Space After - Text

Hi, I have some problem with the"space after" function.
As you can see in this image, the firts line, the headline, should send the next text, 10 points bellow.
But all the browsers that I test, they ignore this "css rule"...
Safari, Firefox, Chrome in Mac.  IE 10.0.9

Hi Dandalo,
There's a Muse bug that lets you set negative padding even though it is invalid in CSS.
You have -1 left padding applied to the headline which is making the entire padding CSS invalid.
If you change it back to 0, that should fix the issue. You can continue to use negative first line indent.
Hope this helps.

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  • Remove space after text in table?

    I am hoping that someone can help me out with this issue. Basically I want the extra space in each row or the tabel to be gone. I cant seem to sort out how.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you very much!
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        <td width="393" align="center" valign="middle" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#999999"><p align="center" class="style40 style47">2015 PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</p>      </td>
      <tr bordercolor="#000002">
        <td bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><span class="style48"><a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm"> ECUADOR: HUMMINGBIRDS AND MORE!</a></span></strong></li>
          <li>JAN, 2015 <span class="style85">-<strong><span class="style80"><span class="style67">SOLD OUT</span></span></strong></span></li>
          <li> JAN, 2015 - <strong><span class="style67">SOLD OUT</span></strong></li>
      <tr bordercolor="#000002">
        <td height="64" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">VANCOUVER ISLAND: WATERFOWL</a></strong></li>
          <li>MAR 9-13, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><span class="style80">SIGN UP TODAY!</span></strong></li>
          <li>MAR 16-20, 2015  -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><span class="style80">SIGN UP TODAY!</span></strong></li>
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        <td height="64" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><ul class="style79">
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA: NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY</a></strong></li>
          <li> APR, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
          <li>OCT, 2015  -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm">CHURCHILL: TUNDRA BIRDS &amp; WILDLIFE</a></strong></li>
          <li> JUNE, 2016 - <strong><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/Peru.html">PERU: MANU NATIONAL PARK</a></strong></li>
          <li>SEPT, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
          <li>SEPT, 2015 -<strong><span class="style85"> </span><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL</u></a> TO JOIN WISH LIST</strong></li>
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          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CUSTOM / PHOTOSHOP WORKSHOPS</a></strong></li>
          <li>PRIVATE LESSONS<span class="style85"><strong></strong></span></li>
          <li><strong><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CLICK HERE</a></strong> FOR DETAILS</li>
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          <p><strong><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"></a> </font></strong><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ALL 2014 TRIPS ARE SOLD OUT</font></p>
          <p><span class="GreenLarge"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">SOME 2015 DATES NOW AVAILABLE -</font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"></font></span><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> <strong><font color="#FF0000" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="mailto:[email protected]"><u>EMAIL GLENN</u> TO JOIN THE WISH LISTS</a></font></strong></font><span class="style87">.</span></p>
          <p><a href="../mailinglist.htm"><img src="../naturephotography/Text/newsletter Button3 - White.jpg" width="215" height="60" border="0"></a></p>
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          <p align="center"><span class="style37"><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">VANCOUVER ISLAND</a> - <a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm">ECUADOR</a> - <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA</a> - <a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm">CHURCHILL</a> - PERU - <a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm">CUSTOM PHOTO WORKSHOPS</a></span></p>
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          <p align="right"><font color="#000000" size="-2" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Site designed and created by Glenn Bartley. &copy; 2014 Glenn Bartley Nature Photography. All Rights Reserved</font></p>
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        <td height="367"><h1 class="style38"><span class="style48"><a href="photoworkshops.htm">BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</a> - <a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm">CANADA</a>, <a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm">ECUADOR</a>, <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html">COSTA RICA</a> AND MORE</span></h1>
        <p class="style36"><strong>Glenn  Bartley</strong> is a professional nature photographer from Victoria, British Columbia on Canada's west  coast.  He focuses on capturing intimate portraits of birds in their  natural surroundings. Glenn strives  for what he calls &ldquo;clean&rdquo; images &ndash; where the subject is clear, distracting  elements are kept to a minimum and the background is pleasingly blurred out of  focus. Glenn&rsquo;s  work has been published widely throughout North America in books and  magazines (such as Birder&rsquo;s World, Birding &amp; Bird Watchers Digest).  His most recent book is entitled &ndash; &ldquo;Birds in Ecuador: A Photographic  Journey.&rdquo; Glenn  loves to share his passion for photography and for the natural world with those  who attend his photographic workshops and with participants of where he is a  moderator in the Birds forum.</p>
          <p align="left" class="style37"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">What  makes Glenn's <a href="photoworkshops.htm">photography workshops</a> different from the competitors?</font></p>
          <div align="left" class="style48">
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn focuses on more personalized attention,instruction  and guidance.</font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn is regarded one of the world&rsquo;s top  professional photographers in bird portrait  photography. Just go pick up a birding magazine and you will almost certainly find his images.</font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn  often utilizes local guides with years of  experience in their home areas. </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn has more  experience.  He has been to the places that he will take you &ndash;  not for a week or two &ndash; but for months!!   Glenn knows where to get the best possible images and can show you how to  achieve them.  </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Having completed his Msc. in Environmental Studies Glenn is very environmentally and socially aware.  When we visit communities around the  world we give something back to these places and the people who live  there. </font></li>
              <li class="style49"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Glenn's <a href="photoworkshops.htm">Photography Workshops</a> will be fun too!</font></li>
            <ul class="style48">
              <li class="style45"> <a href="Workshops/CostaRica.html"><strong>COSTA RICA PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - TROPICAL BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY AT ITS FINEST</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/Ecuador.htm"><strong>ECUADOR PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - HUMMINGBIRD PHOTOGRAPHY</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/VancouverIsland.htm"><strong>VANCOUVER   ISLAND PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY OASIS</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/Manitoba-Churchill.htm"><strong>CHURCHILL BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP</strong></a> - BIRDS OF THE HIGH ARCTIC</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../VictoriaBirdPhotoAcademy_Photoshop.html"><strong>ADOBE PHOTOSHOP WORKSHOPS</strong></a> - ONLINE OR IN PERSON I CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO USE ADOBE PHOTOSHOP</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="Workshops/OneonOneWorkshops.htm"><strong>ONE ON ONE BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</strong></a> - CONTACT ME TO DISCUSS THE OPTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL OR SMALL GROUP BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS</li>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>GLENNS CURRENT BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY PORTFOLIOS</strong>:</p>
            <ul class="style48">
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA</strong></a> - 380 bird species from North America and counting...</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/Ecuador/ecuador birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF ECUADOR</strong></a> - Over 375 bird species from mainland Ecuador</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/costarica birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF COSTA RICA</strong></a> - Over 250 bird species from Costa Rica</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/Trinidad/trinidad birdslist.htm"><strong>BIRDS OF TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO</strong></a> - A sample of some of the exciting birds that call these Islands home...</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/articles/HummingbirdsoftheWorld.html"><strong>HUMMINGBIRD PHOTOGRAPHY</strong></a> - Over 100 species of Hummingbirds Photographed.</li>
              <li class="style45"><a href="../naturephotography/North American Warblers.html"><strong>WARBLERS OF NORTH AMERICA</strong></a> - Nearly all of the Wood Warblers that live in Canada.</li>
            <p align="center" class="style66">BIRD PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT:</p>
            <p align="left" class="style67">I currently use Canon Digital Photography equipment. My primary camera is the Canon 7D and I use lenses including the 500mm f/4 L IS, 300mm f/4 L IS, 400mm f/5.6 L, and 17-40mm f/4 L. To find out more about the bird photography equipment that I use visit my <a href="naturephotography/articles/gear.htm">nature photography equipment page</a>.</p>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>PHOTOGRAPHER BIOGRAPHY</strong>:</p>
            <div align="left" class="style48">
              <p class="style45">I have
                been enchanted by nature, birds and wildlife for as long as I can remember.
                Growing up in Toronto, Canada I can recall countless hours spent
                glued to National Geographic magazines, natural history books or watching
                David Suzuki's &quot;The Nature of Things&quot; on TV. Those days
                I took any opportunity I had to study and learn about animals of all
                kinds. Nowadays
                I often find myself up at the crack of dawn, knee-deep in mud or covered
                in mosquitoes all in pursuit of capturing just a glimpse of natures
                beauty. Although I enjoy photographing all of mother natures fascinating
                creatures. I tend to focus on birds. Why birds? I think it's because
                there are so many species of birds, they can be found almost anywhere, they are
                challenging to photograph and they are beautiful to watch. I love birds!</p>
            <p align="left" class="style67">I
              will continue to strive to improve my craft of bird photography, and capture some part of
              the beauty that surrounds us all. Along the way I look forward to sharing
              my passion for nature photography, birds and the natural world with each and every
              one of you. Thanks
              for visiting. I hope you enjoy my site.</p>
            <p align="center" class="style67"><strong>RECENT BOOK PROJECTS:</strong></p>
              <li class="style67"><strong><a href="../VancouverIslandBook.html">BIRDS OF VANCOUVER ISLAND</a></strong> - GLENN BARTLEY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong><a href="../Ecuador book.html">BIRDS IN ECUADOR</a></strong> - GLENN BARTLEY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong>BIRD COLORATION</strong> - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY</li>
              <li class="style67"><strong>GLOBAL BIRDING</strong> - NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY</li>
            <p> </p>
          <p class="style36"> </p>
    <p align="center">
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    <table style="border-style:none;border-bottom-width:0;border-top-width:0;border-left-width:0;bor der-right-width:0;border-bottom-color:#99CCFF;border-top-color:#99CCFF;border-right-color: #99CCFF;border-left-color:#99CCFF;" cellpadding=4><tr><td>
    <font color="#CCCCCC" face="arial">

    Line 88 in your source, add this into your .style79...
    So from...
    .style79 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; }
    .style79 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom:0; }
    That should do the trick.

  • Unknown space after text inset

    As seen in the picture below (also added link for larger picture, will be available 24 h ExtraZoom High Definition image #32005. Zoom in or zoom out high resolution photo.),
    there is a huge space between the inset (table broken across 2 pages) and the following paragraph.
    All insets are written in the same way, but only this one happens to look so weird. I've checked the inset and there is no huge space at the end of it.
    As you can see in the picture below, the end of the page is right at the end of the table's anchor (text cursor can be seen)
    Any ideas as to what I could possibly do to resolve this?
    Thank you!

    In regards to your response, I've uploaded the fm files (main file + insets) and scrubbed the confidential information out of them. The issue is still reproducible, as seen in the document.
    Thank you for replying on such short notice!
    Dropbox - fm

  • Where does one set space after paragraph in the new Pages 5.0? It used to be under text in the Inspector in the previous version, but I just can't find it in this new version.

    Where does one set space after paragraph in the new Pages 5.0? It used to be under text in the Inspector in the previous version, but I just can't find it in this new version. Paragraphs seem to only be dealt with in styles, and the Formatting window for text doesn't seem to have the space after paragraph contrtol that the older Inspector had. What am I missing?

    Sorry I did this without looking:
    Side panel >Text > Style > Spacing > Turn the triangle > Before Paragraph/After Paragraph/
    This is the trouble with the Peeky Boo Contextual Interface that so many wiser heads than mine love to love.

  • How can I add dots after text to fill the remaining space in a table cell?

    What is the most efficient way to add dots after text to fill the remaining space in a table cell? I know it is possible using tabs but is this possible using a table?

    You can put a tab inside a table cell using Option+Tab
    Then just set the right-aligned tab stop and the right edge of the table cell and add the leader.

  • Space appears after text when you scroll to the bottom

    i am a newbie flash designer. a client has asked me to make modifications in a flash file used on his website. it is flash 8 actionscript. i am currently working on the same and would appreciate your help. the client has given me 'divisions.swf' file which i decompiled using sothink decompiler 4.5 build 90120 to '~divisions original.fla'. the xml folder resides in the same folder as ~divisions original.fla. it contains divisions.xml. you can download these files at
    i discovered a problem - if you view 'divisions.swf' - when you click on 'retail visual solutions'and scroll to the bottom, you can see that there is no space after the text. the end of the text aligns with the end of the scrollbar. but when you click on eyesite, and scroll to the bottom, you can see that there is space after the text. the end of the text does not align with the end of the scrollbar.
    please help me to resolve this problem.
    my additional questions are:
    has the creator of the swf file used some unique scrollbar code or is this scrollbar provided in flash itself. in this case, i can read a tutorial to understand it better.
    i have given 'is correct - no space at bottom of text.jpg' and 'is incorrect - space at bottom of text.jpg' to further explain my query.
    please tell me if i have explained my problem properly or further clarifications are needed.

    Try changing the code in frame 16 to be:
    stop ();
    var tString = xmlObj.Options.Option[2]._value;
    tString = tString.split("\r\n").join("\r").split("\n\r").join("\r");
    txt3.htmlText = tString;
    The scrollbar is a component that may or may not have been concocted by the original designer.  In any case it does utilize the FScrollbar feature of Flash.  You can read about it via the link below: tionary303.html.

  • 'Space after' style not applying to text in 'preview in browser' (chrome) or export modes.

    Hi all,
    I seem to run into this issue everytime I have two paragraph style applied within one text container.
    If I include a heading and apply a paragraph style which includes 'space after' and then some text below with another style it does not appear in either 'preview in browser' (Chrome) or in the exported html. The text appears butted up against each other. Please keep in mind there are no other paragraph or character styles applied to this container.
    It works if I 'unlink style from selection'.
    However this is extremely frustrating when you have a text heavy site with multiple paragraph styles - it effectively renders paragraph styles useless and generates excessive CSS code and a very time-consuming process if I need to go back and alter the paragraph styles.
    Does anyone else experience this issue? Can anyone shed some light on this?
    I need to get this site through to my client ASAP and would rather have a professional CSS file rather than one full of work-arounds.
    Adobe, please respond ASAP.
    Kind regards,

    For two separate paragraph styles to work in one text container in muse,
    you need to use a hard return.
    You would use Character Styles if you want to use two specific styles inside one text container
    with just a "en space" between the text.
    This is based on using Muse generated CSS and not going into the CSS files after Muse generated the code and altering to modify the look.
    See attached file:

  • How to stop iphone 4s from putting a space after the second digit, when entering a text number from the keypad

    How do I stop the iphone 4s from putting a space after the second digit, when entering a text number from the keypad. Entering a text number on the key pad like 61998 comes out on the screen as 61 998 and the sms fails to go.

    The space (or lack thereof) should have no effect on whether or not the SMS goes through. The spacing is intended to make it easier for the human eye to comprehend the number. I'd start by resetting the network settings in General>Reset>Reset Network Settings.

  • Align text between columns with space after paragraphs.

    I am creating a proposal with a ton of text. I used to align everything to a baseline grid with justified type and indented paragraphs. Recently, however, I was asked to change the style to left aligned text with spaces between the paragraphs. The text flows into two columns per page, but I'll be damned if I can get the text to line up. I've tried different baseline grids as well as before and after spacing. I think my issue might be trying to keep paragraph spacing as half the leading. If my copy text leading and baseline are 14 or 7 pt, will a 7 pt paragraph space after work?
    My leading and pt size is below, if anyone can point me to a solution.
    Body copy: 9 pt font/14 pt leadingSpace before/after: 3.5/3.5
    Subheaders: 10 pt font/ 14 pt leadingSpace before/after: 7/3.5
    Baseline: tried both 14 pt and 7 pt

    That's what I thought. I was taught to either have an indented second paragraph or to separate the paragraphs by half the leading of the type. Seems like it's impossible to align the text that way. A full leading separation (14 pt) between paragraphs seems excessive though.

  • Text input - how set an automated space after each word?

    When typing in text and using the qwerty assisted text - how can i get it to automatically add a space after each word? My Droid original did that automatically... Thanks

    lovetennis7 wrote:
    When typing in text and using the qwerty assisted text - how can i get it to automatically add a space after each word? My Droid original did that automatically... Thanks
    I have confirmed that this feature was not included with the basic software package of the Incredible 2. 

  • RoboHelp 7 - Intermittently missing the space after bolded text in

    We've converted a project of 800+ topics to RoboHelp 7 and
    updated our software with the new latest patch 7.01.001. The funky
    character issues have gone away but now, we noticed that we're
    intermittently missing the space after bolded words. I've check the
    HTML code and it is the coding is the same for all of the bolded
    words within a topic, yet one word will be missing space and all of
    the other bolded words won't.
    This applies to topics that were created in RH7 before the
    patch as well topics that were coverted from RH5 to RH6 and then to
    RH7. Also, applies to topics to were originally imported into RH5
    or RH6 from Word.
    The formatting looks like this: "It does <span
    style="font-weight: bold;">not</span> post in PARA or DBS.
    Sometimes, I see the end code is
    </span><span></span> --or -- </span>
    I've also seen <b> word </b>
    Problem is that it is inconsistent and we have over 800
    topics within our project. To check each topic in the generated
    version and then go back to Edit will take forever.

    This is a duplicate post due to a forum blip! Click
    for the other post.

  • Space after negating exclamation mark

    Hi, is it possible to add a space after a negating exclamation mark in the code formatting rules such as:
    if (!true) {}   <- I don't want this style
    if (! true) {}  <- I do want this
    I think that the Tools -> Options -> Text Editor settings give me quite limited choices when it gets to customizing your code formats. I want to do this for JavaScript if that matters.

    The ! means that iPhoto has lost the link to the actual images
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

  • Space after hyperlink in JEditorPane

    Hi all!
    I am displaying an html document in a JEditorPane, which has some hyperlinks. Everything is wotking, except that all the hyperlinks have an extra space after the text which is underlined and is a part of the hyperlink.
    I saw this problem in the bug database but marked as closed. However I still have this problem using jdk 1.4.1.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

    I'm sorry but I posted this by mistake. The topic is duplicated, but the other one has the subject corrected and has duke dollars assigned.

  • Space after Paragraph: How much picas equal a blank line in Garamond Regular 7.5?

    I'm using Indesign CC and  would like to add a blank line after every paragraph in my document. I found out how to do that, but the only unit I'm offered is picas. I could probably switch to inches, but that doesn't really help me. My main text is written in Garamond Regular font size 7.5 and I would like to have blank space after each paragraph equal to a blank line written in that font with that size. How do if find out much large a blank line with those font settings is? I guessed and it seems to be equal to 0p7, but it would be great if I could do that without guessing blindly. I'm glad for any help.

    I am not sure to understand.  Garamond (or any other typeface) 7.5 equals to… 7.5 pts. But the size of a typeface is measured from ascender to descender, so it does not give you an accurate idea of the real height of the line. But leading is measured from baseline to baseline and this corresponds to the measure you are looking for. Once again, you need to know the leading value and you have to enter this value for the space after.
    And 1 pica is equal to 12 pts.

  • Space after in one style affecting the style before it

    I have bit of text like this:
    Bold head
    regular body
    when I add space after to the regular body style, it has the effect of adding space after the Bold head, but when I directly apply space after using the Control bar, this doesn't happen!
    my regular body style has no space before.
    Can anyone see why space after in one style would appear to affect the previous style.
    when I say "previous" and "before" I mean in the order they appear relative to each other.
    thank you!

    No, there are no manual overrides. I tested with a manual formatting just as an experiment, but then removed it immediately afterward.
    InDesign as with many other programs will indicate a modified style with a little "+"  None of my text shows this + sign next to their styles.
    Thank you!

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