Need a help in SSRS .
i want to change the row color irrespective of values (NULL also) based on a condition .
please find the below example
Name A1 B1 C1
A         1
B              2
C                      3
in the above example , i want to get the A row to be colored in red(in cell A:B1,A:C! also).
ps: in the above format A1,B1,C1 are matrix.
thanks in advance.

Hi Chandra,
I am able to reproduce your issue, you are using Matrix control not Tabix control.
Seond thing in matrix control also it will work fine , if you modify your SQL query as given below:-
select 'A' Name,'A1' City ,'Y' val
select 'A' Name,'B1' City ,NULL val
select 'A' Name,'C1' City ,NULL val
select 'B' Name,'A1' City ,NULL val
select 'B' Name,'B1' City ,'Y' val
select 'B' Name,'C1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'A1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'B1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'C1' City ,'Y' val
Becauze when Value Cell is evaluating then its not finding the Name column, in your sql
when Value is blank thats nothing (Not NULL), it should have that row to evaluate.
Below is the output of both the cases, one with my sql and another with your SQL, however same Matrix control.
Code also given below:-
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
<Tablix Name="matrix1">
<Textbox Name="textbox3">
<Value />
<Style />
<Textbox Name="textbox2">
<Style />
<BackgroundColor>=iif(Fields!Name.Value="A","LightSkyBlue","No Color")</BackgroundColor>
<Group Name="matrix1_col">
<Textbox Name="City1">
<Style />
<Group Name="matrix1_Name">
<Textbox Name="Name">
<Style />
<BackgroundColor>=iif(Fields!Name.Value="A","LightSkyBlue","No Color")</BackgroundColor>
<Style />
<Textbox Name="textbox1">
<Tablix Name="Tablix1">
<Textbox Name="Textbox7">
<Style />
<Style />
<Textbox Name="Value">
<Style />
<Style />
<BackgroundColor>=iif(Fields!Name.Value="A","LightSkyBlue","No Color")</BackgroundColor>
<Group Name="City">
<Textbox Name="City">
<Style />
<Style />
<Group Name="Name">
<Textbox Name="Name1">
<Style />
<Style />
<BackgroundColor>=iif(Fields!Name.Value="A","LightSkyBlue","No Color")</BackgroundColor>
<Style />
<Style />
<DataSource Name="DataSource1">
<DataSet Name="DataSet1">
<CommandText>select 'A' Name,'A1' City ,'Y' val
select 'A' Name,'B1' City ,NULL val
select 'A' Name,'C1' City ,NULL val
select 'B' Name,'A1' City ,NULL val
select 'B' Name,'B1' City ,'Y' val
select 'B' Name,'C1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'A1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'B1' City ,NULL val
select 'C' Name,'C1' City ,'Y' val
<Field Name="Name">
<Field Name="City">
<Field Name="val">
<DataSet Name="DataSet2">
<CommandText>SELECT 'A' AS Name, 'A1' AS City, 'Y' AS Value
SELECT 'B' AS Name, 'B1' AS City, 'Y' AS Value
SELECT 'C' AS Name, 'C1' AS City, 'Y' AS Value </CommandText>
<Field Name="Name">
<Field Name="City">
<Field Name="Value">

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  • SSRS Reporting : Fill Cell Color according to the Location of the Cell in the Matrix

    I am trying to achieve below result in the SSRS but facing issues with Cell color Fill Expression when Detail value is NULL.
    If you look at the image, it should show exact same colors of the cell irrespective of the values.
    But in my case it is not showing color for NULL value cells.
    Below is the expression which I have put in the Fill Expression window.
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col1" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row1","Yellow",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col1" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row2","Green",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col1" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row3","Green",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col1" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row4","Green",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col2" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row1","Red",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col2" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row2","Yellow",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col2" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row3","Yellow",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col2" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row4","Green",
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    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col3" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row3","Yellow",
    Fields!Columns.Value = "Col3" And Fields!Rows.Value = "Row4","Green"
    Please suggest me to get the colors for the NULL value cells.
    I tried with IsNothing() but then it is doing the same color of all NULL cells. I want them exactly same in the figure.
    Thank you,

    Hi Mittal,
    Based on your dataset table, the matrix should displays as below. Are you manually insert Row1 row and Col3 column in the matrix?
    If that is true, the Fill cell color should be displayed as the picture above. Because there are no values for Rows=Row1 and Columns= Col1, Rows=Row1 and Columns= Col2… the expression for those cells has no effect. To achieve your requirement, we can manually
    insert those values in the dataset query like below:
    SELECT Columns, Rows, Value FROM table
    UNION all
    select 'Col1' AS Columns, 'Row1' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col1' AS Columns, 'Row3' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col2' AS Columns, 'Row1' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col2' AS Columns, 'Row4' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col3' AS Columns, 'Row1' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col3' AS Columns, 'Row2' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col3' AS Columns, 'Row3' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    UNION all
    select 'Col3' AS Columns, 'Row4' AS Rows, NULL AS Value
    Then directly add those three field with the fill cell color expression to matrix, the matrix displays:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Select all values from Rule in Store Procedure

    I have a rule like this
    CREATE RULE [dbo].[Rle_Currency_Lst]
    @List IN
    Now i want to make simple "Currency List" report for which i need to select values from above rule in Store Procedure which i will use in SSRS to fill my report.
    Please help
    Zubair Afridi | Please mark as answered or vote helpful if this post help resolved your issue. Thanks!

    One way to get the values.
    declare @definition nvarchar(max);
    select @definition = m.definition
    from sys.objects o
    inner join sys.sql_modules m on o.object_id = m.object_id
    where schema_name(o.schema_id) = 'dbo' and = 'Rle_Currency_Lst';
    set @definition = SUBSTRING(@definition, CHARINDEX('''', @definition), LEN(@definition));
    set @definition = LEFT(@definition, CHARINDEX(')', @definition) - 1);
    declare @myXML AS XML;
    set @myXML = N'<H><r>' + REPLACE(SUBSTRING(@definition, CHARINDEX('''', @definition), LEN(@definition)), ',', '</r><r>') + '</r></H>'
    declare @result table(myvalues nvarchar(100));
    insert @result(myvalues)
    SELECT'.', 'NVARCHAR(100)') AS val
    FROM @myXML.nodes('/H/r') AS Vals(id)
    update @result set myvalues = REPLACE(myvalues, '''', '');
    select * from @result;
    Note that rules is a deprecated feature and will be removed in a future version of SQL Server.  The replacement for rules is CHECK CONSTRAINTS.  You may well want to consider a plan to migrate your current rules to check constraints.

  • How to print the report directly without previewing (report viewer) using c# windows application

    Currently, we are using crystal report to all of our reporting applications, but since I/users have encountered some issues about CR's speed to load only a simple report, maybe it is now time for us to adopt a new reporting environment in which I think SSRS
    can fill this problem.
    To start with, I have here a sample code, that uses the crystal report to print the report directly without previewing:
    csCashInvoiceCal csCashCal; --Crystal report name .rpt
    dsCsReceipt dsCs; --created dataset
    DataTable u;
    DataRow s;
    private System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDocument1;
    private System.Windows.Forms.PrintDialog printDialog1;
    ParameterValues paramValue;
    ParameterDiscreteValue discreteValue;
    ParameterFieldDefinition fieldDefinition;
    private void btnPrint_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
    private void loadReceipt2()
    dsCs = new dsCsReceipt(); --created dataset
    u = dsCs.Tables.Add("DtCsReceipt");
    u.Columns.Add("Qty", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("UOM", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Description", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Discount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    u.Columns.Add("Amount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    for (int i = 0; i < dgvDesc.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
    s = u.NewRow(); double.TryParse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Discount2.Name].Value.ToString(), out discount);
    s["Qty"] = double.Parse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Qty.Name].Value.ToString());
    s["UOM"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Uom2.Name].Value.ToString();
    s["Description"] = invcode + dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Description.Name].Value.ToString();
    s["UnitPrice"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[UnitPrice.Name].Value.ToString();
    if (discount != 0)
    s["Discount"] = "(" + string.Format("{0:0.##}", discount) + "%)";
    s["Discount"] = "";
    s["Amount"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Amount2.Name].Value.ToString();
    catch (Exception) { }
    csCashCal = new csCashInvoiceCal();
    private void loadParameter2()
    ParameterFieldDefinitions paramFieldDefinitions;
    paramValue = new ParameterValues();
    discreteValue = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
    paramFieldDefinitions = csCashCal.DataDefinition.ParameterFields;
    discreteValue.Value = date;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["Date"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtcsno.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["InvoiceNo"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtNameTo.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["CustomerName"];
    discreteValue.Value = txtAdd.Text;
    fieldDefinition = paramFieldDefinitions["CustomerAddress"];
    ------other parameters----
    private void commonParam()
    private void print2()
    using (printDocument1 = new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument())
    using (this.printDialog1 = new PrintDialog())
    //this.printDialog1.UseEXDialog = true;
    this.printDialog1.Document = this.printDocument1;
    DialogResult dr = this.printDialog1.ShowDialog();
    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
    int nCopy = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.Copies;
    int sPage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.FromPage;
    int ePage = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.ToPage;
    string PrinterName = this.printDocument1.PrinterSettings.PrinterName;
    csCashCal.PrintOptions.PrinterName = PrinterName;
    csCashCal.PrintToPrinter(nCopy, false, sPage, ePage);
    catch (Exception err)
    This is only a simple sales receipt application that uses dgv and textboxes to push its data to dataset to the crystal report, a simple one but there are instances that it is very slow.
    But I'm having trouble implementing this using SSRS, since I'm only new to this one, wherein I created the report using report wizard, with two button options inside the form for print preview or direct print selection. Actually, it is very easy to implement
    with print preview because it uses reportviewer. My problem is that how can I print the report directly without using a reportviewer?
    So here is my code so far which I don't know what's next:
    private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
    this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;
    ReportParameter[] parameter = new ReportParameter[11];
    private void loadParameter3()
    parameter[0] = new ReportParameter("InvoiceNo", txtcsno.Text);
    parameter[1] = new ReportParameter("Date", date);
    parameter[2] = new ReportParameter("CustomerTin", txtTin.Text);
    parameter[3] = new ReportParameter("CustomerName", txtNameTo.Text);
    parameter[4] = new ReportParameter("CustomerAddress", txtAdd.Text);
    parameter[5] = new ReportParameter("Agent", agent);
    parameter[6] = new ReportParameter("Discount", "Discount: ");
    parameter[7] = new ReportParameter("TotalDiscount", lblDiscount.Text + "%");
    parameter[8] = new ReportParameter("TotalSales", rdtotal);
    parameter[9] = new ReportParameter("Tax", rdtax);
    parameter[10] = new ReportParameter("TotalAmount", rdnet);
    private void loadReceipt3()
    DataSet dsrs = new DataSet();
    DataTable dtrs = new DataTable();
    DataRow drs;
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Qty", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("UOM", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Description", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Discount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dtrs.Columns.Add("Amount", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    for (int i = 0; i < dgvDesc.Rows.Count - 1; i++)
    drs = dtrs.NewRow();
    drs["Qty"] = double.Parse(dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Qty.Name].Value.ToString());
    drs["UOM"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Uom2.Name].Value.ToString();
    drs["Description"] = invcode + dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Description.Name].Value.ToString();
    drs["UnitPrice"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[UnitPrice.Name].Value.ToString();
    if (discount != 0)
    drs["Discount"] = "(" + string.Format("{0:0.##}", discount) + "%)";
    drs["Discount"] = "";
    drs["Amount"] = dgvDesc.Rows[i].Cells[Amount2.Name].Value.ToString();
    catch (Exception) { }
    int addtlRow = 7;
    if (addtlRow > (count - 1))
    addtlRow = addtlRow - (count - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < addtlRow; i++)
    LocalReport localreport = new LocalReport();
    localreport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsSalesReceiptSsrs", dtrs));
    //what's next....
    So what's next after local..refresh()? Actually, I have googled a lot but I didn't found the exact solution that I'm looking for which confuses me a lot.
    Anyway I'm using VS 2010 with sql server 2012 express.
    You're help will be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you,

    After some further studies with ReportViewer controls and with the use of this tutorial @ :, which helps me a lot on how to print a report without using a report viewer, I found out what is missing
    with my code above and helps solve my question.
    Here's the continuation of the code above:
    private void loadReceipt3()
    LocalReport localreport = new LocalReport();
    localreport.ReportPath = @"..\..\SsrsCashReceipt.rdlc";
    localreport.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource("dsSalesReceiptSsrs", dtrs));
    private IList<Stream> m_streams;
    private int m_currentPageIndex;
    private void Export(LocalReport report)
    string deviceInfo =
    Warning[] warnings;
    m_streams = new List<Stream>();
    report.Render("Image", deviceInfo, CreateStream,
    out warnings);
    foreach (Stream stream in m_streams)
    stream.Position = 0;
    private void print4()
    if (m_streams == null || m_streams.Count == 0)
    throw new Exception("Error: no stream to print.");
    PrintDocument printDoc = new PrintDocument();
    PrintDialog printDlg = new PrintDialog();
    printDlg.Document = printDoc;
    DialogResult dr = printDlg.ShowDialog();
    if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
    if (!printDoc.PrinterSettings.IsValid)
    throw new Exception("Error: cannot find the default printer.");
    printDoc.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(PrintPage);
    m_currentPageIndex = 0;
    public void Dispose()
    if (m_streams != null)
    foreach (Stream stream in m_streams)
    m_streams = null;
    private Stream CreateStream(string name, string fileNameExtension, Encoding encoding, string mimeType, bool willSeek)
    Stream stream = new FileStream(name + "." + fileNameExtension,
    return stream;
    private void PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs ev)
    Metafile pageImage = new
    // Adjust rectangular area with printer margins.
    Rectangle adjustedRect = new Rectangle(
    ev.PageBounds.Left - (int)ev.PageSettings.HardMarginX,
    ev.PageBounds.Top - (int)ev.PageSettings.HardMarginY,
    // Draw a white background for the report
    ev.Graphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, adjustedRect);
    // Draw the report content
    ev.Graphics.DrawImage(pageImage, adjustedRect);
    // Prepare for the next page. Make sure we haven't hit the end.
    ev.HasMorePages = (m_currentPageIndex < m_streams.Count);
    Thank you very much for this wonderful tutorial. :)

  • Dynamically generating the ssrs dataset and filling the data into the dataset and binding it to ssrs report dynamically

    I have a work to do, in ssrs we are using server reports in our project. i am looking for dynamically generating the ssrs dataset and filling the data into the dataset and binding the dataset to ssrs report(RDL) dynamically.
    Getting the dataset dynamically has a solution by using Report Definition Customization Extension (RDCE), but the problem is binding that dataset to the report(RDL) dynamically was not there.
    Here is the reference for RDCE
    I looked for binding the dataset to the report(RDL) dynamically and searched many sites but i did not get the solution. Can anyone help me here.
    Is there any custom assemblies or any Custom data processing extensions to work around. Please help.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Prabha2233,
    Thank you for your question.
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Vicky Liu
    Vicky Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sort and fill color SSRS

    I have one report i want to sort the year as well as month change the background color row wise.
    2011    january          red
                february            red
              march             green
               january            red
               february             green
               march              pink
    According to the color column text color name   the row  background color has to be change.

    Once you rendered the data in the Tablix. You can do Group by Year and Sort by year & Month. Hope you have done like that only as per the screenshot i understood. Since the month is in characters if you sort the month it will come like this only. So
    we can write a Case statement to identify the months in number (if January then assign 1, Feb then assign 2 like that) and have this number in a separate column as month_order. While sortiing give "Sort by Year,month_order". This will satisfies your sorting
    issue i guess.
    And color the row u did't give in detail so i understood like alternative row. U can use the below expression in the row background color property "=IIf(RowNumber(Nothing)
    Mod 2 = 0,
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sridhar V
    Dont forgot to "Mark as Answer" if this resolves your problem or "Vote as Helpful" if you find it helpful

  • How to Test SSRS Custom Data Extension in TSql

    Hi There,
    I have created a custom data extenstion for SSRS 2008 Reporting Service.
    I can test the CDE in the Report DataSet -> DataSet Properties -> Query Designer -> Run Query.
    In the Command Text I pass parameters to the invoked VB code which is of type "BaanstedeCds" then name of my custom data extension.
    I can even Attach the Visual Studio VB Code Project that is invoked by the Query Designer an debug the code.
    The custom data extension works perfectly in SSRS.
    However I have not found a way yet to run BaanstedeCds (with a parametertext) from within SSMS 2008 by using an T-SQL statement!!! Is there a way to use the SSRS Custom Data Extension in Sql Server Management Studio using the dataset type I used in
    SSRS 2008?
    Because I am leaving the path of using Custom Assemblies in SSMS, for deploying an testing that way is undoable for me.
    I is to complicated and in order to properly debug these routines the entire solution of multiple projects is deployed each time even the slightest change has been made to the VB code. Also if I want to deploy from Test to Production it is very hard. I have
    to detach the databases etc, ect.  Note my previous question about this subject that remained unanswered!!!
    Using the Custom Data Extension the problems are a lot less. However I how do I use a routine in the CDS in T-SQL, like I could invoke a routine in the Custom Code Assemblies?
     I "hate" CLR routines. I have extreme trouble managing these CLR's as I explained in my post and other posts in the past.
    You just cannot build a maagable system that way.
    I had to convert all the CLR's (I had a lot of them) to Custom Data Extension Functions, as they do not have all the drawbacks  of CLR's.
    And using the CDE with all the converted CLR's in it works much better for me in the Report Manager.
    However in order to test de CDE I must invoke the CDE in a Windows Form something like this:
    Private Sub cmdGetData_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGetData.Click
    Dim CommandText As String = ""
    ' Get Parameters for CDE GetData
    CommandText = txtAdoCds.Text
    Dim Rdr As New BstCds.BaanstedeCdsReader(CommandText)
    ' Invoke GetData Function of CDE Rdr
    ' Input: CommandText: txtAdoCds.Text = TextBox on TestForm
    ' Output: DataTable: RdrDataTable
    Call Rdr.GetData(CommandText)
    If Not Rdr.RdrRetVal Then
    GoTo End_Method
    End If
    ' Show DataTable: RdrDataTable (in Excel)
    If Not BstOff.ToonTabel(DataTabel:=Rdr.RdrDataTable) Then
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End Sub
    ' File: BaanstedeCdsReader.vb
    ' Summary: Provides a means of reading one or more forward-only streams
    ' of result sets obtained by executing a command at a data source,
    ' and is implemented by Baanstede Data Processing Extensions
    ' that access BaanstedeIw3-routines.
    Public Class BaanstedeCdsReader
    Implements IDataReader
    #Region "Public Variables"
    Public RdrRetVal As Boolean = False
    Public RdrSqlSel As String = ""
    Public RdrDataTable As DataTable = New DataTable
    #End Region
    #Region "Constructors"
    #End Region
    #Region "IDataReader Members"
    #End Region
    ' GetData '
    #Region "GetData Method"
    'We are executing the command using the connection string that connects to the Active Directory.
    'Hard coding of the connection string is because it is the same for all the ADs.
    'Once we read the data using a DataReader, we place the same in a DataTable so that can be used for
    'Other processings.
    ' Public Sub GetData(ByVal _CommandText As String)
    ' Output in Public RdrDataTable As DataTable
    Public Sub GetData(ByVal _CommandText As String)
    ' Ophalen Data in DataTabel '
    RdrRetVal = False
    ' Fills RdrDataTable Using _COmmandText
    RdrRetVal = True
    End Sub
    But can I invoke Report Manager Source Type BaanstdeCds's .BaanstedeCdsReader.GetData(CommandText) in TSQL any other way then using CLR ?
    Regards Jos
    It works, but it does not work (The program runs, but does not produce the desired result)

    Hi Josje,
    Thank you for your question.
    I am trying to involve someone more familiar with this topic for a further look at this issue. Sometime delay might be expected from the job transferring. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
    Thank you for your understanding and support.
    Wendy Fu
    Wendy Fu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Creating a SSRS report with dynamic overlapping images

    I have to create a report with the following requirement:
    1: The first page has some hi-res images of 8 different geometric shapes with text in it. The location of the images on the page will be static, however the fill color of image can be either green or grey.E.g. one box can be green for one user , for other it
    can be grey etc.
    2: Export the report in excel,pdf and word
    I am planning to use SSRS for this.
    I am planning to create the report with superimposed images, e.g. green palette shape and grey palette shape superimposed on each other .Depending on the selection made by the user, I want to "Send to Back" or "Bring to Front." Can I change
    the "Send to Back" or "Bring to Front" properties at runtime depending on parameters passed to the report?
    Also, I want the image path to be configurable, so that when business wants to change the text or color of the image, I do not need to redeploy the code. I can just change the image.
    how can I create the RDL such that the images are at the proper positions? DO I need to insert a tablix for proper positioning of the image?
    Any suggestions?

    Hi RachanaD,
    As far as I know, overlapping of item does not work in the soft-break renderers like HTML, Word and Excel. However, it is work in hard-break renderers like PDF or TIFF.
    In your case, we can insert text box in rectangle to work around the issue. We can insert an image in rectangle and another image insert in a text box. Then, put the text box in the rectangle.
    In SSRS, we cannot use parameter to control the location of image. However, we can use go to report action to work around the issue. Please refer to the steps below:
    Create two similar report, the difference between two reports is the location of these image.
    In the first report, add a text box fill with “Send to Back”.
    Add action “go to report” of the text box go to the second report.
    In the second report, add a text box fill with “Bring to Front”.
    Add action “go to report” of the text box go to the first report.
    Hope this helps.
    Alisa Tang
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to fill column value of a matrix with specific color when there is no value in that specific cell?

    Hi All,
    I need to create a 5/5  matrix in SSRS report. The data will be :
    Col_Side   Col_Header   Col_data
    1                  1                1
    1                  1                 1
    1                  2                1
    1                  5                1
    1                  5                1
    1                  5                1
    2                  3                1
    2                  5                1
    3                  1                2
    3                  1                2
    3                  1                2
    4                   2               1
    4                   4               1
    5                   1               1
    5                   1               1
    5                   5               1
    So, the matrix column will be Col_Header and matrix row will be Col_Side and count(Col_data) will be on the data.
    Finally, it will create a 5 by 5 matrix with Count(Col_data) as its data for each combinations. If there is no combination (for ex: in the above data we do not have no combination of (1,3) , (1,4) , (2,1) etc..) then the matrix will be filling that corresponding
    cell with zero.
    Here I need to fill the cells with some colors based on some criteria.
    I need to fill (5,3), (5,4), (5,5) combination with "Red" color.  Like this , I need to give different colors in each of the cells. Here, (5,5) combination will be having 1 in its cell.  (5,4) and (5,3) will be having zero in its corresponding
    cells. I 'm trying to fill all the 3 cells with "Red" color. But, I am able to fill only (5,5) with "Red" color. Since the other 2 cells (5,3) and (5,4), has zero in their cells, it will not fill the cells with "Red" color. 
    How can I fill those two cells (5,3) and (5,4) with red color?
    I know this is very vague. I have no option to give the picture here..
    Please suggest

    Hi Julie,
    According to your description, there is a 5/5 matrix with three fields: Col_Side, Col_Header, Col_data. You drag Col_Side field to Rows, Col_Header to Columns and Col_data to Data, then filling blank cells with zero using expression. Now you want to fill 
    (5,3), (5,4), (5,5) cells with red color using expression, but it has no effect on cells (5,3) and (5,4).
    According to my test, the expression has on effect on cells (5,3) and (5,4) since there is no corresponding data and the cells are blank. As a workaround, we can insert data for cells (5,3) and (5,4) in dataset, then use expression by following steps:
    In the dataset, insert two sets of data (5,3,0), (5,4,0).
    Right-click the cell of data, click Text Box Properties.
    Click Fill in left pane, click (fx) button, then type the expression like below, then click OK.
    =iif(Fields!Col_Side.Value=5 and Fields!Col_Header.Value >=3 ,"red","white" )
    The following screenshot is for your reference:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu

  • SSRS Expression Compare columns to first column in group

    Hello, Experts,
    Could you please help me with the following problem? Thanks in advance!
    I have designed the matrix report (SSRS 2012) with database table structure looks like below.  
    Week  VersionMajor VersionMinor Count
    Week1  V1           V1.1         2000
    Week2  V1           V1.1         1500
    Week3  V1           V1.1         800
    Week1  V1           V1.2         1000
    Week2  V1           V1.2         500
    Week3  V1           V1.2         200
    Week1  V1           V1.1         2000
    Week2  V1           V1.1         1500
    Week3  V1           V1.1         800
    Week1  V1           V1.2         1000
    Week2  V1           V1.2         500
    Week3  V1           V1.2         200
    Here is the query for creating the data set:
    SELECT 'Week1' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 2000 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week2' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 1500 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week3' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 800 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week1' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 1000 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week2' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 500 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week3' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 200 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week1' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 2000 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week2' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 1500 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week3' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.1' AS VersionMinor, 800 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week1' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 1000 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week2' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 500 AS Count
    SELECT 'Week3' AS Week, 'V1' AS VersionMajor, 'V1.2' AS VersionMinor, 200 AS Count
    And my matrix table looks like this:
    What I need to do is to calculate the ratio of each week over week1 for each of the three rows (V1 Total, V1.1, V1.2) so that each cell
    will be like
    4000/6000, 2000/6000 for V1 Total,
    3000/6000, 1600/6000 for V1.1,
    1000/6000, 400/6000 for V1.2
    I'm new to SSRS and totally stuck. Please help!!

    In your case, we can use an adjacent column group to work around the issue. Please refer to the following steps:
    Base on your design, right-click “Week” in the Column Groups dialog box. Select Group Properties.
    Click filter in the left pane. Click Add icon and fill with following values:
    Expression: [Week]
    Operator: =
    Value: =”Week1”
    Right-click “Week” in the Column Groups, select Add Group -> Adjacent After -> Group by: [Week].
    Type the following expression to the corresponding text box of the adjacent group.
    (Note: TextBo9 is the text box which is calculate the sum value.)
    Select the first Week column, right click it. Select Column Visibility. Select “Hide” option.
    Please refer to the following screenshot:
    If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
    Alisa Tang
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • SSRS 2008 Line Chart Issue.

    We are facing an issue with SSRS 2008 charts. We have a report which shows dynamic number of series on a line chart. The data values may not exist for all series for
    the same x axis points. We expected SSRS to connect the missing points as average and have set the empty point option to average.
    The issue is that the
    lines for interpolated points only appear when we set the color of empty point to say red and not when it is set to automatic. We need the interpolated line in the same auto
    colour as the original line as we will have markers for the data points from the DB and no markers for empty points.
    The interpolated lines extend backwards in the series also – we expect it to only fill the gaps and not extend backward or forward.
    Are these issues known and is there a work around for these issues ? We got your name from one of the SSRS community discussions. Could you please connect us with
    the right person if you are not the right contact for this issue ?
    I also got following reply from one of the MS guy, it says
    Hi Akshay,
    The lines should not go backward.  I have seen this happen before and I’ll have to double-check on what that occurs. If you
    are using a Category Axis, make sure you set the sorting to use a Cdate() expression.  I think that might be it ,but I’ll have to double check.
    As far as using the auto-coloring on the series when you have empty points like this, I don’t think that’s possible.  It would require
    a DCR.  You may need to implement something along the lines described in this article
    When I tried the suggestions I over come the auto colouring issue and also used CDATE () but lines still extend bacawords. Can anyone suggest what to do it this situation

    Hi AKshay_Jadhav,
    Firstly, I am not sure who is that MS guy you mentioned without the detail name. Based on my understanding to your issue, I think you could utilize the function
    IsNothing in reoprting services to have a check whether the value is null, if it is Null, you should give a average value to this point, if not leave it to be the original value. Of course, you could achieve this in T-SQL. To
    the color and marker, we could type in the expression in both feature to control their display effort.
    Hope this helps.
    Challen Fu
    Challen Fu [MSFT]
    MSDN Community Support | Feedback to us
    Get or Request Code Sample from Microsoft
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

  • What are the best options to replace the SSRS parameter panel?

    One of the biggest weakness of Reporting Services is definitely the fact that we can't design ourselves panel parameter.
    Indeed, This one is totally generated by SSRS and cannot be changed. Moreover its design and features are very limited. This weakness is a regular problem for me in my work, when I integrate reports into a web site, for example.
    So, we are using some workarounds, such as using the ReportViewer object and fully develop report parameters ourselves in our website. But this is problematic because it must be repeated for each report, this is time consuming and the code behind must query
    the OLAP Cube directly to fill the parameters values.
    I have seen other solutions like to rewrite the CSS ReportViewer. But again, this is problematic because this change will apply to all the reports deployed on the server.
    So, what solution you use? Have you found a magic answer? Or you let the default design?

    Base on my experience,you may only use azure VM to host your project in your scenarios . Because your website and rest service used different program language.
    In your scenarios , you could create Sql Azure database to store data and create VM to host web service and website.About how to host website on azure VM, I suggest you could refer to same thread (
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • SSRS Report : Comma Separated Hyperlinks

    I want to display Comma Separated Hyperlinks in SSRS Report. I am not sure what should I change here to get this working.
    Below is the flow of data.
    1. Extracting value from the SharePoint List using SSIS Package Script component and filling data in SQL Table.
    I have used this Table and created below view to stuff all these three links together.
    ((SELECT ', ' + BCM.BCMProgramDocument
    FROM BCMProgramDocumentation BCM
    WHERE BCM.Risk = R.ID FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS BCMDoc
    FROM Risk R
    which gives me below output, not sure why.
    "&lt;a href=''&gt;YAHOO&lt;/a&gt;", "&lt;a href=''&gt;GMAIL&lt;/a&gt;", "&lt;a href=''&gt;HOTMAIL&lt;/a&gt;"
    Then in the SSRS Reporting, I have placed a PlaceHolder with HTML View selected and gave above field value in the expression.
    They are not appearing as comma separated Hyperlinks.
    Can anyone please help me on this ? What are the changes required in above steps ?
    Thank you,

    Hi Mittal,
    According to your description, you want to show three links together with comma separated from BCMProgramDocument column to a report table. After testing the issue in my environment, we can refer to the following steps to achieve your requirement:
    Use the following query create a dataset:
    select * from BCMProgramDocumentation
    Click Fields in the left pane, add a Calculated Field as below:
    Field Name: ID2                     Field Source: 1
    Drag a table to design surface, then insert the expression below in the detail row:
    Right-click the Placeholder to open Placeholder Properties, then select ‘HTML-Interpret HTML tags as styles’ as Markup type.
    The following screenshot is for your reference:
    If there are any other questions, please feel free to ask.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • JTree cell renderer: how to fill whole row?

    i'm trying to make a tree cell renderer that renders at default height, but fills the horizontal width of the tree (e.g. with a JLabel with a custom background color). I'm working on the theory that in order to do this you need to change the preferred size of the component used to stamp the image at render time.
    The problem is that the preferred width then needs to be set to a value that depends on the context of the particular node (e.g. a deeply nested child node will be further to the right than the root node).
    I can't seem to find a method to say where the rendering starts though - does anyone know a way?
    (also if not then would setting the width to some astronimcal value break anything?)

    Try this one, it will higlight the background and foreground colors of entire rows.
         class TableRenderer
              extends DefaultTableCellRenderer
              implements ListCellRenderer
              private boolean focused = true;
              private JLabel renderer;
              public TableRenderer()
                   renderer = new JLabel();
              public Component getListCellRendererComponent(
                   JList list,
                   Object value,
                   int index,
                   boolean isSelected,
                   boolean cellHasFocus)
                   return renderer;
              public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(
                   JTable table,
                   Object value,
                   boolean isSelected,
                   boolean hasFocus,
                   int row,
                   int column)
                   renderer =
                        (JLabel) super.getTableCellRendererComponent(
                   /* Make the Labels border empty and indented */
                   setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 5, 0, 0));
                   /* This is used to create alternate row colors */
                   Color bgColor = Color.white;
                   if (row % 2 == 0)
                        bgColor = new Color(237, 243, 254);
                   /* if the table has focus and the row is selected use these colors */
                   if (table.hasFocus() && table.getSelectedRow() == row)
                        table.setSelectionBackground(new Color(101, 137, 178));
                   /* if the table has not the focus but the row is selected use these colors */
                   else if (
                        table.hasFocus() == false && table.getSelectedRow() == row)
                        table.setSelectionBackground(new Color(196, 196, 194));
                   /* if not use the standard color */
                   if (value instanceof ColorData)
                        ColorData cvalue = (ColorData) value;
                                /* Set the Labels value */
                   return renderer;

  • Auto-fill text box field values based on pulldown selection

    Trying to fill in address, city, state, zip text fields based on option selected in a select form field. The following code works great in Internet Explorer, but in Chrome or Firefox, after making selection, text fields are populated with the word "undefined."
    I've found a PHP version of Jquery script here that would probabably fit the bill. select-value
    Maybe someone has a CF version they could share?
    Thanks in advance to any who can point me to a solution for this code, or a better way to accomplish my need.
    <!--- Destinations with auto-fill of address, city, etc. --->
    <script type="text/javascript">
          function selectAddress(list) {
                // assume first item is empty
                if (list.selectedIndex > 0) {
                      var locationID = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
                      var locationAddress = list.options[list.selectedIndex].locationAddress;
                      var locationCity = list.options[list.selectedIndex].locationCity;
                  var locationState = list.options[list.selectedIndex].locationState;
                  var locationZip = list.options[list.selectedIndex].locationZip;
                  document.getElementById('locationID').value = locationID;
                      document.getElementById('locationAddress').value = locationAddress;
                      document.getElementById('locationCity').value = locationCity;
                  document.getElementById('locationState').value = locationState;
                  document.getElementById('locationZip').value = locationZip;
    <td align="right" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top">Name of Destination</td>
    <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top">
       <select name="locationID" onChange="selectAddress(this)" class="smallforms">
                 <option value="">SELECT DESTINATION ››››››››››</option>
                 <cfoutput query="allLocations">
                       <option value="#locationName#" locationAddress="#allLocations.locationAddress#" locationCity="#allLocations.locationCity#" locationState="#allLocations.locationState#" locationZip="#allLocations.locationZip#">#locationName#</option>
          Other: <cfinput name="destinationNameOther" type="text" class="smallforms" size="75">
          <br />
           <input id="locationID" name="locationID" type="hidden"><br>
             Address:    <input class="smallforms" id="locationAddress"    name="locationAddress"    type="text" size="30"> 
             City:       <input class="smallforms" id="locationCity"    name="locationCity"    type="text" size="20"> 
             State:       <input class="smallforms" id="locationState"    name="locationState"    type="text" size="2"> 
             Zip:       <input class="smallforms" id="locationZip"       name="locationZip"       type="text" size="8"><br />
    <br />

    Thanks a million for the help Steve, the array is being created in source as follows: 
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var addresses = [
       "locationName": "Airport Park School",
       "locationAddress": "",
       "locationCity": "",
       "locationState": "WI",
       "locationZip": ""
       "locationName": "American Legion Golf Course",
       "locationAddress": "1001 Golf Club Road",
       "locationCity": "Wausau",
       "locationState": "WI",
       "locationZip": "54403"
    but I'm lost at the
    // reference as address[index].locationName...address[index].locationZip where index = 0-[arraysize-1]
    direction, and just to double check, you named the Javascript var "addresses", so the "reference as address" s/b "reference as addresses" right?
    I've tried many iterations of "onchange" adding other variables (locationCity, locationZip, etc.) but coming up empty.
    Anyway, I wish I could buy you a beer or two for the help . . .
    Here's where I'm at, which ain't working. If you have a minute to look over, it would be MUCH appreciated. Try not to laugh at my (what's probably ugly) Javascript code:
    <!--- Code from Steve @ CF Forum --->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var addresses = [
    <cfset variables.fs = "" />
    <cfoutput query="allLocations">
       "locationName": "#jsStringFormat(locationName)#",
       "locationAddress": "#jsStringFormat(locationAddress)#",
       "locationCity": "#jsStringFormat(locationCity)#",
       "locationState": "#jsStringFormat(locationState)#",
       "locationZip": "#jsStringFormat(locationZip)#"
      <cfset variables.fs = "," />
    // reference as address[index].locationName...address[index].locationZip where index = 0-[arraysize-1]
    <td align="right" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top">Name of Destination</td>
    <td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top">
      <select name="locationID" class="smallforms"
      onChange="var locationAddress = addresses[list.selectedIndex].locationAddress;">
                 <option value="">SELECT DESTINATION &#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;&#8250;</option>
                 <cfoutput query="allLocations">
                       <option value="#locationName#">#locationName#</option>
      Other: <cfinput name="destinationNameOther" type="text" class="smallforms" size="75">
      <br />
       <input id="locationID" name="locationID" type="hidden"><br>
       Address:  <cfinput class="smallforms" id="locationAddress"  name="locationAddress"  type="text" size="30"> 
       City:   <cfinput class="smallforms" id="locationCity"   name="locationCity"  type="text" size="20"> 
       State:   <cfinput class="smallforms" id="locationState"   name="locationState"  type="text" size="2"> 
       Zip:   <cfinput class="smallforms" id="locationZip"   name="locationZip"   type="text" size="8"><br />
    <br />
    Thanks again Steve . . . much appreciated!

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