, AC3, AIFF, WMA and etc.

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    Thank you

    Thank you,
    The formate is MXF : Apple XDCAM HD 1080i60 (35 Mb/s VBR), 1440 × 1080, Millions 24-bit Integer (Little Endian), 4 Channels, 48.000 kHz 29.7 fps
    The Proxy has a QT wrapper it looks like but won't play on the latest version of QT I have to use QT7.
    Thank you

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    sSD 720x486 drop frame - no HD.  I am new to Adobe and Pro but I am loving After Effects and would love to transfer some of my old Avid footage over. Here is what I have been doing:
    In Avid
    I Select sequence on timeline
    Export As
    Save In: Desktop
    I Create an .aaf file name
    Export Setting: Link Audio and Video
    Options - Export As: AAF
    Export Method: Link to (Don't Export) Media - including all Video and Audio Tracks
    Save then Save
    In Premiere I double click in project bin
    Import - .aaf file from desktop - The project and files come up - The Audio plays fine but in program monitor a red box has  " Media Offline"
    Status:  Offline Importer Can't Open
    On the new project file I right click - Link Media  - Find my Avid media on my EXTERNAL Avid media drive
    Avid Media - Avid Media Files - MXF - 1- Find file by "Display Only Exact Name Matches" -
    Click on the correct .MXF file  to link to then - Select  - and get the "Unsupported Format or Damaged File" message.
    This is my first post and I usually can figure things out but I am stumped.  If anyone has had this come up or has any input for me I would be deeply appreciative. Thank you in advance.

    For what its worth. I shot some DV 720x480 in 4:3 and 16:9 with my little DV camera and imported footage into my Avid MC. I repeated my earlier - posted steps and when I created and opened up the project in Ppro, this time not only did the sequence and files open up but my footage was on the timeline and I was able to play it without having to link to my Avid Media files! 
    When I tried before, all my footage was originated on BetaSP and DigiBeta at NTSC 720x486. Cannot Ppro bring in NTSC 720x486 or does it have to be NTSC DV 720x480
    As I mentioned before I am a newbie to Ppro. When I created a new project and brought my 16:9 footage in, the source monitor is 16:9 but my sequence is in 4:3. In the Program Monitor I can click and hold the frame and move the 16:9 around within the 4:3 frame. Why is it not letting me see the full 16:9 frame.  I created the project in 16:9. Any suggestions? Thanks

  • Is it possible to edit proxy-files from XDCAM?

    i work with xdcam material in PPro CS5. Works great!
    But somethimes we are in hurry and it would be nice to first
    import and edit the proxy-files.
    And after the edit is finished and in the meantime the full-resolution clips are copied to HDD,
    it would be nice to just replace the proxy files with the full resolution clips.
    It would be a benefit of time.
    But when i want to import proxy files to PPro it announce "files not supported"
    I thought proxy files are mp4 and PPro CS5 could import i wrong?
    Is there a work-arround to import proxy-files (perhaps rename files-extension!)
    (Reencode to an other codec is no solution...takes to much time...)
    Thanks from Cologne for any suggestion
    Claus-Peter Wolf

    Premiere can with with AVCHD and AVC-I media.  Other types of MP4 media may or may not work.
    Looks like you found a "may not".

Maybe you are looking for

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