Speaker problems N586 bad right speaker

Does the grill on the speakers pop right off?  My right speaker sounds like it is blown.  I would like to make a visual inspection before replacing speaker.  If I found a tear I might apply some nail polish to get rid of the vibrations.
Go to Solution.

Okay, I am posting the rather simple solution since Lenovo has been of absolutely no use.
Speakers are purchased on line for less than $3 including shipping in used condition.
Turn the laptop over and remove the battery and power supply
Remove the screws for the keyboard (3).  You will see keyboard icon next to the screw holes.
Gently pry out the keyboard starting above the top row of keyes.  A small nail file of jewelers screwdriver will help.  There is a video on line to show this procedure on a different popular website.
Once keyboard is removed, unplug the ribbon for keyboard by lifting on the horizontal bar that holds the ribbon cable.
Put keyboard aside, blow clean if necessary.
Flip laptop again to reveal all of the screws on the back.  Remove all screws and make notes on where they go for reassemble.
After all screws on rear are removed, flip laptop rightside up.  Look for Lenovo oval sticky.  Last screw is under this piece of paper,  Peel this off to remove the final screw.
Use a thin putty knife to slide around edge and pop the laptop main faceplate around keyboard.  It has snap fittings every inch or two. Do this all the way around including between the 8 inches between hinges.
Remove the main faceplate  and disconnect 2 ribbon cables by pulling on the BLUE tabs.
Speakers are now exposed and can be replaced.  You will probably have to remove one motherboard screw at 12 oclock position in order to remove the left speaker wire.
Reassemble in reverse.
Main faceplate will require ample pressure to snap back into place.  Dont forget to snap the 4-5 positions between the hinges.
Thanks to me and no thanks to Lenovo for their meaningless advice.

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  • Problem in BADI, error message not getting displayed

    Hello Experts,
    I am facing a strange problem in BADI.
    The requirement is that the user should not be allowed to change the plant field
    on the screen of standard MM transctions for PO/PR amendment.
    I have written the code in separate BADIs for PO and PR.
    I am displaying an error message if the user tries to change the field.
    For PO, it is working fine.But for PR, the same code is not working.
    The control is going over to the BADI for PR and rest of the code is working fine.
    But the error message is not getting displayed for PR amendment.
    Can anybody please suggest the possible cause of problem and some solution to it.
    Thanks in advance.

    See the sample BADI code for PR which raises an exceptions and do accordingly
    BAdI Name: ZPUR_RFQ (Implementation name) Purchase Requisitions
    Definition Name: ME_REQ_POSTED
    Interface Name : IF_EX_ME_REQ_POSTED
    Implementing Class: ZCL_IM_PUR_REQ
    Method :            POSTED
    METHOD if_ex_me_req_posted~posted .
      DATA : v_mtart TYPE mtart.
      DATA l_s_eban TYPE ueban.
      LOOP AT im_eban INTO l_s_eban.
        IF l_s_eban-estkz NE 'B'.
          CLEAR v_mtart.
          SELECT SINGLE  mtart INTO v_mtart FROM mara WHERE matnr = l_s_eban-matnr.
          IF v_mtart EQ 'ZERS' OR v_mtart EQ 'FHMI' OR v_mtart EQ 'UNBW'.
            MESSAGE e000(zm_msg) WITH 'You are not allowed' 'to create PR for stock items'.
        IF  l_s_eban-knttp NE 'F' OR l_s_eban-pstyp NE '9'.
          IF l_s_eban-knttp NE 'A'.
            IF ( l_s_eban-pstyp NE '9' AND l_s_eban-pstyp NE 'D' ) 
               AND l_s_eban-matnr EQ space.
              MESSAGE e000(zm_msg) WITH 'You cannot create'
                'a PR without material number'.
    <b>Reward points for useful Answers</b>

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    I just figured out the print quality issue for my wife with her new iMac and new printer.
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    Turns out the newer printer had the option to connect via wifi which we used during setup.
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    Looking at the R2400 it dies not have wifi, but while researching the problem for my wife someone esle was having an issue updating to the latest printer driver.
    If you go into the print utility from the Printer and Scanner system preference and under the general tab you should have driver 5.5.
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    On my MacBook Pro (w Snow Leopard) I always had to reconnect my wifi at home when it woke up. I upgraded my router from an old Netgear to a newer N D-Link and stopped having to do that.
    I would be surprised you would have that problem with an Airport Extreme, you might check to see if there is a firmware update for it.

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    Clear the cache and the cookies from sites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Offline Storage (Cache): "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > Cookies: "Show Cookies"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.

  • HI YANN/VADIM...Still having problem in BADIs...please help me out

    Hi Yann/Vadim,
    Facing a problem in BADI can u please help me out...
    I am implementing sourcing dashboard.
    I am facing problem while implementing the badi BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI in SRM. and BBP_PO_INBOUND_BADI in R3.
    i have written following code in BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI in SRM
    data : ls_item type BBP_PDS_PO_ITEM_D.
    data : w_customer_fields type BBPS_IF_CUSTOMER_FIELDS_PI.
    move 'POITEM' to w_customer_fields-refobject.
    move 'CATALOGID' to w_customer_fields-fieldname.
    move ls_item-catalogid to w_customer_fields-container.
    append w_customer_fields to ct_bapi_customer_fields.
    i have created field zsrmcatalogid field in R3 in EKPO table.and i am now implementing the Badi in R3 for BBP_PO_INBOUND_BADI .....in extended classic scenario.
    i have written following code in R3 BADI
    data : wa_customer_fields type bbps_if_customer_fields,
    wa_bapi_te_mepoitem type bapi_te_mepoitem,
    wa_bapi_te_mepoitemx type bapi_te_mepoitemx,
    wa_extensionin type bapiparex.
    data : txt_960(960) type c.
    read table bbp_customer_fields into wa_customer_fields with key
    refobject = 'POITEM' fieldname = 'CATALOGID'.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    move wa_customer_fields-container TO
    wa_bapi_te_mepoitemx-zsrmcatalogid = 'X'.
    clear txt_960.
    clear wa_extensionin.
    write wa_bapi_te_mepoitem to txt_960 left-justified.
    wa_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOITEM'.
    wa_extensionin-valuepart1 = txt_960(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart2 = txt_960+240(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart3 = txt_960+480(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart4 = txt_960+720(240).
    append wa_extensionin to bapi_extensionin.
    clear txt_960.
    clear wa_extensionin.
    write wa_bapi_te_mepoitemx to txt_960 left-justified.
    wa_extensionin-structure = 'BAPI_TE_MEPOITEMX'.
    wa_extensionin-valuepart1 = txt_960(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart2 = txt_960+240(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart3 = txt_960+480(240).
    wa_extensionin-valuepart4 = txt_960+720(240).
    append wa_extensionin to bapi_extensionin.
    But its not working...
    The PO details are not passed from SRM to R3.......
    Can anybody help me regarding how to debug the BADI in R3.
    Thanks in Advance...

    Hi Ravi,
    You can transfer the standard SRM catalog ID field to R/3 tracking number field (if not already used for another purpose) in the R/3 PO.
    This will avoid to implement the R/3 inbound bapi.
    Here is an extract of the code.
    The ECS PO badi example was here used to transfer the unlimited delivery flag to R/3 PO for a Z combination of criteria as well as the transfer of <b>catalog ID</b> to <b>tracking number field</b> in R/3 PO :
    update unlimited delivery flag in R3 PO for combination of vendor +
    Product Category maintained in the bespoke table ZUD_PC_VNDR ..
      LOOP AT ct_bapi_poitem INTO ls_bapi_poitem.
        lv_tabix = sy-tabix.
        IF ls_bapi_poitem-po_item IS NOT INITIAL.
          READ TABLE it_item INTO ls_item
               WITH KEY number_int = ls_bapi_poitem-po_item
                          del_ind    = ' '.
          IF sy-subrc = 0.
    Set Unlimited delivery Flag
            read table li_zud_pc_vndr into ls_zud_pc_vndr
                            with key partner       = ls_partner-PARTNER_ID
                                       category_id = ls_item-category_id.
            if sy-subrc eq 0.
              ls_bapi_poitem-UNLIMITED_DLV = 'X'.
    Set the Dummy catalog.. entry..
            if ls_item-catalogid eq c_dummy.
              ls_bapi_poitem-TRACKINGNO = c_noncat.
            ls_bapi_poitem-GR_BASEDIV = ' '.
            modify ct_bapi_poitem from ls_bapi_poitem index lv_tabix
                          transporting UNLIMITED_DLV TRACKINGNO GR_BASEDIV.
          ENDIF. "READ TABLE it_item ..
        ENDIF.   "IF ls_bapi_poitem-po_item ..
      ENDLOOP.   "LOOP AT ct_bapi_poitem ..
    Kind regards,
    PS : please do reward helpful answers ))

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  • Problem with the right and left Channel

    Hey Guys,
    i bought a few days ago the X-Fi Titanium PCIe Card. Now my problem:?
    After i installed the drivers i noticed that i can hear the sounds of the left speaker also in the right speaker of my Headphone (Sennheiser PC60). I made a channel test and here the same. The guy sais "Left Channel" and i hear it on both speakers. The same with the right channel.
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    i tried the Daniel_K-Driver: -> Same problem
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    When Soundbooth was first developed, it had a few extra things than what were not available in Audition. However, Audition remained the more high end sound editing tool. Soundbooth was locked to a multiple channel editing approach. In Audition, single editing is easy - you simply click the L or R at the right end of the sound channel to lock it and then you can edit the other channel only.
    Soundbooth has been discontinued and Audition now has taken its place from CS6 to the Creative Cloud.
    The above is some background info. To your current situation, you can use a workaround like:
    * Export your audio file to separate channels by File > Export > Channels to mono files.
    You will get 2 files with _L and _R suffix.
    You can then edit them separately. You can go from Mono to Stereo by the following step.
    * Choose - Edit > Insert > Channels  into New Multitrack file.
    That will separate the Left and Right Channels and add them to a new multitrack file.
    You can then click the Edit link at the top right of the channel to edit it.
    You can then save that file as a new audio file.

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    Welcome to Discussions Jerry - your first problem should be helped by resetting the SMU. Shut down, unplug everything from the computer, remove the power cord. Wait 15 seconds, replace the power cord, then start the computer.
    Your second problem could well be faulty RAM, since most memory is sold with a lifetime guarantee, I suggest you return it to the vendor and get a new stick. You can also run Rember, let it loop dozens of times unless it immediately reports a fault, and see what it says.

  • Output Power of 0.0 dBm is bad, right?

    Hi there
    Up until yesterday I had a great connection, syncing at about 14400Kb and could download at about 2MB/s quite happily.
    Then something went wrong. Performance has become really, really bad and seems unstable. My Netgear router really didn't like it and started locking up so I've gone back to my Homehub2.
    That seems to stay connected ok. And it also syncs at a similar speed. Profile is about 13000 Kbps.
    But download speeds are completely trashed on that too. I'm getting less than 0.5Megabits/s from speedtest.net and speedtester.bt.com reported 77 kb/s!
    After a pointless 30 minutes on the phone with BT Total Broadband support I had another look at the stats on the homehub Settings and something that stands out is the Output Power is 0.0dB - that can't be right can it? Does that indicate a fault on the DSLAM my line is connected to?
    Rest of the stats are;
    and the firmware is version 8.1.H.J (Type A) if that's relevant.

    stats from the btspeedteater result your profile is ok for your connection speed but your throughput/download is very low.
    check thetr is not an exchange problem  http://usertools.plus.net/exchanges/mso.php
    if looks ok then contact the mods for assistance  http://bt.custhelp.com/app/contact_email/c/4951
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Bootup problems, from bad to worse--HELP

    Yesterday my iBook appeared not to wake from sleep, and from that point on I have had trouble booting up the machine. Sometimes it boots up but freezes after one or two operations in the Finder; sometimes I hear the HD but the backlight never comes on, and eventually I either force-restart or force-shutdown; and now, I either get no backlight or a screen with two or three broad bands of black & grey with uneven, crayon-like borders between them--yikes.
    Here's what I've tried:
    - boot in safe mode (worked once; I ran disk utility which verified the disk and fixed permissions for two files)
    - reset PRAM
    - boot to OSX CD (holding C at startup; didn't work--I'm not certain it's a bootable CD but I think so)
    - remove AirPort card
    - remove additional memory card (which may not leave enough to run Tiger)
    If it weren't for the freezes I'd have thought this was a display problem (I've already had both of the iBook display problems with this machine, both repaired under the extended repair program). But now I'm thinking it's a hard disk problem.
    I'm about to try to mount the disk in target disk mode on another machine.
    The good news is that I have backed up this disk, the bad news is that my latest backup is about 2 or 3 months old. Sigh.
    Any advice??
    iBook (late 2001)   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   G3, 600 Mhz

    Hi Alex,
    It sounds as if your ibook is suffering from the dreaded logic board failure that runs right across the line of G3 ibooks.
    It is caused by the solder deteriorating which provides the graphics chip contact with the logic board and thus causing it to come loose.
    Do you find pressing on the left hand side of the ibook makes it start up as normal or by pressing underneath on the left?
    If it does make it work then it sounds as if you have this failure.
    You can fix this by putting a shim underneath the graphics chip forcing it to make contact correctly. But this doesn't always work perfectly.
    Try that pressing on the left and see what happens. Other wise you may be able to ring apple customer relations to ask if they would repair your ibook as an exception. Apple ran a repair scheme to sort this problem (http://www.apple.com/support/ibook/faq/) but as your ibook is late 2001 it is out of the 3 years warranty apple covered it for.
    I Hope that helps!

  • My problem is bad color on a HP Designjet 90R (Model # Q6656B)

    Prints I made yesterday are way off colorwise.  They appear mostly orange where there should be no orange.  Parts that should be orange are extremely orange.  Blues look somewhat purplish.  Greens do not show at all. 
    I thought it might be a profile problem at first and possibly a Photoshop CS5 problem because I have read there are some printing issues with CS5, (this was the first time I printed with CS5) but I printed using CS5, CS4, and CS3.  CS5 and CS4 were on a Vista machine, the CS3 on my laptop with XP.  I have tried printing with different profile settings including the one Photoshop has defaulted to for years.  All the results were bad.
    One thing I discovered while poking around the printer was the printhead cover right side hinge is broken.  I am talking about the part you pull towards the front of the printer, lift up and then back to release.  It wobbles when released and when latched it appears the left side of the cover sits a bit lower than the right side.  Could this cause a printing problem?
    I'm not sure what else to tell as I am no expert at this.
    I would appreciate any help given.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    This forum is focused on consumer level products.  For the Designjet you may have better results posting in the HP Enterprise Designjet forum here.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Problem (Exit/Badi)

    Hi All
    Please try to solve my problem which is described below.
    I have one Delivery Number for a specific Customer, For which I am creating Invoice using VF01.
    But when I complete the VF01 and press save it shows Message as "Document <Number> created". But After that message flashing in status bar when I press BACK button or any other button/key one Express Mail message comes in front of me which says "Update was Terminated" and in the mail below info is written along with some other system info
    <b>Error Info : ZDSD_EF_BILLING 042 :No home office could be determined for [Sold -to]</b>
    <b>Problem is :</b> I want to find out from where this Message/mail is coming out...
    <b>I have followed below Approach but it dint work :</b>
    1) I searched all exits searching customer-function in SAPMV60A...But it dint work.
    2) Also I searched all BADi's comeing while saving VF01 but the list is too big and I am not getting what I am looking for.
    Please suggest something
    Points will be surely rewarded for Helpful answers .
    Tushar Mundlik

    That was a great Idea!!!I liked it..
    I was able to find the Programs which have used class ZDSD_EF_BILLING number 042 as below.
    LZDEF_EDI_INVOICEIU1                   Include LZDEF_EDI_INVOICEIU1
    Z_TEST_EDI                                         EDI / TIBCO Invoice Output
    Even I put braek point in all the statement where the class ZDSD_EF_BILLING number 042 is used but it is not stopping at any point.
    There is no output type mentioned in the Delivery or Invoice.
    Even I tried your suggetion But I was not able to find the path SPRO>SD>BILLING>OUTPUT>OUTPUT TYPES and was unable to procede.
    Please help me again
    I will reward you full point surely...

  • Problem with BADI BADI_HU_DIALOG.

    I want to  display some customer fields in the screen 'Addit. Data' in  the Handling Units (transaction vl02n/vl03n).
    Therefore I use the BADI 'BADI_HU_DIALOG', method DEFINITION_SUBSCREEN.
    I need the subscreen in the details, so I use the flag 'IF_DETAIL'. Next I wait  the tcode 'DETZUS' (Additional data).
    if if_detail = 'X' and is_v51g-tabstrip_fcode = 'DETZUS'.
      cf_program = '/SIE/SAPLTS_SD02_VLOG'.
      cf_screen = '9000'.
    Now I have the subscreen on the correct Dynpro and only there, but I miss the fields of the standard subscreen. The SAP originial replaces the number of their subscreen  with mine. But what can I do if I also want to use the standard fields?
    First problem:
    is there any possibility to add my subscreen to the standard?
    Second problem:
    I can't transfer the data of CS_VEKP to my subscreen to display or change them.
    What can I do?

    Hi Uwe,
    i have the same problem.
    Do you solve the problem with the missed standard fields?
    I hope you can help me.

  • Problem in BADI crm_isa_basket_head to pass ct_extension data to ct_text

    Hi Experts/Gurus,
    I had a problem when i am passing the ct_extension data to ct_text. I need to pass the data of two new fields created in order jsp as extension data. For this i used the BADI method "changehead_before_order" and i had passed this extensoin data from ct_extension to ct_text which can be passed to crm_order_maintain before order. And when i try to get the data using the method gethead_get_data, in this iam calling CRM_ORDER_READ to get the values of IT_TEXT, the b2b webshop is giving an error and asking to logon again.
    The below is the code which i have written in both the methods:
    METHOD if_ex_crm_isa_basket_head~changehead_before_order.
      DATA : ls_orderadm_h  TYPE LINE OF      crmt_orderadm_h_comt,
             wa_orderadm_h  TYPE LINE OF      crmt_orderadm_h_comt,
             ls_extension   TYPE              crmt_isales_extension,
             wa_extension   TYPE              crmt_isales_extension,
             ls_text        TYPE              crmt_text_comt,
             ls_lines       TYPE              comt_text_lines_t,
             wa_lines       LIKE LINE OF      ls_lines,
             wa_text        LIKE LINE OF      ls_text,
      READ TABLE it_extension INTO wa_extension WITH KEY name = 'ZEXTNSM'.
      wa_text-ref_guid = wa_extension-ref_guid.
    *  wa_text-tdobject = 'CRM_ORDERH'.
    *  wa_text-tdname = wa_extension-ref_guid.
      wa_text-tdid     = '0001'.
      wa_lines-tdline = wa_extension-value.
      APPEND wa_lines TO ls_lines.
      wa_text-lines = ls_lines.
      INSERT wa_text INTO TABLE ct_text.
      CLEAR wa_text.
      CLEAR wa_lines.
      CLEAR ls_lines.
      READ TABLE it_extension INTO wa_extension WITH KEY name = 'ZEXTNSI'.
      wa_text-ref_guid = wa_extension-ref_guid.
      wa_text-tdid     = '0002'.
      wa_lines-tdline = wa_extension-value.
      APPEND wa_lines TO ls_lines.
      wa_text-lines = ls_lines.
      INSERT wa_text INTO TABLE ct_text.
    * ct_text = ls_text.
    * append ls_text to CT_TEXT.
    to get the data :
    METHOD if_ex_crm_isa_basket_head~gethead_get_data.
      DATA : ls_extension TYPE crmt_isales_extension,
             ls_text        TYPE              crmt_text_comt,
             wa_text        type      CRMT_TEXT_COM,
             ls_lines       TYPE  comt_text_lines_t ,
             wa_lines       type      TLINE,
             ls_basket_head TYPE crmt_isales_baskethead_ui,
             lv_objectid    type CRMT_OBJECT_ID.
      lv_objectid = cs_basket_head-OBJECT_ID.
      if lv_objectid is not initial.
          it_header_guid = cs_basket_head-guid
          et_text        = ls_text.
      READ TABLE ls_text INTO wa_text WITH KEY tdid  = 'ZSM'.
    *Appending the discount value from the database.
      ls_extension-ref_guid = cs_basket_head-guid.
      ls_extension-name = 'ZEXTNSM'.
        ls_lines[] = wa_text-lines[].
      READ TABLE ls_lines INTO wa_lines INDEX 0.
      ls_extension-value = wa_lines-TDLINE.
      APPEND ls_extension TO ct_extension.
      CLEAR ls_extension.
    When i put the external break point and checked, in the webshop when i click the update button, in the method changehead_before_order, in the ct_extension table i am getting the values and keys which i have set in the java action. But when i click "order" button, i am not getting anything in ct_extension table which i cannot in turn pass this values to ct_text.
    Can you please help me in this regard??
    Thanks a lot in Advance!

    The header guid i am trying to pass to the crm_order_read is a mismatch.

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    I am very upset, I ran my verify disk permissions, everything fine, repair disk permissions, everything fine, do t periodically just to mae sure all my stuff is in order,,,, then I decided to run te VERIFY DISK, because do not do it as much and want

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    Hi experts, I made a Query that contains an Infoset, with the logical database EQI. When I execute the query it shows the following DUMP: Runtime Errors = SAPSQL_AMBIGUOUS_FIELDNAME  Except.            = CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS Maybe is an error

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    I have a picture in Photoshop CS6 and with transparency and saved in PSD. I have also tried with TIFF, PNG etc. and set layer/file to save in transparency. The Aperture shows the picture before import without background, but when I try to import it i

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    Hi! My nokia 5300's manu button and navigation buttons are not working. How to solve this problem? Thanks,