Spectral view - Problems

On the versione CS 6 the visual of the spectral view is much less precise respect that the visual of the same spectral view on Audition 3. I can't see some little clicks when on the v. 6 they are very clear. I have to remove them by ear...
Another problem is that the spectral view is very long to load respect to Audition 3. Any reason? Or is it a problem with my computer? I have the CS 6 on a new mac while Audition 3 is mounted on a 4 y.o. PC...

You may be seeing a difference due to the spectral resolution setting, if it's different between the two versions.  On Mac, use the shortcut keys SHIFT+CMD+Up/Dn Arrow to change the resolution.  Keep in mind that as you increase the resolution, there's a tradeoff between frequency accuracy and time accuracy (since a larger segment of time is required to more accurately calculate the frequency data.)  The opposite is true as well: lower spectral resolutions offer lesser frequency accuracy but are more time-accurate.

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    Try updating graphics drivers, network drivers and sound drivers...
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    SE93.  Enter a transaction name.  Create.  In the pop up enter a title and select 'Transaction with parameters'.
    Next screen fill the following;
    Transaction 'SM30'
    Check 'Skip first screen'
    In the table control at the bottom of the screen
    Name of screen field 'VIEWNAME'
    Value <your table name>
    Name of screen field 'SHOW'
    Value 'X'
    Job done.

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    Thank you for your patience.
    Il giorno 21/gen/2012, alle ore 16:18, Bob Levine ha scritto:
    Re: Adobe Content Viewer problem. Please Help me...
    created by Bob Levine in Digital Publishing Suite - View the full discussion
    As discussed in numerous threads already, the new viewer has not been approved by Apple yet.
    If you’re a pro or enterprise customer you can create your own viewer app. If not, you’ll have to wait or roll back to the older tools.
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4155907#4155907
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at http://forums.adobe.com/message/4155907#4155907. In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Digital Publishing Suite by email or at Adobe Forums
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/message/2936746#2936746.

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    My System Info
    Gateway Laptop
    Windows 7 HP w/SP1
    Flash player current
    Norton 360

    Yes, it says it is enabled:
    Shockwave Flash Object
    Adobe Systems Incorporated
    ActiveX Control
    File date:         
    Date last accessed:
    Today, March 08, 2012, 20 minutes ago
    Class ID:          
    Use count:         
    Block count:       

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    This is the default view in Audition CS6, which was probably the subject of the tutorial.  As far as I can remember it was either/or in Audition 3.

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    I am experiencing Cover Flow view problems since I installed iTunes 10 on my windows based laptop.
    I here enclose address of a picture to let you better understand which the problem is.
    I kindly ask you for providing a solution on the issue.
    Thanks and Regards,

    I found the solution here : http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=12623727&#12623727
    I rebuilt my library...
    Enjoy :-D

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    E 63 Youtube viewing problem.
    When i click on the youtube movie clips first Real Player opens for a second and then it shows
    First tries to connect.
    "Unable to connect"  after that it shows
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    If you press Yes , it shows saves to Galary
    If you open the Galary u will find the file is saved in Galary Stream links.
    When u try to open it, it says Define defaulat access point and stops.
    Please let me know how to solve this.

    i had this on my phone
    try this
    go to menu > media > real player > options > settings > streaming > network > default access point
    change it to the access point u would use to connect to the internet
    u will have to keep changing this option if u plan to use different wlan connections
    if my post helped u out, please click the Star next to it to add some KUDOS to my name

  • Design View - problems, but does it matter?

    Another design view question - I've looked through other
    posts but not seen anything that's similar.
    (Firstly, can't give a URL as I'm sensibly(?) doing a site
    redesign offline...)
    I've got a page that consists of three columns - each floated
    left, each with nested divs (the nested divs are fixed width).
    In design view, everything was fine with this structure - as
    was preview in browser, and the page validates with DWCS3's
    checker. But adding content to the first of the columns (within a
    nested div) made the next two columns drop below the first in
    design view - although DWCS3 validation and previewing is still
    Through judicious deleting etc., I've found that it was a
    floated element in a nested div within the first column, that
    caused the subsequent elements to drop below the first column.
    So my main question is - should I be worried by the design
    view problems, or is It just an inconvenience?
    (And if there's any other obvious problems I'm inviting by
    structuring the page this way, please feel free to (gently) point
    it out...!).
    Thanks, Matt.

    > So my main question is - should I be worried by the
    design view problems
    Yes. I'd say more, but I cannot see your page.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "theboyfromthefens" <[email protected]>
    wrote in message
    news:fgaou7$hgv$[email protected]..
    > Another design view question - I've looked through other
    posts but not
    > seen
    > anything that's similar.
    > (Firstly, can't give a URL as I'm sensibly(?) doing a
    site redesign
    > offline...)
    > I've got a page that consists of three columns - each
    floated left, each
    > with
    > nested divs (the nested divs are fixed width).
    > In design view, everything was fine with this structure
    - as was preview
    > in
    > browser, and the page validates with DWCS3's checker.
    But adding content
    > to
    > the first of the columns (within a nested div) made the
    next two columns
    > drop
    > below the first in design view - although DWCS3
    validation and previewing
    > is
    > still fine.
    > Through judicious deleting etc., I've found that it was
    a floated element
    > in a
    > nested div within the first column, that caused the
    subsequent elements to
    > drop
    > below the first column.
    > So my main question is - should I be worried by the
    design view problems,
    > or
    > is It just an inconvenience?
    > (And if there's any other obvious problems I'm inviting
    by structuring the
    > page this way, please feel free to (gently) point it
    > Thanks, Matt.

  • Aperture 2 black viewer problem

    Are there still other users out there having the black viewer problem??
    I'll first describe my problem as follows:
    On one image when making the basic exposure, brightness and saturation adjustments there were no problems with the viewer. Also when adjusting with highlights and shadows again no problem. But as soon as I started making adjustments in Levels using luminance the viewer went completely black. If I unchecked the box in Levels the picture would come back, but as soon as it was checked again the dreaded black viewer. The adjustments were done in the browser/viewer mode. Too my surprise when I switched to full screen mode the full viewed image with the the adjustments was perfectly fine. But when going back to the browser/viewer the viewer was black again. One more curious note is that after leaving this image for about a half an hour and coming back to it there was no black viewer to be found. Usually I would quit Aperture to get rid of the black viewer, but in this case I did not have to.
    By the way I have an ATI Radeon X800 XT graphics card in my dual 2.0 Power Mac G5 and 4.5 Gigs Ram

    I very rarely have this problem on my old Powerbook 1.33 GHz 17". Since 2.1 I haven't encountered it. However, the simplest way to overcome it is to go into Full Screen (press F), do 1 simple adjustment (such as increase brightness by .1), go back to Window View (press F again), undo the adjustment (decrease brightness by .1) - et voilà. Takes around 20 secs on my Mac.
    For me, it's annoying but no deal-breaker.

  • Windows Explorer Viewing Problem

    I would definitely appreciate some help.  I am probably doing something wrong.  I installed  the DNG Codec so I could view my DNG files in Windows Explorer.  I am running Windows 7.
    Unfortunately after installing, I still cannot view the DNG files in Windows Explorer.    Instead all I see in Windows Explorer are the icons of the water, mountains, and clouds each file.
    I'm sure I have done something wrong but can't figure out what.   Thank you for any information or advice you can share.

    Sorry to hear about your viewing problems as well.   I can now see DNG files in Windows Explorer from files are are on my pc, but Windows Explorer will not let me view them from DNG files I have saved to a DVD.   Now that seems really strange.   Hopefully our viewing problems will be solved soon.  Thanks.

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