Sound and my aging Mac Pro

So my Mac Pro (Early 2008) has had some odd sound issues lately – it doesn't have any.
Occasionally, when the sound goes out, if I try to increase the volume from the keyboard, the transparent volume icon that comes up has a mute symbol under the volume bars, which are all lit up. That only goes away if I switch the output to my MOTU Audio Express. I haven't hooked up headphones to that to see if I'm actually getting audio out through that (I don't have any headphones with a quarter-inch plug, but I suspect I am.
But this morning, I'm getting now sound, but the volume buttons on the keyboard are working normally, ie, the go up and down, but I still get no sound. Interestingly, I also notice that, everytime I go back to Sound preferences, the MOTU is selected, even after I put it on line out or internal speakers.
Is the onboard sound card failing? Do I just need to get a PCI sound card?
I have a feeling I'm going to have to replace this machine before too long. I'm trying to make it until the Mac Pro gets a proper update.

Thanks. I tried that, and went almost a week without the problem recurring, but it's back this morning. Slightly different, though. I can't adjust the volume from the keyboard (the mute symbol is back under the volume bars), but I CAN adjust the volume from System Preferences, and it Line Out stays selected there.
What's really strange, and this is new, is that, while I'm getting no sound in Safari, I am getting sound in Firefox. (This is either new, or I never thought to try Firefox before when this issue came up.) Not only that, though, I can't load YouTube videos in Safari. I get a "This video is currently unavailable" message, even though I can call up the same content in Firefox. I can't play mp3s, either. iTunes, similarly, won't produce sound. If I hit play, the speaker icon next to the song looks like it's playing, and the Play button turns to a Pause button, but no sound comes out and the time meter on the song doesn't advance.
I have no idea what to make of all this.

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    I have had a bit more luck it would seem.
    Turns out it wasn't and Adobe software that was causing the problem rather some faulty RAM. I took all the RAM out and then put it back in again a few seconds later (doing exactly what Apple support told me to do) and voila the sound issues were gone. Although one of the cards decided not to work any more and I was left with 12gb rather than 16gb. Have since replaced all the default RAM with a more powerful third set from a party provider and haven't had any trouble since.
    It's very strange that this problem is persisting for you even after the RAM being replaced. All I can suggest is that you keep calling Apple as their support services seem to be pretty good (for me at least).
    Sorry if this is no help at all.

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    Best look for usb/fw audio interfaces which can be inexpensive and easy to get up an running.
    There are many many cards on the market all depending on how many I/O you are chasing and overall sonic results.
    If your in the market for entry level cards - check out
    if your in the semi-pro market, look at (mainly the fireface series)
    My pick if you are an entry level user wanting a great 2in/2out interface, have a look at the Duet by Apogee.
    (I use all their top end pro kit and can tell you they are a very good company in both product and support)

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    3.5GHz 6-core with 12MB of L3 cache
    32GB (4x8GB) of 1866MHz DDR3 ECC
    1TB PCIe-based flash storage
    Dual AMD FirePro D700 GPUs with 6GB of GDDR5 VRAM each

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    Enviado desde mi iPhone
    El 29/03/2014, a las 01:51 p.m., BanksMeador <[email protected]> escribió:
    Re: Premiere Pro CC and the New Mac Pro (2014)
    created by BanksMeador in Premiere Pro - View the full discussion
    I have had my 12 core 2014 Mac Pro for a couple of weeks now, and I'm not very impressed with Premiere CC performance with 4K R3D on a 1920 x 1080 timeline.
    I understand that there may be an update soon that will take adantage of the CPU's and GPU's when it comes to the complex task of de-bayering the R3D footage, but it's just not there now.
    I get similar playback performance to what I experienced on my 09 Mac Pro tower.
    Any insights on getting better playback performance in this scenario would be greatly appreciated.
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    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities
    How many beeps do you hear?

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    You might want to look at a device called the Griffin FireWave: []
    It connects to your MacPro via firewire, and has the green/orange/black jacks out to a standard 5.1 speaker system.
    It comes with a software application that lets you customize the sound, and also synthesize surround from mono, stereo, etc., sources.
    It would definitely open up your choices for speaker systems. I'm using one with a Klipsch 5.1 Promedia set of speakers. Works and sounds great.

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    Any ideas? I'm half considering buying a new Mac Mini and using the pro as a file server or something.
    Here is a copy of the report I get after the machine reboots.
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  27009 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                    *********
    Fri May  3 05:40:33 2013
    panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff800c6b7e95): Kernel trap at 0xffffff7f8d5c467a, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x000000008001003b, CR2: 0x0000000000000040, CR3: 0x000000000ef7f000, CR4: 0x0000000000000660
    RAX: 0x0000000000000000, RBX: 0xffffff7f8ccb9d10, RCX: 0x0000000000000000, RDX: 0xffffff7f8ccb2be8
    RSP: 0xffffff8118dcbd00, RBP: 0xffffff8118dcbd30, RSI: 0xffffff801f0faf00, RDI: 0xffffff801f17e840
    R8:  0x0000000000000001, R9:  0x0000000000000001, R10: 0xffffff801ef63fc0, R11: 0xffffff800ca47120
    R12: 0xffffff802264ec00, R13: 0xffffff8118dcbd00, R14: 0xffffff801f386000, R15: 0xffffff8033952948
    RFL: 0x0000000000010246, RIP: 0xffffff7f8d5c467a, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0x0000000000000040, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x1
    Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff8118dcb9a0 : 0xffffff800c61d626
    0xffffff8118dcba10 : 0xffffff800c6b7e95
    0xffffff8118dcbbe0 : 0xffffff800c6cd4dd
    0xffffff8118dcbc00 : 0xffffff7f8d5c467a
    0xffffff8118dcbd30 : 0xffffff800ca31c77
    0xffffff8118dcbd40 : 0xffffff800ca2fc29
    0xffffff8118dcbd80 : 0xffffff800ca2e4fb
    0xffffff8118dcbdc0 : 0xffffff800ca2e0f7
    0xffffff8118dcbe30 : 0xffffff800ca2f75c
    0xffffff8118dcbe40 : 0xffffff7f8cc9305b
    0xffffff8118dcbe70 : 0xffffff7f8d7a0252
    0xffffff8118dcbeb0 : 0xffffff7f8d7a3ad0
    0xffffff8118dcbee0 : 0xffffff7f8d7a3fd8
    0xffffff8118dcbf40 : 0xffffff7f8d79f3c1
    0xffffff8118dcbf60 : 0xffffff800c63dcfe
    0xffffff8118dcbfb0 : 0xffffff800c6b2977
          Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
   [A276B40E-978D-3623-93D3-8621B3CEECFC]@0xffff ff7f8cc7f000->0xffffff7f8ccdafff
                dependency:[1D668879-BEF8-3C58-ABFE-FAC6B3E9A292]@0xffff ff7f8cc44000
   [54546EC2-8891-334B-9626-1EF6A02450DE]@0xfff fff7f8d795000->0xffffff7f8d7a9fff
                dependency:[A276B40E-978D-3623-93D3-8621B3CEECFC]@0xffff ff7f8cc7f000
             com.motu.driver.FireWireAudio(1.6)[00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000]@0xffff ff7f8d56b000->0xffffff7f8d5ecfff
                dependency:[A276B40E-978D-3623-93D3-8621B3CEECFC]@0xffff ff7f8cc7f000
                dependency:[FD2B6401-9BFA-32D5-ABEB-E523C061548D]@0xffff ff7f8d426000
                dependency:[AB8DD2DD-43BD-3B7B-95F7-26E6E0BBF339]@ 0xffffff7f8d4ad000
                dependency:[BFC15D10-EE0B-342D-9C00-8BF529DFAA6C]@0 xffffff7f8d4e7000
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 12.3.0: Sun Jan  6 22:37:10 PST 2013; root:xnu-2050.22.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 3EB7D8A7-C2D3-32EC-80F4-AB37D61492C6
    Kernel slide:     0x000000000c400000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff800c600000
    System model name: MacPro3,1 (Mac-F42C88C8)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 1286109662632
    last loaded kext at 247210660249:          1.8 (addr 0xffffff7f8e947000, size 65536)
    last unloaded kext at 307389075113:          1.8 (addr 0xffffff7f8e947000, size 57344)
    loaded kexts:
    com.parallels.kext.prl_vnic          7.0 15107.796624
    com.parallels.kext.prl_netbridge          7.0 15107.796624
    com.parallels.kext.prl_hid_hook          7.0 15107.796624
    com.parallels.kext.prl_hypervisor          7.0 15107.796624
    com.parallels.kext.prl_usb_connect          7.0 15107.796624
    com.motu.driver.FireWireAudio          1.6 54199          75.19          1.9.5d0          3.0          4.1.3f3          3.10          1.60          2.3.7fc4          1.0.0d1          3.5.10          1.1.11          1.1.9          4.0.1          7.0.0          3.3.0          8.1.0          357          1.0.0          1.6.0          4.1.3f3          3.5.5          404          1.0.0d1          1.0.0d1          34          2.3.1          2.5.1          2.5.1          600.36.17          5.5.5          3.1.1b1          5.5.0          4.9.6          5.2.5          1.7          1.7          1.5          1.8          1.9          1.7          1.6          196.0.0          4.0.39          2          196.0.0          4.1.3f3          235.29          1.0          10.0.6          2.3.7fc4          86.0.4          4.1.3f3          2.3.7fc4          2.3.7fc4          1.0.11d0          3.3.0          2.9.0f6          1.8.9fc11          1.6          8.1.0          1.0.0          5.3.0d51          4.1.3f3          8.1.0          2.3.7          2.3.7          2.2.5          3.1.4d2          170.2          170.2          5.2.5          5.5.5          5.2.5          3.5.5          1.7          1.7.1          1.7.1          3.5.0          3.5.5          2.3.1          2.5.1          522.4          5.5.5          3.0          4.5.5          5.5.5          1.7          1.8.1          1.1          220.2          1.0.0d1          7          345          1.8          28.21          1.7          2.7.3          1.4          1.0
    Model: MacPro3,1, BootROM MP31.006C.B05, 4 processors, Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 2.8 GHz, 8 GB, SMC 1.25f4
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, PCIe, 512 MB
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser B/DIMM 1, 1 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x05F7, 0x000000463732323842353245353830304600
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser B/DIMM 2, 1 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x05F7, 0x000000463732323842353245353830304600
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser A/DIMM 1, 1 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x48594D5035313241373243503844332D5335
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser A/DIMM 2, 1 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x48594D5035313241373243503844332D5335
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser A/DIMM 3, 2 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x0000, 0x000000463732353642363145353830304600
    Memory Module: DIMM Riser A/DIMM 4, 2 GB, DDR2 FB-DIMM, 800 MHz, 0x0000, 0x000000463732353642363145353830304600
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x88), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Bluetooth: Version 4.1.3f3 11349, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: Ethernet 2, Ethernet, en1
    PCI Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT, sppci_displaycontroller, Slot-1
    Serial ATA Device: M4-CT256M4SSD2, 256.06 GB
    Serial ATA Device: WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0, 2 TB
    Serial ATA Device: WDC WD20EARX-008FB0, 2 TB
    Serial ATA Device: ST3320820AS_P, 320.07 GB
    Parallel ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-112D
    Parallel ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVR-108
    USB Device: hub_device, apple_vendor_id, 0x911c, 0xfd500000 / 4
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0409  (NEC Corporation), 0x0050, 0xfd510000 / 6
    USB Device: Samsung ML-2510 Series, 0x04e8  (Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.), 0x327e, 0xfd513000 / 10
    USB Device: Logitech Camera, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0x08ce, 0xfd516000 / 9
    USB Device: Apple Cinema HD Display, apple_vendor_id, 0x921c, 0xfd520000 / 5
    USB Device: Keyboard Hub, apple_vendor_id, 0x1006, 0xfd400000 / 3
    USB Device: G500, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc068, 0xfd410000 / 8
    USB Device: Apple Keyboard, apple_vendor_id, 0x0220, 0xfd420000 / 7
    USB Device: Audio Express, 0x07fd, 0x0002, 0xfd300000 / 2
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8206, 0x5d200000 / 2
    FireWire Device: built-in_hub, 800mbit_speed
    FireWire Device: iSight, Apple Computer, Inc., 200mbit_speed
    FireWire Device: unknown_device, unknown_speed

    Do you have TRIM Enabler? what SSD? how much free space? Have you ever done a secure erase and restore on the SSD? When you repair, are you booting from ML Recovery or from a full working system, a clone of your current system?
    You might want a small 100GB volume somewhere with another clean install of ML 10.8.3 and with TRIM Enabler - I use my TimeMachine drive which has 800GB free. Also a 60GB sparse disk image of the SSD.
    Putting your SSD on a PCIe 6G controller can help, though some have been known to cause corruption.
    Repairing only touches the directory so it doesn't tell you if the entire file structure is okay.
    A Safe Boot after repair is a good idea to do, then restart again.
    How much faith do you have in the 8800GT? think it is time to replace and upgrade to a newer card, from Apple ATI 5770 or higher end AMD 7950 Mac Edition even.
    Do you monitor system temps with something? how old are those FBDIMMs? Are they running 65* or less?
    You should really have a clone and do a restore every 3 months or so. No need for TimeMachine method. Takes under an hour. And of course all your data is not on the SSD (well, the home library should which is  ~/Library where all mail and web and prefs are stored. But all data is not on SSD at all.
    Cloning system and using TRIM
    Using Cloning as a Backup Strategy
    Create an OS X Lion Install disc tallation-disc
    How to clone your system: ckup.html
    Before you clone, install TRIM Enabler!
    And after you clone, run Disk Utility's REPAIR DISK on the SSD -- just to be on the safest side.
    SSD Maintenance
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac
    No reason or need for a Mini. Unless you want. Should be fine, though the 3,1's have been the most tempermental with Mountain Lion up until 10.8.3. And you might regret moving to mini if a new Mac Pro were to come out.

  • Surround Sound not working on Mac Pro (Early 2008)!

    I'm writing this as my last ditch attempt to solve my problem.
    Recently I bought a 5.1 Onkyo AV Receiver, model HT-R558 as for the audio output of my machine.
    I have connected the device components, however when connected to my Mac using a TOSLINK cable, all i recieve is stereo sound through the front left, center, and front right speakers. - The rear speakers give no output, and the subwoofer only works in iTunes.
    As far as I was aware the process was as follows:
    Mac Pro with output set to Digital Out connected to the digital out port --> Optical/Toslink Cable --> connected to receiver (Onkyo HT-R558 through optical in on receiver.
    I have followed several Knowledge Base articles with no success.
    Is the Mac Pro actually capable of 5.1 sound output, or is it an added non-working feature?
    I have tried a system utility called Perian, but no luck, also i have found articles saying this can be fixed with Terminal, no luck either.
    If anyone has any advice on correctly connecting surround sound to my Mac I would be extremely grateful! I only hope there is something I have overlooked.
    At the moment i am running the system using Pro Logic II, though it feels like a let down.

    I found the problem, the digital out on my Mac Pro is only capable of outputting stereo, this appears to be an OS X 10.6.8 issue that would need to be addressed via a supplemental update.
    I know DVD Player can output 5.1 when set up correctly, so can iTunes movies; unfortunately this appears to be a problem that only has few solutions.
    1. Downgrade OS X to a version prior to 10.6.8 (however doing this causes incompatibility with my iOS devices.)
    2. Add a PCI Express compatible sound card, or use an external card (requires additional hardware purchases.)
    3. Use only stereo capable units with the machine (as anything with higher speaker configurations requires use of Pro Logic II from the receiver/amplifier; not to mention sounds terrible.)
    Until, or if this is ever fixed I will stay with option 2, as it doesn't require use of additional software just to use audio, allows me to use the respective amplifier fully, and also sounds better.
    Thank you for your advice, I just have to remember to be a little more careful when choosing audio products for use with Mac it seems.
    I am closing this question.

  • No sound out of my MAC PRO Optical Digital audio port

    I own a Mac Pro early 2007, running MAC OS X Ver 10.6.7
    I also have  a set of Logitech Speakers Z5500 connected to the Optical digital port
    No problem ever until now
    Suddenly I am not getting any sound out my Mac Pro.
    The speaker are testing fine, the volume is set correctly and in the system preferences, in the Sound function the device is selected for Digital Out.
    I am at my rope's end.
    Any help will be appreciated

    I took my apple to teh Apple Store and one of the geniuses analyzed to be a hardware problem.
    It will cost me $500.00 to have fixed. Thanks but not thanks

  • No sound from soundtrack on Mac Pro

    Just got a new Mac Pro and I can't seem to get any sound out of my old version of Soundtrack 1.2.
    The VU meters are showing output, my sound prefs ins and outs are set to my MOTU 424 PCI card,
    I get audio from every other program i.e. MOTU DP, iTunes, etc..but no sound from Soundtrack.
    I checked the soundtrack prefs and made sure they were set to the MOTU soundcard, but still no sound.
    In addition, I can't load Soundtrack while Digital Performer is running. I have to quit DP, then start
    Soundtrack. In the past, I would sync Soundtrack to DP and run them both simultaneously to audition loops. It worked great with my old G5. So far, not happening with the Mac Pro. Any ideas?

    Sounds like a Rosetta problem - non universal binary audio applications can face major difficulties with latency and audio output when working with universal binary audio card drivers, plugins etc.

  • HT6067 How can I connect 5.1 surround sound speakers to my Mac Pro?

    How to connect 5.1 surround sound speakers without a receiver to my Mac Pro, so I can test and hear surround sound files I am creating?

    As far as I know, the only way to do that is with the digital out, toslink I believe(1). . Currently there are very few external usb soundcards that are known to work with Mac and produce 5.1 sound, perhaps Diamond Multimedia or Zalman?. Analog surround really doesn't work (green, yellow, black cords)*. So, maybe, Garage band/VLC? or the dvd player might be the only things I know that could produce 5.1 sound, but I could be wrong.......
    (1) You will  need a speaker set with an optical input...
    * maybe try this--i think it's called an " HD audio rush " box and it converts digital to analog audio 5.1 supposedly-, you can look on ebay for similar things
    sorry I couldn't be of more help
    John B

  • How do you record sound with Apple headphones Mac Pro?

    (2008 Mac Pro)  I'm trying to record a voice over on iMovie, and it won't record sound no matter what option I use for the sound input.  I'm plugging my apple headphones into the headphone jack like I do on my MacBook (which works).  I know  that the Macbook has an in/out in one jack, but is it not the same for the Mac Pro?  I've tried sticking the headphones in the back audio out where I can plug my stereo in and it wont even plug in.  Also I know its not iMovie because Quicktime doesn't work with audio recording either.

    The Mac Pro is not compatible with analog microphones.  Its headphone jack is for output only.  It does not work with headset microphones.  Its audio in jack is line-level, so would need a pre-amp to work with most microphones.
    The simplest solution is a USB headset or microphone.

  • Trouble getting any sound out of new Mac Pro

    I recently bought a new Mac Pro and I've been having trouble getting any sound out of the internal speaker. I believe it thinks that there are always headphones plugged in even when there aren't. I don't get a startup sound and it doesn't make the "volume change quack" when I change the volume. The choices under the Sound panel for Output are: "Headphones", "Line Out", and "Digital Out" even if no headphones are plugged in. Sometimes I can get sound out of the computer if I jiggle around a headphone plug in the jack but as soon as I reboot or the machine wakes up from sleep the sound goes away.
    I'm guessing that it's probably a bad headphone jack but before I inevitably have to lug the 60 pound machine to the Genius Bar I thought I'd ask to see if anyone else has had similar issues and if there might be a quick fix to do myself.
    Thanks for any tips or help.

    Thank you but that unfortunately did not fix it. I'm sure I need to take it in.

  • How do I install Yosemite on a 2nd HDD I have added and have the Mac Pro boot from the new HDD?

    My MacPro's HD seems to be failing. None of the tests I run indicate that, but I get constant spinning balls and everything takes a long time. I bought a 2nd HDD and installed it in the 2nd bayou my Early 2009 Mac Pro. I formatted it and want to install Yosemite and have the Mac boot off the new drive. It is currently running OS X 10.9.5. When I go to update to Yosemite it begins to download. Will it give me the option of which drive to install on? Or will it just upgrade the original Mac's HD?

    A Samsung 850 EVO 128GB SSD $75 now and makes a huge improvement. But get the 250GB which is $99. 500GB $199
    Wish you asked us first   Awesome prices and performance.
    Output from Etrecheck is an easy "quick check" of what your system is carrying around and what baggage it has.
    Move data to a 'data and media library" drive.
    Use CCC to skip the user data folders except ~/Library and clone to SSD
    And might want to save the installer .ESD package for use as clean installer and to be able to boot from.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Kodo.jdbc.AutoIncrementConstraints doesn't seem to do anything

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  • Print PDF with Filename & Tags from Mavericks OS

    Hi Forum, is it possible to print a document on Apple OS Mavericks that automatically rpints in with File name and the Tags that are applied to it? That or PDF a document with the Filename and Tags stamped on it, i can then print that to paper.

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  • How run the simple .jsp file on 9 i as application server?

    hi, i developed simple .jsp file on notepad,the same .jsp file to run in 9ias server? how can any one help me or send steps how to do? jpullareddy

  • Copying one client to another

    Experts, I have an SAP R/3 installation and one client 002 running on it. I wish to copy this client to a new one, say 003, do some changes to the config and standard programs and create some Z-programs. Is this possible without affecting my original