Soundtrack Pro plus Mbox mark 1

As many of you will know, these sturdy little boxes with their excellent Focusrite preamps work really well as audio interfaces with Both Final Cut and Logic Pro, but for some strange reason, even though you are able to select the Mbox as both the recording and monitoring device in Soundtrack Pro, the audio will still only play through the inbuilt Mac speakers. The Mbox is being detected by STP - and the Mbox lights up to confirm the connection - but STP audio just won't play through it.
Even when I export from Final Cut to STP for an audio tweak, the sound output switches from the Mbox to the main Mac speakers.
Any ideas?
I'm running 10.6.8 on an iMac with 4 Gig RAM. Final Cut Studio 2 plus Logic Pro 8.
Thanks in advance,

I was wondering if setting Mbox as the sole soundcard for the Mac in Audio MIDI would work...has anyone had any luck with that?
BTW I'm using Digidesign CoreAudio Manager as without that either FCP or Logic or Pro Tools won't play ball.

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    I am a bit of a newb here, so pardon if my explanation is a little unpolished, but I have been working on some of my projects like you are and this is what i figured out. I select my sequence in FCP and send to stp as a multitrack project. The whole audio timeline shows up just as it looks in fcp, and the video track shows as one large clip that is made up of all my cuts put together. Now, my audio tracks are all on one line, and i can see all the clips with their cuts on the sequence. I click the first one and open it up to work on in the waveform editor. At that point i see the entire audio clip, including the part before and after my cut that i am using in my sequence, but i also see, up near the playhead, gray markers that show the actual part of the clip i am using in my edit. It is easest to hit shift-z to look at the entire clip on screen, and then find the grey markers. Also, if you play audio before the in marker, you will hear it but you will see that the video is not playing anything, then once you enter into the in-out section the video will play along, and when you pass the out marker the video freezes as the audio keeps playing. Hope this helps.

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    You should be able to use a digidesign interface with STP by utilizing the digi CoreAudio driver.

  • Office 2013 Pro Plus won't install - log file included

    I've freshly built a Windows 8.1 Pro laptop and attempted to install Office Pro Plus 2013. It bombs out at the end of the install, reverses the install and the GUI reports:
    Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 encountered an error during setup
    Below are the erros from the log file  \AppData\Local\Temp\SetupExe(20150206153126A7C).log
    2015/02/06 15:34:32:420::[6108] MSI(INFO): 'SchedSecureObjectsRollback:  Failed to store ACL rollback information with error 0x80070002 - continuing'
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    Full log file here:
    and ends here:

    Hi David,
    Are you installing Office 2013 with a CD or source files on your local drive?
    The log above tells us that the failure occurred during the install of the ProPlusWW.msi. "1603" is a generic MSI error code, so doesn't help much here.
    I noticed below part in your attached log:
    "2015/02/06 15:36:55:270::[6108] MSI(INFO): '02/06/2015 15:36:55.254 [3892]: Assembly Install: Failing with hr=80070005 at RemoveDirectoryAndChildren, line 396"
    The error code 0x80070005 is also described as ACCESS DENIED, so you might want check your permissions and make sure you are running as admin. 
    Also, if you are installing with a CD, then please try a flat installation (which means perform an installation from an image that has been copied to a hard drive rather than directly from CD media), and see if issue persists. This can help
    with problematic software installations because performing a flat copy is much easier for the computer than the random access reads required during a normal installation.
    Ethan Hua
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
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    "So I have a volume license key for Office 2013 pro plus for my terminal servers and was wondering if I could just use that key on my computers to activate Office 2013 Pro Plus instead of Office 365 and still be compliant with the license agreement."
    By the volume license key, do you mean a MAK key? Technically it should work fine, but since it will be related to the licence policy, I suggest you contact the local customer service to confirm:
    "I have tried installing Office 2013 Pro Plus and activating with the Office 365 login but it converts office 2013 to the Office 365 click to run. It's so infuriating! LOL."
    I understand in your scenario if you activate Office 2013 with the Office 365 account it will display Office 365. But does it also display "click to run"? The installation method should change unless you installed Office 2013 via click to run too.
    Melon Chen
    Forum Support
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    updatesenabled = 1
    UpdatesDiscoveryPeriodComplete = 1
    updatesreadytoapply = 15.0.4535.1511,en-us
    UpdatesDiscoveryPeriodStartTime = 13026393682226
    updatesthrottlevalue = 313
    version = 15.0.4535.1004
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    Joakim Tomren

    Please make sure that the necessary port isn't blocked in your environment.
    Then, try to download the Office Deployment Tool and create an XML file with the instructions to deploy the Office 365 update, please refer to the link below:
    The following article may also help you:
    We may also post the thread to the forum for Office 365:
    Tony Chen
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please contact
    [email protected]

  • While creating a project in Garage Band my sample tracks were cut short then overwritten in soundtrack pro. Any ideas why? and how to get my tracks back?

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    Sorry for the rant

    BenB wrote:
    I've worked on both Windows and OS X (Unix), with a few apps over the years. No one can possible work with every app on every hardware configuration possible on every OS available. So to make the statement you actually have is preposterous.
    That said, Logic is the most used software in project studios. Mixing engineers like ProTools better. But the two have way more market share than anything else.
    Hey Ben,
    Sorry to bump your fanboy applecart... (don't mean that as derogatory as it may sound, I liked the play on words)
    From everything that's happening here and the west coast (USA) many of the Logic users I know have switched to other software, the two Logic studios here have gone to ProTools mainly because Logic version 8 was so unstable, there are no more Logic studios here. The studio with the most business uses a Radar system, the second busiest studio is running Sonar. There is a fellow with a mobile system using a MBP and Logic but he uses version 7.
    The University here took bids 3 years ago and opted for PC/Nuendo/RME setups.
    So yes, Logic may indeed have the most project studio percentage but since every jerk can download it for free what is the quality coming out of these project studios? My point is, for professionals, Logic is becoming less and less of an option, most everyone that used it professionally has been disappointed in Apples support of the product, a long time between upgrades and except for user boards like this... literally zero professional support. You know there's problems when you call up Apple and know far more about Logic than the support staff. It seems like both of those are starting to improve but I think it's a little too late. Also... there's still the "blast of white noise" problem that hasn't been addressed, no professional studio can take that kind of chance.
    Apple is using Logic to sell hardware, smart business, absolutely. However, cutting the price in half, removing the copy protection and throwing in the kitchen sink plus seemingly not giving a d@mn that the program is pirated leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

  • Will Soundtrack Pro allow me to master multi-track audio CD?

    Please help! I have been looking for the past 4 days for a multi-track audio editing software that will allow me to burn multiple tracks to a CD. Here's what I'm trying to do: I have a 45 minute message and I want to fade a song in at the beginning, and another song fading out at the end. Then I want to place markers every 10 minutes, split into separate tracks, and burn the whole thing to CD from within that software (possibly I can fudge on this last one by exporting each individual track to iTunes, then making a playlist, but if Soundtrack Pro or some other program can do it all, then that is what I prefer!)
    I tried Audacity, and it was close to what I wanted, but when I exported into iTunes the last 20 seconds of every song dropped audio! I have also tried the following and these are the errors/difficulties I encountered:
    • Amadeus II : No multi-track mixing capability
    • Cacophony: kept crashing, multiple error messages
    • Jasmine: unique tape-style interface, but again, no multi-track export
    • Sound Studio 3: good interface, easy marking, but no sound after export
    • Snd Sampler: only one sound can be open at a time
    • Deck LE: wouldn't even open one of my audio files!
    So now my attention is on Soundtrack Pro and Logic Pro. Both of these seem like they will have what I need, but I'm going to have to fork over a pretty penny. Which is better and will either do multi-track mixing to CD?
    Thank you so much to anyone who will read through my whole ordeal and help me out with their musical expertise and sound audio advice!

    I thank you both for the help you've given, and I have obtained STP and really enjoy using it, but I am still disappointed that it will not allow me to master multiple tracks. For instance in Audacity, there is the export multiple command that splits one long song up according to the markers that you placed and then exports them as several different files. In STP, this same process is amazingly difficult, you have to take the razor tool, cut each section, drag it down to another track, then put a stop song marker after the cut section, then select each track and "export selected". (Do you know of an easier way?) Now for a $1200 dollar program that is just a little bit ridiculous, why cannot Apple just have a command to export by markers? Where can I go to request this feature be implemented?
    Here's an example of what I am looking for, with features such as Redbook CD mastering (but this software is too buggy)

  • How do I export a 2-channel stereo from a Soundtrack Pro master mix?

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    In SP I selected File> Export > Master Mix | AIFF File | 16-bit | 44.1 kHz
    There don't appear to be any options regarding flattening the audio. So how do I create a normal 2-channel stereo AIFF file from my mix?

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  • Deploying Office 365 Pro Plus using System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1

    I am trying to deploy Office 365 Pro Plus to my client machines (more than 100) via. System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1. It will use one administrator account for installation. But as per the licensing, we can install Office for up to 5 PCs/Macs
    and 5 more Windows tablets/iPads with one Office 365 Pro Plus licenses. If this is the case, then I cannot install Office 365 Pro Plus with one admin account to my 100+ machines, as it will violate the licenses of O365 Pro Plus.   
    So, what is the alternative approach?

    If this is the case, then I cannot install Office 365 Pro Plus with one admin account to my 100+ machines, as it will violate the licenses of O365 Pro Plus.
    this is incorrect.
    There is no licensing restriction/control for the *installation* account at all, the licensing is related to who is *using* Office365ProPlus *after* installation is performed. This control, is implemented by the Microsoft Account, or OrgID, used to sign-in/activate
    to Office365 when *using* Office365ProPlus.
    (Please take a moment to "Vote as Helpful" and/or "Mark as Answer", where applicable.
    This helps the community, keeps the forums tidy, and recognises useful contributions. Thanks!)

  • Deploying Office 365 Pro Plus on Systems with Existing Office 2010 / 2013 Installations

    We're preparing to deploy Office 365 Pro Plus with our existing SCCM 2012 infrastructure. Many of our clients currently have Office 2010 or Office 2013 installed on them. What is the default setup behavior for installing Office 365 Pro Plus on these systems?
    Will any versions of Office be removed first?
    Orange County District Attorney

    As a supplement to what you have got, Click-To-Run is a Microsoft virtualization technology which provides an isolated environment for Office to run on your computer. It allows you to run the latest version of Office side-by-side with an earlier version
    of Office that is already installed on your computer.
    For more details, please refer to:
    Ethan Hua
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

  • OneNote 2010 SP1 (from Pro Plus 32bit MAK Volume Download) Activation Issue

    Hi There,
    I have been working on Microsoft Office App-V Sequencing and have successfully managed to sequence both Project Pro 2010 SP1 and Visio Pro 2010 SP1.
    We have had an external company handle the sequencing for the main Office Pro Plus 2010, however they have since informed us that it didn't include either OneNote or Office Picture Manager.
    I have been working on trying to sequence OneNote 2010 out of the Office Professional Plus 32 bit 2010 SP1 MAK Volume Download following the steps in the Microsoft Guide as well as StealthPuppys' guide. Basically:
    1) Extract the iso to a folder
    2) Install the Microsoft Sequencing Kit on the sequencing machine
    3) Install both x64 and x86 App-V Deployment Kits
    4) Go to the x64 (64 bit sequencing machine) through command prompt and do the 'msiexec /i OffVirt.msi ADDLOCAL=OSpp,OSpp_Core,OSppWoW64 PIDKEYS=XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX USEROPERATIONS=1'
    5) Start the sequencer, add the Exclusion items for the Office Software Protection Plan and Windows
    6) Carry out a custom install selecting only OneNote and the Office Shared Files to install
    7) Finish the sequence and copy the programs to the shared drive
    8) Deploy the application
    9) On the target machine which has the Deployment kit added command prompt to the folder and run ''msiexec /i OffVirt.msi ADDLOCAL=OSpp,OSpp_Core,OSppWoW64 PIDKEYS=(Project MAK);(Visio MAK);(Office MAK) USEROPERATIONS=1'
    10) Download the packages through the App-V Tool
    OneNote launches but then freezes saying 'Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 cannot verify the licence for this product. You should repair the Office program by using Control Panel' and the program force closes.
    I have also tried using a custom config.xml to during  the sequencer (which I did for both Visio and Project) with the first line set to <Configuration Product="ProPlus"> and also tried "OneNote" and at the installer section
    used an elevated command prompt to navigate to the office folder and run 'setup.exe/config c:\office\config.xml' and this also did not work.
    This and Office Picture Manager are the last of the App-V programs left to sequence for deployment in a new SOE for a client so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Kind Regards
    Joseph Wybraniec
    Techstream Solutions

    You will need to open the Office package and add OneNote. Adding OneNote as a separate package won't be supported or work as expected.
    Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" or "Vote as Helpful" on the post that answers your question (or click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually
    answer your question). This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
    This forum post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of my employer, Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.
    @stealthpuppy | Blog: |
    The Definitive Guide to Delivering Microsoft Office with App-V

  • TS2847 Soundtrack Pro 3.0 output problem

    In Soundtrack Pro 3.0 the meters move but no sound comes out. I've tried removing the AU plug-ins to no avail.  Logic work just fine.  FCP X works fine. Has anyone had this problem and found a solution?

    I am starting to think that what i ask cannot be done! The "in" point marks a cycle region in the project. Even if i make this region active and/or select that region, the export option still bounces the project from the beginning. It can only be done if i use the "trim in point to playhead" option through "clip" menu, because the project is obviously deleted from the beginning to that position.
    I am stuck to a problem that should have a clearer way to do. Or am i missing something?
    Again thanks for the immediate reply.

  • Looking for OfficeJet 8600 pro plus replacement paper trays

    Where can I purchase replacement paper trays for the OfficeJet 8600 Pro Plus printer?
    I am NOT looking for the add-on paper tray unit, but a replacement for the primary tray. We shuffle various types of paper and envelopes in and out of the tray throughout the day, and we would instead like to keep several extra trays loaded with specialty paper to reduce wear on the primary tray.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    I searched in the online stores available by HP and was unable to find this part.  However, I was able to find that the part is available through HP Tech Support by calling in.
    Click here to access the full list of HP Tech Support contact numbers.   
    The part number is CM749-60036 for the main tray assembly for the Officejet Pro 8600 Plus.  This part is, currently, around $25 usd, but prices are subject to change.
    Hope this helps.
    -------------How do I give Kudos? | How do I mark a post as Solved? --------------------------------------------------------
    I am not an HP employee.

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