Hi Rahul,
I've tried solution provided by you. Actually it was a FMS earlier which worked well. But now we want to roll back SO instead of just notifying it.
here is the code
USE [Audio_Test]
/****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification]    Script Date: 07/16/2011 16:25:26 ******/
ALTER proc [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification]
@object_type nvarchar(20),                     -- SBO Object Type
@transaction_type nchar(1),               -- [A]dd, <u>pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
@num_of_cols_in_key int,
@list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
@list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255)
-- Return values
declare @error  int                    -- Result (0 for no error)
declare @error_message nvarchar (200)           -- Error string to be displayed
select @error = 0
select @error_message = N'Ok'
--     ADD     YOUR     CODE     HERE
IF (@object_type = '2') and (@transaction_type IN ('A', 'U'))
IF exists (select T0.CardCode FROM OCRD T0 Where (T0.GroupNum != 4 Or T0.GroupCode != 116) and (T0.UserSign = 16 or T0.Usersign2 = 16) and T0.CardCode =@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
Select @error = -1,
@error_message ='You are not authorized to change payment terms and customer group'
If (@object_type = '17') and (@transaction_type in ('A' , 'U'))
     Declare @Itemcode22 as varchar(255)     
     Declare @Qty as float
     Declare @minline22 int
     Declare @maxline22 int
     Declare @lastday as datetime
     Declare @onhand as float
     Declare @openqty_s_order as float
     Declare @openqty_p_order as float
     set @lastday = GETDATE()
     set @lastday = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(mm,1,@lastday))),DATEADD(mm,1,@lastday)),101))
     set @minline22 = (select min(T0.linenum) from RDR1 T0 where T0.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
     set @maxline22 = (select max(T0.linenum) from RDR1 T0 where T0.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
     while @minline22 <= @maxline22
              select @Itemcode22 = ItemCode from RDR1 where docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del And LineNum=@minline22
              select @Qty = Quantity from RDR1 where docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del And LineNum=@minline22
              set @onhand = (select isnull(sum(oitw.onhand),0) from oitw where (oitw.whscode = N'ANDHERI' or oitw.whscode = N'01') and oitw.itemcode = @Itemcode22 )
              set @openqty_s_order = (select isnull(sum(openqty),0) from rdr1 where rdr1.shipdate <= @lastday and rdr1.itemcode = @Itemcode22  and (rdr1.whscode = N'ANDHERI' or rdr1.whscode = N'01') and rdr1.LineStatus = 'O')
              set @openqty_p_order = (select isnull(sum(openqty),0) from por1 , opor where opor.docentry = por1.docentry and opor.U_ETA + 5 <=  @lastday and por1.itemcode = @Itemcode22  and (por1.whscode = N'ANDHERI' or por1.whscode = N'01') and por1.LineStatus = 'O')
               if @onhand = 0 and @openqty_p_order = 0 and @openqty_s_order = 0
                         set @error = '-1'
                         set @error_message = @Itemcode22 + ' Is OverBooked By '
               if (@onhand + @openqty_p_order) <= @openqty_s_order
                         set @error = -1
                         set @error_message = @Itemcode22 + ' Is OverBooked By '
              if (@onhand + @openqty_p_order) > @openqty_s_order                    
                    if @Qty > (@onhand + @openqty_p_order) - @openqty_s_order
                              set @error = -1
                              set @error = @Itemcode22 + ' Is OverBooked By '
                    set @error =0
                    set @error_message = 'OK'
               set @minline22 = @minline22 +1
-- Select the return values
select @error, @error_message
If my SO contains all the items with overbooking the SP gives the error for last row.
Suppose user corrects the quantity then the transaction gets saved irrespective of the fact that there are items with overbooking.
Please help.

Hi Rahul,
Sorry to have bothered you.SP worked well by removing else part.
The SP worked well by removing else part.

Similar Messages

  • Error Message in SP_Transaction Notification

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    is it possible to include for example the row number or the item code into the error message from the SP_Transaction Notification?
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    Hi Jacqueline,
    It may be possible to include dynamic values in the SP error however what if you have mutliple rows with Property 3?
    What you coud do is add a UDF to the marketing lines, then apply the following formatted search to the field;
    SELECT T0.\[QryGroup3\] FROM OITM T0 WHERE T0.\[ItemCode\] = $\[$38.1.0\]
    Have it auto-refresh when the item code or name changes, this will then copy either N or Y to the field, all the items with Y in this new field will have property 3 set so the user can easily identify it.

  • IMAP giving error in notification mailer setup.

    Name : Workflow Notification Mailer
    Outbound EMail Account (SMTP)
    * Server Name = exsrv.domainname
    Inbound EMail Account (IMAP)
    Inbound Processing = checked
    Server Name = exsrv.domainname
    Username = testmailer
    Password = ********
    Reply-To Address = testmailer@domainname

    Please refer the extract from the ML doc
    *[Workflow Mailer Notification: IMAP is not processing inbound messages|https://metalink2.oracle.com/metalink/plsql/ml2_documents.showDocument?p_database_id=NOT&p_id=371730.1]*
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    What will happen if I don't set the IMAP for inbound processing?You simply won't get the replies/action summary from the users.
    Anchorage :)

  • BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PARTNER working perfectly in R/3 giving error in XI

    Hi all,
    the above BAPI working fine in R/3. The Same inputs are passed but it is giving error. The input and output are given below in XML format as it is handled in XI:
    Input message
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <ns1:BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PARTNER xmlns:ns1="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
    output message
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <rfc:BAPI_ALM_NOTIF_LIST_PARTNER.Response xmlns:rfc="urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions">
    - <RETURN>
      <MESSAGE>E718 Only specify partner function together with partner number</MESSAGE>
      <LOG_NO />
      <MESSAGE_V1 />
      <MESSAGE_V2 />
      <MESSAGE_V3 />
      <MESSAGE_V4 />
    Can any body help in resolving this problem please.

    Thank you amrute for your reply. You are right we do faced similar issues in many other occations and sent exact data and could resolve the issues. In this case also we have given in exact format for all fields. Date format as given in this case is same as what was given in another working XI scenario. However I look at the data type of date to be sure.
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  • IW32- order-print is giving error for particular User.

    Dear Friends,
    IW32- order-print is giving error for particular User and output type.  Debugging authorization restricted on the system, hence I canu2019t trace out the problem. If anybody comes across such issues, please reply to the post.
    Thanks In Advance for your reply.
    Anil Dasari
    Thanks In Advance.

    Information about dump:
    1. User and Transaction:
    Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
    Date and Time          06.05.2011 10:47:40
         MM Used. 13116304
         MM Free. 3639760
    User and Transaction
         Client.............. 700
         User................ "BLADEF01"
         Language key........ "N"
         Transaction......... "IW32 "
         Transactions ID..... "4DC387ECA12B684DE10000001A5B1803"
         Program............. "/MRSS/SAPLRSG_PM_ORDER"
         Screen.............. "SAPLCOIH 3000"
         Screen line......... 33
    Information on where terminated
         Termination occurred in the ABAP program "/MRSS/SAPLRSG_PM_ORDER" - in
         The main program was "SAPLCOIH ".
         In the source code you have the termination point in line 441
         of the (Include) program "/MRSS/LRSG_PM_ORDERU04".
    2. Info. Where it got terminated.
    Information on where terminated
        Termination occurred in the ABAP program "/MRSS/SAPLRSG_PM_ORDER" - in
        The main program was "SAPLCOIH ".
        In the source code you have the termination point in line 441
        of the (Include) program "/MRSS/LRSG_PM_ORDERU04".
    3. How to correct the error.
    How to correct the error
        Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.
        If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
        find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
        If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
        "MESSAGE_TYPE_X" " "
        If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error
        notification to SAP, include the following information:
        1.1. The description of the current problem (short dump)
           To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File
        2.2. Corresponding system log
           Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.
           Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes
        after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File
        3.3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP.
    I have been searching for notes recently implemented for IW32.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Notification closing error

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    How to resolve this issue?
    Awaiting for your valuable reply.

    Hi Praveen,
    Your problem in notification basically related to action box task or the task which you have assigned in notification Task Tab, first close the task, when u close the task status of your notification becomes ATCO, when this task is closed than system allows you to close the notification and ur status becomes NOCO ATCO etc.
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    Shailendra Gaur

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    Your session is no longer valid or your logon information could not be reestablished from your session.
    Any faced a similar issue. Do i need to do something extra at the time of cloning for notification mailer

    I have gone through all the finishing tasks of the cloning and updated all the workflow related tables and restarted services but somehow a dynamic xml is not generated. That is the reason why we get the error. Mailer, CM are all fine. The error is still showing up in the notifications sent.
    Your session is no longer valid or your logon information could not be reestablished from your session.

  • Pacman giving error after 'packman-key --init'

    Well after a long time i m back on arch. and i found out that pacman has changed and using pgp signature (happy now !). and everything is smooth except one thing pacman is still giving error and asks me to import pgp for every single package when i try to install something. here is an output :
    [root@Olympians hades]# pacman -S rhythmbox
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (32): aspell- clutter-1.8.2-2 clutter-gst-1.4.6-1
    clutter-gtk-1.0.4-1 cogl-1.8.2-1 enchant-1.6.0-4 gmime-2.6.4-1
    gobject-introspection-1.30.0-1 grilo-0.1.18-1 gvfs-1.10.1-2
    gvfs-afc-1.10.1-2 hspell-1.1-1 hunspell-1.3.2-1 icu-
    json-glib-0.14.2-1 libdiscid-0.2.2-1 libdmapsharing-2.9.12-1
    libgpod-0.8.2-2 libmtp-1.1.1-1 libmusicbrainz3-3.0.3-1
    libpeas-1.2.0-1 libwebkit3-1.6.1-1 media-player-info-15-1
    mutagen-1.20-3 mx-1.4.1-1 pygobject-devel-3.0.3-1
    python2-beaker-1.6.2-1 python2-gobject-3.0.3-1
    python2-mako-0.5.0-2 python2-markupsafe-0.15-1
    totem-plparser-2.32.6-3 rhythmbox-2.95-1
    Total Installed Size: 129.07 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    (32/32) checking package integrity [----------------------] 100%
    error: grilo: key "A5E9288C4FA415FA" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 4FA415FA, "Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) <[email protected]>", created 2011-08-25? [Y/n] y
    error: icu: key "94657AB20F2A092B" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 0F2A092B, "Andreas Radke <[email protected]>", created 2011-05-14? [Y/n] y
    error: enchant: key "976AC6FA3B94FA10" is unknown
    :: Import PGP key 3B94FA10, "Jan de Groot <[email protected]>", created 2011-06-06? [Y/n] y
    (32/32) checking package integrity [----------------------] 100%
    (32/32) loading package files [----------------------] 100%
    (32/32) checking for file conflicts [----------------------] 100%
    (32/32) checking available disk space [----------------------] 100%
    ( 1/32) installing json-glib [----------------------] 100%
    ( 2/32) installing cogl [----------------------] 100%
    ( 3/32) installing clutter [----------------------] 100%
    ( 4/32) installing clutter-gtk [----------------------] 100%
    ( 5/32) installing clutter-gst [----------------------] 100%
    ( 6/32) installing grilo [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for grilo
    grilo-plugins: Plugins for grilo
    ( 7/32) installing gvfs [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for gvfs
    gvfs-afc: AFC (mobile devices) support
    gvfs-smb: SMB/CIFS (Windows client) support
    gvfs-gphoto2: gphoto2 (PTP camera/MTP media player) support
    gvfs-obexftp: ObexFTP (bluetooth) support
    gvfs-afp: Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) support
    ( 8/32) installing gvfs-afc [----------------------] 100%
    ( 9/32) installing libdmapsharing [----------------------] 100%
    (10/32) installing mutagen [----------------------] 100%
    (11/32) installing libgpod [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for libgpod
    gtk-sharp-2: Mono bindings
    (12/32) installing libmtp [----------------------] 100%
    (13/32) installing libdiscid [----------------------] 100%
    (14/32) installing libmusicbrainz3 [----------------------] 100%
    (15/32) installing gobject-introspection [----------------------] 100%
    (16/32) installing libpeas [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for libpeas
    gjs: gobject-based plugin engine - gjs runtime loader
    seed: gbject-based plugin engine - seed runtime loader
    (17/32) installing icu [----------------------] 100%
    (18/32) installing aspell [----------------------] 100%
    ==> aspell comes with no default dictionary
    Optional dependencies for aspell
    perl: to import old dictionaries
    (19/32) installing hunspell [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for hunspell
    perl: for ispellaff2myspell
    (20/32) installing hspell [----------------------] 100%
    (21/32) installing enchant [----------------------] 100%
    (22/32) installing libwebkit3 [----------------------] 100%
    (23/32) installing media-player-info [----------------------] 100%
    (24/32) installing mx [----------------------] 100%
    (25/32) installing pygobject-devel [----------------------] 100%
    (26/32) installing python2-gobject [----------------------] 100%
    (27/32) installing python2-markupsafe [----------------------] 100%
    (28/32) installing python2-beaker [----------------------] 100%
    (29/32) installing python2-mako [----------------------] 100%
    (30/32) installing gmime [----------------------] 100%
    (31/32) installing totem-plparser [----------------------] 100%
    (32/32) installing rhythmbox [----------------------] 100%
    Optional dependencies for rhythmbox
    gstreamer0.10-ugly-plugins: Extra media codecs
    gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins: Extra media codecs
    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg: Extra media codecs
    brasero: cd burning
    and here is my pacman.conf file.
    # /etc/pacman.conf
    # See the pacman.conf(5) manpage for option and repository directives
    # The following paths are commented out with their default values listed.
    # If you wish to use different paths, uncomment and update the paths.
    #RootDir = /
    #DBPath = /var/lib/pacman/
    #CacheDir = /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
    #LogFile = /var/log/pacman.log
    HoldPkg = pacman glibc
    # If upgrades are available for these packages they will be asked for first
    SyncFirst = pacman
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - -f %u > %o
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/wget --passive-ftp -c -O %o %u
    #XferCommand = /usr/bin/curl -C - %u > %o
    #CleanMethod = KeepInstalled
    Architecture = auto
    # Pacman won't upgrade packages listed in IgnorePkg and members of IgnoreGroup
    #IgnorePkg =
    #IgnoreGroup =
    #NoUpgrade =
    #NoExtract =
    # Misc options (all disabled by default)
    # PGP signature checking
    # NOTE: None of this will work without running `pacman-key --init` first.
    # The compiled in default is equivalent to the following line. This requires
    # you to locally sign and trust packager keys using `pacman-key` for them to be
    # considered valid.
    #SigLevel = Optional TrustedOnly
    # If you wish to check signatures but avoid local sign and trust issues, use
    # the following line. This will treat any key imported into pacman's keyring as
    # trusted.
    SigLevel = Optional TrustAll
    # For now, off by default unless you read the above.
    #SigLevel = Never
    # - can be defined here or included from another file
    # - pacman will search repositories in the order defined here
    # - local/custom mirrors can be added here or in separate files
    # - repositories listed first will take precedence when packages
    # have identical names, regardless of version number
    # - URLs will have $repo replaced by the name of the current repo
    # - URLs will have $arch replaced by the name of the architecture
    # Repository entries are of the format:
    # [repo-name]
    # Server = ServerName
    # Include = IncludePath
    # The header [repo-name] is crucial - it must be present and
    # uncommented to enable the repo.
    # The testing repositories are disabled by default. To enable, uncomment the
    # repo name header and Include lines. You can add preferred servers immediately
    # after the header, and they will be used before the default mirrors.
    ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    ## Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    #Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # Add your preferred servers here, they will be used first
    Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
    # An example of a custom package repository. See the pacman manpage for
    # tips on creating your own repositories.
    #Server = file:///home/custompkgs
    i searched it but i am not sure i understood it quite very well. anyway thanks for help. and its good to be back !!!

    so can anyone of you post your pacman.conf file that is already merged ?? and when i press y when it prompts to import the key it doesn't really import it ! and i dont understand this - i m able to install single package but cant upgrade the system ! okay here is the output -
    [hades@Olympians ~]$ sudo pacman -Syu
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core 106.4 KiB 23.1K/s 00:05 [----------------------] 100%
    extra 1186.2 KiB 93.1K/s 00:13 [----------------------] 100%
    community 1048.9 KiB 114K/s 00:09 [----------------------] 100%
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    :: Replace module-init-tools with core/kmod? [Y/n] y
    resolving dependencies...
    looking for inter-conflicts...
    Targets (204): alsa-firmware-1.0.25-1 alsa-lib-1.0.25-1 alsa-oss-1.0.25-1
    alsa-utils-1.0.25-1 ati-dri-7.11.2-1 autoconf-2.68-2
    automake-1.11.2-1 avahi-0.6.30-6 bash-4.2.020-1
    binutils-2.22-4 bison-2.5-3 bzip2-1.0.6-3
    ca-certificates-20111211-1 cifs-utils-5.2-1 colord-0.1.16-1
    conky-1.8.2git20111107-1 consolekit-0.4.5-2 coreutils-8.15-1
    cracklib-2.8.18-2 cryptsetup-1.4.1-1 curl-7.24.0-1
    db-5.3.15-1 deadbeef-0.5.1-4 desktop-file-utils-0.19-1
    dhcpcd-5.2.12-4 dialog-1.1_20111020-1 dnsutils-9.8.1-2
    dosfstools-3.0.12-1 e2fsprogs-1.42-1 enca-1.13-2
    eventlog-0.2.12-3 expat-2.0.1-7 fakeroot-1.18.2-1 file-5.10-1
    filesystem-2011.12-2 findutils-4.4.2-4
    flashplugin- flex-2.5.35-5 freeglut-2.8.0-1
    gawk-4.0.0-2 gcc-4.6.2-6 gcc-libs-4.6.2-6 gdbm-1.10-1
    gdk-pixbuf2-2.24.1-1 gettext-
    glib-networking-2.30.2-1 glib2-2.30.2-1 glibc-2.15-4
    glibmm-2.30.1-1 gmtk-1.0.5-2 gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.2.2-1
    gnome-keyring-3.2.2-3 gnome-mplayer-1.0.5-1 gnutls-3.0.12-1
    gpm-1.20.6-7 grep-2.10-1 groff-1.21-2 grub-0.97-21
    gstreamer0.10-bad-0.10.22-3 gstreamer0.10-bad-plugins-0.10.22-3
    gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg-0.10.13-1 gstreamer0.10-ugly-0.10.18-4
    gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.9-1 gtk2-2.24.9-1 gtk3-3.2.3-2
    gucharmap-3.2.2-1 gzip-1.4-4 heirloom-mailx-12.5-3
    idnkit-1.0-2 inetutils-1.9.1-1 initscripts-2012.01.3-1
    intel-dri-7.11.2-1 intltool-0.50.0-1 iproute2-3.2.0-2
    iputils-20101006-2 jack-0.121.3-5 jfsutils-1.1.15-3
    jshon-20111222-1 keyutils-1.5.5-1 kmod-4-1 krb5-1.9.2-2
    lame-3.99.3-1 lcms2-2.3-1 less-444-2 libass-0.10.0-3
    libbluray-0.2.1-1 libburn-1.1.8-1 libcap-2.22-2
    libcroco-0.6.3-1 libdatrie-0.2.5-1 libdrm-2.4.30-1
    libdvdnav-4.2.0-2 libdvdread-4.2.0-1 libevent-2.0.16-1
    libgl-7.11.2-1 libglapi-7.11.2-1 libgnome-keyring-3.2.2-1
    libgphoto2-2.4.11-1 libgusb-0.1.3-1 libiec61883-1.2.0-3
    libjpeg-turbo-1.1.1-4 libldap-2.4.28-2 libpcap-1.2.1-1
    libpipeline-1.2.0-2 libpulse-1.1-2 librsvg-2.34.2-1
    libsasl-2.1.23-9 libthai-0.1.16-1 libusb-1.0.8-2
    libusb-compat-0.1.3-2 libvdpau-0.4.1-2 libxfce4ui-4.8.1-1
    libxi-1.4.5-1 libxrandr-1.3.2-2 linux-3.2.2-1
    linux-firmware-20111101-1 lirc-utils-1:0.9.0-10
    lxappearance-0.5.1-3 m4-1.4.16-2 mach64-dri-7.11.2-1
    man-db- mdadm-3.2.3-1 mesa-7.11.2-1 mga-dri-7.11.2-1
    mjpegtools-2.0.0-1 mkinitcpio-0.8.2-1
    module-init-tools-3.16-1 [removal] mpfr-3.1.0.p3-1
    mpg123-1.13.4-2 mplayer-34426-1 nano-2.2.6-2 ncurses-5.9-2
    network-manager-applet- networkmanager-
    nss-3.13.1-2 obmenu-1.0-9 openbox-themes-1.0.2-2
    openssl-1.0.0.g-1 p11-kit-0.9-1 pam-1.1.5-2 parted-3.0-4
    patch-2.6.1-3 pciutils-3.1.8-1 pcre-8.21-1 perl-5.14.2-7
    pixman-0.24.2-1 pkg-config-0.26-2 pm-quirks-0.20100619-2
    polkit-0.103-1 poppler-0.18.3-1 poppler-glib-0.18.3-1
    popt-1.16-4 ppp-2.4.5-3 python-distutils-extra-2.29-1
    python-imaging-1.1.7-4 python2-2.7.2-4 r128-dri-7.11.2-1
    raptor-2.0.6-1 readline-6.2.002-1 reiserfsprogs-3.6.21-4
    run-parts-4.0.4-1 savage-dri-7.11.2-1 scrot-0.8-5
    sdl-1.2.15-1 sed-4.2.1-4 sg3_utils-1.33-1 shadow-
    shared-color-profiles-0.1.5-1 sis-dri-7.11.2-1
    smbclient-3.6.2-1 sqlite3-3.7.10-1 startup-notification-0.12-2
    sysfsutils-2.1.0-7 syslinux-4.05-1 syslog-ng-3.3.4-1
    talloc-2.0.7-1 tar-1.26-2 tdfx-dri-7.11.2-1 texinfo-4.13a-7
    transmission-gtk-2.42-2 tzdata-2011n-1 udev-179-1
    unrar-4.1.4-1 upower-0.9.15-1 util-linux-2.20.1-2
    vi-1:050325-2 wavpack-4.60.1-2 which-2.20-5
    wireless_tools-29-6 wpa_supplicant-0.7.3-4 x264-20111030-1
    xcb-util-0.3.8-1 xf86-input-joystick-1.6.0-3
    xf86-video-ati-6.14.3-1 xf86-video-intel-2.17.0-2
    xf86-video-vmware-11.1.0-1 xfconf-4.8.1-1 xfsprogs-3.1.7-1
    xkeyboard-config-2.5-1 xorg-server-1.11.3-1
    xorg-server-common-1.11.3-1 xorg-xinit-1.3.1-2
    Total Download Size: 7.87 MiB
    Total Installed Size: 898.19 MiB
    Net Upgrade Size: 20.59 MiB
    Proceed with installation? [Y/n] y
    :: Retrieving packages from core...
    glibc-2.15-4-i686 7.1 MiB 118K/s 01:02 [----------------------] 90%
    e2fsprogs-1.42-1-i686 7.9 MiB 118K/s 01:08 [----------------------] 100%
    (203/203) checking package integrity [----------------------] 100%
    (203/203) loading package files [----------------------] 100%
    (203/203) checking for file conflicts [----------------------] 100%
    error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
    filesystem: /etc/mtab exists in filesystem
    Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
    [hades@Olympians ~]$

  • Sp_Transaction Notification For Purchase Order Item Checking

    Hello All,
    I need to create a sp_Transaction notification for Purchase Order where system will check that the document to be added
    with Vendor 'A' and ItemCode 'ERT' should not be be previously added for the same vendor 'A.
    Doc No.  Vendor   Item Code
    1                A            ERT
    Is added
    Next if the Purchase Order is added with same vendor and same Item then system should block the entry and throw a message
    'Purchase Order Already Entered for Vendor 'A' with Item Code 'ERT'"
    This checking will be done for each line item of currently entered Purchase Order Document.
    Thanks ,

    Hi Amit,
    i found this on forum. Try this,
    if @object_type = N'22' and @transaction_type in (N'A', N'U')
    declare @line1 int
    declare @lin1 int
    declare @out1 int
    Set @out1 = 0
    SET @lin1 = 0
    Declare @Vend as varchar(200)
    Declare @ItemCode as varchar(200)
    Select @Vend = CardCode From OPOR Where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    Select @line1 = Max (LineNum)FROM POR1 WHERE POR1.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    While @lin1 < @line1
         Select @ItemCode=ItemCode From POR1 Where DocEntry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del and LineNum = @lin1
          if (SELECT COUNT(T0.DocEntry) FROM POR1 T0 inner join OPOR T1 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
          WHERE T0.ItemCode = @ItemCode and T1.CardCode = @Vend)> 1
               Set @Out1 = 1
               Set @lin1 = @lin1+1
    Set @lin1 = @lin1 + 1
    if @out1 = 1
          Set @error = 1
          Set @error_message = 'Item Code in line ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4), @lin1) + N'already Exists For This Vendor!'
    Check this too Stored procedure in purchase order for duplicate item for a vendor
    Edited by: Joseph Antony on Jan 11, 2011 1:37 PM

  • SP_Transaction Notification Query for Transaction Category field

    Dear Experts,
    I want to make Transaction Category field mandatory under Tax Tab on Sales Order document and being tried SP_Transaction Notification.
    Please send me right query or any other solution.....

    Try this
    IF (@object_type = '17')
    if (@transaction_type in ('A','U'))
    if exists ( Select R0.Docentry from ORDR R0, RDR12 R12  where R0.Docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del and
    R0.Docentry=R12.Docentry and (R12.Transcat is Null or R12.Transcat=''))
      set @error = 0
        set @error_message='Enter the Transaction Code in Tax Tab'
        set @error=1  
    [Thanga Raj K|Q3 Wrap-Up: What happened in the third quarter of 2009 in the SAP Business One Community]

  • SP_Transaction notification for Cash account non negative value

    Hi I wrote the following  SP_Transaction notification when cash account is going negative in outgoing payment.its working fine in 2005B.
    But it is not working in 2007B.pl any one help me.
    IF @transaction_type IN (N'A', N'U') AND (@Object_type = N'46')
         if  Exists ( select t0.currtotal from oact t0 inner join ovpm t1 on t0.AcctCode=t1.CashAcct
         where  t0.currtotal <=0 and t1.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @Error = 1, @error_message = 'Cash account should not be negative!'
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 21, 2008 1:42 PM

    No , ia m not getting any error message in 2007B.
    then i tried the following... I restored the 2005B database to 2007B.then it got upgraded to 2007B,then i tried to add the out going payment with the above SP_transactionnotification.
    now i got the following error msg...
    [microsoft] [sql native client] [sql server] : conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@list_of_cols_val_tab_del' to datatype int
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 24, 2008 9:14 AM
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 24, 2008 9:15 AM

  • AppleScript "Syntax Error" notification without errors

    Hello everyone and sorry for my bad english. I'm using OS X 10.6.2. I want to learn AppleScript, but every time when I try to run code I get notification "Syntax Error", but there isn't any error:
    display dialog "Hello, world!"
    Same thing with every code. What can be a problem?

    Your script runs fine for me on 10.9, however you don't seem to be targeting any application, it's not an issue, but you can find some weirdness when you run the script in the editor vs as an Application, script or service etc.
    tell application "Finder"
      display dialog "Hello, world!"
    end tell
    Try the above, see if that works - Finder should 'come to the front', you can 'compile' the script in the editor which should help confirm the syntax is correct. Are you using AppleScript Editor?
    It's worth checking you are using the correct quote types (straight lines vs curly ones), especially when pasting from the web…
    There are a few tutorials around, see if they can help…
    Macscripter seems to be helpful too
    P.S. 10.6.2 is a very old version, 10.6.8 is the later version (more stable) use software update to get that installed, it may fix some weird bugs that cause issues like this, run Software update several times until it stops giving you more fixes.

  • Item Open Interface giving error for Org Assignment

    We ran the MTL_SYSTEMS_ITEMS_INTERFACE & loaded all the items at master level.
    We are having issues in setting at Org level. Cant figure out what the issue as only few records gets assigned & then garbage sets in for remaining records. An SR has been raised & the tech support representative was saying that UOM's are different at master & org levels. Never heard of this issue earlier. I have worked with UOM's different at Master/Org levels.
    The UOM's are different at Master & Org Level and in some cases the UOM are different for different Orgs. Attribute Control for Primary/Sec UOM is at Org level. The UOM's belong to the same UOM Class. There are standard conversions defined for all these UOMs.
    Any pointers for quick resolution ?

    Pl do not post duplicates - Item Open Interface giving error for Org Assignment

  • Top N query giving error for oracle 8.0.6

    Dear All,
    on oracle 8.0.6 but this is giving the following error
    ora - 00907 missing right parenthesis error
    1. Is it that in the inner select we cannot use order by and where clause together.
    2. We also found that if we remove order by from inner select then the query is not giving error
    pls help . points will be awarded

    what ever the Aman said is correct. You check this is supported in 8.1.5, SQL allows you to embed the ORDER BY clause in a subquery and place the ROWNUM condition in the top-level query;
    'Top-N query' is a ORACLE 8i feature which is supported in SQL. However,
    Bug:855720 states the following:
    "PL/SQL does not support top-N queries (ORDER BY in SUBSELECT/SUBQUERY
    or VIEW. Since this feature is available in SQL, but not in PL/SQL,
    it has been logged as a Bug that will be fixed in 8.1.6."
    - Pavan Kumar N

  • Giving error while creating a sales contact for the previous year (2008)

    Hi Friends,
    We are currently with SP12. When we try to create a sales contract for the previous year it is giving error like "Schedule line is for the item 100 cannot be after the order's latest delivery date".
    i tried debugging and found that that there is a rule created for this (in SP12). I commented the rule and tried to create a contract but, again got an error "Error while saving". This error I can't catch while debugging.
    I even didn't find where the schedule line date and header cancel dates are set so that I can change the dates manually.
    If any one has any idea, kindly help me.
    Best regards,
    Swarna Seeta

    Hi Wolfhard,
    Thanks for the reply.
    You are right and I have uncommented the line which assigns true to the return value and the contract got saved now.
    Thank you so much.
    I just want to know whether commeting this rule effects any of the functionalities of the sales contract.
    Best regards,
    Swarna Seeta

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