Spanish language changes mp3 tags.

I have my primary language set to Spanish and every time I play a song in iTunes, it changes the tags. Is there a way to stop this?

When I first applied the spanish patch I am not able to see the custom pages in Spanish.( all in English).
After that I applied Translation Synchronization Patch then Iam able to see additional 10% of text in Spanish.
Do these text is stored in any tables Etc.. Where I can add text for additional languages.
Do the developer need to take care of these custom pages.? If so Why is some text in custom pages are shown in Spanish.

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    I'm changing mp3 tags, adding album covers, etc through Get Info directly in iРhone/Music. I can't see changes in my iPhone music library sometimes. So tags and covers in iTunes differ from the tags in iPhone player.
    I tried to reboot the phone, change tag or add cover one more time. It's still not the same.
    Help me, please.

    It seems that sometimes when i play a group of songs it will go through and add information to them on its own without prompting me that i do not want there. I have a very clean list of songs as to reduce the number of duplicate artists/albums in my list.
    actually, if the songs are in the MP3 format, it's plausible that your WMP is doing this silently in the background. for more information on that possibility (and troubleshooting advice if that's what is afoot here), see the following post:
    Otto42: Re: Auto-retrieval Track Information iTunes

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    Someone knows how can i change, modify or edit the mp3 tag with iTunes 6? Is it possible?
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    tnx a lot

    right-click on the entry in iTunes and select "Get Info". The "Summary" tab tells you a little about the file, while the other tabs (Info, Options, etc.) let you edit ID3 tags supported and used by iTunes.

  • Changing Mp3 Tags

    Hey guys, hopefully you can help me out...
    im in the process of going through all my songs and changing the mp3 tags... To do this im going into the acual folder where the file is, right clicking>prop>summary>advanced and then changing to the artist and title and genre i want displayed...
    I then deleted my entire libary in itunes, and proceeded to readd the songs i just changed. And Itunes opens, but doesnt add them, nor does it play... however i can open the files in other programs like windows media player and everything works perfect, including the correct information i put in...
    How come itunes wont play these files now, however files i didnt touch still work no worries??????
    Any idea?
    i have the latest version of itunes aswell...

    Sounds ike the MP3 header info somehow got changed to where ituens doesn't like it. iTunes is a LOT fussier about the header info than other programs.
    You can try fixing it with mp3 validator
    A more lengthy explanation from Trevin Chow:
    iTunes (and pretty much every player I've used) works best with v2.3 tags - it's the defacto standard.
    When I rip CDs using ituens, the first thing I do is set the ID3 tag to none (to get rid of the v2.2 tag that itunes uses by default) then I change it to v2.3 tags.
    right click > convert ID3 tags

  • Can't change .mp3 tag

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    I tried repairing permission for the entire system, but that didn't work either.
    Has anyone had this issue?
    Thanks in advance!

    I answered my own questions... I forgot to change the import setting in iTunes when I re-installed my system. It should be set to not organize or import songs, as I like to keep my music on an external hard-drive organized in a particular way. So when I clicked on an mp3, it imported the filed into the itunes directory. When I changed the mp3 id3 tag, it looked like it changed, but when I re-clicked the file on my external hard drive things reverted. That's because it only changed the id3 of the imported file and not the original. Once I modified the import setting things worked!

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    Resolved in update.

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    If the Firefox user interface (menu bar) is in the wrong language or if you want to change the current language then you can get Firefox in the language of your choice here:
    * Firefox 6.0.x:
    * Remove (uninstall) the current Firefox version.
    * Install the new Firefox version of the wanted language.

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    Now I was asked to change it to let the user select the language he wants all the menues to be displayed, for the moment only 2 languages: Spanish and English (but in the future maybe more).
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    Have a look at the tutorial for Internationalization:
    Have a look at the "Java Look and Feel Design Guidelines" for a localization word list:
    I also started to make a library to localize standard actions (open source). Currently only english and german are supported. To support spanish you have to put a file in a package org.softsmithy.lib.swing.action and fill in the values for the keys used in
    (Note: that the localization files are not complete yet. I can provide you more information if you are interested.)
    If you do this, it would be great, of course, if you would contribute this localization to the project. :-)

  • Mp3 tagging song info rename revert PROBLEM!!!

    Hi guys,
    I can see that there are loads of people who have the same problem as me. That is... that itunes is a mp3 tagging nightmare. The problem is simple. after editing song information in itunes. sometime later, itunes will happily revert or change the info back to the original file name or only display a portion of it. Im sure you guys know what im talking bout. Someone suggested that u edit the ID3 tags with an external program. However, what i dont understand is that, my itunes last time had no problem whatsoever displaying the correctly edited song information. Suddenly, now it decides to randomly change whatever it feels like. Also, it is extremely troublesome to externally edit the song info. The whole point of itunes is to make it convenient and simple to use. What is the point of having itunes only to have to use another program to edit the info??? I have seen numerous other threads with the same problem as me. What frustrates me is that... why is Apple not doing anything bout it? and why arent they posting any solutions or answers as to why their fantastic software is behaving like a spoilt kid. Why are there no answers. It is NOT a small program. I have about 10000 songs and countless CDs. You cannot imagine what a headache it is to have spent months and months of carefully and meticulously editing the song info in itunes to perfection, only to start it up one day and find that 5000 songs are incorrectly named.
    For Apple, this is just simply unacceptable.

    Hey guys, i got this from the WMP help file...
    "Update my music files (WMA and MP3 files) by retrieving missing media information from the Internet
    Specifies that the Player automatically obtain and update missing media information for music files that are added to or are in Media Library, if the information is available. By default, the music files in your My Music folder are added to Media Library.
    The Player attempts to update any missing media information in your music files by sending data about the files to a database operated by if this check box is selected and you perform any of the following actions:
    Use Media Library for the first time after updating the Player
    Add files to Media Library by searching your computer
    Add files to monitored folders, such as My Music
    For example, if you have music files that contain the artist name but not the album name, the Player adds the album name to the file after retrieving the information from the database.
    The Player also adds album art to files and music folders in your My Music folder."
    In light of this information, wouldnt it be fair to say that WMp will only rename the files if they are physically added by the user in WMP? If i am not using WMP to play my mp3s, then why would WMP still be tracking and altering the file names?

  • ITunes cannot read ID3 tags written by Perl module MP3::Tag?

    Just trying to re-arrange ID3 information in a large set of MP3 files. Before I run the following Perl script, iTunes can read the ID3 tagging information. After writing ID3 inform ation to the MP3, iTunes no longer reads any tagging information from the MP3.
    Does anyone have any information regarding this? There is some cryptic information in the MP3::Tag POD regarding setting the "id3v23_unsync" option but that doesn't seem to alter the impact on iTunes at all. Windows and other tag readers seem to be able to read the all ID 3v1 and ID3v2 tags just fine (including the altered fields) after running the following script.
    Thanks for any suggestions/guidance anyone can provide.
    Description: the following program takes an MP3 filename as input.
    Action: It appends the value in the Album field to front of the TITLE Field. That's it! Easy!
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use MP3::Tag;
    MP3::Tag-> config(id3v23_unsync=>FALSE);
    my $filename = $ARGV[0];
    $mp3 = MP3::Tag-> new($filename);
    @info=$mp3-> autoinfo;
    @albnum = split(/_/, $info[3]);
    $frame = $mp3-> {ID3v2}->get_frame("TIT2");
    print $frame;
    $mp3-> {ID3v1}->title("$albnum[0] $info[0]");
    $mp3-> {ID3v2}->change_frame("TIT2","$albnum[0] $info[0]");
    $mp3-> {ID3v1}->write_tag();
    $mp3-> {ID3v2}->write_tag();
    @info=$mp3-> autoinfo;
    print $info[0]; //print ID3v1 TITLE field
    $frame = $mp3-> {ID3v2}->get_frame("TIT2");
    print $frame; //print ID3v2 Title2 field
    $mp3-> close();
      Windows XP  

    Changing the config entry (Line 3 in original listing) to:
    fixed the problem with iTunes.
    NOTE: This means that iTunes version 7.x still has the synchronization problem alluded to in the documentation (POD) for this Perl module. I just had the syntax wrong to set the workaround parameter.
    That aside, iTunes 7.2 works quite nicely with the modified MP3. Artwork (even though this was a modified and obscure (and legal) Bible audio, it found additional information about the MP3 in the online database).
    Kind Regards,
      Windows XP  

  • How To Permanently Change ID3 Tags With iTunes

    Okay, so here's the deal. I've seen this question in several places, but I can't find a working answer, so I decided to give it a shot.
    My goal: change ID3 tag info with my song collection in iTunes so that my changes stick permanently.
    Now let me explain. I am picky about what info I want for a song. Anytime I add a song to my collection, I am specific about what info I want to keep and what I want to get rid of. What I keep: Song title, Artist info, album info and genre. I get rid of everything else, like track/disc number, year, comments, and etc.
    To further my point, I'll explain how I go about what brings me to the problem. After I have an album with all songs I want from it, I add the folder to the iTunes library but I don't make any changes yet (I don't have the option checked for iTunes to add copies of the songs to the iTunes folder). Then I select all songs and convert them to 128kbs mp3s with v2.3 ID3 tags. Then I edit all the song info to what I mentioned before in the Get Info box. After a few plays, the track/disc numbers, years, and comments come back, but song title/artist info/album info don't change and the album artwork I added remains. I tried the opposite, editing all the info after adding the songs to the library THEN converting...same problem. I tried a third-party program, MP3tag, before and after converting, both with the same result. I even tried adding something to all comment boxes in iTunes to sync the libraries...that didn't work either. I also tried with that option of adding copies to the library checked and it still didn't work.
    I want a solution to where my changes in iTunes of removing the track/disc numbers, years, and comments from songs will be permanent and not come back.
    Also, this problem has remained through every new version of iTunes released up to the current version as of the time I am typing this.

    There may be a number of things going on. iTunes has a problem updating files with multiple tags, e.g. both id3v1 and id3v2.x. Sometimes it seems it can update one copy of the tag, but then read back data from the other. It may also have problems if file security settings are incorrect, in which case it will appear to make a change, but then reveal the original data next time it accesses the track in some way. WMP may also be involved in magially restoring data that you've deleted. Getting iTunes & Windows Media Player to play nicely.
    As to the issue with comments, are these general things or strings of digits like this?  00000000 00000210 00000770 0000000000103000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000. I've a feeling that patterns of digits such as these are in some way connected to gapless playback and are supposed to be hidden from view, but that may be wild speculation. Again it is even possible that WMP rather than iTunes creates them.
    One way that might work is, having edited tracks to the values you want, use the option Convert id3 tags > None a few times, then Convert id3 tags > v2.3.
    While I'm all for people having things the way they want them I really can't see how your library could be improved by not having track, disc, or year values. Without disc and track numbers albums will play out of sequence. Why not just turn off the columns that hold no interest for you?

  • Keyboard language changed only in Firefox not other programmes

    I have Firefox in English but I use a Spanish keyboard, meaning some keys like question marks or quotation marks are in different places, there are accents, a key for ç, etc. It has always worked normally but today, while the keyboard is working correctly with all other programmes in Firefox it works as if the settings were changed to an English (I think) keyboard.
    I don't have that problem with Chrome though, it's just Firefox. How is that possible (add question mark here, I can't guess what key I'im supposed to use for it).
    I haven't changed anything in the settings, so the only possibility could be some kind of shortcut I've accidentally pressed, even though I don't know how that's even possible, as I assumed you can't have several keyboard language settings selected at the same time depending on the programme you're using.
    I type in different languages so this is terribly annoying! Thanks for any help.

    It is possible that you have switched the keyboard layout by accident by using the key sequence to rotate the layout.
    * - How to change your keyboard layout
    Windows remembers the keyboard layout setting per application and you may have changed the keyboard layout by accident via a keyboard shortcut.
    * - HOW TO: Use the Language Bar in Windows XP
    * The Language bar (overview)
    Make sure that you have the Language bar visible on the Windows Taskbar
    * You can do that via the right-click context menu of the Taskbar: Toolbars > Language Bar
    * Check the keyboard language (keyboard layout) setting for the application that has focus via the icon on the Language bar
    * You need to do that while Firefox has focus because Windows remembers the keyboard layout setting per application
    * The default key combination to rotate the layout is the Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift combination that is used in Firefox for menu items, so it is quite possible to change the layout accidentally.
    * To avoid an unintentional switch, assign a specific key sequence (Alt/Ctrl+Shift+number) to select keyboard layouts and remove the key combination to rotate layouts (Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift)
    * Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Keyboards and Languages > Change keyboards > Advanced key settings > Change key sequence

  • Can MediaSource display MP3 file name instead of MP3 tag information? ; Playlist default locat

    ?I am using Creative MediaSource Player 5.0.38 as an MP3 player on my computer:?. Can we get MediaSource to display mp3 file names instead of mp3 tag information when file is being played as part of a Playlist???2. Playlists are stored in this location:
    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Creative\Media Database\
    or if not logged in as Administrator:
    C:\Documents and Settings\[name of your account]\Application Data\Creative\Media Database\?Unlike with Creative PlayCenter, default location of Playlists cannot be changed in Windows registry.?Is there any?way to change Playlist default location?
    ??3. If Shuffle play mode is selected, MediaSource will still always play the first file on the Playlist? and only then switch to shuffle mode. I found a workaround for this because old PlayCenter 2 had this problem, is this a known bug that they still haven't fixed after all these years???Message Edited by c627627 on 04-6-200706:33 PM

    I understand you want to place description of Content type as refiner in Search Refinement.
    Without coding, you may considering adding a column for description and use this column as refiner.
    Rebecca Tu
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Spanish language include the Ñ in ipod library

    this is my problem the spanish language include the Ñ on mi ipod's library but i dont have any artist with Ñ in the beginning and in the O are the ones of the P and in Q the ones of P in that way to Z
    I think this is an iOS problem I have 4.3.2 on my ipod touch 4G 64GB because I change the language to English and it is ok an I try with other language that includes the Ñ on his alphabet an try portugues and all my artist are okay
    an example of this problem is:
    The Offspring
    Papa Roach
    Paul Van Dyk
    Rise Against

    Try resetting your iPod:  Press/hold the home and sleep/wake buttons until the Apple logo appears. 
    Hope this helps! 

  • Spanish Language Programming

    Where does a person or people add sugestions to improve the service? Like if Verizon wants to attract more Spanish speaking customers, they need to improve their line up. Many channels on DTV are not available with FIOS. Sur Peru being one of them. I think there is a big market share that Verizon is missing. If they would only improve the number of channels. Perhaps if they could offer a rebroadcast of some of the network channels from South America. Many of these are available on C-Band dishes, but most people can not put these huge dishes in their yards. I am sure that the these networks would not mind expanding their coverage, and FIOS does have huge amounts of digital bandwidth if they provide four plus per QAM for standard bradcasts..

    WilmaF wrote:
    Hello, I'm not sure that this is the right place for this message as the Idea Exchange board is down, but this is not really a specific channel request. We just ordered the Verizon FiOS Select HD channel package and cannot really find any Spanish-Language channels anymore. We have just been told that not even Univision is included in this package, but that we should have Telemundo (which I didn't happen to notice listed in the channel package lineup online). We don't expect great variety in the basic and smallest channel packages you have, but in the year 2015, most homes are multi-language and we would like AT LEAST one to two strong, go-to Spanish-Language channels with decent programming as the basic standard. Please consider adding this to your basic channel packages and not withholding it as a premium addition to the basic packages. Thank You.
    {edited for privacy}
    You are subscribing to Verizon's lowest tier, you aren't going to ever get more than a token few spanish channels and that is not going to change. You should be subscribing to FiOS TV Mundo or the Spanish Language Package.

Maybe you are looking for