SRP547W with an Asterisk system?

I hope this is not a stupid question, but is it possible to configure an SRP547W's FXO/FXS ports to work with an Asterisk server?
I'm setting up a small office to use an Asterisk server and I was going to add a SPA3102 Voice Gateway, to allow me to connect the existing PSTN line and one FXS phone to the Asterisk system, but as I already have an SRP547W as the main office router, I thought it may be possible to utilise its FXO/FXS ports to do the job?
I had a quick search for examples, but nothing obvious, so before I even try playing with the SRP547's settings, I thought I'd ask here, in case anyone can either catagorically confirm it won't work, or anyone that has a similar working setup?

Hi Clive,
To an extent, you can do this, but you need to consider the following:
The SRP voice interfaces were designed specifically for hosted voice solutions - i.e. where the call control exists on the Internet side of the SRP.  Specifically, the voice stack is bound to the public IP address of the WAN interface and all signalling / media will intially source from there.
The FXO port in the SRP is really there for FXS port resiliency.  There is no user agent associated with this interface, so can't therefore be used by Asterisk as a PSTN gateway.  Of course, the FXS ports can be controlled by Asterisk, subject to point 1 above.  For clarity: calls presented to the FXO port are locally switched to one or more of the FXS ports.  Dial plan may be used to route calls presented to any of the FXS ports over the FXO line.
Hope that helps,

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    Dear Neetesh
    Thank you for your answer!
    Point-to-Point communication is always faster, but when we talk about complex IT architecture, then the idea is to streamline the flow of communication through a central hub. So, performance will definitely won't be the same.
    This is true, I did not expect the PI system to perform nearly as good as the Point-to-Point system, I am more worried that the results is not representative, because of all the pauses.
    What is the polling interval of File Adapter? What is the size of each files? What is the PI hardware configuration? What mapping you are using? All these issues can affect / slower down the performance.
    What is the polling interval of File Adapter?
    When you say Polling Interval of the File Adapter, do you mean how often it checks for Files? Because that is the only option I can find:
    "Number of seconds that the adapter is to wait if no files are found for processing" (from SAP Guide)
    If so, this is set to 0. In order to start the test, I deactivate the File Adapter, copy the files and activate it again. It starts almost immediately with getting the files.
    What is the size of each files?
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    What is the PI hardware configuration?
    I am not sure what you mean. The server is a 3 GHz server (4 cores), with 16 GB ram.
    What mapping you are using?
    All data elements from the XML files are mapped directly to the IDOC. There is no processing (or call to any functions) or any changes made to the data, so the mapping is direct. Except I have made a custom function, which simply calls a timestamp function, in order to get the timing.
    On Tuesday (two days time from now), I get more servertime, I will try to see if I can find an actual Polling Interval of the File Adapter, if this is what you meant.

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    re-check if the 7.4 system is correctly registered in the solman SLD system.
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    Those iPhones are NOT locked
    Where did you get your iPhone
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    2. Where should we  craete process Chains. Dev/QA/Prd.
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    your BW quality system will be connected to your R/3 Production system from where you'll extract the real time data and do testing which includes estimation of downtime in case of filling up of the set up tables and so on...
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    Hope it helps..

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    I really dont know why this happen on your notebook and dont think there is anything you can do about it.
    I would exchange it again. What you can also try is to contact nearest Toshiba service. Make a call, explain the situation and ask if they can help you with this.

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    What laptop do you have?
    - Peter

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    Regards, Dima

    You don't provide any info on how you want to cosnume the web service, but pls check things like
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    Spread the wor(l)d!

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    I had issues where my MacPro 8-core would not boot after the 10.7.4 upgrade, but my MacBook Air 13" 2011 upgrade worked just fine.
    I had to restore my MacPro HD from my TimeMachine back up. Apparently, the Softraid raid drivers that I use on my MacPro are not compatible yet with 10.7.4. See here for more info:
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  • Cost center integration with HR - logical system for CRT inconsistent

    Hi there,
    we are distributing Cost centers from our SAP ERP system to another SAP HR system via ALE [COSMAS01 basic type].
    The cost center created in target system contains information about source system logical system name - table CSKS, field LOGSYSTEM.
    This is causing problems in Travel Managment in SAP HR system, where we get the error: Logical system for CTR inconsistent.
    Cost centers created/changed in HR system does not contain any value in CSKS-LOGSYSTEM field and work fine.
    Any ideas how to solve this issue?
    For now to fix the issue, user needs to do a phony change in SAP HR system to get rid of original LOGSYSTEM value.
    I am thinking about removing field E1CSKSM-LOGSYSTEM from COSMAS IDoc but I gues there must be simpler soloution.
    Thanks for your advices,

    Igor :
    I think this has something to do with matching logical system with controlling area in TKA01. Another option for cc's logical system to have no values when outbound ALE is to config V_TKA01_ALE (so it will be transported to the system that has cc ALE to other systems) to have field 'ALE Distribution Method' blank (No distribution to other system).
    This way, when SAP is creating outbound idoc for COSMAS, field CSKS-logicalsystem will not be populated (logic is in SAP 'MASTERIDOC_CREATE_COSMAS' , around line 86).

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