Sorting a datatable with a boolean value

Hi all,
I have a datatable and one of the columns is just a true or false field.
I'm using the DTOComparator from the BalusC (here: server but I'm getting the error:
Error 500: java.lang.RuntimeException: Getter getInclude cannot be invoked.
It comes from this line of code:
try {
            c1 = (Comparable) o1.getClass().getMethod(getter, null).invoke(o1, null);
            c2 = (Comparable) o2.getClass().getMethod(getter, null).invoke(o2, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Obvious. Check if method names are correct.
            throw new RuntimeException("Getter " + getter + " cannot be invoked.");
Can you not use boolean values with this?
Thanks for any help!

Instead of a primivive, use a wrapper objects as DTO property which represents a DB entry. Remember, DB2 fields can contain null values.
So use Boolean instead of boolean. Or just change the comparator to make it compatible with primitives.

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    <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myBean.selectedItems}"  converter="MyConverter" >
                               <f:selectItems value="#{myBean.allItems}"/>

    well the component is linked to your backing bean property 'myBean.selectedItems', which is probably a list or something. Whatever value in this list is true will be checked, so make the 'default' one true when you initially create the list (for example, in a @PostConstruct annotated method).

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    I have to sort an internal based on values of field . in the below order of value
    Wolud like know to if theres a better method of doing  than what I did below in an user exit .
    DATA : t_ltap_vb_temp TYPE  ltap_vb OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE .
    *Need to sort ltap_vb with letyp value in order of 'CTP' , 'HPL' ,'SPL' , 'ANC'
    *could not find a better logic
    break kollav.
    LOOP AT t_ltap_vb WHERE letyp = 'CTP'.
      APPEND t_ltap_vb TO t_ltap_vb_temp.
      DELETE t_ltap_vb.
    LOOP AT t_ltap_vb WHERE letyp = 'HPL'.
      APPEND t_ltap_vb TO t_ltap_vb_temp.
      DELETE t_ltap_vb.
    LOOP AT t_ltap_vb WHERE letyp = 'SPL'.
      APPEND t_ltap_vb TO t_ltap_vb_temp.
      DELETE t_ltap_vb.
    LOOP AT t_ltap_vb WHERE letyp = 'ANC'.
      APPEND t_ltap_vb TO t_ltap_vb_temp.
      DELETE t_ltap_vb.
    LOOP AT t_ltap_vb.
      APPEND t_ltap_vb TO t_ltap_vb_temp.
    t_ltap_vb[] = t_ltap_vb_temp[].
    Any alternative suggestions will be great .
    Edited by: vinay kolla on May 20, 2009 11:21 AM

    Hi Vinay,
    Use the below code.
    DATA: BEGIN OF itab1 OCCURS 0,
           fld(3) TYPE c,
          END OF itab1.
          itab_final LIKE itab1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    itab1-fld = 'CTP'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'SPL'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'HPL'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'ANC'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'HPL'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'ANC'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'CTP'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'SPL'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'ANC'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'CTP'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab1-fld = 'SPL'.
    APPEND itab1.
    itab2 [ ] = itab1[ ].
    delete itab1 where fld = 'ANC'.
    sort itab1 by fld.
    delete itab2 where NOT fld = 'ANC'.
    sort itab2 by fld.
    append lines of itab1 to itab_final.
    append lines of itab2 to itab_final.
    LOOP AT itab_final.
      WRITE:/ itab_final-fld.
    Kumar Bandanadham

  • How to display result set boolean value as a check box

    Hi guys,
    I am getting the data which include boolean from the database, i need to display the boolean values as check box, see my code, its displaying the data into the table with the boolean values as true and false, how to make it in check boxes
    import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import java.awt.Container;
    import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
    import java.awt.ComponentOrientation;
    import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
    import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Panel2 extends JPanel {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private JScrollPane jScrollPane = null;
         private JTable jTable = null;
          * This is the default constructor
         public Panel2() {
          * This method initializes this
          * @return void
         private void initialize() {
         //     Panel2.ResultSetFrame();
              GridBagConstraints gridBagConstraints = new GridBagConstraints();
              gridBagConstraints.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
              gridBagConstraints.gridy = 0;
              gridBagConstraints.weightx = 1.0;
              gridBagConstraints.weighty = 1.0;
              gridBagConstraints.gridx = 0;
              this.setSize(340, 200);
              this.setLayout(new GridBagLayout());
              this.setBackground(new Color(171, 211, 224));
              this.setBorder(BorderFactory.createCompoundBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED), null));
              this.add(getJScrollPane(), gridBagConstraints);
          * This method initializes jScrollPane     
          * @return javax.swing.JScrollPane     
         private JScrollPane getJScrollPane() {
              if (jScrollPane == null) {
                   jScrollPane = new JScrollPane();
              return jScrollPane;
          String[] columnNames = {"Task Description",
                 "Time ",
          * This method initializes jTable     
          * @return javax.swing.JTable     
         private JTable getJTable() {
                      ResultSetFrame oo = new ResultSetFrame();
                      JTable table = new JTable(oo.model);
                      table.setBackground(new Color(195, 217, 230));
                      return table;
    abstract class ResultSetTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
         public ResultSetTableModel(ResultSet aResultSet)
              rs = aResultSet;
               rsmd = rs.getMetaData();     
          catch(SQLException e)
               System.out.println("Error " + e);
       public String getColumnName(int c)
       {  try
          {  return rsmd.getColumnName(c + 1);
          catch(SQLException e)
          {  System.out.println("Error " + e);
             return "";
       public int getColumnCount()
       {  try
          {  return rsmd.getColumnCount();
          catch(SQLException e)
          {  System.out.println("Error " + e);
             return 0;
       protected ResultSet getResultSet()
       {  return rs;
       private ResultSet rs;
       private ResultSetMetaData rsmd;
    class CachingResultSetTableModel extends ResultSetTableModel
    {  public CachingResultSetTableModel(ResultSet aResultSet)
       {  super(aResultSet);
          {  cache = new ArrayList();
             int cols = getColumnCount();
             ResultSet rs = getResultSet();
             /* place all data in an array list of Object[] arrays
                We don't use an Object[][] because we don't know
                how many rows are in the result set
             while (
             {  Object[] row = new Object[cols];
                for (int j = 0; j < row.length; j++)
                   row[j] = rs.getObject(j + 1);
          catch(SQLException e)
          {  System.out.println("Error " + e);
       public Object getValueAt(int r, int c)
       {  if (r < cache.size())
             return ((Object[])cache.get(r))[c];
             return null;
       public int getRowCount()
       {  return cache.size();
       private ArrayList cache;
    class ResultSetFrame 
    {  public ResultSetFrame()
          /* find all tables in the database and add them to
             a combo box
          {  Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
             con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/task","root","nbuser");
                stmt = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM tasky");
                    String query = "SELECT * FROM tasky";
                    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
                    model = new CachingResultSetTableModel(rs);
                    JTable table = new JTable(model);
                    scrollPane = new JScrollPane(table);
                catch(SQLException e)
                     System.out.println("Error " + e);
          catch(ClassNotFoundException e)
          {  System.out.println("Error " + e);
          catch(SQLException e)
          {  System.out.println("Error " + e);
       private JScrollPane scrollPane;
       public ResultSetTableModel model;
       private ResultSet rs;
       private Connection con;
       private Statement stmt;

    add a
    public Class getColumnClass(int col) {
         return getValueAt(0, col).getClass();
    }in your ResultSetTableModel which extends AbstractTableModel.
    A simple example
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
    public class SimpleDemo extends JFrame {
        public SimpleDemo() {
        private void createAndShowUI(){
            String[] columnName = {"CheckBox Column", "Data Column"};
            Object[][] data = {{new Boolean(true), "Data 1"},
            {new Boolean(false), "Data 2"}, {new Boolean(true), "Data 3"}};
            MyModel model = new MyModel();
            model.setData(columnName, data);
            JTable myTable = new JTable(model);
            JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(myTable);
        class MyModel extends AbstractTableModel {
            String[] columnName;
            Object[][] data;
            public void setData(String[] colName, Object[][] theData) {
                this.columnName = colName;
       = theData;
            public String getColumnName(int column) {
                return columnName[column];
            public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
                return data[rowIndex][columnIndex];
            public int getRowCount() {
                return data.length;
            public int getColumnCount() {
                return columnName.length;
            public Class getColumnClass(int c) {
                return getValueAt(0, c).getClass();
        public static void main(String[] args){
            Runnable run = new Runnable(){
                public void run(){
                    new SimpleDemo().setVisible(true);

  • How to create a Dynamic Datatable with sorting functioanlity

    I am new to JSF and need some help can some one please tell me how to create a dynamic datatable with sorting functionality. I am reading data data from a database table and wants to build the datatable dynamically based on the columns returned. I know how to created a datatble with a fixed number of columns but can't figure out how to create a datatable dynamically with sort functionality. Any small example will help.

    Here is what I have so far and can't figure out how to add the sorting functionality. Any help is appreciated.
    Managed Bean:
    private List<MyDto> data ;
        public HtmlDataTable getDataTableOne ()
            if ( dataTableOne == null )
                populateCheckBoxes () ; // Preload.
                populateDynamicDataTableOne () ;
            return dataTableOne ;
        public void populateCheckBoxes ()
            data = new ArrayList<MyDto> () ;
            MyDto myDto1 = new MyDto () ;
            MyDto myDto2 = new MyDto () ;
            MyDto myDto3 = new MyDto () ;
            MyDto myDto4 = new MyDto () ;
            myDto1.setChecked ( true ) ;
            myDto1.setValue ( "myDto1" ) ;
            myDto2.setChecked ( false ) ;
            myDto2.setValue ( "myDto2" ) ;
            myDto3.setChecked ( false ) ;
            myDto3.setValue ( "myDto3" ) ;
            myDto4.setChecked ( true ) ;
            myDto4.setValue ( "myDto4" ) ;
            data.add ( myDto1 ) ;
            data.add ( myDto2 ) ;
            data.add ( myDto3 ) ;
            data.add ( myDto4 ) ;
        public void populateDynamicDataTableOne ()
            dataTableOne = new HtmlDataTable () ;
            UIOutput header = new UIOutput () ;
            header.setValue ( "" ) ;
            UIColumn tableColumn ;
            tableColumn = new UIColumn () ;
            HtmlOutputText textHeader = new HtmlOutputText () ;
            textHeader.setValue ( "" ) ;
            tableColumn.setHeader ( textHeader ) ;
            HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox tCheckBox = new HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox () ;
            tCheckBox.setValueBinding ( "value" , FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ().getApplication ().createValueBinding ( "#{row.checked}" ) ) ;
            tableColumn.getChildren ().add ( tCheckBox ) ;
            // Set output.
            UIOutput output = new UIOutput () ;
            ValueBinding myItem = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance ().getApplication ().createValueBinding ( "#{row.value}" ) ;
            output.setValueBinding ( "value" , myItem ) ;
            // Set header (optional).
            UIOutput header2 = new UIOutput () ;
            header2.setValue ( "" ) ;
            UIColumn column = new UIColumn () ;
            column.setHeader ( header2 ) ;
            column.getChildren ().add ( output ) ;
            dataTableOne.getChildren ().add ( tableColumn ) ;
            dataTableOne.getChildren ().add ( column ) ;
    public class MyDto
        private Boolean checked;
        private String value;
        public MyDto ()
        public void setChecked ( Boolean checked )
            this.checked = checked;
        public Boolean getChecked ()
            return checked ;
        public void setValue ( String value )
            this.value = value;
        public String getValue ()
            return value ;
    <h:dataTable id="table" value="#{}" binding="#{myRequestBean.dataTableOne}" var="row" />Thanks

  • How to get selected values from datatable with paging

    hi all
    here is my problem
    I have a datatable with paging size of 2 and first column as checkbox.
    now i have total record of 5 data,2 row on each page.
    Now i m selecting 1-1 row from each page.
    When i m clicking Command button to display all the selected row from different page ,i m only able to display values selected from last page.
    Through debug i can see that only last page value is set to TRUE OR FALSE and every other value is neither true nor false.
    any help???

    <f:facet name="footer">
    <h:panelGroup binding="#{Page1.groupPanel1}" id="groupPanel1"
    style="display: block; text-align: center" styleClass="list-paging-footer">
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_firstPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterFirstButton}" id="dataTable1FooterFirstButton" image="resources/paging_first.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="# Page1.dataTable1_previousPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterPreviousButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterPreviousButton" image="resources/paging_previous.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_nextPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterNextButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterNextButton" image="resources/paging_next.gif" immediate="true"/>
    <h:commandButton action="#{Page1.dataTable1_lastPageAction}" binding="#{Page1.dataTable1FooterLastButton}"
    id="dataTable1FooterLastButton" image="resources/paging_last.gif" immediate="true"/>
    Above is the code which i m using for paging which is command button
    Any problem with it.???

  • Cell with boolean value not rendering properly in Swing (custom renderer)

    Hello All,
    I have a problem rendenring boolean values when using a custom cell renderer inside a JTable; I managed to reproduce the issue with a dummy application. The application code follows:
    import java.awt.BorderLayout;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.logging.Logger;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
    * Simple GUI that uses custom cell rendering
    * @author josevnz
    public final class SimpleGui extends JFrame {
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SimpleGui.class.getName());
         private JTable simpleTable;
         public SimpleGui() {
              super("Simple GUI");
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 500));
              setLayout(new BorderLayout());
         public void constructGui() {
              simpleTable = new JTable(new SimpleTableModel());
              simpleTable.getColumnModel().getColumn(2).setCellRenderer(new HasItCellRenderer());
              SpecialCellRenderer specRen = new SpecialCellRenderer(log);
              simpleTable.setDefaultRenderer(Double.class, specRen);
              simpleTable.setDefaultRenderer(String.class, specRen);
              simpleTable.setDefaultRenderer(Date.class, specRen);
              //simpleTable.setDefaultRenderer(Boolean.class, specRen);
              add(new JScrollPane(simpleTable), BorderLayout.CENTER);          
         private void populate() {
              List <List<Object>>people = new ArrayList<List<Object>>();
              List <Object>people1 = new ArrayList<Object>();
              people1.add(0, "Jose");
              people1.add(1, 500.333333567);
              people1.add(2, Boolean.TRUE);
              people1.add(3, new Date());
              List <Object>people2 = new ArrayList<Object>();
              people2.add(0, "Yes, you!");
              people2.add(1, 100.522222);
              people2.add(2, Boolean.FALSE);
              people2.add(3, new Date());
              List <Object>people3 = new ArrayList<Object>();
              people3.add(0, "Who, me?");
              people3.add(1, 0.00001);
              people3.add(2, Boolean.TRUE);
              people3.add(3, new Date());
              List <Object>people4 = new ArrayList<Object>();
              people4.add(0, "Peter Parker");
              people4.add(1, 11.567444444);
              people4.add(2, Boolean.FALSE);
              people4.add(3, new Date());
              ((SimpleTableModel) simpleTable.getModel()).addAll(people);
          * @param args
          * @throws InvocationTargetException
          * @throws InterruptedException
         public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, InvocationTargetException {
              final SimpleGui instance = new SimpleGui();
              SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {
                   public void run() {
    }I decided to write a more specific renderer just for that column:
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Component;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    import javax.swing.UIManager;
    import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer;
    * Cell renderer used only by the DividendElement table
    * @author josevnz
    final class HasItCellRenderer extends DefaultTableCellRenderer {
         protected static final long serialVersionUID = 2596173912618784286L;
         private Color hasIt = new Color(255, 225, 0);
         public HasItCellRenderer() {
         public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean isSelected, boolean hasFocus, int row, int column) {
              Component comp = super.getTableCellRendererComponent(table, value, isSelected, hasFocus, row, column);
              int desCol = table.convertColumnIndexToView(1);
              if (! isSelected && value instanceof Boolean && column == desCol) {
                   if (((Boolean) value).booleanValue()) {
                   } else {
              return comp;
          * Override for performance reasons
         public void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue) {
              // EMPTY
         protected void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
              // EMPTY
         public void revalidate() {
              // EMPTY
         public void validate() {
              // EMPTY
    } // end classBut the rendering comes all wrong (a String saying true or false, not the expected checkbox from the default renderer) and also there is a weird flickring effect as this particular boolean column is editable (per table model, not show here)...
    I can post the table model and the other renderer if needed (didn't want to put too much code on the question, at least initiallty).
    Should I render a checkbox myself for this cell in the custom renderer? I'm puzzled as I expected the default renderer part of the code to do this for me instead.
    Edited by: josevnz on Apr 14, 2009 12:35 PM
    Edited by: josevnz on Apr 14, 2009 12:37 PM

    Thats because the default render is a JLabel and it just displays the text from the toString() method of the Object in the table model.What I meant to say is that I expected the JCheckbox not a String representation of the boolean value.
    Thats because a different renderer is used depending on the Class of data in the column. Look at the source code for the JTable class to see what the "default >renderer for the Boolean class" is. Then you can extend that or if its a private class then you will need to copy all the code and customize it.At the end I looked at the code and replicated the functionality I needed. I thought than maybe there was a way to avoid replicating the same logic all over again in order to implement this functionality. Good advice, though.
    see you learned nothing from your last posting. This is NOT a SSCCE. 90% of the code you posted is completely irrelevant for the described problem. There is abosutelly no need to post the custom TableModel, because there is no need to use a custom TableModel for this problem. The TableModel has nothing to do with how a column is rendererd.The custom table model returns the type of the column (giving a hint to the renderer on what to expect, right?) and for the one that had a problem it says than the class is Boolean. That's why I mentioned it:
    public Class getColumnClass(int columnIndex) {
        // Code omited....
    You also posted data for 4 columns worth of data. Again, irrelevant. Your question is about a single column containing Boolean data, so forget about the other columns.
    When creating a SSCCE you don't start with your existing code and "remove" code. You start with a brand new class and only add in what is important. That way hopefully if you made a mistake the first time you don't repeat it the second time.That's what I did, is not the real application. I copy & pasted code in a haste from this dummy program on this forum, not the best approach as it gave the wrong impression.
    Learn how to write a proper SSCCE if you want help in the future. Point taken, but there is NO need for you to be rude. Your help is appreciated.

  • Sorting table combine with Assending n DESCENDING  value

    Dear All ...
    i want to sort by table  with some field.  which some of the field in assending  n some in desending.
    example: this my table itab .
                 1.1.09       a            H 
                 1.1.09       c            H
                 1.1.09       c           S
                 1.1.09       a           S
    after sort  become
               1.1.09       a          S   
               1.1.09       a          H   
               1.1.09       c          S   
               1.1.09       c         H   
    from above sample ....... 1st n 2nd value is sort in assending , but 3th sort in desending ....
    any idea ?

    Try this,
            f1(15) TYPE c,
            f2(15) TYPE c,
            f3(15) TYPE c,
          END OF itab.
    itab-f1 = 1.
    itab-f2 = 'a'.
    itab-f3 = 'H'.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-f1 = 1.
    itab-f2 = 'c'.
    itab-f3 = 'H'.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-f1 = 1.
    itab-f2 = 'c'.
    itab-f3 = 'S'.
    APPEND itab.
    itab-f1 = 1.
    itab-f2 = 'a'.
    itab-f3 = 'S'.
    APPEND itab.
    SORT itab by f1 f2 f3 DESCENDING.
    LOOP AT itab.
      WRITE:/ itab-f1, itab-f2, itab-f3.

  • JXPath with boolean value

    I want to know if JXPath support boolean value or not, and how to do.Because if i try to get the value of a bollean attribute with the getValue(..) method, it does'nt work..

    This forum is dedicated to JMX.
    You're asking a question about JXPath, which is not even closely related to the technology this forum is about.
    Maybe someone reading your post will have an answer for you, but it would be sheer luck.
    Maybe this link will have the answer you're looking for:
    If not you could try to google search for JXPath, or try to find a better suited forum here:
    Hope this helps,
    -- daniel

  • Using an event structure to reset a boolean control with ring menu value change

    I am trying to get two boolean buttons to reset when the value of a ring menu changes.  For this I am using an event structure set to execute with a ring value change.  However I have other code that needs to be executing while the event structure waits for the value change.  I place my event structure inside the while loop the buttons reset as expected but my other code does not run (except at the moment of value change). If I place it outside the loop the rest of the code functions as expected but the buttons do not reset.  Any help you can offer is much appreciated.
    Go to Solution.
    event structure ‏11 KB

    try this
    event structure ‏14 KB

  • Java & Acces: pass boolean values

    Ok I'm totally new at this so the following text will hopefully be understandable. I hope you guys can give me a hand over here.
    The case:
    I'm making a java function that has to create a new user of my database. This user is supposed to get a name, a password and can have 4 functions (Administrator, Author, Reader, Coreader).
    To identify the 4 functions i used a checkbox in my database. So when the box is checked the person is a Admin/author/... Now I was wondering how i can use Java (using a query) to set these values checked or non-checked.
    I thought I'd use booleans, however, my compiler says there is a General Error (all the names of the columns are right, so that's not the deal, my database is working properly and such, ...)
    So here's my code:
    (note that i used these marks ' ' here for the booleans, i tried all kinds of things such as dropping them, using them, ... it doesn't seem the problem...)
    public void addNewUser(String username, String password, boolean admin, boolean author, boolean reader, boolean coreader)
    String query1 = "UPDATE user SET username = '" + username + "' AND password = '"
    + password + "' AND administrator = '" + admin + "' AND author ='" + author
    + "' AND reader ='" + reader + "' AND coreader ='" + coreader + "'";
    stmt = global.createStatement();
    global.showMessage("The new user, " + username + ", has been added successfuly", "Succesfuly added");
    catch(Exception e)
    global.showError("An error has occured while connecting to the database" + e.toString(), "SQL Error");
    Hope you guys can help. Thanks a lot!

    It's possible to do this; it's just that your SQL syntax is completely wrong. An SQL UPDATE statement looks as follows:
    UPDATE table SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, column3 = value3 WHERE expression
    You're using 'AND' instead of commas, which is the first thing that goes wrong. The second thing that goes wrong is that you're building the SQL statement from bits of string and values. This is a habit that many novice programmers use, and open the door wide for SQL injection attacks. I you do this sort of thing on a web site, you could end up with your customers' credit card details being exposed.
    But because you're just passing the boolean values into the string, they get expanded to a string value, hence TRUE or FALSE. However, because they are string literals, they should be surrounded by single quotes.
    This brings us to the third problem: you're using an UPDATE statement to insert a new record. Use an INSERT statement instead.
    It would be better to use a PreparedStatement. In this case, your code would look as follows:
    PreparedStatement stmt =
        global.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO user " +
                "( username, password, administrator, author, reader, coreader ) " +
                "VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" );
        stmt.setString( 1, username );
        stmt.setString( 2, password );
        stmt.setBoolean( 3, admin );
        stmt.setBoolean( 4, author );
        stmt.setBoolean( 5, reader );
        stmt.setBoolean( 6, coreader );I have no idea whether this will work: I don't know Access, and booleans are not a standard feature of SQL. I also don't know whether Microsoft have created their own flavour of SQL, as they are wont to do with any standard.
    All in all, though, you have to really work on your SQL. Three major mistakes in such a simple piece of code means that you don't understand SQL syntax. You may copy and paste this for your assignment, but unless you understand what you're actually doing, you're going to run into trouble again very soon.
    - Peter

  • Bug : Datatable with disabled checkboxes

    I was able to implement a datatable with modify, delete links for each row.
    The following code works:
    <h:data_table id="DataTable" value="#{DataScreen.records}" var="record">
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <h:command_link action="#{DataScreen.modifyAction}">
           <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.modifyLabel" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <h:command_link action="#{DataScreen.deleteAction}">
           <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.deleteLabel" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value="Column1_Header" /></f:facet>
         <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.column1}" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value="Column2_Header" /></f:facet>
         <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.column2}" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
    </h:data_table>But, I added a third column of type boolean, which is displayed as a disabled checkbox.
    The table is displayed properly in the browser. But, when I click on the modify, delete links,
    the corresponding action method (DataScreen.modifyAction() or DataScreen.deleteAction())
    is not called.
    <h:data_table id="DataTable" value="#{DataScreen.records}" var="record">
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <h:command_link action="#{DataScreen.modifyAction}">
           <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.modifyLabel" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <h:command_link action="#{DataScreen.deleteAction}">
           <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.deleteLabel" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value="Column1_Header" /></f:facet>
         <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.column1}" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value="Column2_Header" /></f:facet>
         <h:output_text value="#{DataScreen.column2}" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
         <f:facet name="header"><h:output_text value="Column3_Header" /></f:facet>
         <h:selectboolean_checkbox value="#{DataScreen.column3}" disabled="true" />
         <f:facet name="footer"><h:output_text value=" " /></f:facet>
    </h:data_table>I would be glad to know if there is any workaround.

    I forgot to mention that there is no error message in the log file. The same page is displayed again
    after clicking on the Modify or Delete Link.
    If I remove the third column (disabled checkbox), the modify and delete links work fine.

  • How to use Boolean values from 2 different sources to stop a while loop?

    I am working on a program for homework that states E5.4) Using a single Whil eLoop, construct a VI that executes a loop N times or until the user presses a stop button. Be sure to include the Time Delay Exress Vi so the user has time to press the stop botton. 
    I am doing this right now but it seems as though I can only connect one thing to the stop sign on th while loop. It won't let me connect a comparision of N and the iterations as well as the stop button to the stop sign on the while loop. So how would I be able to structure it so that it stops if it receives a true Boolean value from either of the 2 sources (whichever comes first)? 
    Basically, I cannot wire the output of the comparison of N and iterations as well as the stop button to the stop button on the whlie loop to end it. Is there a solution?
    Go to Solution.

    Rajster16 wrote:
    Using a single Whil eLoop, construct a VI that executes a loop N times or until the user presses a stop button. 
    Look in the boolean palette for something similar to the word hightlighted in red above.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • How to create dynamic DataTable with dynamic header/column in JSF?

    Hello everyone,
    I am having problem of programmatically create multiple DataTables which have different number of column? In my JSF page, I should implement a navigation table and a data table. The navigation table displays the links of all tables in the database so that the data table will load the data when the user click any link in navigation table. I have gone through [BalusC's post|] and I found that the section "populate dynamic datatable" does show me some hints. In his code,
    // Iterate over columns.
            for (int i = 0; i < dynamicList.get(0).size(); i++) {
                // Create <h:column>.
                HtmlColumn column = new HtmlColumn();
                // Create <h:outputText value="dynamicHeaders"> for <f:facet name="header"> of column.
    HtmlOutputText header = new HtmlOutputText();
    // Create <h:outputText value="#{dynamicItem[" + i + "]}"> for the body of column.
    HtmlOutputText output = new HtmlOutputText();
    createValueExpression("#{dynamicItem[" + i + "]}", String.class));
    public HtmlPanelGroup getDynamicDataTableGroup() {
    // This will be called once in the first RESTORE VIEW phase.
    if (dynamicDataTableGroup == null) {
    loadDynamicList(); // Preload dynamic list.
    populateDynamicDataTable(); // Populate editable datatable.
    return dynamicDataTableGroup;
    I suppose the Getter method is only called once when the JSF page is loaded for the first time. By calling this Getter, columns are dynamically added to the table. However in my particular case, the dynamic list is not known until the user choose to view a table. That means I can not call loadDynamicList() in the Getter method. Subsequently, I can not execute the for loop in method "populateDynamicDataTable()".
    So, how can I implement a real dynamic datatable with dynamic columns, or in other words, a dynamic table that can load data from different data tables (different number of columns) in the database at run-time?
    Many thanks for any help in advance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

    flyeminent wrote:
    However in my particular case, the dynamic list is not known until the user choose to view a table. Then move the call from the getter to the bean's action method.

  • Error - '' is not a valid boolean value

    I have been receiving the error message = '' is not a valid Boolean value quite frequently.  It doesn’t matter which hierarchy I am in but it’s typically when I do an Add or Insert.  When selecting ‘ok’ on the error message, I’m able to continue on with my work but was just curious what causes this error.  Sometimes when this error shows up and I click ‘ok’, it will take me out of the DRM screen and into whatever else I may have open at the moment.  Any thoughts or ideas?  We are on version

    As Murali stated-
    It could be a property incorrectly configured, check all the boolean type properties and see if any of them are getting a string value by any chance.

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