Speedy-33 feedback loop

Hi, i'm using speedy-33 as my DSP target and i wish to perform a feedback loop. i tried the example found in the NI website but it shows error that the array size is mismatch.
Does anyone know how the data flows?
Let say when i create an analog input, it is a 1-D array. Inorder to create a feedback loop i need to create an array of known size 1st, am i right to say that?? From there onwards, wat are some of the ways that i can can my array size or when do i need to alter my array?
Can anyone pls help??

Hi steven,
Thanks for the reply,
Using labview 8.2, DSP target speedy-33
Currently i'm trying to get a feed back from my sample delay function then add back to my signal to create a reverberation effect.
1)the waveform i see from my waveformchart are square wave.
2)I try to set my frame size at 1024 but the programm just run for a few sec and stop.
3)my audio signal sounds like transformer singing!! 
can someone help me point out where my problem lies on??
Thanks in advance.
Feedback using for loop.vi ‏49 KB

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    Go to Solution.
    visual.vi ‏34 KB

    tombech wrote:
    [...]The reason why I don't want to use the shift register or feedback node is due to speed[...]
    shift register are the fastest you can ever get...........
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    When making a move where the encoder is not configured for velocity feedback, the control loop uses actual position vs. expected position as a function of time to correct for the velocity output. However, when the encoder is configured for velocity feedback, we actually use the velocity based on encoder feedback in the control loop and this also allows us to use the functionality of the Kv term to smooth velocity response.
    Best Regards,
    Chris D
    NI Applications Engineer

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    project3.vi ‏24 KB

    OriolesFan wrote:
    Why are you using a feedback node?
    Feedback nodes are for storing information from one iteration and using it in the next.  Since you don't have any loop and your VI runs once, it will return the default value that the feedback node is initialized with.  Thuse zero.
    The i I solved for is needed as an input. Those are differential equations.
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    Don't have a MBP but ut sounds to me like the internal microphone is feeding back.
    Go into Utilities/AudioMIDI Setup and change the input to Line-IN, and or bring down the input volume.
    Just a guess.

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    Hi johnny,
    Your PID logic seems to be sound and you should be able to take the output of the PID loop and wire it to the DAQ output.  I'm not sure what you would do to it before you send it to the DAQ output anyways.  Thanks.
    Stephen Meserve
    National Instruments

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    Hi Dewayne,
    I cut out the PID part of your code and used simulated signals.  When I did that the PID loop operated as expected.  What does your actual RPM profile look like?  Have you tried using the PID autotuning VI instead of the PID VI?  I looked at your DAQ assistants and they are set up for different connection types (some are RSE and others are differential).  I would also double check to make sure that you have all of the connections set up correctly.  If you can post another copy of your VI with simulated signals that look like what you are actually getting I can take a look at the code again to see where you are running into problems.  Below is a link that will help you verify that your connections are correct.
    Field Wiring and Noise Considerations for Analog Signals
    Nick Keel 
    Applications Engineering 
    National Instruments
    Nick Keel
    Product Manager - NI VeriStand and Model Interface Toolkit
    National Instruments

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    It looks like Phidget has a lot of documentation on its website. This webpage might be helpful to get started: http://www.phidgets.com/docs/1065_User_Guide . This user guide shows how to connect the wires. Notice that both the motor control cables and the encoder cables are connected to the motor controller. I believe that the position control loops are performed on this controller/drive itself.
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    Take care,
    Jeremy P.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    muks wrote:
    But am still not sure about simulation loop.
    A Simulation loop is part of the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module.
    The Simulation loop does not allow shift registers because you can create feedback loops by simply wiring the output of a system back to its own input (usually through a summation block).  In the case of "PID.vi", this VI isn't very well suited for use inside a Simulation loop because the loop natiely calculates integrals based the user configured ODE solver settings.  The integral calculation done by "PID.vi" are not necessary in this case.  A better solution for PID control with a Simulation loop would be to use "CD Construct PID Model.vi" ouside of the loop, then wire the model into a Transfer Function block inside the loop.  See the attached image to see how this can be done.
    I would strongly recommend reading through the documentation for the Control Design and Simulation Module.  In LabVIEW, go to "Help>>Search the LabVIEW Help", then expand the "Control Design and Simulation Module" section in the "Contents" tab.
    Chris M
    pid_simulation.JPG ‏28 KB

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    But let me back up a bit. I was messing around with Garageband loops and they were all distorted. I wanted to monitor through my Mbox so I checked Preferences in Garageband and also in the OS and sure enough one of them was set to line output or something. Switched that and loops and software instruments worked fine. No distortion.
    So all input output prefs are set to use the Mbox. I open Garageband.. choose real instruments. Plug my ukulele into source 1 on my Mbox and select instrument. I can hear it monitoring through my headphones but I hit record the wave file shows straight feedback. I stop recording and go back and listen to it. Just feedback.
    I mess around with the input controls again. It will record fine if i use the built in microphone. I decide maybe it is the pick up in the Uke. Try plugging in my guitar. Same thing. Decide to use my Neuman microphone. Select mic... turn on phantom power. Same thing. Feedback.
    I thought.. maybe my Mbox is messed up. I go to open Protools now and it won't even open. I'm assuming it didn't like something Garageband installed... and now i can't find my Protools install disk. Grrrr.
    Maybe i need a driver update for the Mbox? I don't even know where to begin with that one... I did a google search and found I could check settings in the Digi Core Audio Manager and now it pops up every time I open Garageband regardless of setting it not to in the prefs... But that is another story. Also messing with that did not help.
    What in the world am I doing wrong? I feel like there is probably something really simple i am overlooking. I am going to take my Mbox to my friends place tomorrow and plug it into his Mac and see how it goes. In the meantime is there anything obvious I am overlooking? I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to techy stuff but this is making me feel like a real idiot.
    I appreciate any assistance. Please be kind if the answer is obvious and I am just a dumb-dumb. I have a fragile ego. haha.

    Start with this: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93725
    Is it maybe because your Mbox have sample rate set other than 44.1 khz? If so, bring it back to 44.1 khz.
    Also, GB set a real instrument track enable to record automatically everytime you open GB. Why? Have no idea!? If that track been leave with monitor to "on", and the original source of recording is different than the one use when the track have been set up, like for exemple, your Mbox is closed, GB automatically set the default audio source as the builtin microphone, if there is one. Imagine if the input level is at its max, feedback occur!
    Is it possible GB don't use your Mbox as audio input, and set builtin microphone instead, which is really really sensible? Or have you forget to check in the track infos and forgot to choose you Mbox as audio input for a particular track? Instead, builtin microphone is use by GB by default and the feedback occur? Btw, you have to do it everytime you create a new real instrument track, to verify if everything is ok before recording new stuff on the new track.
    With my FA-101 Edirol, when I change the sample rate while GB is open, I have to restart the audio interface. If not, GB recordings sounds incorrect. In those cases, I prefer restart everything, GB and audio interface all together. That way, I'm sure everything is ok before trying a new recording.

  • How to create a feedback control system in labview with an integration block?

    I design a model of a simple mechanic system composed by one damper, one mass and one spring.
    I would simulate a free response of this mechanic system, but I don't be able to integrate the mechanic state in Labview.
    Seeming that the integration block in LabView produce a wrong answer.
    I've attached this model create in Labview 8.2.1.
    Thanks in Advance
    Sistema dinamico6.vi ‏462 KB

    First of all, when you are trying to develop a Dynamic Simulation, I strongly recommend that you use the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation Module (http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/en/nid/203826), or, for LabVIEW 8.2.1, the LabVIEW Simulation Module. They allow you to develop your dynamic simulation natively in LabVIEW, specially in the case that you have feedback loop in your code (which is your case).
    Now, looking at your program, I have several recommendations that would help you to better control your simulation. First, avoid using the Dynamic Datatype (Blue wire) in you simulation. For example, you are generating a Waveform inside the loop and you are just getting one element of the first batch. Probably, you want to generate only one element per iteration of the while loop and apply that to your equation. If that is the case, you should remove the "Simulation Signal" express VI and use the Point-by-point VI (located at Signal Processing Pallette). There you can also find an integration VI that allow you to define the sampling time for your application.
    Also, the feedback node that you are using will introduce one sampling time to your simulation, which mean that, if your simulation and equations are not correctly setup to take that into account, your simulation will be incorrect. If you were using the Simulation Module, it would take care for your to do the correct integration, additional to allow using different solvers (like RK 4-5) to reduce the error on the integration.
    Hope this helps. Let me know if you have more questions.
    Barp - Control and Simulation Group - LabVIEW R&D - National Instruments

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