Spaces/ multi-desktop animation slower in ML?

I've upgraded from Lion to Mountain Lion and have noticed that the animation effect when switching between spaces / desktops seems slower than before, in that it takes longer to complete. It seems to be just at the end of the animation, when the new space has nearly reached the side, it slows down more than before. Since the mouse is inactive until the animation completes, this means I have to wait just that little bit longer to carry on working. A minor irritation, but why the change?
Or, is it just my mind playing tricks on me? I don't have a Lion computer to compare it with.

This is slowing me down tremendously. I've resorted to installing TotalSpaces but this is far from ideal, especially at work–where I have a Cinema Display attached to my 17" MacBook Pro.
But  I move around a lot faster now.
Using the above workarounds–fast swiping, cmd+tab, ctrl+number keys–is not an option for me. Fast swiping is hit or miss, number keys don't go to full screen apps, and worst of all: every time I add/remove a desktop I would have to go back to keyboard shortcuts preferences. I'm a heavy ctrl+arrow keys user.
The way I see it, the only thing wrong is the speed/easing of the animation when swiping and using ctrl+arrow keys. A fix would be great, fingers crossed for 10.8.1

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    Uninstalling Software in Windows 7
    Uninstall or change a program in Windows 7
    Download and install:
    HP Quick Launch Buttons here (ver for 32/64 bit Win7)
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    Hello there skippydan,
    It sounds like you want to move your iMovie Event Library to an external drive to free up space on your internal drive on your computer. If you have iMovie '11 use this article to accomplish that:
    iMovie '11: Copy or move video from your Event Library to an external hard disk
    If you are using iMovie 2013, use this article instead:
    iMovie (2013): Work with multiple libraries
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

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    Hi J,
    I'm sorry you ran into trouble here. This is the first we've heard of this issue. However, I'd like to see if we can figure out what's causing it. Would you be able to drop us a line at: [email protected]?
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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