Sorting algorithm for search

This is just my opinion, but the sorting of packages after searching, in AUR or the home page of Arch, seems unintuitive.  Personally, I think if the keyword matches part of a package name, that package should be at the top.  Then the results should be sorted according to how well the keyword matches the package description.  Finally, in the case of AUR, packages should be sorted according to the number of votes in descending order.  Just my opinion.

you can get it to do votes in descending using the "sort by" option on your search. The rest I agree with to an extent, but perhaps a more advanced search page is needed, where one could search specific fields only.

Similar Messages

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    i need a sorting scheme for the following situation:
    I have a data file where entries are in chunks of variable length. The size of each
    chunk is defined in the first 5 bytes as a string, so the length can be from
    00001-99999, though it is usually around 1000-3000 bytes long. In reality it is never
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    Anyways, I need to sort these files according to the data found in certain
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    fine, i just need it to work.
    So, my problem is that none of the typical sorts will work for me (bubble, heap) as far
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    Ever tried the radix sort? it's got linear complexity.
    You can still work a chunk at a time, and simply separate the data into several different "buckets", each one identified by, oh, say, the unicode number for the first character in the chunk.
    You now have several smaller lists to sort, and when you're done, NO MERGING IS NECESSARY. Simply append the lists, because the main sets of lists are already sifted into different "buckets".
    Kinda like this:
    create 256 files, and store in each every record that contains a first character that corresponds to it's ascii value. Then create 256 files for each of the original 256 files, and store in each every recond that contains a second character that correstonds to it's second character.
    etc, etc, etc.
    This is very memery intensive for storage, but in terms of run time complexity, it is linear: You will make an explicit number of passes through the list of data. And, as you go along, the lists get shorter and shorter. So while it appears that you are making 256 ^ (max length of data) passes, you're really only making (max length of data) passes, with some additional overhead of creating extra multiple files.
    For that much data, I would definitely recommend a linear algorithm. Any other sorts would be extremely slow.

  • Default Sort order for Search and Advanced Search

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    Much thanks,

    You might try logging in as the guest user and editing the guest user preferences / search preferences as described by in the earlier posting. Also you can configure search by passing parameters in the URL - should be info about that in here somewhere...

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  • Radix sort algorithm

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    public void radixSort(int maxDigits)
              Vector temp = new Vector();
              int count = 1;
                   int c=0;
                        for(int i=0;i<students.size();i++)
                             int per = ((MyStudent)students.elementAt(i)).getPercentage()/count;                         
              students = temp;
    students is the main vector in the class, and percentage is the thing we are trying to sort. The accessor for percentage is (MyStudent)students.elementAt(i).getPercentage(). It has to be cast to (MyStudent) object.

    Sorry here is a formatted version of my question:
    You guys, I need a radix sort algorithm for java. I've worked on it for a while, and I cant get it. I have this so far:
    public void radixSort(int maxDigits)
              Vector temp = new Vector();
              int count = 1;
                   int c=0;
                        for(int i=0;i<students.size();i++)
                             int per = ((MyStudent)students.elementAt(i)).getPercentage()/count;                         
              students = temp;
         }students is the main vector in the class, and percentage is the thing we are trying to sort. The accessor for percentage is (MyStudent)students.elementAt(i).getPercentage(). It has to be cast to (MyStudent) object.

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    public int compareTo(Memo memo)
    int comparison = getEntryDate().getYear() - memo.getEntryDate().getYear();
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    return comparison;
    comparison = getEntryDate().getMonth() - memo.getEntryDate().getMonth();
    if(comparison != 0) {
    return comparison;
    comparison = getEntryDate().getDay() - memo.getEntryDate().getDay();
    if(comparison != 0) {
    return comparison;
    return priority - memo.priority;

    Generally when you simply subtract one int value from another in the compareTo() method, you'll have to take care that you don't run into an overflow situation (because comparing Integer.MIN_VALUE and (Integer.MIN_VALUE-1) would result in unpleasant surprises otherwise). But in your case you can probably safely assume that all your values are well within the safe range for int.
    Also: If you have the chance to modify the Date chance I'd simply make the Date implement Comparable<Date> and delegate that comparison to the Date class.
    Also: are two Memos at the same date with the same priority considered equal? Don't they have any other fields? It's important that objects that are not equals (i.e. a.equals(b) returns false) don't compare to be the same (i.e. a.compareTo(b) should only return 0 iff a.equals(b) returns true). Otherwise you might run into situations where objects are silently dropped because some Collection classes consider them to be equal (SortedSet implementations are tricky here).

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    Hi John,
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    I sort of found a workaround, but it may lead to other problems, so use it at your own risk.
    It also requires a bit of work.
    The idea is to use the sort order for Japanese by specifying the following in the IX reference page.
    Symbols[\ ];数字[0];A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H;I;J;K;L;M;N;O;P;Q;R;S;T;U;V;W;X;Y;Z;あ;い;う;え;お;か;き;く;け;こ;さ;し;す;せ;そ ;た;ち;つ;て;と;な;に;ぬ;ね;の;は;ひ;ふ;へ;ほ;ま;み;む;め;も;や;ゆ;よ;ら;り;る;れ;ろ;わ;ん;[ ]
    Then, you need to capitalize the first letter in the bracket used for sorting for every index entry.
    Instead of
    Now, I'm wondering if there is a way to do a search and replace on all index entries to capitalize the first letter...

  • Best algorithm for Sort ?

    Hi ,
    My application involves the large amount of data that needs to be sorted often. Application interacts with the other environment who is
    passing large amount of arithmetic results at run time that I need to sort and display on the screen.
    Can anybody let me know, which sort algorithm will be best suited for me ? Will it be Bubble sort/Bidirectional Bubble sort/ Quick Sort ?
    Thanks in advance.
    Warm regards,

    Radix sort is always good. Although an optimised radix sort can still only barely beat the quicksort in java.util.Array.sort. And it uses extra memory while suicksort is inmemory. However, if you want to use radix sort you can modify this piece of code to suite your type:
    public class WHATEVER{
    //rearranges the data in order
    public void radixSort(int[] data, int nrData){//We use base 16
    if(sorted) return;
    //get highest value
    int maxValue=0;
    for(int i=0; i<nrData; i++) if(data>maxValue) maxValue=data[i];
    //initial length about double the average spread
    int[][] buckets=new int[16][((nrData>>3)>0?(nrData>>3):1)];
    int length[]=new int[16];//A list with the lengths of the lists
    int digits=1;//the max digit needed to be considered
    while((1<<(digits<<2))<maxValue && digits<8) digits++;
    for(int digit=0; digit<digits; digit++){
    for(int i=0; i<16; i++) length[i]=0;
    for(int i=0; i<nrData; i++){
    int index=(data[i]>>(digit<<2))&15;//15 is a mask ...00001111
    //link the lists back into data
    int index=0;
    for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
    for(int j=0; j<length[i]; j++)
    protected int[] resizeVector(int[] vector, int newSize){
    int[] newVector=new int[_newSize];
    System.arraycopy(_vector,0,newVector,0,(_vector.length<_newSize ? vector.length : newSize));
    return newVector;
    protected int[] doubleVector(int[] _vector){
    return resizeVector(_vector, _vector.length<<1);

  • Hi how to find runtime for sorting algorithms

    I am new to java.......please help me out by taking a sorting algorithm and find the run time of it ......
    Thanks in Advance

    If by "runtime" you just mean the amount of time it takes to execute across some set of input...then you can use java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis() to get the current time in milliseconds since Jan 1 1970. Do that both before and after you run the code that implements the algorithm, and subtract to get the difference as running time in milliseconds. Or, if this weren't part of a homework assignment, you could just use a profiler.
    If by "runtime" you mean the execution environment, then you want to use java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime(). This has nothing to do with algorithms.
    If you mean that you want to analyze the efficiency of the algorithm (eg it's "big-O" notation), then read a textbook on algorithms. This has nothing to do with Java, apart from that Java is just one computer language out of many in which algorithms can be implemented.

  • [SOLVED] What is this sorting algorithm? (or a new one?)

    Hello everyone!
    Just before starting, i apologize for my grammar mistakes.
    I found a new sorting algorithm but i'm not sure if i really found it. There are too many sorting algorithms and mine is a really simple one; so, i belive that it can be found years ago.
    I searched popular sorting algorithms, but none of the them is the answer.
    Here is algorithm:
    * Search the numbers between brackets
    [24 12 12 55 64 18 32 31]
    * Find smallest one
    [24 12 12 55 64 18 32 31]
    * Swap the first item between brackets with smallest one
    [12 12 24 55 64 18 32 31]
    * Find largest one
    [12 12 24 55 64 18 32 31]
    * Swap the last item between brackets with largest one
    [12 12 24 55 31 18 32 64]
    * Move brackets by one.
    12[12 24 55 31 18 32]64
    * Continue from step one until the array is sorted
    /* rottsort
    Copyright (c) 2013 Bora M. Alper
    #include <stdio.h>
    void print_array (const int *array, const int length);
    int rottsort_swap (int *x, int *y);
    void rottsort (int *array, const int length);
    int rottsort_largest (const int *array, const int start, const int end);
    int rottsort_smallest (const int *array, const int start, const int end);
    void print_array (const int *array, const int length) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < length; ++i)
    printf ("%d ", array[i]);
    putchar ('\n');
    int main (void) {
    int array[] = {24, 12, 12, 55, 64, 18, 32, 31};
    print_array(array, 8);
    rottsort(array, 8);
    print_array(array, 8);
    return 0;
    int rottsort_swap (int *x, int *y) {
    const int temp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = temp;
    void rottsort (int *array, const int length) {
    int i, largest_pos, smallest_pos;
    for (i=0; i < length/2; ++i) {
    largest_pos = rottsort_largest(array, i, length-1-i);
    rottsort_swap(&(array[largest_pos]), &(array[length-1-i]));
    smallest_pos = rottsort_smallest(array, i, length-1-i);
    rottsort_swap(&(array[smallest_pos]), &(array[i]));
    int rottsort_largest (const int *array, const int start, const int end) {
    int i, largest_pos = start;
    for (i=start; i <= end; ++i)
    if (array[i] >= array[largest_pos])
    largest_pos = i;
    return largest_pos;
    int rottsort_smallest (const int *array, const int start, const int end) {
    int i, smallest_pos = start;
    for (i=start; i <= end; ++i)
    if (array[i] <= array[smallest_pos])
    smallest_pos = i;
    return smallest_pos;
    P.S.: If this is a new sorting algorithm, i name it as "rottsort". :)
    Last edited by boraalper4 (2013-08-11 19:08:17)

    Trilby wrote:
    Because you already have two variables for largets and smallest, there is no reason to loop through the whole list twice to get each.  Loop through the list (or list subset) once, and in each loop check if the current item is smaller than smallest_pos or larger than largest_pos.
    This will increase efficiency by a factor of two.
    As written I believe it'd be less efficient than even a simple bubble sort.  With the above revision it may be comparable to a bubble sort.
    Thanks for quick answer and advice. :) I will try to do that. When i'm done, i will post the new code.
    Code is tested on codepad. (I edited the code on my phone so, sorry for formatting)
    /* rottsort
    Copyright (c) 2013 Bora M. Alper
    #include <stdio.h>
    void print_array (const int *array, const int length);
    int rottsort_swap (int *x, int *y);
    void rottsort (int *array, const int length);
    void rottsort_find (int *smallest_pos, int *largest_pos, const int *array, const int start, const int end);
    void print_array (const int *array, const int length) {
    int i;
    for (i=0; i < length; ++i)
    printf ("%d ", array[i]);
    putchar ('\n');
    int main (void) {
    int array[] = {24, 12, 12, 55, 64, 18, 32, 31};
    print_array(array, 8);
    rottsort(array, 8);
    print_array(array, 8);
    return 0;
    int rottsort_swap (int *x, int *y) {
    const int temp = *x;
    *x = *y;
    *y = temp;
    void rottsort (int *array, const int length) {
    int i, largest_pos, smallest_pos;
    for (i=0; i < length/2; ++i) {
    rottsort_find (&smallest_pos, &largest_pos, array, i, length-1-i);
    rottsort_swap(&(array[largest_pos]), &(array[length-1-i]));
    if (smallest_pos == length-1-i)
    smallest_pos = largest_pos;
    rottsort_swap(&(array[smallest_pos]), &(array[i]));
    void rottsort_find (int *smallest_pos, int *largest_pos, const int *array, const int start, const int end) {
    int i;
    *smallest_pos = start;
    *largest_pos = start;
    for (i=start; i <= end; ++i) {
    if (array[i] >= array[*largest_pos])
    *largest_pos = i;
    if (array[i] <= array[*smallest_pos])
    *smallest_pos = i;
    Last edited by boraalper4 (2013-08-11 15:21:48)

  • Sorting algorithm ?

    what is the sorting algorithm used in Collection.sort ?
    Its not clear what sorting algorithm is used in Collection.sort
    Can anybody throw some light on this ?

    roy wrote:
    It works on binary search algorithm.No.
    Binary search requires that the list already be sorted. You don't use binary search to do the sorting.
    This algorithm has two forms. The first takes a List and an element to search for (the "search key"). This form assumes that the List is sorted in ascending order according to the natural ordering of its elements. The second form takes a Comparator in addition to the List and the search key.The second form also assumes the list is sorted--according to the rules of the comparator.

  • How to display the steps of a sort algorithm??

    I'm having a lot of trouble trying to display the results of applying a merge sort to a set of 10 integers. The problem is not that I can't see anything on the text area within the applet, the problem is that I am getting a lot of repetitions and duplicates occuring. I have tried inserting the Display() method in various positions in the sort, I have set up a temporary array to compare the elements of the array before and after the particular step of the sort is applied and an if statement to display only if there are changes have happened to the array. Can anyone advise?? Here's the code for the sort, including my current attempt to get the sort diplayed in steps:
    public class MSort extends JFrame
    public MSort(int[] anArray, JApplet anApplet)
    a = anArray;
    applet = anApplet;
    Sorts the array managed by this merge sorter
    public void sort()
    throws InterruptedException
    mergeSort(0, a.length - 1);
    textArea.append("End of Merge Sort");
    Sorts a range of the array, using the merge sort
    @param from the first index of the range to sort
    @param to the last index of the range to sort
    public void mergeSort(int from, int to)
    throws InterruptedException
    if (from == to) return;
    int mid = (from + to) / 2;
    mergeSort(from, mid);
    mergeSort(mid + 1, to);
    merge(from, mid, to);
    Merges two adjacent subranges of the array
    @param from the index of the first element of the
    first range
    @param mid the index of the last element of the
    first range
    @param to the index of the last element of the
    second range
    public void merge(int from, int mid, int to)
    throws InterruptedException
    startPosition = from;
    endPosition = to;
    int n = to - from + 1;
    // size of the range to be merged
    // merge both halves into a temporary array b
    int[] b = new int[n];
    int i1 = from;
    // next element to consider in the first range
    int i2 = mid + 1;
    // next element to consider in the second range
    int j = 0;
    // next open position in b
    int[] oldArray = new int[a.length];
    System.arraycopy(a, 0, oldArray, 0, oldArray.length);
    // as long as neither i1 nor i2 past the end, move
    // the smaller element into b
    while (i1 <= mid && i2 <= to)
    if (a[i1] < a[i2])
              b[j] = a[i1];
    for (int m=0; m < a.length-1; m++) {
    if (a[m] != oldArray[m]){
    ArrayUtil.Display(a,textArea);// method I've put in to try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
    b[j] = a[i2];
    for (int m=0; m < a.length-1; m++) {
    if (a[m] != oldArray[m]){
    ArrayUtil.Display(a,textArea);// method I've put in to try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
         for (int k=0; k < a.length-1; k++) {// method I've put in to                  try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
    if (a[k] != oldArray[k]){
    // note that only one of the two while loops
    // below is executed
    // copy any remaining entries of the first half
    while (i1 <= mid)
    b[j] = a[i1];
    for (int m=0; m < a.length-1; m++) {
    if (a[m] != oldArray[m]){
    ArrayUtil.Display(a,textArea);// method I've put in to try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
    // copy any remaining entries of the second half
    while (i2 <= to)
    b[j] = a[i2];
    for (int m=0; m < a.length-1; m++) {
    if (a[m] != oldArray[m]){
    ArrayUtil.Display(a,textArea);// method I've put in to try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
         } pause(2);
    // copy back from the temporary array
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
    a[from + j] = b[j];
    for (int m=0; m < a.length-1; m++) {
    if (a[m] != oldArray[m]){
    ArrayUtil.Display(a,textArea);// method I've put in to try and compare the array b4 and after the sort
    public void pause(int steps)
    throws InterruptedException
    if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
    throw new InterruptedException();
    Thread.sleep(steps * DELAY);
    private int[] a;
    private int startPosition = -1;
    private int endPosition = -1;
         private JTextArea textArea = SortApplet1.getTextArea2();
    private JApplet applet;
    private static final int DELAY = 100;
    public static void JumpLine(JTextArea t){
         JTextArea TxtArea = t;

    see sample at

  • ADF FACES: how to preserve the sort criteria for an af:table

    How can I preserve the sort criteria on an af:table across page invocations? I've searched all through the forum and I don't see anything on this topic.
    I simply want the sort criteria (from when the user clicks on a column header) to be remembered across multiple uses of the page. I know that the control handles this itself for multiple invocations of the same page (like when you page through the table). But I need to preserve the sort order so I can install it again when someone leaves the page and then returns to it.
    I've tried various attempts using a SortListener to record the sort criteria, but I can't figure out how to reinstall the criteria without generating exceptions from the table control.
    Any pointers on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

    Ok, I've solved the problems with the odd behavior by always creating a new model when the table data changes and copying the sort criteria into the new model, like this:
            // Construct our own CollectionModel from this result set
            if(_model == null) {
                // Construct the initial data model and set the starting sort criteria
                ListDataModel m = new ListDataModel(results);
                _model = new SortableModel(m);
                // Set the sort criteria to last name
                ArrayList criteria = new ArrayList();
                criteria.add(new SortCriterion("lastName", true));
            } else {
                // Construct a new model so the table "sees" the change
                ListDataModel m = new ListDataModel(results);
                SortableModel sm = new SortableModel(m);
                _model = sm;
            }But, I end up with one final thing that doesn't work. In the "then" clause above, I try to set the initial sort criteria for the table - it has no effect. When the table is rendered, it is not sorted in any way.
    How can I specify an initial sort order for the table? Why is it ignoring the sort criteria on the model?

  • Java Class not apearing in Java Algorithm Class Search

    I installed oracle CC&B 2.3.1, with SDK I am trying to create new java class by copying an exiting one and modifying it to be used with algorithm (Adhoc Char Value Validation).
    Steps are as follows:
    1-Created file by copying the exiting file and only changing the name of the class:
    public class AK_AdhocNumericValidationAlgComp_Impl
    extends AK_AdhocNumericValidationAlgComp_Gen
    File location :
    2-Run Artificat generator successfully , which generated the files:
    Still the class is not appearing in "Java Algorithm Class Search" when trying to add a new algorithm type referencing this java class.
    I tried restarting the Tomcat application server, still not appearing.
    Where did I go wrong about it?

    Tomcat was down when I deployed the changes. It seems tomcat cannot find implemented interface AdhocCharacteristicValueValidationAlgorithmSpot
    The full error shows how tomcat is looking for the interface:
    Full error:
    - 2011-07-07 12:34:28,681 [main] ERROR (support.context.ContextFactory) Cannot find algorithm spot: 'com.splwg.base.domain.common.characteristicType.AdhocCharacteristicValueValidationAlgorithmSpot' for Cobol extension
    com.splwg.shared.common.LoggedException: Cannot find algorithm spot: 'com.splwg.base.domain.common.characteristicType.AdhocCharacteristicValueValidationAlgorithmSpot' for Cobol extension
         at com.splwg.shared.common.LoggedException.raised(
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.initializeApplicationContext(
         at com.splwg.base.web.startup.SPLWebStartup.contextInitialized(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.listenerStart(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
         at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
    - 2011-07-07 12:34:28,713 [main] INFO (web.startup.SPLWebStartup) Shutting Down the JMX Connectors...
    - 2011-07-07 12:34:28,713 [main] INFO (web.startup.SPLWebStartup) JMX Connectors shutdown successfully
    - 2011-07-07 12:34:28,713 [main] INFO (web.startup.SPLWebStartup) Shutting Down the Application Context...
    - 2011-07-07 12:34:28,728 [main] INFO (web.startup.SPLWebStartup) Application Context shutdown successfully
    Any advise ?

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    Hi all, Please forgive me if this topic is repeated, but I couldn't find any in the discussions. I have two computers in my home (one Mac and one PC/Win7). I am using now a Seagate Goflex Home NAS to keep photos, movies, documents, etc for the two co

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    Hi, I'm trying to add a zip file containing javax classes ( to the classpath when running my program. I haven't had any problems adding jar files for instance, but I can't seem to have this zip file included so that it can be recogn

  • By default,output will be in text format.

    Hi, While developing any report,I want the character mode as default and accordingly all setting should be done. This is because when I am tring to take the output in text file,an error like 'Field size of C1_F is zero' occurs. Then I have to increas

  • Shutting down LabVIEW runtime engine

    We created a data analysis & presentation vi and then produced a dll from it to be called from C#. It seems to run fine the first time, but on subsequent (interactive) calls, the front panel does not display. It appears that the LabVIEW run-time engi

  • After Effects files are imported as audio only (no video)

    Whenever I attempt to import an After Effects file into Premiere pro, it will show up in the Project window with an audio icon (but no sequence or video icon) it won't allow me to Put the sequence into my composition. The AE file has no audio on it,