Speed Grade 7.1 shows Photoshop files as Offline Media.

I got this problem and when i save the premiere project from speedgrade photoshop files shows offline also in premiere pro. I have to link the medias back to make premiere see them. Files remained of course in the same directory

Yes, at the moment SpeedGrade doesn't support PSD files. Please don't use it.

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    Could you post the link to the tutorial you refer to, so we can help you more exact?

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    Which OS are you using? With the new CC apps, most of the pro video and audio applications now require 64-bit operating systems to run. These native 64-bit applications include Adobe Premiere® Pro CC, Adobe Audition® CC, After Effects® CC, Prelude® CC, and SpeedGrade® CC. Flash Professional CC, Photoshop CC and Lightroom® also require 64-bit on Mac OS.
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    Adding file extensions for unique application-types will work fine as long as there's an entry for LaunchServices to reference to - add the .qxd extension will "make" them Quark files, for example. The more generic types are going to be the problem, as there are many applications listed in LaunchServices that can open TIFF and EPS files. If you had files that you could absolutely identify as raw Photoshop files, adding a .psd extension would most likely work for those.
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    In my G5 Quad, I find the fastest Photoshop performance overall- especially with large-file open and saves, occurs when the setup is as follows:
    Startup disk is a 2 x 150G Raptor RAID0 which contains the system, apps, and all user files- including the image file being worked on.
    PS scratch is then pointed either to a third fast drive or to an external RAID0 array. This setup is substantially faster than:
    ....the safer method of using one Raptor for system and apps, and the other for user and image files, with a third drive for PS scratch.
    With a really fast large scratch disk, you can sometimes put the image file on the same volume as the scratch file, open and save it from there, and you'll get a bit of an additional boost so long as the scratch disk is faster than the startup disk.
    For CS3 (I believe it works for CS2 as well), a performance plugin called DisableScratchCompress.plugin is available which can also speed things up with a fast scratch disk. I found that using this plugin speeded things up but only if the image file was opened/saved from the first config I mentioned; it was slower if placed on the scratch disk while using the DSC plugin.
    More here: Photoshop Acceleration Basics
    Of course if you stripe a disk with data, be sure to frequently back it up..:)

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    The preview is stored separately.
    Yes, the file is corrupted -- you need to check your disk for other problems.
    No, it is not likely to be recoverable.

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    As Dennis noted above, the .MTS format is not supported in SpeedGrade. That's why no thumbnail images are displaying from this files.
    If the video file is a supported format, you can load it onto the SpeedGrade timeline. Either double-click the file, or drag it onto the Timeline.
    You can load files from anywhere in your system (fast drives and connections recommended, of course). Just navigate to the location using the file tree on the left.
    Final thing to bear in mind: there is a dropdown menu in the top of the media browser (slightly to the right of the middle) which lets you choose whether to show only the files in the current folder, or all the files in the subfolders as well.
    This blog post may also be helpful for you:
    Four ways to load footage in SpeedGrade CS6: http://adobe.ly/N4b2hz (It's SpeedGrade CS6 but the principles are the same).
    Hope this helps!

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    thanks in advance and best regards,

    Barbara - thank you for this tip.  I did so, and ended up with this
    message:  "This catalog is from an older version of Elements and is
    currently not supported on the Mac platform.  Please create a new catalog
    and then import your media files."  It goes on to indicate that I may be
    able to get membership services through Photoshop.com. . .but I'm wondering
    if you have any advice on the first suggestion, that is - specifically how
    to create a new catalog and then import media files?
    Thanks again!

  • Scene Detection plug-in options for Pr? Speed Grade just stops detecting

    Hello all: We use Pr to cut and recut 30min to 3hr programs. I would really like to use a scene detect plug-in to help speed things up by cutting up the Line cut clip, so I can cut in multi cam ISOS.
    I've tried to use Speed Grade and it just stops for no apparent reason after  ~15 mins into either clip I've tried.
    Plus, a lot of our deliverable clips are exported as MXF which won't work in Speed Grade.
    Any suggestions for a plug-in for scene detection?

    If you're in CC, what codec the clips are doesn't matter in a Direct Link workflow to SpeedGrade ... you should be able to use anything PrPro handles (though this is not always perfect, just mostly). Other than exporting say an EDL from PrPro to use Sg's scene detection capability? Hmmm. At that point, yea, MXF wouldn't work. Unless you proxied into Sg & re-conformed back in PrPro to "online" files. Boy, that's an old workflow these days!
    I can certainly see why you'd want scene-detection automated if possible. That would take some time, scrubbing then working down to exact frames if there's a bunch of scenes per show. Maybe shooternz can pop in here ...

  • Error in exporting photoshop file

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    I don't think expressions should have any influence on teh matter. They are just another way of formulating an animation stream value just like keyframes. Icould think of a few things:
    - The new pixel aspect ratio handling in CS4. Due to the conversion, something may happen to the source footages.
    - Layer styles. this may cause a "cyclic use" of the Photoshop engine. Some of that stuff has changed quite a bit for CS4 to accomodate Ps Live 3D and teh new adjustment layer model.
    - Hardware accelerated effects. CS4 passes through OpenGL acceleration through all comps. Using an effect that uses it and happens to think it doesn#t need to fall back into software only mode, may cause a hiccup.
    - MediaCore. Similar to the previous, it uses hardware acceleration and may show weird behaviors, varying solely based on differences in graphics cards.
    In particular for the last two points I would think it is what makes the difference between your systems. One of them has not enough juice on OpenGL, so it's "safe". I'd definitely investigate along those lines.

  • Speed grade CS6 crashes every time I try to open it

    I looked up my Speed Grade CS6 and it stated it worked with OS6.8 and OS7. Well, mine will not open, it crashes every time i try to open it.  I have and older Mac Pro 1.1 and can back door it and different processor but am I wasting my time and money I don't have? Help!

    Not on Mac myself, but I've seen several issues on new installs that can be a pain. First ... there's some permissions on the Mac that can with some of the OS releases get set wrong ... similar to the way on the PC side of things some folks have to set it to "run as Administrator account" or something like that. Sorry but I don't know the precise language or location of that setting.
    Second, on installation some times there can be garbage created in pref settings that can cause this ... trying to remember ... it's I think holding shift-alt- while starting the program that gets it by the prefs & setup files, which sometimes fixes this.
    Third, at times you just need to uninstall/reinstall. Best done using Adobe's CC Cleaner tool, as it deletes all the preference/setup files that typical OS uninstalls don't get. And are realistically the things you most want GONE to fix this.
    Adobe CC Cleaner App

  • Photoshop files & ACLs?

    I am going out of my mind here trying to figure this out. First my needs. I have two users on a 10.4 machine that need to be able to create, save and edit Photoshop files (their own and each others) in the same folder. Until now, the only way I could figure it out was to create a second volume and "ignore" ownership on that volume. I know that I could go into the "file info" permissions everytime one of us creates a new file and modify the permissions to allow the other to edit the file but what a pain that is.
    I thought my answer would lie in enabling and using Access Control Lists (ACLs) so I used Tinkertool system to enable ACL support on my main volume and then grant full access with inheritance enabled to both users. This works great for any file (MS Word, Excel, etc.) but not photoshop files. The Word, Excel and any other file created by one user correctly inherits the permissions from it's parent folder's ACL settings but not the Photoshop files. They don't seem to inherit them at all.
    I can go into Tinkertool System and propagate the settings and the files seem to pick up the settings but when one users tries to edit another's photoshop files, it shows up as a locked file. I can use the "get info" dialog to confirm that the file does possess the ACL settings but it is almost as though Photoshop CS & CS2 don't recognize the ACL properties of the file.
    In summary, my two issues are:
    1. Photoshop files are not automatically inheriting the ACL permissions.
    2. Even after manually propagating the ACL permissions to a photoshop file, it shows up as being locked (from within photoshop, not the finder) when the non-owner user tries to edit it.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to what is going on here.

    I'm suspecting that we are using ACL differently. On tiger, you have to enable them specifically. The e flag on ls will show ACL's and from your post - you don't seem to have ACL installed.
    Please have a look at the first page of this article. It describes ACL's and shows you how to manipulate them:
    You can accomplish what you need with traditional groups - if you want that - simply post the id for each user and I'll send back steps to make a group for this folder. (Or someone else here might just guess and propose something)
    Also - have you contacted Adobe to see if the version of Photoshop you are using even supports ACL? I honestly don't know what layer of command they use to access the disks - it's not unlikely that their application might not support reading the meta data if it accesses the files directly. It's unlikely (but not impossible) that they used high level API from Apple that would enable them to simply work with ACL out of the box.

  • HT3775 Hi, my mac which is on 10.7.5 osx. but when ever i insert any mpeg/avi video cd it shows the file format not recognized. i am fed up of this. plz somebody help me. what should i do now.

              i am using 10.7.5 lion there are a lot of problems in this OS.
    like most of the programs quit's unexpectedly. some programs does not work on it. like adobe cs5 is not working. everytime time when i do click on adobe cs 5 icon it shows a message "To open “Adobe Photoshop CS5,” you need to install a Java SE 6 runtime, but you are not connected to the Internet.To install a Java SE 6 runtime later, open “Adobe Photoshop CS5” again" while i always remain connected on the net.
    2. when ever i insert an avi or mpeg video disk it shows the file format not recognized. to **** with this macbook pro n its 10.7.5 lion. the same disk works/runs on windows on windows systems.
    plz somebody help me what should i do now.
    [email protected]

    it sounds like a fualty installation of Lion, this may happen from time to time.
    The best thing to do in this situation is to reinstall Lion. You will not loose anything doing this, but you should always keep back ups of your information.
    basically hold Cmd+R on boot..
    first go to disk utility, verify and repair your disks and permissions. Exit out of Disk utility and then go directly to "reinstall Lion"
    choose that and let it reinstall.
    Adobe CS6 does need Java to run.
    To play your movies you might need to get an application called VLC. VLC is a free app and will play most videos and music files you throw into it.
    you have a 64bit intel mac, so get the one for that.

Maybe you are looking for