Sort of hierarchy elements

It is possible to have a descending order applied to just one element of a hierarchy?
e.g.. Suppose my hierarchy is
year (2000,2001)
month (1,2,3)
Now, if I expand year and month nodes I have this:
I would rather have this:

914898 wrote:
It is possible to have a descending order applied to just one element of a hierarchy?
e.g.. Suppose my hierarchy is
year (2000,2001)
month (1,2,3)
Now, if I expand year and month nodes I have this:
I would rather have this:
LucIf by hierarchy you mean you are producing this output with a CONNECT BY statement then yes, you can use an order by SIBLINGS to achieve this.

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    In RSA1, where I open the hierarchy, there is no option to order it.

    there is a option of sorted heirarchy to sort ur field in alphabetical order.
    Check this link:

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    Ok, I have an idea that I think would help a lot of people. Let us begin a thread that tries to explain, in detail, the sorting filters, in order of priority, that the iPod Classic uses to sort its lists of albums, songs, tv episodes, etc., once you have a list in front of you on the screen. This goes for Cover Flow mode, regular listing, etc.
    Here is what I propose. For example, let's start with songs. In iTunes, when you choose to edit the info on a particular song, you can choose which fields to populate. You may or may not enter the year, the track number, the composer, etc. On your iPod, then, if you click on an Album, the songs you see within that album will be listed by +track number, as they were assigned in iTunes+. Track number takes highest precedence in the hierarchy when it comes to sorting songs within an album.
    - But, if you go Main Menu->Music->Albums, how are all the albums sorted? Alphabetically by album title? Alphabetically by artist? Is there a way to sort them by year? Would you like the freedom to choose, if Apple provided it?
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    - In Cover Flow mode, now with firmware upgrade 1.0.2, what is the sort criteria for albums in Cover Flow? Alphabetically by album title? Alphabetically by artist of the first track on the compilation? Alphabetically by "album artist?" What if no "album artist" has been attributed to a "compilation?"
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    To some, this may seem tedious or trivial. But there seem to be so many issues flying around right now, and many of them center squarely upon the inability to sync and sort properly. Many people are digitizing a cd library for the first time with the release of the 160 GB iPod Classic, and when you're trying to organize HUNDREDS of songs, albums, compilations, and tv episodes, understanding exactly how the iPod sorts all your precious data is crucial. Knowledge is power, and we want to know.
    ANY help you can contribute to any aspect of iPod sorting, no matter how obvious or how technical, would be appreciated by all.

  • My PriorityQueue doesn't seem to sort it's elements correctly ....

    Hi, here is my semi-complete program, I have removed the methods that were irrelevant to make things simple. The program is supposed to represent Graphs, and minimal spanning trees. I first have to put edges in a priority queue of type : PQEntry (Below), which are to be sorted by their 'distance'. I have not included the interfaces as they weren't necessary here (all methods are already implemented). There is no compile error, but for example when I run the program, and enter 'mst' (it shoud print the contents of the Priority Queue in the order of their distances), it puts the first few elements in order but fails to do so on the remaining elements. below is a sample run.
    graph> init
    graph> mst
    [(4 5) = 51
    , (12 14) = 51
    , (7 9) = 70
    , (10 11) = 60
    , (8 9) = 75
    , (7 8) = 100
    , (3 4) = 90
    , (9 10) = 95
    , (4 7) = 151
    , (15 16) = 110
    , (5 6) = 151
    , (11 5) = 600
    , (11 12) = 151
    , (11 13) = 200
    , (12 13) = 100
    , (3 7) = 300
    , (13 15) = 200
    , (13 16) = 200
    , (14 15) = 170
    , (10 4) = 400
    , (14 16) = 251
    class PQEntry implements Comparable {
         int node1 , node2 , distance;
         public PQEntry(int node1 , int node2 , int distance) {
              this.node1 = node1;
              this.node2 = node2;
              this.distance = distance;
         public int getPriority () {
              return distance;
         public String toString() {
              String output = "(" + node1 + " " + node2 + ")" + " = " + distance + "\n" ;
              return output;
         public int compareTo(Object o) {
              if(o instanceof PQEntry){
                   if (getPriority() > ((PQEntry) o).getPriority()) {
                        return 1;
                   } else if(getPriority() == ((PQEntry) o).getPriority()) {
                        return 0;
                   } else {
                        return -1;
              } else {
                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("o must be an instance of PQEntry");
    import java.util.*;
    class Main {
         final static String PROMPT = "graph> ";
         static private Graph myGraph = new GraphImp(51);
         static void initGraph() {
         myGraph.addEdge(3, 4, 90);
         myGraph.addEdge(3, 7, 300);
         myGraph.addEdge(4, 7, 151);
         myGraph.addEdge(4, 5, 51);
         myGraph.addEdge(5, 6, 151);
         myGraph.addEdge(7, 8, 100);
         myGraph.addEdge(7, 9, 70);
         myGraph.addEdge(8, 9, 75);
         myGraph.addEdge(9, 10, 95);
         myGraph.addEdge(10, 4, 400);
         myGraph.addEdge(10, 11, 60);
         myGraph.addEdge(11, 5, 600);
         myGraph.addEdge(11, 12, 151);
         myGraph.addEdge(11, 13, 200);
         myGraph.addEdge(12, 13, 100);
         myGraph.addEdge(12, 14, 51);
         myGraph.addEdge(13, 16, 200);
         myGraph.addEdge(13, 15, 200);
         myGraph.addEdge(14, 15, 170);
         myGraph.addEdge(14, 16, 251);
         myGraph.addEdge(15, 16, 110);
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Scanner in = new Scanner(;
              String[] input;
              String line;
              do {
                   input = in.nextLine().split(" ");
                   if (input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("add")) {
                        if(input.length == 4){
                             if(!input[1].equals(input[2])) {
                                  myGraph.addEdge(Integer.parseInt(input[1]), Integer.parseInt(input[2]), Integer.parseInt(input[3]));
                             } else {
                                  System.out.println("Error! A node cannot connect to itself");
                        } else {
                             System.out.println("Incorrect command format, enter 3 seperate integers after 'add'");
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("del")) {
                        if(input.length == 3) {
                             myGraph.deleteEdge(Integer.parseInt(input[1]), Integer.parseInt(input[2]));     
                        } else {
                             System.out.println("Incorrect command format, enter two seperate intgers after 'del'");
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("help") && input.length == 1) {
                        System.out.println("The available commands are: help, quit, add i j l, del i j, where 'i' is the source node, 'j' is the target node and the 'l' is the length of the edge between them");
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("quit") && input.length == 1) {
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("mst") && input.length == 1) {
                        int[][] tempMatrix = myGraph.getMatrix();
                        PriorityQueue<PQEntry> edges = new PriorityQueue<PQEntry>(51);
                        List<PQEntry> sortedEdges = new LinkedList<PQEntry>();
                        for(int i = 1; i < 51; i++) {
                             for(int j = 1; j < 51; j++){
                                  if (tempMatrix[i][j] > 0) {
                                            edges.add(new PQEntry(i, j, tempMatrix[i][j]));
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("print") && input.length == 1) {
                   } else if(input[0].equalsIgnoreCase("init") && input.length == 1) {
                   } else {
                        System.out.println("unknown Command, enter help for lsit of valid commands");
              } while(true);
    import java.util.*;
    class GraphImp implements Graph {
         //contains a two-dimensional array to hold the start vertex, end vertex
         //and the distance between the two verteces.
         private int [][] matrix;
              //constructor, sets the bounds of the two-dimensional array
              public GraphImp(int size) {
                   matrix = new int[size][size];
              //returns the two-dimensional array to the method calling it
              public int[][] getMatrix() {
                   return matrix;
              //this method first checks whether the two nodes are within the
              //acceptable range and gives an erro if not. It then checks whether an edge exists between the nodes
              //if an edge already exists it gives the user an error message, otherwise adds the edge
              //to the two-dimensional array at the appropriate position.
              public void addEdge(int node1 , int node2 , int distance) {
                   if(node1 > 0 || node1 < 51 || node2 > 0 || node2 < 51) {
                        if(matrix[node1][node2] == 0 && matrix[node2][node1] == 0) {
                             matrix[node1][node2] = distance;
                        } else {
                             System.out.println("Error! An edge already exists between the two nodes");
                   } else {
                        System.out.println("Error! Atleast one of the nodes are out of range, please enter within the range 1 - 51");
              //This method first checks whether the two nodes are within the acceptable range
              //if they are not an error message is given, otherwise it checks whether an edge exists
              //between the nodes. If there already exists one is prints an error, otherwise it removes
              //the corresponding edge.
              public void deleteEdge(int node1 , int node2) {
                   if(node1 > 0 || node2 > 0 || node1 < 51 || node2 < 51) {
                        if(matrix[node1][node2] != 0 || matrix[node2][node1] != 0) {
                             matrix[node1][node2] = 0;
                             matrix[node2][node1] = 0;
                        } else {
                             System.out.println("Error! No such edge exists to delete");
                   } else {
                        System.out.println("Error! Atleast one of the nodes are out of range, please enter within the range 1 - 51");
              //this method
              public String toString()
                   String result = "";
                   for(int j = 0; j < matrix[0].length; j++){
                        for(int i = 0; i < matrix[0].length; i++){
                             if (matrix[j] > 0){
                                  result = result + "(" + j + "," + i + ")" + " = " + matrix[j][i] + "\n";
                   return result;

    msjamalan wrote:
    Hi, here is my semi-complete program, I have removed the methods that were irrelevant to make things simple. The program is supposed to represent Graphs, and minimal spanning trees. I first have to put edges in a priority queue of type : PQEntry (Below), which are to be sorted by their 'distance'. I have not included the interfaces as they weren't necessary here (all methods are already implemented). There is no compile error, but for example when I run the program, and enter 'mst' (it shoud print the contents of the Priority Queue in the order of their distances), it puts the first few elements in order but fails to do so on the remaining elements. below is a sample run.AFAIK, a sorted priority queue sorts the output returned by the queue's poll method. So if you iterate through the entire queue via the poll() method, what is spit out should be sorted. If you just print the queue itself via println, you wan't see this sorting.
    Also, when posting code here, please use code tags so that your code will retain its formatting and thus will be readable -- after all, your goal is to get as many people to read your post and understand your code as possible, right?
    To do this, highlight your pasted code (please be sure that it is already formatted when you paste it into the forum; the code tags don't magically format unformatted code) and then press the code button, and your code will have tags.
    Another way to do this is to manually place the tags into your code by placing the tag [cod&#101;] above your pasted code and the tag [cod&#101;] below your pasted code like so:
      // your code goes here
      // notice how the top and bottom tags are different
    [/cod&#101;]Much luck!

  • Sorting a hierarchy ...

    Hi Everyone,
    I have a table which is structured as a hierarchy thus ...
    id parent
    top -/-
    GB top
    London GB
    Bristol GB
    Manchester GB
    DE top
    Berlin DE
    Munich DE
    FR top
    Paris FR
    Lyon FR
    ... etc.
    ... which I need to output in the same format.
    However the order of the items is completely random (in the table) so Berlin does not appear directly below DE (for example) ...
    ES top
    Moscow RU
    Madrid ES
    Edinbourgh GB
    ... etc.
    So what I need is a sorting syntax which will retreive the table's contents as I have presented above (in the first extract) with the hierarchy displayed in its natural groups (i.e. DE followed by Berlin, Munich, etc.).
    I have played around the the "PARTITION" command but cannot seem to get it working so am hoping that someone out there can point me towards the correct syntax?
    Many thanks,
    Alan Searle

    Hi, Alan,
    SELECT     id
    ,     parent
    FROM     table_x
    START WITH     parent     IS NULL
    CONNECT BY     parent     = PRIOR id
    ORDER SIBLINGS BY     id          -- Optional
    ;ORDER SIBLINGS would guarantee that DE and FR (with all their cities) came before GB, and that, within each country, the cities appeared in alphabetic order, like this:
    id          parent
    DE           top
    Berlin           DE
    Munich           DE
    FR           top
    Lyon           FR
    Paris           FR
    GB           top
    Bristol      GB
    London           GB
    Manchester      GB
    ...For an introduction to CONNECT BY queries, see
    For several examples of CONNECT BY queries, see
    Naturally, CONNECT BY is documented in the SQL language manual:
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jan 2, 2012 5:59 AM

  • Tree-like representation of interdependent hierarchy elements?

    Hi all,
    I'd like to know if anyone has experience/ideas in how to represent/report for instance the operational readiness of a plant and it's production lines as a 'dynamic hierarchy'?
    By dynamic hierarchy I mean that the operational status of the upper nodes, e.g. a plant, would be affected by the lower level nodes statuses i.e. depending on the criticality of a production lines operational status for the plant it self, a operational status
    of lets say 25%(production line or machine) would turn the status of the upper level node(plant) to red or yellow.
    This tree-like representation would look like something similar to this Value Driver Tree with a top-down representation and color coding for each nodes operational status, be it inherited or not:
    Could this be accomplished easiest with VDT(?), the usual reporting tools or perhaps Visual Composer?
    This might be easier in xApps(xMII etc) but any help on how to do this with 2004 or 2004s would be much appreciated.
    Best regards,

    Yes there is a problem writing tags to the JSP.
    JSPs/Servlets are meant to generate HTML.
    Generating JSP tags at runtime will just print them out as part of the HTML stream - it won't evaluate them.
    Remember that a JSP page gets compiled into a servlet. This process translates the JSP tags into java code. Generating JSP tags at runtime is something that will just not work, because the translation process is already complete.
    Only way to do it (nasty hack) is as you said, is to write the code to a jsp file, and then let the container translate/compile and execute that jsp as a jsp:include in your original one. Not very nice.
    Best solution would be to see if you could modify/adapt your custom tags to java objects.
    good luck,

  • Code to sort un-common elements in arrays

    the code which i made so far
    class ArraySetExample
         public static void main (String [] args)
              String rainbow [] = {"red","orange","yellow","green","blue","indigo","violet"};
              String flag [] = {"red","white","blue"};
              // To printout the set of common colours in flag and rainbow
              System.out.println("the set of rainbow colours in the national flag");
              for (int i=0; i<flag.length;i++)
                 for (int j=0; j<rainbow.length;j++)
                         if (flag.equals(rainbow[j])) System.out.println(flag[i]);
    now i want to add String flagcolours[] // colours which are in flag but not in rainbow
              String rainbowcolours[] // colours which are in rainbow but not flagthe logic which i thought isflagcolours.addAll(rainbow);
                        rainbowcolours.removeAll(rainbow);but i want a code in arrays. can someone sort my missing code or anything if I have done wrongclass ArraySetExample
         public static void main (String [] args)
              String rainbow [] = {"red","orange","yellow","green","blue","indigo","violet"};
              String flag [] = {"red","white","blue"};
              String flagcolours[]; // colours which are in flag but not in rainbow
              String rainbowcolours[]; // colours which are in rainbow but not flag
              // To printout the set of colours in flag and rainbow
              System.out.println("the set of rainbow colours in the national flag");
              for (int i=0; i<flag.length;i++)
              for (int j=0; j<rainbow.length;j++)
                   if (flag[i].equals(rainbow[j])) System.out.println(flag[i]);
                   //............MISSING CODE.............
    Edited by: crystalarun on Oct 21, 2007 8:13 AM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    Then you will probably need to create a new array for each intersection and using nested for loops add items to your arrays depending on whether they are in one array and not in another by checking in an if-block. First work out what you would do on paper, then translate this to java. It's not hard once you see the solution on paper.
    Good luck.

  • Sorting in Photoshop Elements 7

    I know how to sort photographs by newest to oldest or oldest to newest date and I know how to
    sort via catalog.  How can I sort by the filename?

    Change to Folder View and see if that helps
    Click the drop down next to Display (top right of the organizer) and choose Folder Location

  • How to sort dashboard prompt elements

    I have a group dashboard prompt in which there are two prompts: fiscal year, and month. The month prompt is contrainted, that is, if a fiscal year is chosen, the month prompt shows only those months for the fy. My question is how can the month prompt is sorted in decending order? Appreciate any input.

    If that is the case,
    you need to made 2 different prompts..
    Assign a variable for Year prompt as year_var something like this..
    And save with any name..
    Now create other prompt. here you need to write a SQL in Show SQL part of your prompt.
    SQL look like the following...
    *SELECT month FROM SubjectAreaname WHERE YEAR = '@{year_var}' ORDER BY month DESC*
    Save this with different name..
    Now add these 2 in one dashboard page..
    But due to this.. you find 2 GO button for each prompt.
    First you need to select value from Year prompt then click on First GO button, after your month column will be populated with values corresponding to that year.. in descending order.. So again Go..
    Hope it's clear..

  • Sorting of the elements of the set

    Hi all,
    Here is a problem that i am facing. I get the contents of the database and store it in a result set. Now i want to display this content in the frontend, and in such a way that it is displayed in ascending order. Now i can use the order by clause for this but suppose in future i get a requirement to display the same data in descending order that i will have to change the code. So can you please suggest me a way to sort that content of the result set.

    Use a JTable. Read the Swing tutorial on [url]How to Use Tables. It has a sorting example.

  • Sort WBS element in project hierarchy

    Our WBS element does by sequential numbering
    Eg: Level 1         2A.08
          Level 2         2A.08.01
          Level 3         2A.08.01.01
          Level 2         2A.08.02
          Level 3         2A.08.02.01
    In transaction CJ02 is there any way we could sort the WBS element field so that it is in ascending or descending order? We are trying to explore a faster way to tidy up the hierarchy other than moving the line items manually.
    Hope someone has some solution to this.
    Thank you.

    Go to CJ02 and allow the "Billing / Revenue" Check box in the WBS MAster...
    br, Ajay M

  • Webi 4.0 Custom Sort for SSAS Hierarchy

    I'm using SSAS cube as a source for my webi report .Some report need custom sorting for hierarchy object , we are not able to apply sorting correctly in webi.
    What do i need to do in order to apply the custom sorting for hierarchy object?  Thanks.

    Hi, I've written a post on this:
    ...and a few people in the comments seemed to have the same problem as you, which seems to be a bug (clicking the ellipsis does not launch the custom values screen).
    Perhaps you could try the solution offered by Gallin, which was to create a second input control, then retry the steps to create another input control and click the ellipsis to enter custom values.
    Hope that helps.

  • Sort Second Element in Array of Strict Type Def Clusters

    I need to sort the an array of strict type def clusters by the second or third element in the cluster.  In the past I have used 1-D array sort and sorted by the first element of the cluster.  When I need to sort by the second, third, or fourth element of the cluster I just break down the cluster and rebuild it placing the desired sort element in the first position of the new cluster.  This works for simple tasks and clusters, but as the cluster gets more complicated this becomes a pain to do this.  There must be a cleaner way to sort by other elements within the original array of strict type def clusters.  Has anyone succeeded in doing this a different way?

    Here's the way I would do it...just create a new cluster array, where each cluster contains two elements...the unbundled item you want to sort by, and the cluster itself.  Then sort the new cluster array, then unbundle the sorted cluster array to get the original clusters (now sorted).  Here is a screenshot:
    There may be a better way, but this is the first thing I thought of.
    Message Edited by Darren on 03-16-200610:00 AM
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman
    Sorted_cluster.jpg ‏30 KB

  • Preserve the sorting of a hierarchy during import to MDM

    Hi experts
    I have imported a hierarchy from a legacy publishing system
    The file is XML and itu2019s close to perfect except for one very important thing
    The hierarch is sorted manually in the legacy system and not by any number or letters
    This sorting has to be preserved throughout the entire migration
    I know itu2019s possible to sort the hierarchy by hand in MDM by inserting a category as sibling.
    This is what I need to avoid for potentially over 300.000 categories in all in many hierarchies.
    Using the "create hierarchy filed" in the import manager, should display 4 fields instead of only 3
    The last filed should be used to sort the hierarchy during import.
    Iu2019m able to get a running number from the legacy to control the sorting of the categories.
    Hope you have a solution.
    Please do not tell me that I just have to live with one more missing function in MDM.

    Hi again
    Nobody had the same problem as me?

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    Hey there Apple community, Recently I purchased a 15' Retina Macbook pro for $2,500 (AU). I have owned this Macbook for approximately 4 months, with no issues what-so-ever. Until, 2 days ago I was working on a project (I am stuying Graphic Design.) w

  • Hrglobal error ORA-01403: no data found

    I am trying to run hrglobal after upgrading from 12.0.6 - 12.1.3. Some how all my workers fail FAILED: file hrrbdeib.sql on worker 1. FAILED: file hrrbdeib.sql on worker 2. FAILED: file hrrbdeib.sql on worker 3. FAILED: file hrrbdeib.sql on worker 4.

  • All my imports suddenly have no sound

    I imported 3 ripped dvds into iMovie for editing a couple months ago. They were working fine until I imported 3 more yesterday. One of the second three had no sound, so I deleted it. After I deleted it, all my past imports had no sound and I couldn't

  • Amount display transaction VK13

    VK13. I am looking at a certain condition record in transaction VK13, when i see the output in the table control in the amount field i have a percentage value e.g. 2 and in the unit fields i have '%'. The amount value is picked from the table KONP-KB

  • Abnormal Error When Rendering Motion Menus

    Hello everyone, I am having the 'Sorry, and abnormal message' thing going on when I try to render my motion menu's. I have had this problem before, but have since forgotten how to remed the problem. I do remember the override option (not to use). But