SSDT BI Installation - Where is TFS ?

I installed now the SSDT BI from 10/27/2014, when using it I get the information that my SSIS packages will be migrated, however since I don't want that at the moment I noticed that I got also VS2012 installed at the same time. So i thought I could open
my solution with that. However I found out that there is no trace of TFS integration in that at all. The VS2013 shell sees my TFS but VS2012 seems to be on a totally different planet. I assume that I have to install another piece of software to get that working.
Which one is it and what version do I need to not break some things on my installation ?
Already installed software:
- VS2013 Premium Update 4 - 12.0.31101.00
- SSDT 12.0.41012.0 (SSAS/SSRS/SSIS listed seperately but no version info)
- VS2012 11.0.50727.1 RTMREL
- SSMS 2014 (x64) 12.0.2000.8

I'm going to move this over to the SSDT-BI forum as they might be able to better assist you. However, I believe they lay down the VS 2012 shell only, so you would need to install a SKU of VS 2012 that supports TFS. If you are just looking for TFS access
and not a full VS install, you can see if Team Explorer fits your needs.
Thanks a lot Jill,
I'm still a bit puzzled at the strategy that the SSDT BI team is going here. From what I can see the VS2012 that comes with the installation is only the shell. (no BI project support, no TFS support) Since they know that SSIS packages for SQL 2012 are
not compatible with VS2013, I would have expected them to include a working version of VS2012 in their installer. Instead customers have to go and download VS2012 after that Update 4 (on MSDN I couldn't find VS2012 that is combined with Update 4 at least).
I wonder if after that the SSIS projects will show up or I have to go out and look for another version of SSDT BI to get this running. :)
@Piotr, thanks for the hint with Update 4 ;-)

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    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1200480)
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    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1200445)
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    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019009)
    Reading Database Definition For [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019021)
    Reading Database Mapping For [Tigo_Dev]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019010)
    Writing Application Definition For [Tigo_Dev]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019011)
    Writing Database Definition For [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:07 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019022)
    Writing Database Mapping For [Tigo_Dev]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:08 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1013202)
    Waiting for Login Requests
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1013205)
    Received Command [Load Database]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019018)
    Writing Parameters For Database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019017)
    Reading Parameters For Database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019012)
    Reading Outline For Database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019018)
    Writing Parameters For Database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Info(1019017)
    Reading Parameters For Database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Error(1019002)
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    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Error(1002097)
    Unable to load database [Rollout]
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Error(1002097)
    Unable to load database []
    [Tue Sep 15 08:08:09 2009]Local/Tigo_Dev///Error(1002097)
    Unable to load database []
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    There are binary files (I want to say the .esm and .tct files, but not totally sure) that store directory information. They are tied to the .PAG and .IND files and can't be edited.
    Your best bet is either to do a copy between servers via EAS (which will not copy data), use EAS' migration wizard (a bit more info goes across), and then export and import to the target.
    Of course if you are on 11x, you could just use LCM to copy the database to the file system, make that folder available to the target, and import through LCM on the target. It's amazingly slick.
    Cameron Lackpour

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    note: this site
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    -I've followed suggestions mentioned in this post (ERROR (TF255050)
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    I could really use some direction/help on the issue.  

    Hi Kyleco,  
    Thanks for your post.
    Your TFS 2013’s SQL Server instance and the Reporting Server installed on the same machine?
    On your TFS 2013 Server machine, open the SQL Server Management Studio and try connect to your Reporting Server, ensure can connect successfully.
    You didn’t configure the Reporting Server for your TFS 2012 Server? If yes, we suggest you in-place upgrade to TFS 2013 Server first, then manually configure the Reporting Server for your TFS 2013 Server:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    System: CrystalReports (no other options) User Name: Administrator
    Authentication:  Enterprise (other options LDAP, Windows NT, Windows AD - all these come up with error that there is no plug-in).  I have entered the server password which failed, tried it blank which failed.  I do not know what is required here.
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    In the event viewer there is error:
    Event Type:     Error
    Event Source:     Application Error
    Event Category:     (100)
    Event ID:     1000
    Date:          18/08/2010
    Time:          14:16:24
    User:          N/A
    Computer:     CRYSTALREPORTS
    Faulting application cacheserver.exe, version, faulting module unknown, version, fault address 0x7ff2fbfc.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat
    0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail
    0010: 75 72 65 20 20 63 61 63   ure  cac
    0018: 68 65 73 65 72 76 65 72   heserver
    0020: 2e 65 78 65 20 31 31 2e   .exe 11.
    0028: 30 2e 30 2e 31 32 38 32   0.0.1282
    0030: 20 69 6e 20 75 6e 6b 6e    in unkn
    0038: 6f 77 6e 20 30 2e 30 2e   own 0.0.
    0040: 30 2e 30 20 61 74 20 6f   0.0 at o
    0048: 66 66 73 65 74 20 37 66   ffset 7f
    0050: 66 32 66 62 66 63         f2fbfc 
    Please can someone help?  I am almost suicidal!

    Moved to BOE forums where CRS is supported.

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    Hi Experts,
    We have a requirement depicted as below and need to confirm if the same is possible in PI 7.3 JAVA only
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    Step 2. PI sends the request to System B which is a web service call
    Step 3. System B sends response back to PI
    Step 4. PI gets the response from System B, this response needs to transformed and mapped and sent to System C web service request.
    Step 5. The response from System C needs to be sent back to System A which initiated the call.
    Please give a thought based on your experience and expertise if this is possible; given the limitation of java only installation which is without ccBPM.
    - Shripad

    Hi Shripad,
    For modeling with  BPMN, refer the below guide:
    SOap look up in mapping from System B response to System A should solve your issue.

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