Spry Column total

I would like to get a total of a numerical spry column
e.g. total price in shopping cart
from a price spry column
I am new to spry / Javascript.. I use PHP... but I want the shopping cart to be auto refreshed so i thought to use spry and it's working fine for the cart items, but I tried to make a total price and failed.

yazer79 wrote:
I would like to get a total of a numerical spry column
e.g. total price in shopping cart
from a price spry column
I am new to spry / Javascript.. I use PHP... but I want the shopping cart to be auto refreshed so i thought to use spry and it's working fine for the cart items, but I tried to make a total price and failed.
To help you on your way, design the whole site using PHP. Then when you have it functioning properly, use SpryHTMLDataSet to convert the pages.
Using this approach has the advantage that browsers without JavaScript (turned on) like search engine crawlers, will still be able to use your site and browsers that do have JavaScript enabled will be exposed to all of the Spry niceties.
BTW, with the exception of the catalog page,  I have done so here myself http://complianceparts.com.au/index.php. Here I used Shopping Cart from WebAssist to do all of the hard work, then applied Spry to get the effects.
I hope this helps.

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    For this, in HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE or  TOP_OF_PAGE first you need to get global reference variable for GRID
    for getting reference call FM GET_GLOBALS_FROM_SLVC_FULLSCR.
    By using this reference  call method GET_SUBTOTALS it will get the all total into Internal Table .
    Using Field Symbols u can calculate. Still u have any problem i will help u further .

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    Unbelievable :)
    Numbers with more than 30 digits ?!!!?
    What kind of application is that? ;)

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    use a formula column/row. use RANK function in that. (e.g. Rank([A], asc) will sort the rows based on column A values in ascending order)
    you can use this rank in your heading.
    But frankly this is not so easy. You have to do it in a very intelligent way, so that rank gives you column number/row number any how.
    Have a try and let see if you find a appropriate solution.

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    Used space(MB) 
    Free space(MB)
    Used %
    Used space(MB) 
    Free space(MB)
    Used %

    Take a look at the following blog on subtotal, total & grand total:
    It appears that you need only 1 level of totals.
    Summarizing Data Using ROLLUP
    Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect
    SELECT Video Tutorials 4 Hours
    New Book / Kindle: Exam 70-461 Bootcamp: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012

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    If you could have elaborated a bit more it would have been useful , but apparently i can think of few thing which you could double check.
    1. The transient attribute type is Number.
    2.If the column exist on the same view object then you should write sum("ColumnName") else you have to create a view accessor on the VO and set its expression to AccessorName.sum("columnName").
    Hope it helps !!
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    IF Amt1 end if
    IF Amt3 end if
    F NUM
    IF $0.00 end if
    IF $0.00 end if E
    IF $0.00 end if
    IF $0.00 end if
    Sample Data:
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    <?if@column:sum(amt3)!=0?> <?amt3?> <?end if?>
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    you can try like
    before the table do the sum(amt3) column using variable and store that value in a variable then use that variable which u stored the sum(amt3) column value .
    F variable cal to get the sum of amt3 column E
    IF Amt1 end if
    IF Amt3 end if
    F NUM
    IF $0.00 end if
    IF $0.00 end if E
    IF $0.00 end if
    IF $0.00 end if
    then use <?if@column:variable!=0?> <?amt3?> <?end if?>
    if it is not working for you send me template and xml to my email i can try it from my side and send u updated template.
    my email : [email protected]

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    Columns totals are not possible to get through formatted search as the data of the first row is only referenced by the system automatically.
    If you are needing the Sum of LineTotal for a Approval procedure, then you could use the Total Before Disc col which is actually the sum (line total)
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    COUNT(STATEMENT_DATE) "New Stmt Count"
    Results return like this, but I also need the total number 5 to return .....
    12345 Apple 2
    54321 Orange 3

    That doesn't seem like the result that the original poster wants:
    SQL> create table mytable
      2  as
      3  select 12345 admin, 'Apple' lname, sysdate statement_date from dual union all
      4  select 12345, 'Apple', sysdate from dual union all
      5  select 54321, 'Orange', sysdate from dual union all
      6  select 54321, 'Orange', sysdate from dual union all
      7  select 54321, 'Orange', sysdate from dual
      8  /
    Tabel is aangemaakt.
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      2       , lname
      3       , count(statement_date) "New Stmt Count"
      4    from mytable
      5   group by rollup(admin,lname)
      6  /
                                     ADMIN LNAME                          New Stmt Count
                                     12345 Apple                                       2
                                     12345                                             2
                                     54321 Orange                                      3
                                     54321                                             3
    5 rijen zijn geselecteerd.But with the use of grouping sets:
    SQL> select all admin
      2       , lname
      3       , count(statement_date) "New Stmt Count"
      4    from mytable
      5   group by grouping sets ((admin,lname),())
      6  /
                                     ADMIN LNAME                          New Stmt Count
                                     12345 Apple                                       2
                                     54321 Orange                                      3
    3 rijen zijn geselecteerd.Regards,

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    record 1 = line 1
    field 1 - shift 1 labels
    field 2 - shift 1 data
    field 3 - shift 2 labels
    field 4 - shift 2 data
    field 5 - total labels
    field 6 - total data
    Is there a better way to do this? This would be extremely tedious.

    Hi Janet,
    from your posting it is not obvious what your list is to look like.
    anyway I'd recommend to construct an internal table with a structured row.
    Then fill the records with the data. The last step should be the calculation of results for the last column. You could do that depending on a field in  this row.
    For instance, have a 'formula' column where you put a subroutines name. The subroutine calculates the last columns value taking into account whatever rows and columns necessary.
    loop at valuetab.
    perform (valuetab-formula).
    in the 'formula' subroutine you may read other table lines and columns.
    Output should be done using ALV display. If you are a starter, use Function REUSE_ALV_LIST_DISPLAY or REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY.
    Good luck,

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    My requirement is to display totals on the amount column based on the flag value. So if there are 4 records out of which 3 of them have flag = "Y"
    then at footer level, one line should display Total Amount when flag = "Y"   as sum(amount_column) with flag = "Y"
    and another line should display : Total Amount when flag = "N"  as sum(amount_column) with flag = "N".
    Can anybody help me how I can accomplish this?
    Note: I tried to use "Total" property to "True" but it is displaying data irrespective of my flag value. Some how, I should be able to filter the total based on the flag column. Also I need to display as one total per each flag value...
    Please note that I am using Table region NOT Advanced table region.....I appreciate of some one can give me detailed steps to accomplish this. Thanks
    Sample output....
    Flag            Amount
    Y                       100
    N                         50
    Y                         15
    Y                         20
    Total with "Y" = 135
    Total with "N" = 50

    hi Smitha,
        We cannot avoid that. but an alternate is that use another table above this table and which has the number of rows as zero. hide the table header for the below table. you need to adjust the header of above table so that it fits for the below table.
    This works fine if the table doesn't have sorter facility.

  • Calcualting the formula column total.

    Hi All,
    I am very new to bi publisher..I have a requirement where i need to find the total of the formula column..how can i achieve this?
    and also i need to find the total of balance group by month..here is the sample output what i need.Please help its urgent
    Date Amount CalcAmount Balance
    1-jun-2010 100 150 200
    3-jun-2010 50 50 300
    5-aug-2010 100 50 200
    6-aug-2010 300 60 400
    Jun:500 Aug:600
    How to achive this....where calcamount field is not coming from any input file..this i did manually in rtf template..
    Please help is urgent
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Ananth,
    i tried with this..Now the calculated column value its showing as NaN.
    my requiremnt is thr is one form value called OPC(reguler text) and the logic inside is <?xdofx:if APPLIED>AMT then to_number(APPLIED- AMT) else 0 ?>
    and as per yous solution i have created one form value below to that i wrote the logic like this <?xdoxslt:set_variable($_XDOCTX,'var', xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX,'var‘)+ OPC)?>
    and in the total column i have created one more form value and wrote this code <?xdoxslt:get_variable($_XDOCTX, 'var')?>
    so now the total is coming as NaN.
    Please help.

  • How to sort column totals in pivot view

    Hello guys
    I have a report in pivot view where I have put call type on the column section. So the report looks like below with SUM applied at the column section:
                                       Call Type1         Call Type2       Call Type3               TOTAL
    ID                                        SALES TOTAL
    A                                  100                  200                300                       500
    B                                  200                  200                400                       800
    EMy question, how do I sort the data in 'TOTAL' field? The challenge it seems is that since 'TOTAL' isn't a table column, but just a display of pivot Sum, it can't be sorted H-L or L-H..
    But I'd like to have some advice from you guys before I make my conclusion
    Edited by: user7276913 on Jan 11, 2010 10:05 AM

    You can't have the sorting on the total in Pivot table.
    On a workaround,
    you can create a column in the criteria which calculate the sum
    SUM(sales_total by ID)Assign sorting order on this column
    You can exclude this column in the pivot table

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