SQLLDR: "second enclosure string not present" error in a complex datafile

We are in 11g.
I have a strange issue when I load data. I cannot figure out why sqlldr reacts in this way :
Here is the table definition:
TEXT_01 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_02 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_03 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_04 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_05 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_06 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_07 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_08 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_09 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_10 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_11 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_12 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_13 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_14 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_15 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_16 VARCHAR2(2000),
TEXT_17 VARCHAR2(2000)
Here is the CTL:
-- Pour eliminer la ligne d'en-tete
WHEN TRACKER_ID != 'tracker id'
, TEXT_01 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_02 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_03 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_04 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_05 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_06 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_07 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_08 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_09 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_10 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_11 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_12 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_13 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_14 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_15 CHAR(2000)
, TEXT_16 CHAR(2000)
_Here is a simplified datafile_: (record 2 "artf402772" fails, the 4 other records succeed) (up to "End of datafile"):
tracker id;tracker type;artifact id;title;description;submitted by;submission date;last modified date;closed date;request type;status;category;priority;assigned to;Date demande (si saisie différée);Demandeur;Domaine fonctionnel;Gravité;Heure demande (HH:MM) si saisie différée;Nature;Plate-forme;Réf. Dem. Travaux;Réf. FT dossier;Régression;Réponse;Reproductibilité;Responsable FT du dossier;Type demande;Version cible (palier);Version origine;Monitoring Status;
proj2411;tracker7756;artf402149;demande d'analyse plantage FTT24711;"De : xxx xxx Ext fff ggg SISE
Envoyé : vendredi 22 août 2008 07:22
Objet : RE: Le traitement FTT24711 du job 370_SAV_AL VTO en erreur sous l'environnement SAV
Le traitement s'est incidenté hier à 23H55 (id oracle 4402376),
Utilisateur : INTERFACE
Responsabilité : AZ / TT_TR_CLIENT_FINAL
Code interface : 247
Code SI émetteur : FRONTAL
Nom du fichier : SAVE_18094130_21082008155854.txt
- Phase de validation
En-têtes rejetés : 219
Lignes rejetés : 219
ULs rejetés : 200
- Phase de traitement API
En-têtes rejetés : 9
Lignes rejetés : 9
ULs rejetés : 5
- Phase de workflow
Lignes en attente : 2827
-> Traitement : 4402377 [FTT84424721]
FTT844 - 24721 - Interface Avis de retour SAV - Programme maître
Nom du fichier : SAVE_18094130_21082008155854.txt
Nombre d'enregistrements : 33
En-têtes chargées : 11
Lignes chargées : 11
Lignes ULs chargées : 11
En-têtes validées : 11
dont Avertissements : 0
Lignes validées : 11
dont Avertissements : 0
Lignes uls validées : 11
En-têtes rejetées : 0
dont En-têtes orphelines : 0
Lignes rejetés : 0
dont Lignes orphelines : 0
Lignes uls rejetés : 0
dont Lignes uls orphelines: 0
Nombre d'enregistrements : 33
En-têtes : 11
En-têtes retour réexpédition : 0
Lignes : 11
Lignes uls : 11
Mouvements supprimés : 33
-> Traitement : 4402378 [FTT24740]
FTT24740 - 247 - Interface entrante Avis de Retour et d¿expédition - Soumission API
Erreur applicative sur le composant : xxx.check_in_file_name
Au cours de : CHECK FILE_NAME
A retourné : Il existe déjà un fichier SAVE_18094130_21082008155854.txt enregistré pour l'interface 247 et le système partenaire FRONTAL.
Le nom du fichier doit être unique pour une interface et un système partenaire donnés.
Fichier présent sous tt-oa-db, rep /site/fttcigale/ENTREE/247/ARCH
-rw-rw-r-- 1 xxx appli 44 Aug 21 16:19 SAVE_18094130_21082008155854.txt
xxx xxx (Choix 3)
[email protected]
Envoyé : vendredi 22 août 2008 00:18
À : xxx SISE
Objet : TR : Le traitement FTT24711 du job 370_SAV_AL VTO en erreur sous l'environnement SAV
De : Surveillance.de.xxx@xxx-xxx[SMTP:SURVEILLANCE.DE.xxx@xxx-xxx]
Date d'envoi : vendredi 22 août 2008 00:18:01
Objet : Le traitement FTT24711 du job 370_SAV_AL VTO en erreur sous l'environnement SAV
Transféré automatiquement par une règle
Merci de bien vouloir verifier sous vto le job ci dessous
Environnements : SAV
Applications : 370_SAV_AL
Traitements : FTT24711
Dates de debut : 21-08-2008 23:55:00
Dates de fin : 22-08-2008 00:08:58
Durees : 0:13:58
Machines : ftt-oa-db
Comptes : fttsg
Equipe Incident
";Babacar Sene;22/08/2008 19:23;16/10/2008 18:38;;Exploitant;16-TMA - Clos;SAV;1;Axxx Maes;22/08/2008 00:00;Babacar Sene;1-CIGALE - OM;40-Bloquant;19:21;;Production;;;;;;Babacar Sene;20-Soutien niveau 3;;;
proj2411;tracker7756;artf402772;Fichier message 10 non reçu par ddd LSA;"-----Message d'origine-----
De : xxx xxx [mailto:[email protected]] Envoyé : lundi 25 août 2008 16:14 À : ZZZ DDD SI Tx SAV Cc : xx xxx; yyy yyy; zz zzz; uuu bbb Objet : Flux non reçu pour xxx refurbish
Nous avons reçu un camion de xxx à refurbisher ce matin et nous n'avons pas actuellement les flux 10. Merci de nous les envoyer rapidement afin que nous puissions encoder les produits.
Deux dossiers en exemple : 8323225PqR et 8323280PqR;
Bernard BRIENS
Tél : 03 56 85 67 55
GSM : 03 69 42 62 79
FAX : 03 66 85 51 32
E-mail : [email protected]
";Babacar Sene;25/08/2008 17:47;01/09/2008 14:06;01/09/2008 14:06;;06-SUBU - Clos;SAV;2;Babacar Sene;25/08/2008 00:00;xxxx xxx xxx;1-CIGALE - SAV;40-Bloquant;;;Production;;;;"-----Message d'origine-----
De : ZZZ xxx SI Tx SAV
Envoyé : lundi 25 août 2008 17:42
À : 'xxx xxx'; ZZZ xxx SI Tx SAV
Cc : xxx xxx; yyy yyy; ccc ccc; lll lll; rrr rrr ccc bbb SIOP; jjj jjj ccc bbb ggg
Objet : RE: Flux non reçu pour xxx refurbish
Les deux dossiers sont envoyés dans le fichier LRS_4408336.TXT (voir pièce jointe) qui comporte 3010 lignes. Il est parti le 22.08.2008 21:04 Cdt
Babacar SENE
/xx/xxx/xxx/xxx/xx/xxx/Projets et Maintenance du SI Supply Management Terminaux tél. +33359126274 [email protected]
";;Babacar Sene;10-Soutien niveau 1 ou 2;;;
proj2411;tracker7756;artf402812;Demande d'analyse FTT880 ;"-----Message d'origine-----
Envoyé : lundi 25 août 2008 11:35
À : rrr rrr xxx xxx CISE; ccc cccc sss ddd ffff Objet : Alerte sur envoi des stats à vvvv Importance : Haute
Comme vu avec vous par téléphone, Alexis Suard nous remontait le fichier ci-joint que nous devons communiquer à xxxxx tous les lundi avant 12H. Cet envoi n'a pas été fait ce matin, je ne sais pas qui a repris ses dossiers suite à son départ.
Merci d'avance
xx xxx
Orange France / DF / Contrôle de Gestion Coûts commerciaux
Politique commerciale/Fidélisation
tél. 03 56 22 11 41
mob. 03 40 83 00 36
[email protected]
";Babacar Sene;25/08/2008 18:30;15/09/2008 15:18;15/09/2008 15:18;DO ou prestataires externes;06-SUBU - Clos;AMONT;3;Babacar Sene;25/08/2008 00:00;ddd ddd OF/DF;1-CIGALE - OM;20-Mineur;11:35;;Production;;;Oui;"L'automatisation de l'envoi a été mise en prod dans le palier de d'août. le premier traitement devait avoir lieu aujourd'hui, ssauf qu'il n' aas tourné pour cause de mise à stop dans VTO. Activation du traitement effectué par HD, lancement puis soirtie en erreur pour cause de champ date non renseignée dans les paramètres de lancement
Lancement manuel du traitement puis par SBU, demande au HD de continuer la chaîne. JC ccc s'occupe de la partie VTO";;Babacar Sene;10-Soutien niveau 1 ou 2;;;
proj2411;tracker7756;artf402818;Demande de modif statut dossiers;"De : fff ggg ggg Tx SAV
Envoyé : jeudi 24 juillet 2008 12:08
À : dddd ddd fff DAV; ffff David SCF DAV
Cc : fffff Serge ddd DPSI SIOP; ssss-COUCOU Lyane ddd DAV; sss Philippe ddd DAV; ffff Thierry ddd DAV
Objet : RE: Retour F.E..xls
Les 46 dossiers sont passé en statut EXPEDIE, l'annulation de livraison est donc possible.
Concernant l'explication sur les deux dossiers, c'est Nadine qui a lancé des FTT37510 (réception diverses) avec respectivement les N° de CR 26981 et 26982.
Babacar SENE
/ddd/dd/dd/dd/dd/ddd/Projets et Maintenance du SI Supply Management Terminaux
tél. +33345126274
[email protected]
De : DDDD Philippe ccc DAV
Envoyé : jeudi 10 juillet 2008 11:28
À : cccc ccc SI Tx SAV; DIALLO Oumar SCF DAV
Cc : ffff fff SCF DPSI SIOP; hhhhh-hhhh Lyane fff DAV
Objet : TR: Retour F.E..xls
Importance : Haute
J’ai mis l’ensemble des statuts pour chaque dossier.
Il faut mettre le statut « EXPEDIE » pour tous les dossiers ayant le statut « LIVRE ». Le transporteur a bien livré le produit mais il ne l’a pas remis. Par conséquent nous n’avons pas le statut « REMIS » ce qui me parait normal et nous n’avons plus le statut « EXPEDIE ».
Il faudrait peut-être revoir le contrôle dans l’annulation de livraison sur le statut ou alors ajouter un statut en plus envoyé par le transporteur après le statut « LIVRE » qui pourrait être « NON REMIS ».
J’aimerai aussi avoir une explication sur deux dossiers qui ont le statut « RECU » mis par un opérateur PO (exemple F05944316, F05988983), comment cela est-il possible ?
Bien cordialement
hhh hhh
Responsable Qualité Soutien Métier
tél. +33 (0) 3 51 80 69 21
mob. +33 (0) 4 95 27 24 78
P Pensez ENVIRONNEMENT : n'imprimer que si nécessaire
De : gggg Oumar hhh DAV
Envoyé : mardi 8 juillet 2008 17:20
À : ggg fddd SI Tx SAV
Cc : ddd ggf SCF DPSI SIOP; SENE Babacar Ext fff fff SISE; gg ggg SCF DAV
Objet : TR: Retour F.E..xls
Importance : Haute
Pouvez vous nous modifier le statut ""NON EXPEDIE"" de ces dossiers et les mettre en ""EXPEDIE"" afin que nous puissions les traiter.
Ce sont des annulations de livraisons.
ggg ffff
Département Echange Express
Responsable de la réception
03 44 80 48 37
04 78 02 22 14
[email protected]
P Pensez ENVIRONNEMENT : n'imprimer que si nécessaire
De : ddd ddd dd DAV
Envoyé : mardi 8 juillet 2008 17:04
À : ddd fff dd DAV
Cc : fff Cindy fff DAV
Objet : Retour F.E..xls
Importance : Haute
ci-joint le tableau des retours F.E concernant les colis sécurisés et les colis non sécurisés.
ddd ffff
tél. 03 45 80 48 68
[email protected]
";Babacar Sene;25/08/2008 18:52;01/09/2008 14:13;01/09/2008 14:13;FT;06-SUBU - Clos;SAV;4;Babacar Sene;22/08/2008 00:00;fff gg;1-CIGALE - SAV;20-Mineur;;;Production;;;;Update des tables 027_dossiers et 027_suivis pour enlever le statut LIVRE, puis et mettre le statut EXPEDIE de façon à permettre l'annulation de livraison;;Babacar Sene;10-Soutien niveau 1 ou 2;;;
proj2411;tracker7756;artf402986;Dde d'analyse sur des statut LIVRE qui remontent sur SAVI sur des dossiers de 2007 déjà fermés;"
De : fgg Jean ddd ggg SIOP
Envoyé : lundi 11 août 2008 11:55
À : dd fff SI Tx SAV; sss ddd SI Tx Aval
Objet : TR: SAVI - Anomalie BAL Logistique
Pouvez-vous jeter un oeil,
Jean Lyggg
Coordination développement DPSI
tél. 03 40 12 61 58
mob. 04 56 81 80 18
[email protected]
De : GGG Christop FFF/SI FFF [mailto:[email protected]]
Envoyé : lundi 11 août 2008 11:14
À : fff Serge ff gg hh; sss aaa Ext ddd hhh jjj; hhh Jean fff fff jjj
Cc : ddd Danielle ddd/ddd; ddd Pascal ddd/DPF
Objet : TR: dd - Anomalie BAL Logistique
Pouvez vous nous dire pourquoi nous recevons des tracking transport en juillet de commandes datant de novembre 2007 ?
Exemple de commandes ci -dessous.
4980643 200 27/11/2007 09:31:49 AMY5615 Eligibilité en saisie
4980643 200 27/11/2007 09:33:15 AMY5615 Eligibilité en saisie
4980643 202 27/11/2007 09:36:36 AMY5615 Commande en saisie
4980643 204 27/11/2007 09:37:05 AMY5615 Commande validée
4980643 101 28/11/2007 02:18:44 BATCH Commande transmise
4980643 110 28/11/2007 02:28:30 Dossier bien traité FTT Commande intégrée chez SCF
4980643 130 28/11/2007 05:08:26 1694453 FTT En-cours de livraison
4980643 120 28/11/2007 10:35:52 353514496932 FTT Commande en-cours de préparation
4980643 170 10/12/2007 Code Symptôme : AM6 - Mécanique Combiné : Access. manquant ou abîmé (s FTT Retour panne réparateur
4980643 170 10/12/2007 N FTT Retour panne réparateur
4980643 146 21/07/2008 15:08:00 Prés.imp./client absent avisé BATCH Client absent avisé
4980643 161 08/08/2008 Ret.piloté FTT/command.annulée BATCH (KO) Non échangé
Christophe ffff
Tel : 03 85 68 60 65
De : HHHH Pascal FFF/fff [mailto:[email protected]]
Envoyé : lundi 11 août 2008 09:50
À : ddd Christop fff/SI CLIENT
Cc : dddd Danielle ffff/DDSI
Objet : TR: GGGG - Anomalie BAL Logistique
Bonjour Christophe,
Ce pb est génant pour le BO de Tours car ils doivent pister ces 15 commandes et les supprimer à la mano tous les jours.
Peux-tu me donner la raison de leur réapparition stp ?
As-tu une piste pour améliorer cette situation (quitte à ce qu'ensuite je demande à la DS de la réaliser si nécessaire). On en reparle.
Pascal gggg
fff/gggg/hhhh GP/ffff Distribution/ffff FO D/
MOA fff
tél. 03 86 16 92 74
mob. 04 44 25 39 29
[email protected]
De : DDD Jacques ddd NORM
Envoyé : lundi 11 août 2008 08:07
À : DDD Pascal ddd
Objet : FFF - Anomalie BAL Logistique
Bonjour Pascal,
Ces commandes (du 29/11/2007 au 18/12/2007) bien qu'annulées reviennent chaque jour
Jacques DDDD
";Babacar Sene;26/08/2008 10:00;07/10/2008 18:10;;DO ou prestataires externes;04-SUB - Résolu;SAV;2;Babacar Sene;11/08/2008 00:00;Christophe FFF -DO;1-CIGALE - SAV;40-Bloquant;;;Production;;;;"Problème du à au N) de sequence des bon_transport qui a fait un cycle complet 999999 et a recommencé avec les même N° de sequences, ce qui fait que deux dossiers se retrouvent avec le même N° de bon_transport.
Solution :
1/ Renommer tous les bon_transports qui sont antérieurs au 13/05/2008 de F0XXX.. en FEXXX.. pour eviter de nouveau cas dans les tables SAV et OM
2/ Remonter les bons statut LIVRE des dossiers modifés chez FFF";;Babacar Sene;10-Soutien niveau 1 ou 2;;;
End of datafile
Why record2 "artf402772" fails ...
Comparing with the 4 other records.. I don't see anything bad ..
The size looks ok, I think...
So probably the error is in the CTL ... ?
I hope that I forgot nothing, and that my explanation is clear.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Well, by default SQL*Loader new line as end of record. Since your logical record in question consists of multiple lines each line is treated as a seaparate record. As a result, SQL*Loader finds a record with starting double quote without matching ending double quote. You must to use stream record format option in SQL*Loader by using
INFILE whatever-your-infile-is "str X'xxxx'"where xxxx are charactercombination SQL*Loader should use as record separator in hexidecimal format.

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    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. If you want to contact Adobe, your likely route is via Adobe Chat.
    If you have a feature request or bug report, then consider filing a Adobe Feature Request Bug Report Forum with Adobe
    Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
    The likelihood of an Adobe engineer seeing your thread here is essentially slim to none.
    Your results are very interesting but lots more variables to consider.
    Do you have any version of Premiere Elements other than 12? It would be interesting to learn if a prior version's burn
    dialog would present with the Media Not Preset issue for your burn to Blu-ray System 1. That is easy enough done with a tryout of
    11 or 10 or 9 from the following web site. ProDesignTools: Adobe® Developments in Focus
    On the other side of the coin, you could give the new version a look in this regard. A new version is expected at the
    end of September 2014.
    As an aside, have you updated 12 to 12.1 Update, using an opened project's Help Menu/Update. If not, I would encourage
    you to do so. It does correct an Expert workspace text styles issue plus other matters undefined by Adobe.

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    There is a system exception while performing the BPEL instance, the reason is "JTA transaction is not present or the transaction is not in active state. The current JTA transaction is not present or it is not in active state when processing activity or instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2". The reason is The execution of this instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2" for process "UpdateOrderReqABCS" is supposed to be in a jta transaction, but the transaction is not present or in active state, please turn on the application server transaction debug logs to get more information.. Please consult your administrator regarding this error. ". Please check the error log file for more infromation. Please try to use bpel fault handlers to catch the faults in your bpel process. If this is a system exception, please report this to your system administrator. Administrator could perform manual recovery of the instance from last non-idempotent activity or dehydration point.
    OPMN logs:
    <2010-05-05 01:56:49,395> <ERROR> <gemptp.collaxa.cube.engine> The execution of this instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2" for process "UpdateOrderReqABCS" is supposed to be in a jta transaction, but the transaction is not present or in active state, please turn on the application server transaction debug logs to get more information.
    The current JTA transaction is not present or it is not in active state when processing activity or instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2". The reason is The execution of this instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2" for process "UpdateOrderReqABCS" is supposed to be in a jta transaction, but the transaction is not present or in active state, please turn on the application server transaction debug logs to get more information..
    The current JTA transaction is not present or it is not in active state when processing activity or instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2". The reason is The execution of this instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2" for process "UpdateOrderReqABCS" is supposed to be in a jta transaction, but the transaction is not present or in active state, please turn on the application server transaction debug logs to get more information..
    The current JTA transaction is not present or it is not in active state when processing activity or instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2". The reason is The execution of this instance "1020112-BpInv7-BpSeq14.87-2" for process "UpdateOrderReqABCS" is supposed to be in a jta transaction, but the transaction is not present or in active state, please turn on the application server transaction debug logs to get more information..
    Thanks in advance.

    I can envisage this happening only in a case where the update is taking a longer time than the value of JTA transaction timeout.
    Is this happening for all BPEL instances or some of them get thru succesfully ?
    Are you EVER updating that particular row of your table ( before/after) ?

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    download orders
    What version of Premiere Elements and on what computer operating system is it running?
    The problem is the disc in the burner tray not being recognized by Premiere Elements. Another frequent related issue is Burner Location: in burn dialog being empty when the Premiere Elements does not recognize the burner.
    In the problem that you have,
    a. Have you tried other brands/types of DVD discs?
    b. If you start a new project and take the new Timeline content to DVD-VIDEO on DVD disc, does the problem remain the same?
    B. Have you tried program uninstall/free ccleaner run through/reinstall with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled?
    If you are in a time crunch, you should consider burning the Timeline content to folder and then taking the VIDEO_TS Folder from that
    saved folder into a program like ImgBurn for the DVD-VIDEO on DVD production.
    Please review and consider and then we will supply you with how to details. Looking forward to your results.
    Thank you.

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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for the reply. I've checked the Baumer website and there doesn't appear to be any firmware available to download.
    Some additional info:-
    Error still occurs after completely disabling the firewall on my PC.
    I've run CameraValidator.exe /attributes as per the NI debug whitepaper and this seems to execute fine and generate a report on the camera's compatability.
    It's strange because NI MAX shows when the camera is in use by another user, reports information like IP & serial fine, so it appears that it can 'see' it. It just can't seem to initiase it to grab any frames.

  • Hp Envy states second battery not present

    My second battery states not present. Please help me to solve this issue. I love this compuuter. And my warranty have already expired.

    @razalijamsuri ,
    Welcome to the HP support forums and thank you for posting.  So that I can better help you with your battery issue, I will need a little more information.  Here are some links to check out first.
    Advice for asking the "Very Best Question"
    Could you post back with your full model and product number.
    How Do I Find My Model Number or Product Number?
    As well when you state a second battery.  Is it an hp original part or is it a third party battery.
    Any information would be great.  Please include your notebooks Operating System as well.
    Which Windows operating system am I running?
    I hope to hear back from you soon.  Have a great day and thank you again for posting.
    Please click the "Thumbs Up" on the bottom right of this post to say thank you if you appreciate the support I provide!
    Also be sure to mark my post as “Accept as Solution" if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others who face the same challenge find the same solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • 5.0 won't work - extensions message is "localized string not found".  When I force it to try to load a new window it shows a gray screen with the bookmarks on top then immediately closes and wants to report the error. Has been this way since 5.0 came out.

    I first tried downloading Safari when the 5.0 update came out last year.  When I choose the app in the dock, I get the blue top bar (Safari, File, etc) but nothing else loads.  I uninstalled the app and tried again several times, but no success. For over a year now I've used Firefox as a result.  Today I thought I'd try again, but same results.  When I choose "new window" in the file menu, I get a small gray window with my bookmarks on top, then in a few seconds, the app quits unexpectedly and the report an error screen appears.  I've unchecked all the languages in the information area for the app, cleared all history, cookies, and cache.  Still the extensions tab in the preferences area has "LOCALIZED STRING NOT FOUND" in 4 places.  It won't show what that means when I click the "?".  Will I ever be able to use Safari again?

    Perform the suggestions mentioned in the following articles:
    * [[Firefox is already running but is not responding]]
    -> Profile in use
    * [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_in_use]
    Check and tell if its working.

  • TestStand 4.2 Error String not found in language resource files

    I've installed TestStand 4.2 on two Windows XP machines.  On one machine it worked fine first time. On the other machine I receive the following message in the login box, and also in the templates pane:  'String not found in language resource files." I have tried uninstalling and re-installing TestStand twice but still get this error.  This error prevents me being able to login as an administrator so I am unable to use TestStand 4.2. I understand that these language resource files are provided by the installer but for some reason it seems that the machine with the error cannot locate these.
    The only difference between the two XP machines that I can find is the location of user profiles.  I note that on Vista compatible TestStand versions that TestStand user settings are stored to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 4.2\Components on XP machines.  On the XP machine with the error all user profiles are stored under C:\profiles, rather than C:\Documents and Settings.  This is the standard profile used by our company so I am unable to change this. The TestStand installer does recognise this and installs TestStand user settings to  C:\profliles\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 4.2\.  Does anyone know whether the location of the user profiles is important, or whether there is another cause for this error?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Scott,
    I've held off on the changes suggested by John for now.  You are correct in that the knowledge base article referenced by John does not apply since the engine does initialise. 
    I've attached two screen shots.  The first one is the standard login box which displays the "String Not found in language resource files" message in place of the usual "administrator" user name.  If I overwrite the  "String Not found in language resource files" user name with "administrator" and click OK to log in then I get an "Invalid User Name" error dialogue box. Therefore I am unable to log into TestStand.
    The second screen shot shows the TestStand sequence editor with the String Not found in language resource files visible in the templates pane.
    TS Login Prompt.JPG ‏11 KB
    TS Seq Editor.JPG ‏75 KB

  • "quoted string not properly terminated" error in File to Oracle interface

    We have an interface at our site that is a simple file to Oracle interface. We used the sqlldr LKM and the SQL Control Append IKM. The interface bombs out when one of the unmapped Oracle fields has this for a string literal in it: '--A'. It's a size 3 varchar field in Oracle. We can put in other literals fine in it, but using the '--A' one brings back this error in the Insert portion of the interface:
    1756 : 42000 : java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
    I ran the sql query that ODI bombs out on and the record inserts fine inside sql developer.
    Anybody else experience this and if so what was the solution to get past this?
    We're using ODI

    Hi A,
    I tried this but it didn't work. I am puzzled as to why OBIEE prints any special character after a % twice. For example %& becomes %&& or %' become %'' . I guess it is the Evaluate function that is fiddling with the % .
    Edited by: 900740 on Feb 9, 2012 9:22 AM

  • Comparing two internal tables and deleting the record not present in second

    Hi All,
    I have a internal table itaba with PERNR as primary key and various other columns (1000 records) and table B with PERNR as primary key and 800 records.
    Now what is the best way to compare these two and delete the record from table A when its corresponding record is not present in table B?
    Thanks and Regards,

    HI SIR
    u trained us in accenture
    Hi all
    when ever m running this session in SM35 , M getting error as :
    in batch input
    no standard page heading
    message-id zmm
    line-count 65
    line-size 150.
    tables : mara.
    *Top includr program
    *include yasec_bdc_nik_session_top.
    ***********selection screen *******************
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    selection-screen skip.
    PARAMETERS: p_ifile(128) TYPE c .
    PARAMETERS: p_sess TYPE c.
    Subroutine call***************************
    *include yasec_bdc_nik_session_f01.
    *********At selection event triggered *************
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_ifile.
    To get F4 help for the input file path
    PERFORM f_f4_input_file.
    To validate and upload the input file
    PERFORM f_load_file.
    To validate the Number of Sessions field
    IF rad2 IS NOT INITIAL AND sy-ucomm EQ c_onli.
    PERFORM f_check_sessions.
    ***********Start of selection *******************
    *To process BDC
    PERFORM f_process_bdc.
    Writes the report heading and for displaying line number.
    PERFORM f_report_header.
    TYPES : BEGIN OF t_final,
    matnr(50) TYPE c,
    bismt(18) type c,
    end of t_final.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_fdata,
    data(256) TYPE c,
    END OF t_fdata.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF t_error,
    message(100) TYPE c,
    END OF t_error.
    *Internal table declarations
    *Internal table to load the data from the file that is changed throgh BDC
    DATA : i_final TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_final,
    wa_final TYPE t_final.
    *Internal table to store the error messages
    DATA : i_error TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_error,
    wa_error TYPE t_error.
    *Internal table to load the raw data
    DATA : i_fdata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_fdata,
    wa_fdata TYPE t_fdata.
    *Internal table to store records of BDC
    wa_bdcdata TYPE bdcdata.
    Internal table to store BDC messages
    DATA: i_bdcmsgcoll TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll INITIAL SIZE 0,
    wa_bdcmsgcoll TYPE bdcmsgcoll.
    DATA: v_ifile TYPE string,
    v_input TYPE i,
    c_delimiter TYPE c VALUE 'X',
    v_mode TYPE c VALUE 'A',
    v_sessions TYPE i.
    CONSTANTS : c_flagx TYPE c VALUE 'X',
    c_slash TYPE c VALUE '/',
    c_onli(4) TYPE c VALUE 'ONLI',
    c_vl02(4) TYPE c VALUE 'VL02',
    c_s TYPE c VALUE 'A'.
    FORM f_f4_input_file .
    program_name = syst-cprog
    dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
    file_name = p_ifile.
    ENDFORM. " f_f4_input_file
    *& Form f_load_file
    FORM f_load_file .
    v_ifile = p_ifile.
    filename = v_ifile
    filetype = 'ASC'
    has_field_separator = 'X'
    data_tab = i_fdata
    file_open_error = 1
    file_read_error = 2
    no_batch = 3
    gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
    invalid_type = 5
    no_authority = 6
    unknown_error = 7
    bad_data_format = 8
    header_not_allowed = 9
    separator_not_allowed = 10
    header_too_long = 11
    unknown_dp_error = 12
    access_denied = 13
    dp_out_of_memory = 14
    disk_full = 15
    dp_timeout = 16
    OTHERS = 17.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *Text-103-Input file does not exist.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH text-103 .
    DELETE i_fdata WHERE data = space.
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_fdata LINES v_input.
    IF v_input EQ 0.
    Text-104 - Input file is empty.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH text-104 .
    ENDFORM. " f_load_file
    *& Form f_check_sessions
    FORM f_check_sessions .
    IF p_sess IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE e000 WITH text-106.
    v_sessions = v_input DIV p_sess.
    ENDFORM. " f_check_sessions
    *& Form f_process_bdc
    FORM f_process_bdc.
    LOOP AT i_fdata INTO wa_fdata.
    SPLIT wa_fdata AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
    INTO wa_final-matnr
    APPEND wa_final TO i_final.
    CLEAR wa_fdata.
    IF rad1 = c_flagx.
    PERFORM f_passbdc_vl02.
    ELSEIF rad2 = c_flagx.
    PERFORM f_sessions_vl02.
    ENDFORM. "f_process_bdc
    To populate the Screen information
    p_program Program Name
    p_dynpro Screen Number
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING p_program TYPE any
    p_dynpro TYPE any.
    CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
    Populate the BDC structure with the Screen Information.
    Move the Program name PROGRAM
    wa_bdcdata-program = p_program.
    Move the Screen Number DYNPRO
    wa_bdcdata-dynpro = p_dynpro.
    Indicate the beginning of a new screen
    wa_bdcdata-dynbegin = c_flagx.
    APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. "f_bdc_dynpro
    *& Form f_passbdc_vl02
    FORM f_passbdc_vl02.
    DATA: l_lines_im TYPE i.
    SORT i_final BY matnr ASCENDING.
    CLEAR wa_final.
    LOOP AT i_final INTO wa_final.
    CLEAR: i_bdcmsgcoll[],
    CLEAR: i_bdcdata[].
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-MATNR'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(01)'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'MARA-BISMT'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_transaction using 'MM02'.
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_transaction using 'MM03'.
    MODE v_mode
    UPDATE c_s
    MESSAGES INTO i_bdcmsgcoll.
    If error occurred in call transaction 'VA02' then stores all
    information of failed records into internal table i_error_im.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    DESCRIBE TABLE i_bdcmsgcoll LINES l_lines_im.
    CLEAR wa_bdcmsgcoll.
    READ TABLE i_bdcmsgcoll INTO wa_bdcmsgcoll INDEX l_lines_im.
    To capture success and error messages in BDC.
    id = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgid
    lang = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgspra
    no = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgnr
    v1 = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgv1
    v2 = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgv2
    v3 = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgv3
    v4 = wa_bdcmsgcoll-msgv4
    msg = wa_error-message
    not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    WRITE: text-111 COLOR 7.
    CLEAR: wa_final.
    REFRESH i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. "f_passbdc_va02
    *& Form bdc_field
    -->P_FNAM text
    -->P_FVAL text
    FORM bdc_field USING p_fnam TYPE any
    p_fval TYPE any.
    CLEAR wa_bdcdata.
    Populate the Field Name
    wa_bdcdata-fnam = p_fnam.
    Populate the field value
    wa_bdcdata-fval = p_fval.
    APPEND wa_bdcdata TO i_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM. "f_bdc_field
    *& Form f_sessions_vl02
    FORM f_sessions_vl02 .
    DATA: l_sindex TYPE sy-tabix VALUE 1,
    l_eindex TYPE sy-tabix,
    l_flag TYPE c VALUE space.
    l_eindex = v_input.
    SORT i_final BY matnr ASCENDING.
    DO p_sess TIMES.
    client = sy-mandt
    group = 'Y_VL02_NIK'
    user = sy-uname
    keep = c_flagx
    client_invalid = 1
    destination_invalid = 2
    group_invalid = 3
    group_is_locked = 4
    holddate_invalid = 5
    internal_error = 6
    queue_error = 7
    running = 8
    system_lock_error = 9
    user_invalid = 10
    OTHERS = 11.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    CLEAR wa_final.
    CLEAR: i_bdcdata[].
    LOOP AT i_final INTO wa_final FROM l_sindex TO l_eindex .
    IF l_flag = v_sessions.
    CLEAR l_flag.
    l_flag = l_flag + 1.
    CLEAR: i_bdcdata[].
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'RMMG1-MATNR'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'MSICHTAUSW-KZSEL(01)'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'MARA-BISMT'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_transaction using 'MM02'.
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0060'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '0070'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLMGMM' '4004'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPLSPO1' '0300'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'
    perform bdc_transaction using 'MM03'.
    l_sindex = l_sindex + 1.
    not_open = 1
    queue_error = 2
    OTHERS = 3.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM. " f_sessions_vl02
    *& Form f_report_header
    FORM f_report_header .
    text-201 - Company: Carrier
    text-102- Batch Data Communication.
    text-202 - System: SAP
    WRITE: /1 sy-vline,
    3 text-201,
    50 text-102,
    100 text-202,
    AT sy-linsz sy-vline.
    text-203 - Program:
    text-204 - Date/Time:
    WRITE: /1 sy-vline,
    3 text-203, sy-repid ,
    100 text-204,sy-datum ,c_slash, sy-uzeit,
    AT sy-linsz sy-vline.
    text-205 - User ID:
    text-206 - Page:
    WRITE: /1 sy-vline,
    3 text-205, sy-uname,
    100 text-206, sy-pagno,
    AT sy-linsz sy-vline.
    ENDFORM. " f_report_header
    FORM bdc_transaction USING tcode.
    tcode = tcode
    dynprotab = i_bdcdata
    internal_error = 1
    not_open = 2
    queue_error = 3
    tcode_invalid = 4
    printing_invalid = 5
    posting_invalid = 6
    OTHERS = 7.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
    WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    WRITE: / text-109 ,wa_final-matnr,
    text-110 .
    ENDFORM. "bdc_transaction

  • Oracle SQL Developer  error - "The file-based source procedure Name is not present in the database."

    I recently started working on the Oracle SQL developer. I have 'select' privileges on the QA schema and when tried to execute proc in QA. It is giving the error as 'The file-based source <procedure Name>  is not present in the database.  Was it compiled?'
    instead 'you do not have sufficient privileges to execute this procedure'. Did research on internet but with no luck.What configuration changes needed to be done to make it work.Guide me.

    Sounds like you do not have the correct privileges.  What should have been granted to you by the QA user, or some other user with appropriate privileges, is...
    Note that a grant of execute on a procedure has nothing to do with grants of select on some or all of QA's tables and views.
    So, as Vadim suggests, from your connection node in SQL Developer's Connections view, if you expand the Other Users node, then expand QA and look in the Procedures node, do you see the procedure of interest?  If not, you cannot expect to be able to execute it from your userid's connection. And even if you do see it, you may have some other privilege that permits viewing but not executing, like...
    The system privilege SELECT ANY DICTIONARY
    And even if you do not see it there, then having certain other privileges granted to you could permit executing it in general, like...
    The system privilege EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE
    Also, note that the 3.0 release is a bit dated nowadays. Upgrading to 4.0.3 production or even the 4.1 EA2 (early adopter) release will, in general, give you a better experience.
    Best wishes,

  • After writing an html report on a floppy disk and removing it, labview shows an error message window: disk not present

    after writing an html report on a floppy disk and removing it, labview shows an error message window: disk not present.
    My pc is based on asus motherboard. Labview 7 and Windows 2000 sp4 installed.
    The error message continue also if i stop the application that generated report on a: .
    I've got this problem only on a pc: on other machines i don't have this problem (Labview only continues to access floppy but it doesn't show any window).
    Find below an example: first press the button to create a report on a: then remove the floppy, after 30-35 sec i've got the error message
    prova.vi ‏55 KB

    I tried your vi: I don't get any error message after removing the disk but LV7 keeps on accessing the drive at regular intervals even if you stop the vi and close it!!! This is not supposed to happen.
    The only way to stop it is exit LV7.
    If you don't use the file dialog and you wire a full path, you don't get any problem.
    I also created a very simple vi that conditionally writes a text file on a: and I got the same behaviour.
    This problem occurs only with LV7, I tried the same examples in LV6.1 and everything was fine.
    If anybody wants to try I attach this simple example,
    salva_testo1.vi ‏22 KB

  • Error creating work order for new notification - Related SyncBO not present

    We are working with MAM3.0 standard application.
    We age getting an  error while creating work order for a NEW notification.
    In this scenario both notification and corresponding work order are also not created.
    Here is the error for MAM30001 Sync BO in MEREP_MONI:_
    Reading inbox record (mobile ID=0000001444, seq, no.=29, rcd_cntr=1, data=TOP0001000000
    External format successfully converted to internal format: ldata=TOP0001000000000000000
    Related SyncBO MAM30_010 with Sync key 0000000028 is not present on the device.
    Return code 1 (DOWNLOADER)                                                   
       Here is the error for MAM30010 Sync BO in MEREP_MONI:_
    Return code from RFC BAPI Wrapper call:Order NEW does not exist
    Return code from RFC BAPI Wrapper call:The order/network type  is not defined
    Return code from RFC BAPI Wrapper call:Order NEW does not exist
    Return code 0 (UPDATE MEREP_506-STATUS)                                      
    Can any body please tell me what is the sollutions for this error
    your help in this regard is appreciable.

    Hi Murthy,
    II have no idea what patch level you are on. A while back we had similar issues with some clients. There are several patches around that area available. Perhaps you should have a look into patch 959732.
    Hope that helps.

  • Got error(JS alert message) that "Given key was not present in the dictonary". After clearing history error gone. Not getting answer?

    I have asp dotnet website and when I am log in into it then I got an js alert message i.e.
    "Given key was not present in the dictonary". When I am going to clear clear browser history then it working fine without error. We know it thats why we are clearing history but client don't know and they dont want to clear history. So Is there solution
    of this problem. please suggest me.

    Hi Vishal Shivade,
    Please post in ASP.NET forums, where you could get better help.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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