Sscrotwm - A bloatless fork of the scrotwm/spectrwm window manager

So I forked scrotwm/spectrwm with the goal of making it a bit lighter and cleaner.
sscrotwm on GitHub
sscrotwm on AUR
(For current scrotwm/spectrwm users, just remove everything involving to resolve the conflict.)
So far I've mostly been clearing out some features, things are around 25% smaller in most areas.
Some features removed:
- Status bar, clock (we have enough clocks already)
- Iconification
- Annoying smart resizing and moving behavior (Impossible to move things off screen at all)
- Synthetic mouse clicks (Use xdotool and friends)
- Tight dmenu coupling for search and naming
- xterm-specific means to resize font according to window size
- Fancy cursors while moving/resizing
- Pointless copypasta from BSD libraries
- Annoying focus models
- Pointless integration with utilities (screenshots, etc.) that should be done though configuration
- More to come
I wasn't happy with the direction scrotwm was going. Weird new features and not really getting any cleaner, but still pretty awesome. Then they decided to change the name. I *loved* that name. It won strange looks. So I'm taking the pun a little further with sscrotwm.
There's still lots of work to do, but it's now good enough for me to use on a daily basis, so I figured someone else might like to see. Send all manners of complaints or requests back, although I don't plan on adding much.

I think you have a bug somewhere in the PKGBUILD (or I'm missing something major)... A couple of code-block examples will be easier than trying to describe it:
$ pacman -Ql sscrotwm-git|grep bin/
sscrotwm-git /usr/bin/
sscrotwm-git /usr/bin/scrotwm
sscrotwm-git /usr/bin/sscrotwm
$ cd /usr/bin
$ ls -l |grep scrot
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 52 Feb 27 14:07 scrotwm -> /home/oliver/tmp/sscrotwm-git/pkg/usr/bin/sscrotwm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 68544 Feb 27 14:07 sscrotwm
Edit - I installed via downloading the tar file from AUR and running makepkg
Last edited by oliver (2012-02-27 19:23:14)

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    So just ask whatever and enjoy using wmfs !

    One wmfs fellow (Alm) wrote a nice python script for the status, here it is :
    # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
    import urllib
    import imaplib
    import os
    import signal
    import time
    import re
    import math
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from mpd import MPDClient, ConnectionError
    from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
    ### configuration
    g_users = [ ['[email protected]', 'PASSWD'] ]
    g_weather = 'chvs0003'
    g_cores = 2
    g_iface = 'wlan0'
    g_wm = 'wmfs'
    ### formatting for wmfs
    g_fmt_weather = '\\#4A4A4A\\C\\#0081DE\\{0}'
    g_fmt_gmail = '\\#4A4A4A\\@\\#AA4499\\{0}'
    g_fmt_mpd = '\\#FFC400\\{0}'
    g_fmt_mixer = '\\#0081DE\\{0}'
    g_fmt_cpu = '\\#4A4A4A\\{0:d}\\#FFCC00\\{1:d}'
    g_fmt_mem = '\\#AA2233\\{0:d}M'
    g_fmt_eth = '\\#4A4A4A\\wlan\\#FFCC00\\{0:d}/{1:d}'
    ### classes ###
    class Wi(object):
    def __init__(self, format = ''):
    self._val = ''
    self._fval = ''
    self._fmt = format
    def format(self):
    self._fval = self._fmt.format(self._val)
    return self._fval
    class WiWeather(Wi):
    _url = '{0}'
    def __init__(self, area_code, format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._url = self._url.format(area_code)
    self._fmt = format
    def update(self):
    contents = urllib.urlopen(self._url).read()
    temp ="<p>([-0-9]*)<\/p>", contents).group(1)
    felt ="</strong>: ([-0-9]*).*</li>", contents).group(1)
    if felt == '-':
    out = temp
    out = temp + '/' + felt
    if len(out) >= 1:
    self._val = out
    return 0
    return 61 # if failed, wait ~1min before retrying
    class WiGmail(Wi):
    _delimiter = '/'
    _mailbox = 'INBOX'
    _mailserver = ''
    _port = 993
    def __init__(self, users, format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._users = users
    def fetch(self, username, password):
    # set up connection
    server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self._mailserver, self._port)
    server.login(username, password)
    # get + clean
    data = str(server.status(self._mailbox, '(MESSAGES UNSEEN)'))
    count = data.split()[5].replace(')\'])','')
    return count
    def update(self):
    out = ''
    for u, p in self._users:
    s = self.fetch(u, p)
    if s == '':
    return 31 # if failed wait ~30 seconds before retrying
    if out == '':
    out += s
    out += self._delimiter + s
    self._val = out
    return 0
    class WiMpd(Wi):
    def __init__(self, host = 'localhost', port = '6600', format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._host = host
    self._port = port
    self._con_id = {'host':host, 'port':port}
    self._client = MPDClient()
    self._connected = False
    def connect(self):
    except IOError as e:
    return False
    except ConnectionError as e:
    return False
    self._connected = True
    return True
    def update(self):
    if not self._connected:
    if not self.connect():
    return 1
    st = self._client.status()
    if st['state'] == 'play' or st['state'] == 'pause':
    so = self._client.currentsong()
    self._val = "%s - %s" % (so['artist'], so['title'])
    self._val = ''
    return 0
    class WiMixer(Wi):
    def __init__(self, args = ["amixer","sget","Master"], format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._args = args
    def update(self):
    p = Popen(self._args, stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0]
    out ="([0-9]*%)",p).group(1)
    mute ="(\[[onf]*\])",p).group(1)
    if mute == "[off]":
    self._val = 'mute'
    self._val = out
    return 0
    class WiCpu(Wi):
    def __init__(self, cores = 2, format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._cores = cores
    self._total = [0]*cores
    self._active = [0]*cores
    def format(self):
    self._fval = ''
    for i in list(range(self._cores)):
    self._fval += self._fmt.format(i+1, int(self._val[i]))
    return self._fval
    def update(self):
    usage = [0]*self._cores
    for line in open("/proc/stat"):
    r ="^cpu([0-9])",line)
    if r is None:
    n = int(
    #space to avoid matching the first digit (cpuN)
    s = re.findall(" ([0-9]+)",line)
    total_new = 0
    for i in s:
    total_new += float(i)
    active_new = float(s[0]) + float(s[1]) + float(s[2])
    diff_total = total_new - self._total[n]
    diff_active = active_new - self._active[n]
    usage[n] = math.floor(diff_active / diff_total * 100)
    #store totals
    self._total[n] = total_new
    self._active[n] = active_new
    self._val = usage
    return 0
    class WiMem(Wi):
    def __init__(self, format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    def update(self):
    for line in open("/proc/meminfo"):
    r ="([a-zA-Z]+):[^0-9]+([0-9]+).+",line)
    if r is None:
    m =
    n = int(
    if m == "MemTotal":
    total = n
    elif m == "MemFree":
    free = n
    elif m == "Buffers":
    buf = n
    elif m == "Cached":
    cached = n
    self._val = int((total - free - buf - cached)/1024)
    return 0
    class WiEth(Wi):
    def __init__(self, iface = 'wlan0', format = ''):
    Wi.__init__(self, format)
    self._iface = iface
    self._rx = 0
    self._tx = 0
    self._time = 0
    def format(self):
    self._fval = self._fmt.format(int(self._val[0]),int(self._val[1]))
    return self._fval
    def update(self):
    for line in open("/proc/net/dev"):
    r ="wlan0", line)
    if r is None:
    s = re.findall(" ([0-9]+)", line)
    rx = int(s[0])
    tx = int(s[8])
    now = time.time()
    interval = now - self._time
    rx_rate = (rx - self._rx) / interval / 1024
    tx_rate = (tx - self._tx) / interval / 1024
    self._val = [rx_rate, tx_rate]
    #store results
    self._rx = rx
    self._tx = tx
    self._time = now
    return 0
    class Task(object):
    def __init__(self, func, name, delay, args=()):
    self._args = args
    self._function = func
    self._name = name
    micro = int((delay - math.floor(delay)) * 1000000)
    self._delay = timedelta(seconds=int(delay), microseconds=micro)
    self._next_run = #to force first run now
    def should_run(self):
    return >= self._next_run
    def run(self):
    delay = self._function(*(self._args))
    if delay == 0:
    self._next_run = + self._delay
    self._next_run = + timedelta(seconds=delay)
    ### signals ###
    # to print stats
    def sig_usr1(signum, frame):
    global tasks
    now =
    for t in tasks:
    print(t._name + " will run in " + str(t._next_run - now))
    # to force execution
    def sig_usr2(signum, frame):
    global tasks
    for t in tasks:
    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, sig_usr1)
    signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, sig_usr2)
    ### main ###
    gm = WiGmail(g_users, format=g_fmt_gmail)
    we = WiWeather(g_weather, format=g_fmt_weather)
    mp = WiMpd(format=g_fmt_mpd)
    mi = WiMixer(format=g_fmt_mixer)
    cp = WiCpu(g_cores, format=g_fmt_cpu);
    me = WiMem(format=g_fmt_mem);
    et = WiEth(g_iface, format=g_fmt_eth);
    tasks = [ Task(gm.update,'gmail',91), Task(we.update,'weather',1801), Task(mp.update,'mpd',1), Task(mi.update,'mixer',1), Task(cp.update,'cpu',2), Task(me.update,'mem',13), Task(et.update,'net',2) ]
    while True:
    for t in tasks:
    if t.should_run():
    now ="%e/%m %H:%M")
    os.system('wmfs -s "%s %s %s %s %s %s %s \\#AA4499\\ %s"' % (cp._fval,me._fval,et._fval,gm._fval,we._fval,mp._fval,mi._fval,now) )
    except IOError as e:
    except Exception as e:
    Last edited by aleks223 (2010-12-30 18:00:35)

  • [SOLVED] X logs me out when I try to log in to scrotwm/spectrwm

    Hi there,
    Just updated, rebooted, and tried to log in. Usually I boot into a console, and type my name and password into the console and that logs me into my window manager (scrotwm, which has recently been renamed to spectrwm). spectrwm is started from the .xinitrc file.
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    exec spectrwm &
    /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
    localuser:username being added to access control list
    /etc/gdm/Xsession: Setup done, will execute: /usr/bin/ssh-agent -- /usr/bin/scrotwm
    Welcome to scrotwm V0.9.34 cvs tag: $scrotwm: scrotwm.c,v 1.356 2011/08/13 20:26:02 marco Exp $
    color 'rgb:44/44/44 ' not found.
    ** Message: Can NOT connect to a existing LilyTerm socket!
    failed to create drawable
    failed to create drawable
    XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavaliable) on X server ":1:^M
    after 689516 requests (689512 known processed) with 0 events remaining.^M
    lilyterm: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temperately unavailable) on X server :1.
    Conky: received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye!
    I have no idea where to start with this. twm works when I log in as root, so maybe it's a problem with spectrwm? but how can I find out?
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    Last edited by ElKatrina (2012-02-19 19:25:01)

    OK, update, I filmed the error message with my phone (so that I could replay it in slow motion). It's just a few lines out of /var/log/Xorg.0.log, but these same lines are written when I (successfully) start twm when I am logged in as root.
    So, I don't really have any other information to go on to track this down. Unbelievably, I deleted everything in my ~/.xinitrc file, and I still have the same problem

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    Downloads available:
    Suites and Programs:  CC 2014 | CC | CS6 | CS5.5 | CS5 | CS4 | CS3
    Acrobat:  XI, X | 9,8 | 9 standard
    Premiere Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9, 8, 7
    Photoshop Elements:  12 | 11, 10 | 9,8,7
    Lightroom:  5.6| 5 | 4 | 3
    Captivate:  8 | 7 | 6 | 5
    Contribute:  CS5 | CS4, CS3
    Download and installation help for Adobe links
    Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages.  They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3.  If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.

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    Take a look at the screenshot to understand:
    is this normal behavior !?
    Thank you for your understanding ;)

    I think this is normal behavior.
    You just close the RDP from client side but not log off the server, right?
    Vivian Wang
    Yes, right I closed the RDP from client side, not log off the server.

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    Information Technology is fun! Play with IT.

    I sure wish there were two forks to the Playbook OS. One with the Android player and one without. I'm tired of getting tricked into downloading an Android app from App World. I want my Playbook without this feature or at least a way to prevent Android apps from loading. 
    Information Technology is fun! Play with IT.

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    Which brings me to the rhetorical question as to why it was necessary to shuffle everything around, was it broken? Did it not work? Since 2006 I've moved my mouse pointer almost instinctively to the left side of the screen, now all of a sudden I have to go right, is there a point?
    This is like supermarkets that as soon as you have figured out where everything is, they shuffle everything around and now you are stuck in mystery shopping. At least they have economic reasons. Meanwhile Firefox seems disposed to make itself look more like Chrome, but hey if I wanted Chrome I'd get it.

    Nope... Thanks, but Safe Mode does not do the trick. Oh sure you can move the buttons around and rearrange things to your liking, unfortunately it does not stay that way once you get out of Safe Mode.
    I guess if you use an XP machine you are doomed to use FF's interpretation of what it should look like, which is ass backwards from what it has been for the past FIVE YEARS!!! Why not? It seems XP users are now the Freddo's of computing.
    Someone should go to you developer's homes move everything around, forks in the basement, beds in the bathroom, TV up in the attic with the mice, dining table outside on the porch, see how you like it.

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    Can Any one help me.  Same thing happens on my MACPRO w 16 GB Ram and on my 17" MacBook Pro.

    Allan Sicks wrote:
    Thanks for your input.  Problem might be with the EASTER BUNNY..... have to have someone to blame.
    I can't blame you for saying that.
    Adobe is the clear owner of the responsibility to make functional their product that they claim is compatible with your operating system.  Adobe is the one who sold you the product.
    I just went looking for what Adobe has said about Mountain Lion compatibility, and they both list Mountain Lion as compatible and include such language as that on this page (emphasis mine):
    Adobe and Apple have worked closely together to test Adobe® Creative Suite® 5, 5.5 and CS6 editions and individual products for reliability, performance and user experience when installed on Intel® based systems running Mac OS X Mountain Lion (v10.8). Earlier versions of Adobe Photoshop® (CS3 and CS4) software were also tested with Mountain Lion and there are currently no known issues.
    I suggest that Adobe needs to get on the ball and get this fixed.  The time for user patience is over.
    If someone from Adobe is saying "Adobe can't fix it" then that someone is at the wrong authority level and/or is thinking on the wrong level.
    This is business and the business is making products that have value and are sold to people who perceive that value.  Adobe doesn't get to keep selling products that don't work while standing on principles that "it's someone else's problem".   Customers don't care why it doesn't work. 
    It's obvious to a child that if Photoshop CS5 can write the proper things to the Apple OS so that the thumbnails are visible, that there's something Adobe could do to fix it.
    But EVEN IF this were something only Apple could fix, that Apple hasn't fixed it yet says pretty loudly that Adobe isn't making the right overtures to Apple for their mutual benefit.  Adobe, are your executives so greedy that they can't grease a few palms of their friends over at Apple to put some priority on this?  What's the problem here?  Has Adobe actually forgotten how to do business?
    P.S., You should know that I don't use a Mac and am personally having no issues with seeing proper thumbnails and previews on my Windows 7 and 8 systems, since the software that does that isn't from Adobe.

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    Is this a known issue or am I missing some settings?

    Are you using the 64 bit installer?
    See also  Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

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    You Private search turn on, hit the icon the bottom right to open a new window then hit Private, then you'll get the white background.

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    I've downloaded the Creative Cloud, once completed the creative cloud window pos up with spinning whell in center then the entire window disapears. How do I get it to remain open so that I can download programs needed

    right click the executable > click 'run as administrator'.

  • Can not see the report in report manager/admin tab

    in 8.49 on Win 2003 some users can not see the reports in report manager/admin tab. PS user can see them.
    Should we add some grants in user profile ? Which ? Any query to compare that user profile with PS ?
    Thank you.

    On the administration page, you will be able to see "View Reports For" header on the top.
    Under that header you will see the following fields:
    User ID/Type/Last/Status/Folder /Instance
    Above values will be used by PeopleSoft to filter and display the list of reports
    If the user has selected Status as Processing and saved the page, PeopleSoft will only show reports which are in Processing status.
    If user runs a report and it has been posted, it will not show up in report manager coz the filter value is set to Processing.
    Hope this helps. I dont think Permissions has anything to do with this since user is able to view the page.

  • Unable to access the data from Data Management Gateway: Query timeout expired

    Since 2-3 days the data refresh is failing on our PowerBI site. I checked below:
    1. The gateway is in running status.
    2. Data source is also in ready status and test connection worked fine too.
    3. Below is the error in System Health -
    Failed to refresh the data source. An internal service error has occurred. Retry the operation at a later time. If the problem persists, contact Microsoft support for further assistance.        
    Error code: 4025
    4. Below is the error in Event Viewer.
    Unable to access the data from Data Management Gateway: Query timeout expired. Please check 1) whether the data source is available 2) whether the gateway on-premises service is running using Windows Event Logs.
    5. This is the correlational id for latest refresh failure
    Refresh History error is –
    Errors in the high-level relational engine. The following exception occurred while the managed IDataReader interface was being used: The operation has timed out. Errors in the high-level relational engine. The following exception occurred while the
    managed IDataReader interface was being used: Query timeout expired. 
    Any idea what could have went wrong suddenly, everything was working fine from last 1 month.

    Never mind, figured out there was a lock on SQL table which caused all the problems. Once I released the lock it PowerPivot refresh started working fine.

  • I would like to use time Machine to back up to a network SMB drive. I can see the drive on my desktop but it will not show in the time machine window to be able to select it

    I currently have a mini server (OSX10.8.5, server 2.2.2) that I am using Time Machine to back up 4 external drives that are connected to the server via firewire 800. I would like to use Time Machine to back up to a windows network SMB drive. I can see the drive on my desktop but it will not show in the time machine window to be able to select it for use.
    Can this be done
    Thanks for any and all help

    The supported targets for Time Machine backups are local (direct-connected) disks, and network targets include Time Capsule, a disk hanging off the current-generation AirPort (though not earlier AirPort devices), and OS X Server systems.
    The Time Machine storage is based on the HFS+ file system, so I would not expect TM to work with SMB file services.
    While there are hacks to allow Time Machine to access network drives, I would not consider those to be reliable. Skim the forum and the 'net for related details, and for previous discussions of setting this up and the related issues that can arise.
    Remember to test the recovery with whatever you decide to use; whole point of backups is the ability to restore the data, after all.
    If you want to learn more about Time Machine, Pondini is an excellent resource.

  • What determines whether the Label name and/or Caption appears in the context help window but in other cases, both the label and caption appear in the context help window?

    I am trying to polish an application, and find that I cannot seem to reliably control which of the label or caption text appears in the context help window because I don't understand what rules are in place to determine which should appear. It seems like if I reate a named constant, then use it's right click menu command "Create Indicator" I get a control with only a Label (as long as I don't add a caption). This then appears in the context help window as the label name followed by the description text (after entering some description text). But if I add a caption, the label name is shown in bracket
    s which is a 'feature' I would like to avoid, because I have certain controls where I would like to use a descriptive variable name on the block diagram side without using so much space on the front panel. It seems like there is no way to avoid showing the Label name in the context help for a control/indicator. Is this true?
    I thought the purpose of having a seperate caption was to make the text that appears with a control programmatically controllable, but if that control is not extended to what appears in the context help window, it limits the usefulness of the caption and forces me to re-consider some Label names. However, the problem goes deeper than that because then even when I make the label and caption exactly the same, or if I delete (via a select caption text-backspace or select caption text- delete key .. sequence) the caption for a control, the label name in the context help window still appears in square brackets!
    Can I have complete control over the context help fo
    r a particular control (or has anyone found a third-party context help solution that functions compatibly with LabVIEW 7 in a built application that they will be so kind as to recommend?)
    I have used LabVIEW for three years, and I am now using LabVIEW 7.0.

    Sorry for that.. I was changing the text of my question and didn't read carefully enough in the preview stage. I wanted it to read "What determines whether the Label name and/or Caption appears in the context help window?"

Maybe you are looking for