SplitStory script seems to be broken

I am typesetting a book that needs to have separately numbered footnotes for each short section; they typically end in the middle of a page, so I might have the last footnote from one section in the upper part of the page and the first of the next in the lower part.
Physically, I can get the result I want by inserting a blank 1-line split-column paragraph between the two sections, which forces the earlier note(s) to precede it. The problem is getting the numbering to start again from 1 in the new section. ID only allows section breaks at the top of a page, so I need to split the story repeatedly (potentially nearly 200 times in the whole book) whenever the section division comes in the middle of a page.
I thought the SplitStory script would do the trick, but it doesn't seem to work. Whether I have an insertion point in the text or select the frame the text is in, the script fails with the error message "AppleScript Error!    Error Number: -2741    Error String: Expected "," or "}" but found identifier    Engine: Default    File: Applications/Adobe Creative Suite CS5/Adobe InDesign CS5/Scripts/Scripts Panel/Samples/AppleScript/SplitStory.applescript".
Any advice?

OK, suppose you have the cursor somewhere in some text in a frame. When you run the following script, all text beyond the selected insertion point will moved to the following frame, and the link between the two frames will be broken:
tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"
set theSel to item 1 of selection
set theOffset to index of theSel
set theStory to parent story of theSel
set theFrame to item 1 of (parent text frames of theSel)
set nextFrame to next text frame of theFrame
set next text frame of theFrame to nothing
set parent story of nextFrame to ""
move (text from character theOffset to character -1 of theStory) to after parent story of nextFrame
end tell

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    Hi all. I'm also running Openbox and have done the following so far;
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    gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme = true
    gtk-theme-name = Adwaita
    gtk-fallback-icon-theme = gnome
    Thanks to the info on the thread here
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    Just Me Here

    Try right-clicking or Control-cicking the iTunes application and selecting "show package contents".
    Check in Contents -> Resources Disabled to see if your remaining language files are there. If they are, drag them to Contents -> Resources. Close the Contents window and try launching iTunes again.

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    YouWinSomeYouLoseSome wrote:
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    I can... you cannot. I'm not sure why. It will not work on an app icon.
    Are you sure you're doing this on a Folder?
    Perhaps it is a function of Finder. You can try deleting Finder prefs to default.
    Go to your Finder "Go" menu hold the option key and choose Library. Then go to Preferences folder and trash these files:
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    To remotely rename folders you must use an admin account on the remote system. The folder must not be protected the system and you cannot us WMI to rename the folder.
    You may have to restart the system after setting WMI to manual start as it can have locks and it may not shutdown cleanly.

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    What versions?

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    global thumbDrive
    global thumbDrive2
    global hardDrive
    global thePath
    global filePath
      -- The following PowerMate tell informs the powermate device "One button" to set it's light to a slow pulse rate.
              tell application "PowerMate"
      pop light state
                        set aDevice to first device
                        tell aDevice
      make light state with properties ¬
                                            {state type:pulsed, pulse rate:0.2, name:"Alert x3"}
                        end tell
              end tell
    on error
              display dialog "Powermate device not detected." buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    end try
    tell application "Finder"
      delay 2 -- This delay allows the thumbdrive or volume to fully mount before trying to pull data from it.
              set hardDrive to (get name of startup disk) as alias -- Sets hardDrive to disk 0 for error checking
              set thumbDrive to (get name of disk 1) as alias -- This sets an alias of the name of disk 1 for error checking
              set thumbDrive2 to (get name of disk 1) -- This set the actual path of disk 1
              if thumbDrive is equal to hardDrive then -- Checks to see if disk 1 is equal to disk 0 if so we move on to setting thumbDrive to disk 2 in the following try
                                  set thumbDrive to (get name of disk 2) as alias -- check for global variables
                                  set thumbDrive2 to (get name of disk 2)
                        on error
                                  set thumbDrive to (get name of startup disk) as alias
                        end try
              end if
              set filePath to POSIX path of thumbDrive2 -- Sets the posix path of the thumbdrive
    end tell
      -- The following sets and formats the file name to the date and time.
    on recordMovie() -- This is a function for actually recording the video and saving it
              with timeout of 86400 seconds -- sets the timeout of the session to 24 hours
                                  set buttonAnswer to "Ok"
                                  tell application "Finder"
                                            set theDate to current date
                                            set y to the year of theDate
                                            set m to month of theDate
                                            set d to day of theDate
                                            set h to hours of theDate
                                            set mi to minutes of theDate
                                            set s to seconds of theDate
                                            set thePath to filePath & "/" & y & "-" & m & "-" & d & "_" & h & "-" & mi & "-" & s & ".mov"
                                  end tell
                                  tell application "QuickTime Player"
      new movie recording
      present document 1 -- Sets the recording to full screen mode, hiding everything else on screen
                                            display dialog "Press button when you are ready to record" buttons {"RECORD"} default button 1
                                                      tell application "PowerMate" -- Tells the powermate device to pulse quickly once we start recording
      pop light state
                                                                set aDevice to first device
                                                                tell aDevice
      make light state with properties ¬
                                                                                    {state type:pulsed, pulse rate:0.4, name:"Alert x3"}
                                                                end tell
                                                      end tell
                                            on error
                                                      display dialog "Powermate device not detected." buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
                                            end try
      start document 1 -- starts recording
                                            set answer to the button returned of (display dialog "Press button to stop recording." buttons {"STOP"} default button 1)
      stop document 1
                save document 1 in thePath
                                                                          exit repeat
                                                           on error
                                                                          display dialog "There was an error saving your recording to your thumb Drive. Plug your thumbdrive back in and click ok" buttons {"Ok", "Cancel Do not save"}
                                                                          set buttonAnswer to the button returned of the result
                                                                          if buttonAnswer is equal to "Cancel Do not save" then exit repeat -- exit the save repeat
                                                                          delay 3
                                                           end try
                                            end repeat
      close document 1
                                  end tell
                                  if buttonAnswer is equal to "Cancel Do not save" then exit repeat -- exit the function repeat
                                  tell application "Finder"
                                            display dialog "Press Ok to record again, or eject to eject your thumb drive." buttons {"Ok", "Eject"}
                                            set buttonAnswer2 to the button returned of the result
                                            if buttonAnswer2 is equal to "Eject" then exit repeat
                                  end tell
                        end repeat
                             tell application "Finder"
                eject thumbDrive
                delay 5
           end tell
          end timeout
    end recordMovie
    if hardDrive is equal to thumbDrive then -- This script will run whether a volume is inserted or ejected this if statement kills the script if it was an ejection.
                             tell application "System Events" -- The following checks to see if there is more than 500MB of space on the drive, if less than it prompts the user.
               set freeSpace to round ((free space of disk thumbDrive2) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
               set spaceNeeded to "0.5"
           end tell
              end try
              if freeSpace is less than spaceNeeded then
                        tell application "Finder"
                                  display dialog "You may not have enough free space, you should have atleast 500 MB availble for an hour long recording." buttons {"Eject Disk", "Continue Anyway"}
                                  set buttonContinue to the button returned of the result
                        end tell
                        if buttonContinue is "Eject Disk" then
                                  tell application "Finder"
      eject thumbDrive
                                            delay 5
                                  end tell
      recordMovie() -- calls the record movie function if the user chooses continue instead of eject
                        end if
      recordMovie() -- calls the record movie function if there is more than 500MB on the volume
              end if
    end if
              tell application "PowerMate" -- This tells the powermate "One button" to turn off it's pulse and be dark.
      pop light state
                        set aDevice to first device
                        tell aDevice
      make light state with properties ¬
                                            {state type:steady, brightness:0.0, name:"Alert x3"}
                        end tell
              end tell
    on error
              display dialog "Powermate device not detected." buttons {"Ok"} default button 1
    end try
    In Console messages I was finding the following along with error -1708:
    .sdef warning for argument 'FileType' of command 'save' in suite 'Standard Suite': 'saveable file format' is not a valid type name.
    So, I thought I'd change the save line as follows:
         save document 1 as "QuickTime movie" in thePath
    While this didn't solve the problem, it threw an error and allowed the script to continue with the error dialog rather than hang.
    Interestingly, though, the Snow Leopard machine seems to register the same error and yet still manages to save the file correctly.
    Any thoughts?

    Uninstall Parallels using the uninstaller that came with Parallels. Remove all third-party peripherals. Then restart the computer.

  • Firefox update 3.6.15 seems to have broken all addons

    Since I update to the most recent firefox (3.6.15), all my addons are broken. In the addon tab, they say that they're enabled, but I can't click on the preferences buttons of any of them. Some of them display a green exclamation point, but the ones that don't are still broken. At the top of the addons tab, it says "Restart Firefox to complete your changes" but if I restart, it still says that and it didn't update them.
    I've tried updating several of them manually, but they don't update and they don't work. The addons don't appear anywhere in my browser at all; for instance if it's a toolbar, there's no toolbar and no option to get the toolbar when I right click. If it's a button on my main bar, it's gone, and when I go to "customize" the button is still not available.
    I've googled this a bunch and am not seeing anyone with my problem.

    You might want to add more details in "Computer Model Information" lines.
    Is there any source of interference nearby?
    The Mac Pro - does it run on a dedicated line / circuit? UPS and/or line conditioner? It shouldn't be putting a real tax on the circuit, unless it is shared with a lot of equipment. They've been known to push the limits for some.
    I've seen more than a couple threads reporting problems with ViewSonic (gladly my LCD VGA is older and seems safe).
    Are they running off X1900 Radeon?
    Sometimes a system ships and even DIMMs can be loosened, maybe video card needs to be reseated?
    Hopefully it is just a loose cable somewhere.

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    Is this just me or is anyone else experiencing this? It is a huge issue as I use this a lot during the day.
    Is there anytime line for a fix if that has been noticed? Also is there a way to roll back my upgrade?

    If you are facing issues with zooming or scrolling, please refer to the knowledgebase article:

  • Perl script seems to hang

    I'm trying to get the perl scripts that launches our iTunesU page to work but I came to a stand still, quite literally.
    I go to our URL, iTunes launches, it selects the Music Store but nothing comes up), then it goes to our itunes.pl script and it sits there for at least couple of minutes and then nothing happens. I'm guessing that our iTunesU page should come up after the perl script runs but that seems to be where things are not working.
    No errors, nothing. I enabled the debug option but I don't get any info at all. If I execute the script from the command line, after a couple of minutes I just get:
    Content-type: test/html
    and nothing else
    All the perl modules mentioned in the script are installed, we are running perl version
    Any ideas?

    My first quesiton is: Are you sure your credentials are correct? If you went to activate your iTunes U, then decided not to and activated it later, the credentials you got in the initial e-mail from Apple would be incorrect.
    Also, are you using the sample Perl script that Apple included, or something homegrown?
    Ken Newquist
    Lafayette College

  • [SOLVED] recent update seems to have broken my keyboard

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    i've just turned on my arch 64 system after updating last night (or possibly the day before...)  and when i get to the gdm login the keyboard doesnt work. I can confirm the problem is not with the keyboard itself as i can still edit the boot options in grub. anyone else have this or have i broken something...
    thanks in advance,
    (edit:  on screen keyboard doesnt seem to be working either)
    Last edited by dinkydarko (2010-04-08 08:12:11)

    dinkydarko wrote:hald wouldnt make a difference to the one screen keyboard in gdm would it?  is there an easy way to check if its running?
    I could be wrong, but my understanding is hal would be needed as soon as X starts - so yes it could affect login with gdm. That would also fit with it not working in slim or starting xterm.
    If you're pretty sure it's related to the updates it might be helpful to post the parts of pacman.log that are relevant so we can see what exactly got updated.

  • File.createTempFile seems to be broken in JDK 1.6.0_11

    Can anyone confirm please?
    On (German) Windows XP systems, since JDK 1.6.0_11, there seems to be a serious bug in the implementation of File.createTempFile: After having created such a temp file, using getPath() or getAbsolutePath() may show a broken path, with abbreviated path components.
    Here is an example result path (broken):
    As you can see, the directory "DOKUMENTE_UND_EINSTELLUNGEN" (German version of Windows XP) is abbreviated to "DOKUME~1".
    I have attached an executable Java class that shows the problem.
    If someone confirms, then I will post an issue.
    ======= BEGIN CLASS "CreateTempFileBug" ================
    import java.io.File;
    * Bug: Broken path for File.createTempFile
    * Description:
    * File.createTempFile() creates a file object with a broken getPath() string.
    * The path string contains "~", i.e. the path elements are abbreviated.
    * Same problem for getAbsolutePath(). Valid paths only for getCanonicalPath().
    * Example-Output:
    * "C:\DOKUME~1\schneid\LOKALE~1\Temp\temp_file6617344501941011051.tmp"
    * System:
    * OS: WinXP / German
    * JRE: 1.6.0_11
    * Since:
    * I think this is new to patch level 11 of Java 6. It breaks my software,
    * but in earlier versions everything was fine.
    * @author Michael Schneider ([email protected])
    public class CreateTempFileBug {
         public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
              // Creating a temporary file, and printing the path.
              // RESULT: broken path (having abbreviated path elements)
              // for getPath and getAbsolutePath, but ok for getCanoncialPath
              File tempFile = File.createTempFile("temp_file", null);
              System.out.println("temp file / getPath: BROKEN: <" + tempFile.getPath() + ">");
              System.out.println("temp file / getAbsolutePath: BROKEN: <" + tempFile.getAbsolutePath() + ">");
              System.out.println("temp file / getCanonicalPath: OK: <" + tempFile.getCanonicalPath() + ">");
              // For comparison, creating a normal file in the working dir
              // and printing the absolute path.
              // RESULT: valid paths (at least on my system)
              File normalFile = new File("normal_file");
              System.out.println("normal file / getPath: OK: <" + normalFile.getPath() + ">");
              System.out.println("normal file / getAbsolutePath: OK: <" + normalFile.getAbsolutePath() + ">");
              System.out.println("normal file / getCanonicalPath: OK: <" + normalFile.getCanonicalPath() + ">");
    ===== END CLASS =====================================
    Edited by: m_schnei on Feb 13, 2009 11:17 PM
    Edited by: m_schnei on Feb 13, 2009 11:20 PM

    Hi Danny!
    So you are saying that this is a valid path specification in Windows? I did not know this. And I do not remember to ever have seen this before with Java.
    Is there a reason why this "abbreviated" form is used in Java?
    Has this changed recently, or did I simply never found it before?
    Can this be behavior be changed to the complete path form? I like to call 'get[Absolute]Path()' in log messages and test cases, but want to see the complete path in such a case. I would like to avoid getCanonicalPath() in such cases, because this method declares an exception.

  • Powershell script to help fix broken WMI on remote servers/computer.

    I have a number of servers/computers that I am not able to update due to broken WMI. Does anyone out there have a Powershell script that will stop the WMI service, rename the repository and logs folders, then restart the WMI service again?
    I created a script to stop the service, but it will not allow me to rename the folders (tells me access denied). If I dameware into the pc and log in with my admin credentials I have no issues manually doing the above steps, but there has to be an easier
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    To remotely rename folders you must use an admin account on the remote system. The folder must not be protected the system and you cannot us WMI to rename the folder.
    You may have to restart the system after setting WMI to manual start as it can have locks and it may not shutdown cleanly.

  • Installing Dreamweaver CS6 on Lion seems to have broken video playback

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    My computer is a Mac Pro running OS X Lion. I installed CS6 using an administrator account and rebooted after the install complete.
    Anyone else run into a similar issue?

    Thank you for trying the install. It may just be a coincidence that just before downloading Dreamweaver, I could view the videos and after installing, I couldn't. Those things happen, unfortunately.
    I found some similar issues in other Adobe Forums. I went into the Flash settings, enabled the option for third parties to save Flash components and added tv.adobe.com and images.tv.adobe.com as trusted sites. Now I'm able to view the videos again.

Maybe you are looking for

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