Spry data out of form elements

HI all,
Currently using spry I have a drop down filter based on user
input through a text box working fine. What I want, is when I click
a button to have it move that data to a container. My problem is
that I can't seem to access the data that the user has selected
specifically on the drop down through any of the spry methods.
I'm not even sure what the best way through spry to access
that form field would be.
Any thoughts would be great.

Can you please send me your form designed in InDesign at [email protected]? I would like to take a look.

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  • Spry Data to ASP

    Just started looking at Spry today!
    Is it possible to do something like this...
    myPos = Cstr("{ds1::price}")
    I need to use the data this gives me to do some string manipulation and then use it elsewhere.
    Any pointers much appreciated

    I need to perform an InStrRev on the data.
    I can do it by sending the Spry data in a form and then using request.form("price") get the data - but it seems very clumsy and inefficient.
    If I try to use vbScript to perform the InStrRev function, it looks at the {ds1::price} not $12.05 etc
    Does this make sense?

  • Accessing form elements within a Spry region.

    Since nested Spry regions isn't yet support, can someone tell
    me how to access and modify form elements within a existing region?
    For example, I have a region that displays a form based on
    data I defined in a javascript array. On of the form elements is a
    select with some options. I want to added and remove options to
    this select depending on the number of objects in the data array.
    The select is not defined when I try to access it after spry
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    document.forms[0].selOrder1.options.length = 0;
    How are Spry regions attached to the browser's DOM? Does Spry
    create it's own DOM subordinate to the main DOM?
    Is it possible to make changes to a Spry region without using

    Actually, there are a couple of ways to get access to the DOM
    underneath a region container. If you have a region, you can put an
    ID attribute on the region container node, or if you are using a
    region observer, the data passed into the observer has a regionNode
    property. So if you want access to the region DOM anytime the
    region is re-generated, do something like this:
    function myRegionObserver(notificationType, notifier, data)
    // We only want to do something after the region is
    // for all other notifications, do nothing.
    if (notificationType != "onPostUpdate")
    // If your region container element has an ID on it, just
    // getElementByID. This is useful in the case where your
    // is only ever registered with one region.
    var rgnElement1 = document.getElementById("headerRegion");
    // Or you can simply use the regionNode property of the data
    // that is passed in. This is useful if you've registered
    the same
    // observer on multiple regions. The regionNode property
    // contain the region container node for the region that is
    // being updated.
    var rgnElement2 = data.regionNode;
    <div id="headerRegion" spry:region="ds1">
    --== Kin ==--

  • Validating date form element

    Operating system and version: Win 2000
    Macromedia product and version: DW8
    Browser and version: IE7
    Steps to reproduce:
    1) Add a form
    2) Name a text form element named: <%= (iCount &
    ".Qty") %>
    3) Add a button
    4) Add a date validation, or better said .. try to.
    The form element is not listed in the form, form elements
    NEEDS to be named
    as above (<%= (iCount & ".Qty") %>)
    I even tried renaming the element to say 'date', it worked, I
    apply the
    validation and then on the code replace 'date' for '<%=
    (iCount & ".Qty")
    %>', but it doesnt work.
    I am using ASP/VB with MS SQL 2000
    How should I solve this ? I cannot change the name of the
    element and need
    to validate that the element is a date (mm/dd/yyyy).
    Bottom line: While the element is named <%= (iCount &
    ".Qty") %> I
    cannot apply a validation to it, tried several extensions,
    none work.
    Please advice,

    I want to have control over certain 'dimension type of' columns in the classic report / tabular form with APEX_ITEM.* in the sql for the report while some of the columns are from Collection with their collection column names. C001, C002 etc..
    ,'f35_' || LPAD (seq_id, 4, '0'),NULL) animals
    ,to_number(c001) c001
    ,to_number(c002) c002
    FROM apex_collections WHERE collection_name = 'SLEEPY_ANIMAL'
    When there are several columns in the report, it is easier to maintain C001...columns appearance in the Report Attributes-->Column Attributes.
    Oh yes, I have adapted Denes dynamic cascading lov for tabular forms which is the reason for having the "APEX_ITEM..." in the query and from some blog I read that it is very good to toss those 'dimension' type of columns to high-end numbers in the collection, so there will be space for the entry columns.
    E.g. firstrow in the tabular form
    c035 -- animals --> f35 --> f35_0001 (select list with lov LOV_ANIMALS)
    c001 -- "what ever I have said in Column attributes"--> f01 --> f01_0001 (text area, editable column)
    c002 -- "what ever I have said in Column attributes"--> f02 --> f02_0001 (text area, editable column)
    So the numbering is the same for the www-form and collection columns.
    Everything is ok if the columns c001 and c002 are editable e.g. 'text area' type, but if I change c001 to 'Display..' type then the order for item_id's change.
    c035 -- animals --> f35 --> f35_0001
    c001 -- "what ever I have said in Column attributes" (display as text (escape special chars...))
    c002 -- "what ever I have said in Column attributes"--> f01 --> f01_0001
    So now the collection column c002 accidentally is mapped to forms f01-column while I might assume it is f02.
    rgrds Paavo

  • How to move elements within the master region of a Master/Detail spry data set?

    Hi there,
    I am unsure of how to move the different items within the master region of a master/detail spry dataset. The default style is such that if I include 3 or more elements e.g. Thumb, etc., they are stacked vertically :
    How do I move them so that they can be positioned differently? The look I am going for is one where the thumb image is positioned to the left while the other items are stacked alongside it so that the end effect for the master region would look like this:
    I greatly appreciate the help! Thanks!

    This is the complete page
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:spry="http://ns.adobe.com/spry">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>Check :: Fashion+Lifestyle</title>
    <link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryEffects.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryHTMLDataSet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBar.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMasterDetail_final.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var cal4 = new Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet("calendarList.html", "calendarList", {sortOnLoad: "When", sortOrderOnLoad: "ascending"});
    cal4.setColumnType("Thumb", "html");
    cal4.setColumnType("Picture", "html");
    cal4.setColumnType("When", "date");
    function MM_effectAppearFade(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoFade(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function closeAd() {
    function MM_effectBlind(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoBlind(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function MM_effectSlide(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoSlide(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function MM_effectGrowShrink(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle, referHeight, growFromCenter)
        Spry.Effect.DoGrow(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle, referHeight: referHeight, growCenter: growFromCenter});
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <div id="pageContainer">
        <div id="adBanners">
            <div id="halfBanner"><a href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('adRollover').style.visibility='visible';"><img src="images/banner_half_1.jpg" alt="Half Banner" width="237" height="90" /></a></div>
            <div id="leaderboardBanner"><a href="#"><img src="images/banner_leaderboard_1.jpg" width="728" height="90" alt="Leaderboard Banner" /></a></div>
            <div class="clearFloats"></div>
        <div id="mainHeader">
            <div id="homepageLink"><a href="index.html"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="400" height="100" /></a></div>
            <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
                <li><a href="feature.html">FEATURES</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">FASHION</a></li>
                <li><a href="calendar.html" class="on">CALENDAR</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">VIDEO</a></li>
                <li><a href="blog.html">BLOG</a></li>
        <div class="MasterDetail">
          <div class="DetailContainer" id="event" spry:detailregion="cal4">
            <div class="DetailPicture">{Picture}</div>
            <div class="DetailColumn DetailTitle">{What}</div>
            <div class="DetailColumn"><div class="DetailLabel">WHEN:</div> {When}
            <div class="DetailColumn"><div class="DetailLabel">WHERE:</div> {Where}
            <div class="DetailColumn">{Details}</div>
          <div id="calHeader"><p><img src="images/calendar_hdr.gif" width="492" height="100" /></p></div>
          <div spry:region="cal4" class="MasterContainer" onclick="MM_effectAppearFade(this, 1000, 0, 100, false); MM_effectBlind('event', 1000, '0%', '100%', false);">
            <div class="MasterColumn" spry:repeat="cal4" spry:setrow="cal4" spry:hover="MasterColumnHover" spry:select="MasterColumnSelected"><div class="MasterColumnPicture">{Thumb}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnTitle">{What}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnText"><div class="DetailLabel">WHEN:</div> {When}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnText"><div class="DetailLabel">WHERE:</div> {Where}</div>
              <div style="clear:both"></div>
          <br style="clear:both" />
    <div id="footer">
        <div class="text">Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. &copy; 2008 Adobe All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Adobe is a trademark owned by Adobe.</div>
    <div id="adRollover" style="visibility: hidden;">
    <script language="javascript">
        if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
            alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
        } else {
                'codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0',
                'width', '536',
                'height', '479',
                'src', 'watch_ad',
                'quality', 'high',
                'pluginspage', 'http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer',
                'align', 'middle',
                'play', 'true',
                'loop', 'true',
                'scale', 'showall',
                'wmode', 'transparent',
                'devicefont', 'false',
                'id', 'watch_ad',
                'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
                'name', 'watch_ad',
                'menu', 'true',
                'allowFullScreen', 'false',
                'movie', 'watch_ad',
                'salign', ''
                ); //end AC code
        <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="536" height="479" id="watch_ad" align="middle">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
        <param name="movie" value="watch_ad.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
        <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="watch_ad.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="536" height="479" name="watch_ad" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});

  • Spry Elements vs Regular Form Elements

    What is the difference between using Spry Validation form elements as opposed to just using regular form elements?
    Which do you prefer and why?

    What is the difference between using Spry Validation form elements as opposed to just using regular form elements?
    Regular form elements are passive elements that wait for information to be entered to subsequently be processed by another mechanism.
    SpryValidation form elements are the same as above except that they have an active validation module attached. There are standard validation rules that can be used (like e-mail address) or you can supply custom validations.
    Because Spry is a JavaScript library, the Spry widgets will only work with JavaScript enabled. The advantage of JavaScript is that it is processed by the browser (client side) and that, in our case, validation is instantaneous. When JS is turned off or the browser is not JS capable, there is no validation. This means that if you require serious validation, you must, in addition/in lieu of, have server side validation.
    Which do you prefer and why?
    I use both client side (Spry) and server side (PHP) validation, the latter to make sure that if Spry fails there is always the safe and trusted method of validation.
    Why Spry? Spry widgets allow for a better user experience.
    I hope this helps.

  • How to use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a form element

    Can we use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a
    form element ?
    I tried this
    var cid =
    Here the form name is adForm and category is an select item.
    This gives me error
    elements.join is not a function
    Any idea on this guys.

    Can we use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a
    form element ?
    I tried this
    var cid =
    Here the form name is adForm and category is an select item.
    This gives me error
    elements.join is not a function
    Any idea on this guys.

  • IE doesn't display part of spry data set!?!?

    Hi there,
    I hope somebody can help me out with a problem I got with the spry dataset I use on my website. -> http://media-powerplant.de/media-powerplant-referenzen.html
    The thing is that the IE doesn't display text in the "master" region. There are no problems with the Details region, and pictures are also diplayed in the master, but strangely enough no text! :-(
    When i visit the site with firefox or any other browser the text gets displayed. I have no idea what the problem is, but this is really bothering me.
    I hope that somebody is kind enough to help me out here. Big thanks in advance! :-)
    Here is the HTML-code of the site: (the red highlighted lines are those which doesn't get diplayed)
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xmlns:spry="http://ns.adobe.com/spry
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta name="description" content="Ihr Partner für Musik- und 
    Videoproduktionen, Webdesign, Internet, Flash, Podcasts und 
    Grafikdesign" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="gemafreie musik,lizenzfrei,lizenzfreie 
    musik, royalty free, filmmusik,hintergrundmusik, werbespot,trailer, 
    jingles, loops, Werbemusik, Mastering, Scoremusik, 
    Visualisierung,3D Animation,Filme,Video,Film Produktion,Grafik 
    Design,Imagefilm,Werbefilm,Werbefilme,Werbefilmproduktion, Webdesign, 
    Webspace ,Webhosting, Web-Design , Web, Domainregistrierung, 
    Internetdesign, Internet, Provider, HTML, Web-Space, Design, Webdesign 
    München, Grafikdesign, kreative, innovative, Homepage, 
    Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Michael Peh, Michi Peh, Matthias Damoser, 
    media powerplant, media-powerplant, München"/>
    <title>media powerplant *** Musikproduktion / Videoproduktion / 
    Webdesign ***</title>
    <meta name="author" content="[email protected]">
    <meta name="copyright" content="Webdesign: Matthias Damoser / media 
    <meta name="Content-Language" content="de">
    <meta name="robots" content="INDEX,FOLLOW">
    <meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days">
    <link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="http://www.media-powerplant.de/favicon.ico
    <link href="mppLayout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <!--[if IE]>
         <style type="text/css">@import url(ie.css);</style>
    <script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsreferenzen = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("referenzen.xml", 
    dsreferenzen.setColumnType("name", "html");
    dsreferenzen.setColumnType("MP3", "html");
    dsreferenzen.setColumnType("theURL", "html");
    dsreferenzen.setColumnType("theURL2", "html");
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
       var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array();
         var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; 
    i<a.length; i++)
         if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j+
    function MM_goToURL() { //v3.0
       var i, args=MM_goToURL.arguments; document.MM_returnValue = false;
       for (i=0; i<(args.length-1); i+=2) eval(args[i]+".location='"+args[i
    var dslinks = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("referenzenlinks.xml", 
    dslinks.setColumnType("a", "html");
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMasterDetail.css" rel="stylesheet" 
    <div id="hauptfenster">
    <div id="content">
       <div id="mitte">
         <div id="header">
           <h1>media powerplant</h1>
         <div id="mainnavi">
           <div class="menuHome" onclick=MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-home.html');return document.MM_returnValue 
           <div class="menuMusik" onclick=MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-musikproduktion.html');return document.MM_returnValue></div>
           <div class="menuVideo" onclick="MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-videoproduktion.html');return document.MM_returnValue"></div>
           <div class="menuWeb" onclick=MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-webdesign.html') document.MM_returnValue></div>
           <div class="menuReferenzen" onclick="MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-referenzen.html');return document.MM_returnValue"></div>
           <div class="menuAbout" onclick=MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-about.html') document.MM_returnValue></div>
           <div class="menuKontakt" onclick="MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-kontakt.html');return document.MM_returnValue"></div>
           <div class="menuImpressum" onclick="MM_goToURL('parent','media-
    powerplant-impressum.html');return document.MM_returnValue"></div>
         <div id="inhalt">
         <h2><span class="mpp">media powerplant</span> <span 
           <h2 class="unterüberschrift">Hier finden Sie einen Überblick 
    und einige interessante Details über unsere letzten Projekte</h2>
           <p> </p>
           <div id="musikproduktion">
             <div id="musikprojekte">
               <div id="projektescroll">
                 <div spry:region="dsreferenzen">
                   <table id="referenzTable">
                     <tr spry:repeat="dsreferenzen" 
    spry:hover="rowHoverRef" spry:select="rowSelectRef" 
                       <td><img src="{screenshot}" alt="{name}" 
    width="140" height="93" class="screenshot"></td>
                       <td><span class="kategorie">{kategorie}</span><br>
                         <span class="name">{name}</span></td>
             <div spry:detailregion="dsreferenzen">
               <div id="musikmainRef">
                 <h2> </h2>
    <p> </p>
                 <div id="projektbeschreibung">
                   <p class="beschreibung">{beschreibung}</p>
                   <p class="aufgabenfeld">{dsreferenzen::aufgabenfeld}</p>
                   <p class="aufgabenbilder">
                   <img src="{bild1}" width="90" height="77" 
    class="bild"><img src="{bild2}" width="90" height="77" 
    class="bild"><img src="{bild3}" width="90" height="77" 
    class="bild"><img src="{bild4}" width="90" height="77" class="bild"> </
                    <p class="linkMP3">{MP3}</p>
                    <p class="reflink">{theURL}</p>
                    <p class="reflink">{theURL2}</p>
             <div class="copyrightref">Copyright © 2009 media powerplant | 
    Alle Rechte vorbehalten | <a href="media-powerplant-
    impressum.html">Impressum</a> |  <a href="media-powerplant-
    kontakt.html">Kontakt</a> | </div>
    the XML looks like this: (again highlighting the problematic regions)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <name>Sounddesign ImpulsTV</name>
         <beschreibung>Produktion des Musikstückes "Today" für Imagefilm 
    der Firma ImpulsTV</beschreibung>
         <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Musikkomposition * 
            <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Today.mp3" autostart="false" 
    loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" 
    name="bg song" pluginspage=            "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
    download/"> </embed>
         <name>Webdesign gin-mum.com</name>
         <beschreibung>Design, Programmierung und Webspace-Hosting der 
    Internetpräsenz für die Münchner Band gin mum.</beschreibung>
         <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Webdesign * Hosting und Domain * 
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gin-mum.com">www.gin-mum.com</a>
         <name>Imagefilm für Johanna Schäfer</name>
         <beschreibung>Videoediting für Johanna Schäfer</beschreibung>
         <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Videoediting</aufgabenfeld>
         <name>Sounddesign Radio SRB</name>
         <beschreibung>Media powerplant produzierte das gesamte 
    Sounddesign für den regionalen Radiosender SRB. Dabei wurden 
    hauptsächlich Musikbetten und Radiojingles produziert.</beschreibung>
         <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Sounddesign * Musikkomposition * 
            <embed src="Songs/Electro/Hintergrund_3.mp3" autostart="false" 
    loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" 
    name="bg song" pluginspage=            "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/
    download/"> </embed>
         <name>EarthTV Musik</name>
         <beschreibung>Komposition und Produktion des Stückes "Steil" im 
    Auftrag von EarthTV für deren Sendeformat bei Sevenload.</beschreibung>
         <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich:* Musikkompostion * 
    <a target="_blank" href="http://de.sevenload.com/sendungen/
    earthTV">EarthTV bei www.Sevenload.de</a>
            <embed src="Songs/Electro/Steil.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" 
    width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" 
    pluginspage=            "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
    Are you still with me? :-)
    Attached you'll find what it looks like with Firefox and with InternetExplorer.

    Hmm, stil not working. But thanks for your support!
    Here is the modified XML-code: (the not shown elements are highlighted)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <name><![CDATA[Sounddesign ImpulsTV]]></name>
    <beschreibung><![CDATA[Produktion des Musikstückes "Today" für Imagefilm der Firma ImpulsTV]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Musikkomposition * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Today.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
       <name><![CDATA[Webdesign gin-mum.com]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Design, Programmierung und Webspace-Hosting der Internetpräsenz für die Münchner Band gin mum.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Webdesign * Hosting und Domain * Programmierung</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gin-mum.com">www.gin-mum.com</a>
       <name><![CDATA[Imagefilm für Johanna Schäfer]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Videoediting für Mediengestalterin und Fotografin Johanna Schäfer.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Videoediting</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://hanna-schaefer.de/">Website von Johanna Schäfer</a>
       <name><![CDATA[Sounddesign Radio SRB]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Media powerplant produzierte das gesamte Sounddesign für den regionalen Radiosender SRB. Dabei wurden hauptsächlich Musikbetten und Radiojingles produziert.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Sounddesign * Musikkomposition * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Electro/Hintergrund_3.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
       <name><![CDATA[EarthTV Musik]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Komposition und Produktion des Stückes "Steil" im Auftrag von EarthTV für deren Sendeformat bei Sevenload.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich:* Musikkompostion * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://de.sevenload.com/sendungen/earthTV">EarthTV bei www.Sevenload.de</a>
    <embed src="Songs/Electro/Steil.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
       <name><![CDATA[Webdesign christian-ortner.de]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Design, Programmierung und Webspace-Hosting der Internetpräsenz für den Berufsmusiker Christian Ortner.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Webdesign * Hosting und Domain * Programmierung</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.christian-ortner.de">www.christian-ornter.de</a>
        <name><![CDATA[Sounddesign für Filmprojekt]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Sounddesign und Titeltrack des Abschlussfilms der beiden  Filmhochschule Ilmenau - Absolventen Suzanna Gorolova und Laura Süßenguth.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Sounddesign * Musikkomposition</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Henriette.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
    Hier kann man das Video sehen:
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdBnFKNVhTY">Henriette auf Youtube</a>
       <name><![CDATA[Musikvideo "She said" für die Band gin mum]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Musikvideo für das Lied "She said" der lokalen Rock-Pop Band gin mum.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Videoediting</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gin-mum.com">www.gin-mum.com</a>
        <name><![CDATA[Imagefilm für die Firma "Sim-Events"]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Produkttrailer und Imagefilm für die Simbacher Eventmanagement Firma Sim-events.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * 3D Grafik-Animation * Musikkomposition * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Sim.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
        <name><![CDATA[EarthTV Musik]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Komposition und Produktion des Stückes "Horizon" im Auftrag von EarthTV für deren Webstreaming-Formate.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Musikkompostion * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.wetter.com/webcams_galerien/earthtv/">EarthTV bei www.wetter.com</a>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.hamburg-tourism.de/sehenswertes/webcam-earthtv/">EarthTV auf www.Hamburg-tourism.de</a>
    <embed src="Songs/Chill/Elf.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
       <name><![CDATA[Musikvideo "like a fool" für die Band gin mum]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Editing des Musikvideos "Like a Fool" für die Münchner Band "gin mum".]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Videoediting</aufgabenfeld>
    <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gin-mum.com">www.gin-mum.com</a>
        <name><![CDATA[Eromat Musikproduktion]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Titeltrack für Hörbuch des Eromat Verlages und Corporate Sounddesign in Form eines Jingles für den Verlag]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Musikkompostion * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Eromat.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
        <name><![CDATA[Highlight Video Kirchdorf Wildcats]]></name>
        <beschreibung><![CDATA[Jahresrückblicksvideo der Kirchdorf Wildcats, American Football Mannschaft der 2.Bundesliga.]]></beschreibung>
        <aufgabenfeld>Aufgabenbereich: * Videoediting * DVD-Authoring * Cover Design * Musikkompostion * Musikproduktion</aufgabenfeld>
    <embed src="Songs/Referenzen/Wildcats.mp3" autostart="false" loop="false" width="300" height="18" controller="true" id="rock.mp3" name="bg song" pluginspage= "http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/"> </embed>
    Anyhing wrong with that or is the syntax correct so far?
    Then you said that I have to change the columne type..... Right now I have those two columnes ("name" and "kategorie") set to "string" as you can see in the attached screenshot. Is that correct? If it is, the mistake must be something else I'm afraid.
    Again, thanks for your support! :-)
    And by the way, merry Christmas everybody! :-)

  • Using spry select on multiple forms in same page

    My apologies if this has already been answered but after a few searches I've not found my solution....
    I have a web page with 2 different forms (completely different open form and close form tags) that I'm trying to get the Spry Select Widget to work in.
    Both forms' Spry Select widgets interact as expected with the user with one exception; the second form continues to submit to the action page even if the user is trying to submit an invalid value (the docs suggested using the value of -1 so that's what I'm using). The appropriate error gets displayed to the user but the form continues to submit, which I don't want. Is there a limitation that I missed regarding the use of multiple forms in the same web page with the Spry Select Widget?
    FWIW, I'm running the app on ColdFusion and even the cfform/cfselect won't work with the Spry Widget.... I've named and id'd all forms and form elements and still no luck.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Brad,
    The preamble looks reasonable.  I would like to make sure you are clear on the process.
    The data needs to be rendered twice (i.e. a 2 step job).  In the first step you create a trace file with the page count for each document in it...\trace"^define User:PageCountForTrans_@:TransCount. @$page.@LF."."
    In the second step, that trace file is brought back in as a preamble file.
    Please confirm that you are in fact passing the data twice.

  • Spry Submit and clear form

    Hi all, I have a Spry.Utils.submitForm in my JS it will
    submit the form and then in my callback I have it clear the form
    element using document.formelement.reset();
    The problem is, it seems that my form is getting reset before
    the form is submitted. I am not sure why this would happen seeing
    as it is in the call back and the submit should fire before
    Anyhow, any info would be helpful.

    The only field that has validation is the "Next Follow Up Date" field, it is a required field. Clicking the "Save" button submits the form.

  • Spry.Data.HTML Firefox .vs. IE

    I have a relatively simple page with two HTML table data
    ds1 = Flashcontent.html and ds2 = PDFcontent.html and their
    respective tables, FlashDemoContent and PDFDemoContent.
    I'm using a Spry Tab widget that contains two tabs, and Spry
    repeats in each tab to show the content from
    the tables above.
    It all works just great on IE. HOWEVER, on Firefox (2.x and
    3.x), I get the error:
    Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet: 'PDFDemoContent' is not a valid
    element ID.
    Data shows up on the first tab (FlashContent) but not on the
    2nd tab.
    Any thoughts? I'd be happy to share the code if need be.
    thanks for any pointers.

    Thanks for replying. I really appreciate it. Unfortunately, I
    don't have a URL handy that I can publish to. (Behind the corp
    firewall with no access to my home server)
    However, I think I might have figured it out. When
    referencing the column names (ie: {FullName}, {Directory}), if you
    are using the same name more than once, you should reference as
    Once I clarified that, it worked well in both IE7 and Firefox
    I dare say, this has been enjoyable! Thanks again for
    replying. I'd appreciate if someone could verify my findings.

  • Pre-selecting from Spry Data Select Box

    I am new here so sorry if this is in the wrong section/format
    I am using Two Spry XML Datasets to populate 2 dropdown boxes with  vehicle makes and the connected model names (there are other fields but for the sake of clarity I will only show these 2). The XML is dynamically generated by PHP/MySQL and works great for initially creating records. The problem I have is when I want to edit my record and so pre-select the data in the dropdown select box. The first box is easy and works fine but the second box only updates when the first is updated using the 'onchange' and I cannot get it to update on load. I can get it to update 'onclick' or other events but I need it to  update the second box when the page loads. Any ideas? I am sure there is a simple solution staring me in the face, but I just can't see it
    My code is listed below. I have cut out all the unnecessary code to make it more clear (hopefully)
    <script src="../../SpryAssets/xpath.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="../../SpryAssets/SpryData.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsmakes = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xmlgenmake.php", "vehicle/makes");
    var dsmodel = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("xmlgenmodel.php?xmlmake={dsmakes::make}", "makes/models/model");
    <form action="<?php echo $editFormAction; ?>" method="post" name="form1" id="form1">
    <span spry:region="dsmakes" id="makeSelector">
      <select spry:repeatchildren="dsmakes" id="makeSelect" name="make" onchange="document.forms[0].modelSelect.disabled = true; dsmakes.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);">
        <option spry:if="'{dsmakes::make}' == '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['make']; ?>'" value="{dsmakes::make}" selected="selected">{dsmakes::make}</option>
        <option spry:if="'{dsmakes::make}' != '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['make']; ?>'" value="{dsmakes::make}">{dsmakes::make}</option>
    </span><span spry:region="dsmodel" id="modelSelector">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsmodel" id="modelSelect" name="model">
      <option spry:if="'{dsmodel::model}' == '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['model']; ?>'" value="{dsmodel::model}" selected="selected">{dsmodel::model}</option>
      <option spry:if="'{dsmodel::model}' != '<?php echo $row_Recordset1['model']; ?>'" value="{dsmodel::model}">{dsmodel::model}</option>

    Sorry for not being clear -
    The first Spry Select box populates with the Vehicle Makes and selects the stored make from the DB. The second box is supposed to populate with the corresponding Vehicle Models (corresponding to the Vehicle Make in box one) but it initially only populates with the first makes data (not the selected one) if I add:    onfocus="dsmakes.setCurrentRowNumber(this.selectedIndex);     to the first box it works as it should as soon as it receives focus and the second box updates and selects the correct model.
    I have tried adding
         function InitPage() {
    but I cannot get the second box to update without clicking on the first
    It seems there should be s simple solution to this but I cannot see it.

  • SPRY data set select auto selected

    I have created a three selects related for a vehicle year,
    make, model search using spry. The first select uses a spry dataset
    to get the years from the database. When you select a year, spry
    auto populates the second dropdown with makes and then you select a
    make and the third dropdown auto populates models. I have this all
    working perfectly but what I would like to do is that when the user
    makes their choice and they go to the search result page, I would
    like to present them the year, make, model dropdowns again but have
    them preselected with what they already chose. I am using a server
    technology (ColdFusion) that will allow me to capture their
    selected choice from the form post, but I cant seem to figure out
    how to have the spry form pre selected with their previous choice.
    This is what I have right now:
    <html xmlns="
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsYears = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("year.cfm",
    var dsMakes = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("{dsYears::url}",
    var dsModels = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("{dsMakes::url}",
    <form method="post" name="selectForm">
    <div id="yearSelector" spry:region="dsYears"
    class="Spry:Region dsYears">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsYears" name="yearSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.makeSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:if="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <div id="makeSelector" spry:region="dsMakes"
    class="Spry:Region dsMakes">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsMakes" name="makeSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.modelSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:if="{dsMakes::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsMakes::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <div id="modelSelector" spry:region="dsModels"
    class="Spry:Region dsModels">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsModels"
    <option spry:if="{dsModels::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:if="{dsModels::ds_RowNumber} != 0"
    <input type="submit" value="SUBMIT">

    Ok so I figured out how to do it using spry:when, but now the
    problem is when the value is preselected, it is not pre populating
    the next dropdown. So if I choose 2008 in my previous form and
    preselect 2008 on the search results page, the "Makes" dropdown is
    empty until you choose another year in the year dropdown. How do I
    force a refresh of the data when I force a value in the dropdown.
    This is what i tried. still not sure if its even right.
    <form method="post" name="selectForm">
    <div id="yearSelector" spry:region="dsYears"
    class="Spry:Region dsYears">
    <select spry:repeatchildren="dsYears" name="yearSelect"
    onChange="document.selectForm.makeSelect.disabled =
    <option spry:when="'#form.yearSelect#' == '{name}'"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:when="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} == 0"
    value="{name}" selected="selected">{name}</option>
    <option spry:when="{dsYears::ds_RowNumber} != 0"

  • Populate Tabular Form Date with Date Sitting on Form itself (i.e. :P#_Date)

    I have a tabular form with two date fields. I need to populate these date fields with two date fields sitting on the form itself.
    The form dates are ":P#_Start_Week" and ":P#_End_Week". These dates can change, based on the user entering the data.
    I then need to move these dates into the tabular form dates for update to a table, when the user clicks the save button on the tabular form entry. I can't seem to figure out how to make this happen.
    On the tabular form element I select Default Type PL/SQL or Function
    Default - sysdate
    This works fine, but trying to use item(application or page item name) with the form field date name does not. I'm still really new to the APEX world, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks to all who were in the process of getting ready to help.
    I found my answer in the threads, after reading many.
    Here is the answer:
    Re: Default a date in a tabular form
    Posted: Apr 14, 2006 3:34 AM in response to: MikeSolis Reply
    Sorry, didn't realize you are using a tabular form,try this instead :-
    Make the default type as "PL/sql source or function" and the default as "to_date(:F586_TODAYDATE)"..shown below. I made sure my computation which sets the application item returns a date.
    Display as - Text field
    Default Type :PL/SQL Expression or Function
    Default :to_date(:F586_TODAYDATE)
    Reference Table Owner - TEST_SCHEMA
    Reference Table Name -EMP
    Reference Column Name -HIREDATE
    I can't believe this post is from 2006. Wow! Thanks Vishal!

  • Getting data in Adobe forms

    what are the ways to get the custom field data into adobe forms. I want to use in WD application.I made the zpdf form with standard and added some custom fields in that. But how to get the data from table .

    ->For getting data from table into Adobe Forms, you need to add code in your WD application only.
    -> You create an UI Element (Interactive Form) for the adobe forms in the Layout.
    -> Give the name of your form (Zpdf) in the Template Source property.
    -> A pop up will appear asking you to make contexts in your application by its own.
    -> Click on Ok and then context will also appear in your Wd application.
    -> Now you can use the context and write the code for getting values in Wddoinit or anywhere you want.
    -> Write select/query or call a FM to fetch the data into an internal table.
    ->Finally bind the internal table with the Contexts created.
    Check out this link :
    I hope it helps.

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