Splitting artboard into multiple artboards?

I am working with an older file that someone else created. It consists of eleven 11x17 drawings that were all created on a single artboard. I would like to get each drawing onto it's own artboard. I tried saving the file back down to CS3, re-opening it and choosing page tiles but I keep getting an error that it cannot open the illustration. Is there another way to convert this to 11 artboards?

I don't know of any magical way to auto-tile it onto 11 new 11 x 17 artboards. I'd probably just start a new file with 11 artboards arranged as desired, then copy/paste the artwork from the original file.

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    have you specified recordset name......if not, then specify it.............
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    11 22,33 44; 55
    10    20
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    Hi Shweta,
    Minor correction is required for you source structure. Please follow Amit or Vila suggestion for content conversion.
    Did mapping as per your requirement. Please find the screen shot below. Please note the structure and cardinality of the element and node field.
    Hope result is as per your requirement.

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    You Can use below FM  SWA_STRING_SPLIT -
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    then loop into
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    Here use 'SWA_STRING_SPLIT' -> Pass tdline and append the text into other internal table.
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    Presumably, you're using Strings and possibly even JTextPanes.
    If so, you already have all the syntax you need.
    Let's assume that your current class contains all the required functionality. You might want to break that up to make the code more maintainable. So, put all the gui code into GUI.java and then wrap up your data processing methods into a Processor.java file. Both of these should define publilc classes.
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    You can find working solution here http://xlspe.com

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    Generally setting a common Album title and Album Artist will fix things.
    For deeper problems see Grouping tracks into albums.

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    Which gives the Total records minus the CS1_View records.
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    This are my thoughts and Lets do it in 3 Steps
    Step 1.  ODI Procedure
    Drop table Temp_20 ;
    Create table Temp_20 as select * from table where rownum < ( SELECT TRUNC( COUNT(1) /5) FROM TABLE ) .
    [ ** This way iam fetching approx 20% of the table data and loading into Temp table . 1/5 th is 20%  so i am dividing count by 5
    I don't believe View will help you especially with RowNum as if you run the same query with rownum < N the rows order might differ . so Temp table is great ]
    Step 2 .  Use OdiSqlUnload  with select columns  from temp_20
    Step 3 . Use again OdiSqlUnload  with  select columns from table where  ( uk keys ) not in ( selecy uk_keys from temp_20)
    [** this way you can pick the remaining 80% ** and the data will be not repeat itself across 20% and 80% , as might happen with view ]
    what do you think ?

  • Issue with splitting string into multiple lines

    Hi Experts,
    I have a long string s. I want to split this string into several lines each having 72 characters. For this I have done following programming:
         String s = "For the first time it includes a supplementary report attempting to determine if extreme weather
    events can be linked to human-induced climate change. The research team, including members
    of the UK Met Office, identified recent episodes of extreme weather then used a computer to
    estimate the likelihood of the episode happening in a world without increased CO2." ;
         s = s.replaceAll("[\r\n]+", " ");
         char[] sAr = s.toCharArray();
         AbstractList RecepitsList7 = new Bapitrtext.Bapitrtext_List();;
         int start = 0; // start with
         int i = 72 ;
    //     for (int i = 71; i < sAr.length; i++) {
    while (i < sAr.length) {
    //     {     if (sAr[i] == ' ')
                   Bapitrtext Recepits7 = new Bapitrtext();
                   Recepits7.setTextline(s.substring(start, i).replaceAll("[\r\n]+", ""));
                   start = i+1;
                   i += 72;
    The output of program is as below:
    For the first time it includes a supplementary report attempting to dete
    mine if extreme weather events can be linked to human-induced climate
    hange. The research team, including members of the UK Met Office, iden
    ified recent episodes of extreme weather then used a computer to estim
    te the likelihood of the episode happening in a world without increased
    Here as we can see last characters are getting deleted by program. For example in first line
    determine 'r' is missing in extreme right.
    In 3rd line c is missing in extreme left (word change is needed. Program
    prints hange.
    Also in 3rd line extreme right 't' is missing
    Also in 4th line extreme right 'a' is missing
    Also the last line is not being printed. In last line "CO2." " should appear.
    There are two issues:
    1. Why last word of each sentence is not being printed?
    2. Why last sentence is not being printed?
    I am struggling since last 2 days. Please help. I made all changes like replacing 72 by 71 etc.
    By making such changes, I am able to print first line correctly. However under all cases
    last character of 2nd line onward is not getting displayed.
    Also last line is not getting displayed. I did every thing like using while instead of for loop etc.
    Kindly help.
    Edited by: 945655 on Jul 10, 2012 11:39 PM

    String s = wdContext.currentContextElement().getExpense_Text();
         s = s.replaceAll("[\r\n]+", " ");
         char[] sAr = s.toCharArray();
         AbstractList RecepitsList7 = new Bapitrtext.Bapitrtext_List();;
         int start = 0; // start with
         int i = 72;
    while (i < sAr.length) {
                   Bapitrtext Recepits7 = new Bapitrtext();
                   System.out.println(s.substring(start, i));
                   start = i+1;
                   i += 72;
    Edited by: 945655 on Jul 11, 2012 2:25 AM

  • Splitting string into multiple string output

    I have this string input from serial port which looks like this:
    They are all tab delimited. 
    And I need them to split into three outputs (possibly converted to numerals) -->
    Output1 --> 20 
    Output2 --> 10 
    Output3 --> 32 
    Your help will be appreciated. Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Manu,
    Try the attached example.
    (Give Kudos to good Answers, Mark it as a Solution if your problem is Solved) 
    Untitled 3.vi ‏6 KB

  • Splitting partition into multiple partitions

    As far as I can tell (up to an including Oracle 10g), one can only split a partition into 2 new partitions.
    Thus if I had a partition with a maxvalue starting in january 2006, I would need to sequentially run a seperate split command for february, march and april. Does oracle provide a mechanism to split a partition into 4 partitions in one easy step. This would save alot of time, if not, maybe as an enhancement request for a new release?

    that's my understanding too. There is no such thing like a 'bulk' split. But it would really be useful to have one.

  • When sorting my music in iTunes by artist, the albums are split up into multiple different albums. Any help?

    I have just recently downloaded the Californication album by the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I like to sort my iTunes by artist. But then if I want to see all the albums by an artist, it shows that I have multiple Californication albums. 3 or 4 songs will show up on each of the "other" Californication albums. How do I get them to all sit together under one album cover, when I sort by artist? Any help would be greatly appreciated..

    Generally all you need to do is fill in an appropriate Album Artist. For more details see my article on Grouping Tracks Into Albums, in particular the topic One album, too many covers.

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    I have done this multiple times in the past (I have several files - not folders - that contain mail). However due to the fact that II was somewhat brain damaged several years ago I can no longer remember (or figure out) how to do it. For instance, I have a "MoreJunque" mailbox file that is (from the "Properties" dialog) at mailbox:///C:/Users/Daniel Mathews/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/bxk6ngnt.default/Mail/pop.att.yahoo.com/MoreJunque. However, my inbox is in mailbox:///C:/Users/Daniel Mathews/AppData/Roaming/Thunderbird/Profiles/bxk6ngnt.default/Mail/pop.att.yahoo.com/Inbox. These are unique files that contain folders.

    right click on your account on the left and select new folder.

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