Stabilisation not available on all clips

Any idea why some clips don't have the stabilisation option in the time line when all have been captured from the same source?

This might answer your question or help resolve it.

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    Have you powered off and then back on your router and modem?
    I would then try completely resetting your router.

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    Hello gcbryson,
    I'm sorry to hear you're facing issues with Firefox installation on all your system's users. '''Unfortunately, Windows 7 requires you to run any application (or almost) as the system's administrator in order to install them on ever user's desktop and make it accessible to them.''' You might therefore want to contact your system administrator before bashing into the administrator rights and breaking everything.
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  • Instances not available on all frames

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    stigbn, not exactly sure what answer you are looking for
    1.) Instances are only copies of the symbol in the library.
    If you want a red dot on EVERY instance of something, open it in
    the library and add it there. Then every time you place an instance
    of that on stage... either by AS or in the authoring environment,
    it will be there.
    2.) If you only want the red dot on certain instances, and
    not on others, either employ layers or keyframes to separate the
    two instances. If you have an instance of B on the first frame in a
    keyframe and in frame two, you have a new keyframe with an instance
    of B, those are two separate instances. If you wish to keep the
    same instance of B across both frames, ditch the keyframe.
    3.) In order for AS to control any instance, the instance
    need to be present at that point on the stage... OR you could set
    the linkage in the library and dynamically call an instance to the
    stage. So if you go the stage instance route and would like to
    control an instance that's sits in a keyframe at frame 2, then the
    AS will have to either sit on that same frame or you could put all
    instances on frame 1 and control their visibility so that they are
    only visible on the frames you want them to be.
    I hope I understood your question. Good luck!

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    Hi there
    There are a few different ways this might be accomplished. If your goal is to remain entirely in Captivate, you might consider configuring an Advanced Action to do the work for you. You could reposition the playhead upon entering the next slide based on a variable you set.
    Alternatively, you could hide the Playback Controls until all the elements have been interacted with.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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    I am having no problems with the HBOGo app on my iPad. Try quitting the app and then restart the iPad.
    Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close the app by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on the HBOGo icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus (-) sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.
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    inspired2apathy wrote:
    ... The goal is a ScrollPane that automatically wraps the text inside it. I've just about got it, but I have one thing that's not working. If I just put the JTextArea{s} in as the Editor, then you lose the any text that doesn't fit inside whatever the initial size was. Instead, I put the JTextAreas inside a JScrollPane which works fine, except that I still have to determine the size of the JScrollPane in advance. I would like to make each Editor/JScrollPane start out with just a single line of text and expand until it reaches a certain small number of lines.
    ... What am I missing?THE BASICS. See if this isn't what you are trying to do.
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
    import javax.swing.JTextArea;
    public class Test
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        JTextArea ta = new JTextArea();
        JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(ta);
        JFrame f = new JFrame();
        f.getContentPane().add(sp, "Center");
        f.setBounds(0, 0, 400, 300);
    }OP, your code was too long and complicated for me to compile and run. However, aren't you forgetting the two simple methods <tt>JTextArea.setLineWrap()</tt> and <tt>JTextArea.setWrapStyleWord()</tt>? Furthermore, I absolutely see no need for you to extend SWING components for demonstration this simple -- that is, if I understand your problem correctly.

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    If not, can you tell me the expected release date?

    Can you please paste the statment that contains this RETURN keyword? It is there as part of SUBMIT (like SUBMIT .... AND RETURN).
    Here is the help on RETURN statement in 47 version.
    Unconditionally exits a processing block, that is, an event block, a dialog module or a procedure (function module, method, subroutine).
    During report processing, that is, during the event blocks START-OF-SELECTION, GET, and END-OF-SELECTION, the system automatically goes to the basic list display.
    Unlike CHECK and EXIT, RETURN is context-independent. This means that the current processing block is exited, irrespective of whether RETURN occurs within or outside loops. If you want to leave a processing block, you should therefore always use RETURN instead of CHECK or EXIT.

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    I'm having the same problem lately.  I have a mid 2010 21.5" iMac with an internal SuperDrive running Yosemite.  I tried putting in "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes" and "The Giver" rented from RedBox.  Both spin sputter for a bit and then eject the disk back out.  So, it never mounts and no software (Finder, Disk Utility, DVD Player) ever gets a chance to see it.  Both play fine in a 15 year old DVD player, and my purchased copy of "The Dark Knight" mounts just fine in the iMac.  So, I have to assume that something is being done to the DVD's that rental companies are given to prevent them from mounting or something.
    Not having any luck on Google trying to confirm that.
    I guess I need to amend this.  Both DVD's play fine in a early 2011 13" Macbook Pro with the internal SuperDrive.  It's running Mavericks still and has a "MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-8A8".  The iMac has a "OPTIARC DVD RW AD-5680H".  Not sure if it's the drive, the OS, or what (although I will say I'm fairly certain I was having this problem on the iMac before Yosemite, so it's probably not the OS).

  • Video Stabilisation not working in 3rd Party Apps

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    So yesterday I bought a Z1 Compact to do a very specific job. It's sole purpose is to be used as a dash-cam on my 2-wheeler and as such the contender for my choice had to be waterproof, have a full-hd or good quality camera, and have image stabilisation due to all the vibrations associated with this task and where it will be mounted.
    I'm using an app called VideoRegPro, within the app it says it supports video stabilisation, although it also says it may not work with some devices (presumably because IS is not available on all phones yet), however it makes no difference to the recording and IS seems to be off no matter what I select with this option.
    I've also tried using the following apps:
    AutoGuard Blackbox
    DailyRoads Voyager
    Kimgisa Black Box
    but all have the same issue even though the developer may state they support IS.
    I'm running 4.4.2, and the exact model number is: D5503
    I hope someone can help, as this is the last piece to the puzzle to get this all working.

    Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
    Provided the function works with the default application then unfortunately this would be down to the third party application developers to work in the compatibility sorry.
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    Its a gmail and a hotmail account together.
    It's a little frustrating as I'm trying to clean out my inbox and it had a 540 badge count that's annoying me every time I look at it but I really don't want to delete individually.
    Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Oh and if I come out of the search and try again, even Jess option-dots come up than before.

    Any help would be appreciated - even if maybe the question isnt understood so I can word it differently? Does anyone else have this issue?

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